More than 'Omens in the Sky' at the Battle of the Bulge.

AFTER 1871 - The German Empire had Risen as a Power in Europe
© Copyright May & June 2011 Wayne David Knoll -
After 1871 when Germany became an Empire, rather than a hoytchpoytch of Duchies, Reichs, Leagues, states and small city states.

Many young German men were raised to peaceable, to decency, to the grace of Christian belief, to values other than the mercenary expediencies of political violence which the zietgeist brought into play, put on the platter on offer as if they were the only power daydreams for more than fourty days and fourty nights of national temptation.
But Britain did not want Germany to rise, seeing the Prussian work-ethic as a threat to its global economic prosperity and dominance. The treaties of Protection, Tarriff and Taxation that England made with France and Russia, were designed to check and punish the German nation in advance, as if they had not already woken from, and could not be drugged back into their centuries of productive peace in their wine and beer, their poetry, their theology. their philosophy and their music. After 1870, all that was achieved by British attempt at playing world policeman against Germany, and to forward their own sometimes doubtful if not corrupt advantage, was too annoy Germany, to infuriate the Germans in their rising and pride, first to the point of anger, and then, to mushroom out of its darker shadow side, into the militating attitudes of chauvinism, added to which came the arming of itself with the ruthless politics and the progressively modern technologies of violence.
Many of the young Men were nevertheless disgruntled with the way in which their German Empire was going. An aggrieved and militaristic social climate is anathema to some natures, as it is anathema to many beliefs. One thing many objected to was the compulsory military service brought in under the militaristic and Prussian mindset of the time after the Unification.
Many young men left Germany, or Austria, before it ever came to war.
A segment of those departing came to AUSTRALIA.
These were young men leaving Deutschland ANTI-WAR in three senses.
1. They were set Against the Militarism and the Martial Chauvinism of their time.
2. They left anti the War, before the War, realising early on what it was that was likely to come.
3. Many did not want to participate as conscripts under a militaristic regime, and choose to flee, refugees from what they saw as the oppression on an attitudinal pressure-peerage. or what was often seen as the 'Prussianised' Compulsory Military Service.
Young men trickled out through the ports of Germany and Belgium.
I am here concerned with those who came to AUSTRALIA, though my study is really only concentrated in the Melbourne region of Australia.
Two World Wars where Germany - and Germans - were the enemy - saw them permantly estranged from both their people and their heritage.
After the Unification of Germany under Prussia in 1870/1871, when Universal Conscription was brought in across all the States of Deutschland, the pattern of emigration from Hermany to Australia changed. Instead of the earlier pattern of the majority of settlers arriving in families, young single men started to arrive, young men who were at odds with the increasing militarisation of their Fatherland, and also often at odds with the Rampant Chauvinisation of German Social Life.

Many of these young men were also avoiding military service, but the sacrifice they made for their principles was also to be distanced, even disenfranchised and disowned by their families in Germany.
And often, then persecuted as Enemy Aliens in Australia.
Count Erich KILLISCH von HORN
One significant aristocrat among this tide of young German men coming out of the world's sea into Australia, was Erick Hermann Conrad Heinrich KILLISCH Von HORN, the son of Count Hermann Theodor Killisch Von Horn (1821-1886), one of the leading financial newspaper proprietors in Berlin, Prüßen (Prussia).
Picture of the Killisch Von Horn Park out of Berlin.
Hermann Conrad Heinrich
In December 1888 the Berlin Newspaper Baron's son, Erich Hermann Conrad Heinrich Killisch von Horn arrived as a young man in Melbourne on the ship "SWANMORE". Typically, when he came to marry, it was to a non German girl, Maria IRWIN in 1895 in Victoria.
The Killisch Von Horn children were: 1. Antonie Maria Susannah 1896-1897 Buln Buln; 2. Gertrude Else Antoinette 1896-1897 Buln Buln; 3. Alice Maud -1896- 1982 Malvern; Hermann Theodorburt 1902 Buln Buln; 5. Irmgard Irene Marie 1904 Buln Buln (Mrs DARBY) died 1981 Warragul; 6. Erich Ernst Arnold b. 1907 Buln Buln - d. Malvern, Vic. 1977; 7. Arnold Royal Georg KILLISCH Von HORN, b. 1910 Buln Buln - 1916 d. Ringwood, Victoria.
For all his anti-war principles Hermann Conrad Heinrich Killisch von Horn found his lot was to be a farmer in Buln-Buln, near Drouin, Gippsland, and later an Orchardist near Ringwood, Victoria. While he was in West Gippsland he stood as a local councillor for the North Riding in Warragul, where he took his turn as Shire President. He was reknown for his great generosity in many public endowments. But, he lived saddened, even mortified, by the enmity and hardness of both sides in whole period of the Two World Wars, wars he lived to rue as a great and personal tragedy.
NOTE: The race hate and prejudice against the distant 'HUN' had been whipped up by the Australian Press and by little local demagogues to the point that it literally encouraged the enmity of ordinary Australians against their neighbouring Germanic-Australians to such an extent that even model citizens had, as it were, to once again 'prove themeselves' and watch every word, for every tiny hint of disloyalty would be seized on as 'Alien Sympathy', if not that, then, they would suspect 'Traitorious Intent.' So, many an Anti-militaristic German-Australian emigree found themselves having to give allegiance to the European and far-distant Britian, when they really intended their loyalty to the antipodean Australia under the British Crown.
This is instanced in the feeling of self-protective and self defensive necessity ahead of any oncoming persecution here evinced in the content of the letter Erich Killisch von Horn wrote and sent to THE ARGUS Newspaper in Melbourne, as published on Tuesday 18 May 1915: - [This was after the whipped up newspaper frenzy of reportage that saw the Germans as the meanest of baby-killers in Belgium.]
Sir - I ask permission to announce for the public information the fact that I am a British subject owing, neither allegiance nor duty to Germany, nor my other nation. My friends know me to be what I am - as loyal to the throne of England as any of her subjects - but, for those who do not know me, may I shortly state the following facts. For 30 years I have lived in this country during which time I have had no dealings beyond it, or with those who were not of it. I was naturalised in 1889 and again upon the foundation of the Commonwealth. I have endeavoured, in a practical way to show my sympathy for Belguim in her distress and have given my whole-hearted support as a loyal British subject to the efforts being made to render assistance to or furnished comforts for our Allies in the field. I am neither more nor less than a loyal citizen of Australia and a loyal subject of England - Yours &.c
(Erich) E KILLISCH VON HORN, Melbourne, May 11 (1915).
P.S. - Will you kindly forward enclosed cheque- £10/10/-to the British Red Cross Society, which I take this opportunity of enclosing.
[Unfortunately, Von Horn's gift to British charity now comes across in some sense as a voluntary bribe to face off or avoid any oncoming accusation or persecution from the over-Britishified, the mad for Brittania and its Empire-Day drugged populace.
Although such principle action led him into great personal sacrifice and cultural mortification and loss, men like him acted for a noble sense of an integrity that shaped the peace of Australia. They effect may be far more significant that has yet been told. They left a lasting legacy of integrity and quiet noble purpose that has been hid from historical memory as from sight and from the Australian consciousnes too long
Hermann Theodor Killisch Von Horn pictured in all the glory of his Financial Newspaper.
Erich Killisch Von Horn and his wife had six Australian children, at least two of whom died in infancy. He raised his children to be articulate, and with a mentality that was neither militaristic, nor cowardly. The Courage and nobility of his thought was passed on to his children and the following essay shows that he not only rejected the selfishness behind the militarism of his fatherland, he was willing eager to encourage a stand against it. This might be why his family in German cut him out of all acknowledgement.
This essay was published on page four of the Healesville and Yarra Glen Guardian (Vic. : 1900-1940) on Saturday 15 April 1916.
The following essays, were awarded first prize in their respective classes at the recent Ringwood Show:
Because it is one of the first duties of man to defend his own home, and in times of national peril the evil which threatens the country as a whole threatens every part of it. True patriotism is based upon the love of all that makes home dear, with
the addition of gratitude for all the gifts conferred upon us by membership of a great Empire. Because it is the duty of every man to do whatever he can to help on the cause of Right, and though we are no doubt biassed in favor of our own country, yet most of the civilized nations among the neutrals admit that this war has been deliberately forced on (us) by Germany for her own purposes, and that her professed ideals are selfish in the extreme. Since the victory of the Central Powers would mean the wide spread of such doctrines, no one who desires to see the triumph of Righteousness over Evil is justified in doing less than his utmost to secure that victory. Because the time has come when victory can only be won by opposing men in over-whelming masses to the enormous masses Germany can send into the field.
Reinforcements are needed now and continuously, and each man is responsible for himself and all those he can influence. Because either failure or slackness in responding to the call for men implies that the blood hitherto shed will have been shed in vain. Another reason which should weigh with all who are eligible is that apparently the day of conscription is not far off. Those who will leave their country to demand - as a debt - what at present she accepts as a gift, are depriving them-selves of something which would be a great joy and an abiding honor to them.
Moreover, in all likelihood the duty which is so repugnant to to them will ultimately have to be performed, shorn of all that would to-day lend grace and dignity to it.
The reasons why those who can go should go are so many and so varied that we cannot enumerate a fraction of them. They are based both on the comparatively low ground of expediency, and on the higher and nobler ones of Gratitude, Patriotism, and Love of Right.
Erich Killish von Horn died in the southern autumn of 1941 in Balaclava, Melbourne, in the thick of World War Two, and, for him, as for many German-Australians, the second period of sustained mortification and grief over Hitler's war. That was a war that saw the German nation of his birth become the evil and stereotypical enemy of the free world for much of the century to come.
FROM the Gippsland Times, Victoria (1861-1954) Thursday 10 April 1941
The death occurred last week, at Balaclava (Melbourne) of Count E. Killisch Von Horn, once well known in Warragul district and other parts of Gippsland. Before the world war of 1914-18 he was in regular receipt of very substantial monetary remittances from a wealthy estate in Germany, and was noted, locally and in various parts of the State for lavish generosity. For some time Count Von Horn was a representative of the north riding at the Warragul Shire Council table, and had a term as president. The handsome presidential chair, which now forms part of the council chamber furnishings, was one of his gifts to the municipality when its president. He was also a leading member of the Warragul Race Club, when it was a flourishing body - many times its president - and prominently associated with the agricultural society. One of his costly hobbies was coursing, and he always had running in his name tip-top greyhounds, with which he won many of the biggest State events, including a Victorian Derby and Waterloo Cup. His dogs were trained by the late Mr. Walsh, at Buln Buln. Whilst residing here, the Count was proprietor of the Belmont Estate, on the Brandy Creek Road, near Warragul.
Between 1875 and 1915 when these young German men immigrated, this was usually a one-way trip. Their act of leaving Germany was usually a one-way ticket, whether they knew it at the time or not, for the events of world war and attitude of the time meant that their self-banishment it soon became permanent. And before long they became Australians, often marrying girls of British or Celtic stock.
What they left to their Australian offspring was a Universal pacifistic attitude and an anti-war legacy, which is largely unremembered, quite uncelebrated, if it is not even, completely unknown, either in Australia, where they were very often persecuted as enemies, or in Germany, where they were very often seen as traitors.
Their often lonely heroism and solo action is quite at odds with the spirit of the War Memorials in Stone raised across Australia, just as is at odds with our annual Anzac or Remembrance days. The very often noble internationalism of these German-Australians was at odds with the rowdy flag waving of British Empire ra-ra and bias some Australians in the early twentieth century, just as it would be with the jingoistic Australian flag waving nationalism of the early 21st century. For they were very often soldiers not of war, but of peace; not of limited nationalism, but of global dignity and hope.
For these thousands of young emmigrant German-Australian men had already declared their desire to defeat the war, and their strong opposition to war, by voting with their whole beings to live on the other side of the world.
K Wilhelm KNOLL, lifelong pacifist, primary producer, communitarian
I know of this story in the first instance because my own great grandfather, Karl Wilhelm KNOLL (1870-1953) was just such an immigrant.
He arrived in Melbourne on the steamer "KARLSRUHE" from Bremen in April 1893 at age 22, though the ship's manifest records his age as 28. My reading of this age discrepancy is that he raised his age on paper to avoid or escape, the scrutiny of possible Military Recruiters watching the ports for refugees from their edicts of control. At a guess, by 28 years of age a young man would be presumed to have completed his military service, whereas at 22 or 23 he would presumably be enlisted and about to go into military camp, or else already well within its hold.
When he embarked from the Bremerhaven, it was as one of only five passengers, on what seems to have been largely a cargo ship. All five passengers were single young men of an age of 20 and 30 of a type normally to found at that time doing their conscripted military training. It is likely that Wilhelm Knoll was familiar, maybe even engaged with, a clandestine anti-conscription movement, as one that educated young men into the ways and the dangers of escaping the universal drafting into the Deutsche Reich Military could be found by those asking in sympathetic need. His loyalty at that time, as a southern German, was not likely to be with the Hohenzollern Emperors, who had been adopted into the Deutsche Reich, from their northern Prüßen (Prussia), but a loyalty to those closer at home, and to the differing mentality that was conversant where he was born, for he was born in 1870, and, so, before the German Empire came into existence, among the vineyards near Markgröningen, northwest of Stuttgart, in the crafty and inventive, the warmer and gentler (Kingdom of) Königreich Württemberg.
He was married to Ada Jane Hollis, an Australian born girl of English stock in 1897 and was naturalised at South Wandin Yallock in 1911. He wrote home to Germany until just before his marriage in 1897, but after a dismissive reply, he never wrote again, and he never returned to Germany.
Wilhelm Knoll was a key player in his local community at South Wandin, which became Silvan, a force in the rebuilding of the local Mechanics Hall after the first one was lost in the bushfires of 1898, and then, to the building of a district church at Burleigh, Silvan South, where there was formerly no place of worship. He was a man who gathered people and community together, both at home, and in the wider district where he became a respected pioneer.
When the Great Spring Snow of about 1903 destroyed the whole seasons raspberry crop in Wandin South, Knoll worked as navvy in a Goldmine in Campbells Creek where his brother-in-law, the New Zealand-born Engineer Albert Stewart, was the manager. Later Wilhelm Knoll supplimented his dirt-farm income by tendering for Lillydale Shire contracts for maintenance and repair of the infamously terrible roads, which were often reduce to deep-rutted tracks and quagmires. He used do all the work by hand. He would dig the rut-walls down with a shovel, and fill in potholes from a horse and dray.
The respect that he garnered by being a generous neighbour, churchman, friend and citizen, might have protected him somewhat from the persecution which he also encountered. That did not stop him being interviewed and interrogated and watched by the authorities, as evinced by the MP/16 file in his name held in the Australian National Archives, but no disloyalty, no accusation of his hateful detractors and persecutors could be made to stick. Anyway, he consistently worked with a passion to produce food of his orchards, his berry vines and vegetable crops, so that his uber-providence went to ameliorate the suspicion too often engendered in the violence that lurks in the shadows of a community living on war-footing.
But not one son of his went to their war, not one grandson of his, went to a second world war, in the aftermath of his early departure from a looming European horror.
Wilhelm & Ada Knoll had five Australian children. He applied himself as a good servant to Australia in uber-hard work, in bountiful productivity. Likely, he did that also as a bastion of integrity in self defence against every potential dobber, whinger or seeker of enemies, so confounding even the known haters in his locality.
His noble train went out the year mine came, as he died in 1953, the year I was born. But his non-violent, non militaristic attitude was imbued through his descendants. He is buried with his wife Ada, in the district he pioneered and served, in Lilydale Cemetery. When he died it was the local Wandin Riding Councillor, Harold Parker, a man made entirely of English-Australian ears and cultural prejudices, a one time Lillydale Shire President, who nevertheless wrote and initiated the publication of a grand obituary of tribute to him in the Lilydale Express, wherein he praises Wilhelm, or, at least, an 'Englished' version of him as 'Bill Knoll' as a community visionary, calling him "the hardest worker ever to settle in the district."
My father remembers him pausing from the weeding of his offspring's farms which he undertook up to the day of his death, to ask in his Schwabian German accent, probably with delight and mischief, certainly with some ironic cheek in his eye, "Hard at it, are you?"
The longing was both to evade neighbourly persecution, and to evade Authoritarian Internment, so, back then German_Australians, if they wanted peace as well as freedom, had to live at the uttermost heights of a demanding conscientiousness.
This demanded conscientiousness made many German Australian settlers into model citizens, and asked them to step up to ways of being and relational places of real character and service to their people, whoever they were.
Otto Von BISMARCK and Adolph HITLER
In his Review of Jonatham Steinberg’s new biography: ‘Bismarck: A Life’ by Jonathan Steinberg (Oxford University Press, 2011) Stephen Loosley writes: “The proclamation of the German Empire on January 18, 1871, took place at the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, once the symbol of imperial power in the recently defeated France of Napoleon III. Prussian armies had accomplished an extra-ordinary military victory. But the architect of the even greater triumph represented by the creation of the new German Reich was the Imperial Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. … … This biography is an outstanding feat of writing, skilfully weaving the personal and the political: the Prussian Junker culture with the pressing demands of economic modernisation; the strategic shifts in Europe in the late 19th century with the emerging aspirations of its diverse nationalities and ambitious citizens. Bismarck is correctly viewed as having embodied Realpolitik, the ruthless pursuit of goals with little or no regard of a set of principles…The one constant in Bismarck’s life was power and the accumulation and exercise of it… … If Machiavelli was right in insisting that a wise man ought to take the example of a great man who excelled in achieving a great exploit, then Bismarck will continue to be worthy of study. Steinberg balances the achievements, however, by analysing the flaws: a rebuke from the Kaiser sends Bismarck to his sick bed; there are prolonged absences from Berlin at his estates; gluttony gradually erodes his health; mendacity is routine and bullying a constant. Worse, the system of Prussian government bequeathed by Bismarck on Germany, with its weak Reichstag and omni-present Kaiser, glorification of martial values, anti-Semitism, and intolerance of dissidents, proved fragile indeed. It is significant the Ian Kershaw, in his multi-volumed biography of Hitler, noted that the Nazi leader drew his inspiration and solace from Bismarck. Well he might have, for Bismarck’s Prussia carried not only the spark and kindling for 1914 but the embers and ashes of 1945.” Stephen Loosley * So, the bullying culture, the disregard of principle, disdain for matters of conscience, the intolerance, and, above all, the ruthless valorisation of power, was already part of the mental furniture of the Reich that swamped all the other Germanies after 1871. By the time 1933 came, it was more or less too late for departure. The effective vote, was with ones being, and that was made by those who voluntarily went into exile. The conscience-driven sensitive Germans became the Germanic diaspora. Many early dissidents of fascism, and so, of Nazism, were those who left, who emigrated after 1871 and before 1914. They departed from the Deutsch Reich early on, when their sensitivities were breached as its martial bullying was first encountered. [The emphasis is mine. * Review by Stephen Loosley – of Bismarck,: A Life - by Jonathon Steinberg (Oxford University Press, 2011) - from The Weekend Australian (Newspaper) Review Sept 17-18, 2011]

The Problem of 'GERMAN PRIDE' and the Germanic Diaspora
In fact, given the fact of the ongoing sense of shame which unfortunately encumbers Deutschland, and many things German, from a proper expression of goodly pride, - because of the consequences of its own sometimes inglorious past, - given to chauvinistic, and then, fascist militarism - then, the legacy of high good conscience and devout integrity than can be found among many of Deutschland's multitude of expatriate sons and daughters, might provide a way into full expression of a proper Germanic self-valuation, even to acceptance of a Universal 'Germanity' of noble and challenging consequence.
I am proud to have a German surname. I am a proud Australian with a German surname to be proud of the same as my great grandfather was. He never considered changing his ancient good German name, either by clandestine pseudonym, nor by official deed poll. Yet the surname's pronunciation was changed from the German to the English, the likely cause being the Knolls gregarious acceptance of the everyday parlance in the Australian settler community in all its Anglophone defaults, given to expressing things as their parochial English ears gave them a limited avenue of hearing.
But he was a proud and noble product of Germany. He never Anglicised his name, and his tombstone of 1953 in the Victorian, Australian, Lilydale Cemetery reads, not Charles William as many a record attempts, but: Karl Wilhelm Knoll.
The Germanic Diaspora are part of the German story, part of the gift that Germany is to the world.
The following German-Australians, concentrated for the most part in the State of Victoria, are a small part of that global gift.

© Copyright May & June 2011 Wayne David Knoll -
[Period: 1870 - 1920 ]
Here, I hope to include a list of the names of arrivees after 1870 and before 1919, some of whom will be leaving Deutschland (or the Österreich - the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in frustration, in protest, in rejection, of a current zeitgeist of chauvinistic militarism.
A militarisic chauvinism had entered the zeitgeist of Central Europe even by the 1870s, and was pushing to dominate the older cultures of the Deutsche realms. Many young men of that other culture departed.
I am keen to hear from the families of those listed here, following, and select and highlight some of them, to tell their stories.
- these men (and women) may be those who left the Germanic Theatre in protest at the Militarism of that time. I have selected names associated with the Melbourne region, Victoria, Australia.
Contact me if you can tell me more about your ancestor, your historic neighbour - or relative.
Wayne D Knoll - email: waygoerAMPERSANDgmail.com [AMPERSAND replace with @]
Alphabetical: (a work in progress)
NOTE: Marriages are in Victoria unless otherwise stated
Herr C G AABERG - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 26
Carl 'Charles' ABEL - born Siklos, Hungary, Milling Engineer
Freidrich Hermann Ferdinand ABEL - b. Zernikow, Pommern, Prüßen (Prussia). Arr. Pt Pirie SA
Heinrich Martin ABEL
Robert S. ABEL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 21
Johann Carl ABERLE /ABERLY -born Germany, married Annie COLWILL 1894
Otto Luis Ludwig Moritz ABRAMOWSKI, Medical Doctor, Mildura, Victoria

Otto Louis Moritz ABRAMOWSKI was born about 1852 at Österode, Ost Prüßen, Prüßen (East Prussia, Prussia). The town of Osterode, on Lake Drewenz, was 75 miles by rail northeast of Thorn, and at the junction of lines to Memel, Elbing and Schonsee, towards Konigsburg. Osterode had a castle built by the Teutonic knights in 1270, to whom the town owed its birth. Osterode is now called Ostróda, in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship of northeastern Poland.
Abramowski was a graduate of both the Universities of Konigsburg and Berlin and had been a medical doctor since graduation. Abramowski had spent eight years as a surgeon in the Prussian and German Army, including service in the Franco-Prussian War. He arrived in Australia in 1884, and went up from Adelaide to Terowie, South Australia. His wife Martha Dorothea Miranda née WECKWARTH (1857 -1891) came with him from Prüßen (Prussia), with their older children, Rolf Abramowski and Nora Rosalie Miranda Abramowski. Their daughter Christel Eva Clara Abramowski was born on the 26th December 1885 at Terowie, South Australia. Abramowski swore the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation while working as a Medical Doctor in Terowie, on the 13th August 1886.Terowie, South Australia.
In about 1887 the Abramowskis immigrated from Terowie up the Murray River to Mildura, Victoria, where Doctor Abramowski practised for about twenty years. The last two of their five children, the twins, Martha Miranda Dorothea Abramowski 1891 and Otto Luis Ludwig Abramowski 1891 were born in Mildura, Victoria. His ideas on diet were ahead of the times, and he showed somthing of this mindset when he took out Australian copyrights for a book entitled 'Eating For Health' see Dietary Reformers - http://www.ivu.org/history/australia/10%20Dietary%20Reformers.pdf in Mildura on 28 September 1907. His wife sadly died at age 34 in Mildura after the birth of the twins on the 26th March 1891. Doctor Abramowski remarried in the Murray-Darling River Junction town of Wentworth, New South Wales in 1894 to Caroline Pauline Antonie Helene ZEMBSCH, and their son Hermann Otto Waldemar Ambramowski was born in 1895 in Mildura, Victoria. After the Federation of Australia two more children were born in Mildura, Victoria: Alixa Helena Valeska 1905; and Olaf Werner Moritz Abramowski in 1907. Doctor Abramowski continued for many years serving the people of Mildura, but eventually he moved to Melbourne where he died in Elsternwick, near Caulfield, Victoria on the 14th December 1910. His German-born son, Rolf Abramowski, is recorded as having ask special permission of the Home and Territories Department to enter Australia in 1925. His second wife Caroline Pauline Antonie Helene Abramowski died at age 65 in 1932 in Mildura, Victora. Tragically, their son, Friedrich Abramowski, then of Ballarat, died in late January 1910 in the miasmic and primitive conditions experienced by the Tanami Gold Prospecting Party in The Tanami Desert of the Northern Territory in the summer of 1910. The circumstances of his death nevertheless illustrate an intrepid attitude inherent in the Abramowski's purpose. The humanely thoughtful rejection of all persecution deriving from the considerate and anti-chauvinistic mentality of the Abramowski household is well illustrated below by this open letter by Dr. Abramowski's son, Hermann Otto Waldemar Abramowski, as published in the Melbourne 'Argus' on Saturday 3rd April 1915 : - 'BADGES FOR SERVICE.
Sir, I note that it is proposed in Great Britian to give a badge disclosing the fact to all those who have volunteered but failed to pass the medical test. I should like to suggest the distributing of "active service" badges to all those who have been mobilised for special duty since the outbreak of war. There are hundreds of young fellows who, I though unable to enlist, have done the next
best thing, and answered the call to duty for such work as patrolling the coasts, &c., at the various forts, and have done their work well, and they ought to be spared the indignity of being declared to have "cold feet" when in reality they have done all in their power and what they have been asked to do. Praise of course they do not ask for, as duty is duty, but it would in make a difference it they could show something when asked pointedly "What have you done for your country?" - Yours &c., H. ABRAMOWSKI, A.S.C. Trainee. Caulfield, March 31[1915].
Myer ABRAHAMS - b. 19th May 1862 Poland Arr. 20 Dec 1902 steamship at Melbourne, Victoria Occ: - Tailor /Draper,Nat, 28 Marc 1907 Bendigo, Victoria
Robert Friedrich ABRECHT -from Deutschland, married Sarah Anna LINDSAY 1878.
Robert Friedrich ABRECHT married Sarah Anna LINDSAY in 1878 in Melbourne. As if he saw the writing on the wall, he tried to circumvent coming trouble and was naturalised in Melbourne as early as 1897. By then the Abrechts had at least five Australian children. His Capital enthusiasm for things Australian and the Abrecht's Australian nationalism is celebrated in the remarkable litany of the childrens names: Elsa Adelaide Estella Abrecht born 1882 Carlton, Hermann Melbourne Lindsay Abrecht born Collingwood 1884; and Herbert Brisbane Abrecht born 1887 Collingwood. In 1909 Robert Friedrich Abrecht was an importer, his son, Hermann, a diamond setter, and the Abrechts lived at No. 12 Grandview Grove, Auburn, Hawthorn. Still, when the age came to the needle of Enemy Alien times, R. F. Abrecht, a jeweller, of 329 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, was suspected and accused by the fabulously and darkly-named informer, E. Grimm, of the crime of dealing with the enemy - by getting precious stones from Austria, and the Official Australian Censor and the Comptroller-General of the Australian Department of Trade and Customs were notified by official correspondence from the Attorney-General with a sense of gathering importance in the still young Commonwealth of Australia in Confidential Memorandums, to be on alert, an alert to which they readily agreed, for gemstone importations, postal or otherwise, ready to catch Abrecht out in any such dangerous enemy transaction.
Carl Otto ADAM - of Adelaide, Engineer
Carl Otto ADAM was born in about 1850 at Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Adam arrived in Australia at Port Adelaide in about 1876. At age 31, after five years in Australia he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Adelaide in October 1881.
Johannes ADAM / ADAMS -from Germany, married Isabella STEWART 1888
Johann Heinrich ADAM b. Freischstadt, Silesia, Prüßen/ Breakfast Creek, QLD
Johann Heinrich ADAM was born on the 16th April 1842 at Freischstadt, Silesia, Prüßen. Adama emigrated to Australia to arrived at the Port of Brisbane on the ship HUMBOLDT on the 13th November 1870. Upon disembarking he resided at Ipswich for 6 months, then Toowoomba, 14 years and then near Brisbane for 25 years. After 40 years in Australia, at age 48 He was a labourer living at Breakfast Creek, C/0 Albion Post Office, Brisbane, Queensland Adam took the oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 29th July 1910 at Toowoong, Brisbane, Queensland. He was then married with three sons and two daughters.
August Johannes ADAMEK
August Johannes ADAMEK, son of Leonardt Johannes ADAMEK, was born on the 6h August 1884 at Reichthal, Posen, Prussia. He emigrated to Australia from Chicago, USA arrived on the 2nd September 1909 at Sydney, NSW. He went up to Queensland wheere he took work as a Butcher at Upper Melbourne Street, Brisbane QLD.
Johann Eduard ADAMS -born Germany, married Mary Jane STEPHENS 1901
Johann Wilhelm ADAMS - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married May Elizabeth RATCLIFFE 1900 Vic.
Matthias ADAMCZEWSKI was born 9th November 1881 at Wittenberge, Kreis West Prignitz, Prussia. Adamczewski emigrated out of Deutschland per the ship MORAVIAN to arrive in Australia at Brisbane, Queensland on the 5th April 1905. Upon disembarking he reside at Beenleigh, at Tent Hill and Kirchheim. After two years and nine mnths in Australia, at age 27, Adamczewski was residing at Kirchheim, near Ipswich and working as a farm labourer, on the 8th February 1908 before Mr Friedrich Carl Eisenmenger, Justice of the Peace of Queensland at Kirchheim.
Yudor ADAMOVICZ -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 24, with Frau 20
Johann Heinrich ADLER 'John Henry' born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Mary Ann SEEDSMAN
August ADUASKE - born Posen, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Sophie Marye Uhbrock 1892 Vic.

Friedrich ADOLPHSON was born at Vestra (or Västra) Sweden in about 1860. As a young man he worked in Baltic ports where he got a sense of the trouble to come. He embarked for Australia from the Port of Antwerp in Belgium on the ship "CLONARD" and arrived in Melbourne in the middle of winter on 28th June 1885. In 1891 he married Sarah LOVETT,a woman of English ancestry, in Victoria, and they settled east of Melbourne where they took to the land nearby the largely Germanic settler community at Scoresby North. When he was Naturalised on 21 April 1897 he described himself as aged 37, a farmer of Ferntree Gully, Victoria. The Adolphsons seven children were born in he district they farmed.
Wilhelm Reickman AEUCKENS
August AHDERS b. Carlton labourer
August AHDERS was born on the 26th November 1838 at Neuhaus, Hannover, Deutschland. he emigrated out of Deutschland by way of England and embarked on the steamship GREAT BRITAIN to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 18th December 1873. After disembarking he went up to Dunolly in the Victorian Goldfields for about 25 years and then took work in the close suburbs of Melbourne as a Gardener and Labourer. At age 67, after 32 years in Australia, Ahders was unmarried and living at No. 6 Findlay Place, Lygon street, Carlton, when he took the oath of his aliens memorial for naturalisation on the 5th march 1906 at Carlton. August AHDERS died at age 71 in East Melbourne in 1909
Fritz Friedrich AHLBERG b.1863 Orthfresen/ Othfresen, Braunschweig -- Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, @ age 16 Tischler / Cabinetmaker/Joiner
Georg AHLERS - born Bremen m.1909 Jane FORD
Herr AHLERT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 25
Adolph Theodor AHLESTON
Johann Friedrich Theodor AHLZWEIG -born Germany, married Carolina ROMANOFF 1901
Carl Auguust Siegfried AHNEMANN -born Germany, married Johanne BAHLMABB 1905
Albert AHRENDT -born Germany, married Margaret Anne BORTHWICK 1905
Reinhold Carl Peter AHRENS
Reinhold Carl Peter AHRENS was born in about 1859 in the Baltic Lakes District of Fuhlendorf, west of Barth, Pommern (Pomerania) Prüßen (Prussia), now within the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland. He arrived in Australia on the steam-ship "AMALFI" in Port Adelaide in 1881. On the 10th October 1881 at age 22 Ahrens sore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Adelaide, where he was working as a Grocer's assistant. He certainly showed intiative in his new land, for he had by then been in Australia just thirteen days.
Ernst Nikolaus ALBERS -born Germany, married Annie Elizabeth GREVE/GREENE 1900
Otto Jansen ALBERS -born Germany, married Gerte Mabel MARTON 1906
Arnold Carl ALBERT b. Luckenwalde, Prüßen (Prussia)
Arnold Carl ALBERT was born on the 31st January 1859 at Luckenwalde, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). ALBERT emigrated from the interim refuge and Port of Antwerpen, Belguim on the ship 'PREUSSEN; arrived in Australia in December 1886 at the Port of Melbourne. he spent three years in Melbourne before immigrateing to Sydney, where he worked as a Painter and Decorator. He was unmarried, and living at No.115 Princes Street, Sydney, a Painter with out children when he took the oath for his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 19th September 1914.Friedrich Heinrich ALBERT -born Germany, married Margaret McITHENY 1895
Heinrich Bernhardt ALBERT -born Germany, married Eleanor FIDDES 1894
Ewald ALBERTZ -born Germany, married Ellen KENDALL 1896
Joseph Heinrich ALBRAND -born France, married Louisa BARR 1903
Adolph ALBRECHT -born Germany, married Martha KLIENKE 1891
Ferdinand Julius ALBRECHT, Engine driver of 10 Lynch St, Footscray in 1919 with Wife Christina
Gustav ALBRECHT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 28
Heinrich Johann or 'Henry John' ALBRECHT, labourer & wife Annie Mary living at 14 Sydenham St Footscray in 1919
Robert Otto ALBRECHT
Heinrich ALDAG -born Germany, married Alice Wilhelmine Victoria PORTER 1905
Heinrich ALDAG was born on the 10th February 1869 at Hannover, Deutschland. Aldag emigratd out of Germany via the Port of Hamburg on ship CATANIA to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on te 12th July 1883. He was married Alice Wilhelmine Victoria PORTER 1905 Victoria. After 31 years in Australia, at age 45, working as a Driver, and residing at No.278 Napier Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, married with two daughters and two sons when he took the oath of his aliens memorial for naturalisation on the 19th August 1914.
Francis Heinrich ALDENDORFF
On the 30th of March 1883 when Franz Heinrich Aldendorff made his 'Alien's Memorial' for Naturalisation as a 'British' Australian it displayed a surprisingly keen sense of his purpose, cause and priority, for it was just four days after he had arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Aldendorff, who had arrived in Australia on the steamer "MARSALA" declared that he was an Upholsterer by trade, born in the village of Wolbeck, nr Münster, Westphalen, Prüßen, now Western Germany. Altendorff was in Melbourne, Victoria by the mid eighteen-eighties for he fathered a child to his Australia-wed wife, Catherine SMITH or SCHMIDT, who produced Richard Francis Aldendorff in 1889 in Prahran. It seems likely that a brother Carl Aldendorff joined him in Melbourne, where Carl married Catherine Whelan in 1891. But the brothers do not show up after Federation in 1901 on the Australian Electoral Rolls, thought there is a Frank ALDEN, iron turner, living at 102 Charles Street, Footscray, and a Charles ALDEN, engineer, living at 80 Charles Stret, Footscray listed in the Roll for 1919, so it seems that they have gone to ground as Germans, playing for invisibility from persecution as 'Enemy Aliens' under an Anglo-circumcised hybrid version of their name. The Alden brothers were known to be inventive technicians and innovative craftsman. It seems likely, they are related, but it is unclear what relationship they might have to the Charlotte Aldendorff who in 1927-1928 took out multiple patents for 'Improvements in electro-mechanically controlled telephone and remote switching systems and switching apparatus' but it seems the Aldendorffs were on their way to a mobile phone.
Carl ALDENDORFF -from Hamburg, married Catherine WHELAN 1891 Vic.
Johann Wilhelm ALEXANDER
Oscar ALEXANDER - Naturalised 1897
Moses Alexander ALEXANDER - Inventor, Trademarks, cigarettes 1887 on Cigars, 1890 Paper machines 1900 etc
F C ALGAR -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 24
Karl Hermann ALISCH
Wilhelm ALNGEN -born Germany, married Adela Lillian DUNLOP 1898
Jurgen Heinrich Ernst ALPERS Lutheran Pastor, Mannum, SA
Jurgen Heinrich Ernst ALPERS was born on the 13 February 1856 at Wahrenholz, Kreis Gifhorn, Königreich Hannover, Deutschland. His homeland of Hannover was incorporated into a Prussianised Deutsch Reich in January 1871. Jurgen Alpers then felt a 'Call' and went into training in Divinity to be a Lutheran pastor. He Graduated from the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary at Ülzen, Hannover, Deutschland in 1887. Afterwards Alpers decided, because of Right Royal Political meddling and latitudarian attitudes, to be separated from the Prussian State Church for reasons of Conscience. Alpers emigrated to South Austraia in about that year and was Ordained at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Rosenthal, South Australia on the 2 February 1888. He went immediately to be the Lutheran Pastor at Mannun and served there from 1888 until 1930. Jurgen Heinrich Ernst Alpers was married to Hulda OSTLER in South Australia. It was at Mannum, after seven years in Australia, and at the the age of 39, that Pastor Alpers too the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 24th september 1895. Jurgen Heinrich Ernst Alpers died on 2 October 1939 at Mannum, S.A. His son, Dr. Jakob Philipp Alpers, born 12 February 1895 at Mannum, served from 1941 as a Medical Officer Grade 1 with Australian forces in Papua & New Guinea during World War two.
Heinrich Hermann ALPHRED -born Germany, married Mary FARRELL 1908
Paul VON ALTEN arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 1st April 1879 on the ship "ELLEN STEWART" from Germany. He was born at Spandau, in Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia) on the 30th November 1847. After 29 years in Australia he fulfilled the requirements for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, at Rainbow, in the Mallee of Victoria on the 5th May 1908. He was the unmarried and working as a bookkeeper. He had lived for eight years at Minlaton, on Yorke Peninsula in South Australia and then in the Wimmera-Mallee areas of northwestern Victoria at Dimboola, Donald, St Arnaud, and for nine years at Rainbow.
Phillipine Von AMBRO
Phillipine Von AMBRO (nee DENELLI) was born on the 5th Janury 1856 at Vienna, Austria, of an Italian father and an Austrian mother. Phillippine Von Ambro was married in Austria but widowed in 18901. She emigrated out of Europe on the steamship "KARLSRUHE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melborune on the 25th May 1897. On disembarking she remained in Melborune. After 23 years in Australia, she was working as a cook and housekeeper at age sixty three and a half living at No.244 Mary Street< Richmond, Victoria when she took the Oath to be Naturalised in her Aliens Memorial of the 20th April 1829 at Richmond. Phillippine Von Ambro died at age 78 in Melbourne in 1933.
Georges AMIN Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 21
Ludwig Ferdinand Christain Luis AMINDE
Gustav Adolph AMPT -born Germany, married 1883 Emilie Clara Adelaide SANDER
Herr F AMSCHEL - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 30
Heinrich ANDERS -born Germany, married Emilie REIZCH 1902
Hermann Paul ANDERS -born Germany, married Agnes Jane FAIR 1893
Hermann Paul ANDERS - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna Dorothea Elisabeth DUNKEL 1899 Vic.
Joseph ANDERSEN -born Germany, married Mary Ann McMAHON 1891
August ANDERSON born Germany, married Alice ROBINS 1887
August ANDERSON -born Germany, married Elizabeth MAIN 1909
Christian Ferdinand ANDERSON -born Germany, married 1882 Anna HANSEN
Johannes 'John' ANDERSON -born Germany, married Annie Elizabeth SQUIRES 1891
Melchior Ferdinand ANDERSON - d. 1946 St Kilda @ 83 yrs
Emil ANDERSSON -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 32
Andreas ANDRASS b.1846 Raebnitz, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 33 Landmann/Farmer- with wife & three daughers
Heinrich ANDREWS/ANDREAS -from Hamburg, married Catherine ELLIOTT 1892 Vic.
Johanness John ANGEL born Austria, married Eleanore Louisa CLEMENTS 1885
Johann Heinrich ANJOU - von Hamburg, m.1902 Clara Selina TURNER
Joseph ANNAKIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 24
Mr ANRIP -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 22
Franzis August ANSPACH - born Baden, married Anna Catherina BRANDT 1890 Vic
Raphael ANTONY -born France, married Marie LEGAY 1908
Jens Christian APPEL
Hans Peterson APPEL
Richard ARMUS -born Germany, married Helena Ellen DEARNLEY 1901
Gustav ARON - from Berlin. Married Georgin B Prior 1890 Victoria.
Johann 'John' ARNDT -born Germany, married Beatrice Frances WILLIS 1895
Julius August Gotthelf ARNDT - born Posen, Prüßen (Prussia), married Julia May STOPPIA /STOPPRA 1899 Vic.
Karl ARNDT -born Germany, married Monica Beatrice ROCKLIFF 1895
A Surveyor by trade through completion of both articles and education, Karl Arndt was born in about 1859 in the Eulengebirge (Owl Mountains) city of Waldenburg, in Breslau Province, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia), (now Wałbrzych, in southwestern Poland). He arrived in Hobson's Bay, Melbourne on the 29th September 1879 on the ship 'DURHAM" out of Hamburgh. When he was naturalised at the age of 39 years on the 25th April 1897 he was residing at Baxter Street, Coburg, Victoria.
Hermann Carl ARNOLD
Valentine ARNOLD
Georg Hugo Felix Wilhelm ARNOLD -born Germany, married Alice JENNINGS 1889
Georg Heinrich ARNOLD -from Hamburg, married Clara Sophia HOCKING 1891 Vic.
Heinrich Harry ARNOLD -born Germany, married Mary Jane FILDAY 1906
Hermann Carl ARNOLD -born Germany, married Elisabeth Eder WIEGMANN 1904
Johann Friedrich August ARNOLD -born Germany, married Jane GROVE 1898
Johann Eduard ARNOLD -born Germany, married Clara Jane PREBBLE 1894
Johann Eduard ARNOLD was born on the 13th May 1859 in the Hanseatic City of Hamburgh (or Hamburgh Statdt) which was later incorparated into the Deutsch Reiche after 1870. He arrived in Australian on the ship 'S.S. CUSCO. on the 14th October 1880 and disembarked at the Port of Melbourne. He spent the next 16 years in Melbourne, marrying Clara Jane PREBBLE in 1894. From Victoria the Arnolds immigrated to Western Australian where they lived variously at : Albany for five and half years, in Collie for three years, at Midland Junction for three years, in Perth for a year and a half and then in Fremantle. Arnold was age 53 a General Labourer living with his wife and two daughters at No. 49 Bellevue Terrace, Fremantle when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 17th July 1911. By then he had been in Australai for 31 years.Michael ARNOLD, -born Germany, wed 1880 Johanne HUBBORT
Valentine ARNOLD -born Germany, married Annie Blanche NORRIS 1905
Valentine ARNOLD was born 25th June 1876 in Kalkofen, in the Donnersberg Kreis, of the Rhineland-Palatinate [then the Bavarian Rhineland, now Rheinland Pfalz]. Arnold arrived Melbourne from Deutschland from where he had taken pilgrim refuge via France and Italy, out of the Italian Port of Naples on the Steamship 'G.D.S. FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' arrived at the Port of Melbourne on the 5th February 1901. He was a Mechanic by profession and settled at first at Clifton Hill and later in Emerald Hill, South Melbourne. He was married to Annie Blanche NORRIS in 1905 in Melbourne. Their Australian sons: Valentin Norris Arnold, born 1906 Clifton Hill, and Clarence Andreas Arnold, born 1910 Melbourne South completed their family. Valentine's wife Annie Blanche Arnold died at age 83 in 1962 in Richmond.
Leonhardt ARON / AARON born Berlin, married Elizabeth Ada Emily TALBOT 1888
Johannes 'John' ARP -born Germany, married Beatrice COOK/KOCH 1889
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ASCHE
Johann Karl Ludwig ASMUS
Heinrich Jakob ASMUS
Richard ASMUS -born Germany, married Helene Ellen DEARNLEY 1901
Asmus ASMUSSEN -born Germany, m.1886 Caroline Louise MALTZAHN
Peter Jakob ASMUSSEN -born Germany, married Gertrude Edith Minnie SCHOOF 1912
August ATHENS -born Germany, m.1886 Bertha PFLEIDERA
Carl Charles ATTENDORFF -from Saxony, m.1881 Margaret LE PAIGE
Ludwig AUCKENBAND - Prisoner of War 1917 [File89/725]
Friedrich AUCHINSKI - naturalised 1902
Friedrich Carl AUE - Naturalised 1913 / 1939
Doctor Ing Lazlo AUER - Scientist / Chemist - 1928
Leonhard AUGUSTIN, Upper Bavaria
Leonhardt AUGUSTIN b. 21 Okt 1881 Emmering, Ober Bayern, Son of Gregor Augustin. arrived from Italy, 25 Mach 1912 'GNEISENAU' at Fremnatle WA . Nat. 21 June 1921 age 40, Farmer, Buntine WA - Formerly a Sailor for 7 years.
Peter AUGUSTIN -born Germany, married Sarah Ann CAIN 1900
A. T. AUGUSTINUSEN - Nat. 1935
A E AUJARD -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 21
Lars AUKER b. 4 Jul 1892 Grinstad, Norway - Arr. August 1911 from NZ at Pt Melbourne Occ. Seaman
Carl 'Charles' AULICH Silesia to Tasmania
Ernst AULICH Silesia to Tasmania
Heinrich Henry AULICH Silesia to Tasmania
Wilhelm 'William' AULICH Silesia to Tasmania
AULICH BROTHERS: - sons of Wilhelm Friedrich & Luise (Mitmach) Aulich from Münsterberg, Schlesien Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia) (Ziębice, Poland).
1. Carl 'Charles' AULICH was born about 1856 in Münsterberg, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia) Prussia (now Ziębice, Księstwo Ziębickie, southern Poland). Carl Aurich emigrated at age 14 with his family from Hamburgh on the ship 'FIGARO' arriving at the Port of Hobart on the 26th October 1870. At age 32 years Carl 'Charles' AULICH married to 21 year old Bessie ELizabeth TARGETT on the 16 May 1888 in Fingal, Tasmania. Their daughters Eslie, 1886 and Emily Louise Aulich 18887 were born at Fingal, as were their sons: Carl Charles James Aulich 1891, and Leslie George Aulich 1898. - Naturalised 1897.
2. Ernst 'Ernest' AULICH was born about 1857 at Münsterberg, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen Prussia (now Ziębice, Księstwo Ziębickie, southern Poland). He emigrated at age 12 with his family from Hamburgh on the ship 'FIGARO' arriving at the Port of Hobart on the 26th October 1870.At age 21 years Ernst AULICH was married to then 20 year old Grace DALLEY on the 16 May 1883 at George Town, Tasmania. Between 1878 and 1894 Ernst & Grace produced ten children born, after the first two in George Town, for the most part in Beaconsfield, Northern Tasmania. Sadly, four died in infancy. His naturalisation was pending when the enmity of war was declared, so his Alien Registration was made at Beaconsfield, Tasmania. He attempted to be Naturalised after 18 August 1914 and so was postoned, then considered on 4 December 1914, but not completed till 1918.
3. Wilhelm Johann AULICH born about 1863 Münsterberg, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen Prussia (now Ziębice, Księstwo Ziębickie, southern Poland). He emigrated at age 7 with his family from Hamburgh on the ship 'FIGARO' arriving at the Port of Hobart on the 26th October 1870. He was married at age 22 to to then 20 year old Charlotte Jane Elisabeth TOOMBS on the 14th October 1885 at Fingal, Tasmania. Wilhelm & Charlotte produced five children in Tasmania: Ernst Wilhelm Aulich 1886; George Leslie Aulich 1888; and Ethel Maria Aulich 1890, Ernest Leslie Aulich 1893, and Lorna May 1898, who died the next year, all born in Fingal, Northern Tasmania.
4. Julius Heinrich Henry AULICH was born on the 13th April 1870 at Münsterberg, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen Prussia (now Ziębice, Księstwo Ziębickie, southern Poland). Henry Julius AULICH emigrated at age 3 with his family from Hamburgh on the ship 'FIGARO' arriving at the Port of Hobart on the 26th October 1870. He was working as a Sawmiller at St Marys, nr Queenstown, Tasmania when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 7th August 1909. He was married to Luise Henritte KOGLIN on 16 October 1895 at Fingal, Tasmania. Their first three sons, Hasker James aulich 1896, Friedrich Wilhelm Aulich 1897 and Willian August Aulich 1899 were born in Fingal. By 1909 they had three Australia sons and three Australian daughters.
Franz AULMICH b.1868 Mannheim, Baden ,Arr. 1902 Fremantle WA Wharf LAbourer, Fremantle West Australia
Emile Heinrich Fritz AUMANN b.1882 Menden, DE Arr. 10 Oct 1911 Brisbane QLD, Farmer, Gladstone
George AUODE, born 22 May 1860 Perouse, Nord, France, Arr, 1875 Pt Melbourne > Richmond > Painter, Camberwell Nat, 1909
Friedrich Wilhelm AURISCH born Prüßen Prussia, married 1885 Charlotte ZANDER
Philipp AUSSENHOFER born 7th Sept 1861 Mannheim, Baden, Germany, married Anna MULLER (born Heidelberg, Baden) 1887 Nat. 27 Jul 1891 Clerk, Melbourne {aka HOFER of 19 Pental rd, Caulfield]
Gustav Hermann AUST- b. 21 Aug 1889 Breslau, Silesia, Prüßen (Prussia) Arr. from Antwerp, Belgium, 28 Oct.1911 'S.S.HANAU' at Melbourne
? Bundaberg, QLDF, Emerald, QLD Nat. Benhide QLD 27 oct 1914
Maximilian Julius AUSTEL b. 28 Jun 1858 Saxony, germany - Carpenter - Arr.14 Jan 1892 HOHENZOLLERN at Pt Melbourne > Melbourne > Dimboola > Nat. 22 Augs 1911 Rainbow
Walter AUTENRIETH - b. 9 Aug 1868 Weingarten, Wuerttemberg, Arr, 5 Jan 1906 Fremantle > Melbourne > Perth <> Busselton Nat. 1908 - Hotel Keeper (Freemasons Hotel, Busselton)
Mattias AXER, b. Overdrees, Rheinland Provinz, Arr, two days Nat. AdelIDE 11TH jULY 1884 per Friedrich Eduard Heinrich Wulf, KRICKHAUFF, Justice of the Peace. Occ. Tischler, / Carpenter and Joiner
Henrich Rinni AUTNER born Germany, married Charlotte STEPHENS 1887
Carl Andreas AXNICK - bootmaker, 213 Brunswick St, Fitzroy 1903 (wife Luise née WILDFONG)
Carl Joachim Peter Friedrich Franz AXNICK - cutter, 213 Brunswick St, Fitzroy 1903 married Luise Mathilde KOCHENDORFER 1910
The AXNICK family, other than husband and father Carl, a Bootmaker, arrived from Hamburg in the Port of Melbourne on the ship 'SORRENTO' in October 1882 listed under the name ASSMEK. The AXNICK Family then consisted of Carl Andreas,(then about 34) who presumably came out ahead of his wife, Auguste Christiane Luise Wildfang (28); daughters Marie Auguste Axnick (6) and Luise Mathilde Ida Axnick (4), and son Carl Joachim Peter Friedrich Franz Axnick (18 mnths). Their second son Albert Axnick was born in 1883, in Fitzroy, Victoria, and he later trained to be a baker. Carl Andreas seems to have originated in in the city of Hamburg,but his wife was born in Schonberg, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, then a State within the Nord-Deutscher Bund. The family later were in Fitzroy in 1903, but later, before the outbreak of the European War, they moved adjacent to the inland waterway of the Fishing-Fleet basin on the Esplanade West, Port Melbourne, where Port Phillip Bay fishing was always on option to top up a thin stream of income.
Wilhelm BAADE -
Wilhelm BAADE was born in about 1892 in Deutschland. Baade emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the Interim refuge of Belgium and embarked on the ship ERELINGAN to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 25th May 1912. Upon disembarking Baade reside for eighteen months in Richmond, Victoria, then went up to River Murray districts to Tocumwal, NSW. Baade was working as a Groom in the Murray-border town of Tocumwal, New South wales when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 14th August 1914 in Melbourne, Victoria.
Heinrich Engelhardt BAALMANN -born Germany, married Ethel May ALEXANDER 1902
By the time he came to be Naturalised in Dandenong on the 13th April 1913 War was already looming on the world horizon like a thunderstorm, but Heinrich Engelhardt BAALMAN had already been an Australia for twenty three years. Heinrich had arrived in the Port of Melbourne in September 1884, and, after spending 13 years in Footscray, had already moved east, and had lived at Harkaway for one year, Dandenong for 2 years, and, for two years where he was then living and working as dealer-merchant, at Lyndhurst, near Cranbourne, Victoria. In April 1913 he was 45 years of age, having been born in Embden in the Kingdom of Hannover on 4th March 1868, and been married to his Victorian-born wife, Ethel May née ALEXANDER, since 1902, and by they then had three Australian sons, aged 10, 8 and 4 years.
Herr G. BAASS -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 20
Gustav Gerhrad Heinrich BAASS - born 1871 Hamburg, Deutschland. Arrived Australia about 1892-1893. Coachbuilder, Sth Aust.
Julius Eduard BAARTZ - Naturalised 1906-1929
Johannes Jensen BACH - Naturalised 1916
Fr. Joseph BACH Thursday Island, Torres Strait, QLD
Joseph BACH was born on the 1st September 1872 at Urmatt, in the Bas-Rhin, west of Strassburg, Alsace - about 18 months after that Provinz had been annexed off France and incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. Bach trained for the Catholic Priesthood in Europe with the divine Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (M.S.C), and then heard call to the needs on the Antipodean Missionfields. Reverend Father Joseph BACH emigrated out of Deutschland by way of France and there embarked on the ship 'ARMAND BEHIC' to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 13th November 1899. On disembarking Father Bach resided in Sydney for two years before taking a post as Missionary Priest in British New Guinea during 1902-1904. After that service he then went across the Torres Strait to Thursday Island as Missionary Priest on the Catholic Sacred Heart Mission there. After 5 years in Australia, at the age of 34, Father Joseph Bach took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 23rd April 1907. Later Joseph Bach, M.S.C. was the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tarawa and Nauru for his Order from 1927–1933. Reverend Doctor and Bishop Joseph Michael BACH died at age 70 years at Petersham, Sydney, New South Wales in 1943.
Josef BACH from Austro-Hungaria to Fitzroy, Victoria.
Josef BACH, son of Andreas BACH, was born 2nd Oktober 1882 at Zsombolya, in the Torontál Megye provinz, Ungern, Österreich (then under the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Empire). Bach emigrated out of his native Hungary into Austria, where he spent 3 years, and then left the Österreich by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in Switzerland, where he spent three years, and taking to the west out of Switzerland, into France, and after three months in France, made his pilgrim way to England where he lived for five years before he embarked on the antipodes-bound ship 'S.S.SCHARNHORST" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 16th September 1912. On disembarking Josef Bach remained in Melbourne and suburbs where he plied his profession as a Hairdresser. Bach was Registered as an Enemy Alien, in Certificate No.196 at Fizroy. At the age of 41, after over 10 years in Australia Bach took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial on the 14th June 1923 at Fitzroy. He was married and living with his German-born wife Anna Bach at no.113 George Street, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Martin August Edmund Heinrich BACH
Martin August Edmund Heinrich BACH was born on the 11th May 1893 at the former Hanseatic Free City of Lübeck by then swallowed into the state of Schleswig-Holstein in the Unified Deutsch Reich. At age 18 Bach emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked on the ship 'S.S. HERBERT' to arrive in Australia on the 6th June 1911 at the Port of Newcastle, New South Wales. Upon disembarking Bach resided at 'Euranbeen' Widermere, near Parramatta, NSW where he worked as a Labourer. At the age of 21, after three years in Australia Bach swore the oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 1st August 1914 at Smithfield, NSW.
Wilhelm Augustus Rudolph BACH - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna Margaretha Catherine Wohlgehagen 1893 Vic. Naturalised 1910
Benjamin BACHARACH - Naturalised 1901
Adolphus BACHLI (Clerk) [Brockenhurst, Healesville 1925]
Franzis 'Frank' BACHLI - Naturalised 1894
Friedrich Wilhelm BACHLI -born Baden, m.1886 Agnes BUTLER Child: Alfred Wilhelm BACHLI born 1888 East Melbourne. Wilhelm BACHLI - Naturalised 1902
August BACHMANN -Engineer
August BACHMANN - was born 27th July 1886 at Freiburg, in the old Grand Duchy of Baden Baden, by then a mere province in the fifteen years establish Deutsch Reich. Bachmann emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim refuge and peace of England and embarked at the Port of Liverpool on the steamship 'KENT' to arrive at Port Adelaide south Australia on the 8th June 1908. Upon disembarking Bachmann lived at Port Adelaide, SA for four years, and then went up to Moorook, on the River Murray, and then to Inglewood, South Australia. After over six years in Australia August Bachmann swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 12th September 1914 at Millbrook, South Australia. He was then unmarried, and working at wood-cutting, although qualified as an Engineer.
Ernst Eduard BACHMANN Mittlau, Silesia
Ernst Eduard BACHMANN was born about 1855 at Mittlau, near Bunzlau, Kreis Bunzlau, Provinz Liegnitz, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). Bunzlau is now Boleslawiec, in western Poland. Ernst Bach emigrated to arrived in Port Adelaide, Australia in 1881. After 14 years in South Australia at the age 40 he was working as a Carpenter when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 13th May 1895 at Greenock, in the Barossa Valley of South Auustralia.
Fritz Friedrich BACHMANN - Saxony
Fritz Friedrich BACHMANN was born abt 1864 at Sonderhausen, Sachsen, Deutschland. Bachmann emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the Port of Bremen and embarked on the steamship 'S.S.HOHENSTAUFEN' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 28th July 1894 After six years in Australia at the age of 36 Fritz Bachmann was the Hotelkeeper, and applicant for a Victualler's Licence, at Taradale, Victoria, when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 3rd November 1900 at Maldon, Victoria.
Gottlieb BACHMANN - Schaffhausen to Sth Australia
Gottlieb BACHMANN was born about 1855 on the Deutsch borders at Schaffhausen, Canton Schaffhausen, in 'The Knee' of German-Switzerland. Bachmann arrived in Port Adelaide, South Australia in about 1881. After years in Australia at the age 40 Gottlieb Bachmann was working as an Electrician when he swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 14th September 1895 at Adelaide.
Gustav BACHMANN -born Germany, married Alice HARCOMBE 1894
Hermann Friedrich Adolph Hugo BACHMANN -born Germany, married Helen Good CONNELL 1901
Willy Auréle BACHMANN
Willi Auréle BACHMANN was born on the 13th Oktober 1887 at Tramelan, Jura Bernese, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Bachmann emigrated out of Europe by way of the Atlantic Crossing to Süd Amerika, and there at the Port of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, embarked on the ship 'HÖVDING' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 15th July 1914, close to the brink of war being declared. After eight months in Melbourne, Bachmann crossed Bass's Strait to Tasmania for four months, and was then at Holdsworthy Prison Interment Camp, out of Sydney NSW where he worked as an Interpretor and was one of the Censor Staff, after which he settled in Sydney. Bachmann was was a Hotel Employee at The Tavern, 25A Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW when he took the Oath for Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of the 7th August 1920 at Sydney. He was then unmarried , living at No. 40 Margaret Street, Petersham, Sydney.
Gotthilf Paul BACKEN -from Saxony, Lutheran Pastor.
Pastor Gotthilf Paul BACKEN, son of Ferdinand and Chotilda Backen, was born on the 10 August 1857 at Königstein, a town at the junction of the River Elbe with the River Biela, in the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, Sachsen (Saxony), near the Czech (then Austrian) borders of Deutschland. Backen's native kingdom of Saxony was diminished by being incorporated into a rationalised Deutsch Reich in January 1871. He then felt a leading to train in Divinity for a life of Christian service in other parts of the world. Backen graduated from Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Uelzen, Hannover, Deutschland in 1887. He made his way immediately to South Australia. Backen was Ordained at Rosenthal S.A. in 1888. He immigrated to Victoria and served at Ni-Ni Well in the Wimmera. Pastor Paul Gotthilf Backen was married there in Victoria to Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine ANTEBOTH in 1888. He served at Ni-Ni Well Parish from 1888 until 1898. The Backens then went up to serve at Highfields QLD from 1898-1900. After wards he was Pastor at Jindera,in the Riverina of New South Wales from 1900-1906, and then Pastor at Trungley Hall 1906-1919. Their son Oscar Wilhelm Backen was born at Albury NSW in 1902. He took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in 1904 at Jindera, New South Wales. Gotthilf Paul Backen died on the 15 September 1919 at Temora, New South Wales. Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Backen survived him to die in 1939 at age 80 in Temora, NSW. Their son Johann Gotthilf Backen died in 1960 at Orange, NSW.
Arthur Friedrich BACKER/ BAKER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Anne FAULKNER
Fridrich BACKER / BACKAR, tin miner, died at age 60 on the 17th July 1910 at Pine Creek, Umbrawarra Tin Field, Northern Territory.
Friedrich BACKER - from Hannover, married Hannah Mathilde NYBERG 1889 Vic.
Hermann Eduard BACKER -from Germany, married Anna Caroline BEYER 1888
Laurenz BACKER
Johann Friedrich BACKER / BAKER
-Johann Friedrich BACKER /or BAKER was born 25th August 1855 Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia, Germany. Arrived in Australia per the ship 'FREDERICK' at the Port of Melbourne in November 1877. Backer was married to Anna FEHRING 1902 Naturalised McMahons Creek, Warburton, Yarra Valley, Victoria. Naturalisation papers destroyed by a fire on 'The Yarra Track' when his residence burnt down in 1920.
Gustav Heinrich Karl BACKHAUS -
Gustav Heinrich Karl BACKHAUS ws born New Years Day 1887 at hildesheim, Hannover, Deutschland. Backhaus emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by the Port of Bremen and embarked on the ship "S.S.SEYDLITZ' to arrived in Australia 21st August 19111 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria . Backhaus was working as a Painter from Bacon street, Hindmarsh, South Australia when he took the Oath for his Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of 8th September 1913.
C. BADEN Naturalised 1911 / 1939
Johann Heinrich Christian BADEN
Johann Heinrich Christian BADEN Shoemaker, B. Schuelern, Hannover Arr, September 1882 Port Adelaide. Nat. 20 Septemebr 1882 Adelaide after one day.
Joseph BAECK
Friedrich BAENSCH -born Germany, married 1880 Marie agnes LEIBHARDT
Luis Joseph Konstantin Van BAER
Wilhelm Friedrich BAERSCHNEIDER -from Germany, married Sarah Lavinia UHLHORN 1888
Bruno Friedrich Gustav BAHLINGER
Bruno Friedrich Gustav BAHLINGER was married in Victoria in 1884 to the County Armagh, Ireland-born Mary Ann THOMPSON. Their daughter Martha Bahlinger was born in 1887 in Prahran. BAHLINGER was himself born in Danzig, Prüßen (Prussia) (now Gdansk, Poland). He arrived at the Port of Melbourne in July 1879 on the ship "MARY ANN ANNINSON." Afterwards he lived in Melbourne area for sixteen years before immigrated to Katanning, Western Australia, where he became an orchardist. He was naturalised in Kattaning, W.A. on 17th May 1910.
Carl Charles BAHR -born Germany, married 1880 Auguste SICKER
Carl Heinrich BAHR - from Hannover, married Mary HYNES 1895 Vic.
Gustave Maximilian BAIER - von Saxony, married Frances Charlotte MINOCK 1911
Franz Oscar BAIRER -born Germany, married Margaretha BIESTERFELDT 1904
Gottlieb BALDINGER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 19
Heinrich Andreas 'Hy Andrw' BALL born Hamburgh, married Eleanor Theresa FRISBY 1888
M. BALLING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 30
Wilhelm Friedrich BALZER -born Germany, married Rose Ella BROOME
Georg BANDEL -born Germany, m.1886 Johanne Maria Ernstine ELTZE
Johann BANDEL -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 38
Christoph BANDIAS Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 28
Otto BANDIAS - Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 4
Johannes BANER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Dorothea STIER 1877
Hermann Otto BANFELDT -born Germany, married Esther Ann BENTLEY 1894
Phillip BANSMANN -born Germany, married Emma Amelai Luise KINZEL 1896
Carl Friedrich BANGE -born Germany, married Honoria QUICK 1905
Marcus BARAK born Austria, married Jeanie ALLEN 1887
Gershon BARAKA
Rudolph BARENDS -born Germany, married Harriet Anna HANSTEIN 1891
Theodor Heinrich Hy BARENSCHER born Germany, married Eliza Jane WILLIAMS 1887
Johannes 'John' BARGE -from Hamburg, married Charlotte BOUCHIER 1889 Vic.
Ernst BARK - born Germany, married 1881 Martha LAVENDER
Johann Gottfried BARKMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Elizabeth SNEDDON
Paul BARNAN - from Berlin. Married Matilda Fromman 1899 Victoria.
David Isaac BARNER -born Germany, married Esther JOSEPH 1909
Gabriel BARNDT -born Danzig Prüßen (Prussia), Germany, married Anna Stacia PHELAN 1893
Johann Gottfried BARKMANN
Matthias Joseph BARLOW, B.28th March 1862 Zeverlezzo, Ticino, Switz Arr, 6 Nov 1898 Pt Melbourne, from ITALY, per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' > Irriwillipe, Colac, Nat. 6th Jan 1911 Colac Labouer Married One son, age 48 . 12 yrs oz
Carl Wilhelm Gustav BARTH - born Westphalia, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Maria Margaretha MEYER 1893 Vic.
Fritz Friedrich BARTH - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna MEYER 1896 Vic.
Heinrich Georg August BARTH -born Germany, married Marguerite Ada OHLSON 1908
Heinrich Gustav Carl Wilhelm BARTLING -born Germany, married Maria Anna SERPERT 1902
Herr G BARTMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 24
Paul BARTOLDT - born Schonberg, Germany, married Jane Rebecca BRIGGS 1892 Vic.
Adolf BARTZ b.1852 Crossen, Kreis Krossen, Neumark, Öst Brandenburg, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 27 Fleischer/ Butcher
Jacob BARZEN -born Germany, married Johanne BERRES 1908
Carl Charles BASCHER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 25
Friedrich Walter BÄSING
Joseph BASINSKI from Posen, Prüßen (Prussia)
Joseph BASINSKI arrived in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia from New Zealand. He was born on the 21st December 1877 at Sworzyce, in Provinz Posen,Prüßen (Prussia), Deutschland. On the 10th of August 1914 when he submitted his Alien Memorial for Naturalisation, he was aged 36, an asphalter by occupation, living at 36 Stawell Street, Richmond, Victoria. He married in 1910 in Melbourne to the Richmond, Australian-born, Anna Bertha Elsa Gabsch, daughter of F. H. Gabsch listed in this account. The Basinskis then had two Australian-born sons. Basinski first arrived in Australia on 5th March 1903 on the ship "BARBAROSSA" at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. In the intervening period he had resided in South Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand and Victoria.
Ernst Friedrich Carl Wilhelm VON BASTIAN

Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Von Bastian was born in about 1846 in Güstrow, Stadt Güstrow, in the centre of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland. He was the son of Friedrich Georg Von Bastian & Mathilde Geberne Von Levekow. Von Bastian's father 'Fritz' was an Advokat, a duly Authorised Lawyer of the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Ernst Von Bastian arrived in the Colony of Victoria some time before 1880 when he married Emilie Auguste Henriette Schleicher in Melbourne. Emilie was already an old hand in the Colony, for though born in Schreibersdorf, in Kreis Lauban, Silesia in 1855, she had arrived in Port Adelaide on the ship 'HELENE' as a babe in arms, and had so been raised as an Australian. Emilie's family included her remarkable uncle, her father's younger brother Johann Theophilus Schleicher, born 1816 in the same village in Lutheran Silesia, who had gone out as missionary to India, and who was ordained in 1843 into Holy Orders by the Anglican Bishop of Calcutta. Rev. Theophilus Schleicher later came to Australia and by 1857 he was the Ordained Clergyman of the Church of England at Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, and later made many voyages between Australia, the Far East, Germany and England. Then, from January 1877 to December 1885 the Rev.'John' Theophilus Schleicher was Rector at Castle Hill, Sydney, N.S.W.
Meanwhile, the Von Bastian family of Melbourne had three children, Mathilde born 1881, though where has proved difficult to know, but she died aged 62 in Campbellfield: Ernst Emil Von Bastian, born 1883 in Carlton: & Emilie Agnes Von Bastian, 1885 in Carlton, who, in 1918, married 'where-else-but-Richmond-born' Richmond Francis Sylvester Payne. She died in Essendon in 1957.

Count Ernst Von Bastian died at age 58, where they were then living, at 113 Keele Street Collingwood, and was buried on Saturday the 5th March 1904 in the nearby Melbourne General Cemetery. His widow, Emilie Henriette Auguste Von Bastian, was another nearly caught in the hateful grinding mills of war by the Official Australian Enmity, for she applied in her 'Aliens' Memorial' for Naturalisation, on the brink of the times, on the 12th of August 1914 living at 533 Station street, North Carlton. If she had been declared an Enemy Alien it would have been for her three months of life in Deutschland, for by then she had been an Australian for just shy of 60 years.
Ernst Von Bastian junior was an administrative employee of the Victorian Railways who married and lived with his family in a house that is recorded on the Australian Electoral Roll, umlaut and all, as being called 'Güstrow’ in Moama Road, East Malvern. He died at Güstrow, East Malvern in 1936.
Wilhelm BAUCH
Christian BAUER -from Germany, married Rebecca FALLS 1888
Ferdinand BAUER born Austria, married Emma McGLADERY 1883
Friedrich BAUER -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 26
Franz Oscar BAUER -born Germany, married Margaretha BIESTERFELD 1904
Julius BAUER -born Germany, married Jane GERSCHELL 1889
J BAUER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 29
Richard Peter Paul BAUERS -from Hamburg, married Alice Maud Cornelia CROFT 1893 Vic.
Johann BAUM -- born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Mary HARNAM / HAMAN 1904
Sarah BAUMBERG & children -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 26
Heinrich BAUMING / Harry BOWMING/ BEEMING/ harry BRAUMING . born 1863 Germany - Stockman at Timber Creek, Northern Territory in 1901. age 38
Albert Ernst BAYLISS - born Bremen, De., married Florence EVERITT 1893 Vic.
Carl Charles BEAUFORT - born Bremen m.1909 Maud Catherine NAUN
Christian Friedrich BECHTOLD / BECHCOLD -born Germany, married Rose Clara ARCHER 1910
Carl Charles BECK -born Germany, married Sarah Kate WALSH 1902
'Hans' Johannes Christian BECK -from Hamburg, married Minnie Marguerite STREET 1895 Vic.
Fritz Friedrich BECK - from Hannover, married Luise Baumgarten 1892 Vic.
Robert Heinrich BECK - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Evan Lavina BENNETTS 1910
Alexander BECKER -born Germany, married Hannah Ellen CHANCE 1902
August Friedrich BECKER / BEKER -from Germany, married Lilian Elizabeth WITHERS 1888
Ernst Hugo BECKER - born. 6th May 1879 at Idar-am-Vabe, Fuerstenturm Birkenfeld, Oldenburg. Arr,22 Mar 1902 KONIGEN LOUISE at Adelaide > White Cliffs & Lightnig Ridge NSW > Sapphiretown, QLD > Sydney NSW - Wholesale Gem Merchant Nat. Unmarried 30th July 1914 Res. No.28 Manning St, Potts point, Sydney
Phillip BECKER from Germany, married Anne Louise BARKER 1890
Richard BECKER from Germany, married Mabel MUMMERY 1895
Rudolph BECKER from Germany, married Annie BURGDORF 1894
R BECKER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 37
Ferdinand August BECKER - from Hannover, married Grace Blower Hoare Bowden 1898 Vic.
Ferdinand Franz Ludwig BECKER
Johann Albrecht Bruno BECKER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Teresa Genevieve MULLINAN 1900 Vic.
Friedrich August BECKER / BECKERS born Hamburgh, married Harriet SANGUINETTI 1888
Johann Heinrich BECKMANN
Joseph Arthur Beaumont BECKWITH -von Prüßen (Prussia), married Elise Beatrice ELLIS 1908
Hans Hannibal Adelbert BEECK -from Hamburg, married Rhumahah Kate JACOB 1900 Vic.
Herr T W BEEMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 23
Christian Wilhelm Gustav BEER -from Hamburg, married Mary Elizabeth Kroschel 1895 Vic.
P L BEERNAERT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 30
Friedrich DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 33
Madame DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 28
Paul DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 28
Martin BEHA from Germany, married Kathleen O'BRIEN 1889
August BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 11
Franz BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 17
Michael BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 22
Paul Gerhard BEHN born Hamburgh, married Margaret ADAMS 1888
Johannes John BEHNE -born Germany, married 1883 Bridgit RIGBY
Johann BEHNE from Germany, married Emma Amelia EVANS 1896
Wilhelm BEHRENS -born Germany, married 1880 Alice Martha POWRIE
Albert BEHREND - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Minnie BLASHKI / BLASCHKI
Peter BEHRENS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 38 with wife
Matthias Heinrich BEHRMANN , labourer, Adelaide SA, Born Hamelwoerden, Hannover age 34 , I yr 9 mnths in S.A. Nat, per KICKHAUFF 23 Sept 1884
August BEIL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 25
Luis Ulrich Heinrich Freidrich Gertrudis Rudolph 'Ralph' BIERWIRTH - b. Germany > Tumoby Bay, SA - Nat. 1920
Wilhelm BEISCHER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Henrietta FRISWELL
Konrad Wilhelm Maximilian BEISEL, Schoolmaster
Konrad Wilhelm Maximilian BEISEL Born 11th January 1893 Berlin, Deutsche Reich. - Arr. 1st January 1910 from Antwerp, Belgium. Public Schoolmaster Barossa valley.
Bernhardt Ludwig BEILKER -born Germany, m.1886 Anne FORTUNE
Carl Charles BEISE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Isabella McCARTEN
Franz Johann BEISSEL -born Germany, married Grave Marion GRUNBERG 1905
Carl Charles BELGER -born Germany, married Isabella ADAMS 1903
Johann Gottfried BELSCHNER from Germany, married Mathilde LAMPE 1894
Franz BELTER -born Germany, married Annie McLEOD 1904
Ernst BENDELLE -born Germany, married 1882 Margaret Hannah GILCHRIST
Nicolaus Friedrich Peter Paul BENDIERCKS from Germany, married Catherine ELWIN 1900
Carl 'Charles' BENDIX from Germany, married Emily BARTLETT 1892
Paul Nicolaus Friedrich BENEDIERCKS from Germany, married Sarah Jane SEGAR 1895
Ernst BENFELDT / Ernest BENFIELD -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah Ann FORD
Knud BENGTSON -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 27
Friedrich Richard BEHNE -from Saxony, m.1883 Annie Jane MAXWELL
Herr BELABAUME -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 30
Ludwig Luis BENNING from Germany, married Charlotte STEVENS 1889
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm BENSCH -born Germany, married 1880 Johe Henriette WINKLER
Nikolaus Heinrich BENTE - born Bremen, married Sarah Jane MORRISON 1899 Vic.
John BENTLEY / Johann BENTELE -from Germany, married Sarah ADAMS 1888
Hermann Otto Gustav BENTLIN
Hermann Otto Gustav BENTLIN was born on the 14th August 1861 at Elbing, Ost Prüßen, Prüßen (East Prussia, Prussia) - now Elbląg, Elbląg County in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship of northern Poland. Bentlin emigrated out of Deutschland to the United States of Amerika and afterwards, re-embarked for the Port of New York, New York, on the ship "HILARIA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in June 1895. After disemabarking in Melbourne, Bentlin immigrated to South Australia where we worked in Gawler Town for three years, before taking up the road through inland wastes to Broken Hill, New South Wales for two years and then to the State Capital, Sydney and its suburbs for ten years. Bentlin was married and by 1910 had six Australian children, 3 sons and 3 daughters. He was working as a Carpenter, residing at Factory Street, Clyde, New South Wales when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Granville, N.S.W. on the 10th November 1910.
Lorenz BENZ
Lorenz BENZ, the son of Joseph BENZ, was born about 1864 at Ohlsbach in the Grand Duchy of Baden Baden, Deutschland. He was a soap-boiler by occupation on arrival in Australia. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia at Port Adelaide in early June 1883. After just three days in Australian, at the age of 19, Benz took to Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 23rd June 1883 at Adelaide. At age 31, Lorenz BENZ was married to 17-year-old Dorothea Sophia MEYER, daughter of Julius MEJER, in Adelaide, South Australia on the 2nd October 1894 and afterwards, the Benz family immigrated up the line to Broken Hill, NSW. Their children were : - 1. Dorothea M T Benz b. 1895 Broken Hill NSW; 2. Franziska E Benz b. 1897 Broken Hill, NSW; 3. Lorenz G BENZ b. 1899 Broken Hill, NSW; and 4. Karl A BENZ born 1901 Broken Hill, NSW; Ernst Theodor BENZ, born 29 July 1903 Southwark, Adelaide, SA & Otto Emil BENZ, born 17 October 1905 at West Thebarton, Adelaide; Albert BENZ, born 23 March 1908 Henley Park, Adelaide; Heinrich Rudolph BENZ , born 13 Januar 1910 Henley Park, Adelaide; and Wilhelm Anton BENZ, (4 July 1913-20-11-1915 Thebarton, South Australia. Lorenz benz died at age 82 on the 22 June 1946 at Thebarton, Adelaide, SA. His wife survived him to die in teh same place at 75 years on the 5 March 1950.
Wilhelm BENZ - Arr. 1882
Wilhelm BENZ was born on the 10th August 1857 at Arheilgen, in the Arheilgen Stadtteil, (im Norden der Großstadt), Hessen-Darmstadt, Deutschland. Benz emigrated out of the Deutch Reich by way of England and embarked in London to arrive at Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 25; this ship seems to have afterwards taken him on to Sydney, NSW. Upon arrival in Sydney Benz live for three years in Redfern, and then resided in New Town, before moving to Marrickville. Wilhelm Benz was married to Caroline M HEATON in Redfern NSW in 1885. Their children were: - 1. Ferdinand Victor BENZ b. 1889 Redfern; 2. Ruby BENZ b. 1891 New Town, Sydney; 3. Alfred BENZ; 4. Gladys Dorothea C. BENZ b. 1903 Marrickville, NSW. He was working as a Commercial Travellor at No.47 Garner's Avenue, Marrickville, nr Sydney, New South Wales. By 1904 Benz was married with two Australian sons and two Australian daughters. After 22 years in Australia, at the age of 46, Benz swore the Oath for his Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of 7th January 1904. Caroline M Benz died in 1929. Wilhelm Benz survived her and died in 1948 in Marrickville, NSW.
Reinhold BERADE from Germany, married Mary CROSS 1901
Johann Marius 'John' BERBHARDT, born 'Denmark' 25 Aug 1894- [aka Frank John STEVENS, aka Albert CARLSEN]
Emil August Ferdinand BERBLING
Ernst VON BERG, b. 1890 Zurich, Switz To Beunes Aires, Argentine to Sydney to QLD
Carl August BERG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Marie Christiane Charlotte SUHLE 1894 Vic.
Joseph BERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 36. with wife Marie 28; kind: Joseph 5; Josef 1.
Louis Ludwig BERGER -born Germany, married Annie Elisabeth SONGER 1902
Emil Louis BERGEMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Jane KELLETT 189 Vic.
August BERGMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Alice BREEN
Heinrich Deidrich BERGMANN b. 1869 Lehe, Hannover Arr.1911 > Mundaburra QLD
Dietrich BERGMANN b.1890 Aitge, Zerden - arr.1909 Sydney, NSW, Nat.1913 Portland
Friedrich Wilhelm BERGMANN from Germany, married Harriet REDDIE 1900
Friedrich Wilhelm BERGMANN -born Germany, married Margaret RICHARDS 1904
Bernhardt Heinrich BERMOSA/BERMOSER from Germany, married Mary Ann SCOTT 1899
Benjamin BERNARD -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Parker ANDREWS
Eduard Edward BERNHARD born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Jessie TULLOCK
Heinrich Johannes Christian BERNHARD from Germany, married Laura RUDD 1900
Carl Ernst BERNHARDT from Germany, married Hermine Emma TEPPER 1901
Joseph BERNHARDT from Germany, married Sophia RUBENAKE 1890
Peter Hans Johannes Christian BERNHARDT, b. 2nd Juli 1887 Riba, Jutland, Danmark > Arr. from Italy, per the 'S.S.NATAL from Italy, to the Port of Sydney, NSW > No. 35 market Street, South Melbourne > No.5 Vickery street, Malvern east, Victoria, / Coastal Steamer Labourer/ Coal steamer
David Isaac BERNDT
Wilhelm Christian BERNDT born Königreich Württemberg, m.1873 Mathilde Marie
Christiane MUSER
Heinrich BERNER from Germany, married Florence Phoebe RUDDLE 1892
David Isaac BERNER -born Germany, married Esther JOSEPH 1909
Isaac David BERNER from Germany, married Eureka Isabel SIEREE 1897
Louis BERNER von Poland
Paul Heinrich BERNER from Germany, married Wilhelmine Rosine KLEIN 1893
Franzis Joseph BERNET born Königreich Württemberg, married
Wilhelm Christian BERNET
Emil Michael BERNOTH -born Germany, married Lily May ARGALL 1911
Eduard BERRIOR -born France, married Florence COURIER 1907
Heinrich Carl Hermann BERTRAM born Germany, married Johanne Friedricke TAMM 1887
Heinrich Luis BERTRAM - from Hannover, married Ada Frances Mary CLARKE 1890 Vic.
Gustav Adolph BERTHOLD -from Dresden, m.1977 Mary Ann HARKINS
Eugen BERTRAM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 25
Heinrich Hugo OScar BERTUCH -from Saxony, m.1871 Annie HUTCHINSON
Reinholdt BERUDE from Germany, married Mary CROSS 1901 [1918 - 1919 Reinholdt Berude (German) Lilydale see also Janiche 14/3/180'
Alexander BESCH -born Germany, married Amy REID 1902
Heinrich BEST from Germany, married Marie Mathilde FEIGE 1892
Johann Luis Ludwig Eduard Kerhom/Kuhhorn BERWECK/BERUECK - born Bremerhave, married Adrin BARRETT 1899 Vic.
Paul BETHGE b;1877 Magdeburg -Tailor- Arr, Adelaide 1907
August Friedrich Wilhelm BETHKE b.1876 Parsteck, Brandenburg Arr.1913 Melbourne
Reinhold Gottfried BETHKE b.1875 Posen, Prüßen (Prussia), Farmer at Rainbow, Vic.
Reinhold Gottfried BETHKE born 3rd January 1875 at Klieschibbe, Posen, Prüßen (Prussia). Bethke emigrated to Australia by way of Bremen, and embarked from Bremerhaven on the German steamship 'KARLSRUHE' arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd November 1891. He was married to Australian-born Alma Pauline NUSKE in Victoria in 1899.
Friedrich Wilhelm Robert BETHMANN - Prisoner of War Internee SA/ NSW
Gustav Adolf Heinrich 'Harry' BETHMANN -born Germany, married Julia Emily NEIL 1912
Gustav Adolf Heinrich 'Harry' BETHMANN lived and worked the three States of Australia, for two years in Adelaide, South Australia, then Melbourne, Victoria for over 21 years, in Hobart Tasmania for a year, and then again in Melbourne for the latter end of his days. He had first arrived in Australia on the Nordeutscher Lloyd steamer "KAISER WILHELM" in Adelaide on the 2nd of April in 1890, but was in Melbourne by 1893. He was naturalized after being in Australia, as he declared it with Germanic precision, for 24 years and 4 months, in the Victorian Capital, but imprecisely, or at least I should say, untimely, for it was then quite late in the day of war, on 12th of August 1914. He was then a married man, but with no children, working as a cook, and living at 345 William Street, West Melbourne. He was born 3 years before the Deutsche Reich came into existence, on 28 October 1868 at Westerhausen, in the Harz Mountains of the then Kingdom of Hannover. His status even after his Naturalisation was still probelematic, for he had to wrestle with red tape when he applied for the Old Age Pension in Melbourne in 1929.
Friedrich BETTS from Germany, married Julia Vines FLOOD 1891
Carl Richard BEUHNER from Germany, married Marie Theresa Josephine BORRMANN 1896
Arthur BEYER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 23
Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus BEYER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Grace GARRETT
Johann Claus heinrich BEYER -from Hamburg, married Julian Margareth BEYER 1889 Vic.
Carl Friedrich BEYERS
Peter Adolph BEYER -born Germany, married Blanche Elizabeth CRABB 1909
Hugh BHERENDT - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 30
Christoph BIBO -
Christoph BIBO born 1870. Bibo arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" in Januar 1881 at age 11 - with his Mutter Susanna BIBO - who also arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" in Januar 1881 at age 44. Christopher BIBO was married to Annie GAIN in 1897 at the Upper Murray Victorian-border town of Albury, New South Wales. Their children: Gertrude A BIBO b.1898 Canterbury, NSW; Marie F E BIBO b.1900 Paramatta NSW; Margreta BOBO b. 1903 Parramatta, NSW; and Grace J BIBO b.1910 Riverstone, NSW. Christopher BOBO was Naturalised in 1910.
Franz 'Frank' BIBO -
ranz 'Frank' BIBO arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 24. 'Frank BIBO married Elizabeth KANNANE ay Sydney NSW on 1889.
Wilhelm F J BIBO -
Wilhelm F J BIBO arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 15.
Wilhelm F J BIBO married Amy A E PARKES at Canterbury, NSW in 1891.
Charles Benedict Von BIBRA / De BIBRA
Paul BIBRON -born France, married Kate CHARLWOOD 1907
Adolph Luis Ludwig BICKART - born Baden, married Adelaide BOXHORN 1892 Vic.
Balthaser BIEHL from Germany, married Jane CRAWFORD 1889
August BIERSDORF -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 37
Franz Frank BIESENTHAL born Germany, married Catherine POWER 1887
Paul Adolph BIESKE from Germany, married Sophia Louise LEMKE 1899
Heinrich BIESTERFELDT -born Germany, married EditH NITZ 1905
Wilhelm BIESTERFELDT, from Germany, married Sarah Jane RETALLACK 1895
Bernhard BILL Arr.1889 'STAR OF BRUNSWICK' to Sandridge, Port Melb. Cabinetmaker/ Tischler
Conrad BILL - Naturalised 1879
Eduard BILL > b.18 Dec 188 Eliesenau, West Prüßen (Prussia) Arr. 1911 >Beech Forest >Melbourne / Occ: Backer / baker
Wilhelm BILL from Germany, married Alice REEVE 1892
Friedrich Heinrich Otto BINDEMAN
Heinrich BINDER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 29; with wife Catherine 31; Kind: Katherina 3; Friedrich Binder 1.
Hans Johannes Jurgen BINZ -born Germany, married Mary Jane BETZ 1906
Johann Samuel BIRK born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Marie LEHMANN
Otto Gottfried Rasmus BIRK - b. Schleswig Holstein, Denmark/ Prussia Arr. 21 July 1898 S.S.ORIENT to Pt Melbourne
Anna BIRNSTIHE Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 24 with Friedrich age 3.
Alexander Bernhardt Elart BISCAMP from Germany, married Ulla Therese HALLEUR 1899
Herr H BISCHOFF Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 48, with Frau 40
Karl Theodor Albert BISCHOFF from Germany, married Christina WOODMAN 1890
Hermann BISKE from Germany, married Adel Eugenie MARENDAZ 1898
Ernst BITTER - Naturalisation 1914 / 1930
Hermann Paul BITTNER from Germany, married Phillis Emma ARCHER 1901
Herr E BIVEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 15, with sister E BIVEN 14
Fredrick Karl BJORKSTEN
William BLACK / Wilhelm SCHWARZ -born Danzig, m. 1871 Jane SANDILANDS
Hans Johannes Carl August BLADEL -born Germany, married Margaret Mary CONNORS 1911
Diedrich Albert Heinrich from Germany, married Sibilla BRODESSER 1900
Joseph Eduard BLASCHECK
Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS – Lutheran Pastor
Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS (BLAESS) was born on the 24th November 1864 at Wernigerode, on the River Holtemme, near Halberstadt, in the Harz mountains in the Provinz of Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland. Wernigerode is famous for its Fachwerchhausen, the German half-timbered houses. But Blaess's native Harz in Sachsen-Anhalt was engulfed within a rationalised Deutsch Reich after January 1871. BLÄSS thereafter felt a call to serve in Christian ministry in more distant parts of the world. He then attended the Mission Schools at Berlin and went into training at the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary at Ülzen, Hannover. In 1884 BLÄSS left the rationalized and Right-Royally Prussian-meddled univeral State Church for reasons of principle and conscience. He emigrated to the USA for the sole purpose to studying for the Ministry at the Seminary in Springfield, Illinois, USA. He was then 'Called' by the worldwide Hermannburg Free Church as an itinerant missionary to the Maoris, and went to New Zealand. He first served at Taranaki, New Zealand from 1893 until 1906 and famously, there baptized Hamuera Te Punga, who later became a Maori Lutheran Minister in Australia and New Zealand. BLÄSS ministered to several congregations in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand. BLÄSS then emigrated from New Zealand to arrive at the Port of Sydney, Australia on the ship 'S.S. WIMMERA' on the 14th July 1906. He went from Sydney to Lobethal, South Australia where he served as Pastor from 13th July to the 2nd October 1896. He arrived in Jindera, in the Riverina of New South Wales on the 4th October 1906 and served there as the clergyman Pastor till 1916. Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Jindera on the 20th August 1909. He had formerly already been Naturalised as a British subject of New Zealand. From 1916 the BLÄSSes went back to South Australia He became the Assistant missionary to the Aborigines at Koonibba, on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, from 1916 till 1918, after which he became the Lutheran City missionary to Adelaide until his death in that city on the 20th May 1921. Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS was married in the antipodes to Dorette BENSEMANN and the BLÄSS's had ten children, three sons and seven daughters born in the Antipodes. Those born in Jindera or at Albury, New South Wales (where they were registered) were: Mathilde M. A. BLÄSS 1907; Max F. A. BLÄSS 1909; Luise M. E. BLÄSS 1909; and the youngest, Helene Ida BLÄSS, born Jindera 25 April 1910, who served with Australian Forces after 1939 in World War Two.
Solomon BLATT -born Krakow, Austria, m.1887 Rebecca Davis VERSHOUFSKI
Johann Wilhelm BLECKMANN from Germany, married Johanne Auguste Sophia ZIEBEL 1892
Johann Wilhelm BLECKMANN from Germany, married Helene GADCKE 1900
Felix Albert Ferdinand BLEESER - from Berlin. Married Auguste Carol Bock 1892 Victoria.
Adolf BLEIBAUN -born Germany, married Mary Elen HEALEY 1910
Adolph BLEIBAUM -born Germany, married Mary Ann PLANT 1912
H E BLENKISOP -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23
Wilhelm Albert Alexander BLESSING,
Wilhelm Albert Alexander BLESSING was born on the 14th Jnauary 1868 at Stralsung, or Stralsund, then a port in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). Stralsund is in the Bay of Strelasund, and the landside of the bridge to the German Baltic coast Island of Rugen, now in the German state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, and the town of Stralsund is now hailed as the hometown of the current Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. In 1912 he was resident at Strahan, Tasmania, working as a Wharf Labourer. Blessing arrived in Australia at Hobart Town , Tasmanian in November 1883 on the vessel 'RIVER INDUS' from the north-western English Port of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, Lancashire, England. After disembarking at the Port in the Derwent, Blessing spent six years in Hobart Town, after which he crossed Bass Strait to Melbourne, Victoria, for seven years. Later he returned to Tasmania to work on the West Coast when the mines were opened in more prosperous times and paid work was available. He had been in Strahan for fifteen years, and in Australia for 29 years, when he took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Arthur George Prater, Justice of the Peace of Tasmania on the 20th January 1912. He was then age 54 years and unmarried. Wilhelm Albert Alexander Blessing died on the 4th of November 1928 in Strahan, Tasmania.Albert BLISS,
Albert BLISS, was born 23 January 1838 Garzigar, Caslin, Pommern, Deutschland. Garzigar is now Garczegorze (Lębork), Gdańsk, Poland. Alber Bliss arrived in Australia 19th June 1878 on the ship 'ELIZABETH' at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Naturalised 21 April 1910 Victor Harbour, South AustraliaCarl Heinrich BLISS
Carl Heinrich BLISS / Henry Charles BLISS, the son of Alfred BLISS was born about 1872 at Kreutz Lauenburg, Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg, Elbe Estaury, Deutschland. - Bliss was a Painter by profession. He was married to Caroline Ada WINTON on the 19th December 1909 at The Lutheran Parsonage, Stepney, Adelaide, South Australia. Children: Edwin Carl Alfred BLISS norn 6th Jan 1900 West Mictham, Adelaide SA; Henry Anthony BLISS- born 21 July 1901 West Mitcham, Adelaide, South Australia. After 16 years in Australia, Bliss swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 28th September 1895 in Adelaide.
Leon Joseph Jakob BLITZ
Carl Louis Leopold Alexander BLOCK from Germany, married Eliza HAMPTON 1889
Hans Johannes Wilhelm BLOCK from Germany, married Margaret MONEY 1899
Heinrich Boy Michael BLOEDORN -from Hamburg, married Mary DANE 1901 Vic.
Abraham BLOOM
Franz Hermann BLOSSFELDT/BLOSSFIELD from Germany, married Margaret Helen HOKIN 1889
Maximilian BLOUSTIEN - von Poland
Johann Friedrich Hermann BLUCHER
Hermann Friedrich Christian BLUCHER -born Germany, married Margaret Than MORAN 1906
Johann Heinrich Friedrich BLUCHER -born Germany, married Minnie Nathalia WANKE 1912
Wilhelm BLUCHER from Germany, married Jane HALL 1900
Bernhard Heinrich BLUHM
Friedrich Marthin BLUHM born Germany, married Elizabeth SHEEN 1887
Martin BLUHM -born Germany, married 1883 Emily West
Adolph BLUMBERG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Fannie BOOK 1890 Vic.
Carl August BLUME born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Elizabeth McNAUGHTON
Dorothea Dora BLUME - Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 12
Heinrich Gustavus BOBARDT -from Saxony, m.1873 Ages BOBARDT
Franz Friedrich BOBSIEN
Carl Friedrich BOCK born Germany, married Mary Ann Eliza HARGREAVES 1887
Conrad BODE - Naturalised 1901
Friedrich BODE naturalised 1914 / 1939 Enemy Alien. Internee Released 18th Sept 1815
Hans Johannes BODE from Germany, married Jessie Edith RENNINGTON 1894 Natrualsied 1914 / 1942
Heinrich Henry BODE - Naturalised 1898
Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE, Lutheran Pastor
Pastor Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE, son of Joachim Ernst Bode, was born 1 January 1842 at Wesendorf, near Gifhorn, in the Königreich Hannover. In January 1871 Bode's native kingdom of Hannover was engulfed in the universal conscripted Deutsch Reich; and Wesendorf became part of the Deutsch Provinz of Nieder Sachsen. Thereabouts, Bode felt the call to Christian ministry in distant places and went into Divinity training from which he Graduated in 1875 at the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, at Ülzen, Hannover. BODE arrived in Australia later that same year. He was Ordained as a Lutheran Minister, at Bethanien, (Bethany) South Australia and first served the church there. He immigrated to Victoria, and was pastor in the Wimmera at Murtoa in 1876. At 35 years of age Joachim Jurgen Ernst Georg BODE was married to 19-year-old Emilie Johanne Elisabeth APPELT, daughter of Ernst David Appelt, at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dutton, South Australia on the 15th May 1878. At age 41, giving his occupation as that of 'Student' Pastor Bode took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Adelaide on the 13th February 1884. Pastor Joachim BODE then went to serve the Lutheran Church at Germantown, Geelong (called Grovedale since the Anti-German Hysteria in the Australian Legistatures of 1916) and was there from 1877-1884. He went back to South Australia. Children : Esther Emile Catherine Bode (1881 Germantown, Geelong, Victoria -died 12 February 1882 Dutton, S.A); Johannes Emilie Meta Bode 7 May 1883 Dutton SA; Ernst David Bode 26 April 1885-27th January 1886) Dutton, SA; Heinrich Friedrich Armin Bode 9 August 1886 Dutton, SA; Carl Emil Alexander Bode 26 March 1889 Dutton; and Dorothea Maria Dagmar Bode b.20 July 1892 Dutton SA. BODE served as Lutheran Pastor at Dutton from 1884 until 1893. Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE died at age 65 on the 3rd January 1907 at Dutton, South Australia. His wife Emilie Johanne Elisabeth Bode died at age 95 at Dutton on the 3 September 1954.
Johann Franzis BODEKER Naturalised 1904
Georg Emil BODEN - arr. Sydney NSW > Adelaide
Hermann Martin BODEN - b. 1881 Wilhemshaven, Oldenbourg, Arr, from USA 1909 Pt Adelaide - Seaman/ Labourer
Hermann BODENHEIMER from Germany, married Catherine Beverdige DRYSDALE 1893
Karl BODENSTEIN, Naturalised 1909 / 1941
'Edmund' Erdmann BOEDTLER -born Germany, married Anna GRUTZNER 1903
Carl Hugo Ernst BÖSE / BOESE
Carl Hugo Ernst BÖSE / BOESE b.1962 at Hagen, Westphalen, Prussian Rheinland, Deutschland. Woolbroker Arr. 1884 per ORMUTH at Albany, W.A. > Melbourne, Victoria Arr 20 July 1888 . Nat. 14th March 1894 at Richmond Vic. age 32 married feb 1893 to Fraulien HERLITZ
Conrad BOHM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Emil BOHM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Hermann BÖHM / BOEHM b.1853 Crossen, Kreis Krossen, Newmark, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 25, Tischler/ cabinetmaker
Paul Reinhold Carl BOHM -born Germany, married 1883 Elisabeth Ellen PYNSENT
Carl Friedrich BOEHME - from Dresden, Saxony, married Emma RUGLEN 1892 Vic.
Carl Friedrich BÖHMER
Carl Hugo Ernst BOEHSE from Germany, married Henriette Elise HERLITZ 1893
Ludwig Wilhelm Albert BOETTCHER from Germany, married Elizabeth Jane HOCKING 1891
Wilhelm BOHN - from Hannover, married Mary Ann Schwerdtfeger 1893 Vic.
Erich BOHNHOLTZER from Germany, married Isabella Mary LEITCH 1893
Benjamin Bernhardt BOISSEREE from Germany, married Ethel CARPENTER 1898
Wilhelm Joseph BOITT
Johann Albert BOLDEMANN
Johann Adolph Daniel BOLDT born Hamburgh
Johann Adolph Daniel BOLDT took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th July 1883, in Adelaide, South Australia, just 'A Few Days' after arriving in the Port of that city, as his first landfall in Australia. He was born in the Hanseatic League, Port and City-State of Hamburgh in about 1861. He was then aged 22, and a Tischler (joiner / cabinet maker) by profession if not yet by occupation.
Richard Heinrich Carl BOLDT
Richard Heinrich Carl BOLDT was first Registered as an Alien under the Australian War Precautions Act of 1916, at South Wandin (Silvan) near Lilydale in the Yarra Valley of Victoria, Australia on the 13th October 1916. He arrived in the Commonwealth of Australia at the Port of Melbourne, on the 17th September 1911 on the ship "MAGDEBURG' from Germany. The documentation registers him as being born on the 19th December 1889 in Neu Buckow, Pommern (Pomerania) Deutschland (now Bukówko, in north-western Poland). In 1916, the Alien Register lists Boldt as being occupied as a farmer at 'Bona Vista' Silvan, 5 feat 8 inches in height, with blue eyes, fair hair, and the notable mark of a scar on his right arm.
Peter August BOLL - born Germany, married Mary Agnes DONOVAN 1907
Peter August BOLL was born on the 15th Janaury 1875 at Krefeld, Rheinland in Germany. Boll emigrated by way of ther interim refuge of Belgium and embarked from Bruxelles on the Ship 'S.S.GROSSER KURFUERST' to arrived in Australia at the Port of South Melbourne on the 5th November 1904. On disembarking Boll went up to Bendigo for a year, then returned to Melborune for two and a half years, before immigrating to the Riverina of New South walesin about 1907 . - Proprietor of 'Riverina Motor and Engineering Works (Peter August Boll, Engineer) End Street, Deniliquin, NSW. He was Naturalisation on the 23 March 1912 at Deniliquin.
Wilhelm Herbert Paul BOLL Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
Wilhelm Herbert Paul BOLL was born on the 5th November 1875 Krefeld, Rheinland, (Crefeld) Arr. Melbourne per BARBAROSSA 6th March 1902 from Bruxelles, Belgium. > Melbourne > Bendigo > Kerang Paul BOLL -born Germany, married Elizabeth Lizzie TREVEAN 1906
Heinrich BOLS from Germany, married Alice Isabel MOZELLE 1892
Julius BOLTZ -from Germany, married Dorothea EGGERS 1888
Carl Heinrich BOORMANN
Hermann Robert Theodor BOORTZ
Ernst Theodorus BORCHERS -born Germany, married 1883 Christiane DRENEN
Carl BORCHERT -from Germany, married Bridget SHEILDS 1888
Carl Andreas BORG - Arr. Sydney > Boulder City, WA
Carl Charles BORG - Naturalised 1910
Peter BORGA - Austria - Naturalised 1904 Queensland -
Alfred Maximilian BORGEEST -born Germany, married Margaret BREEN 1909
Wilhelm Johannes BORGEEST -
Wilhelm Johannes Borgeest was born on the 16th October 1863 in the Hanseatoce Free City of Hamburg, Deutschland, which swamped in to th Deutsch Reich by 1871. Borgeest emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship HOHENSTAUFEN and arrived in Australia at Port Melbourne 10th June 1885. On disembarking Borgeest spent five years in Melbourne Morgans, Western Australia, Storekeeper. Naturalised 19 June 1936
Johannes BORGEN
Friedrich Carl Georg BORGES Engineer
Friedrich Carl Georg BORGES 19th March 1887 in the Free city of Hamburgh, by then well and truly incorporated under the extended thumbs of the Deutsch Reich. BORGES Arr. 3rd Jan 193 per FREMANTLE at Sydney NSW. Engineer. >
Johannes John BORGLAND - Naturalised 1904
Heinrich 'Harry' BORGMANN - arr. 1909 Pt Adelaide, Mechanical Engineer,
Carl Heinrich Christian BORGMEYER, Farmer, South Australia
Karl Charles BORGSON - Naturalised 1905
Johann Carl Ehrenreich BORGWARD from Germany, married Albertine Charlotte Auguste HEAFT 1897 - Naturalised 1898
August BORM - Naturalised 1935
Gottfried BORMANN
Heinrich henry BORMANN -born Germany, married 1883 Emma Auguste MILLER
Helmet BORNER -Naturalised 1914 - 1964
Paul BORNER - Naturalised 1893
Ernst Alexander BORNEFELD - Naturalised 1881
Johannes Julius BORNEFELD -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Helene WALKE -Naturalised 1896
Franzis Robert Carl BORO - Stettin, Pommern to Queensland
Frank Robert Charles BORO was born at Stettin, Pomerania.Anton BOROWSKI born Prüßen /
Anton 'Anthony' BOROWSKI was born on the 5th May 1879 at Haly, Prussia or Russian Poland. He was trained as a Tischler (Cabinetmaker-Joiner). Borowski emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of the British Colony of South Africa, and eventually arrived in Australia at the Port of Williamston, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria on the 6th November 1900. On disembarking in Melbourne Borowski immigrated to South Australia, living for three years in Edwardstown, Adelaide for ten years, and then in Glenelg. Borowski too the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 1st April 1915 when residing c/- Mrs. Padman at No.7 Milton Street, Glenelg, South Australia.Rudolph Heinrich BOROWSKI born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Mary Matilda JOHNSON - Naturalised 1900
Karl Wilhelm BORRACK
Walter BORRIES - Y.M.C.A. Melbourne
Walter BORRIES was born on the 18th November 1882 at Celle, Hannover, then incorporated into the Reich of Deutschland. Borries emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich in about 1906 by way of the interim hub of refuge in England, where he spent the next seven years, and from there embarked on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd steamship "FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd March 1913. On disembarking he resided in Victoria c/- Y.M.C.A. No.130 Flinders street, Melbourne. On the 10th November that same year, unmarried at age 30 Borries submitted his Aliens Memorial attested by Mr. R.O, CLACK, General Secretary of the Young Mens Christian Association (Y.M.C.A) of No.77 Weinberg Road, Glenferrie, Boroondara, Melbourne, and then swore the Oath to be Naturalised. Borries was then working as a a Gardener and Florist.Luis Delius BORSDORFF - Born New York, USA
Luis Delius BORSDORFF was born in New York, New York State, U.S.A. but had returned to his Ancestral home in Deutschland. He emigrated out of Europe by way of the Italian Port of Genoa on the ship "KAISER WILHELM II' and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th December 1891. Borsdorff became a Warehouseman and Importer. After five years in Australia he was residing at- No.24 Murphy Street, South Yarra when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 3rd March 1897.Hermann BORSHERT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Benjamin Bernhardy BORSEREE from Germany, married Ethel CARPENTER 1898
Georg Anton BORST
Georg Anton BORST was born on the 13th June 1872 at Kreuzberg, Kreis Rhön, Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken, Bavaria, which is nearby the snowfields of the Cross Mountain (Kreuzberg) that rises in the High Rhön. Borst emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich into the refuge of the wide world and found his way to Sud Amerika, and from there he embarked in The Argentine on a Glasgow-Registered boat to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in November 1900. Borst was a Stone Mason by profession and upon disembarking he plied that skill in Melbourne for six months, and then went over the Strait to Hobart for two years, after which time he settled to work in Sydney. George Anthony BORST was married to Auguste SCHOENLE in Sydney in 1906. Their children were: Georg Friedrich Borst 1907 Sydney; Wilhelm Borst (1909-1909) St Leonards 1909, and a daughter who was born by 1914. At age 42, after 13 years in Australia, residing at Battle Boulevard, Sea Forth, Manly, New South Wales, Borst took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 15th August 1914 at Mosman, New South Wales. George Borst died in North Sydney in 1932. His wife Auguste Schoenle Borst survived him to die in Sydney in 1962.Friedrich Wilhelm Von BORSTEL
Friedrich Wilhelm Von BORSTEL, the son of Claus Von Borstel, was born on the 28th April 1884 at Dörnbach, Kreis Kehdingen, in the Stade District, Nieder Sachsen, Prussia. Von Borstel emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich at the Port of hamburgh on the ship 'KOLMER to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 22 October 1912. Upon disembarking Von Borstel went up to Murtoa, in Wimmera of Victoria for one year before immigrating to Queensland, where he was 4 months at Pleystowe, then settling at Koumala, where he took up as a farmer. Von Borstel was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Sarina, Queensland on the 15th November 1916. Von Borstel took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Koumala on the 4th March 1922.Johann Adam BOSCH from Germany, married Henriette DUCK 1890
Johann Heinrich BOSCHEN from Germany, married Henrietta Caroline SIMS 1890
Johann Heinrich BOSCHEN from Germany, married mary Isabella WINTER 1899
Amand BOSE - Naturalised 1900
Albert BOSENHART -born Germany, married Anna Jessie Rebecca ROBINSON 1912 - Nat.1890
J. BOSERUP - Naturalised 1931
Rosa BOSKER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 21
Hermann BOSS -born Germany, married 1883 Catherine ROBERTS - Naturalised 1897
Christoph BOSSE -born Germany, married 1880 Catherine McGRATH - Naturalised 1917
Heinrich Diedrich BOSSELMANN - born
Germany, married 1881 Amalie Henriette LANGE > Nat. 1893 Harcourt, VIC
Heinrich Christian Henry BOSSELMANN born Hamburgh, married Rose FROST 1887 Nat. 1872
Joseph BOSSEN -born Germany, married 1880 Lavinia KOSKIN
Maximilian Max BOSSIAN
Maximilian Max BOSSIAN was born on the 7th April 1856 at Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Bossian emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the Port of Bremen on the vessel 'S.S.HEURENBERG" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th November 1884. On disembarking Bossian stayed in Victoria for about a year and then strayed north through New South Wales for 15 years and then through Queensland for 7 years. From Australia Bossian returned twice to visit Deutschland in 1889 and again ten years later in 1899, but found it was no longer home to him. Max Bossian was an unmarried Boardinghouse Keeper at Bourbon Street, Bundaberg, Queensland, on the 4th June 1909.Fritz Karl Wilhelm BOSSOW - Naturalised 1914 / 1934
Johann John Richard BOSTLEMANN -born Hannover, m.1886 Ann PEACHLEY
Wilhelm Joseph BOTT -born Germany, married Minnie May BOUCHER 1903
H BOTTCHER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 31
Eugene BOUCHARD -born France, married Isabella BUNTING 1902
Carl Richard BOUHME from Germany, married Maria Theresa Josepha BORRMANN 1896
Jacob BOWER/BAUER from Germany, married Emma WALLDEN 1895
Joseph BOXHORN / BOKSHORN - born Austria, married Mary WALSH 1876
Friedrich Christian BOYSEN from Germany, married Clara Jemima WILLIAMS 1890
Jes Jens BOYSON - born Nord Schleswig, married Sarah REECE 1889 Victoria
Peter Christian BOYSEN from Germany, married Mary Edith WILLS 1890
Carl Waldemar BRACHMANN, b. 10 Mai 1891 Halle, Westphalen - Arr, 25 Sept 1911 S.S>ANTWERP Nat. 1914 Tailor, 225 Spring St, Melbourne
Johann Fritz Emil BRACHVOGEL from Germany, married Charlotte Letitia HORNIDGE 1893
Friedrich Eduard BRACK
Friedrich Eduard BRACK was born on the 22nd August 1856 at Friedberg, Franfurt-am-Main, Hessen. Brack emigrated out of Frankfort-am-Main in the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "S.S.CARPAXIA" to arrive in Australia on the 9th July 1881 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Brack stayed in Melbourne from 1881 to 1898 after which time he immigrated to Rockhampton, Queensland till the year 1900, when he came south again to Sydney, NSW. After 23 yeasr in Australia, at the age of 47, Brack was married with seven children, working as an Upholsterer, and living at No.41 Murray street, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalsied on the 11th July 1904 at Pyrmont, NSW.
Auguste Heinrich Johann BRACKBUSCH from Germany, married Edith Mary BURGESS 1890
Gustav VAN BRAKKEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 30
Wilhelm Hermann BRADHOFF / BRANDTOFF -born Germany, married Elizabeth KEAST 1902
Eduard BRAEMER from Germany, married Henriette PRATT 1900
Carl Wilhelm BRAMSTEDT
Henri Louis BRANLY -born France, married Agnes Rae WOOD 1903
Carl 'Charles' BRANDT - Market Gardener
Carl 'Charles' BRANDT was born on the 2nd June 1869 at Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia, just 18 months before the German Unification. Carl Brandt emigrated out of Deutschland via Asia, and then embarked from the British Asian Colony of Hong Kong on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd vessel to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in October 1887. Upon disembarking Brandt resided for five years at Driffeld, in the Latrobe Valley of Central Gippsland, after which time he immigrated to New South Wales , and then Queensland, first at Mackay and then at Hosselbrook. Charles Brandt was married to Maud Mary DONLEN on the 11th April 1907 in Queensland. Daughter Maudie Clara Jane Brandt b, 27 Dec 1911 QLD. Married with two daughters by 1914, working as a Market Gardener at Hosselbrook. Naturalised 3rd July 1914 at Chillagoe, Queensland.
Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT -born Germany,
Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT was married to Isabella Mary NIXON of Monbulk Creek in 1902 in Melbourne. Brandt was Naturalised in 1898. The Nixons senior, Robert NIXON and his wife, Margaret nee CAHILL, and then the Brandt's lived on the Tirhatuan Run, on the Monbulk Creek in the Scoresby- Rowville district. Their children were: Otto Brandt b. 1902 carlton; 2. Julius Carlsen Brandt b. 1904 Armadale (Prahran); 3. Robert Wilhelm Brandt (1908-1908) Dandenong; 4. William James Brandt b. 1910 Dandenong. His wife Isabella Mary Brandt died at age 87 at Lysterfield in 1958. Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT died at age 93 at Mont Albert in 1968.
Gustav Julius BRANDT Wodonga, Victoria
Gustav Julius BRANDT was born on the 5th April 1877 at Hersel, in the Rheinland, Germany. [Hersel is a district of Bornheim in the Rhine-Sieg-Kreis in North Rhine-Westphalia]. Hersel between Bonn and Cologne, directly at the Rhine Brandt emigrated out of Deutschland on the vessel "BAYERN" to arrive in Australian at the Port of Sydney on the 18th December 1895. Upon disembarking Brandt went down the line to the Upper Murray Riverina district of Henry for five years before cross the river into Victoria in about 1900 where he settled at Wodonga and worked as a Soapmaker. At age 27 after nine years in Australia, Brandt was married to Lucy Rebecca RUMBLE at Murrumburrah NSW in 1903 and by 1904 they had a daughter, Annie Lucy Brandt , born 1904 Albury, NSW. On the 20 October 1904 Brandt took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised at Wodonga, Victoria. Their son Johann Gustav Julius Brandt was born in 1905 in Wodonga.
Heinrich 'Henry' BRANDT
Heinrich 'Henry' BRANDT - born about 1844 at Stettin, Pommern, Prussia. Heinrich Brandt emigrated by way of the interim hub of freedom in England and there embarked at the Port of London on the ship "RENOWN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in October 1877. After 14 year sin Australia Henry Brandt swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at South Melbourne on the 15th June 1897. He was then ages 53, working as a Labourer, and residing at No.140 Thistlewaite Street, South Melbourne.
Julian BRANDT - born France- marred 1900 Adelaide CRESSWELL
Lothar BRANDT, b. 1892 Daaden, Rhumrov Arr.1911 Fremantle WA Nat.1913 Korrelocking WA
Otto August Robert BRANDT
Otto August Robert BRANDT,was born on the 10th December 1884 at ? Ballenchen, German? He emigrated from Deutsch Reich on the vessel " MERKERA' to arrive on Christmas Day 1885 at the Port of Brisbane, QLD. Farmer, Pimpania Island, QLD when Naturalised 9th April 1906.
Teodor BRANDT- Port Melbourne.
Teodor BRANDT- Port Melbourne. Teodor Brandt ded at age 70 in 1935 at Warragul, West Gippsland.
Wilhelm Hermann BRANDTOFF
Wilhelm August BRANNE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Catherine KANE 1891 Vic.
W H S BRASIER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 20
Georg BRAULIK born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1886 Mary Gilbert SKEATE
Ernst Albert August BRAUN - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Catherine JONES 1893 Victoria.
Joseph BRAUN from Germany, married Ada Maria CLAUSEN 1889
Johann BRAUN / John BROWN born Germany, married Anne RYAN 1887
Tobias BRAUN -born Germany, married 1882 Johanne HYMANN
Friedrich Carl BRAUNE from Magdeburg, Germany, married Auguste STARICK 1894
Carl BRAUNHOLZ - from Hannover, married Sarah Ann GORE 1894 Vic.
Heinrich Friedrich Fritz BRAUNS
Johann Carl Heinrich BRAUER -born Germany, married Ida Agnes NUSKE 1907
Matthes BRAUER -born Germany, m.1886 Louise Christiane BEHLA
Georg BRAULIK - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Mary Gilbert SKEATE
Hermann Friedrich BRAUSE West Melbourne
Hermann BRAUSE was born on the 19th August 1884 at Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Brause emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the sailing ship "NANARCHOS" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Newcastle, NSW in the middle of May 1906. Upon disembarking he resdied at Newcastle, Sydney for 30 months, Brisbane for 18 months, Cooktown, QLD, Adelaide< SA, and Melbourne, Victoria. At age 28, after 7 years in Australian he was unmarried, working as a Tailor/ Labourer residing at No.65 Stanley Street, West Melbourne, Victoria on the 25th June 1913. He was married to Myrtle Gladys THOMAS, (daughter of Theophilius Thomas & Sarah Sherlock) in Victoria in 1914. Their daughter Flora Brause was born in Calrton in 1919. Hermann's wife Myrtle Gladys predeceased him, dying at age 56 in 1946 in Coburg, Victoria. Hermann Friedrich BRAUSE died at age 84 in 1969 in Kew, Boroondara, Victoria.
Ferdinand BRAUTIGAM - Born Rothau, Bohemia - Arr. 1884 - or BRANTIGAM
M BRECKLER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 22
Carl Luder BREDE
Carl Luder BREDE was born on the 13th August 1863 at Bremen in the Bremen Stadt Porvinz of Deutschland. Breder emigrated out of Deutschland on the sailing ship JOHANNA' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney on about the 10th May 1885. On disembarking Brede resided at Miller's Point, Sydney and then at Canterbury where he went into trade as a Greengrocer. After 22 year sin Australia , at age 43 Brede took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 22nd May 1907 at Newtown, New South Wales. Brede was then married with five Australian children in Canterbury Road, Canterbury, NSW.
Heinrich BREDEHOFT -born Germany, m.1886 Margaret PRINCE
Peter Hermann BREDT
Hermann Carl BREDT
John BRENER /Johannes BREUER -born Germany, married Mercy Laura CASSIDY 1903
Johann Ludwig Eduard BRENNOCKE b. 1869 Bremen Bremen Stadt Arr. 1897 GERA Pt Melb. Musicus, Northcote Vic
Hermann BREUER/ BRENER from Germany, married Jessie Ferguson HAMILTON 1892
Adolf BREUER -born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane ELLIS 1907
Harold Wilhelm BREIDAHL
Carl Theodor Friedrich BRESSLER from Rummelsburg, Prüßen (Prussia)
Carl Theodor Friedrich BRESSLER was born about 1864 at Rummelsburg, Pommern, Prüßen (Prussia) (now Miastko, Poland). Bressler was married in Adelaide to Mina Wilhelmine Alma FISCHER and they produced eight Australian chidren: Carl August Hugo Bressler 1898 Adelaide; Amanda Bressler 1900; Victoria Alma Bressler 1901; Leopold Max Bressler 1903; Olga Bressler 1905; Anita Emmie Pearl Bressler 1908; Hugo Ednum Bressler 1909; and Caroline Frieda Bressler 1912, all born in Adelaide, South Australia. Bressler was a Painter by profession, when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Henry Adams, Justice of the Peace, in Parl Street, Bowden, Adelaide, South AustraliaJoseph BRESSLER, b.1854 Warsaw, Poland Schneidermeister, Master Tailor,
Joseph BRESSLER was born in March 1854 at Warsaw, Capital of Poland, then under the unwanted and fateful control of the Empire of Russia. Bressler emigrated from already journeyed destination in the interim hub of refuge and peace in England, and embarked from the Port of London on the vessel 'S.S.GARONNE" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 24th June 1882. He lived in Melbourne thereafter for fourteen years, after which he immigrated with his family to Western Australia. Bressler was married to Sarah Cohen LEVY. They had Australian-born children: Cecil Bressler 1895, Harriet 1892; Maurice 1889-1891 all in Carlton, Victoria. At the age of 50 years Bressler swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Justice Stephen Henry Parker, Judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, when listing his offical business address at No. 147 Barrack Street, Perth, Western Australia on the 5th March 1904 after 22 years in Australia. The Bressler family then lived at No. 28 Padbury street, Perth, including his wife and five Australian daughters, and twon of his three Australian sons. The other son was then in Sydney, New south Wales.Johann Cal Wilhelm BRETAG from Germany, married Johanna WICKBOLD 1892
Friedrich Frederick BRETTSCHNEIDER from Pomerania, Prüßen m.1879 Jane RICHARDSON
Walter Hugo Guido BRETTSCHNEIDER -from Germany, married Julia Jessie BEETON 1888
Stephan BREY,
Stephan BREY, son of Korbidian Brey, was born on Christmas Eve 1888 at Schoffan, in Munchen, Bayern (Munich, Bavaria). Young BREY emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship "ZIETHEN to arrived in Australia at Port Jackson. SydneyM NSW in the year of war, on the 20th June 1914. Upon disembarking Brey found his way to to the Germanic communities of the Upper Riverina, where he worked as an Agricultural albourer, first at Jindera for a year, then at Walbundries for 4 years and afterwards for Mr S. P. VOSS at Walla Walla after 1918. Brey was registered as an Enemy Alien at Walbundreie on the 10th October 1916 (Cert.1. He was finally Naturalised when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial at Walla Walla on the 17th April 1922.
Albert Gustav BRIESE from Germany, married Auguste Henriette WEINBERG 1892
Carl Friedrich Gotthardt BRIESE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Johanne Helene JAGER 1890 Vic.
Hermann Paul BRIESE -from Germany, married Annie Maria POOLE 1888
Richard Carl Johann BRIGL - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Adelaide Winter 1893 Victoria.
F H BRINKMANN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 21
Heinrich Wilhelm BRINKMANN from Germany, married Emma Marie BUNGE 1893
Louis / Lewis BRINKMANN from Germany, married Margaret JONES 1898
Bernhard Anton BRINKOTTER from Germany, married Anna Marie Theresa SOMMER 1896
Herr BRINNER Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 48; with Frau Brinner 42 , Kind Frauliens, 16, 12, 9, Sohn Brinner age 4
Wilhelm BRITZ / BRITS -born Germany, married 1882 Sophia WHITE / WEISS
Augustus BROCKHOFF -born Germany, married 1880 Edith BALLARD
Karl Heinrich BROCKMANN- Naturalised 1921, New Glenelg, SA
Wilhelm Adolph Andreas BROCKMAN
Heinrich Josef Jakob BRODEL - born Germany, married Edith May HARKENSEE 1911
Although Heinrich Josef Jakob BRODEL had the perspicacity and foresight to get himself Naturalised where he was living in 1912 at 64 Highbury Grove, Kew, Victoria, before the Great War, but, when it came, a series of mortifying years suffering rejection and persecution as an 'Enemy Alien' meant that he could not stay in work, times that saw his family falling in such abject poverty that he appealed to the authorities to be Interned. From his home in 5 Derby Place, Kew, he was surrendered as destitute, and Interned at the Prisoner-of War camp at Langwarrin on the 28th March 1917. If his trade was that of cook as stated on his Nauralisation he was probably put to regular employment in Internment. Brodel had arrived in the Port of Melbourne on the ship "GERA' on 22 October 1906, orginally departing from his native Dresden, Saxony. He was married to Melbourne-born Edith May Harkansee in 1911 and by the time War was under weigh they had three young Australian children. Now, in 1917 with her husband interned, Edith Brodel, could not provide for the family, so she also appealed to the authorities for her and the children to be Interned with her husband. The social and business climate then was antagonistic to any people of Germanic appearance of name, and no explanation, no exception was to be heard. Whether they had sympathy with the Militarist or not was of no account when nobody would listen. Only the desperate welfare of the Internment camp saved the Brodel family through the war.
Carl Clemenz BRÖDNER - born Germany, married Elsie Gertrude WILSON 1906
Frank Franzis BRODTMANN - from Hannover, married Sarah Anne BALL 1895 Vic.
Mauritz BRODZKI / Maurice BRODZKY -born Germany, married 1882 Florence LEON
John BROER / Johannes BROR -from Germany, married Isabella GIBB 1888
Johann Wilhelm Peter BROSE from Germany, married Margaret WILSON 1896
Charles BROWN / Carl BRAUN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Elizabeth JOHNSON
Edward BROWN / Eduard BRAUN - born 1834 Germany. Miner in Northern Territory 1881 age 47
Heinrich Caspar BROWN /BRAUN - born Germany, married Amelia MEYER 1910
Henry BROWN / Heinrich BRAUN -born Germany, m.1886 Mary MAFFAZONI
John BROWN / Johann BRAUN born Germany, married Anne RYAN 1887
Philipp Wilhelm BROWN /BRAUN - born Germany, married Nellie Maud CHUCHYARD 1907
Thomas BROWN / BRAUN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Elizabeth Binnie REID
Jean BROUSSARD -born France, married Jemima Annie BURRIDGE 1905
Israel BRUCHA-ZONENBERG died at age 85 East Brunswick in 1949
Friedrich BRÜCHER
Friedrich BRÜCHER was born on the 16th November 1852 at Gross Zimmern in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Deutschland, which was incorparated into the Deutsch Reich abut the time Friedrich came into his maturity. Friedrich BRÜCHER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steamship "AMALFO (AMALFI) to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 26th January 1886. Upon Disembarking Friedrich BRÜCHER in South Australia at Murray Bridge from 1886 to 1888, when he immigrated over the border to the Wimmera of Victoria, residing at different parts. He returned to South Australia for the period 1900 to 1905 after which time he came back Victoria, this time to the Loddon Valley, at Derby near Bridgewater-on Loddon from 1906 to 1910, and afterwards at Barraport. At the age of 59 he was unmarried, after nearly 26 years in Australia, and then working as a Farmer Labourer at Barraport, near Boort in the Wimmera of Victoria when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 4th September 1911 at Boort. Friedrich BRÜCHER died at age 78 at Ingelwood, Victoria in 1930.Albert Julius BRUCHERT - Naturalised 1904
S. BRÜCHL - 1914-1919
Fritz Friedrich Arthur Karl BRÜCHNER or Friedrich Artur Karl BRÜCKNER
Fritz Friedrich Arthur Karl BRÜCHNER or Friedrich Artur Karl BRÜCKNER was born on the 14th December 1884 at Langenbielau, Kries Riechenbach, in the Eulengeberge of the Provinz of Breslau, Silesia in the Deutsch Reich. Fritz BRÜCKNER emigrated out of Deutschland on the Nord-Deutscher-Lloyd Mail Steamer "S.S.SEYDLITZ" to arrived in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney on the 29th October 1908. Upon disembarking BRÜCKNER was seven months at Roseville, North Sydney, and then immigrated up the continent to Bundaberg, Queensland where he stayed six months before going Outback down the Darling basin to Combie Station at Hillston, NSW, for two years, then at Mount Alfred Station for a year, and afterwards, at Wyandra, below Charleville, Queensland. After years nearly five in Australa he was still unmarred at age 28 and working as a Gardener for Mr H Heyer, when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his aliens Memorial of 19th May 1913 at Wyandra, Queensland.
Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN
Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN, son of Claus Heinrich BRÜCHMANN and Alvine BAUMBERG, was born in about 1842 at Busern? or Bursum? or Buxiene? Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in Great Britain, and there embarked at the Port of London on the ship "SOMERSETSHIRE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th October 1873. Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN was married to Emma Flinn GEORG in Victoria in 1875. After 26 years in Australia at the age of 55 Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN was working as a Contractor in Footscray, west of Melbourne, Victoria when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 4th May 1896. He died at age 75 in Footscray in 1916.
Georg BRUCHSTEINER died 1942 at South Yarra at age 77
Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER
Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER, son of Karl Ernst & Emilie BRÜCKNER, was born on the 28th March 1888 at Seitendorf, Sachsen Deutschland. Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER emigrated out of Saxony and the Deutsch Reich by way of the German Pacific Kolonies and there embarked from Rabaul, in German New Guinea on the R.S.D. ship "COBLENZ" to arrive in Sydney, Australia on Christmas Day in 1911. Unmarried after two years in Australia at the age of 25 living at No 20 Riley street, Sydney, and working as a Butcher, he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 6th January 1914. Alwin Max BRÜCKNER died at Kogarah, Sydney in 1965
Otto BRUDER / Otto BRUDEN - born Germany, married Catherine CARROLL 1905
Siegwart BRUEHL from Germany, married Minna VIESEl / Wilhelmine WIESEL 1890
F H BRUGES -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 26
Peter Wilhelm BRUHN
Peter BRUHN from Germany, married Mary Haines THWAITES 1889
Rudolph BRUHN - born Germany, married hilda Maud PREECE 1910
Theodore August BRUHN / BRUNN from Germany, married Mary Ann RUAN 1891
Gustav Christian BRUMSTEIN born Germany, married Lillie Jane FORBES 1887
Joachim V DE BRUN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Georg BRUNEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 29
Eric BRUNEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 5
Friedrich Christian H BRUNSTEIN born Germany, married Jane STEVENS 1887
Friedrich Heinrich BRUNNIER /BRUNNER - born Germany, married Florence Sarah Kate FRENCH 1904
Johann Friedrich BRUNING
Friedrich BRUSCH from Germany, married Harriet GRIDWOOD 1891
Wilhelm Georg Conrad VON BRÙSSLER Prüßen
Wilhelm Georg Conrad VON BRÛSSLER arrived at the Port of Melbourne, Australia on the vessel "IDELWORK" on the 10th September 1900. VON BRÙSSLER was born on the 30th July 1877 at Haumer, or Hammer, (or Polnisch Hammer, Posen), Prüßen (Prussia). Now in Poznań, Poland. He married Ann Hannah CLANCY in Victoria in 1906. The VON BRÙSSLERS resided at first in South Gippsland, at Lock, for 5 years and at Korumburra, Victoria, for 3 years, before moving onto 'Nuntherungee,' an Outback Station at White Cliffs, New South Wales, where he was working as a Groom, and where, by 1910 they had an Australian daughter. VON BRÙSSLER swore the Oath of Naturalisation' in his Aliens Memorial before Mr John Samuel Jackson, Justice of the Peace of Morden, New South Wales. It was dated the 1st July 1910 at Nuntherungee Station C/- Mr. C.J. Clark of Morden Station, White Cliffs, nr Wonnaminta station, New South Wales. In 1917 'Brother VON BRÙSSLER' was appointed as delegate for the Loyal Plummer Lodge of the Indepenent Order of Oddfellows in South Broken Hill, New South Wales. Later in 1917 he made reports about the Order's charitable support of a dispensary at South Broken Hill. Wilhelm Georg Conrad BRUSSLER died at age 74 in Mildura, Victoria, in 1949. His wife Amy Hannah Brussler survived him, dying in Mildura in 1958 at age 75.
Carl Robert BUBECK from Germany, married Annie Mary McCORMICK 1900
Christian Joshua BUBECK from Germany, married Amelia LYNCH 1896
Felix Friedrich BUBECK - born Germany, married 1881 Mary Ellen SENLING
'Hans' Johannes BUCH - b. 18 Apri; 1884 Kopnhagn, Danmark, Arr. 3rd March 1887 Rockhampton QLD Brisbane< QLD Painter
Albert BUCHER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary HART - Naturalised 1895
Karl Emil BUCHER, Swiss Engineer, from San Francisko, USA to Maryborough, QLD
Johann Bernhardt BUCHOLT - born Konigsberg, Prüßen m,.1871 Margaret WILLIAMS
Friedrich Ludwig BUCHHOLDT from Germany, married Ruth Anna GRONN 1892
Heinrich Peter BUCHHOLDT
Heinrich Peter BUCHHOLDT was born on the 8th June 1864 at Raunsbjerg, Schleswig-Holstein, then maybe part of Denmark,but by 1865 incorporated into Deutschland. Buckholdt emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steamship "HOHENSTAUFEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 24th October 1886. On disembarking Buchholdt went up to the GOulburn Valley district of Congupna, near Shepparton for five years, and then, after being back in Melbourne for 2 years, went to the mountains of the Upper Yarra valley at Warburton for 3 years. In about 1897 Buchholdt immigrated to Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia and settled in Coolgardie. At the age of 49 after 27 years in Australia Henry Peter BUCHHOLDT was working as a Miner in Coolgardie, married, but with no children, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalsid on the25th May 1913 at Coolgardie.Julius Johann Heinrich BUCHHOLDT
Julius Johann Heinrich BUCHHOLDT was born about 1866 at Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. Buchholdt emigrated out of the Deusch Reich at the age of 11 on by way of Great Britain and embarked at the Port of London on the ship "STADT AMESTERDAM" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne. He was working as a Gem-make at Bendigo, Sandhurst at the age of 46, after 11 years in Australia, when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 23rd November 1888 before Mr Karl Von Damme, Justice of the Peace at Sandhurst, Bendigo, Victoria
Ernst Hermann BUCHHOLTZ - Naturalised 1890
Paul BUCHHOTZ - Naturalised 1893
H. J. B. BUCHNER - Naturalised 1925-1935
Hans Johannes Martin BUCHTER
Hans Johannes Martin BUCHTER, born 1835 Theizingen, Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland. After 26 years in Australia at the age of 48, working as a Vinegrower, on the Barwon or Moorabool at Batesford, Geelong, Victoria Buchter took the Oath and was naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 7th April 1883.
Carl Holland BUCKNELL - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Alice Quliiliam 1904
Joseph August Thomas BRUCHNER -from Germany, married Lanse WINPETT 1888
Ernst von BÜLLER -
Heinrich Henry BULLTNER - born Germany, married Florence BARRETT 1911
Albert Carl Martin BULOW /Von BULOW from Germany, married Friedericke SABRANSKY 1900
Ernst Christian BEUGGE
Paul Emil Emmanuel BUCKHHOLZ - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Louise ROATZ/RATZ 1890 Vic.
Johann BUDA b.1823 Bomst, Posen Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 56 Arbeiter/Worker
Ernst Otto BÜHLE . b. 1874 Bernau, Berlin, Brandenburg arr. 4th aug 1878 Brisbane QLD Farmer, Boonah, QLD
Bernard Dunkels BÜHLER - born Bavaria m. 1875 Bella WATSON
Albert BULOW
Albert BULOW inscribed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 2nd September 1903 while living at No. 12 Nelson Road, Emerald Hill, South Melbourne. He had by then been in Australia for seventeen years, and was working as Stevedore's Labourer on the docks. He was born in the Baltic coastal, or more exactly, the estuarine town of Ribnitz then within the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, across the water from Damgarten, then Pomerania, Deutschland. Bulow emigrated from the Port of Bremen on the vessel "LEOPOLD VON VANGEROW" arriving in Melbourne in March 1886. Harry BUMCHEN / Heinrich BUNCHEN from Germany, married Edith May FRASER 1895 /
Carl Georg BUNCKE
Carl Georg BUNCKE was born in about 1851 in the town of Meyenburg, in the district of (Kreis) Prignitz, Brandenburg, Prussia, Deutschland. Meyenburg is situated 23 km northwest of Wittstock, and 18 km northeast of Pritzwalk. At the age of 26 Buncke emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked from the Port of London on the ship "THYRATIRA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 16th November 1877. On disembarking Buncke went to live in Williamstown. Carl Georg BUNCKE was married in Victoria in 1886 to Sarah Jane WINDER. After 13 yreas in Australian, at the age of 39, residing at No.73 Bay View street, North Williamstown, Victoria where he worked as a Harbour Trust Employee, Buncke swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 28th October 1890.
Johannes John BUNDARA born Austria, married Louisa STONE 1874
Albert BUNDE - born Germany, married Minnie PLANT 1910
Adolph Ulrich BUNDGAARD Naturalised 1904
Heinrich Georg Friedrich BUNGE -born Germany, married 1880 Maria Martha ANDRESSEN
Heinrich BUNNEMANN from Germany, married Mary O'NEIL 1894
Johannes Hans Jurgen BUNZ - born Germany, married Marie Jane BETZ 1906
Ivan BURAZIN, b. 15 Sept 1865 Cisto, Imosaka, Austria. Arr. 1890 Nat. Miner, Kamballic Lease, Boulder, Western australia 3 July 1913
Arthur BURCHARDT - Internee
Theodor Herbert BURCKHARDT -
Theodor Herbert BURCKHARDT b. 18th Feb 1891 Leipzig, Sachsen, DE - Electrician, Norwood, Adelaide SA - arr. 9 Nov 1910 KONINGEN LUISE at Fremantle WA
Wilhelm BURCKHARDT - b.1879 Frankfurt-am-Main, Diemaker
Wilhelm BURCKHARDT born 3rd May 1879 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, Arr. Adelaide SA res. 20 yrs Adelaide 15 yrs Melbourne. Diemaker > 11 Hood street, Collingwood. he married in 1911 to Mary Isbael TIPPINS.
Udo BURGDORF Masseur, b.Pferdingsleben, Saxony
Udo BURGDORF was born on 21 Dezember 1879 at Pferdingsleben, Sachsen (Saxony)- A Masseur by profession. He arrived in Australia on the 18th July 1910 on the ship 'PRINZ REGENT LEOPOLD' at Port Melbourne res. Mlebourne 3 year 6 months, Perth Wa 6 months Unmarried Nat. 6th Augst 1914 @ 23 Barrack Street, Perth WARudolph August Bernhardt BURGHARD -from Hamburg, Germany, married Adelaide BURGDORF 1888
Maximilian BURGHARDT
Maximilian BURGHARDT was born 20th Juni 1862 at Glatz, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia) now Klodzko, Poland- Watchmaker, Nat. 555 Rathdown St, North carlton & 24 Russell Street, Melbourne . Arr from Colombo, Ceylon, abt April 1904 'ORMOO' to Port Melbourne
Peter 'BURGESS' BURGER b, Switz. arr. 'COSCO' from London 26th June 1879 at Portland, VIC > Queensland ? NSW ? Western australia > Victoria. Nat. 1911 Brunswick Vic.
Wilfred BURGERMEISTER b. 1st May 1881 Engisand, Kanton Thurgau, Switzerland Arr. 15th Sept 1913 'S.S. SEYDLITZ' at Port Melbourne > Boisdale, Gippsland Farmer
Heinrich Henry BURHOP
Heinrich Henry BURHOP b. Hannover DE Carpenter, Arr. 18 Dec 1888 'BIRKSGATE at Brisbane QLD Went south to Victoria. nat. 1901 at Koo-Wee-Rup, via Prahran, Vic.
Conrad Heinrich BURKHARDT -
Conrad Heinrich BURKHARDT b. 13 Aug 1878 Arr. Port Melbourne 1884 > Sydney, > Brisbane > Perth > Adelaide
Rudolph BURKHARDT< b. Christmas day 1874 Ehningen, Wuerttember, DE Arr. 27 Jan 1901 KONINGEN LUISE at Pt Melb > Melb > Brisbane > Sydney Occ. Butcher
Theodor Herbert BURKHARDT Electrician.
Theodor Herbert BURKHARDT Electrician - Arr. 9 Nov 1910 Fremantle WA KONINGEN LUISE > Norwood SA Nat 7 Aug 1914
Karl BÜRKLE (BUERKLE) of Melbourne, Arr. from Hamburg to 1910 Pt Melb. per S.S. BEILEFELD > Malvern, Glenferrie, Townsville QLD , Perth
Gustav Friedrich 'Fritz' BURKOWSKY -
Gustav Friedrich 'Fritz' BURKOWSKY born 20 Sept 1891 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). arr. from Argentina, Sth America 28 June 1914 'S.S. ZISTIN' at tge Port of Melborune res. 27 Drummond street, Carlton, Victoria, Occ. Tischler / cabinentmaker
Heinrich Alexander BURMEISTER -from Ahrensburg,
Heinrich Alexander BURMEISTER was born at Ahrensburg, Hamburg, Arr. 15 Marh 1868 Adelaide per SUSANNE he married Sarah Amelia BLACK 1890 Vic. Fire Brigade Officer, Melbourne
Louis BURLOT, b.1975 Binic, Cotisdee, Nord, France > Arr. Fremantle WA > Sleeper Cutter, Donnybrook, W.A.
Paul BURMEISTER - born Germany, married Louise Amelia HAMMANN / HAMBERT 1911
R BURMESTER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 30
Steave BURNEMBY Stephan BURNEMBE from Germany, married Delia McINTYRE 1889
Hermann BUROW from Germany,
Hermann BUROW was born on the 23rd August 1855 Rugenwald, Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania, Prussia) Arrived 1888 ' NOAK THE 3RD' at Port Melbornem Resided berwick 5 years, Narrewarren 2 yres , Cranbourne 7 years, Koo Wee Rup, Melbourn ne 2 yrs, Nat. Dandenong, Vic.
Hermann BUROW Married Mary Josephine MOORE 1892
Georg BURRUS - born Alsace.
Georg BURRUS was born on the 11th February 1833 in the Commune of Eichhoffen, in the Bas-Rhin district of Alsace, France, which was annexed by Germany after France declared war on Prussia in 1870. Georg Burrus was a professional Backer or Baker. Burrus emigrated out of his native Alsace in the midst of that maelstrom in his homeland that became known as the Franco-Prussian War. Burrus arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney, on the ship 'LUSITANIA' on the 10th January 1870 or just eight days before the completion of the annexation of Alsace amidst the Unification of Deutschland which was declared on the 18 January 1871 at Versailles. On disembarking Burrus made his way to the Wimmera of Victoria where he reside at Dimboola for the next six years, after whcih he was in the Sheep Hils for six years and in Murtoa for eighteen years before going down to Melbourne to settle in Kew. Married with three Australian Daughters. Burrus was Naturalised 7th July 1909 @ No.75 Cobden street, Kew, Melbourne.
Albert August BURST - Naturalised 1904 - 1930
Heinrich Friedrich Otto BURTH b. 27th April 1877 Schwerin, Mecklenburg, Fisherman. Arr. from London 'S.S.FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' in February 1913 at Pt Melbourne. > Nyah > Pyab > Torrens Island Internee, > Morgan SA, Blanchetown SA
Joseph BURTLE - b. 13 Feb 1877 Offenburg, grand Duchy of Baden, DE Occ: Cooper. Arr, from USA per MEDVERA Dec 1904 Sydney NSW > Albury > Melbourne > Sydney > Newcastle. Nat, 14 May 1912 Newcastle NSW
Albert BURY b. Strassburg, Alsace
Albert BURY b. 7th December 1850 Strasburg, Alsace-Lorrain, Germany Arr. froM London per JORDLAND HIILL arriving Melbourne 4th April 1901. Res. Melborune 7 years > Sydney 2 yrs 0 Widower, Occ; Cook Nat. Pyrmont NSW 12 June 1911
Eiler Marinus Aleksander Antonius BUSCH b.22 July 1896 Odder, Jutland Danmark > Arr. 29 Dec 1913 at melbourne on the ship 'S.S.OWIETO' > Res. Maffra, South Gippsland, Hillside, farmer at Hillside, nr Bairnsdale, Gippsland, Victoria.
Eduard Georg Johann BUSCH b. 14th July 1888 Hamburg, DE Arr. 20 Oct 1877 N.D.L ship at Sydney Nat. 41 Collins Place, Melbourne Occ. Waiter, HOSIES Hotel, Melbournme - Formerly at the GROSVENOR HOTEL, Sydney , Unmarried.
Friedrich Wilhelm BUSCH -born Germany, married 1883 catherine SCHMIDT
Friedrich BUSCH -born Germany, married 1883 Lydia HENRY
Hermann Otto Friedrich BUSCH,
Hermann Otto Friedrich BUSCH< b. 15 Dec 1880 Hamburg, Deutschland, son of Philipp Heinrich Peter Busch. Busch emigrated to Australia on the ship 'WISEMAN' arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th October 1912. He was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Glenferrie, Melbourne, No 3. in 1915. Busch was Interned at the Langwarrin prisoner of Camp for 6 months in 1915. His internment was at his own request on the grounds of destitution - not being able to obtain employment because of his Nationality. Busch resided at various places in the Yarra valley; at Doncaster, Healesville, Box Hill, Kew, Hawthorn, eventually settling on the Upper Dandenong Creek at Bayswater. He was married to Richmond-born Dorothea Emilie HENNIG in Fitzroy, Victoria on the 30th June 1917'Waldheim Guest House' Bayswater, Scoresby North. Occupation; Artist. Address when declared a prisoner of War: C/- Mr Otto Preuss & sons, Undertakers, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Johann Heinrich Luis BUSCH - Born Hamburg. Soap maker, Arr. 1855 Nat. 9 Feb 1884 Melbourne @ age 39.
Ludwig BUSCH born 5 Feb 1867 Mering, nr Augsburg, Bayern, Germany. Arr. 46 years before 1914 in Melbourne. he married Alice KNIGHTON 1889 res. 260 Swan St, Richmond, carrier Nat. 1st Aug 1914
Walter BUSCH from Germany, married Elizabeth WATSON 1901
Alfred August Eduard Friedrich BUSCHE-BRONNER - born Scwelm, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Laura Maude DAVIDSON 1899 Victoria.
Wilhelm BÜSCHER (William BUSCHER) b. 1st Dec 1862 Koln (Cologne) Rheinland Deutschland - Arr. Nov 1896 'BAYERN' Port Sydney NSW > Riverina > Melbourne. Nat'sd. 6 Graham St, Fitzroy, Vic. stallkeeper / storekeeper
Oscar de BUSCHLER - born 9th Oct 1870 Wedoloo, West Flanders, Belgium Arr, 1912 from New York USA in Port Melbourne Nat, 1913 Jeparit, Vic.
Carl Christian Conrad Friedrich Wilhelm BÜSING from Germany,
Carl Christian Conrad Friedrich Wilhelm BÜSING born 1st Oct 1868 Rostock Mecklenburg Tinsmith, Arr. 12 Aug 1871 Brisbane. Res. Ararat, Victoria 5 years, married Mima KNIGHT 1892 Victoria. Res, Nurnbow QLD, Brisbane Qld Nat.1920 Bulimba, QLD -
Alfred Louis Ludwig BUSSE from Germany, married Fanny Lucinda Alice BARTLEY 1898
Heinrich Henry BUSSE arr 1888 Sydney
Wilhelm Ferdinand BUSMMAN Nat. 1904
Carl BUTCHER -from Tylset, Germany, married Elizabeth LUCAS 1888
Wilhelm Georg BUTCHER - Seaman b. germany Arr. from Dunkirk,(Dunquerque) France on barque 'ANNA' 18th May 1908 at Newcastle, NSW > Sydney NSW
Alexander BUTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 38
Heinrich BUTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 21
Hermann BUTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 40
Joachim Heinrich BUTTNER - born 1858 Holstein Germany, Arr. 18th Aug 1883 'AMALFIA' at Port Melbourne. Married Florence BARRETT 1911 Res. Collingwood, West Australia. Brunswick Vic Labourer
Paul Emil BUTTNER, b. 1st June 1872 Zanckerode, Saxony Arr. per 'R.M.S.OPHIR' at Port Melbourne, 23 July 1896. > Perth > Northam > Bunbury WA Butcher
Maximilian Alexander BUTZ b. 18 Marz 1895 Munich, Bavaria Arr. per GALLINA 7th Feb 1910 Decres bay, SA > Murat Bay > Denial Bay, Adelaide SA Nat.5 Feb 1914 occ. Farmer, Goodwood, SA
Johann Anton CABOTT born 20th June 1887 West Prussia
Paul Joseph CADUSCH Arr, > Kerang, Victoria
Robert Friedrich CAMMEL -born 11 November 1855 Heligoland, Germany, m.1886 Emily BUZZA - Arr, 1878 Sydney, NSW - Miner - Bendigo VIC
Heinrich Henry CAMINER b. 4th Feb 1874 Wirsitz, Posen, Prussia
Hans Johannes CARBULM - born Germany, married Mary Ann TRUDGEN 1899
Georg Jurgen CAPDEPO - born Germany, married Alice QUIRK 1904
Albert Carl Johann CARLE -from Hamburg, married Annie Elizabeth STREET 1898 Vic.
Albert Charles John CARLE was born in Hamburgh Stadt on 12th November 1865. He departed the Deutsch Reich via England and arrived in Melbourne on the ship 'Derbyshire' in 1889. He married Annie Elizabeth STREET in 1898 and by 1914 the Carles had one Australian daughter. At the time of Outbreak of the Maelstrom in Europe he had been about 25 years in Australia living all that time in and around Prharan and he then worked as a Chauffeur, living at 14 Gibb Street, Balaclava. It was late in the days of Warwhen he completed his 'Aliens Memorial' for Naturalisation on the 8th August 1914
Ernst Wilfrid CARLSON
Ernst Wilfrid CARLSON< b. 16 May 1885 Gothenburg, Schweden, Arr. from Gothenburg , Sweden, 15th April 1905 'S.S. INDRADAVIC' at Port Melbourne Single stoker Nat. Pyrmont, Sydney NSW nat. 10 July 1913
J J CARLSEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 55
L R CARLSEON -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 40
Carl Hadler von CARLSTORFF
Carl Hadler von CARLSTORFF was born on the 17th July 1877 at Wismar, Mecklenburg, Deutschland. Carl Hadler von CARLSTORFF emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from the Port of Hamburgh on teh steamship "S.S.FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 10th February 1912. Upon disembarking Von Carlstorff immigrated immediately to Brisbanem QLD where he stayed for six months before taking the way south to Melbourne, Victoria where he was for two years before returing to his original place of arrival. After two and a half years years in Australia, at the age of 37 he was married and living with his wife, working as a Merchant from No. 22 Gurner Street, Paddington NSW when he swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 23 September 1914 at Sydney, NSW.
Hermann Carl August CARMOSEN /CARMOSIN - born Germany, married ELizabeth FITZGERALD 1907
Adolph CARO - born Germany, married Cissy Doyle LEGASSICK 1892
Wilhelm Rudolph CARROLL -born Germany, m.1886 Emily HOWARD
Heinrich Henry CASDORFF- Nat. 1908
Friedrich CARSTENS - born Westerhever, Germany, married Bertha ZILSKE 1889
Walter CASE -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Wilhelm Emil Theodor CASH - born Germany, married Sarah BAPTIST 1889
Georg Eduard CASKE - born Berlin, married Amy Blanche STYLES 1905
Harold Heinrich CASS - von Poland
Heinrich CASSEBOHM, B. Bremen > Adelaide SA
David CASSELL, b. Prussia Poland
Pessert CASSENTIUS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Meint Diedrich CASSEUS b.1857 Bremen Arr.1887 Pt Melbourne > Victoria > NSW Nat.1907 Wooloomaloo NSW Dealer- Merchant
Joseph CATARINICH - born Austria, married Margaret McKENNA 1877
Georg August Wilhelm CAW / CAU - born Germany, married 1881 Annie TILLEY
Camille CAZY - born Belgium, married Kath LITTLE 1910
Cunibert CESARE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 30
Bertoys CESAR -born France, married Mavier RICHARDSON 1908
Franciscine CETTINE born Austria, married Margaret KELLY 1887
Albert CHALK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 27
Herr CHAUMET, -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 37; with wife 36 and Son E. CHAUMET, 16
Otto CHELBERG - geelong, Victoria
Bretislaw CHERNEY , b. 1875 Czech Austria to Western Australia
Bretislaw CHERNEY was born on the 6th March 1878 in the Czech village of Vysoké Mýto, which the Germans call Hohenmauth, then under the rule of the Habspurger Österreich (the Austro-Hungarian Empire). A German form of his name was Bretislaw TSCHERNER. Cherney emigrated from Austria on the vessel 'GEROV 'to arrive at the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia on the 19th September 1906. After six years in Australia, at the age of 37 years, Cherney Swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Resident Magistrate, Mr William Lambden Owen, on the 18th December 1912 at Bridgetown Western Australia, while residing at Big Creek W.A. where he was a Farmer.
Wilhelm Y CHESHEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 21
J. CHILLER / SCHILLER? - Naturalised 1928
Otto CHRIST - born Germany, -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 32 - married Rachel FENTON 1897
Hans Johann Peter CHRISTENSEN - born Germany, married Mary McGORRERY 1891
Johannes CHRISTENSEN - born Germany, married Grace ABERNATHY 1889
Christin Peter CHRISTENSEN - from Hamburg, married Fanny GRASS 1891 Vic
Jacob James Theodore CHRISTIE - born Germany, married Ethel Maud MERTON 1906
August Theodore Rudolph CHRISTMANN - born Germany, married Ada May O'NEIL 1903
Rowland Nathaniel CHUBB -born Germany, m.1886 Luise Dorothea Sophie BUSSE
Heinrich Johann CLASSEN / CLAUSEN - von Hamburg, m.1902 Elizabeth ALLEN
Pastor Andreas Christian CLAUSSEN – Lutheran Clergyman, Queensland
Pastor Andreas Christian CLAUSSEN, son of Christian Claussen and Anna Catherina Petersen, was born 6 June 18?? at Yardland, Deutschland. Claussed Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland. Ordained NZ 1886. Missionary among Maoris, Worked among Aboriginals in Queensland 1887-1893. Pastor Andreas Christian CLAUSSEN was married to Wiebke Catherina Karoline GREVE on the 17th June 1887 in Queensland, Australia. Pastor at Highfields, QLD 1896-1897. Children: 1. Anna Dorothea Claussen - born 24th April 1888 Queensland; 2. Christian CLaussen born 3 June 1890 QLD; Joachim Georg Claussen born 17 June 1892 QLD; Magdelene Dorothea Catherina Claussen, born 29 December 1893 QLD; and Johanne Dorothea Claussen, born 13 July 1896 in Queensland. Pastor Andreas Christian CLAUSSEN died on the 14 August 1897 in Queensland.
Walter Heinrich CLEARY -born France, married Anna Alice QUANTELLE 1907
Peter CLEMENT / CLEMENZ - born Germany, married Marie BOLCH 1904
Auguste DE CLERCY Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 38
Georg CLOPPENBURG - Northern territory 1881
Georg CLOPPENBURG was born in about 1838 in the Kingdom of Hannover, Germany- farmer, Northern Territory in 1881 age 43. At age 42 after four years in Australian Georg CLOPPENBURG took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 27th February 1883 at Palmerston, in the Northern Territory
Heinrich 'Henry' CLOZENBERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 18
Stephan CLUPH a Hungarian of the Österreich
Stephan CLUPH was born on the 4th April 1886 at Lopusno, in the district of Máramaros, Ungern, Österreich(the Austro-Hungarian Empire) or Hungary. CLUPH emigrated by way of the refuge and freedom of Belgium and embarked at the Port of Antwerp on the steamship "S.S. BIELEFELD" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 19th November 1911. Upon disembarking CLUPH went upcountry in northern Victoria, living in the Goulburn valley town of Shepparton for six months, and then in the Westerport, Gippsland, town of Tooradin for six months before crossing over Melbourne again to the booming mining town of Broken Hill, New South Wales, where he spent 12 months, before heading furthet out again, to the smaller mining enterpises at White Cliffs, in outback New South Wales. CLUPH was a single man working the White Cliffs as a miner when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 19th August 1914, in the days of war being declared. Later, during, or after the war Stephan Cluph Immigrated to Queensland, and by 1920 was living at Gordonvale, Via Cairns, QLD.
Heinrich 'Henry' COCK / or KOCH - born 1861 Germany- Publican at Palmerston, Northern Territory in 1891 age 30
Ayman COHEN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 21; with Mary Cohen 25
Isaac COHEN - von Poland or Prüßen
Joseph COHEN - von Poland or Prüßen
Samuel COHEN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Charlotte Ann JORDAN
Wilhelm COHEN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 16
Wolf COHEN - born Germany, married Rachel SOLOMON 1889
Woolff COHEN - born Germany, married Phoebe CORTISSOS 1898
Julius COHN / COHEN - born Germany, married Theresa Ruby LEVINSON 1907
Louis Edgard COIFFE / COIFFU -born France, married Mary VENESS 1910
Wilhelm August Carl COLLATZ -from Germany, married Anne Louisa MARROW 1888
Herr F COLEMANN Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 33
Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann COLLN/KOLN, Prüßen - born Germany, married Sophie Friedericke MULFINGER 1896
Aloys COLPOYS Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 21
Dietrich COLPOYS Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 18
Georg CONRAD b.1854 Kunnersdorf, Schlesian (Silesia) Prussia - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, age 23 Schlosser
Heinrich Ferdinand CONRAD born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Ellen BOWER
Father Joseph CONRATH- - born Prussia. Roman Catholic Priest @ Daly River, Northern Territory 1891 age 38
Karl CONZELMANN from Thailfingen, married Margaret O’CONNOR 1911
Conrad CONZELMANN from Thailfingen, married Mary Ann GLOVER 1910
THE CONZELMANN BROTHERS were born, Conrad on 18 Dezember 1875, and Karl on 15th Marz 1880, in the Black Forest village of Thailfingen, in the Circle of Balingen, in Königreich Württemberg, (now called Tailfingen, in the State of Baden-Württemberg). The brothers arrived in Melbourne, Victoria independently. Carl Conzelmann, an engineer by trade, emigrated on the ship "PERSIA' from England, arriving at Port Melbourne on 17th August 1908. He was naturalized on 25 September 1911 after three years in Australia, at age 31, at 28 Gibden Street, Burnley (Richmond). He was married to Margaret O'CONNOR in 1911 and they had a infant daughter. Conrad CONZELMANN emigrated on the steamer "FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE" arriving in Port Melbourne about three years ahead of his brother, on 31st January 1905. When he was naturalized on 12th May 1909 he was unmarried, and by occupation a 'Mechanic,' presumably working with the potentially fatal new motor cars. He was then residing at a Coffee Palace, in Smith Street Fitzroy-Collingwood. Conrad married Mary Ann GLOVER in 1910 and they had two Australian children before the outbreak of the 'not-so' Great War in 1914. Peace is often as dangerous as war, and also has its fatalities, as illustrated by Conrad Conzelmann's death in Melbourne, even before the outbreak of hostilities in Europe in 1914. Maybe, the 'motive' behind the following account was an earlier outbreak of hostilities come to a head out of an inimical relationship.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842-1954) Friday 24 April 1914.
MELBOURNE, Thursday. -An Inqest was held to-day concerning the death of Conrad Conzelmann, aged 29 years, which occurred on April 15 at the Alfred Hospital, as the result of injuries inflicted on him by a motor-car on the same day driven by Frederick Wigley, a commercial traveller. The jury returned a verdict that death was due to the criminal negligence of Wigley, whom they found guilty of manslaugher. Wigley was committed for trial.
August William Frederick COOK [aka August Wilhelm Friedrich KOCH]
August William Frederick COOK [aka August Wilhelm Friedrich KOCH] was born at Putlitz, Kreis Prignitz, in the Pritzwalk of Brandenburg, Prussia, on the 17th August 1856. Cook emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the British Asian colonies and there embarked at the Port of Hong Kong on the ship "ARLIE" to arrive in Australia at Port Darwin, Northern Territory in early February 1885. On disembarking 'Cook' lived in Darwin for nine months, and then immigrated to Woolongong, New South Wales where he stayed for five years. He then went out to the Diggings and travelled in NSW for eight years. He then crossed into Queensland and was at Claremont for two years, at Mount Morgan for two years and then went to the Mackay district of Queensland. At age 54 after 26 years in Australia August William Frederick COOK was still single and working as a Labourer when took the Oath of Naturalisation in his Aliens memorial of 16th January 1911 at Marian, near Mackay, QLD.
Charles Ernest Alfred COOK [aka Carl Ernst Alfred KOCH] Naturalised 1934/1935
Charles Henry COOK - [Aka Karl Heinrich KOCH] naturalised 1879
Conroyd COOK [aka Conrad KOCH]- Naturalised 1907
Frank Louis COOK [aka Franz Luis KOCH] born Hamburgh, married Mary McDONALD 1888
Henry Hubert COOK [aka Heinrich Hubert KOCH] Naturalised 1885 Adelaide
Heinrich Hubert KOCH - [aka Henry Hubert COOK] was born about 1856 in Hannover, Deutschland. Koch emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia probably at Port Adelaide in about 1874. After ten years in Australia he was aged 28 and working as a Carpenter at Hergotts Springs, now Maree, near Lake Eyre, South Australia when he took petition for Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of 30th December 1884 and in the Oath of 28th May 1885.
Herr COOP - Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 45; Frau Coop 43: KInd: Frauliens: 5, 3, Sohns: 3, 1 Coop.
Carl Charles COPE born Germany, married Sarah Elizabeth FLANDERS 1887
Heinrich COPP -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 21
Joseph Wilhelm CORBETT - born France, married Mary FERN 1904
Franzis Heinrich Wilhelm CORDS - born Schleswig-Holstein, married Mary O'KEEFE 1889 Vic.
Johannes CORSTORPINE -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 40
Oscar CORVIN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Louisa DAVIS
Siegmund COURADE -from Dresden, m.1879 Emma Henriette BERNER
Franzis Joseph CRAMPLING born Königreich Württemberg, married Thomasine HARVEY 1874
Franz Francis Joseph CRAMLING - born Germany, married Ellen CLIFFORD 1896
Johann CRAMM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 22
Friedrich CROFT/KROFFT - born Germany, married Ann Linday KING 1889
Hermann A. CROFT - born Germany. Miner in North Territory 1881 age 58
Richard Edwin CROFT / KROFFT -born Germany, married 1883 Charlotte Wilson TAIT
Franzis Frank CUCEL -born Austria, m.1886 Annie HUGHES
Ferdinand CURTZE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 38
Adolph CZISZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 32 with wife Ida CZISZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 30
Caesar CZISZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 5
Boruslaw CZISZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 1
Woitek CZISZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 3
Ernst Johannes Carl Von DAACKE
Ernst Johannes Carl Von DAACKE was born about 1852 at Osterode, Königreich Hannover, Deustchland, so he would have com to his maturity just a year of Hannover's integration into the Unified militarised Deutsch Reich. Von Daacke emigrated out of Deutschland on the steamship "SORRENTO" to arrive in Port Adelaide, South Australia in about May 1883. After twenty days in Australia, at the age of 31, he declared himself to be a Carpeneter, living at North Adelaide when he took the Oath of his aliens memorial and was naturalied on the 4th June 1883.
Josef DABIS - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 9, with mutter Frau Sabat DABIS, 25, and siblings: - Viktoria Dabis 6, & Wadir DABIS 3.
Wilhelm DABELLE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 20
Carl A DAFGORD -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 25
Anton DAHLGREN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov. 1893 age 28
Gustav Reinhold Heinrich DAHLHELM,b.1875 Berlin, Master Builder,
Gustav Reinhold Heinrich DAHLHELM was born on 22 July 1875 in the City of Berlin, Brandeburg, Prüßen (Prussia). He emigrated to Australia after his Interim sojourn in the United States of America, voyaging to Australia on the ship "JEANETTE FRANCOIS" to arrive on the 13th September 1897 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Dalhhelm was by occupation a Master Builder. After embarkation he worked while residing in Melbourne for about three years, and then immigrated to Western Australia for five years before settling for the halfway state of South Australia where he settled in about 1906.- After 15 years in Australia, at age 37, at "Swan Terrace, Exeter" Adelaide, South Australia Dahlhelmtook the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on 14th April 1913. By then he was married with two Australian daughters as well as two Australian sons.
Hugo Oscar DAHMS- Inventor, Entrepreneurof Frozen meat Export. Naturales NSW 1891 > England > Germany >
Ulbrich Hans Gunther Von DALLWITZ
Ulbrich Hans Gunther Von DALLWITZ, son of August Von Dallwitz, was born on the 23rd Dezember 1863 at Breslau, Silesia, Prussia. Von DALLWITZ went to sea as a merchant seaman and spent six years on vessels trading between England and Antwerp. So he emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the sea, and finding the interim hub of refuge and peace in Great Britain to his liking, embarked at the port of London on the Blue Anchor Line steamship "S.S.MARAMBITCHER" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney in 1891. Upon disembarking Von Dallwitz resided in Sydney for six months and then immigrated to Adelaide, South Australia. At her father Karl Henrich Klingner's residence, in Beaufort, Clare Valley, South Australia, at the age of 31, Ulbrich Hans Gunther Von Dallwits was married on the 5th November 1895 to 20-year-old Luise Emilie KLINGNER who was born in Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Their daughter Emmy Mari Johanne Von Dallwaitz wa sborn at Port Wakefield, SA on the 24 February. But by 1923 they had no children surviving. In about 1912 he crossed the eastern borders of South Australia and settled as a farmer in the Mallee of Victoria. Ulbrich Von Dallwitz was registered as an Enemy Alien in Certificate 1 at Ouyen Victoria in about 1916. As a Working Farmer in the town of Speed, near Ouyen, The Mallee, Victoria, at the age of 59 Ulbrich Hans Gunther Von Dallwitz took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens memorial of the 19th July 1923. His wife Emilie Louise Von Dallwitz died at age 8 in Bendigo in 1956.
Johannes John DAMES born Germany, married Mary Ann BRUMBY 1887
Heinrich Friedrich DAMMERT - born Germany, married Rose Elizabeth HEFFERNAN 1890 Vic.
Johann DAMMERT - born Germany, married Clara May NEWTON 1895 Vic.
Ernst Hermann DANGERS - from Hamburg, married Isabella SMITH 1889 Vic.
Jakob James DANI born Austria, married Mary Ann Frances HEALEY 1888
Andreas DAPPELER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 22
Carl Ferdinand Johann DARGATZ
Carl Ferdinand Johann DARGATZ snr was born in about 1835 at Gross Söldenow, Deutschland. Dargatz emigrated with his family via the Port of Hamburgh and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th August 1885. As a working farmer at age 65, after 12 years in Australia, he swore the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 13th October 1897 at Locksley, near LOngwood, Euroa, Victoria.Carl Emil Adolph DARGATZ Jnr
Carl Emil Adolph DARGATZ, grandson of the above born 26 March 1887 at Stolp, Pomerania, Prüßen (Prussia) - Prisoner of War at the Liverpool Internment Camp, New South Wales. His uncle, Luis Wilhelm Dargatz, of Euroa Victoria, wrote on 25th July 1916 to Captain H. E. Jones of the Intelligence Section, of Military General Staff in Melbourne, Saying: Sir, If Carl Dargatz Interned at Liverpool, N.S.W. is let out on parole I will undertake to find him work. I am a loyal British subject, have three sons which have answered the country's call. Louis S. the eldest got wounds in the landing at Gallipoli, and returned last week as Acting Sergeant in Charge of a Troopdeck; Norman F, the second, sailed the previous week for the Front, while Charles E., was put back owing to youth and an operation he had undergone. INTERNEE, who is a nephew of mine, has never caused any disturbance, and only used to go to town when reporting himself.
Luis Wilhelm DARGATZ - born Germany, married Mary HENDERSON 1893 Vic. NAT. 1897
Otto Traugott DARGATZ - married Emma Therwell MEIER 1900 - NAT. 1897
Herr DARRENTRAPP -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 28
Emil Carl Christian DARSOW - Lutheran Pastor & Missionary. Geelong, Hamilton
Emil Carl Christian DARSOW – born 19 Januar 1856 Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia), Deutschland. Trained at Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland & the at Univeristy of Leipzig. Ordained 1882. Served Grovedale (Germantown) Vic, Melbourne, Castlemaine, Echuca, Euroa, Gippsland 1883-1893. Hochkirch 1893-1909. Darsow was Married 1. to Dorothea Louise Elisabeth SULTMANN in Victoria in 1883. Their children were: Elisabeth Pauline Luise Darsow born 1885 Geelong (Mrs MATUSCHKA), and Margarette Adelheide Darsow born 1888 Geelong. Their mother Dorothea Louise Elisabeth Sultmann Darsow died at age 25 in 1895 in Geelong, Victoria. Emil Darsow was remarried in Victoria in 1891 to Jessie E. Woolrych. Their children were: Nathaniel Emil Eduard Darsow born 1892 Geelong; Franzesca Maria Darsow - (1894-1894) Hamilton; Marcus Ernst Johann Darsow - born 1895 Hamilton; Lucas Hermann Philipp Darsow - born 1898 Hamilton; and Matthias Darsow - born 1904 Hamilton, Victoria. Darsow took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Hamilton, Victoria in 1902. He then went to Sydney, and served at Greenwood & Ropeley 1910-1912. He was then itinerant missionary in Queensland. Darsow was district President 1910-1923 and Editor of Kirchenbote. He recieved his Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) at Concordia, Adelaide in 1932. Emil Carl Christian Darsow died 15 July 1934. Nathaniel DARSOW died on 1954 at 61 years at Upwey, Victoria.
Julius DARSTHOFF -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 22
Franz Frank DAULT -born France, married Ellen MOLONY 1908
Wilhelm DAZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 28
Cyril Ernst DEAN - von Prüßen (Prussia)
Willes Muller Richard DEBBEN - born Friebergh, married Cordelia Guard/Gerard FLINN 1902
Henrie DE BAERE - born Belgium, married Jewel Victoria AXTILL 1904
Walter Hermann VON DECHEND, lecturer, South Yarra
Walter Hermann Von DECHEND was born on the 5th September 1867 at Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia, just three years or so before his city became the Kapital of the Deustch Reich. Von Dechend emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steam vessel 'S.S.SALIER' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 23rd September 1893. Upon disembarking he stayed in Melbourne working as a Lecturer in German Languages at the University of Melbourne for 15 years. Von Dechend was married to New Zealand-born Margaret Peyton CURRAN and their daughter Adelgunde Margater Beatrice von Dechend was born 22 October 1911 in South Yarra, Melbourne. Walter von Dechend was Registered as an Enemy Alien at South Yarra, on the 16th October 1916. After years in Australia, at age 54, Walter Dechend was a lecturer and Teacher living at No.1 Howksburn Road, South Yarra when he swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 4th March 1921 at South Yarrra. Walter Hermann Von DECHEND, sohn of Alexander Hermann Von DECHEND & Adelgunde WILKE died at age 62 in Armadale, Prahran district in 1931
Solomon DE BEER - born Germany, married Beatrice Alice VAUGHAN 1901 Vic.
Paul August Friedrich DE BRANCAS - born Germany, married Margaret Amy McMAHON 1903
Ferdinand Carl DE LEMON - from Hamburg, married Lily JAMES 1896 Vic.
Eduard DE MARBAIX - born Belgium, married Catherine O'CONNOR 1911
I F DEPPELER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 14
Guy DE PITARD born Leipzig, married Helene Julie Jennu KALBE 1909
Johann Johnson DE VRIES - born Germany, married Phillip MORRISON 1904
Jurgen DE VRIES - born Germany, married Charlotte WILLIAMS 1890 Vic.
R. Georg DECENOSKI (aka George Doyle)
R. Georg DECENOSKI (aka George Doyle), miner, died at age 32 on the 1st August 1910 the Granites? Tanami, Northern Territory.
Emil Maximilian DECKER - Arr.Feb 1891 'ELBERFELDT at Pt Adelaide > broken Hill > Western Australia > Wide Bay district, Bundaberg hinterland, Gayndah, Farmer
Heinrich DEDLEFS - born Germany, married Phoebe FOX 1895 Vic.
Georg Savin DECHAREET born Germany, married Martha Mathilde ORAMS 1887
Carl Hermann August DECKERT born Germany, married Karoline FRANK 1887
Franz / Frank DE CLERCQ -born France, married Catherine VARENHALTZ
Joseph Valentine Ludwig DEDERICH,b.1864 Bonn Arr.1888 Melb.>NSW >WA
Wilhelm DEETZ -born Germany, m.1886 Clara SLATREE
Johann August DEGEN born Germany, married Margaret Izitt WICK 1888
Gustav Julius Wilhelm DEGENHARDT - from Hannover, married Margaret Kennedy 1901 Vic.
Luis Eduard DEGERING - born Germany, married Agnes Julia WATTS 1891 Vic.
August Carl DEGNER - born Germany, married Ruby Evangeline NISS / KISS 1909
Friedrich DE HEID -born France, married Amelia STURNI 1908
Gustav Adolpf DEHLE - born Germany, married Marguerite A;exandra FINCHAM 1898 Vic.
Georg Paul Heinrich 'Henry' DEHN -born Germany, m.1886 Alice Barbara Wether DIXEY
Heinrich DEHN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 21
Oscar Paul Otto DEHNERT- born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Marion WILLIAMS 1893 Vic.
Reinhold DEHNERT - Naturalised 1895
Wilhelm DEHNKAMP -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 21
Hugo Seraphim DEHRENDORF - See Hugo RYAN
Hugo RYAN, employed as a Letter Carrier of Robinson Street, Subiaco, in Perth, Western Australia, formerly known as Hugo Seraphim DEHRENDORF. He was born on the 14th February 1884 at Bonn, in the State of Prüßen (Prussia), Deutschland. When he made his Statutory Declaration on srd of October 1907 in Perth, he had already been Australia for fifteen years. He arrived from Deutschland, at the Port of Largs Bay, Adelaide, South Australia, on the ship "KARLSRUHE" in November 1892. After just the one week in Adelaide, he was in Tarrawingee, New South Wales for several months, then at Mylor, South Australia for four years, after which he immigrated in November 1896, first to the Goldfields in Western Australia at Boulder where he was for another four years, and from there he settled back to the city of Perth, in Subiaco. With his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation dated 1st October 1907, Hugo Seraphim Dehrendorf also made formal declarations to change his name by Deed Poll to that of Hugo Ryan. The Solicitor he used for the business was the Brisbane-born German-Australian, Alfred G. Unmack, then of Perth, Western Australia.Richard DEISENREITER - afterward Nat. known as REITER b. 1886 Rosenberg, Ar. 1911 > Pastrycook, Prahran
Wilhelm Emil DIETERICI born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Emily GREIVE
Arthur Richard DEITZ (DIETZ) b. 1870 Dresden,
Saxony Arr. 1895 Port Pirie, SA >Sydney,NSW > Wodonga VIC > Rockhampton QLD - Engineer
Herbert DEL COT - Born Raisbach, Jarmola, Austria . arr. 27tg June 1908 per SS SEDLITZ at Melbourne - Merchant - Royal Parade, Royal Park, Melbourne
Johann Matthias Wilhelm DELFS - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth BIRMINGHAM 1889 Vic.
Johann Christian DELL - born Germany, married Mary JACKA 1893 Vic.
C DELMAR Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 25
Wilhelm Carl Luis DEMEL - from Hannover, married Marion BLAKE 1892 Vic.
Eduard DEMLER - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 27
Franz Francis Robert DEMMLER - born Germany, married Sarah Jane BARRY 1900 Vic.
Friedrich DENECKER - born Germany, married Susanna Ida WALTON 1896 Vic.
Hermann DENKEL -born Germany, married 1880 Hannah Therese O'LEARY
Friedrich August DENNERT - born Germany, married Edith SKIPWORTH 1895 Vic.
Hermann DENTE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 59 & Hannah -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 52
Julius DENTE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 27 & sister Dorathea DENTE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 19
Heinrich DEPPE
Heinrich "Henry" DEPPE son of Wilhelm DEIPPE, or DEPPE, and Luise JOHANNSEN, was born 28 November 1848 in Bremen Stadt, in the Hannover Reich, which soon became part of the Nord-Deutscher Bund, and after 1871, the 'Nord See' reaches of the Deutsch Reich Empire. After that conflicted eventuality, Heinrich Deppe left Bremenhaven for Australia, arriving from the interim port of Liverpool, England, on the ship "COMARIA' at the Port of Melbourne in November 1875. He was married to Janet Jessie HARRIS in 1877 at Collingwood, Melbourne and after a couple of years in Melbourne, immigrated in 1878 to Warrnambool in the west of Victoria, after which his Religious affiliation was Church of England. Heinrich & Jessie had twelve Deppe children, of whom, sadly, eight of died before maturity, and of which eight three were stillborn. He had worked in Europe as a Sailor, and then as a Carpenter. 'Henry' was Naturalised as labourer at the age of 65, having by then spent 38 years in Victoria, at Mailors Flat, Bushfield, near Warrnambool, Victoria, on the 21st February 1914, more or less on the eve of the European Maelstrom in which Australia was caught. He died in 1923 at Bushfield, and is buried with his wife Jessie Janet (1859-1928) in the Warrnambool Cemetery.
Siegfried DETERS - born Germany, married Amelie Johanne Elise LUDWIG 1912
Adolph Heinrich DETLEFSEN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna Ernstine Alwina Xylander 1894 Vic.
Otto Heinrich Maximilian DETTMANN- born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Agnes Auguste THIELE 1891 Vic.
F DETTMER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 36
Joseph DEUTSCH -born Germany, m.1886 Annie Margaretta HENDLON
Andreas DEUTSCHER -born Germany, married 1880 Marie Ernstine HERTWIG
Willes Muller Richard DIBBIN - born Friebergh, married Cordelia Guard/Gerard FLINN 1902
Georges Eugene DIDIER from Strasburg, Germany, married Martha Sophia FORRESTER 1891 - died at Colac 1904 age 36
L. V. Paul DIDIER - born Germany, married Catherine Sarah BELSEY 1898 Vic.
The situation for Louis Valentine Paul DIDIER in his birth and upbringing would have been confusing for any sense of identity. Even his birthplace and nationality was problematic given the wars and shifting borders occurring just before his arrival. On the first page of his Naturalisation of 17th August 1911 at Truganina out west of Melbourne where he was a farmer, he describes himself as a Frenchman, yet on page four he admits to being born at Strasburg in Germany, which it then was, just, for his birthdate of 24 November 1871 occurred soon after the Deutsche Reich had been declared as an Empire including semi-Germanic Strasburg in the Alsace and Lorraine area on the Western side of the Rhineland. The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 took place in those very districts in and around Strasburg. But he never really knew Strasburg. By the time Paul Didier was naturalised he had been in Australia for 38 years, and had a wife, Catherine Sarah, and four children, for Didier arrived in Melbourne as an infant in 1873 with his parents on the ship 'Knight Commander.' His father was Jean Baptist Paul DIDIER and his mother Julie Caroline HAMIL. As a child he had already resided in Melbourne, at Wycheproof, and in Melton before taking on the farm in Truganina. No doubt the elder Didier's had left Strasburg soon after the occupation, for the hope of a less troubled 'interesting life' in the large-bordered Antipodes. It would seem from his longevity here that being an Australian solved Paul Didier's problematic sense of identity, in that as citizen in cosmopolitan Australian he was no longer divided by the irresolute griefs of shifting European borders.Nikolaus DIECKMANN - born Germany, married Isabella Coutss LITTEPAGE 1892 Vic.
Georg Heinrich DIEDRICH b.1857 Othfreson, Hannover Arr. 1881 DURHAM @ Pt Melbourne Nat. 1914 Ballarat, Fitter
Johann Francis DIEDERICH - b. 1858 Gostweiler, Achen Rhine Arr.1909 from India @ Fremantle WA - Janahot WA
Heinrich Friedrich Carl DIEDERICHSEN - from Hamburg, married Auguste Ernstine Adophine HENNE 1889 Victoria
Johannes Hermann DIEDERICHSEN -b. 1884 Hamburg ARR. 1882 OMS ORIENT @ Melbourne from Hamburg, married Therese Catherine HANSEN 1890 Vic. Nat.1904 Sydney - Tailor
Alfred Albert Hermann DIENHOFF, Queenstown, Tasmania
Alfred Albert Hermann DIENHOFF was married in Zeehan, Tasmania, to Ethel May LEDGER on the 20th June 1911. The Dienhoff children were: Marjorie Annie b.24 april 1912 Zeehan; Johann Stanley b.18 May 1914 Linda, Tas.; Richard Joseph b.21 Sept 915 Linda, Tas.; and the twins Georg Albert and Thomas Leslie Dienhoff born on the 21st June 1917 at Gormanstown, Tasmania. - Alfred Albert Hermann DIENHOFF died on the 9th August 1928 at Meller Street< Queenstown, Tasmania.
Carl Heinrich DIERCKS - born Germany, married Lena Wilhelmine Ann BECKER 1890 Vic.
Heinrich DIERKS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 30
Detlef DIERCKS - born Holstein, married Johanne SCROEDER 1890 Vic.
Edmund Ferdinand Hugo DIERS
Edmund Ferdinand Hugo DIERS -b. 10th June 1876 at the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh Stadt- Arr. 11th Dec 1885 steamship SORRENTO at Melbourne > Geeveston, Tasmania. Edmund Ferdinand Hugo DIERS was married to Ida Priscilla NICHOLAS at Franklin, Tasmania on the 2nd July 1902. Their children were Arnold Edmund Diers b.16th March 1904 South Franklin, Tas., and Ruby Ida Diers b.21 September 1905 at Geeveston, Tasmania. Their twin children: Henriette and Heinrich Diers, each died some months apart in 1916 in the same year in which they were born at Geeveston. Diers was a Carpenter by profession. Nat. Geeveston TAS. 9th July 1907 - 21years 6 mntsh in Tasmania - before Mr Richard Geeves, J.P.
Reverend Karl Charles DIETEL - b.Niklasberg, Bohemia Arr.1878 Adelaide > Catholic Priest at Seven Hills
Friedrich DIETER - b.1867 Brackenheim, Königreich Württemberg Arr. 1886 > Rambledon, Cairns, QLD
Wilhelm Emil DIETERICI b. Stendal, Sachsen Arr. 1862 Melbourne, Vic > Goldfields> Courabyra, Miner
Anton DIETMEYER b.1872 Startle, Bavaria Arr.1900 from Victoria, Washington, USA Nat 1907 Bellingen
Alfred Francis DIETRICH b.1873 Schmieritz, Thuringen. Arr, 1898 Sydney, Cook
Ferdinand Maximilian DIETRICH -b.1862 Pulonitz, Dresden Arr.1897 Pt Melb. Nat.1912 Bendigo
Ferdinand DIETRICH born 1851 Teuringen, Königreich Württemberg, Germany,Arr. 1875 Port Melb. married Fannie BEALE 1887 - Farmer at Geralang, Latrobe Valley, Gippsland
Georg Hermann DIETRICH, b. 1856 Hamburg Watchmaker, Arr.1891 Sydney > Surry Hills
Hugo Heinrich Eduard Ludwig DIETRICH b.1865 Lindendorf, East Prussia Arr.1876 Adelaide, Labourer
Friedrich Wilhelm DIETZ - Prisone rof War Internee/ QLD
Julius Heinrich Albert DIETZ, b. 1883 Dresden Arr.1910 Sydney NSW > Brisbane Occ. Steamship Master
Richard Ferdinand DIETZ - B. Dresden Arr, 1893 Pt Adelaide Nat. 1900 Adelaide
Franzis Otto DIETZE, b.1874 Leizig, Saxony Arr.1902 from New York USA @ Pt Melbourne > Sydney> Woonona
Aloysius DILGER -Germany -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 28 g m.1886 Elina GALE
Martin DILGELDE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 33
Thomas DINGFELDER born Germany, married Louisa TAT 1888
Georg Leonhard DINGFELDER born Germany, married Johanne BAUMGAERTNER 1888 Vic. -Registered Enemy Aline 1915 Perth
Melchior DINGFELDER - Registered Enemy Aline 1915 Perth
Franz DINTER - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 31
Heinrich Bruno Bernhard DISSELBACH - born Germany, married Mary SCOTT 1895 Vic.
Heinrich Bernard DISSELBACH - born Berlin, married Annie Elizabeth MILES 1902
Eduard DIXON/DICKSEN - from Hamburg, married Margaret MOLLOY 1891 Vic.
Oskar Waldemar Benno DOBBELIN -b. Berlin; m. 1890 Vic to Wilhelmine LUBKE 1890
Oskar Waldemar Benno DOBBELIN, son of Friedrich Carl Dobbelin, was born on the 9th February 1854 at Rathenow, Berlin, Brandenburg, Königreich Prüßen (Prussia) Deutschland. Dobbelin emigrated out of Deutschland immediately following the German Unification via the interim freedom and refuge of England and embarked at the to Port of London to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the Orient Line vessel "SCHIMBORAZO" in June 1871. Dobbelin also spent two years in England, and visited the USA where he spent two years, Upon disembarking in Melbourne, Dobbelin resided in the Murray valley of Victoria, at Narioka, at Kotupna, Numurkah and Katamatite, and Mulwala for 31 years; and then, after about 1915, resided at Daysdale, at Mulgandra and at Lockhardt, NSW. Dobbelin was married to Wilhelmine LUBKE on the 16th April 1890 in Victoria. Their children were : 1. Lena Luise Dobbelin b.1892 Parioka-Picola, Vic. (later Mrs Hugh Philliponi); 2. Friedrich Carl Dobbelin born 1893 Narioka - 1896 Baroo, Vic.; 3. Marie Mathilde Dobbelin, born 1894 Narioka, Vic. (later Mrs O'Malley); 4. Alma May Dobbelin, born 1897 Barwon, Murray valley, Victoria (later Mrs Cohen). 5. Heinrich Christoph Dobbelin born 1900 Barwon, Victoria - d.1957 Sydney, NSW6. Wilhelmine Dobbelin born 1902 Yalca, Vic.-d.1923 Albury; 7. Daisy Dorothea 'Dora' Dobbelin born 1896 Barwon, Murray Valley, Victoria (later Mrs McGee). According to the Alien Registration description Benno Dobbelin was six feet high with blue eyes, and said to be very talkative and of an excitable nature.Family historians record that: 1. - He left Germany because he was concerned about the increasing militarisation of the nation. 2.- He would get upset with his children if they wore any clothing that had brass buttons, as this was a sign of the military. 3. He was most commonly known by the name “Benno”After 30 odd years in northern Victoria the Dobbelins went over to the Riverina of NSW. He swore the Oath of his Aliens memorial for naturalisation on the 9th March 1926 at Lockhart NSW. Dobbelin died in 1929 at Lockhart, NSW age 75 years. His wife Wilhelmine Lubke Dobbelin predeceased him, dying at Lockhart at age 66 years in 1926. -Detail courtesy personal communication from Mr Jarrod Biti.
Friedrich Carl DOBERITZ - born Germany, married Wilhemine Hermmine Bertha Marie AVENHAUS 18899 Vic.
Eugen Eugene DOCTOR - born Germany, married Esther MOREVITCH 1902
Friedrich DOEHRING - born Germany, married Christina FRIEND 1895 Vic.
Heinrich DOHLE - born Germany, married Mary Frances CLEARY 1893 Vic.
Johann Wilhelm DOHNT -born Germany, married 1883 Emilie Auguste WALTER
Nicolaus DONAN - born Germany, married Mary Jane SHEHAN 1890 Vic.
Baroness Alice VON DONOP -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 38 - with her Maid age 20
Ernst Dagobert DORFFEL -from Saxony, m.1881 Helene BINDELS
Johann Maximilian DORING - born Germany, married Aspecia NICHOLAS 1898 Vic.
Johann Ludwig DORN - born Germany, married Bertha CASTENS 1907
August DORR born Germany, married Kate DUNN 1888
Gottfried Michael Johann DORR - born Königreich Württemberg, married Christiane Elisabeth RENNER 1892 Vic.
Johann John DORR - born Königreich Württemberg, married Margaret WALSH 1872
Johann DORR - born Königreich Württemberg, married Elizabeth BROCKLEY 1889 Vic.
Pastor Kaspar DORSCH – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Karl Kaspar DORSCH- born on the 24th April 1858 at Sternhof, Königreich Bavaria, Deutschland.. > USA . Had his education at Concordia College, Fort Wayne, USA. Graduated Concordia seminary, St Louis, USA. > Sth Australia. Pastor at Appila 1881-1884; Callington 1884-1888; Bethlehem Church, Adelaide 1888-1900. Institutional Missionary. Married 1. Sophia Friedericke Hulda STREMPEL, - died at 32 years, on 16th March 1892 Adelaide, S.A. 2. Agnes Maria Johanne HEYNE. Pastor Karl Kaspar DORSCH died on 29 September 1916 at Prospect, Adelaide, South Australia..
Peter DOSCHEDAL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov 1893 age 36, with Frau 27
Carl Julius Otto DRAEGER - from Berlin. Married Aurelia Gross 1899 Victoria.
Wilhelm DRAFFT - born Germany, married Mary Jane ANDERSON 1897 Vic.
Johannes John DRAGEN born Austria, married Elisabeth GUTHERIDGE 1877
August Wilhelm DREHER - born Germany, married martha Jaen GUMLEY 1894 Vic.
Hermann Johann DREIER -born Germany, married 1883 Julia DREIER
Johann DREIT - from Bavaria, married Johanne Sievers 1891 Vic.
Albert DREHER born Germany, married Mathilde FITZELl 1888
Ernst Wilhelm DRESSLER, Artist, born 23 August 1878 Goerlitz, Silesia, Deutschland. No.3 Havelock street, St Kilda, Melbourne. Arr, 1 Marz 1910 GNEISENAu at Melborune Married 2 kinder Nat. 31 July 1914
Wilhelm Johann Ludwig DREWS - born Germany, married Pauline Doris Carol Auguste HARDENAZCK 1906
Friedrich Viktor DREXEL - naturalisation 1913
Martin DREXL born 31st May 1888 At Lamerdingen, Bavaria, Deutschland. Farmer. Enemy Alien Certificate on 30th October 1916 Gordonvale, Queensland, Naturalised 1914
M. DREYER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 20
Joseph DRILLER -
Joseph DRILLER - was born on the 10 Apr 1863, at Busch Near Paderborn, Kreis Borchen, Deutschland. He married Johanne Marie KOSCHITZKI 1890 Vic. Their children were: - 1. Ernst Heinrch Driller b. 1893 Kewell; 2. Johann Eduard Driller (1895-1895) Kewell; 3. Selina Gerte Driller 1896 Kewell; 4. Hermann alfred Driller b. 1907 Kewell; 5. Theodor Oswald Driller 1901 Murtoa. His wife Johanne Maria Driller, daughter of Wilhelm Koschitzki and Bertha Batsch, died at age 49 in 1910 in Murtoa. Joseph DRILLER took the Oath and was Naturalised in 1897. He re-married to Anna Maria SCHULZ in 1912. Their children: 6. Anna Helene Driller, born 1913 Murtoa, and 7. Rudolph Oscar Driller, born 1915 Murtoa, Victoria. Joseph DRILLER died at age 86 on 4 March 1950 at Murtoa. His second wife Anna Maria Driller, daughter of Johann Schulz and Auguste Wilhelmine Pelchen, survived him, dying in Horsham in 1956 at the age of 77.
Friedirch August DRENIKOW -born Germany, married 1883 Alice Maria MYERS
Hermann DRINNE- born Germany, married Mary Ann DAWSON 1902
Mattheaus Matthews DROLZ born Austria, married Mary WILSON 1888
Louis DROUIT / Luis DROUET -born France, married Marion Teresa ROBERTSON 1905
Friedrich DROUBA - born Germany, married Mary HOWARD 1895 Vic.
Mattheas DROLZ -born Austria, m.1887 Mary WILSON
Fritz DRUBA - born Germany, married 1881 Jane HUNTER
Friedrich August DRUBA / DRULA - born Germany, married Ethel Lucy McLEAN 1909
Friedrich DRUECKER - born Germany, married Susanna Ida WALTERS 1896 Vic.
Alfred Friedrich DUFF - von Saxony, married Ethel Ender GARSIDE 1902
Thomas Jacob James DUFF - born Germany, married Mary Theresa WALSH 1904
Primus DUFFNER - born Germany, married Margaret O'LOUGHLIN 1892 Vic,
Theodor Emile Louis DUGAY -born France, married Emily Rebecca ROBINSON 1906
Robert Eduard DUHLFER born Germany, married ELizabeth GOOLD 1888
Franz Hugo Ludwig 'Frank' DUJON b. 17 May 188 Hamburgh Arr, 12 aug 1908 steamship WORMS Naturalised 1921
Carl Johann 'Chas Jn' DULFER -born Germany, married 1880 Minnie HUGHES
Jakob Jacob DULFER - born Germany, married 1881 Agnes BALLHAUSEN
Gustave DUMOULIN / DUMENLIN -born France, married Annie WALLIS 1904
Carl 'Charles DUMWISE / DUMWEIS - born Germany, married Elizabeth HOSKING 1905
Joseph Paul DUPONT b. Gereuthals, Provinz Antwerp, Belgium
Joseph Paul DUPONT b. Gereuthals, Provinz Antwerp, Belgium, . Emigrated 15 January 1916 from England to Hobart, Farmer, Ulverstone, Tasmania
Carl Heinrich Emil DURRE - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Marie Anna HIPAUF
Carl Hermann DUNKEL born Germany, married Anna Dora SCHLOGELL 1887
Wilhelm DURCKHARDT - born Germany, married Mary Isabel TIPPINS 1911
Hermann DURRE - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Therese Scholz 1890 Victoria.
Martin DUSCHKA, - born Germany, married Sara Ann RUSSELL 1901 Vic.
Victor DUSCHA / DUSCHKA - born Germany, married Maude Sarah McLEAN 1905
Viktor DUSCHA / DUSCHKA - born Germany, married Margaret NIXON 1908
Wilhelm 'William' EBBESEN- Naturalised 1894
Jack' Johannes Eugen EBBSTEIN
Jack' Johannes Eugen EBBSTEIN born 15th May 1887 Stoe Kholom, Stockholm, Sweden . Kilmore, Arrived 22nd February 1911'CARTHERINE POR" at Williamstown . . Heathcote, Kilmore. Railway Employee / Labourer. Naturalised on the 9th July 1912 Kilmore East, Victoria.Friedrich Leberecht EBEL
Friedrich Leberecht EBEL of Tanunda, South Australia Naturalised 1922Carl Eberhard EBELL - born Germany, married Olga Katherina Magdalene HEINZ 1908
Just after the commencement of the First World war Carl Eberhard EBELL came to settle in Australia from British Burma where he had lived for fifteen years. He had been here before, for Ebell married the Ballarat-born Olga Katherina Magdalene HEINZ at Ballarat in 1908. In fact, his children show further exchange between Victoria and Burma, for his eldest John Carl Ebell was born in Bristish Burma in about 1910, the second Franz Heinz Ebell was born in Ballarat in 1911, and the third Walter Eduard Ebell was born in British Burma in about 1914. Shipping records show the Ebel's arriving as a family of three in the ship 'MALWA" in May 1911. The Ebell family arrived back in Australia from the Port of Rangoon, British Burma, on the Dutch ship "S.S.VAN DER HAGEN' at the Port of Melbourne on 13th December 1914. Afterwards he lived on an orchard at Upper Beaconsfield in the West Gippsland-Dandenongs area for a year, then in Ballarat for some years, and afterwards to Mornington. He was first registers as and Enemy Alien at Ballarat in 1916,as though his wife was born in Ballarat, a man could not take a woman's nationality, though the reverse was the rule. Ebel was born on the 6th August 1878 in Bremen,Germany. Ebell petitioned Senator Boltan in a campaign to regularise and nationality. He was finaly Naturalised from being an Enemy Alien on the 6th January 1923 at "Clydebank" Dromana Road, Mornington, Victoria. Carl Eberhard Ebell, son of Carl Eberhard Ebell and Elisabeth Kobicke, died in Oakleigh. Victoria in 1955 at age 76.
Adolph Carl Conrad Reinhold EBENER - born Germany, married Minnie Elvena SEARLE 1905
Albert Eduard Ernst WilhelM EBENREUTER - born Germany, married Martha Doretta Elisabeth MERGARD 1895
Luis Ludwig EBERBACH
Rudolph EBERT of Pleasant Hills, Henty, NSW - Arr. 1904 Sydney
Herr J EBERT Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 22
Peter EBERT - born Germany, married Marie Anna HILLE 1892
Reichardt EBERT
Johann Georg Leonhard ECKART - von Bavaria, married Marie Luise RITTER 1910
Julius Theodor ECKHOLD - born Germany, married Amelia MITCHELL 1908
Gottfried ECKERMANN - Naturalised 1919
Johann August Richard ECKERMANN - born 23 July 1863 Registered Enemy Alien at Broadmeadows - naturalised 1904-1917
Hans Johann Adolph ECKERMANN Salvation Army Officer, Boys Home Worker,
Hans Johann Adolph ECKERMANN was born in Hamburgh, in the Deutsch Reich on the 9th August 1892. Hans Johann Adolph ECKERMANN emigrated out of Deutschland with his family on the ship "GERA' and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 20th November 1896. After disembarking the Eckermann family lived for two years in Richmond, three years in Moonee Ponds, eight years in Coburg, three years in Glenroy. After leaving home Hans Eckermann travelled with the Salvation Army to Kilroym, Laidley and Maryborough in Queensland where he spent eighteen months, and then returned to Victoria, as a Salvation army Officer at the Salvation Army Boys Home & Training Farm, at The Basin, Bayswater, Victoria, where he had been for eighteen months by the time he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised in on the 7th February 1917. He was then aged 24 and had already been in Australia for twenty years.
F ECKMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 29
Carl Ignatz ECKSTEIN - born Germany, married Elizabeth McALPINE 1903
Emil friedrich Wilhelm EHMS -born Germany, married 1883 Elisabeth RIEGELHUTH
Hermann EDMONDS/ERDMANN - born Germany, married Evelyn Grant GRAVENDON 190
Diedrich Heinrich EEG b. 1853 Bremen, in the Hanseatic League City Arr.1887 Pt Adelaide > Melbourne > Sydney, Newcastel > Nat.1907 Manly NSW, Gardener
Eric EESFELDER/ EISFELDER - born Germany, married Emma WELCH 1903
Heinrich EEG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 20
Samuel EGEBERG - born Germany, married Carol JOHNSTON 1896
Reinhold EGGELSMANN Carpenter from Dettum, Braunschweig
Reinhold EGGELSMANN emigrated out of the interim hub of refuge in Englànd on the ship "CORBEY CASTLE" arriving on the 28th February 1906 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. He was born on the 4th December 1878 at Dettum, in Braunschweig Stadt,(State of Brunswick) Deutschland. Eggelsmann worked as a self-employed Contractor and Carpenter, and after embarkation had various lived at Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Sea lake, and Mitiamo, Victoria. At at age 35, after 8 years in Australia, Eggelsmann swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised when living at Mitiamo, in the Mallee of Victoria on the 11th August 1914Johann EGGERS -born Germany, m.1886 Louisa Jane HOWSLIP
Heinrich EHLERS -from Germany, married Emilei Jane FUNNELL 1888
Carl 'Charles EHLERS - born Germany, married Annie HAYES 1901
Heinrich 'henry EHLIRS born Germany, married Susan KAY 1887
Heinrich 'Henry' EHLERS born Germany, married Emilie Jane FUNNELL 1888
Friedrich Wilhelm EHRLICH Alias Ehrenstein William, Alias Ellis Fred, Alias Ellis Frank Willy 1915-1920
Thomas EHREN from Sweden
Thomas EHREN from Schweden, - Arrived 19th November 1900, on the Vessel "NEUFRATERS" at Fremantle, Western Australia - Farmer, Kattaning, W.A.
A. EHRENBERG - Naturalised 1914 Melbourne
Paul Waldemar EHRENBERG
Paul Waldemar EHRENBERG was born on the 28th August 1878 in the glass manufacturing town of Schlesiseh Haugsdorf, (east of Gorlitz) Silesia, [I beleive Saechsisch Haugsdorf is now Hukovice (Vidnava) Poland]. A professional Glassblower. Arrived in Australia from London on the 12th November 1910 on the ship 'PORT KEMBLA' in Port Adelaide, South Australia. Ehrenberg completed the Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on 20th November 1912 in 30 Bank Street, Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales. He was de-Naturalised in 1919 and repatriated to Germany soon after on the ship 'VALENCIA' embarking on the 10th October 1919.Eduard EHRENSPERGER -born Germany, married 1883 Margaret ALLEN
EHRENSTROM - Widow, Christina EHRENSTROM née DUNN , born Maclaren vale, SA, > 1914 Boardinghousekeeper, 105 Drummond Street, Carlton
Magnus Ferdinand Christoph EHRKE - born Germany, married Norah BECKER 1891 Nat.1884
Wilhelm Friedrich August EHRKE -Arr.1898 Adelaide> Bendigo > Tanunda SA
Wilhelm EHRKE -b. Germany, Arr, 1886 Sydney from Glasgow. married Sarah FOWLER 1888. Footscray
Wilhelm EHRKE - born Germany, married Annie GOULDEN 1907
Albert EHRLICH b.1875 Danzig, Prüßen ( Prussia), Arr.1896 Fremantle
Arthur EHRLICH b.1868 Berlin Res. Melb. & Sydney Nat. 1914
Captain M EICHEL - Master of the 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE'
Carl Otto EICHHORN -
Carl Otto EICHHORN from Rohrsdorf, Saxony, married Elise Rebecca Christiane ROBEN 1889 Vic./Carl Otto EICHHORN - born Germany, married Luise Mathilde Ida AXNICH 1902
Heinrich Maximilian Friedrich Aloys EICHMANN
Heinrich Maximilian Friedrich Aloys EICHMANN, son of Franz Eichmann, was born on the 13th September 1878 in Westphalen, Provinz Hamm, Deutschland. Eichmann emigrated out of Deutschland with his family by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in England and embarked at the Port of London on the ship "DORUNDA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Brisbane on the 28th October 1884. After 37 years in Australis, at the age og 42, Eichmann swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 7th April 1921 at Logan Road, South Brisbane, Queensland where he was then a Carter and Carrier by profession. Eichmand was married to his wife Laura Eichmann née EHLER on the 7th August 1906 and by the outbreak of War they had four Australia children: Hilda Anna Eichmann born 2nd October 1906 QLD; Alfred Henry Eichmann born 7th May 1908 QLD; Ida Laura Eichmann born 19th January 1910 QLD; and Edward James Eichmann born 15th June 1912 Queensland, Australia.
Gustav EICHSTADT - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Minnie ENGLISH 1891 Vic.
Carl Friedrich EIGENBROD -born Germany, m.1886 Ellen SPRAGUE
Ernst Bruno EIFFLER -from Silesia, Prüßen
Ernst Bruno EIFFLER was born in about 1841 in Silesia, Prüßen, Deutschland. Eiffler emigrated out of Deutschland via Atlantic travels, and then embarked on the vessel "DETROIT to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne at age 25 in September 1866. Eiffler was married in Victoria to Mary Agnes HEAGHEY who was born in NSW, the daughter of Michael & Mary Heagney. The Eiffler's settled in Hawthorn, Boroondara, Melbourne where their first children were born: - 1. Marie Mathilde EIFFLER, b. 1875 Melbourne, later married Thomas Robert DAVIES in 1904 in Perth, Western Australia. 2. Selina Bertha EIFFLER, b. 1876 Hawthorn, Victoria, and married August Carl VLAEMINCK in 1897 in Bendigo, Victoria. 3. Bruno Ernst EIFFLER, b. 1878 Melbourne. 4. Anna Charlotte EIFFLER, b. 1879 Melbourne, later married George James Cameron McDONALD in 1904 in Fremantle, Western Australia. And then, after they move up the Pretty Sally Pass on the Sydney Road, 5. Margarette Agnes EIFFLER, b. 1882 Kilmore, Victoria, later married Carl H. MORITZ in 1906 in Perth, Western Australia. And then, after a further move to the Goldfields of Bendigo, 6. Kathleen Ellen EIFFLER born 1892 at Strathfieldsaye, Victoria, later married to Thomas LANDY in 1914 in Victoria.
At age 22, in March 1899 Bruno Ernst EIFFLER Junior, went to The Goldfields of Western Australia on the vessel 'PILBARRA II.' He returned to Victoria to bring his family across, and returned at age 25 to the West with two sisters, Marie Mathilde aged 29, and Anna Charlotte, aged 23, on the vessel "PAROO" in January 1901. His father at age 36? and a further sister, Anna Charlotte age 21, followed them in June 1901 on the vessel "ANGLIAN I". Another, Margarette Agnes L EIFFLER, went across for her sisters wedding, departing Melbourne on the ship 'KANOWNA" bound for WA ports in February 1904.
Ernst Bruno EIFFLER senior died in 1916 in the Black Range, Murchison Goldfields Region, Western Australia. His widow Mary Agnes Eiffler remained, and remarried in Victoria that same year 1916 to James ELKIN.
Bruno Ernst EIFFLER Jnr was married to Henriette DOLDERSIM in 1912 in the Black Range, Murchison Goldfields Region, Western Australia. His children were: Ernst Albert EIFFLER. 12 Nov 1912 Day Dawn, WA (m.1936 Winifred I Crawford); Lucy Mathilda EIFFLER b. 1915 Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia (Mrs Joseph MARTAIN 1936); Franzis C EIFFLER b. 1917 Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia; Ross Joseph EIFFLER, b. 30 Aug 1920 Youanmi (Ghost town), Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia ; Lawrence Carl EIFFLER b. 9 Feb 1923 Youanmi (Ghost town), Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia; William Ernest EIFFLER b. 4 Nov 1925 Youanmi (Ghost town), Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia; Georg A EIFFLER b. 1928 Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia; & Margaret M EIFFLER b. 1932 Black Range, Murchison Region, Western Australia.
Bruno Ernst EIFFLER died at age 77 in 1955 in the East Coolgardie District of Western Australia.
Rene EIGENSCHENCK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 30
Bernhardt EILERS -from Germany, married Annie COSTIGAN 1888
Friedrich EILERS Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 27
Fraulien E EIMER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23
Kristian Konrad EINSBERG- b. 24 Juli 1894 Ulsted, Deptd Danmark > QLD > Innisfail. Labourer
Ernst Georg EISENBERG born 1866 Lüneberg, Königreich Hannover
Johann Hermann EISENBERG Butcher, born Lüneberg, Königreich Hannover
Johannes Ludwig EISENBERG Butcher, born Lüneberg, Königreich Hannover
EISENBERG & SONS : Johann Hermann EISENBERG was born in about 1828 at Lüneberg, Königreich Hannover. He emigrated out of the Port of Hamburg on the ship "SOPHIA" to arrive at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 27th August 1879 with his family, including his sons Ernst Georg Eisenberg, and Johann Hermann Eisenberg. Eisenberg was by profession a butcher. At age 51 he was Naturalised on the 4th September 1879 after just one week in Adelaide, South AustraliaLuis Heinrich EISENBERG - born Germany, married Pauline SIBER 1895
Wilhelm EISENBERG -from Germany, married Elisabeth FOX / FUCHS 1888
Wilhelm Friedrich EISENBERG - born Germany, married Agnes CHILBERT 1908
Hermann EISENBLATTERb. Königsburg, Ost Prüßen, (East Prussia) Prüßen - Glassblower, Pt Melbourne
Hermann EISENBLATTER was born on the 8th April 1873 at Königsburg, Ost Prüßen (East Prussia), which was the old Capital of Prussia, in the far eastern corner of the Baltic. Königsburg is now the Russian Baltic Port of Kalingrad, in Lithuanian Russia. Eisenblatter appears to have travelled to Saxony to learn the glass-making business, for it from Saxony he departed when he emigrated on the ship 'S.S.STUTTGART' to arrive at the Port of Sydney on the 10th September 1898. He lived for two years in Sydney then immigrated to Adelaide, South Australian where he lived at Croydon for a further two years, after which he went to Melbourne where he had been for 13 years by time of the outbreak of War. Eisenblatter was by profession a Glassblower, living at 26 Liardet Street Pt Melbourne when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 9th October 1914. By then he had been in Australia for 16 years, and he was married, with three Australian sons, and two Australian daughters.Erich Wilhelm EISFELDER b. Sankt Andreasberg, Hannover
Wilhelm Erich EISFELDER was born in about 1860 at Sankt Andreasberg, in the West-German Kingdom of Hannover, which by 1871 had been incorporated into the Deutsche Reich. Eisfelder emigrated at age 26 from Deutschland to reach Australia on the ship 'MANGARA' which arrived at the Port of Launceston, Tasmania in June 1886. Eisfelder soon crossed Bass Strait for Melbourne, Victoria, where he married Catherine Caroline BURMEISTER in 1888. He then worked as a Miner in the Bendigo district of Victoria. After his wife died Eric EISFELDER later known as EISFIELDER was remarried to Emma WELCH in 1903. Eisfelder swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 12th October 1900 at Sparrowhawk (near Eaglehawk), Bendigo, Victoria.Hermann Richard EISNER born Berlin, married Margaret DORRAT 1888
Heinrich EGERSDORFER - from Bavaria, married Mary Jane CREANEY 1893 Vic.
Thomas EKENSTEEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 20
Wilhelm ELIRKE - born Germany, married Annie GOULDEN 1907
Edmund ELKAN - born Germany, married 1881 Lena Marian MOAT
Edmund Julius ELKAN - born Germany, married Lena Rose SHAPPERE 1908
Franz Bruno ELKNER - born Germany, married Lucinda Cornelia JONES 1902
Arthur ELLARKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 22
Friedrich ELSHOLZ b. 1839 Ziesar, Sachsen - Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 20 Ziegler
Friedrich ELLIOTT/ ELLERT - born Germany, married Minnie ROSS 1895
Wendel ELY / ELLY - born Germany, married Elizabeth BILLS 1902
Carl 'Charles' ELWERS - from Hamburg, married Louise HARRIS 1900 Vic.
Otto EMMEL - Naturalised 1909
Heinrich Hugo ENDERT - born Germany, married Elizabeth HICKSON 1908
Adolph Hermann ENES -from Dresden, m.1871 Margarette Murphy MEISSNER
Georg ENEULM/ENDEVIN - born Germany, married Auguste UNBROCH 1899
Gottlob ENGEL - born Germany, married Agnes BROWN / BRAUN 1907
Ernst Georg Adolph ENGELER - from Hamburg, married Lydia DELACY 1898 Vic.
Ernst Christian ENGELLENER -
Ernst Christian ENGELLENER was born in about 1855 at Bredstedt, a town on the North Sea coasts of Nordfriesland, in Schleswig-Holstein, North Germany. Ernst Christian ENGELLENER emigrated to Australian after his interim in the transit hub of refuge in Alica, embarking from New York on the vessel 'GRANDEE' to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 4th March 1877. He was married in 1880 to Adelaide HULM. Engellenner Swore the Oath for Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 10th Day of November 1897 before Mr. Horace F Hayes, Justice of the Peace of Victoria at Warragul, West Gippsland. Engellenner was then working as a Labourer. After his wife died he remarried in Victoria in 1903 to Charlotte McDOUGALL.
Richard Friedrich ENGELMANN - born Germany, married Allison Low MANALLACK 1889
Johann ENGLER b. 1864 Bomst, Posen, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 15 Arbeiter/Worker
Friedrich ENGLERT - von Königreich Württemberg married Johanne Magdalene RENNER 1907
Jakob ENGLANDER - von Bavaria, married Edith Clare SILBERBERG 1906
Alexandr ENGLANDER - born Germany, married Ellen NEVILLE 1890
H W ENGBRET Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 17
Rudolph ENKE - born Schirning, Deutstchland, married Frances PARKMAN 1897 Victoria
David EPPLE -born Germany, married 1883 Catherine Jane THOMAS
Johannes John EPPLE - born Königreich Württemberg, married Jessie Jane BALLENY 1872
Jakob James ERHARDT - Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading/ Box Hill 1919
Leon Wenzislaus ERKMANN -born Germany, married 1882 Harriet Wilhemine ZIERK
Johannes Janos 'John' ERCEG from Österreich - Austria
Janos 'John' ERCEG was born on the 22 March 1887 at Vgrorac, Dalmatia, in the Österreich (Austro-Hungarian Empire). Erceg arrived in Australia from New Zealand on the Union Company boat in April 1907 at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales. On disembarkation Erceg went north to Mourilyan, near Innisfail, Queensland. Not married Nat. 16th August 1909 Labourer, Mourilyan.
Johann Leonhardt Wenis.. ERCKMANN -from Germany, married Rose McKENNA 1888
Franz ERDMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 32
Erick Markos ERIKSEN - born Germany, married Lydia TAYLOR 1893
Franz ERLINGHAGEN - born Germany, married Emma GLOVER 1889
Bruno Alfred ERNST - born. 26 Oktober 1878 Breslau, Silesia, Prüßen (Prussia). Arr. 11 Jul;y 1904 a'G.M.S. KARLSRUHE' at Sydney, NSW Cook at Reform Residential Hotel, Brisbane, Queensland - 3 & 1/2 yrs Oz. Nat 10 Jan 1908
Carl ERNST, Pyap, Sth Aust. Charged with Disloyalty - File SA262 1915-1928
Carl Charles Christian ERNST / ERNEST - born Germany, married 1881 Annie ELizabeth
Friedrich Wilhelm ERPF - died 1901 at age 58, Western Australia
Georg Heinrich ERPF
Georg Heinrich ERPF in busines in Perth trading as ERPF BROTHERS Cigar Makers & Importers, Tobacconist, 'Perla De Cuba' Australia Trademark 1897 & 1901 - Georg H. Erpf married Marie Schnefuhs in Perth, Western Australia in 1900. Erpf children: Marie Hedwig Luise ERPF born 1901 Perth; Georg Hellmuth ERPF born 1902 Perth; Walter H. ERPF born 1906 Perth, Western Australia. Georg Heinrich Erpf died in Perth in 1913.
J. H. ERPF - Perth, Western Australia
Wilhelm ERPF ERPF BROTHERS Cigar Makers & Importers, Tobacconist, 'Perla De Cuba' Australia Trademark 1897 & 1901
Johann Heinrich Emil ERTEL - born Germany, married Sarah Ann BRIDGES 1896
Johann Heinrich Emil ERTEL was a young man wanting change and fast. He completed his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 6th November 1884 at Rundle street, Adelaide, South Australia, after spending just one day in Australia. He was then aged just eighteen, having been born in Hamburgh Stadt, Deutschland in about 1866. On arrival in Australia in 1884 he was by occupation a Sailor. He later married the Port-Melbourne-born, Sarah Ann BRIDGES in 1896 in Victoria. Their son Wilberton Johann August Ertel was born in Footscray, Victoria, in 1897. All three members of the ERTEL family, including mother and child born Australians, appear to have left Victoria, Australia on the ship 'BARBAROSSA" in December 1900, bound for Bremen, Deutschland, for a fate unknown.
Anton ERZEG - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 33
Maximilian Heinrich 'Harry' ESCHWEGE - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Jane WRIGHT
Johannes John Dilmore ESHER / ESCHER -born Hannover, m.1886 Annie LADGROVE
Heinrich Konrad ESKUCHEN - born Germany, married Anna JAGER 1889
Heinrich Nicolaus ESSING -born Germany, married 1882 Elisabeth GOODWIN
Johann Georg Friedrich ESLING -from Germany, married Emilie Berte ESLING 1888
Carl Wilhelm Gustav ESSMANN - born Germany, married Emilie Dorothea Sophia ZWEIKOWSKI 1889
Johann John Harris ETTELSON born Germany, married Friedericke WINDMILLER 1888
Henry Heinrich Hugo EUDERT - born Germany, married Elizabeth HICKOX 1908
Rudolph EULER Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 28
Wilhelm Johann EVERETT - born Konigsberg, m.1874 Anna RILEY
Wilhelm Johann 'William John' EVERETT - born Prussia, m.1886 Terenda Clara KENRICK
Johannes Wilhelm Ludwig EVERS - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna FRASER 1894 Vic.
Theodor Gustav EWALD b. 1856 Crossen, Kries Krossen, Neumark, Öst Brandenburg Prüßen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 - @ age 23 Schlosser
Adolph FABIAN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov 1893 age 38- with Frau 24 and child Leo Fabian, 2. - Nat. 1904
Jenny FABIAN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 27
Rudolph FABIAN - Nat.1897
August FAHMEL - from Hannover, married Agnes Pairott 1892 Vic
H FARHRMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 63
Paul Eugen FALAY -born France, married Mary Eliza FULLER 1906
Otto Friedrich Christian FALCKENHAGEN - born Germany, m.1908 Violet Evelyn OAKES
Friedrich Louis FALK -born Germany, married 1883 Ann Ellen TAYLOR / SCHNEIDER
Georg FALK -born Germany, m.1886 Rosina BORMAN / BORMANN
Heinrich FALK - born Germany, married Christina WARREN 1889
Anton FALKENBACH - born Germany, married Flora Marie BECKER 1906
Carl Charles FAULK -born Germany, married 1883 Ida RATCLIFFE
Heinrich FAUST
Heinrich FAUST was born on the 26th November 1862 at Lorbach, (now Laubach) Hessen in Central Germany. He emigrated to Australia from Germany on the Hamburger steamship "CATANIA," arriving at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in March 1885. He was a Wool Expert by profession and traveled Australia plying his trade for about two years. He then settled near the Wool Stores in Kensington, Melbourne for 20 years. He was married to Ilena PATTERSON in Victoria in 1897 and the Faust family later moved to West Coburg, Victoria. On the 16th April 1913, at the age of 51, after 28 years in Australia, he complete his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, when residing at 146 Moreland Road, West Coburg. By then the Fausts had five children, four boys and a girl, all residing in Coburg.
Friedrich FARNELL born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Isabella MULLER
Gustav, Verena & Julia FAUSTMANN - children of the widow Auguste FAUSTMANN?
Wilhelm Carl Theodor FEDDERSON - born Germany, married Annie Sabina BEST 1909
Richard FEHMEL - born Germany, married Mary Christina STENT 1896
Herr FEIRENKANGAS -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 26
Cellestin FEISS - born Germany, married Jane GRANT 1907
Jakob 'James' FEISTEL - born Germany, married Zilpha BOWEN 1891
Heinrich Ferdinand Theodor 'Henry' FELDBAUER - born Germany, married Jessie NUDD 1902
Born at Hamburgh in the Deutsche Reich on 25 August 1882, 'Henry' Theodor Feldbauer managed to be out of Germany at the age of seventeen, arriving in Melbourne on the ship 'NORFOLK ISLAND' in the year 1900. He was Naturalised at Patterson Street West Brunswick, on the 10th August 1908, by which time he had a wife and two children. But somehow, this oath of allegiance did not convince the faceless security-wallahs of the Federal Government, for come the war, having been working till then as a builder's labourer, he was Interned. Maybe he went out of destitution caused by persecution and rejection from the daily work life of 'friendly' Australian society. Anyway, 'Henry' went in as a Prisoner of War on the 9th June 1915 at the camp at Langwarrin, then a wilderness in the tea-tree scrub at the head of the Mornington Peninsula. But how was his family supposed to live? He was released under bond of indentured labour on 17th September that same year, and went to work at Wallan Wallan, north of Melbourne. After this he had to report weekly to the Police, it seems until 1919, and his situation was one of regular niggling insecurity. In fact, the 'Intelligence Section' of the General Staff of the Australian Military Forces 3rd Military District' claimed on the 18th August 1919 that his 1908 Naturalisation paper could not be found, and, though they did have the 1908 Certificate Number, that was not enough. The Authorities eventually issued themsleves and him with a certified true copy of their own original, signed by Alfred Deakin, saying that Henry Feldbauer was 'Entitled to all Political and other Rights, Priveleges and Powers, etc... exactly the ones they had been denying him.
'Henry' Feldbauer married Jessie Margaret NUDD in 1902 in Victoria. They subsequently produced these Australian Feldbauer children: - Henry Ernst 1903; Vera May 1905; Edith 1907-1907; Hugh 1908-1908; and Albert Theodore Felbauer 1909 in Carlton, Victoria.
Heinrich Henry FELDHEIM born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Eleanor LAWRENCE
Ludwig G FELDT - born Germany, married Luise Louisa GRIMME /GRIMMIE 1906
Wilhelm FELLHAUER - born Germany, married Clara Jane WILLIAMS 1894
Johann Ferdinand Friedrich FELDTMANN -from Germany, married Marie Friedericke Henriete BEHRMANN 1888
Johann Friedirch FELGENHAUER - born Germany, married 1881 Isabella Martha RULER
Joseph Matthias FENDEL - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Annie Maria DARCY 1899 Vic.
Franz FENSELAU - born Prüssia, Nat.1897; married Emily DAWES 1897 Vic.
Otto Eduard Eugen FENSKE (mispelled on Nat as FENAKE) born Prüßen (Prussia), Arr. 15th September 1881 'S.S.'EUROPA at Pt Melbourne - married 1883 Emma Louise Mathilde Von SCHEMM - naturalised 20th Feb 1909 North Carlton
Jacob FERGUSON/Jakob FERGESSEN -born Germany, married Mary Isobel Perston SHANKS 1893
Wilhelm FETTKE b. 1844 Raednitz, Kries Krossen, Neumark, Brandenburg - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 45 Landmann/ Farmer - with wife Luise 43 & 4 Kind
Hermann FETTKE -son of Wilhelm Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879
Ernst FETTKE son of Wilhelm - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879
Carl FETTKE son of Wilhelm - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879
Peter FETTLING - born Germany, married Marion Elizabeth FOSTER 1901
Johann Philipp FETZER - born Germany, married Marie Henriette STREMPEL 1893
Carl Charles Victor FEYDER - born Germany, married Marie LABER 1904
Georg FICK - born Germany, married Janet TILLOTSON 1911
Doctor J F FICK -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 34
Georg Joachim Friedrich FICK
Wilhelm August Christian FICK
Wilhelm August Christian FICK was a Sailor and had taken up on an American Merchant Marine barque "AURORA" which by way of business called in at the st Vincent Gulf, copper-mining Port of Wallaroo, South Australia. Fick was taken off the ship after it berthed, on the 7th December 1914, and Interned on Torrens island off Larg, South Australia, as an Enemy Alien, for the indiscretion of having been a Naval Reservist in Germany and then arriving in Australia. Fick was born in Niehausen, Deutschland, and was then aged 33.Reinhold Adam FIEBIG Arr, 1902 Sydney, NSW, Fortitude Valley QLD
Heinrich Henry FICKEL -born Germany, married 1883 Jane MODDAMS
Rudolph FIEDGE b.1854 Hamburg - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, age 23 Kaufmann/merchant
Master FIEDLER - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 7, Herr H M FIEDLER 42 and Mutter Fiedler, 38, and sisters age 16 & 11
Johann August FIEDLER - born Germany, married Lousia WHITTLE 1900
Paul FIEDLER - born Germany, married Ellen O'SHANNESSY
Friedrich Wilhelm Reinhold FEIGE
Friedrich Wilhelm Reinhold FEIGE arrived in Australia and displayed a particilarly dramatic aspect of the syndrome of a feeling of rootlessness, showing a displaced and deracine uprootedness which their conflicted decision to emigrated had brought upon them. SEIGE writes about his places of residency in Australia as follows: "Since my arrival in Australia I have been travelling about the five States of the Australian Continent for about eighteen months and during the last thirteen and a half years I have been travelling about Queensland from place to place. FEIGE arrived in the month of January 1895 on a steamship from England and disembarked at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales. He was born on the 1st january 1839 in the city of Thorn, once the ancient's city of Thorunium, and the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, set on the Vistula River, in a Kashubian district of Pomerania, Prüßen (Prussia). Thorn is now Toruń, in northwestern Poland. Still unmarried after 16 years in Australia Feige took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 6th October 1909 Ipswich Queensland where he was worker as Patent Medicine Vendor, and living c/- the Heiner family of Ipswich.Heinrich 'Henry' FIEHN -born Germany, m.1886 Katerina KELLER
David FIENBERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 21
H. FIEBING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 33
Wilhelm FIER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 34
Gottlieb Martin FIETZ born Buchalova, Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Luise Martha ZERBST
Gerschen FIGOWSKI -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 26
Johann G FIMMEL b.1841 Sawische, Brandenbug, Prussia Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 36 Landmann/Farmer
Carl FIMMEL son of above b.1878 Sawische, Brandenburg Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879,@ age 6 mnths
Johann Wilhelm FIMMEL born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Caroline Emilie STEIN
Johann Julius Martin FINDE - from Hamburg, married Mary Ann Connolly 1894 Vic.
Caspar Heinrich FINKEMEIER or FINKELMEYER - born Germany, married 1881 Emma Maria HABEL - Naturalised 1894
Heinrich herny FINKELSTEIN born Austria, married Harriet ABRAHAMS 1883
Master FINKERNAGEL - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 5- wth mutter Finkernagel age 38
Norman FINKS - von Poland
Adam FISCHBORN b.Biebelsheim, Pfalz - Gardener
Adam FISCHBORN , son of Adam Fischborn and Elisabeth Conrad, was born on the 12th May 1851 at Biebelsheim, Bingen, Rheinhessen - now near Bad Kreuznach in the Rhineland-Palatinate. Fischborn emigrated out of Deutschland via the interim hub of freedom in England and there embarked on a sailing ship to arrive in Australia at Hobson's Bay, Melbourne in September 1889. Upon disembarking Tischborn resided at the Germanic settlement at Thomastown for 3 years, and then at Greenvale and Broadmeadows for 14 years, before settling in Doncaster in about 1907. Adam Fischborn was married to Yetta DIAMOND in Victoria in 1895. After 23 years in Australia, at age 62, Fischborn was a widower with one daughter, [at Greenvale, Broadmeadows], and working as a Gardener at Doncaster when he took the Oath of his Aliess Memorial for Naturalisation while residing at Church Road, Doncaster on the 13th June 1913. Yetta Fischborn, daughter of David Diamond and Ernstine Gum, died at age 29 in 1901 in Heidelberg, Victoria. Their daughter Elisabeth Fischborn was married to James Mark Hatty in Victoria in 1919. Adam Fischborn died at age 83 in Essendon in 1934.
Alexander FISCHER
Alexander FISCHER was born on the 13th November 1845 at Neisse, Provinz Oppole, Ober Schlesien, (Silesia) Prussia, Deutschland. He arrived in Australia from San Francisco, California USA on the vessel "CITY OF NEW YORK" at Sydney NSW in December 1880. Upon disembarking Alex Fischer went to South Australian for ten years, and then to Victoria where he was for five years before moving to the Riverina district of New South Wales in about 1895. He was unmarried at age 66 and living at Temora, New South Wales, working as a Labourer, after 32 years in Australia, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 23rd April 1912.August FISHER/ FISCHER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Margaret Ann BROWN 1893 Vic.
Carl FISCHER/Charles FISHER -from Berlin. Married Eureka Naughton 1890 Victoria.
Carl Fischer was born about 1868 at Rheineck, Konstanz, Switzerland / Königreich Württemberg. Fischer emigrated out of Deutschland at age 18 by way of Great Britain and embarked at the Port of Cardiff, wales, on the ship "STAR OF GERMANY" to arrive in Melbourne, Australia on the 5th February 1886. Upon disembarking Fisher went up the Sydney Road to the Goulburn Valley town of Avenel, Victoria. After 4 years in Australia, working as a Labourer at the the age of 22, he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 7th July 1890 at Avenel.Carl Fisher FISCHER of Gilgandra.
Carl 'Fisher' FISCHER, son of Moritz Fischer, was born on the 27th January 1887 at Teschen, Silesia (Bohemia, Austrian Silesia) in Czech region of the Österreich. Fischer emigrated out of Central Europe on the very brink of war by way of Deutschland where he had been for one year before embarking from there on the ship "SEYDLITZ" to arrive at the Port of Sydney, Australia on the 26th July 1914. On disembarking he went outbakc to Condobalin for 12 months and then to Gilgandra, New South Wales. Fischer was registered as an Enemy Alien during the war. In Gilgandra he was working as a farm labourer for Wilfed Reuben Waldren when he took the oath of his aliens memorial and was naturalissed on the 3rd March 1922.
Carl Hermann FISCHER - born Königreich Württemberg, > Horsham. Vic.
Carl Hermann FISCHER born Königreich Württemberg, married Doncaster-born, Rhoda Edith SCHRAMM in 1890 in Vic. Children: 1. Victor Hermann Theodor Fischer b. 1891 Horsham; 2. Helmuth Erick Maximilian Fischer b.1892 Horsham; 3. Waldomar Gerhard Fischer b.1894 Horsham.
Carl August Wilhelm FISCHER
Carl August Wilhelm FISCHER was born about at Elbersfeld, Wuppertal, Deutschland. He was a likely member of the Elberfelder Brethren, of the Plymouth Chirstian Brethren, [This evangelical religious movement spread to the Continent and emerged in Germany chiefly out of Pietist groups through the work of Julius Anton von Poseck, William Henry Darby and Carl Brockhaus. By the 1850s the resultant group had a focal point in Elberfeld and are known to the present as the Elberfelder Brethren.]. Fischer emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the Port of Bremerhafen on the vessel "SALIER" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 2nd August 1887. Carl August Wilhelm FISCHER was married to the goldfields-born (White Hills, Bendigo) Mathilde Marie Luise FRANZ, in 1888 in Victoria. Their children were: 1. Otto Carl FISCHER b. 1889 Fitzroy South; 2. Oscar Rudolph FISCHER b. 1892 Carlton.
After 14 years in Australia, working as a Hairdresser at No.193 Exhibition Street, Melbourne at age 34, Carl August Wilhelm FISCHER too the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 20th August 1901 in Melbourne.
He was re-married to Christiane Adelaide HOELSKEN in Victoria in 1902. Children: 1. Louise Elisabeth FISCHER b. 1903 Carlton; 2. Theodora Christiane FISCHER (1905-1906) Carlton. Carl Wilhelm August Fisher died at age 68 in 1934 in Brunswick. His wife Christiane Adelaide Fischer died at age 71 in 1948 in Cheltenham, Victoria.
Christoph FISCHER - born Germany, married Honoria SCANLAN 1890
'Fritz' Friedrich FISCHER b. 1841 Elbingrode, Hannover, Deutschland. Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ 38 yrs, Kaufmann/ merchant
Friedrich T FISCHER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 17
Friedrich Wilhelm FISCHER - born Germany, married Florence RUby COMMANS 1906
Friedrich Leberecht FISCHER
Friedrich Leberecht FISCHER was born at Lochestenm Sachsen, Deutschland on the 4th Oktober 1858. He emigrated from Deutschland on the ship "COPERNICUS" arriving at Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne on the 12th December 1883. On disembarking Fischer spent a year in Melbourne, and then went up the line to Albury, NSW for nine years, after which time he moved out further into the Riverina to the Wagga Wagga district in about 1894. After 22 years in Australia at the age of 47 he was still single, working as a Labourer at Osborne, near Lockhart, New South Wales, when he took the oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 8th January 1896.Georg FISCHER -
Georg FISCHER was born about 1865 at Erlenbach, Heilbronn, Königreich Württemberg, Germany. Fischer emigrated out of Deutschland via Belgium and embarked at the Port of Antwerp on the ship "CATANIA" to arrive in Australia at Port Melbourne on the 8th March 1884. Georg Fischer was married to Auguste Wilhelmine DRIEMEL in Victoria in 1893. Naturalised at age 24, working as a Labourer at Prospect, near Sale, Central Gippsland on the 28th November 1889
Friedrich Otto FISCHER
Friedrich Otto FISCHER was born on the 29th May 1886 at Chemnitz, Sachsen, Deutschland. - He emigrated out of Deutschland via the Port of Hamburgh on the ship "S.S.ESSLINGEN" to arrived in Australia at Melborune on the 10th April 1911. Upon diesembarking he went to Doncaster where he was for 7 mnths, Mentone for 2 months; Glenburn, near Yea, for 2 months; Yarra Glen for a month; Dixons Creek, near Yarra Glen for 2 months; Warburton for 6 months; and then up to the Wimmera town of Murtoa 4 montsh, Germantown (Geelong) 2 months, and in Fairfield, Sydney, NSW for sicx months. After two years and 7 months in Australia, he was unmarried at age 26, and living c/- Mrs H. C. Holtkamp, Murtoa, in the Wimmera district and working as a Labourer, on 21 November 1913, but sworn at Doncaster.
Heinrich FISCHER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 55
Heinrich Friedrich FISCHER - born Germany, married Florence Kezia HUGHES 1893
Hugo Alexander FISCHER born Hamburgh,
Hugo Alexander FISCHER was born about 1852 in the Hanseatice Free City of Hamburgh, Deutschland. Hugo Fischer arrived in Australia presumably at the Port of Adelaide in about1875. He was aged 29 working as a Tobacconist in Adelaide when he took the oath of his Aliens Memorial and was naturalised at Adelaide, South Australia on the 12th January 1881. Hugo Fischer was married to Flora Bruce McLACHLAN in Victoria in 1887.
Johann John FISCHER born Germany, married Kate HOULIHAN 1887
Johann Friedrich FISCHER born Königreich Württemberg, married Mathilde Amalie WENDT 1888
Johannes 'John' FISCHER,
Johannes 'John' FISCHER was born on the 19th January 1888 at Essen, Rheinland, Deutschland. Occupation 'Monkey Man' or 'Donkey Man' - Seaman on the 'S.S.LAUDERDALE, SoutH Wharf, Melbourne, Australia. Arrived in Australia from Hamburgh per the "S.S.KEIL" at Port Pirie, SoutH Australia on the 1st August 1912. On disemabrk he ws in Pirt Pire for 6 montsh and then on the SS Lauderdale. Naturalised 15th August 1914. South Melbourne, Victoria.
J. C. A. FISCHER -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 29
Johann 'John FISHER' FISCHER was born about 1870 at Kattbeck, Deutschland. he emigrated via the Port of Bremen on the vessel "SALIER" to arrive at Melbourne, Australia on the 27th October 1883. After 5 years and 9 months in Victoria, John Fisher was working as a Labourer at Mangalore, and aged 24 when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 12th July 1894.
Johannes 'John' FISCHER
Johannes 'John' FISCHER was born on the 30th September 1885 at Kiel, Kreis Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Fischer emigrated out of Deutschland on the vessel "SEYDLITZ' to arrive at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 18th July 1911. Upon disembarking John Fischer resided at Port Adelaide for a month before immigrating to Melbourne, Victoria. After two years and three months in Australia, he was single, living at No.65 Stanley street, West Melbourne and working as a Goods Handler with the Victorian Railways when he took the oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 16th October 1913.
Kurt FISCHER - was born on the 12th April 1883 at Erlicht, Sachsen, Deutschland. He emigrated via England, from where he embarked on the steamship S.S. OSTERLEY to arrive at Fremantle, Western Australia on the 27th December 1910. Upon disembarking Kurt Fischer went to Kellerberrin for a year, then to Kattanning for six months, up to the Pilbara mines at Whim Creek, and then to Darwin. After 4 years in Australia, he was aged 31, unmarried, working was a Billiard Marker, when he swore the oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised at Darwin, in the Northern Territory on the 24th July 1914.
Samuel FISCHER - from Hannover, married Melleny PRICE 1889 Vic.
Paul Friedrich Ewald FISCHER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Christiane Amalie Charlotte BOESENBERG 1894 Vic.
Ernst Julius Christian Georg FITTING
Ernst Julius Christian Georg FITTING as born on the 4th Marz 1857 in the village of Soldin, in the Altmark of Brandenburg, Prussia. He was an Engineer by profession. Fitting emigrated out of Hamburgh, Deutshcland on the steamship "MARCELLAS" of the Sloman Lin, Hamburg to arrived at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales. He reside in Sydney for four yearss before going upcountry to Nevertire, NSW , where he was three years, and then Mumblebone Station, near Warren, places northwes of Dubbo, NSW. Fitting was unmarried, aged 54, and had been in Australia for 28 years when he Swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Daniel Norman Fowler, Justice of the Peace of New South Wales on the 20th September 1911.
Jospeh FLAMANK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 21
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FLECHENBERG
W FLEGELTANT -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Felix FLEISCHER, Gayndah, Queensland
Felix FLEISCHER arrived in the Port of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia from Germany on the ship "PERTHSHIRE" on the 23rd December 1909. Felix was born on the 24th March 1878 at Plagwitz, Liepzig, in Germany. When he completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation as a British subject of Australia on the 11th December 1911, he was aged 33, and living, care of Martin Conrad Stephenson & sons, on the Binjour Plateau, at Gayndah, Queensland, and working as a farmer, having been a resident in Australia for two years. He was then married and the Fleischers had a son.Georg FLEISCHER,
Georg FLEISCHER, born, 11 Feb 1874 KOLN, Cologne, Rheinland Provinz - No.41 St John Street< Windsore, Prahran district, Victoria., Gardener Arr, April 1896 'ORIZABA' at Port Melbourne Nat. Prahran, 12 July 1912 Dr A. S. YOSKE / JOSKE, J.p.
Johann 'John' FLEISCHER,
Heltau / Cisnădie, Transylvania, Romania
'John' FLEISCHER was by birth a Transylvanian, having been born on the 19th November 1853 at Heltau, Transylvania, a city at the foot of the Carpathians, in the lower Danubian region, founded and populated for most of its history by Saxon Germans. Heltau is now the town of Cisnădie in Romania. Fleischer was a widower who had formerly lived in Bucharest in the Austrian Empire. He arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales, on the ship "S.S. GANYMEDE" on the 2nd of January 1880. At the time of completing his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 25th August 1914 he was living in western Australia, but the papers were not registered there or then, but at Melbourne on the 11th November 1914. He had lived in Sydney for 5 years, in Victoria for 4 years, in Adelaide for 4 years, and in Western Australia for 18 years. He was then a miner, normally living at Mt Charlotte, out of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He had then lived in Australia for 34 years. He had one son living in Bucharest, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After his Naturalisation application, in 1915, the Australian Home and Territories Department and sent an agent to investigate him, but he could not be found in Kalgoorlie, though he was attested by all who knew him to be 'a respectable citizen of good character,' and ' a desirable citizen.' Fleischer was believed to have left Kalgoorlie with a band of Germans for Perth, bound for South America. This "Band of 'Germans'" was said to have been detained in Perth. But he was still in districts outlying Kagoorlie all along, for he applied for an Australian pension in September 1918. He died in Perth in 1925.Carl Albert FLEISCHMANN -from Germany, married Mary Jane BOYD 1888. Nat. 1899
Michael FLEISCHMANN, and wife Elizabetha - born 1832, Traralgon, Victoria
Joseph FlEITER - born Germany, married Marie Anna HERMAN 1893
Maximilian FLEISS - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Eliza Bertha COOK / KUCH
Johann Christian Ernst FLIEGNER - born Germany, married Mathilde WEISSER 1895
Frau FLORENZ - Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 28 - With child age 1.
Elisabeth FLORSCHULZ -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Adam Theodor Louis FOLLGRABE - born Germany, married Marie JENSEN 1895
Adam Theodor Luis FOLLGRABE - born Germany, married Annie Emily TIETJENS 1906
Jeret FONDABERRY - from Hamburg, married Esther WESCOMBE 1897 Vic
Eugene Victor FONTAINE - born Belgium, married Daisy Connie Vita O'REGAN 1905
Giocomo Jacob FORMAINI -born Austria, m.1886 Bridget DOHERTY
Julius FORSCH - born Germany, married Sarah JONES 1909
Doctor VON FOERSTER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 34
Friedrich August FORSTER - from Saxony, married Alice PEARCE 1895 Vic.
Jakob FOTZ / FOZ - born Germany, married Doris BRUNING 1911
August FOUQUET - born Germany, married Sarah Angelina COPE 1902
Adolph Wilhelm Julius Gregor FOX/FUCHS - born Germany, married Carol CHEVALIER 1899
Walter Albert FOX/FUCHS - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Jane DAVY 1904
Friedrich FRANCK - Alien Reg. Not Issued File 1930
Luis FRANK - from Hamburg, married Mina Lucy BENSON 1890 Vic.
Wilhelm Heinrich Christian FRANK - born Germany, married Violet Pleasance POWDITCH 1911
Eduard Paul FRANKE - born Germany, married Mabel FOY 1892
Carl Charles FRAENKEL born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1883 Josephine Frances COHEN
Franz August Paul FRAUENKNECHT born Germany, married Ada Trevanyan PARKER 1887
Moritz Maurice FRANKLIN -from Saxony, m.1882 Marianne THUNDER
Johann Baptist Albert FRANZ - born Bavaria - m. 1884 Anastasia MEGGS
Herr FRAUENSTEIN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 23
Herr FRAUENSTEIN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23
Erik Ernst FREDRIKSSON - b. Finland - Geelong West, Labourer - Portland Cement Co.
Friedrich FREEMAN / FRIEMANN - born Germany, married May WILKINSON 1905
Joseph FRIEDRICH - De-naturalised 1919
August Julius FREINICK - born Germany, married Annie Furneause POPLE 1891
Andreas Wilhelm Gustav FRIER born Germany, married mathilde Christiane Auguste UHRBROCK 1888
Adolph FREYDAG - from Hamburg, married Helen Carol SHELDEN 1895 Vic.
Otto Adolf Ludwig FREYTAG
Antonio FREDRICO - von Warsaw, Poland
Peter Johannes FREUDENTHAL - born Germany, married Rosina Sarah LIST 1908
Friedrich FREUDENTHAL - born Germany, married Jane NEW / NEU 1911
Jakob Jacob FREUDENTHAL - born Germany, married Sarah SMITH/ SCHMIDT 1903
Isaac FREUDENTHAL - von Poland
Leopold FREUDENTHAL - born Germany, married Julia ATKINSON 1895
Carl FREY - born Germany, married Theresa THEISZ 1890
Johann FREY from Berne, Switzerland, married Hetty Eliza Henriette PALETHORPE 1902
August FRY/ FREY? - born Germany, married Marion WHITE / WEISS 1904
Otto Adolph Ludwig FREYTAG / FREULAG - born Germany, married Eugenie Renee BESEL 1902
Heinrich Henry FRICKE born Germany, married Kate NUTTALL 1888
Heinrich Friedrich FRICKE - born Germany, married Clara DALTON 1890
Rein FRIEDENBERG emigrated out of the interim Port of Cardiff, Wales, on the Barque " 3rd BARK TREDALE" arriving at Port Melbourne in December 1905.
Hugo FRIEDLANDER born Prussia, married 1882 Isabel HART
Hugo FRIEDLANDER - von Prüßen (born Prüssia), married Sarah Jane DE BEER 1889 Vic.
Maximilian FRIEDLANDER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Henriette DE BEER
Mr S FRIEDLANDER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 29
Ernst FRIEDRICH Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 29
Paul FRIEDRICH /FRIEDRICKS - born Germany, married Anna MINTE 1912
Wilhelm Luis Ludwig FRIEDRICHS - born Germany, married Mary O'NEIL 1891
Friedrich Hardich FRIEDRICHSEN - born Germany, married Catherine CLEMENTS 1890
Andreas Wilhelm Gustav FRIER -from Germany, married Mathilde Christiane Auguste UHRBROCK 1888
Jakob FRIES - born Germany, married Elizabeth Ann BUCKLEY 1889
Herr FRINCK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age
Johann FRIORKE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 35
Heinrich Henry FRISCH born Hamburgh, married Sarah WATSON 1887
Friedrich Bernhard Hugo FRITZSCHE - born Germany, married Christiane Wilhelmine SAUERMANN 1908
Otto Maximilian FROEBEL - born Thuringen, Germany, married Annie Jane KIDD 1909
Otto Maximilian FROEBEL arrived in Australia as a child travelling with his family, including his father, Albert FROEBEL (above) on the ship 'SORRENTO" arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th December 1885. He was born on the 7th Spttember 1882 at Kranichfeld, in Kreis Meinigen, Weimarer Land, in Thuringia, Deutschland. When Froebel submitted his Aliens' Memorial for Naturalisation on the 1st of September 1914, he was married (to Annie Jane Kidd since 1909), a painter by trade, and living at Gower Street, Preston, Victoria, already resident in Australia for 29 years.
Otto FRODE / Otto FROEDE- German Enemy Alien. Register at Darwin, NT 1910
Leonard FROESCHEIS -born Germany, m.1886 Ellen May ANDREW
/ Leonhardt FROESCHEIS - born Germany, married Mary Ann BAKER 1897 - Naturalised 1891
Myer FROMBERG - b. Praga Warsau, Poland Arr., October 1884 nat. after 12 yrs at 29 Argyle Square, Carlton Occ. Hawker, 29 jan 1897
Michael FROMER born Austria, married Etta EDAL 1885
Franz FROST / FROSTT -from Saxony, m.1883 Georgina Josephine MOURITZ
August FRY / FREY - born Germany, married Marion WEISS/ WHITE 1904
Herr FRUZIER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 34, with wife 33 and son, 7.
FUCHS See also FOX - born Germany
Friedrich Georg FUCHS - from Bavaria, married Kate LLANAWAY 1889 Vic.
Wilhelm FUCHS Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 34
Heinrich August FUHMANN / FUHIMANN born Germany, married Agnes O'CONNOR 1888
Otto FULLWASSER born Prüßen (Prussia), married Emilie Louise LEHMANN 1887
Alexander FUHRER born Austria, married Sophie SCHIEFERDECKER 1888
Joshua FUNGE -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 19
Peter FURLAN born Austria
Peter FURLAN - born 4th July 1882 Berze Vas, Martini, Provinz Lorizia, Austria > arr. 'NDL YORK' 1907 Sydney, NSW - Naturalised 1913-1925 Macquade, Queensland, Farmers Labourer
Friedrich Johann FURRER - born Germany, married Maria Jane MORRISON 1892 - Nat.1902
Ludwig Karl FURMANN
Ludwig Karl FURMANN was born on the 26th January 1892 in the disputed territory of Alsace-Lorraine, at Metz, in the expanded Deutschland, his parents were likely to have been born there under French attitudes. Furmann emigrated out of Deutschland at the Port of Bremen on the ship to "FIETEN" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in December 1910. On disembarking Furmann spent a year and a half in Melbourne before immigrating north, forst to Lockhadt, New South Wales for two tears and then to Yarraman Creek, Queensland, for a year, Winton for five years, and then to Boonah, Queensland.Karl Bastian Karlsen FURNES - Naturalised 1929
Carl Herbert FURST - b. Metz, Alsace-Lorraine, France. from Hamburg, married Margaret Alexandra Gardine DOCRELL 1891
Kaspar FURST
Kaspar FURST was born in about 1846 in the Königreich Württemberg (late the Stadt of Württemberg in the Deustch Reich. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in late 1883. Though he was a Carpenter by profession after disembarking he went up from Adelaide to Wirabarra, South Australian where he became a farmer. After four and a half years, in Australia, at the age of 42, Furst swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 31st March 1888 before Mr. James Kaufmann, Commissioner for taking affidavits in the supreme Court of the Province of South Australia.August FÜRSTE
August FÜRSTE was born in about 1853 at Hamburgh, Deustchland. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in about November 1882. After five months in Australia he took the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 5th October 1883 before Mr Christian Ludwig Meyer, Justice of the Peace of South Australia in Adelaide. FÜRSTE was then age 30 and working as a Farmer.Erick Walter Maximilian FÜRSTE Engineer,
Erick Walter Maximilian FÜRSTE was born on the 12th August 1886 at Danzig, West Prüßen, Deutschland. Danzig is now Gdansk, Poland. FÜRSTE emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of 'South Armerika' from where he then embarked at the Pacific Port of Antofagasta, in Chile, South Amerika, on the ship 'UTERHARNG' to arrive in Australia at the Pacific Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, on the 10th June 1910. On disembarking FÜRSTE resided for a short time in Newcastle before immigrating south to Victoria, arriving in Yarraville, Melbourne, on 11th February 1913. After two years in Australia, unmarried at age 28, Engineer E.W.M.FÜRSTE swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when residing at No.208 Hyde Street, Yarraville, Victoria on the 21st August 1914. Erick Walter Maximilian FÜRSTE was married in Victoria on 1919 to Elisabeth Charlotte HOLM. Later he married Ida May PLUMMER, nee PREUSS, in 1933. Erick Walter Maximilian FÜRSTE died in 1970 in Melbourne at age 88.
Herr FURSTENBERG -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 26
Johann FUTSCHICK Internee? - Naturalised 1934
August FUTTERER Basketmaker, Bendigo, Victoria
Elimar Paul Alexander FUTTERER Shearer, Mungindi
Elimar Paul Alexander FUTTERER was born on the 30th September 1853 in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, Deutschland. After the Unification of Oldenburg he emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship 'KÖNIGEN LUISE' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in March 1876. On disembarking Futterer took up work as a Shearer, and worked around the borders of the State of Victoria and New South Wales for three years before moving with the team into Queensland. Futterer swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when residing at Mungindi, on the remote northern borders of New South Wales, west of Moree, on the 8th January 1912.
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm GABEL - born Schlesien, Prussia
Johann Carl Paul GABEL
Johann Wilhelm GABEL, born Alt Beutnitz, Neumark, Prussia
Louis Ludwig GABEL - Naturalised 1896
Wilhelm Maximilian GABEL - Registered Enemy Alien, Internee? Brooklyn Park SA 1916
A. R. GABLER - Naturalised 1914 - 1939
Friedrich Wilhelm Alfred GABLER - Zillmere, Queensland
Paul Arno GABLER - naturalised 1934
Wilhelm Adolph Rudolph GABLER
Benjamin GABRIEL-
Benjamin GABRIEL b. Russia> Prussia Arr, Fremantle WA > Victoria > NSW - Letters to the Prime Minister ...Hermann Reinhold GABRIEL - Naturalised 1910 / 1911
Paul Richard Oskar Adolph GABRIEL - arr. Pt Adelaide 1875 > Jindera, Albury NSW
Friedrich Hermann GABSCH
Friedrich Hermann GABSCH was born at Otzdorf, near Döbeln, Sachsen - which is between Dresden and Leipzig in Saxony - on the 7th July 1854. He is registered on the Hamburger Passagierlisten as a passenger embarking on 4 November 1882 on the Ship "CATANIA" for Melbourne, Australien. His Occupation is given as 'Maler' which translates as an Artist or Painter. He arrived in Melbourne on that ship on the 10th January 1883. After 22 years in Melbourne, he completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at age 50 at 38 Corsair street, Richmond, Victoria, on the 2nd September 1904. He was then working as a bricklayer. Maybe that was then the common fate of artists from the Continent in Australia? He was married to the Dresden-born fellow-Australian emigre, Bertha Emilie Stella ZUMPE and by 1904 they had four children, three girls and a boy. Another daughter had died in infancy. Gabsch and his circle are well-recorded as active members of the Deutscher Verrain (German Club) in Melbourne.Daniel Jacob GANS -born Germany, married EdithH Lilian ISAACS 1900
F GAMBOLD -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 23
Asher GANSTINOWSKI - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Minnie WIlhelmine LEVY 1911
Wilhelm GANTER -born Germany, married Anna Rosina Maroch BAHR 1890
Johannes GAETJENS - born Germany, married Elizabeth Pront HOPKINS 1906
Felix GALLI - von Prüßen (born Prüssia), married Mary MUSS 1893 Vic.
Remingins GANTERT - born Germany, married Ellen DUFFY 1905
Leon GANTHNER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 26
Johannes Hans GARHUHN -born Germany, married Mary Ann TRUDGEN 1899
Johannes GARLEPP -born Germany, married EWllen agnes GREENWOOD 1889
Johann John GARRASCH born Danzig, Prüßen (Prussia), married Margaret BEVERIDGE 1888
Hermann GASLEYER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Johann August Zur... GATHEN -born Germany, married Jessie Ann WILSON 1891
Franz GAULKE -born Germany, married Emilie MITAKE 1894
Otto Hermann Wilhelm GAULKE -born Germany, married Beate Lydia BRETAG 1895
Kurt Carl GEBHARDT -born Germany, married Bella COUSTLEY 1900
Reinholdt GECHMAR /GECHMANN - born Germany, married Martha HEWITT 1902
Georg GEENTER von Prüßen (born Prussia), married 1885 Anna DRAYTON
Friedrich Fred GEITZ -born Prüßen (Prussia), married Thane Auguste SCHULLER 1887
Peter Hansen GELERT /GELLERT -born Germany, married Annie THOMAS 1895
Herr GELLERT -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 45 with Frau 38; Kinder, A. 2, M, 1.
Gottlob GELSON / GELSEN - born Germany, married Agnes BROWN/ BRAUN 1907
Johann John GELTCH,jnr, Miner, Bethanga Vic - Arrived: 2nd Febriary 1898 per BARBAROSSA from Bremen at Port Melbourne - Nat. 20th Feb 1902
Pastor Dietich W. GEORG – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Dietrich Wilhelm GEORG, son of Johann Friedrich Heinrich GEORG – born 4 February 1844 Neuendorf, Oldenburg, Deutschland. Educated Hermannsburg Seminary, Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Hannover, Deutschland 1875. To South Australia. On the 7th November 1877 at age 33 he was married at the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Bethanien (Bethany) in the Barossa Valley of South Australia to 32-year-old Marie Dorothea RODEHORST, daughter of Johann Heinrither RODEHORST. He then served in the Eudunda district at Emmaus-Peters Hill 1875-1887; and at Australia Plain 1894-1914. The Georg children were: Anna Maria Georg-born 22 August 1878 Eudunda; Sophie Elisabeth Georg – born 28 Dezember 1879 Emmaus, nr Eudunda; the twins, Friedrich GEORG & Johannes Wilhelm GEORG – born 11 Marz 1881 Eudunda, SA; Maria Dorothea GEORG – born 30 May 1882 Emmaus SA; Christiane Margarethe GEORG – born 7tH August 1883 Emmaus SA: and Friedericke Wilhelmine GEORG – born 9th June 1885 Emmaus, near Eudunda, South Australia. Pastor Georg was predeceased by his wife Marie Dorothea who died at age 68 at Australia Plain on the 12th April 1914. Dietrich Wilhelm GEORG died 13 September 1924 at Eudunda, South Australia at age 80.Christian GEORG -born Germany, married Wilhelmine EHLERT 1889
Ernst Richard Maximilian GEORG/GEORGE - from Berlin. Married Luise Catherine Tode 1893 Victoria
Johannes GERBER from Berne, SWitz, married Mary MEYER 1895
Wilhelm Franz GERBER - born Germany, married Helen Maria BERTRAM 1902
Johannes 'John' GERDES -born Germany, married Eva Jemima RING 1901
Friedrich GERDTS / GERDZ - born Germany, married Annie COLLINS 1902
Johann GERDTZ -born Germany, married Elizabeth STIMSON 1894
Johann Carl GERDTZ - born Holstein, married Eliza WALKER 1889 Vic.
Johann GERHARDS / GERHARDTS -born Germany, married Louisa PARNELL 1891
Albertus GERKENS born Germany, married Mary Ann McFEETERS 1887
Heinrich Nicolaus Martin GERLACH -born Germany, married Janet FRASER 1897
Paul Georg Herbert GERLACH , b. Masnfeld, Prussia - Sleeper Cutter- Arr. 21 October 1906 per 'SCHWABEN' at Fremantle WA
Carl 'Charles' GERLOF - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth COOK 1891 Vic.
Carl Heinrich 'Charles Henry' GERMER born Germany, married Alice Ellen HODGSON 1888
Johann John GERRASCH - born Danzig, Prüßen m.1888 Margaret BEVERIDGE
Carl Charles GERRATT - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Margaret Theresa SMITH
Karl Friedrich Hermann GERSCHOW -born Germany, married Wilhelmine Louise Fola KUNTZE 1893
Carl Siegmund GESCHKE - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Pauline Maria Elisabeth LINDNER
Heinrich 'Henry' GESSELMANN - born Bremen, married Amelia Sorena HAMMERBERG 1895 Vic.
Carl Johann GEUER -born Germany, married Alice ALDRIDGE 1892
Carl Johann 'John' GEUER was the son of Konradt GEUER, and born on the 4th July at Hoechst-am-Main, Nassau Stadt, Deustchland. John Geuer was a Master Builder by occupation. he arrived at the Port of Melbourne, Australia on the ship "LUSITANIA" from where he had just spent six weeks, in London, England, disembarking on 29th November 1884. He lived for the next five years in Victoria where he married Alice ALDRIDGE in 1892. The Geuers had two children born in Victoria, Carl Tuchinor Geuer in 1893 and Arthur Wilhelm Geuer in 1899 in Preston. John Geuer was Naturalised in an Alien Memorial submitted from No. 41 Egina Street, North Perth, Western Australia, where he worked as a self-employed builder.
Otto GIESEMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 25
Walter Wilhelm GILBERT - born Germany, married Florence May GRAY 1902
Cornelius GINAUD -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 26 - with wife Margaret 25
Herr H GINSBURG Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 33
Carl Friedrich GIRRBACH - born Königreich Württemberg, married Johanne Maria KAHLAND 1882
Samuel GIRT - born BADEN, m.1902 Esther Jane SILVERMAN
Otto Carl GLAESKE - Naturalised 1921 Renmark SA
M. GLANDBARD - Naturalised 1931
Adalbert Otto Eduard GLAS - b. 26th Sept 1881 Leipzig Sachsen Deutschland Arr. 1903 Port Sydney SS OLDENBURG Wool Buyer
Abraham GLASER - Wanderer at the Ends of the Earth - naturalised 1909
Carl 'Charles' GLASER -born Germany, married Annie WALSH 1895
H. GLASER - Naturalised 1908- 1928
Wilhelm Carl GLASER - Naturalised 1910
Millie GALSKI -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 26 with kind: Ja 5; Annie 3 & Jacob 1.
Fritz Friedrich Hermann GLASS - b. Saxony Arr. Age 19
Fritz Friedrich Hermann GLASS, son of Carl Otto Glass, was born on the 19th Dezemeber 1893 at Sankt Michaelis, Sachsen (Saxony) Deutschland. Fritz Glass emigrated out of Germany on the steamship 'GROSSER KERFURT" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney on the 14th March 1912. On disembarking Gross became a Cartage Contractor. He went up the Hunter Valley to Singleton for three years, and then out into Upper Murrumbidgee district at Yass for two years after which he went to Blackall on the Barcoo of central-western Queensland for just a year before settling at Narromine, on the Macquarie River, in outback New South Wales. Fritz Glass was married in Australia to Edith May Mitchell, who was born on Staplehurst, Kent. England. Glass was Resitered as an Enemy Alien during the war at House valley, near Singleton, NSW. He was working for Mr. Percy Leeds, out of Ceres Siding near Narromine when he tok the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 29th May 1926.Joshua Samuel GLASS b. Krakow Arr. Age 20
Joshua Samuel GLASS, son of Jakob & Emma Glass, was born in May 1864 at Cracow (or Krakow), in the Polish Provinz of the Österreich (Austro-Hungarian Empire).- Glass emigrated out of the Österreich via the interim refuge of Great Britain and there embarked at the Port of London on the ship "MacDUFF" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in 1884. Glass was a Draper by profession and after three months in Melbourne he took his business north to Sydney, New south Wales for three years, and then north again to Cairns, Charters Towers and Brisbane for six years. After tiring of his adventures in the tropics Glass returned to Sydney for four years before taking his chances in Western Australia where he set up in Perth for eighteen months before returning to Sydney. Glass was unmarried, aged 42, a Draper residing at No.700 George Street, in Sydney, New South Wales when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 18th January 1907 in Sydney. By then Joshua Glass had been in Australia for 21 years. Joshua Samuel GLASS died in Sydney in 1952.Heinrich Henry GLASSHOFF -
Heinrich Henry GLASSHOFF was born in June 1851 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh, Deutschland. Glasshoff emigrated out of Deutschland bu way of the interim hub of refuge in Great Britian from wher he embarked at the Port of London on the ship "MINNIEWYDON' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney in March 1875. > Sydney ? Paddington, Rozelle, NSW - Cab Proprietor, No.192 Evans Street, Rozelle, NSW - married. 3 daughters 1 son Nat. Rozelle 18th May 1914
Polikarp 'Peter' GLATZ
Polikarp or Polycarp GLATZ was born on 26th February 1850 in the town of Unter Kirnach, (Unterkirnach) in the Schwarzwald-Baar district of the Grand Duchy of Baden, Deutschland. Polikarp Glatz was likely a Moravian, as Unterkirnach is nearby the Moravian Community at Königsfeld im Schwarzwald, Baden. Polikarp Glatz emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship 'AMALFIE and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in February 1882. Glatz was a Piano Tuner and Piano Maker residing at the Victoria -New South Wales border town of Albury when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 23rd June 1908. He was then unmarried. By then Polikarp Glatz had lived for 8 years in Victoria and for 18 yeas in New South Wales. Policarp? 'Peter' GLATZ - died 1924 Albury NSW at 74 years of age.Klaudius GLEIBER -
Klaudius GLEIBER was born on about 1853 in the City of Marburg, Kreis Biedenkopf Heßen-Kaßell, (Hessen-Cassell), Deutschland. Boot Manufacturer Age 30 three years in South Australia on the 29th October 1883 Adelaide, South Australia.Robert Bruno GLEISBERG, Naturalised 1888. General Manager of Devonian and Mingowie, Coolgardie, Western Australia
Karl Johannes Sixtus GLEISNER b. Sweden - Arr.SS SEYDLITZ 1st January 1912
Heinrich Johann Friedrich GLESS - Naturalised 1927-1939
Joseph Robert Otto GLIER
Joseph Robert Otto GLIER was born on Christmas Day 1882 in the City of Breslau, Silesia, Prussia. - Seaman arr. BOLIVIA 2nd Nov 1902 Sydney NSW Nat. 1907 NSW.Maximilian Max Otto GLOCKER -
Maximilian Max Otto GLOCKER was born on the 3rd of October 1870 at Chemnitz, in the Königreich Sachsen (Kingdom of Saxony) which was to be incorporated in the Deutsch Reich just three months after his birth. At age 39 Glocker emigrated out of Deutschland on the Steamship 'SCHARNHORST to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 10th October 1910. On disembarking Glocker made his way around the Coast of Australia, and settled in Toowoomba, Queensland where he became a trading Butcher at Glenvale, Toowoomba, QLD. Glocker was aged 42, married, yet without children when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on 18th January 1913. He had been in Australia for two years.
Johannes Julian GLOE - land Surveyor - Interned Civilian
Johannes Julian GLOE was born on the 1st of December 1879 at Pellworm, that is, on the Nord Friesland Island of Pellworm, on the North Sea coast of Germany in the Provinz of Schleswig, Deutschland. Pellworm is also called in Danish: Pelvorm; or in North Frisian: Pälweerm. At the age of 23 GLOE emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steamship "S.S.GNEISENAU" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Fremantle WA on the 12th December 1904. On disembarking GLOE resided in Kojonup for two years, and then in Perth suburb of Canning for six mints, Jandakot for six months, and then in Perth, Western Australia. At the age of 28 & 3/4 after four years in Australia GLOE took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 5th October 1908 before Mr Auguste Sanford Roe, Police Magistrate of Western Australia. Gloe framed this Memorial Certificate and put it on his wall. But, sometime around the time of the declaration of war his framed Naturalization certificate was stolen when living at the German Club, Perth, Western Australia. So, though Gloe was a Naturalized British Subject in 1909 he was after the outbreak of war taken into custody as an Interned Civilian - Internee/ Prisoner of War at the Concentration Camp. Liverpool, New South Wales. Johannes Julius Gloe had been married to Agnes Alwine Voss in 1909 in Perth, Western Australia. Their children were: Hans Lorentz Gloe b.1912 Albany WA ; Therese Thelse Gloe 1813 Geraldton WA; Rolf Gloe b.1914 Leederville, WA; and Claus S. Gloe born 1915 at Busselton, WA.Karl Gustav GLOOR - born abt 1900 - Naturalised 1930/1931
In 1938, on the brink of the Second World War their son, Hans Johannes Lorens Gloe, died at age 26 at Mount Dandenong, Victoria with his young wife Stella Runciman Gloe age 22 in the tragic Kyeema Airline Crash that took place on the 25th of October 1938, when the Kyeema, an aeroplane enroute from Adelaide, South Australia destined to Melbourne airport, crashed into the western face of Mount Dandenong in thick fog and cloud. Johannes Julian Gloe himself died in Perth in 1951. His wife Ages Alvina Gloe survived him to die at age 75 in 1959 in Perth, Western Australia.
Franz Friedrich 'Frank' GLOWASKI
Franz Friedrich 'Frank' GLOWASKI was born on the 28th December 1875 in the old Hanseatic Free City of Bremen, by then for four years taken in as a part of the Deutsch Reich. Glowasky emigrated with his family out of that Deutsch Reich at the age of ten, to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the steamship 'S.S.CATANIA' in June 1886. On disembarking Glowaski went to reside firstly in West Melbourne, then North Melbourne, where he worked as a Tobacco Maker. Glowaski finally settled at No 173 Berkley street, Carlton, Victoria where he lived with his wife and their three Australia daughters, and one Australian son. It was that address from which he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th August 1914. He had then been in Australia for 28 years.Heinrich Henry GLOWASKI / GLOWASKY - born Germany, married Laura Florence BLACKMAN 1905
Hermann GLOZ
-Hermann GLOZ (or GLOTZ) was born on the 27th April 1869 at Böckingen, in the Königreich Württemberg. He emigrated at the age of five with his recently widowed mother Sophia GLOZ (then age 39) and brother Wilhelm GLOZ (then age 3) by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked on the ship 'SOMERSETSHIRE' to arrive in the Australia at the Port of Melbourne in July 1875. In Australia Gloz was trained as a Carpenter. Hermann GLOZ was married to Annie RAWSON in 1894 in Walhalla, in the mountains of Gippsland, Victoria. The Gloz family were: Friedrich Lionel Gloz, b. 1895; Olive Ida Gloz b.1896; Freda Gloz b.1903; and Hilda Gloz b. 1907, and from Wahalla they resided at Moondara.
Both Gloz and his Australia-born wife Annie were declared Enemy Aliens and Interned uring the War. Mounted Sergeant Rawlings [4801]of Walhalla, writes: "Hermann Gloz, husband of the applicant (Annie Gloz) was on the 19th April 1915 arrested by me for Internment."
The following letter was written by Hermann GLOZ at Erica, Victoria on the 20th October 1915 :To the Minister, Department of External Affairs, Commonwealth Offices, Melbourne. - - Dear Sir, I am a German Born and cam to Walhalla 41 years ago with only my mother at the age of 5. My Uncle was there at 'Walhalla' since 1852 and got Naturalised at about 53 or 54. He married by mother when he became my stepfather. I have received my education at Walhalla and practically resided there all my life, considering myself an Australian, not having nay Idea that I as considered to be a German until a few weeks after the War broke out when I was informed by my Solicitor who I had instructed to proceed against a person for a debt, when I got the surprise of my life, when he informed me that I had no standing in Court as I was not Naturalized. Lately, however, the Police began pestering me to report myself weekly to which I strongly Object as I do not consider myself either as a criminal or German. I consider myself as good an Australian as the next man. I have an only son in camp who is anxious to do his best for his country and who begged me not to put an obstacle in his way which was likely to prevent him from going to the front. I had previously told him about the Police wanting me to Report, however I had not promised my son what I did. I would rather be Interned than report myself to the Police like a Criminal. My wife is a native of Walhalla. I may also inform you that my name is on both the State and Federal (Electoral) Rolls, and I have enjoyed all the privileges of a British Subject ever since I can remember. I have written you this as I wish you to let me know if there is any way by which I could overcome the Odium of reporting myself weekly. - Trusting to receive a favourable - I remain - Yours truly, Hermann Gloz ...Hermann Gloz had been working for two months for O'Shea & Bennett erecting a Sawmill at Erica, Victoria when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 24th April 1920. Hermann GLOZ's wife Annie died in at age 74 in Coburg, Victoria in 1944. Gloz himself died in Moe, Gippsland at age 91 in 1960. His Uncle and Stepfather Johannes GLOZ had died in Yalllourn Gippsland at age 84 in 1933.
Johannes 'John' GLOZ (GLOTZ)- born abt 1848 Böckingen, Königreich Württemberg, married his brother's widow, Sophia GLOZ in 1875
Doctor Otto Ferdinand Friedrich GMELIN Physician
Otto Ferdinand Friedrich GMELIN was born on the 14th February 1861 at Ulm, in the Königreich Württemberg, Deutschland. Gmelin trained to become a Physician and Surgeon in Germany. He emigrated out of Deutschland by way of England on the ship "BRITISH COMMODORE" and arrived in Australia at the Victorian Port of Williamstown, in November 1890. On disembarking Gmelin went east to the South Gippsland Strezlecki foothills town of Foster, where he was in Medical Practice for nine years, and to the Yarra Valley vineyards and horticultural district to Lilydale, east of Melbourne, where he was in Medical Practice for five years. Doctor Gmelin was married to Edith Antoinette CLARK in 1899 in Victoria, Australia. From the Yarra Valley Doctor Gmelin immigrated to Northeastern Tasmania and went into Practice, first at Beaconsfield for two years, and then at Scottsdale where he had been in Medical Practice for five years by 1910. After 22 years in Australian at the age of 51 working as a medical Practitioner at Scottsdale, Tasmania Doctor Gmelin petitioned for Naturalisation at Scottsdale on the 15th May 1912. That same year Gmelin was remarried to Gladys Violet COTTMAN at Scottsdale, Tasmania on the 1st May 1912. Their daughter Ailsa Irene Gmelin was born in 1916 at Portland, Tasmania. She wa smarried to James Godwin in Victoria in 1937. On the 6th August 1919 Gmelin was Doctor at St Helens, on the east coast of Tasmania when the Commonwealth office of The Treasury, Pensions and Maternity Allowances Office wrote the Home and Terrtories Office seeking confirmation of that Naturalisation status. Otto Ferdinand Friedrich GMELIN died on the 31 August 1922 in the Public Hospital in Hobart, Tasmania.Friedrich Hermann GNADEN - Barnawartha, Victoria
Friedrich Hermann GNADEN was maarried to Marie maria SCHMELZLE, nee MARGENREUTER in Victoria in 1894 Children: Emma Bertha Gnaden 1895 Beechworth, Wilhelm Hermann Otto Gnaden, born 1896 Chiltern, Hermann Joseph Gnaden 1897 Barnawartha, Ernstine Charlotte May Gnaden born 1899 Barnawartha, Carl Albert Gnaden, 1900, Gertrude Elsie Gnaden 1901, Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Gnaden 1902; and Gottlieb Eduard Hermann Gnaden 1905 all at Barnawartha, in Lower Campaspe Valley, Victoria. Gnaden was naturalised in 1902 as a Farmer at Barnawartha, Victoria. Hermann Friedrich GNADEN died at age 76 at Beechworth, Victoria in 1935. His wife Maria survived him, dying in Chiltern, Victoria in 1940 at age 74.Ferdinand Carl Jakob GNADT
Ferdinand Carl Jakob GNADT was born in about 1863 at Labehn, in Gdingen, West Prüßen, (Prussia). Gdingen is now Gdynia, in Gdańsk Bay on the south coast of the Baltic Sea. Gnadt emigrated out of Deutschland to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in April 1885. On the 16th April 1885, after one day in Australia, at age 27, Ferdinand Carl Jacob Gnadt swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Theodore Scherk, Justice of the Peace of South Australia. Gnadt was starting in Australia as an Agricultural Labourer. Ferdinand GNADT died at age 32 in 1893 at Dimboola, in the Wimmera of Victoria, Australia.GNATZ Family
Heinrich GNATZ- married to Henriette DITTER - QLD. Heinrich GNATZ died 6 May 1881 QLD
Johann GNATZ - married Maria Mathilde Auguste ENGFER 26 JUly 1882 QLD
Wilhelm Hermann GNATZ, WW1 Soldier 1914 ,
Johann Heinrich GNATZ WW1 soldier 1914, Gordon Sydney GNATZ , WW1 Soldier 1914 & Henrietta GNATZ - Registered Enemy Alien Certificate No.8 issued 13 October , Moorooka, QLD - Brisbane QLD
Franz GNAUCK - married Martina SCHMIDT- 29 June 1889 QLD
Rudolph Hermann Matthias GNEHM - Alias ' Matthew NEWTON' - ex ship 'BENDIGO' - deported per 'BARADINE; October 1931
Johann Gottlieb Traugott GNERICH
Johann Gottlieb Traugott GNERICH was born in about 1833 at Krampitz, Schlesien, Prüßen, (Silesia, Prussia). Gnerich emigrated out of Deutschland to arrive at the Port of Adelaide, south Australia in June 1878. He went up from Adelaide to the outer Barossa Valley district of Sedan where he became a Farmer. After just one year in Australia, at age 46 years, Gnerich swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised at Bethany, in the Barossa valley, of South Australia on the 23 June 1879.Simion Samuael GNILIAK - b. Russia Naturalisation 1935- 1936
Carl Charles GÖBEL
Carl Charles GÖBEL, son of Anton & Katharine GÖBEL, was born on the 29th March 1838 at Erfert, Thüringen, Deutschland. He emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in England and there embarked at the Port of London on the sailing ship 'GARONNE' arriving in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 24th November 1884. Upon disembarkation GÖBEL went up to Sydney, New South Wales, where he lived at Woolahra for 10 years, then he was at Riverton for three and a half years, at Cataract for a year, and at Manly, New South Wales. At the age of 68, after 22 years in Australia Karl Charles GÖBEL was an unmmarried Backer /Baker residing at No.337 ELizabeth Street, Sydney, when he swore the oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 12th July 1906. Karl Charles GÖBEL died at Liverpool, NSW in 1909.E. W. GOBELL - File of 1914-1923 Canberra
J. GOBELL - 1914-1923
Johann Conrad GOBEL - File of 1910
Wilhelm Friedrich GÖBEL -
Friedrich Wilhelm GÖBEL or GOEBEL, son of Johann Heinrich & Emilie Auguste Maria GÖBEL, was born on the 29th August 1884 at Dresden, Saxony, Deutschland. GÖBEL emigrated out of Deutshcland via the Port of Hamburg on the steamship "ST LEONARDS" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney in 1906 Naturalised 1912, Wharf Labourer, of No.7 Montague street, Balmain, Sydney, New South Wales. After six years in Australia, Gobel was married and living with his wife in Balmain, at age 28, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 25th July 1912. Friedrich Wilhelm GÖBEL died in 1961 at Kyogle, New south Wales.
Wilhelm GOBEL - was married in 1888 to Annie Theresa SCANNELL in Woolahra, NSW [3134/1888]
Benjamin GOBELL - married to Lilias . - Children born Broken HILL NSW, Cereal C. Gobell 1898, Editha Gobell 1899, Franzis Friedrich Gobell 1901
Wilhelm Carl GOBELL - married 1916 Alice HIRSCHAUSEN @ Broken Hill, NSW
Richard Albert GODFREY/GOTTFRIED - from Hamburg, married Emily BECKWITH 1892 Vic.
Eduard Dietrich Heinrich GOEDEKE born Germany, married Jean BROWNRIGG 1887
Franz Wilhelm august GOERKE -born Germany, married Charlotte MILLER 1892
Hans Hermann Otto GOERN - Prisoner of war/ Internee, Tanuna SA - Naturalised 1922
Gustav Adolph GOESEL - born Germany, married Esther HARRISON 1908
Emil Ludwig Wilhelm GOETTE - born Berlin, m.1886 Clara Helena PFORTNER
Gottlob Wilhelm Paul GOETZ - born Königreich Württemberg, married Sarah WILLIAMS 1876
Carl Alexander GOLD - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Nellie Mary O'DONOVAN 1902
Morritz GOLDMAN - von Poland
Nathan GOLDMAN/GOLDMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Rose PARKER 1890 Vic.
Julius GOLDSCHMIDT / GOLDSMITH born Austria, married Margaret Hannah GILL 1887
Herr M GOLDSTEIN - - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 45; with Frau Goldstein 32, Kind; A. age 6, and infant
MarX/Marks GOLSTEIN - von Poland
Adam GOLEJEWSKI born Austria, married Hannah HOLLOW 1873
Adam GOLYEWSKI / GOLIUSKY -born Austria, m.1886 Mary O'TOOLE
Andreas Andrew GORTZ born Germany, married Louisa SPARKS 1887
Alfred GOTENBERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 30
Theophilus GOTENBERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 22
August GOTENBERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 5
Johann Conrad Nicolaus GOTHE - from Hannover, married Emma Ann SINCLAIR 1889 Vic.
Richard Franzis Heinrich GÖRING - born Germany, married Elsie Evelyn WALKER 1905
Richard Franzis Heinrich GÖRING arrived in Australia at the Port of Geelong, Victoria on the ship "SOKOTO" in January 1905 from New York, New York State, USA. He resided in Geelong for six months, and then was eight and a half years in Melbourne with the war looming on the far-off but all to close horizon of Europe, before he completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation as a British subject of Australia on the 6th August 1914 at Carlton, Victoria. By then he was32 years of age and married to Australia-born, Elsie Evelyn Walker and the GÖRINGs had four Australian-born children, two boys and two girls. They were living at No. 364 City Road, South Melbourne, in the district where GÖRING was working as a Wharf Labourer. GÖRING was born on the 25th day of January 1882 in the German capital Berlin, Deutschland.Franz GOSSLER -born Austria, m.1887 Julia PEOKEL
Theodor Wilhelm GOTTLIEBSEN -born Germany, married Charlotte Anna Elisabeth FRITSCH 1900
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Paul GOTTSCHUTZKE - born Germany, married Isabella NEYLAND 1908
Johannes Franz Albert GOTTSCHUTZKE - born Germany, married Maria Emma KLOBE 1906
Jakob GOTZ - born Germany, married Doris BRUNING 1911
Johann John GOUTER / GAUTER -born Germany, m.1886 Julia McDONALD
Claus Heinrich GRABAU - Enemy Alien / Prisoner of War / Interneee, 1918 - 1921 Tanunda, Sth Australia
Reverend J. GRABER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 60
Carl 'Charles' GRABERT - born Prüßen Prüssia, married Margaret LUNDBOM 1890 Vic.
Carl Heinrich GRAEBER - born Prüßen Prüssia, married Martha MORTON 1894 Vic.
August Friedirch GRAF - born Prüßen Prüssia, married Maria Magdalene PEMKER 1891 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm GRAFEN - from Hamburg, married Anna HEYNEMANN 1891 Vic.
Robert GRAFF -born Germany, m.1886 Eleanor HAWKER
Hermann Arthur GRANDY - born Germany, married Elizabeth WOLFF 1912
Anton Luis Maximilian GRANE - born Saxony, m.1886 Elizabeth Jane COWL
Dinegott Wilhelm GRATZ -born Germany, married Louise Wilhelmine SEMLER 1893
Philipp GRAUMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 38
Carl 'Charles' GRAUPNER - born Germany, married Malvina JOHNSTON 1903
Morris GREENBOAM / Moritz GRUENBAUM -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 28
Franz Adam GREENSFELDER / GRUENSFELDER - Engine Driver, Palmerston, Northern Territory
Franz Adam GREENSFELDER / GRUENSFELDER - was born in about 1863 at Ochsenfurt, near Würzburg, in Bavaria, Deutschland. Gruensfelder emigrated to Australia in about 1887. In 1901 he was working as an Engine Driver, at Palmerston, near Darwin, in the Northern Territory when he Swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 13th May 1901 before Mr John Archibald GRAHAm, Justice of the Peace at Palmerston, NT.
Johann Jakob GREGORIE -born France, married Edith May BILLINGS 1912
Diedrich GREIFF - b. 1861 Embden, Hannover Arr. 1891 Port Pirie, > Pt Adelaide Nat.1914 Adelaide, Carpenter
Heinrich Otto GREIL -born Germany, married Anna LAYE 1897
Richard Johann Albert GRIENKE -born Germany, married Edith UNTHANK 1893
August Friedrich Dedleff GRELL b. Kiel Arr. 1880 Pt Adelaide Nat 1893 Oakbank SA Gardener
Heinrich Otto GRELL -born Germany, married Anna LAGE 1897
Adolph GRESHER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Johann GREVE - born Germany, married Josepha WARREN 1902
Johann Jacob GREYORIE -born France, married Edith May BILLINGS 1912
Wilhelm Friedrich Carl GRIEBENON -born Germany, married Crissie CAMERON 1893
Albert Wilhelm GRIEBSCH -born Germany, married MAey Henrietta OLDHAM 1894
Robert Friedrich Carl GRIES born Germany, married Eva RATCLIFFE 1888
Horst GRIESBACH - b.1888 Dresden. arr.1907 Fremantle WA
Oswald GRIFFITHS - born Prüßen Prüssia, married Elizabeth DICK 1901 Vic.
Heinrich Arthur GRIGOLEIT - born Prüßen Prüssia, married EmilY BONE 1889 Vic.
Friedrich Paul GRIMM
Friedrich Paul GRIMM waited no time at all to provide his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, for he filled in his submission on the 10th august 1885, just one day after his arrival in Adelaide, South Australia. He then gave his occupation as that of Stationer. Grimm was born at Halle, in the Salle district of Deutschland, between Leipzig and Magdeburg.Georg GRIMM - THE BUSHMAN -born 1859 Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Brunswick) Deutschland
Georg GRIMM has a uniquely Australian very German Grimm Tale to Tell. (See Below) - Grimm was born on the 12th January 1859 in the Stadt of Braunschweig (Brunswick) Deutschland, the son of Christian Friedrich Grimm and his wife Henriette Linde. He arrived in Australia from London, England, where he had already been living for the past nine months, on the square-rigged sailing ship "STAR OF RUSSIA" arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd March 1881. He finally endorsed his completed Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, at Humula, via Wagga Wagga, New South Wales on the 22nd January 1923, In those papers he comfirms that he is unmarried, and, given his story, somewhat belatedly agrees that he 'Intends to settle permanently in Australia.' He then makes this comment in answer to the request to list his 'Places of Residence since arrival in Australia: - at Victoria, Living a nomadic life following Service Works in numerous places in Victoria from 1883 to 1911 - and he attaches the following account.Gustav GRIMM - born Holstein, married Annie CLANCY 1889 Vic.
THE GRIMM TALE: or A DOMACILIARY ANSWER - AND THEY WONDERED IF HE WAS AUSTRALIAN ? & CALLED HIM AN ALIEN" Georg Grimm was found in the early madness of the 'so called' Great War (about 1914) to be a quite Un-Naturalised 'Enemy Alien at Mitta Mitta, Victoria. Grimm was put on Parole, sacked, and eventually told that he was a Prisoner of War. he was told to stay put in Humula, or be Interned in Sydney. When he requested to be Naturalised, he was asked to furnish a complete list of the 'places where he had been domiciled,' and so the following remarkable story was brought to light by his own hand.
Monday, March 11, 1923
Humula, via Wagga N.S.W.
To the Secretary For Home & Territories
Dear Sir,
In reply to your request as to give a List of places where I have been Domiciled since I came to Australia I must state that I never had a home bar a Hut or a tent in the bush.
But, to start with, in March 1881 I took on Woodcutting between Wallan and Wandong, about 36 miles from Melbourne, for a Mr. Monroe, close to the North-eastern Line for about six months. Next, I went to the Railway Construction Works at Tallarook to Yea about three months. I then took a trip to Albury and Tarcutta to Gundagai ~ Cootamundra Railway Construction, about nine months. Came back via Wagga to Walla Walla, Gerogery and Jindera, about two months. Then back to Silvery Creek Water Works, a Mr. Barker was the Contractor. That water flows into the Yan Yean (Reservoir) for Melbourne, about eleven months.
1883 Morwell ~Mirboo Railway Construction, Mr. John Robb, Contractor. I camped at Boolarra, Darlimurla and Mirboo, but there were no Houses, then only the names, but there was a Hotel and Post Office one mile south of Old Mirboo
I worked on that Line over two years and done some Bushwork. In 1885 I had a cut on the Heyfield to Stratford branch, camping near Maffra and then near Stratford. 1886 Moe ~ Narracan Valley Railway, Mr. John Robb, Contractor. I worked on that Line about one year.
In 1887 I went to Healesville Railway Construction. I was camping near the tunnel two miles from Healesville about nine months. Then I went to Bacchus Marsh to Ballan Railway Construction. I camped two miles out of Bacchus Marsh township.
In 1888 In went to the Comet sawmills near Wandong, a Mr. Robertson chief, about three months. I then went to the Great Southern Railway Construction, first section, Mr. Falconer, Contractor.
From Dandenong to Whitelaws Track, afterwards called Korumburra, and a man by the name of Mr. Broderick built the first Hotel. I worked there about six months. I then went to the second section, Mr. Andrew O’Keefe, Contractor.
From Whitelaws Track to Toora, I worked on that Line for two years, camping in many places, at that time all wild bush country. I seen in the Papers there are still two brothers, Bill and Tom Starr in Melbourne, Contractors. Old men now. Bill Starr was Riding Ganger, and Tom was Ganger, I worked under him on the O’Keefe section.
In Spring of 1889 I went to Melbourne and after a jolly good spree.
I had a cut at the Goulburn Weir about 3 months. But I went back to the Southern. [Great Southern Railway Construction.] I left the Southern in 1891.
Times were getting very bad in respect to work. Money was very scarce. The Banks had closed. People could not sell nor could they buy. The Country was in an awful state. Wheat was sold at 1/6 a bushel. Potatoes 20/- a ton. But no work of any kind.
At that time there were some other sources to make a living. There was still a little gold in the streams and plenty of furred animals in the hills and a ready market for skins and in the thousands men had a go at that game, shooting and trapping for skins.
I tramped over the whole Gippsland Mountains, always on the go to fresh places, from the Coast to right across the Alps and through Croajingolong from Bendack to Eden. Hunting for skins in the Winter and getting a little bit of gold in the summer.
It was a very Romantic life, and suited me, and it was a dream of hopes, but very few found more than wages. I done such places, Upper Goulburn and branches, Woodspoint country, Upper Thompson and Branches, Walhalla country, Upper Mitchell and Branches, Dargo Country.
Upper Tambo and Branches, Omeo Country, Upper Mitta, Glenswills/ Glen Wills country and all through Eastern Gippsland. The Tantawangelo Mountains from Bombala and Nimmitabel, to Bega and Bermagui. I spent about ten years like that.
I left the Upper Shoalhaven some miles off Braidwood some time in 1901 but kept rabbit-trapping down the Murrumbidgee till 1911.
I started on the Wagga-Tumbarumba Railway Construction, left it in 1914 and went to the Nimmitabel to Bombala Railway Construction and worked there 4 months, too cold, went to Harding to Yass Duplication, started there on August the 2nd, worked two days, left on August 5th, War Time, I went to Wagga-Albury-Tallangatta Railway, could not get on, went to Mitta Mitta Camp.
I was put on parole by the Police at Mitta. Went to Omeo- Bruthen camp 2 months, went to Orbost camped 3 months, travelled to Bombala, Nimmitabel, Cooma, Gundagai, Tarcutta, Humula, started work on the second section of the Tumbarumba Line from September 1915 to May 1916.
By order from Sydney any German must be discharged, got the sack.
When I asked for a Pass to travel I was told that I was a Prisoner of War. That I could stop in Humula or else go to Sydney.
I stopped here ever since, but am going to Mitta-Mitta Dam.
Your respectfully,
G. Grimm
P.M 15 March 1929
I think he gave them answer. He should have been made an honorary Australian on the spot. Georg Grimm is what I'd call a genuine Australian War Hero.
It seems Georg GRIMM died in Sydney, New South Wales, in 1933,
Nikolaus Konstantin GRIMM - Alien Registration Certificate. Nat. 23 July 1934
Walter GRIMM
Walter Grimm arrived in Australia in 1913 running just ahead of the war. He was working as an orchard labourer at Beaconsfield, east of Dandenong, Victoria when he was first reported by locals to Police to be an Enemy Alien on 18 September 1914. Police found nothing suspicious about him despite their interrogations. Walter was then fifteen years old, but seemed able to take responsibilty for himself as he soon he made his way from there to Tasmania, but then left the Island state under orders for Melbourne on the 6th October 1914. He was then Registered as an Alien No.58490 in Intelligence Section of General staff, 6th Military District, sub-district W3/29. This record shows that Grimm was born on 1897 in Berlin and had not been Naturalised. By occupation he was then a Sailor and Labourer, 5 foot 7 inches tall, weighing 153 pounds, with blue eyes, and fair hair. Grimm returned to Tasmania on 5th February 1916 without official permission, believing he could find work to support himself at Mt Lyall or Queenstown. He was then arrested in the town of Linda, Tasmania on 23 February 1916. He was again interrogated and 'found to be truthful.' He was reported in goodwill and trust to 'have no desire to return to Germany.' He assured his interrogators that he had left Germany when he was still too young for Compulsary Military service and so had never been a Reservist. Though it came out that he had two brothers serving with the German Navy in the then present war. This was likely the cause by which he was considered to be a threat. He was Interned as District Internee Number 74 on the 23rd of February 1916 and was transferred between Internment Camps on 6th March 1916. During his Internment he wrote to the Australian Minister of Defence requesting release to return to 'the situation' of working life in Queenstown, Tasmania, but Grimm's plea was not recommended by the Internment Camp Commandant, and so, even watched freedom was denied him. After the 'not-so' Great War was over Grimm was quickly repatriated back to a beaten and grief-stricken Germany, like it or not, on the ship 'RIO NEGRO" on the 9th May 1919. I hardly think he found himself a welcome. - A Possible Postscript: - Maybe Walter Grimm married in Germany, and imbued a son of his with a love for Australia, for a Walter Heinz Grimm, born in Germany on 31 March 1930, the son of Walter Grimm and Emma Lohe, arrived in Australia on a KLM Flight in 1961, along with his wife, Ingrid nee Kalb. Walter Heinz Grimm died, nearby to Beaconsfield, at Dandenong, Victoria, Australia in 1972 at age 42.
August GRONKRENTZ Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 32
Alfred GROSS -born Germany, married Lilian Blanche LEVINSON 1892
Friedrich GROSS -born Germany, married Marie STOESSEL 1896
Gottfried GROSS - born Germany, married Elsie May WATSON 1905
Heinrich Johann GROSS - von Hamburg, m. 1911 Elsie May HOLDEN
Ernst Carl Alexander GROSSMANN - born Germany, married Elisabeth Wanda POHL 1912
Friedrich Wilhelm GROSSMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Johann Caroline WEISE 1894 Vic.
Herr A. GROTH -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 20
Julius Colin Maximiliam GROTH -born Germany, married Margaret Jane COWE 1896 Nat. 1880
Wilhelm GROTH born Germany, married Ida Auguste Louise HEYBER 1886
Adolph GROTJAN - Naturalised 1904
Emil GROTJAN -merchant, born Hamburgh,
Emil GROTJAN arrived in Australia from the Asian Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand) on the vessel "S.S.CHINGTU" arriving on the 2nd august 1903 at Port Melbourne. On embarkation he lived in Armadale in the Prahran district for nine months, then was 12 months in Melbourne, before his 18 months in Hawksburn and 9 months in Malvern saw him return to the Prahran Disrict. Grotjan was born in Hamburgh, Germany on the 18th February 1874. He was a merchant by occupation, dealing under the name Grotjan & Co - A Propriatory Company after 1911 - (Cable Address "GROTJAN" at G.P.O. Box 288) out of No. 34 Queen Street, Melbourne. He married Catherine Anderson CAMPBELL in 1907 At age 33, after four years in Austalia, he took his Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 3rd October 1907 at No. 17 Valetta Street, Malvern, Victoria. In 1916 Grotjan was force to retire from his own company - because a new ACT of Parliament mandated that persons of 'enemy origin.' He then could not hold shares in any Company Incorporated in Australia, so he was forced to sell his own shares in the company he had started as well, which he did with the permission of the Attorney General of Australia. After the war, in 1919 he started up a new business of a different character, seeking to trade with Europe by way of Holland. It seems he imported goods and commodities ranging from cork to amblygonite to artificial limbs. In 1919 Grotjan submitted a list of dealers in Tilburg, Holland with whom he wish to trade to the Minister of Defence, Mr G. H. Wise, to check, as he had already accused and investigated to see if he breached the' Trading With The Enemy Act. Emil Grotjan was then living at "Yarralla" Orama Road, Murrumbeena, Victoria.
Georg Jacob GROVE from Alsace, married Alice Matilda McKILLOP 1901
Andreas GRUBER - born Germany, married Mary POUCH / POOCH 1904
Andreas Friedrich GRUBER - born Germany, married Elsie Rosie GELNWRIGHT 1910
Heinrich GRUBER - from Hannover, married Alice Eta HORSEY 1889 Vic.
Johannes GRUBER -born Germany, married Sarah Catherine ALBIN 1893
Heinrich GRUEN/Henry GREEN - von Poland
Peter GRUMICH -born Germany, married Mary Jane WRIGHT 1892
Alfred Reinhold GRUN
Alfred Reinhold GRUN, the son of Paul & Pauline GRUN, was born on the 8th May 1887 at Bunzlau-am Queiss, Schlesien, Prüßen (Prussia). Bunzlau is now Bolesławiec in Southwestern Poland. Grun emigrated in the ship "CASSELL" arriving at the Port of Sydney in November 1911. Alfred grun was caught out by the enmity on the Declaration of war. He was declared an Enemy Alien in 1915. On the seventh August 1922 working as a self-employed Hairdresser, he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when residing at 'Kia Ora' Hopetoun Street, Hurlestone Park, Sydney. He was then married to Ruby Louisa Green in 1914 in North Balmain. He was then conducting his own business in the form of a Hairdressing Salon at 262 Castlereigh Street, Sydney, NSW. Ruby Louisa Grun died in 1963 and Alfed Grun died the next year in Gosford, New South Wales.
Wilhelm Heinrich Emil GRUNDMANN -born Germany, married Helene Emma RADTKE 1893
Albert Ernst Conrad GRUTZNER - born Germany, married Floritta Jane Matilda WYLIE 1907
Friedrich Wilhelm GRUTZNER -born Germany, m.1886 Annie Florence McDONALD
Jacob Jakob GRUTZNER - from Saxony, married Frances LADHAMS 1893 Vic.
Johann GUDE -from Saxony, m.1875 Marianne HUNDRECk
Nathan GUCKENHEIMER/ GUGENHEIMER -born Germany, married Hilda PHILLIPS 1890
Paul GUGGENHEIMER - from Bavaria, married Mary HEPBURN 1892 Vic.
August Heinrich Friedrich Franz GUHL -born Germany, married Agnes Cecilia Josine WATTS 1897
Reinhold GUHMANN
Reinhold GUHMANN b. 1848 Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). Arrived 12 April 1889 HAPSBURG' Melbourne Occ: Tischler/ Cabinet Maker, Nat. 5 Feb 1898 Eganstown, Daylesford, Victoria Age 50 - 8 Years in Australia
Alfred GUHRMANN/ GUHMANN - born Germany, married Josephine Bridget VANINO 1907
Henry Emil GUIOT- born France, married Ruth Florence BARNETT
Carl Friedirch GUNTHER born Berlin, Prüßen married Elizabeth SCOTT 1888
Johannes Hans GUNTHER -born Germany, married Maria CORRIGAN 1897
John Johann GUNTHER -born Germany, married Katherina WEINMANN 1891
Valentine GUNTZLER - born Germany, married Gertrude Rose PEEL 1909
Professor GURNEZ -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 50
Samuel GUT - born BADEN, m. 1902 Esther Jane SILVERMAN
Clara GUTIKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov 1893 age 32 with
Hildebrand GUTIKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov 1893 age 9
Paul Alfred Georg GUTTLER -born Germany, m.1901 Amelie Johanne Christiane SEIDEL
David Aaron GUTTMANN/ GOODMAN - from Poland
Joseph GUTMANN - Olinda, Victoria
Friedrich Carl Georg GUYDEN -born Germany, married Agatha Evelyn JENKINS 1896
Adolph HAACK Naturalised 1925
Johannes Eduard HAACK
Johannes Eduard HAACK was born in about 1862 at Freiburg in the Kingdom of Hannover. He was a Sailor by profession and arrived at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th December 1880 on the ship 'SOLIDE' from Hamburgh, Deutschland.
Johannes Erick HAACK - born Germany, married Eliza jane NICHOLLS 1905
Rudolph HAAFT born Germany, married Mary Ann FIDGE 1887
Gustav HAAG
Gustav HAAG emigrated in the ship "HEINRICH MENZEL" arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 26th September 1906. Gustav Haag was born on the 17th of October 1879 at Breisach, the Grand Duchy of Baden, by then a part of the Deutsche Reich. Haag took the Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 4th of June 1902 at Kilmore, Victoria . He was then age 32, working as an Electrical Engineer, and married, with three Australia children He had had lived at St Kilda and in Melbourne for five and half years and at Kilmore for three months.Gustav Adolph HAAG - born Germany, married Eileen Clare BIRMINGHAM 1907
Wilhelm Emil Julius HAAK, Weribee
Wilhelm Emil Julius HAAK emigrated from Europe on the steamship "S.S>HAPSBURG' arriving at Port Melbourne on the 15th August 1887. He was born in Muhlhausen, Sachsen (saxony) Deutschland on the 5th November 1862. After embarkation he lived for six and half years in South Australia and thirteen and and half years in Victoria. At the age of 46, after 21 years in Australia, unmarried and employed as an Engine Driver, he took the Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Werribee on the 22nd of August 1908.
Johann Wilhelm HAAKE
Johann Wilhelm HAAKE signed the Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th October 1882 after seven months in Adelaide, South Australia, where he was working as the Curator at the South Australian Museum. He was then aged 27, for he was born in about 1856 at Clenze, Kreis Lüchow-Dannenberg, Prüßen (Prussia), now in the German State of Nieder Sachsen.
Theodor Heinrich August Wilhelm HAAKE - 1915 Perth
Wilhelm Hermann Otto HAAKER - bottle-blower from Oldenburg > Adelaide
Heero De HAAN Arr. Melbourne 1912 from Singapore, Dutch, Nat. 1914
Heinrich HAARMANN Fireman, born Brauschnweig, Arr. 1904 Fremantle
Carl Charles HAAS - born Germany, married Ethel Matilda PRATT 1911
G. HAAS 1914 Melbourne
Georg Jurgen HAAS - born Germany, married Ella Mabel TURNER 1908 - Nat. 1897
Johann Friedrich HASS -born 12 November 1892 Alien Registered at Yea, Victora 1916
Hermann Robert Heinrich HAASE born Schweibus, Neumark, Ost Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia) Arr. 1879 Nat. 1879 Adelaide
Heinrich Thomas HAASE -born Germany, married Mary Ann BAKER 1901
Hugo HAASE -from Silesia, m.1885 Matilda DEANE
Lubbe Friedrich HABBEN - born Germany, married Eda Ida Eliza WEYLANDT 1902
Carl Heinrich HABERLAND - born Germany, married Lilie Marguerite WARRIOR 1909
Wilhelm @William' HABERLE -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Jane ABBOTT
Peter HABERMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Catherine DOOLIN
August Siegfried Andreas HABERNICHT born Hamburgh, married Polly WAINWRIGHT 1887
Arthur HACKER -born Germany, married Annie MURPHY 1889
Friedrich Wilhelm HAEDGE - Born 1861 Germany. Mounted Constable at Boroloola, Northern Territory 1891, age 30
Hermann Theodor HAEGE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 21
Friedrich 'Fred' HAENIG born Germany, married Sarah COURTNEY 1888
Rupert HAERTL - Rupert HÄRTL - b.Bavaria. Cook, Sevenhills, Clare, SA Nat. 1901
Johann HAESLOP - born Germany, married Mary Jane PETERS 1907
Theodor HAFERKORN -from Saxony, m. Henriette OBERDORF
Theodor HAEFERKORN / HAFERKORN -born Germany, married Wilhelmine SCHWERKOLT 1891
Johann Carl HAEUSLER / HAUSLER -born Germany, m.1886 Anna LOFHROF
Alfred HAGENDORN - German Enemy Alien, register at Darwin NT 1922
Peter Wilhelm HAGEDORN - from Hannover, married Dora Hemstedt 1894 Vic.
Johann Peter HAGEMANN
Johann HAGEMANN - from Hannover, married Mary Maria THOMAS 1892 Vic.
Theodor Gerhard HAGENS -born Germany, married Edith Maude LONG 1889
Friedrich Carl Wilhelm HAGER -born Germany, married Rose hannah BEARMORE 1893
Andreas HAHN -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah Ann BULL
Andreas HAHN - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth Jane HANSFORD 1891 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm HAHN -born Germany, married Mary Margaret KEATING 1892
Peter HAHN born Germany, married Mary Ann POWELL 1887
Friedrich HAHNE - from Hannover, married Dolceah Jane Schmidt 1894 Vic.
Carl Claus Bernhardt HAHNEL - b.1866 Chemnitz, Saxony, m.1890 Victoria to Annie GRIBBLE
Carl Claus Bernhardt HAHNEL was born on the 3rd May 1866 in the city of Chemnitz, Sachsen (Saxony) Deutschland. Bernhardt Hahnel emigrated out of his native Deutschland by way of crossing the border into the interim peace and refuge of Belgium. Hahnel then embarked from the Port of Antwerp, Belgium, on the vessel "SALIER" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in 1886. After disembarking at Melbourne, Hahnel went up to the Central Goldfields of Victoria where he was married to Annie GRIBBLE in 1890. The Hahnels resided at Marybourgh, and nearby at Timor and Bowenvale, for 11 years. In about 1898 the Hahnels immigrated to the southern desert goldfields of Western Australia, taking their three Australian daughters and two Australian sons. After 18 years in Australia, at age 38, and then working as a Gold Miner in Burbanks, Western Australia, Hahnel swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Justice William Lambton Owen, Resident Magistrate at Coolgardie, on the 18th May 1904. 'Charles Hahnel's petition was attested to by Mr. Thomas Edward Kein, a then seemingly substantial authority, as Postmaster of the town of Burbanks, Western Australia. The town of Burbanks is now an abandoned ghost town located between Coolgardie and Londonderry in the Goldfields-Esperance region near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Hahnel's address was then C/- G. W. Stapleton, Atlas Chambers, Coolgardie, Western Australia. Charles C. B. Hahnel died in the East Coolgardie district in 1935. His wife Annie Hahnel survived him, lasting till she was 95 years old, to die in Perth in 1965.
Gustav Adolph Reinhold HAINKE, Arr. 1909, Mechanical Engineer, Hawthorn, Vic.
Albert Reinhold HAINISCH - Nat. 1901
Heinrich Konrad HAINTZ - Naturalised 1895
Anton 'Anthony' HALBIG- born abt 1854 Bohemia, Österreich . Miller at Daly River, NT 1891 age 37
Gottlieb HALBISCH -born Germany, m.1886 Susan McLEOD
Hugo HALDMAIER -born Germany, married Elizabeth Forrest DUNCAN 1889
Louis Ludwig HALSINGER born Germany, married Maria ELLIGOTT 1888
Julius Ferdinand HALTERMANN
Heinrich Adolphus Theodore 'Henry' HAMILTON born Germany, married Jane HOARSE 1888
Carl 'Cahrles HAMMANN -born Germany, married Ellen KILBY 1889
Johannes HAMMANN born Germany, married Elizabeth HARDER 1887
Leo HANAN -born Germany, married ELiza CARTER 1893
Franz HANDERSON / Frank ANDERSON -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Alice HEITHER
Julius HANDLOS born Prussia, married 1883 Catherine MOONEY
Karl HANENSTEIN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 19
Karl HANKEL -born Germany, married Sarah ATTWOOOD 1892
Heinrich 'HArry' HANKS / HANKZ -born Germany, married Agnes STANTON 1893
Carl August Seigfried HANNEMANN - born Germany, married Johanne BAHLMANN 1905
Robert Heinrich HANNIG -born Germany, married Bertha KRAUSE 1893
Pastor Rudolph Emil Johannes HANOW – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Rudolph Emil Johannes HANOW – born 9 August 1862 Neudorf, Öst Prüßen (East Prussia) Deutschland. Studied at Berlin University. To USA. Graduated Concordia Seminary, St Louis, USA 1892. Served a German-French congregation at Webster City, Iowa 1892. To South Australia. Emmaus-Eudunda 1894-1900. Returned to USA/ Served Shawano, Wisconsin 1900-1906. Served Batavia, Wisconsin 1906 –1911. Rudolph Emil Johannes HANOW was married to Ottilie Luise BÜCHER (BUECHER. Their children born in Australia were Antonie Louise HANOW –born 23 Febraury 1895 Eudunda, South Australia; and Otto Marin Johannes HANOW – born 24th October 1896 Eudunda, South Australia. Rudolph Emil Johannes HANOW Died 10 January 1930 in the U.S.A.
Georg Eugen HANS - born France m.1905 Agnes Mary Louise PENNICOTT
Auguste Heinrich 'Hy' HANSEN born Germany, married Elise Dorothea Johanne HALLIFAX 1887
Carl Johann HANSEN -born Germany, married Alice TAYLOR 1889
'Charles John' Karl Johannes HANSEN -born Germany, married Ellen Jane GILLIES 1895
Franz HANSEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 24
Franz Daniel Heinrich HANSEN -born Germany, married Anna Louise BEHLA 1889
Georg Anton Christian HANSEN - born Germany, married Beatrice Franzisca KAUPER 1907
Hans Johannes Christian HANSEN -born Germany, m.1886 Louisa SMITH / SCHMIDT
Heinrich Peter HANSEN -born Germany, married Mary McCRAE 1894
James/Jakob Wilhelm HANSEN - born Germany, married Martha SMITH/ SCHMITT 1907
Hans HANSEN Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 28
Johann Friedrich HANSEN
Johann Friedrich HANSEN was born in about 1854 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh, Deutschland. He arrived in Australian at the Port of Adelaide in 1973 on the ship 'COLDSTREAM.' He immigrated with his Australian born wife, Ellen WILCOTT to MIldura, Victoria where Hansen conducted a Livery Stable and worked as a Carrier. They had two Australian sons and one daughter. J. F. Hansen died in Mildura on the 3 April 1932.
Johannes John HANSEN - born Germany, married Phyllis AKHURST 1906
Mads Christian Ludolph HANSEN -born Germany, married Georgina PARSONS 1895
Matthias HANSEN-arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 37
Peter HANSEN - born Germany, married Sarah HANSEN 1908
Hans Christoph HANSEN
Thomas HANSEN -born Germany, married Katie McGRATH 1890
Peter Christian HANSEN HAAS -born Germany, married Maria Elizabeth MANCELL 1894
Georg HANSER / HANSEN - born Germany, married Helene Luise Maud HIRTHE 1911
Jakob Jacob HANSER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Jane LYONS
Wilhelm HANSON -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 21
Oscar HANSTEIN - from Hamburg, married Annie Luise KONGMENG 1892 Vic.
Rudolph Friedrich Louis VON HANSTEIN
The young Baron, Rudolf Friedrich Louis VON HANSTEIN was born on the 5th January 1849 at Wahlhausen, in the Eichsfeld District of Thuringia, (Kreis Eichsfeld, Thuringen) in Deutschland. He emigrated, from an Interim Sanctuary in transition in England, embarking on the ship "NARRUNG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria, on 5th November 1901. He lived at on Port Phillip bay at Brighton, Melbourne for the first two years, then spent eight months in Henty, New South Wales before spending a time at Warrakimbo Station, near Hawker in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia, after which he headed for Adelaide.Paul HARBIG - von Prüßen (Prussia), married MArtha RAU 1912
WHEN he fulfulled the conditions for his Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the seventh of November 1905, he was unmarried, following the profession of Prospector, and residing in Adelaide, South Australia, though his final correspondence on the matter is addressed from Henty, New South Wales.
Ernst Theodor HARDER - born 4 Feb 1866 Danzig, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Helen Luise Dorothea SCHMIEDEL 1900 Vic. - Chef
Ernst Theodore HARDER - born Germany, married Maud Jessie OSLIP / ISLIP 1911
Johannes Leberecht Siegensreich HARDTMANN
Johannes Leberecht Siegensreich HARDTMANN was born on the 22nd Oktober 18523 at the Baltic Port of Swinemünde, Pommern (Pomerania), Prüßen (Prussia), (now Świnoujście, northwestern Poland). He emigrated via the interim port of refuge and economny via England, from the Port of London on the vessel "MOUNTAIN LAUREL" to arrive at the Port of Adelaide on the 14th January 1880. After embarkation he worked as a Commercial Travellor / Salesman, living at first in Adealide, then in Melbourne, Victoria, and in Sydney, New South Wales. Hardtmann married in Australia. Through the agency of George Milbourne March, Justice of the Peace of NSW, then aged 53, Hardtmann swore to Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, then employed as a self-employed shopkeeper at 35 Curtis Road, Balmain, New South Wales, on the 2nd August 1906.
Otto Christian HÄRING
Oscar HARJES - from Berlin. Married Lucy Louisa Lucinda Bennett 1895 Victoria
Herr HARKUKOSKI -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 23
Hermann Ludwig HARKANSEE
Carl HARMES -born Germany, m.1886 Anne SHORT
Albert Peter Heinrich 'Hy' HARMS born Germany, married Emily Elisabeth VAVASSEUR 1887
HARMS BROS- Lutheran Pastors
Pastor Heinrich Christoph HARMS -
Heinrich Hertwig Otto Christoph HARMS was born on the 3rd May 1853 ar Zabernholz, Deutschland. he Graduated from the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1882. To Australia. Burrumbuttock NSW 1883-1904. Kirchheim, Victoria 1904-1923. Heinrich Hertwig Otto Christoph HARMS was married in 1884 to Meta HOLSTER in Albury, on the Upper Murray River on the borders of New South Wales. Children: Christoph Heinrich Theodor Harms – born 1889 Albury, NSW; Hartwig W. W. Harms –born 1893, Albury NSW; Anna C. M. Harms –born 1898 Albury NSW; Johanne Dorothea Harms – born 1900 Albury, NSW; and Heinrich Egmont Otto Harms (1904-1904 at Minyip, in the Wimmera, Victoria). Pastor Harms was President of the Victoria ECLA Lutheran District. At age 74, Heinrich Hertwig Otto Christoph HARMS, died on 18 April 1927 while visiting Waterloo, South Australia from his normal place of residence at Grovedale (Germantown), Geelong, Victoria,. His wife, Meta HARMS, survived him to die at age 86 years at Evandale, South Australia on the 26th August 1949.
Pastor Johann Christian HARMS. Lutheran Clergyman, Blumberg, Sth Aust.
Pastor Johann Heinrich Christian HARMS – born 8 February 1953 Zarenholz, Deutschland. Graduated from Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1882. To Australia. Blumberg SA 1883-1919. member of the Church Council, College Board, Electoral Board; secretary of the Mission Board. At the age of 31 Johann Heinrich Christian HARMS was married on the 23rd July 1884 to 23 year old Catherine Dorothea Engel LUETJENS at the Lutheran Church, Blumberg, South Australia. Their children: Heinrich Wilhelm Harms- born 13th August 1885 Blumberg SA; Dorothea Emilie Harms –born13th October 1887 Blumberg SA; Friedrich Leberecht Harms – born 19th November 1894 Blumberg SA; Marie Sophie Harms – born 13 April 1897 Blumberg SA; and Arnold Ehrich Harms – born 18th Dezember 1899 at Blumberg, South Australia. At age 66 Johann Heinrich Christian HARMS died on the 11 August 1919 at Birdwood (formerly Blumberg) South Australia. His wife Catherina Dorothea Engel HARMS survived him to die at the same place at age 78 on the 18th June 1940.
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm HARMS -born Germany, married Elizabeth ALLEN 1898
Julius Diedrich Eberhard HARMSEN
Julius Diedrich Eberhard HARMSEN b. 1886 Bremerhaven Arr. 1904 OLDENBOURG > Dandenong > Prahran m. Vic. Clerk Nat.1911 'Erika' Caulfield, Vic
Ernst Peter G. HARMSTORF –
Ernst Peter G.HARMSTORF & May CAMPBELL: - Children : - Irene Campbell Harmstorf n. 25 February 1910 Exeter SA; Richard Bramwell Harmstorf b. 8 March 1913 Semaphore. Ernst Peter G.HARMSTORF was Naturalised in 1936.Johann HARMSTORF - Naturalised 1882
Johannes 'John' HARMSTORF - Registered Enemy Alien 1916 Perth
Wilhelm Heinrich HARMSTORF - Naturalised 1897
Heinrich Bernhardt HAROLD -born Germany, married Alice MARUM 1890
Moses HARRIS - von Poland
Franzis Hermann HART - born Germany, married Teresa MORAN 1903
August HARTING -born Germany, married Elizabeth CLARK 1896
Ernst Robert HARTKOPF
Adolph Maximilian HARTMANN -born Germany, married Frances Emma CURRELL 1894
Gotthelf Reinhold HARTMANN born Germany, married Annie Emilie Adelaide MILLER 1888
Gotthelf Reinhold HARTMANN was a Miller by profession, born in Langenau, near Ulm, in the Swabian Alps (Alb-Donau) in Koenigreich Württemberg,(now the State of Baden-Württemberg) in Deutschland, in about 1855. He emigrated to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 28th Dezember 1879 on the ship "ATALANTA" out of London, England. He completed his Aliens Memorial of Naturalisation on the 1st March 1897, at the age of 42, after 17 years in Australia. He was then living with his family at No. 1 Tennyson street, Kensington, Victoria. He was married to Annie Emilie Adelaide MILLER in Melbourne in 1888.
Jakob Friedrich HARTMANN -born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane PENNOCK 1896
Ludwig Ludolph HARTMANN - born Germany, married Emma Marianne KEATING 1909
Johann Joachim Friedrich HARTMANN -born Germany, married Helen WILLIS 1896
Paul Gustav Leopoldt HARTMANN - born Leipzig, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Lotte FRISWELL 1891
Joachim Johann Friedrich HARTMANN -born Germany, married Caroline Christiane Marie VOIGT 1890
Maximilian Rudolph HARTMANN -born Germany, married Frieda Elise PULS 1889
Rudolph HARTMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 28
Karl august Ernst HARTUNG -born Germany, married Ida Emilie HAGENAUER 1890
Heinrich HASE b.1851 Scheibus, Posen, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 27 Tuchmacher/ Draper/Clothmaker
Otto HASSA - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Alice ANDERSON 1903
Luise Johannes August HATTENBACH
Gustav Richard HAUFF born Germany, married Elise BUSZCH 1888
Christoph HAUSER -born Germany, married Margarette Susannah RIEGELHUTH 1891
Jacob HAUSER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Emily HAnnah BROWN 1892 Vic.
Heinrich Ernst HAUSTORFER - born Germany, married Johanne Luise Minna GULBIN 1911
Alfred Joseph HAUTRIVE - born Belgium, married Sarah Lillian BARTER 1912
Luis Johannes August HATTENBACH - born Germany, married Eileen EditH HEFFERNAN 1903
Heinrich Johann HATTERS - born Germany, married Charlotte STANLEY 1906
Johann Wilhelm HATTERSCHIED - born Germany, married Kate Agnes MANTON 1909
Friedrich Wilhelm HAUSER -born Baden, m.1886 Emily Emilia SHACKLETON
Georg HAUSER - born Germany, married Helen Louise Maud HIRTHE 1911
Harry Heinrich HAUSER - born Germany, married Catherine COULSON 1902
August HAUTH born Germany, married Minnie COGAN 1888
T W HARWEIS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 32
Wilhelm Heinrich Friedrich HEBERLE -born Germany, married Lydia Mary TURNHAM 1906
Wilhelm HEBERLE born Hannover, married Louisa Maud BARROS 1887
A HEBERLEIN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 31
Hugo August HEBESTADT - Mechanical and Civil Engineer.
Hugo August HEBESTADT Born on 12th March 1862 at Duesseldorf, Provinz Rhein, Deutschland. Emigrated from London England Steamship 'HABSBURG' arrived Port Melbourne 28th August 1887. > 8 yrs Melborune > Brisbane, QLD 2 yrs > Sydney NSW > 7 yes by 1905. Mechanical and Civil Engineer. Married - Res.No.77 Pitt Street, Redfern NSW, Nat. 23 October 1905
Ernst Heinrich 'Ernest' HEBENSTREIT born Saxony, married Dorothea SCHEEL 1888
Herr HEBSTADT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 31; with wife 28
Wilhelm HECKENDORF born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Bertha SCHWARZE
Herr HEDDERMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 25
Georg HEAD/HEDT/HEID- born Königreich Württemberg, married Annabella FREEMAN 1896 Vic.
Emil Rudolf HEDT - born Germany, married Louise Bertha SIEBER / SILBER 1903
Julius Ferdinand HEDT -born Germany, married Sophie Mathilde SIEBER 1898
Wilhelm HEESE- b. 1833 Clausdorf, West Prussia - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 45 Landarbeiter/ Farm Labourer - with wife Friedericje 39 & 4 daughters
Johann Gottlieb HEGELIN / HEGELAN -born Germany, married Anna Maria KAISER 1897
Johann Caspar HEGMEYER -born Germany, married Marie Ann BAGLE 1896
Christian HEHR -born Germany, married Amelia SPRIGGS 1894
Jacob HEHR -born Germany, m.1886 Magdalene WUCHATSCH
Friedrich DE HEID - born France - married Amelia STURNI 1908
Johann Franzis HEID - married Maude F Whitfield 1907 Perth, WA. He died @ 88 years 1959 Fremantle, WA
Georg HEID - born Königreich Württemberg, married Ellen WHITE/ WEISS 1872
Johann Georg HEIDE born Germany, married Ida Johanna Sophie WIESE 1887
August Heinrich Von Der HEIDE
August Heinrich Von Der HEIDE was born in about 1868 in Allwördenerdeich, near Freiburg, Hannover, Königreich Hannover, Prussia, which less that three years later was incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. Von Der Heide emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich well ahead of his majority, at the tender age of of Fifteen, and arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide, where he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised six days later on the 18th of June 1883. For all his fifteen years he thensomewhat cannily described himself as an Agricultural Labourer.Johann Georg Ludwig VON DER HEIDE born Germany, married Ida Johanne Sophie WIESE 1887 - Daughter: Lena Magdalene Ruby Von Der HEIDE b.1888 Ascot Vale. Son: Berthold Ludwig Von Der HEIDE born 1890 Ascot Vale, Victoria.
Hermann VON DER HEIDE / HEYDE born Germany, married Margaret Ann KIDD 1887
Hermann VON DER HEYDE was born on the 27th June 1860 in Brandenburg, Prussia. He arrived from Germany on the 14th March 1881 on the ship HERTHA' at Port Melbourne, Victoria. He then risided continuously in the Goldfields city of Bendigo, except for a period spent in the Wimmera town of Nhill in 1885-1886. He was an Engine Driver by occupation and live in Backhaus Street, Long Gully, Bendigo, Victoria. At age 44 after 23 years in Victoria. Hermann Von Der Heyde was Naturalised on the 1st day of April 1904.Matthias Josef HEIDECKER - Naturalised 1924 -1932
Friedrich August HEIDEL
Friedrich August HEIDEL was born on the 2nd May 1848 at Kutschen, Posen, Prussia, which was incorporated into the Federated Deutschland after 1871. In 1884 Heidel emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge in Belgium from which place he embarked at the Port of Antwerp, on the Barque "SNOWDEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales on Christmas Eve 1884. On disembarking Heidel resided in Sydney for twelve months and then immigrated south to Melbourne, Victoria for the next 27 years. He was an unmarried Cook residing at No.237 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 21st April 1911.Paul August HEIDEMANN - b.1860 Berlin Arr 1879 Sydney - Storeman Balmain
Carl HEIDEN - married to Emily PINKER 1890 Perth, WA. He died @ 42 years 1903 Western Australia.
Max Alexander Seigfried HEIDEN - born Berlin. ENGINEER Married to Emily Josephine MARTYR in 1899 Northam, WA. He died @ 84 yrs 1955 Perth, WA
Carl Von HEIDEN - born on the 13th April 1877 at Berlin, Brandenburg, in the Deutsch Reich. Arrived in Australia from Shanghai, China, on the ship 'GERMANIA' to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 4th April 1902. Piano Manufacturer
Carl Otto Willibad WEGENER-HEIDENREICH Prüßen
Carl Otto Willibad WEGENER-HEIDENREICH emigrated from Germany on the vessel "S.S. KARLSRUHE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria, on the 20th August 1899. Wegener-Heidenreich was born on the 22nd August 1870 at Bromberg, on the Vistula & Brda Rivers, in the Regierungsbezirke Bromberg, Grand Duchy of Posen, Prüßen (Prussia), Deutschland (now Bydgoszcz, in the Rejencja, Poland). After disembarking he lived for two years in Melbourne, then immigrated to Sydney, New South Wales for six months, before continuing north up the Continent to Queensland, where he lived at Gladstone for eighteen months, Mount Morgan for five years, Mount Chalmers for two and a half years, and then to settle in Rockhampton. He took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation while working as a Timber-Clerk / Timber Foreman in Rockhampton, Queensland - on the hateful war's yawning brink of enmity - on the 7th August 1914. He was then married, with a native-born Australian son, and living at 137 Archer Street, Rockhampton.
Friedrich Wilhelm Robert HEIDEPRIEM - Arrived in south Australia - died 8th June 1937 at age 88 at Parkside , late of Balaklava, South Australia. Heidepriem's wife, Hanna Lydia, died 6th May 1942 at 80 years in Freeling, South Australia.
Ernst HEILMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 38; with wife Frau F Heilmann 50; Kind: -Emma Hielmann 10.
Otto HEILMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 22
Myer HEILMAN b. 21 May 1882 Belz, Galizien, Austria - Arr.. 16 Nov 191 from Lonodn per BREMEN at Pt Sydney NSW > Melbourne , >Nat. 11 Dec 1913 Paddington, Sydney Occ. Licensed HawkerErnst Arthur HEIMANN - born 28 Oct 1883 Braecke, Oldenbourg Stadt, Germany, Arr. from Deutschland 26 Oct 1909 'GERBEDORF' at Port Melbourne. married Isabella McANAULTY 1912 Victoria > Res> Doncaster > NSW, > Jindera, NSW, Blacksmith Unmarried Nat. at Albury 9 January 1912
Georg Carl HEIMBROD -born Germany, married Emma Thomas 1892
Gustav Adolph Emil HEIN - born Germany, married Lillian Gerte PANTEL 1908
Maximilian Leo HEIN - born Germany, married Elisabeth O'SULLIVAN 1912
Heinrich Friedrich Ferdinand HEINE - from Hannover, married Ida FEIGE 1893 Vic.
Heinrich HEINE born Saxony, married Louise HERRMANN 1887
Thomas S HEINE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 40
Conrad Johann Christian HEINS born Hannover, married Ada Annie COGHILL 1887
Johann Jacob HEINS -born Germany, m.1886 Caroline CHarlotte HETTLICH
Friedrich HEINRICH / HEINRICKS - born Germany, married Agnes ANDERSON 1903
Johann Heinrich HEINTZ - from Hamburg, married Kate BRIARUS 1889 Vic.
Wilhelm Carl Ferdinand HEINZE - born Saxony, m.1886 Dorothea Magdalina A. TRENNT
Heinrich HEIPER - from Hannover, married Maria Theresia Dietert 1890 Vic.
Carl Ludwig HEISE born Germany, married Catherine McKENZIE 1888
Johann Adolph Richard HELD - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Helene Maria BENNER 1909
Friedrich HELLER -born Germany, married Elizabeth WILLMOTT 1897
M HELLINGER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 24
Carl Charles HELMBRECHT - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Elizabeth SHAW
Alwin Wiegard HELWIG - from Saxony, married Henriette Bertha Emma BOHLE 1893 Vic.
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm HELWIG -born Germany, married Christiane PIETSCH 1892
Luis Ludwig HELLMAN - born Miner, Northern territory 1881
Bernhardt HELLMUTH - born Germany, married Eva Evelyn TREMBARTH 1902
Theodor HELLWEGE - from Hamburg, married Carol Mary BALMER 1889 vic.
Louis Moritz HELLWIG - born Germany, married Alice TOWLES 1911
Theodor Eduard HELLWIG - born Germany, married Clara Anna HOFFMAN 1904
Moritz HELWIG- born abt 1854 Prussia. Blacksmith on Avon Downs, Northern Territory 1891 age 37.
Adolph Ernst Rudolph HEMPEL -born Germany, married kate bertha MURCUTT 1890
Carl August HEMPEL born Germany, married Charlotte CLOTHIER 1888
Carl Wilhelm HEMPEL -from Saxony, m. 1878 Elizabeth MILLS
Oscar Cal Gustav HEMPEL - from Berlin. Married Beatrice Victoria WHEAR 1890 Vic.
Richard HENGEL/ HENGLE - born Germany, married Lenora Mabel KNIOSCHEL 1904
Carl Friedrich HENKE -born Germany, married Caroline Wilhelmine PETERING 1891
Heinrich 'Henry' HENKE -born Germany, married Ellen POTTER 1895
Adolph HENKELER b. 1857 Danzig, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 22 Kaufmann/ Merchant
Bernhardt Friedrich HENN - born Baden, married Jessie HOSSACk 1890 Vic.
Adolph HENNCKE / HENNEKE -born Germany, married Wilhelmine SONNEMANN 1901
Johann Heinrich Eduard HENNINGS - born Germany, married Maria Dorothea Elisabeth MEYER 1911
Carl 'Charles' HENRY - from Hamburg, married Stella De Montille 1890 Vic.
Franck Marie HENRY - born France m.1906 Olive MARTIN
Hugh HENRY born Berlin, Prüßen (Prussia), married Lucy Jane MACK 1887
Wilhelm HENRY - born Germany, married Ellen CAMPBELL 1902
Carl Friedrich HENSCHEL / Charles Fred HENSHALL -born Germany, m.1886 Frances Elizabeth WHITE
Gottfried Theodor HENSEL
Luis Augustus HENSGEN
Friedrich Ferdinand HENTZE - born Belgium, married Edith Mary BERRY 1903
Gustav Richard Paul HENTZSCHEL - born Germany, married Louisa Hedwig CORVIN 1912
Friedrich HEPNER
Anton HEPP -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 24
Wilhelm Berhard HERALD -from Saxony, m.1883 Minnie Caroline GRELCK
Wilhelm Wolfgang HERATH - born Germany, married Johanne RAUSCH 1911
Father Anton HERBERG, Norwood. SA born Nahrten, Prussian, Silesia, - Roman catholic Clergyman,
Heinrich Auguste Friedrich HERBERT -born Germany, married Ethel Jane HARRISON 1896
Wilhelm Gustav HERBERT
Wilhelm Gustav HERBERT born. 14 October 1886 Berlin. Prussia. Arr. from England 28 June 1911 per POSIC at Sydney NSW > Townsville, Ingham QLD Nat. 15 Aug 1914 - Painter
Carl Heinrich HERBIG -
Carl Heinrich HERBIG b. abt 1859 Gruenberg, Silesia, Prussia Arr. abt 1881 Sth Australia - Farmer Nat. Angas Valley, 2nd sept 1896 Mannum SA
Gustave Johann HERBOHN
Gustave Johann HERBOHN son of Carl Ludwig Herbohn, b. 21 June 1872 Wittenburg, Prussia- Arr. from New Zealnd in about 1884 in Port of Sydney NSW, Nat. at No 64 Evans St, Rozelle, NSW > Fairfield > West Wyalong, Laborer . married two daughters Nat. 1925
Josef HERBOLSHEIMER b. 3rd July 1892 Augsburg, Bavaria, Deustchland, Agricultural Farm Pupil, Arr. from London, England per S.S. NORSEMAN' to Sydney 22 March 1914. Res. Government Experimental Farm, Grafton, NSW, Farm Pupil, Single. Nat. 32st augs 1914
Johann HERBRICH - Nat. one day in SA. Born Schlackanee, Austria, Blacksmith & Farmer nat. Adelaide 29tH march 1884
Carl Karl HERES -from Frankfort-am-Main, married Clara Louise SCOLES 1894 Vic.
Gustave Julius HERFURTH born Germany, married Elizaneth Joan BEVAN 1888
Christian HERING born Germany, married Marion UDALL 1888
Friedrich Leopoldt HERING
August H Albin HERGERT - born Germany, married Jessie REYNOLDS 1904
Gustav HERRMANN - born Germany, married Freda henriette TANNENBERG 1910
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm HERRMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Caroline RENTSCH 1893 Vic
Louis HERMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 20
Heinrich Phillipp HERMANN -born Germany, married Susan RIGHETTI 1895
Albert VON HERMANN was born on the 6th July 1863 in Berlin, in the Altmark of Brandeburg, Prüßen (Prussia). He was a Sawyer and Steam Engine Driver by occupation. Von Hermann embarked from the interim Port of London, England and arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the ship "ERLKOENIG" on the 25th April 1878. In South Australia he resided at Wasleys, northwest of the Barossa valley, for four years, then for ten years in the far southeast at Mount Gambier, from where he went over into Victoria, first at Heywood, near Portland for 13 years, then an interim period at Rokeby, near Warragul, in West Gippsland for 18 months and then back west to Portland, Victoria. Later, Von Hermann also took work for a short term as a sawyer' engine driver in Queensland, leaving his wife and family for a time in Portland. It was in Portland on the 21st December 1907 that he completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at the age pf 44, having been 30 year in Australia by then. By then he was then married with five grown Australia children, one of who was in Melbourne, and the others variously at Nowa Nowa, East Gippsland, one at Narrawong, on Portland Bay, and two in Portland.
Joseph HERROD -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 21
Valentin HERRSCHERR Melbourne > Goodawindi, QLD
Valentin HERRSCHERR was born on the 24th June 1838 at Schilcher,(Schilshen? / Shishen?) in the Grand Duchy of Baden-Baden, Deutschland. Herrscheer emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in England, and there embarked at the Port of Liverpool on the ship 'CHERIOT' (or CHEVIOT) to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in 1865? Upon disembarking Herrscheer went up the country to Goondawindi, Queensland by way of Rockhampton for five years, Clarmont Copperfield, Gladstone 3 years etc. Valentin Herrscher was married to Catherine 'Kate' McCARTHY By 1908 he was a widower with two sons: Johann Georg Herrscher b.1879 QLD; Wilhelm Herrscher b.1884 QLD and two daughters Catherine Elisabeth Herrscher, b.1875; and Christiane Herrscher, born in Newtorn, New South Wales, Australia. After 43 years in Australia Herrscherr was a Labourer aged 69, in Goondawindi when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 13th June 1908 while residing at' Ashwell Park,' Goondawindi.
Johann Wilhelm HERTE -born Germany, married Renate HOHLER 1896
Friedrich Hermann HERTWIG -born Germany, married Ada Alice KENNETT 1890
Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm HERWEG
Johannes Adelbert HERZ - born Germany, married Meta OLDBERG 1912
Joseph HERZ born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Henriette Auguste POPP
Albert Wilhelm HERZIG - born Germany, married Sarah Annie WALSH 1904
Eduard HERZIG -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 36
Hermann HESSE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Margaret GILMORE
Rudolph Reinhold HESS Swiss, Arr. 1887 Melb. from Java. > Nat.1917 Yarragon Gippsland - farm Labourer
Carl HESSELMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Joanna Amelia NICHOLSON / Carl HESSELMANN -born Germany, married Elizabeth McGINICAL 1893 /
Carl HESSELMANN - born Germany, married Lilliam Maria ENGLISH 1905
Dulon HESSENBRUCH - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 24, with Frau Hessenbruch 42
Bernhardt HESSLEIN - naturalised 1904
Leonhardt HETTENBACH - born Königreich Württemberg, married Margaret O'DEA 1876
Balthasar HEUSER
Johann Nikolaus HEUSLEIN - from Bavaria, married Sophia Dorothea Deivel 1890 Vic.
Georg HEYER (Lutheran Pastor)
Hermann HEYER - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Caroline SULLIVAN
Herr J HEYER - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 30
Heinrich Henry HEYMANSON -born Germany, m.1886 Amelia Amy COLMAN
Wilhelm Ernst Hans Franz HEYSEN, Sir, (Artist) South Australia
Carl Caspar HIBBELER - born Paderborn > Melbourne
Anton HIGELE -born Germany, married Annie CONGDON/ CONDON 1897
Jacob HILGLICH born Austria, married ELizabeth MEAGER 1883
Albert HILDEBRANDT -born Germany, married Jessie CAMPBELL 1890
Arnold August HILDEBRANT. b.27 September 1848 at Gratz, Fleuermark, Austria. Arrived from England per 'S.S.BIANCA' at Port Pirie, South Australia on the 2nd February 1896. Unmarried > Nat. 7th August 1909 Boundary RIder on Bimbourie Station, South Australia.
Carl Otto HILDEBRAND - born Germany, married Sophia Jane SEMPLE 1903
Georg Gustav Peter HILDEBRANDT -born Germany, married Katherine LOHMULLER 1892
Hugo HILDEBRANDT -born Germany, married Annie Russell McGREGOR 1898
Emil Viktor HILGOOD - Naturalised 1902
Johann Friedrich Konrad HILKER b. Hannover German father/American mother >Arr. 1913 Brisbane, Queensland Nat.1916
Heinrich Hermann HILLE -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah JAMES
Hillel HILLEL -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 47
Herr E HILLER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 24
Wilhelm Johannes Christian HIMMLER
Johann Wilhelm Christian HIMMLER, the son of Heinrich HIMMLER, was born in abt 1863 in the Harz Mountains of Hannover, Königreich Hannover, Deutschland. Himmler was a Stein Maurer (Stonemason) by occupation. Wilhelm Himmler arrived in Australian at the Port of Adelaide in May 1882. After just two weeks in Australia, at age 19 years, Himmler petitioned on the 29 May 1882 and then took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 6th June 1882 at Adelaide, South Australia. Johann Wilhelm Himmler was married at age 30 on the 8th December 1892 to the 22-year-old Anna Elise FICHTNER, daughter of Carl Wilhelm August Fichter, of Adelaide, at the Lutheran Parsonage, Adelaide, South Australia. The Himmler subsequently moved out to Walloway, on the saltbush plains north of Orooroo, South Australia, Children born there were: Margarethe Caroline Auguste Himmler 1895; Friedrich wilhelm Heinrich Himmler 1897 Warroway; Heinrich Johannes Himmler 1898; Else Doris Himmler 1899 and Gertude Elisabeth Himmler, born 14th January 1901 Warroway, South Australia. Wilhelm Johannes Christian HIMMLER died at age 76 at Hahndorf, South Australia on the 25th October 1939. His wwife Anna Elise survived him to die at age 77 on the 30th July 1947 at Hahndorf.
Rudolph Theodore Johann HIMMER - from Dresden, Saxony, married Emile Albina Lucy COSTER 1891 Vic.
Heinrich HINCK
Johannes John HINGOTT -born Germany, married Maria Agnes THOMPSON 1891
Paul Wilhelm HINGOTT -born Germany, m.1886 Selina Ann BLONDELL
Richard Carl Edmond HINKE / Erdmann HINTZ -born Germany, married Martha BRYERS 1899
Hermann HINRICHSEN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 23
Ernst Maximilian Christoph HINSCH born Germany, married Annie HARDING 1887
Johannes 'John' HINSCH -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 26
Alezander Waldemar HINZ -born Germany, married Nellie WYLIE 1895
Bertoldt HIPAUF
Ernst Wilhelm Carl HIPPE - from Prüßen (Prussia), married Rhoda OLSEN 1907
Maximilian HIRSTCHFELDT -born Germany, married Marie Elisabeth GRUNEBERG 1896
Johann Wilhelm HIRTE -born Germany, married Renate KOHLER 1896
Robert Von HOCHBRUNN an der Lan
Robert Von HOCHBRUNN an Der Lan was born on the 4th Marz 1860 at Bozen, county Tyrol, Österreich (Habsburg Austrian-Hungarian Empire). Bozen is now Bolzano, Italy. Von Hochbrunn emigrated out of the Österreich via England where he remained for two years and then to Africa, and embarked from South Africa on the steamship "OSSIG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th October 1906. On disembarking Robert Von HOCHBRUNN went up to Tocumwal, Victoria before crossing into the Riverina of New South Wales, working variously at Culcairn, Yerong Creek, and at Henty. During the war Von Hochbrunn was officially Registered as an Enemy Alien at Yerong Creek, NSW. After just on 17 years in Australia, unmarried at the age of 63 and working as a labourer for Mr. O. Schwartz at Henty, NSW, Robert Von Hochbrunn swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 8th October 1923 at Henty.
Andreas HOCHLER -born Germany, married Louise SMITH 1901
Paul Rudolf HOCHMUTH - Naturalised 1916
Rudolph HOCHNER - born Germany, married Annie Louise PRIDMORE 1905
Maximilian HOCHSTRADTER - von Bavaria, married Ethel May LARDNER 1903
Joseph HOCKAUF - from Saxony, married Caroline Dorothea SIEGMUND 1892 Vic.
Luis DE HÖDEL or Louis DE HOEDEL was born on the 19th June 1872 at Abstall, in Provinz Styria, in the Österreich (The Habsburg's Austrian-Empire). DE HÖDEL emigrated per PRINZ REGENT LEOPOLD t arrive in Australia about 9 December 1901 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. On disembarking DE HÖDEL stayed in Victoria for fourmonths, then variously immigrated to Queensland for 6 months, South Australia for 2 months; Tasmania for a months; and New South Wales, where he had stayed nearly six years by 1908 After 7 years in Australia, unmarried at the age of 36, he was working as a Tanner and Fancy Leather Dresser, and living at No. 439 Kent Street, Sydney NSW when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Petition of 25th September 1908.
Carl Ludwig Leo HOEFER
HÖLSKEN family.- Viktor HÖLSKEN
Victor Theodor HÖLSKEN from Hantin, Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia. Emigrated on the ship "BRITISH TIRDENT' out of Liverpool, ENgland to arrive in Melbourne, Australia in November 1856.He was married in 1863 in Victoria to Nannie Mary FOY. Their child, Johanne Hoelsken (1871-1871), was born and died in Melbourne. HÖLSKEN was working as a Pastrycook, aged 46 when he took the Oath and was Naturalised after 16 years in Australia before the well-known Winegrower and vintner, Mr Mark FOY, Justice of the of Peace in Melbourne, (and probably his father-in-law) on the 22nd May 1873.blockquote> Jakob Gerhard HÖLSKEN arrived at Melbourne, Australia at age 51 on the ship "SALIER" in August 1886. Jakob Gerhard HÖLSKEN was Naturalised in 1899.
Theodor HOELSKEN born c. 1836 Xanten, Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia. Married c.1861 Christina DÜLLINGEN in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The HÖLSKEN family arrived in Melbourne, Australia on the ship "NURNBERG" in June 1883, consisting of Theodor HÖLSKEN, age 40; F. HÖLSKEN, age 38; J.HÖLSKEN age 20; and Z. HÖLSKEN, age 18.
Theodor HOELSKEN died at age 69 in Hawthorn Melbourne in 1905.
A ? son J. G. HÖLSKEN departed Melbourne at age 36 destined for Port Adelaide, Albany or Fremantle, Western Australia on the ship "ADELAIDE" in May 1899.
A daughter Christiane Adelheide HÖLSKEN married Carl August Helmuth FISCHER in 1902 in Victoria. She died at age 71 in 1948 in Cheltenham, Victoria.
Heinrich 'Henry' HÖLSKEN arrived in Melbourne at age 29 on the ship "SOMERSETSHIRE" in August 1877.
Peter HÖLSKEN / HOELSKEN - born Vorst, Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia. Peter Holsken died at age 19 in 1894 in the East Melbourne Hospital.
Viktor Gerhard HÖLSKEN HOELSKEN Hoelsken married 1894 Agnes Somerville TWEEDIE.
Viktor Gerhard HÖLSKEN was born on the 8th March 1866 at Vorst, Kreis Kempen, Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia. Victor Gerhard HÖLSKEN emigrated at age 17 from Crefeld (Krefeld) Deutschland, on the vessel "CHIMBORAZO" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Williamstown, Victoria on the 4th June 1883. Upon disembarking Hoelsken resided in Melbourne until 1890, and then spent 12 months in New South Wales and Queensland, before returning to Melbourne, Victoria. Victor G. Hoelsken was married in 1894 to South Melbourne-born Agnes Somerville TWEEDIE. Their children: 1. Victor Joseph Hoelsken b. 1895 South Yarra; and 2. Wilhelm Jacob HOELSKEN born 1897 South Yarra. After 20 years in Australia, at age 37, Victor Gerhard HÖLSKEN was residing at No.69 Gipps Street, Collingwood, from where he was working as a Pastrycook when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 20th January 1904 at Melbourne. By 1916 the HOELSKIN family were in Oakland, California, USA. Victor Gerhard HOELSKEN died at age 63 in 1932 in Alameda County, CA. Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA. His wife Agnes HOELSKEN died at age 63 in 1930 in the same place. Their son, William Jacob HOELSKEN, died on the 25th September 1985 at Oakland, Alameda County, CA, USA. All buried in the Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda County, CA, USA.Theodor Joseph HÖLSKEN HOELSKEN
Theodor Joseph HOELSKEN< was born on the 28th Oktober 1867 at Vorst, Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia. Theodor Joseph HÖLSKEN probably emigrated out of Düsseldorf by way of England, for at age 30 he embarked on the British ship "JOHN ELDER" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd of May 1885. Upon disembarking HÖLSKEN spent his first year in Melbourne, before going to Fitzroy for three years, after which he went up to try his trade in the country, first to the Goulburn Valley where he was in Shepparton for a year and half, then Gippsland at Bairnsdale for a year and a half, then the Wimmera at Horsham for two years, and then back to Rushworth in the Gouburn valley for a further two years. He then returned to Melbourne, where he lived at Port Melbourne, at South Yarra, and at Hawthorn. He was married in 1905 to Emily Blanche KELSON. Their child, Theodosia Christiane Hoelsken was born in 1907 in Hawthorn, Victoria. Hoelsken was working as a Hairdresser, at No.70 Church street, Hawthorn, Boroondara, Victoria when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 19th July 1906. Theodore Joseph Hoelsken died at age 74 in 1942 in Hawthorn, Victoria. His wife Emily Blanche Hoelsken survived him to die at age 81 in 1949 in Windsor, Prahran district, Melbourne.Jakob HÖLSKEN arrived in Melbourne, Victoria at age 25 on the ship 'PRINZ REGENT LUITPOLD in March 1900.
Reference: - Hoelsken family details courtesy of Mr. Stephen Joyner.
Wenzel HOENIG De-naturalised 1919
Gustav HOFER -from Dresden, m.1873 Annie BEATON
August HOFFMAN / HOFFMANN -born Germany, married Frances Emily CORBY 1890
Christoph HOFFMANN -born Germany, married Maria RICHTER 1891
Fridolin HOFFMANN born Germany, married Sophia Ulricka SCHWARK 1887
Georg Otto Waldemar HOFFMANN -born Germany, married Eugenie MARENDAZ 1902
Gustav HOFFMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 26
Johannes Georg HOFFMANN -born Germany, married Catherine Mary WATKINS 1895
Johann John HOFFMANN - born Bavaria - m.1879 Mary PALMINGTON
Herr P HOFFMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 42
Reinhold HOFMANN -from Saxony, m.1881 Auguste WEGENER
Richard HOFFMAN / HOFFMANN -born Germany, married Mary Ann FORTE 1900
Carl Johannes HOELTER -born Germany, married Margaret Mary GLOVER 1895
Julius Paul Heinrich HOENSCH
Wilhelm HOERNLE - born Germany, married Margaret MEAGHER 1906
Adolph HOFER
Oscar HOFER / HOFFER - born Germany, married Olive Ida Savage McKENZIE 1902
Joseph HOFFBAUER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Jane BROOKS 1892 Vic.
Heinrich 'Harry' HOFMEYER -born Germany, married Mary Teresa BELPEROUD 1892
Carl Reynard HOFMEYER,
Reynard Carl HOFMEYER -born Germany, married Elizabeth SPRAGUE 1900 b. Weisbaden, Hessen Arr. 1880 Pt Adelaide, Carpenter, Brunswick, Frankston, Prahran, Reynard Carl HOFMEYER
Pastor Peter B. HÖFNER (HOEFNER)–
Pastor Peter Bonifacius HÖFNER [HOEFNER{, son of Georg HÖFNER born 6 Juni 1856 Stettfield, Bavaria, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1888. To South Australia. Pastor at Murray Flats SA 1889-1901. Peter Bonifacius HOEFNER was married at age 35 to 50-year-old Johanne Heinricke Elisabeth NIEDERGESEES on the 4th July 1890 at the Lutheran Church, Blumberg, South Australia. Severed connected with E.L.C.A. 1895. pastor in Queensland 1901-1923. Peter Bonifacius HOEFNER Died 22 March 1924.
Martin HOFMEYER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 24
Hugo HOHENBERG - born 2nd Sept 1860 Dresden, Saxony Confectioner/ shopkeeper Arr, 15 April 1887 steamship HABSBURG At Port Adelaide > Adelaide 7 yrs 6 mnths > melbourne 3 yrs > Sydney 17 yrs by 1914. Nat. 14 Augs 1914 Sydney Married Res No.49 Oxford st, Sydney, Shopkeeper
Gottfried Wilhelm Othmar HOHENFELS from Rhine, Prüßen, Germany, married Louis Matilda ORANGE 1890
Wilhelm Gottfried Amhut Barnard HOHENFELS -born Germany, married Edith May OAKLEY 1900
Karl Otto Friedrich HOHENWALD - died at 67 years on the 14th May 1963 at Stockwell, Barossa Valley, South Australia. His wife Elsie Auguste Hohenwald died at 69 years on the 7th November 1862 in the same place.
Hans Johannes Martin HOHL - born Germany, married Johanne Marie catherine WEHL 1911
Johann HOLCRETER - died at 64 years on the 2nd Decemeber 1961 at Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia
Wilhelm 'William' HOLDING born Germany, married Anna Bella RITCHIE 1888
Hugo Heinrich HOLDMANN
Hugo Heinrich HOLDMANN - b. 17th April 1844 Schleswig-Holstein Danmark / Prussia Arr, from Liverpool, per 'ROYAL EDWARD' in 1872 at Melbourne > Richmond, Vic., 33 yrs, Collingwood 4 yrs > Ascot Vale. Bookbinder. Nat. at No.21 Unley Graove, Ascot Vale, Victoria
Julius Heinrich HOLDMANN -born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane CHAPMAN 1906
Maxmilian HOLDORF - from Hamburg, married Julian YANDER 1892 Vic.
Harold Sangar HOLL
Johann 'John' HOLL Clermont QLD
Johann HOLLAND was born 10th September 1889 at Pernau, Estonia, then under Russian, formerly Prussian or Swedish domination, Johann Holland emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim refuge of Belgium and embarked at the Port of Antwerp on the steamship "S.S.HABSBURGH" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in December 1912. After disembarking Holland made his way to Sydney, NSW. Come the war Holland enlisted in the A.I.F (Australian Infantry Force - Service No 2154. 36th Battalian) At age 33 at No 21 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW
Paul HOLLENDER b. Krefeld
Paul HOLLENDER was born on the 17th April 1890 at Crefeld, Rheinland, Deutschland. Hollender emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the Nord Deutsch Lloyd (N.D.L.) steam vessel "S.S.ZIETEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 18th December 1910. Hollender remained in Melbourne for six months and then immigrated to South Australia where he stayed three years before returning to Melbourne, Victoria. At age 24, after about 4 years in Australia, Hollender was unmarried, living at No.213 Royal parade. Parkville and working as a Clerk, when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Petition taken on the brink of War, on the 11th August 1914 at Melbourne.
Joseph Heinrich HOLLER
Joseph Heinrich HOLLER was born on the 21st April 1867 at Bohn Rhein Provinz, Deutschland. Joseph Heinrich HOLLER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge in Great Britain and embarked at the Port of London on the ship "OURVRAH" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney NSW on the 1st April 1901. Upon disembarking Holler stayed in Sydney till January 1906 when he immigrated to Western Australia. After five and a half years in Australia, at the age of 39, Holler war residing at No.881 Hay Street West, Perth, working as a Merchant, when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised inhis Aliens Memorialal of 20tH september 1906. He was the married, with a daughter residing at Aux-La-Chapelle, Rheinland, Deutschland.Philipp HOLLER - Naturalised 1899
A HOLLINGER - Naturalised 1928
Reinhold HOLLMANN,
Reinhold HOLLMANN was born on 21st Dezember 1893 at Spindelmühle, Bohemia, Österreich (Austria-HUngary). Hollman emigrate out of the Österreich via Deutschland and embarked on the steamship "S.S.ZIETEN" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson< Sydney, on the 12th December 1912. Upon disembarking Hollmann went out to Narromine, and Mendoorin, in the Dubbo district of NSW. He was aged 27, working as an Engine Driver for the Curtis & Curtis Freezing Works at Mendooran, near Gilgandra, New South Wales when he took the Oath and was Neturalised on the 19th October 1921.
Herr HOLLWEG -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 29
Ernst August HOLM
Richard HOLM -born Germany, married Florence Nightingale CLIFTON 1892
Richard JENSEN-HOLM - died at age 53 on the 23rd January 1928 Magill, Adelaide, South Australia
Reynold Friedrich Carl HOLMGREN - died at Rosewater, South Australia, age 71 years on the 8th April 1949.
Victor Gustav HOLMSTEDT - died at 53 years on the 20th July 1917 Magill, South Australia.
August HOLTE - born Germany, married Isabella McINTOSH 1908
Pastor Johann Friedrich HOLTERMANN – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Johann Friedrich HOLTERMANN, born 13 January 1861 Hemslingen, Hannover, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1889. To Australia. Assisted in South Australia and at Germantown (Grovedale) Victora. . Ipswich QLD 1889-1896. Pastor Johann Friedrich HOLTERMANN was married to Martha HAPKE at Ipswich, Queensland on the 4th December 1890. Their children were: Anna Katherina Auguste Holtermann –born 29th January 1892 QLD; Wilhelmine Mathilde Louise Holtermann – born 22 September 1893 QLD; and Hermann Friedrich Karl August Holtermann – born 19th January 1903 QLD. Later the Holtermann’s served at Douglas QLD from 1896-1899. Later they served at various other QLD places. Pastor Johann Friedrich HOLTERMANN died on 6 November 1937 - presumably in Queensland.
Carl Emil HOLTRING -born Germany, married Annie Hawkins WILSON 1890
Julius Friedrich HOLTZ born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1883 Emma Auguste CARLSEN
Friedrich Paul HOLTZ- from Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia)
Hermann HOLTZBERGER - born Germany, married Esther CLAYTON 1903
Wilhelm William HOLZGREFE -born Hannover, m.1886 Agnes GARDINER
Martin HONA -born Germany, m.1886 Wilhelmine MUELLER
Herr W HODSOL -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 32, with Frau 29
Wilhelm HONECKER -born Germany, married Christiane Johanne HULFINGER 1894
Richard HONGLE /HONGEL - born Germany, married lenora Mabel KROSCHEL 1904
Ernst HONIG -born Germany, married Mary DUGGAN 1889
Conrad HOOS born Germany, married Sophia Amelia McCARTNEY 1888
Hans Marton HOPEL - born Germany, married Johanne Marie Catherine WEHL 1911
Hermann HOPMEIER - born Germany, married Emily Mary HARRIS 1906
August Paul Robert HOPPE-
August Paul Robert HOPPE was born in Berlin in about 1862. Hoppe emigrated out of Deutschland by way of taking up the occupation of the sea, and became a seafarer for a unknown number of years. In abut 1879 he embarked from the Baltic Port of Rostock in Mecklenburg, on the ship "CARL BOTH" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 4th March 1880. On disembarking he continued to be employed as a seafarer on the Antipodean briny. Hoppe was married to Hanna Louise COLLINS - nee OSE in 1892 in Melbourne. Children August Paul Hoppe 1893 Fitzroy; Leslie John Hoppe (1898 Carlton -1899 Fitzroy); Hannah Louise Hoppe 1901 Fitzroy South; Georgia Adeline Ida Hoppe 1902-1903 Collingwood; Rose Elisabeth Hoppe 1904 Collingwood; John Robert Hoppe 1906-1908 Collinwood; and Jean Dorothy Hoppe 1911-1912 Collingwood August Paul Robert HOPPE swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 18th March 1897, when residing at No.142 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy. August Paul Robert Hoppe died at age 63 in 1923 at Collingwood. His wife Hannah Lousia Hoppe, survived him, she died at age 73 in Collingwood in 1935.Doctor Heinrich Theodor HOPPE
Doctor Heinrich Theodor HOPPE - was born on the 23 January in 1870 near the town of Gotha, Thüringen (Thuringia), Germany. Hoppe emigrated out of Deutschland on the vessel "OLDENBURG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th October 1891. Hoppe was a Medical practitioner by Profession. On disembarkation Hoppe Doctor lived for 12 months in Victoria, before immigrating north to Queensland for a year, and then back to New South Wales where he stayed for 15 years. In about 1908 Doctor Hoppe immigrated again, this time down to South Australia, were he had been for 27 years by 1935. Doctor Hoppe was Registerd as an Enemy Alien at Truro, South Australia on the 31st October 1916. At age 54, in Morgan, South Australia on the 2nd of Januuary 1923 Dr. Hoppe was married to 37-year old, Marie Sophie DRECKOW, who was born at Riverton, South Australia. Hoppe was Retired at age 67, with a lame right leg, living at Mount Mary, near Eudunda, South Australia, when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 3rd October 1935.
Heinrich HOPPE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 32
Heinrich HOPPE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 31
Hermann Seigfried Marie Joseph HOPPE Merchant.
Hermann Seigfried Marie Joseph HOPPE was born on the 8th March 1884 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. At age 20, Hoppe was already a Merchant, who emigrated with all his business knowhow out of Holland on the ship "DARMSTADT" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 5th August 1904. Hermann Hoppe was living at 'Kinross,' Punt Hill, South Yarra, but conducting a business at No.247/9 William Street, Melbourne, when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th December 1908. He had been in Australia for four and a half years and was then aged 24. He was married in Victoria in 1908 to Katherine Philomena COSTELLO. Children: Johann Peter Hermann Hoppe 1910 Kew, Vic; Hermann Patrick Hopper b. 1912 Kew, Victoria; Helene Julian Hopp 1914 Kew; Julian Hoppe 1915 Kew; and Kathrine Hope Hoppe born 1917 Kew, Victoria. Hermann Joseph Hoppe died at Sorrento, Victoria at age 72 in 1956. His wife Katherin had predeceased him at age 55 in East Melbourne in 1940.
Wilhelm Carl Maximilian Bruno Georg HOPPE
Wilhelm Carl Maximilian Bruno Georg 'Willy' HOPPE was born on the 4th Oktober 1869 at Hirschberg, in Kreis Hirschberg, Provinz Liegnitz, in das Riesengebirge, Schlesien, Prüßen (the Giant Mountains, Silesia, Prussia) just before the Unification of Germany that saw Prussia disappear into its own conjuring. Hoppe was a Jeweller by profession and emigrated to the new source of precious metals on the Western Australian Goldfields. He embarked from the Deutsch Reich on the ship "PRINS-REGENT-LEOPOLD" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Fremantle on the 22nd February 1899. On disembarking Hoppe resided variously at Fremantle for neary six years, and at the Kalgoorlie desert Goldfields towns of Cue for 13 months, and Day Dawn for 4 months. Hoppe was married in 1902 at the Lutheran Church, Fremantle, to Ellen BEISLEY. He had his wife with two Australian daughters, Violet May, 1903; and Lillian Ivy 1905, living with him at Day Dawn, Western Australia when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised, on 23 March 1906 before Mr Justice Parick Troy, R.M. and Stipendary Magistrate. Willy Hoppe died in 1920 in Northam, Western Australia.Wilhelm Otto HOPPE Left Saxony at Age 17.
Wilhelm Otto HOPPE was born on the 24th March 1895 at Burghausen, County Merseburg, Sachsen (Saxony) Deutschland. Hoppe emigrated out of Deutschland at the age of 17 embarking oon the steamship "S.S.GREIFSWALD' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 23rd February 1913. Upon disembarking Hoppe went east of Melbourne to a farm at Kilsyth, near Croydon for a year and a half and then to the north of Melbourne at Woodstock, via Donnybrook, Victoria, where he worked as a Farm Labourer. He was registered as an Enemy Alien at Epping (certificate No.10) and had to report weekly during the war. His alien uncertain status kept from marrying in those years. The Authority Report on his conduct during the war reads: "This young man is industrious and well-conducted. He does not intend to leave Australia." Hoppe was finally able to successfully petition to be Naturalised on the 11th February 1922 at the ripe old age of 27. Otto HOPPE was married to Kathleen Isobel CLARK in Victoria in 1927.
Christoph / Christian HOOPNER, born Hannover, married Mary SIMPSON 1906
Kurt HORM Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 26
Carl Wilhelm HORN / Charles William HORNE -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Ann POWER
Gustav Albert HORNEMANN
Johann Wilhelm Anton HORNEMANN
Theo HORNHAUER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 50
Eduard Conrad Otto HORNITZ/HORWITZ - from Berlin. Married Emily TIPPING 1895 Vic.
Andreas Andrew HORSCHLER -born Germany, married Mari MATSKKE 1896
Andreas HORSCHLER -born Germany, married Louise SMITH 1901
Heinrich 'Henry HORST -born Germany, married mathilde PETERSN 1890
Wilhelm HORT- born 1856 Germany, Travelling Shearer in 1891 Northern Territory age 35
Pastor Franz Anton HOSSFELD – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Franz Anton HOSSFELD, born 29 May 1862 Erfurt, Thüringen (Thuringia_. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1882. Lutheran Pastor. To South Australia. Dutton 1892-1928. At age 32 Hossfeld was married to 22-year-old Bertha Emilie RICHTER on the 30th January 1895 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dutton, South Australia. Children: Paul Samuel Hossfeld - born 15 Oct 1895 Dutton; Helen Henriette Cornelia Hossfeld – born 11 Oct 1896 Dutton; Maria Cecilia Elisabeth Hossfeld – born 8 July 1898 Dutton; and Rosa Dorothea Hossfeld – born 30 September 1902 at Truro, South Australia. Severed connected with ELCA 1895. Served Tanunda Tabor Congregation 1928-1937. Franz Anton HOSSFELD Died 7 September 1937 at age 75 at Magill, SA. He was survived by his children and his wife Helene Henriette Cornelia Hossfeld who died at age 62 on the 15th April 1959 at Henley South, Adelaide, South Australia.
Joachim Johann Heinrich Theodor HOTH -born Germany, married Anna Elisabeth MARSCHNER 1901
Franz Wilhelm HOTKER -born Germany, married Marie Luise NIERMANN 1894
Wilhelm Heinrich HOTKER - died at 82 years on the 24th March 1960 at Wattle Park, Adelaide, South Australia
Alfred HOTOP -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 20
Jacob HOTSCHILT/Jakob HOTTSCHILDT -born Germany, married Alice FARRELL 1901
August HOTTE - born Germany, married Isbaella McINTOSH 1908
Johann Friedrich HOTZE -born Germany, married Lillian Elizabeth WEBBE 1889
Theodor HOTZEN -born Germany, -married Jane MILLER 1894. Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 35, With Frau Hotzen age 32.
Alphonse HOUY -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 24
Hugo Oscar Otto HÖWER b.Mühlrädlitz, Silesia
Hugo Oscar Otto HÖWER was born on the 29th May 1849 at Mühlrädlitz, Kreis Luben, Provinz Leignitz, Silesia, Prussia. L- Arr, @0 Sept 1878 WHAMPOA to Melborune > 5 yrs Victoria, 6 yrs QLD, 3 yrs NSW > 22 yrs StH Aust . Farmer Labouerm Krondorf, near Tanunda Nat. 24th Spetember 1914 Hugo Oscar Otto Hower died at Magill, South Australia on the 3rd July 1936 at age 87 years.
Daniel Christian Bonifice HOWITZ
Georg HUB -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 31
Engelbert HUESKER
Carl HUBER or HÜBER was born on on the 15th July 1878 in the village of Untereisesheim, Kreis Neckarsulm, near Heilbronn, on the Königreich Württemberg (now the State of Baden-Württemberg). Huber emigrated out of the Deutsch Reiche following his profession and found himself in South America, from which place he embarked on the shipf "WILDERSON" and arrived at Port Pirie, South Australia in October 1910. Huber described himself as an Engineer by profession, and found himself in full employment in his time in Australia. He stayed in Port Pire for just one month before heading outback to Broken Hill where he worked for 14 months. He then took the country back down to Adelaide for three months, and moved on across the border into Victora, where he worked at Blowhard, north of Ballarat for two months, and so, on to working as a Fitter at Leigh Creek on the Melbourne road near Ballarat for four months. After two years in Australia, at the age of 34 years, unmarried, and working as a Fitter at Leigh Creek, he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised at Ballarat on the 11th November 1912. In March 1913 Huber wrote from c/- Mr. Martin Bourke, Esq. of Cororooke P.O. (Cororooke is northwest of Colac, Victoria), informing them of his address to send the Memorial papers. On the 29th September 1915 Carl Huber applied to be listed on the Australian Electorial Roll as a Fitter living at Beachport, South Australia.
Albert HUEBNER - born France m.1908 Elizabeth DUNCOMBE
Richard HUBNER - b.9 Dez 1877 Marschnow, Brandenburg, Prussia . Arr. from Antwerp 18 May 1912 per CASSELL at Brisbane QLD > Mundubbra, QLD Farmer (wife Hendwig Johanne Hubner born Marienwerder, East Prussia)
Hermann Conrad HUENEBERG - from Hannover, married Alwine PAHL 1891 Vic.
Hans Johannes HUG -
Hans Johannes HUG, son of Wilhelm & Anna Johanne L. HUG, married Ivy Windle JARRETT . Children: Wilhelm HUG born 1911 Collingwood; Ivy Ellen HUG born 1912 Collingwood. Hans Johannes HUG died in 1968 at Cessnock, in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. His wife Ivy died in the same place in the same year.Otto Bernardo HUG -
Otto Bernardo HUG - born Switzerland. Married Victoria 1882 Emily EDWARDS. - Children: 1. Archie Angelo HUG b.abt 1883 died 1952 Armadale, Victoria at age 69 years. 2. Otto Bernardo HUG born 1886 Sydney, NSW, died 1950, Bulli, NSW. 3.Wilhelm Ophelio HUG born 1888 East Melbourne, Victoria, died 1927 Queensland. Otto Bernardo HUG, son of Melchior HUG & Elisabeth SCHWARTZ, died at age 44, at East Melbourne in 1901.. Wilhelm & Lisette HUG
Wilhelm HUG was married to Anna Johanne Lisette HINSCH in 1872 in Queensland, Australia, - b. Holstein Arr. 1st March 1872 Maryborough QLD > Gengarry, B > Sydney NSW > East Gippsland, Victoria. Bruthen - 4 sons 4 daughters , Nat. Deep Creek Bruthen, 25 July 1911. Children: Wilhelm Afred HUG, born 1873 Queensland, married Olive Emmiline RICHARDS in Victoria in 1908. Auguste HUG, born 1875 Queensland, married Carl Gustav COTLANDER in Victoria in 1905. Anna Johanne HUG bonr 1879 Omeo, Victoria. Ulrich HUG, born 1882 Bairnsdale, Victoria. Lisette HUG, born 1884 Bruthen, Victoria. Hans Johannes HUG, born 1886 Bruthen, Victoria. Rudolph HUG, born 1888, died 1889 at age 2, Bruthen, Victoria. Katherina HUG born 1891, Bruthen, Victoria, married William Albert CORNWALL in Victoria in 1911. Jacob HUG, born 1893 Bruthen, East Gippsland, Victoria. Sophia HUG, born 1899 Bruthen, Victoria. Wilhelm HUG died at age 69 in 1920 in Hotham East, North Melbourne. His wife Anna Johanna Lisette HUG survived him to die in 1935 in Bairnsdale at the age of 82.
Griffith Richard HUGHES -born Germany, married Margarette Jane Rennie MILLER 1890
Christoph Friedrch Conrad HUHS - from Hannover, married Annie POTTER 1896 Vic. - Naturalised 189i4
Joseph HULKA
Joseph HULKA, b. 18th Feb 1858 Bohemia, Pilgrim County, Austria. Arr 25 January 1889 per KATTARTON at Port Darwin, NT, > Adelaide < Sevenhill, Clare, SA - Brother of the Society of Jesus, Sevenhill, SA. - Working as a Mason at Daly River, Northern territory 1891 age 32.
E. O. HULLER - Naturalised 1928
Johann Carl Heinrich HULMANN died at Tanunda, South Australia on the 6th January 1940 at age 79 years
Thomas HULSE
Wilhelm HULSEN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 22
Bernhardt Joseph Alois HULSENBECK -born Germany, married Flora GOODMAN 1897
Bernhardt Joseph Alois HULSENBECK - born 26th September 1867 Peitz, Statdt Brandenburg, Prussia. Arr. 24th June 1893 per steamship 'HOHENSTAUFEN' at Melbourne Res. Union Street, Brighton > No. 279 bay Street, Brighton, Victoria. Bootmaker. Registered Enemy Alien -Widower by Nat. Dat 31 May 1923
Carl HULSMANN - born 18th Jan 1859 at Aseugan Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Arr. 18th Jan 1904 per ALICIA at Port Pirie, Soth Australia. > Melbourne > Merton, Vic. > Wyuna, Kyabram, VIC. Carpenter. married Alice WIESBADEN 1911 - Nat. Tatura, Vic 21 april 1909
Wilhelm HULST - Naturalised 1909/1910
Franz Friedrich HULSTEN Naturalised 1903
Karl Carl HUNDERPFUNDT, Coachman. born. Altmansweir / Allmannsweiler, Königreich Württemberg Arr. 1871 Adelaide. SA
At age abt 30 Tobacco Planter at Rum Jungle, Northern territory in 1891. with wife Louisa age 28 in 1891 Rum Jungle,
Karl HUNDERTPFUNDT - His wife Katherina Hundertpfund died at Prospect Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia at age 73 year son the 1st of February 1935.
Hugo Johannes HUNDERTMARK Naturalised 1919-1945 Hugo Johannes Hundertmark died at age 75 on the 12th November 1953 at Woodville Estate, Kilkenny, South Australia. His wife Johanne Auguste Minna Henriette Hundertmark did at the same palce on the 16th May 1967 at age 87 years,
K W A HUNDERMARK- Nat. 1928-1932
W. HUNDERMARK - naturalised 1931
Franz Xavier HUNDSDORFER -
Franz Xavier HUNDSDORFER was born in the town of Apolda, Provinz Saxe-Weimar, Deutschland (now in Thuringia) on the 10th January 1869. He emigrated from Deutschland on the Steamship "BREMEN" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales on the 1st December 1897. After disembarking Hundsdorfer resided in Riverstone NSW for eight years, before immigrated north to ,ueensland, where he went to Rockhampton for two years, and to Bowen for a year, and then returned to live in Sydney. He was residing at 'Langham" Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill, Sudney, in business as an Exporter, and unmarried at age 45 after 17 years in Australia when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Thomas Hughes, Justice of the Peace of New South Wales, at Sydney on the 10th August 1914.Gottlieb HUND – b. Stuttgart Wur Arr. 1882 at Sydney > Toowoomba > Gawdor QLD Nat.1909
Ernst HUNDT - Nat. 1912
Friedrich Wilhelm HUNDT died at Tweedvale South Australia on the 4th April 1925 at age 58 years.
Johann HUNDT Chef, Nat. 1916/1918
Johann HUNDT - born on the 29th May 1893 at Mulhausen, Alsace in the lost French Province of Germany. Naturalisation Application dated 10th October 1916= Oath on ther 25 October 1916Wilhelm Felix HUNDT - died at Croydon, Adelaide, South Australia on the 25th August 1963 at 55 yearsLetter - To his Excellecy the Governor-General - from the 'Hotel Kosciusko, Mount Kosciusko, New South Wales dated 7th February 1917 - - I, Johann Hundt, born in Alsace who has left his Country when 13 years of age for France,- stayed there yust on four years, returned home for a week and left again for good to escape German conscription. I went to England and worked there in Private House as a Cook which is my Profession. Then I decied to navigate and stated as a Cook on the P & O Company close on for two years, During that Period I was called to serve in the German Army but I refused as none of mu brothers is serving with them as they are now serving with the Legion Etrangerer in Frace, When I first arrived in this Country 1911-1912 I meet a young Australian Lady to whom I am engaged to be married to soon now, so ever since then it was my ownly desire to come back to Australia and make my home here, which I have ready now, I after left the P & O Company for the Aberdeen Line and came out to stay, per the 'S.S' Demosthenes." My only wish now is to be a British subject now as on that depends all my future happiness. I never intent to go back to Alsace again as everythung dear to me is here. My father was killed when I was three years of age, so we are a family of five , Mother and one sister and three Brothers, me self includied, So if you would be able to pass me as British Subject I would be Very happy and be, Your Obedient Servant, J, Hundt, Chef, Hotel Kosciusko, New South Wales, Mount Kosciuso, the 11th October, 1916. - No. Letter of the 22nd Marg 1918 from 58 Epping Road, double Bay, Sydney, NSW
Arthur Rudolph HUNGER - Naturalised 1932 - Arthur Rudolph Hunger was married to Fredericke Elise Hunger. He died on the 19 November 1964 at age 70 in Flinders Park, Adelaide, South Australia. His wife survived him to die at Finders Park on the 19 October 1865 at age 68 years.
Carl Friedrich HUNGER -
Charles Frederick HUNGER Arrived December 1882 at Adelaide per ETNA . Sth Australia. Victoria > Western AUstralia Nannine, Carrie
Karl Max HUNGER - Naturalised 1912-1942 - Karl Maximilian Hunger died on the 13 January 1972 at age 82 at Evandale, South Australia
Marius Alfred HUNKELE - b. Stuttgart, Cook, Arr, from Egypt. Cook, Surry Hills, NSW
Christian Eduard HUNNERUP
Hermann HUNNY / HUNNE - born Germany, married Anetta BROWN / BRAUN 1905
A. HUNSCHA Naturalised 1935
Franz Francis HUNT - born Germany, married Teresa MORAN 1903
Frederick HUNT -aka- Johann Friedrich HANTE
Frederick HUNT -aka- Johann Friedrich HANTE b, 4th September 1855 Tuchheim, Kreis Jerichow, Magdeburg, son of the 'Kolanisten' Johann Friedrich Hante and his wife Luise Kageler. Hante emigrated out of Deutschland on the ship 'KATANIA' and arrived at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 1st May 1882. On disembarking Hante resided in various places in South Australia for 21 years. First wife, Louisa KODLER. Their daughter Marie Emma Hante was born on the 2nd August 1885 at Kilkeran, South Australia. At age 35 Friedrich HANTE was married to the 43-year old widow Sophia Wilhelmine FLUGGE - daughter of Andreas HISE on the 4th August 1888 at Mrs Flugge's Residence in Jamestown, South Australia. In 1903 Hante immigrated via Melbourne to Zeehan, Tasmania, where he worked for the Tasmanian Smelting Works in Zeehan and began to use the surname HUNT. During the time of war and enmity Hante's wife Sophia Wilhelmine Hante died on the 19th May 1915 at Pennington, near Rosewater, South Australia. Hante then immigrated via Melbourne to Zeehan, Tasmania where he began to use the surname HUNT. Nat. Christmas Eve 1915. Zeehan, Tasmania.
Johannes Heinrich HUNT -naturalised 1927
Wilhelm Satturl / Gatterl HUNT was married to Emmeline Theresa PLUMMER. Their children were Archibald Wilhelm Thomas Alfred HUNT b.19 June 1884 Lanceston; Ferdinad Johann Albert HUNT b.15 Nov 1885; Wallace Tremaine HUNT b. 16 Oct 1888; Olive Gertrude Hunt b. 22 Aug 1891; and Doris Rita HUNT v. 8 Nov 1892 in Lanceston, Tasmania.
Fritz Friedrich HUNTER - from Hannover, married Bridget Smith 1896 Vic. - 'Gentleman' of Melbourne
Heinrich HUPER, born 2nd Feb 1864 at Koenigsberg, East Prussia. Emigrated at age 20 years per "AMALFI" to arrive at Melbourne 15th March 1884. > Melbourne > Sydney > South Australia > Queensland > Miner @ Old Tin Mines, Kangaroo Hills, near Ingham, QLD, unmarried. Nat. 8th July 1908, age 44, 24 years in Austalia
Carl HUPPERT - Naturalised 1935
Friedrich Wilhelm HUPPATZ
Friedrich Wilhelm HUPPATZ b. 10th Sept 1848 Cottbus, Nieder Lausitz, Brandenburg, Prussia Arr, from Liverpool, England Sailing ship 'RAIN' arrived at the Port of Melbourne > Clare, > Burra > Jamestown > Hamley Bridge > Adelaide SA Occupation: Police Constable. His wife ElisabetH Huppatz died at Kallangadoo on the 27th July 1923 at age 77 years. Frederick William Huppatz died at age 87 at Prospect, Adelaide, South Australia on the 15th November 1935.
Josef Emil HURBI - b. Austria / Switz - Adelaide SA
Franz HURSTZ or Frank HURST born 7th Sept 1859 Danzig, Prussia. Wharf Labourer. Married No children Res. 13 years in Austalia, age 54 - No. 3. Grove Place, Carlton, Victoria Nat, August 1814
Wilhelm Ernst HURT died at age 74 years at Marion, South Australia on the 1st August 1988.
Carl Eduard HURTER,
Charles Edward HUERTER born Schaffhausen, German Switzerland, Accountant, Arr, 24 apri; 1884 per CALEDONIAN from Maritius. 13 years in Australia, Age 40 Res Blackburn, Victoria Nat. 5th October 1897
Jules HURTER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Daniel Heinrich Hermann HURTIG - from Hamburg, married Jane MOSELEY 1892 Vic. - Naturalised 1901
Isaac HURWITH - b, Russia , Market Dealer, Carlton, Victora
Knut Ferdinand HUSELIUS - died at Renmark, South Australia on the 1st July 1948 at age 89 years. His wife Annie Huselius died at the same place on the 28 July 1956 at 89 years.
Carl HÜSER, or HUESER b. Barth, Empire of Germany age 31 Tinsmith Nat. afte 1 week in Australia in Adelaide, SA. Naturalised 15 July 1882 - Carl Christian Johann HUSER died at age 66 in Norwood, South Australia on the 4th February 1916.
Joseph HUSS - b. 20th Mar 1884 at Strassbrug, Alsace (west Deutschland)> Arr. 1st July 1911 from Bremen per Nord Goldman Steamship 'RAU' to Sydney, NSW < Waiter > Darlinghurst NSW
August HUSSECK - naturalised 1910
Heinrich HUSTEDEN -born Hannover 1841 - Arr. 1872 Adelaide, Ferryman at Port Augusta, SA, Naturlised at age 50, after 19 yrs in Australia, Licensed Ferryman at Port Augusta West, on the 8th May 1891
Reinhold HUSTER - Nat. 1898 Adelaide
Carl Wilhelm HUTH, b. 31 Mai 1884 Gladbach, Dusseldorf, Deutschland Arr.20 Nov 1910 Sydney from Bremen. > Mr Victoria > Cobar > Lithgow > Wallsend NSW Coal Miner Nat. Wallsend 7 Aug 1914
Hermann Carl HUTH
Hermann Carl HUTH was born on the 22nd of April 1868 at Meeselburg, Sachsen, (Messelburg? name unverified in Saxony?) before its Unification under the Deutsch Reiche. Herman Huth emigrated out of Deutschland to the interim transience of the United States of America, from which place he embarked on the brig "BONANZA" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 7th May 1888. On disembarking Huth went east into Gippsland, where he lived in the Latrobe Valley at Morwell and Traralgon, before immigrating north in about 1894 when he went to Bucca Crossing, in the Bundaberg hinterland of Queensland, and settled as a Contractor and General Labourer. On the 9th May 1911 he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Bundaberg, before Mr Harold Rowland, Justice of the Peace of Queensland.Wilhelm HUTH - born Belgium, married Ellen Emma CLAY 1908
Carl Friedrich Ferdinand HUTHMANN - Naturalised 1905 Carl Friedrich Ferdinand HUTHMANN died at age 88 years on the 25th June 1931 at Magill, South Australia.
Hermann HUWALD b.1863 Hamburgh, Cabinet maker, Tischler Nat.after 2 yrs, Adelaide 23 Oct 1887
Carl / Charles Pierre Felix HUYLEBROECK - born Antwerp, Belgium, Arr, 1 Sept 1882 'AMALFI' at Melbourne, Merchant
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm HÜTTMANN or HUTTMANN
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm HÜTTMANN was born in about 1862 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh, Hamburgh Stadt, Deutschland. HÜTTMANN emigrated out of Germany to arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in the middle of 1883. At age 21, after a few days in the South Australian capital where he intended to follow his line of business as a Merchant, he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 12th July 1883, before Mr. Theodor Scherk, Justice of the Peace of South Australia.
The Prusso-Danish War of 1949 may not have changed the Nationality of Wilhelm HUTTMANN (or HÜTTMANN) in the year he was born, as it was, for he was born on 10th April 1849 at Schönwald, in Schleswig, for the Provinz of Schleswig did not become part of Deutschland until the Second Prusso-Danish War, the War of Schleswig, in 1864. So he was born in Denmark and was raised in Deutschland without leaving home. At age 38 Huttmann emigrated our of the Port of Hamburg on the Steamship "SALIER" to arrive in Australia at the Port Of Melbourne, Victoria, on Christmas Day 1888. After disembarking Huttmann spent five years in Melbourne, then immigrated to Western Australia, where he had spent the next 17 years by 1912, one of which was on the Goldfields and the balance, in Perth. As an unmarried man, age 64, after 24 years in Australia, and then working as a Gardener while residing at No.1 Beaufort Street, Perth, he took the the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 15th April 1912 before Mr. Justice Augustus Sandford Roe, Police Magistrate of the State of Western Australia, with an attestation by Mr Joseph John Croyle, Detective of the Western Australian Police Force.Adolph Matthias HYLAND / HYLANDT - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Frances Mary BISHOP
Joseph HYMANS -born Germany, married Ellen Elizabeth GOUGE 1891
Philipp HYMAN - from Poland Married 1910 Rhoda Ella CARTER -
Phillip HYMAN, the son of Isaav Luis HYMAN and Hilda Rosa NEURICH, died at age 90 in Glenhuntly, Melbourne in 1973. His Wife Rohda Ella Hyman had died in 1935 in Melbourne at the age of 53
Paul Ameil Otto IAENKE / Paul Emil Otto JÄNCKE Naturalised 1905
Richard IFFINGER -born Heidelberg, Germany, married Jane TURNER 1877
The Port of Batavia in the Dutch East Indies (now Jakarta, Indonesia) was the place where Dietrich Iffinger embarked from for Australia arriving at Port Melbourne on the vessel 'ARGO" like a tropic version of the Argonauts of ancient Greece, on the 22nd March 1875. Iffinger was born in the real Heidelberg, not the one on the Yarra, but on the Neckar River, in the Königreich Württemberg. When Dietrich was Naturalised on 3rd March 1883 he was working as a labourer in Sandridge (Port Melbourne), the suburb where his brother Richard Iffinger with his wife of 1877, Jane Turner lived with their children. Richard Iffinger died in Sandridge, Port Melbourne at age 36 in 1896.Richard IFFINGER -born Germany, married Rosina Franzesca KLUNDER 1896
Albert Heinrich Georg IHDE from Hamburg
Albert Heinrich Georg IHDE- bornin Hamburg, Deutschland. Emigrated by 1888. He married twice in Victoria, first to Mary HOGAN in 1890, and after he was widowed he married Sylvia CHAPMAN 1906Hermann Gustav Adolph IHLAN
Hermann Gustav Adolph IHLAN was born 17th august 1881 at Gross Lichterfelde, in the Burg of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). He arrived in Australia from Great Britian at the Port of Bunbury, Western Australia on the vessel "DUNCRAGIE" on the 15th May 1902. Ihlan resided in Bunbury for three years after which he went to Greenbushes, Western Australia. It was at age 25, after about 5 years in Australia, that Ihlan, working asa Miner, and residing C/- Mr S. J. Patterson, Secretary, Political Labour Party, at Greenbushes, Swore his Oath in the Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 16th March 1907.Carl Otto IHLE
Ernst Heinrich IHLE
IHLE BROTHERS & SON : son of Ernst Heinrich IHLE of Sankt Egidien, Saxony/
1. Carl Otto IHLE was born in 1857 at Sankt Egidien, west of Chemnitz, Sachsen, (Saxony) Deutschland. He arrived in Melbourne on the 12 August 1883. Carl Otto IHLE was by Occupation a Tischler, Joiner/ Cabinet Maker and Merchant Inventor. He married in 1885 to the Melbourne-born Marie Wilhelmine Georgine MÖLLER, daughter of pioneer Melbourne furniture marker, cabinetmaker, builder,and ex-vetinary, Adolph Gustav MÖLLER. Carl Otto Ihle was an inventive craftsman who pioneered the 'The Hygienic Spring Mattress Company' where he took out Australian Patents for 'An improved spring mattress' in 1895 and for 'Improvements in garden and verandah seats' in 1896. Naturalised at age 28 on the 18th December 1895 at Valetta Street, Malvern. Carl Otto and his wife had four Australian children : Elisabeth Helene Ihle, born 1887 Carlton; Albert Carl Otto Ihle, born 1889 North Carlton; and, Robert Ernst Ihle, born 1891 Malvern, Victoria.
Robert Ernst IHLE later traveled in Germany where he married a German born wife, Emma Fischer (1890-1971) but nevertheless, he was then Interned as an born-Australian 'Civilian Enemy Alien' in the Ruhleben Camp' in Berlin, Deutschland, before returning to Melbourne after that 'not so' Great War in about 1919. Robert Ihle died in Melbourne in 1953, his wife Emma Ihle survived him to die in Glen Iris in 1971.
2. Ernst Heinrich IHLE born 8th Oktober 1859 Sankt Egidien, Sachsen, west of Chemnitz,(Saxony) Deutschland He emigrated from the Port Of Hamburg on the vessel "S.S.CATANIA" to arrive on the 5th September 1884 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Ernst IHLE then farmed at Tarwin, in South Gippsland for 29 years, after which he retired into Melbourne. After 30 years in Australia, unmarried at age 54, Ihle swore his Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 28th August 1914 when living as a Retired Farmer at No.19 Stanhope Grove, Camberwell, Victoria. Later he lived in Drummond Street, Carlton, Melbourne, where he died in 1948.
husband of Ernstine IHM, Kedron, QLD
Kurt IHRCKE was born on the 26th March 1894 at in the Charlottenburg district of the City of Berlin, Brandenburg, which was formerly Prussia, but by then the Capital of the Deutsch Reich. Kurt Ihrcke took to the sea as an occupation and emigrated out of Deutschland to the interim hub of transient refuge in England and eventually embarked from the Port of London on the vessel 'WILHELMINE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in March 1912. He lived an worked on vessels out of the Port of Melbourne, including the"ZEMAELY", the ZILLISTA", the "HANDY ISLE', the 'ELLSINORE", and the "KASSA." He was single, aged 2O, and after two years in Australia still working as a Seaman, while living at No.226 Madeleine street, Carlton, when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at South Melbourne on the 12th October 1914Myer ILLFELD b. 5 Jun 1851 Batenberg, Weisbaden, Arr, HOHENSTAUFEN 9 Jul 1887 Pt Sydney > Lambs Valley Occ. Hawker.
Friedrich Wilhelm ILLIG - from Berlin. Married Isabella Cooper 1889 Vic.
Daniel Heinrich IMHOFF
Heinrich Henry INGELBRIGTSEN born Norway, maried Hilda Louisa NUNN 1905
Richard INGFER born Stettin, Pommern, Prussia. Arr. Sydney 1st Nov 1911 > Wellinton NSW ? Toowoomba QLD > Innisfail QLD > - Prisoner of War at Holdsworthy NSW
Alexander INGLES Naturalised 1910
Roman INGOLD - or INGOLA born Switz. Arr, 5 Sept 189 at Melbourne> South Preston, Vic.
Laurits/ Laurenz INGVORSEN born Denmark, married Frances Adelaide MORSE 1902
Claus Heinrich INTEMANN
Johann INTEMANN -born Borcaar, Germany, married Elizabeth RICHARDS 1889
Carl Charles INVALL born Sweden - married Elizabeth HIGGS 1902
Gustaf IRAGARD - born Sweden, married Mary Ann THORNTON 1909
Karl Friedrich VON IRMINGER Schleswig > Adelaide
Karl Friedrich VON IRMINGER Commercial Travellor, born abt 1856 Heide, Schleswig, Deutshchland Arrived in Australia 1880. Naturlaised 13tH March 1896 Drummond Place, Adelaide, South AustraliaDavid ISAACS - b, Poland > Adelaide > Sydney, > Brisbane > Melbourne > St Kilda
Hermann ISAACS - Naturalised 1920
Noah ISAACS - b. 1855 Hornin, Russian, Poland or Prussia (Occ: Tischler /Cabinet Maker) - Arr, 3rd July 1889 from London, > Melbourne , Res, No.303 Drummond Street, Carlton. Nat. 21 July 1897
Abel ISAACSON - born Germany, married Rose DANGLOW 1908
Carl Victor ISAKSSON born Finland, Married Mary BROWNE 1905
A. N. ISBERG - Naturalised 1938
Ferdinand Ludwig ISBRAND - born Denmark married Hannah Lavina COCKS 1905 - Naturalised 1904
Johannes Adolph Bernhardt ISCHE Arr.27 Nov 1896 Sydney per ESSEN > Timekeeper at St Peters NSW
Georg Friedrich Franzis ISEKE -born Germany, married Mary Ann DAVIS 1893
Heinrich Harry ISENSTEIN b. Odessa, Russia
Heinrich Harry ISENSTEIN was born on the 2nd March 1875 in the German Jewish community at Odessa, in the Russian Empire. Isenstein first emigrated to England, and later, south to Cape Town, South Africa, and from that Port he embarked on the ship "S.S. MORAVIAN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th October 1912. He was married to Melbourne-born Jennie in London, England, in about 1898 and the Isenstein children were Julia, born 1898 LOndon; Abraham, born 1901 London, Rachel born 1903 London, and Isabelle Isenstein, born 1905 in Cape Town, South Africa. 'Harrry' Isenstein was a Draper by profession, and soon found more opportunity might await in Adelaide than in Melbourne, so he immigrated to South Australia. He was a draper residing at Linden Street, West Hindmarsh, SA when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 29th Janaury 1918.Heinrich Henry ISER
Heinrich Henry ISER was born in about 1855 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh, Hamburgh Stadt, Deutschland. He emigrated on the vessel "S.S.CATANIA" to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 27th July 1881. He was a Clerk by profession and after a sojourn in Melbourne, he went up to the Sandhurst Town of Bendigo. ISER was married to Caroline COLLEN or COELEN in Victoria in 1888. The following year, at age 34, working as a a Clerk, after seven years and nine months in Australia, he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Sandhurst on the 8th April 1889. The ISERS produced three daughters and two sons in Bendigo: Caroline Johanne Iser 1889; Henrich Wilhelm Iser 1891; Leslie Fritz Iser 1893; Hanne Lisette Iser 1895; and Dorothea Sophie Iser 1898. Iser's wife Caroline died at Bendigo in 1918 age age 60. He survived her to die in the same place in 1932 at age 77 years.Friedrich Wilhelm ISRAEL -von Saxony, married Ida BURKNER 1910
Friedrich Wilhelm ISRAEL was born on the 2nd July 1884 at Aiboo, Saxony, (probably Eibau, Kreis Görlitz)near the Czech borders of Deutschland. At age 23 he emigrated on the ship 'S.S.GNEISENAU" to arrived in Australia on the 24th August 1908 at the Port of Melbourne. After disembarking he went to live in Burnley, Richmond, from where he worked as an Engine Driver. After six years in Australia he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr. William A. Kelly, Justice of the Peace of Victoria, on the 10th August 1914 when living at 245 Stawell Street, Burnley, Victoria.Villiers Siegmund ISRAEL - from Hamburg, married Sarah Ann DEAKES 1895 Vic./ - born Germany, married Elsie Alice ARNOLD 1911 Naturalised 1914 / 1964
Luis Ludwig ISRAELOPITZ Naturalised 1898
Nathan ISRAELOPITZ -born Germany, married Esther JACOBS 1890 Naturalised 1898
Hermann Christian ITTERSHAGEN
Hermann Christian ITTERSHAGEN was born on the 4th of February 1872 at Langensalza, Prussia. [This place is unchecked as I doubt if it is to be identified with Bad Langensalza, Thuringen]. He emigrated out of Deustchland via the interim refuge of Holland, and then embarked from the Port of Antwerp, Belgium, on the steamship 'BARBAROSSA" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney on the 1st December 1900. On disembarking Ittershagen went immediately to Melbourne, Victoria, where he stayed two years, and then immigrated west to Perth, where after a year he settled in the nearby conurbation of Subiaco, where he had worked as a Wickerworker for five years by 1908. He was unmarried, living at Onslow Street, Subiaco, Westetn Australian when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Henry Daglish, Justice of the Peace of Western Australia, at Subiaco, on the 30th June 1908. Maybe a sister, Hermine Ittershagen, joined him in the West for she married Carl A. W. JUST in Perth in 1909. Ittershagen himself may have married, for a likely daughter, Ruth S. H. Ittershagen was born in Perth in 1927. Hermann Christian Ittershagen died in Perth in 1940.Peirre Leon IVANHOFF
Ivan Lendic IVONOW - Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 25
Carl Heinrich Otto 'Charles Harry' JÄCKEL from Padligar, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia)

Carl Heinrich Otto JÄEKEL or JÄCKEL was born in 1885 in the village of Padligar, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). Padligar is now the Polish town of Podlegórz, in the Gmina Trzebiechów district, Zielona Góra County, Western Poland. From Padligar, JÄCKEL emigrated out of Deutschland and arrived 1911 in Port Adelaide, South Australia where he took work in Runde Street, Adelaide as a fireman. After a period in Adelaide he went up to the Gulf St Vincent seaboard of South Australia at Port Pirie where new smelting works were providing employment. Like many refugees of Teutonic militarism, he married out of the émigré German community, to Beaconsfield, Tasmania-born, Florence May JOBLING, daughter of John Wales & Elizabeth Dickinson Jobling, The marriage took place at Port Augusta in 1913, Afterwards he became known as Charles Harry JACKEL. The Jackels had two daughters born around the time of the outbreak of dying in the maestrom of enmity and grief that came somehow to be called The Great War. The girls were Rubina Florence Jäckel (1914-1992) born Semaphore, Port Adelaide; and Edna Louise Jäckel (1916-1916) born Adelaide, and died in infancy. After his wife died in 1918 in North Adelaide, South Australia, Jäckel went outback to the Barrier Range mines, and remarried at Broken Hill, New South Wales, to Alice Gwentha HUGHES, a teacher, born on the Mount Korong Goldfields in Wedderburn, Victoria. After a time the Jäckels moved east through New South Wales to Sydney, where C. H. Otto Jäckel worked as a Seaman, and his wife as a Teacher, residing at No.722 Forest Road, Peakhurst, Sydney. Charles Harry JÄCKEL worked in the thick of cosmopolitan Australian and in frontier workplaces across three states. He and his family and his descendants entirely integrated into the British Australian appearance. He died on the 23rd September 1962 at La Perouse, Sydney. Alice Gwentha Jäckel survived him to die at Peakhurst, Sydney in 1974. [Details & Photographs courtesy of Pamela Graham]

Friedrich Wilhelm JÄCKEL born 1848 Bolkenhain, Silesia, Prussia

Friedrich Wilhelm JÄCKEL was born in about 1848 in Bolkenhain, near Hohen Friedeburg, Kreis Jauer, Schlesien, Prüßen, Deutschland (Silesia, Prussia). Bolkenhain is now Bolków, Gmina Bolków, in the Jawor district of southwestern Poland . Like many an émigré from his part of the Eastern Europe, F.W. Fritz Jaeckel was a Tischler, (Joiner / Cabinet-Maker) by profession. He emigrated on the vessel “KONOOWARRA’ and arrived at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales on the 31st July 1881. Friedrich Wilhelm JACKEL was married in 1889 in Sydney, New South Wales to Sarah Jane STEPHENSON. She was born in 1858 at Milton Farlam, Cumberland, England. In Sydney the Jackel’s settled first at Granville and then at Kogarah and produced four sons in four years: Karl Heinrich ‘Charles Henry’ 1890 Granville; Frederick Leslie Lindsay Jackel born 1891 in Kogarah; Wilhelm ‘William’ Norman Jackel born 30 Jan 1893 in Kogarah; and Gordon Arthur Jackel born 5 Apr 1894 Kogarah. Friedrich Wilhelm JÄCKEL became a widower with four young sons on the death of Sarah Jackel in 1896. How he managed to work and look after the four boys is unknown, but work he did, as a Cabinetmaker for Anthony Hordern and Sons.
Friedrich Wilhelm JÄCKEL died from injuries received in a train derailment at Sydenham, NSW on the way home from work. The terrible accident occurred Friday evening the 15th February 1901 and nine people died as a result. F. W. Jaeckel lingered in hospital to die on Sunday 19 February 1901. I have not discovered whom then raised the Jackel boys, but it may be it was their grandmother Jane Stephenson for she lived in Kogarah until she died in 1936. Though their father died before he was ever naturalised, the lads were born in Australia of a British-born mother and so had British citzenship themselves. The Jackel boys came to manhood right on the cusp of the Outbreak of War, and the younger three of them enlisted, and all survived the maelstrom to return to Kogarah.
Karl Wilhelm JÄCKEL b.1862 Russendorf, Silesia Pilbara, Western Australia
Karl Wilhelm JÄKEL, son of Carl 'Charles' JÄCKEL, was born about 1872 in Russendorf, Kreis Waldenburg, in the Owl Mountains (Eulengebirge) in the south of Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). Russendorf is now called Rusinowo, and Waldenburg is Walbrzych, in southwestern Poland. Carl Wilhelm JÄKEL is reported to have immigrated with the wife and family of the Music Teacher, August Gottfried FIEBIG, who from the nearby Russendorf town of Peterswaldau, Schlesien, Prüßen. Frau FIEBIG and four FIEBIG children embarked with young Karl Wilhelm JÄKEL on the ship "MARSALA" which arrived in the Port of Adelaide, South Australia, in mid 1882. August Gottfried FIEBIG had emigrated some months earlier on the 'BARCELONA' arriving in March 1882. Karl Wilhelm JÄKEL was naturalized at the age of just twelve (12) years, in Angaston, in the Barossa valley, South Australia on the 24 February 1884. At the age of 28 Karl Wilhelm JÄEKEL was married on the 10th January 1901 to 32 year-old, Ada May FRANK, daughter of Francis FRANK of Adelaide, at the Residence of R. Ransom, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Later, in the Pilbara of Western Australia ,in 1915- 1916 Karl Wilhelm Jackel was suspected of being an Enemy alien and interrogated and put under investigation. On the 8th February 1916 Karl Wilhelm JÄKEL wrote asking the Government agency to forward a copy of his Alien's Naturalisation Memorial, saying that the original Oath of his Aliens Memorial which was taken in 1884 under the agency of Commissioner Von Bertouch in Tanunda, South Australia, after he arrived as an emigrant in the ship 'S.S.MARSALA' in 1882. In the 20 March 1916 Jackel wrote from Holden, near Meekatharra, Western Australia saying he had lost the original of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation as it was destroyed by what may well have been a crimnal persecution act of arson in a fire in which his Miner's Camp was completely burnt at Meekatharra on the 12th August 1915.
Paul Carl JÄCKEL -born German Empire, Victim of an Official Australian Enmity
Paul Carl JÄCKEL was born in Germany on 1st August 1885. He arrived in Melbourne, Victoria on the brink of war, on 29 May 1914, or about one month before the assasination of the Austrian Hapsburg Archiduke Ferdinand in 29 June 1914, which soon led to the declaration of War on Germany. Paul Carl Jaeckel was first registered as an Enemy Alien in 1916-1917 at Berwick, Victoria. Co-incidently, where members of the wider Jackel clan had pioneered for fifty years. [Civil Alien Victoria, C.A.V. number 3756]. This did nothing to help him. for he was Interned at the Prisoner of War Camp at Langwarrin for the duration of the 1st World War. After the tragedy of World War One, he was freed. He became a professional fisherman at Gipsy Point, near Cann River in East Gippsland, where he was known to also befriend men from the nearby Aboriginal community at Lake Tyers. It seems that Paul Jaeckel never married. Unfortunately, living a life of peace and close to nature, he never managed to become naturalised. Maybe, having endured the enmity of his adopted country for any so called allegiance to the homeland he had fled, he thought it impossible to happen again. After the 2nd World War was declared he was again Interned, in about 1942, this time as a 'slave' compulsory worker, first of all at the Macedon Forest Camp, and then at the Mt Disappointment Forest Camp. He walked out of that camp one Sunday morning on the 19th May 1945 and threw a rope of the branch over a gum tree and hung himself. World War Two ended about three months later. His death at Mt Dissapointment was registered at Kilmore, but he was buried at the Fawkner Cemetery, in northern Melbourne. An inquest into his death concluded that he had no relatives in Australia.
Johannes JACOB -born Germany, married MArie Matilda SCOTT 1901
Fritz Albrecht JACOB from Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). Married Ann Tomkins 1894 Victoria.
Johann JACOBB -born Germany, married Catherin LAYDEN 1897
Hermann JACOBI -born Germany, married Elisabeth Mary Jane WALSCH 1892
Peter JACOBI / JACOBE - born Germany, married Johanne Jacobina Margareth WEICKHARDT 1904
Friedrich JACOBITE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Anna LYNCH
Christian Carl 'Charles' JACOBSON born Germany, married Annie FUSSELL 1887
Jakob Christian JACOBSEN
Herr JACOBSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 40, with Frau Jacobsen 35, Three kind; A Jacobsen 4, H Jacobsen 3, A Jacobsen 1,
Isaac Myer JACOBSON born Prüßen (Prussia), married Jenneta DAVIS 1887
Julius JACOBSOHN -born Germany, married Mary Ann Whittingham CRAVEN 1883
Peter JACOBSON -born Germany, married Emma Georgina HUGHES 1880
Carl Albert Stanislaus JACOBY
Carl Heinrich JAECKE
Carl Heinrich JAECKE was born on the 4th May 1843 at Baerwalde, in the Provinz of Brandenburg, Prussia, Deutschland. He emigrated via his interim place of Jouney's arrival, from South Africa on the vessel (schipf) Fleur de Mauritz, arrived on the Sunday before Christmas in the year 1885. Jaecke was a bootmaker by trade, and he first went to live in the bootmaking capital of Australia, in Collingwood, for ten years. In about 1895 he went east to Neerim South, in West Gippsland, where forest country was then being opened up for new farming, and he was their for about 6 years before he returned to live in Fitzroy, Melbourne. Jaecke was unmarried, aged 63, and had been in Australia 21 years when he took the Oath in the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Police Magistrate, Mr Patick J. Dwyer, Esquire, at Fitzroy on the 29th December 1906/ Carl Heinrich JAECKE died in Carlton at age 65 soon after the Outbreak of War in 1914.
Luis Lucien JAEGER -born Germany, married Viola VINCENT 1901
Karl Charles JAEGER -born Germany, married Kate DUNN 1875
Philipp JAEGER -born Germany, married Bridget SPELLACY 1879
Richard JAENTSCH - born 1856 Germany . Plantation Manager at Shoal Bay, Northern Territory 1891, age 35
Herr T G JAEGER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 18
Carl Heinrich Theodor Adolphus JAGER -born Germany, married Maria Louisa BROWN 1900
Ernst JAGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 19
Johann Anton JAHN, -born Germany, married ElisabetH FRIEDLIEB 1883
Wilhelm Christian Theodor JAGER / JAIER /JAJER - born Germany, married Frances Sarah RESEIGH 1911
Paul Friedrich Wilhelm JAGERT
Paul Friedrich Wilhelm JAGERT was born on the 3rd april 1868 at Stavenhagen, in Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg_Schwerin. Jagert emigrated from Germany on the ship 'S.S.SEYDLITZ' to arrive in Fremantle, Western Australia on the 3rd January 1910. After embarking he lived for five months in Perth before immigrating east to Adelaide where he stayed for six months, and then further, to Victoria, where he stayed for the duration. Jagert was unmarried when he swore his Oath in the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at 398 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria on the 30th April 1913 when he was working as a Ladies Handbag Maker. Paul JAGERT was married to Isabella SNELL in Victoria in 1913. On 21st August 1914 Jagert wrote from the Waterloo Hotel, Yarragon, Gippsland asking for a duplicated Naturalisation paper was he had lost the Brunswick originals. On the 29th September 1914 Jagert signed a Statutary Declaration at Bairnsdale, Victoria, to the same effect. He was then working as a Carpenter at Bairnsdale, East Gippsland.Fraulien JAHL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 31
Wilhelm Friedrich JAKOWSKI -born Germany, married Georgina DUGINS 1879
Alexander JAMIESEN - from Berlin, Prüßen . Married Elizabeth Newbound 1897 Vic.
Hans Johannes JANDZEM - born 1895 Germany. Arrived Australia 1912. Lutheran on the Rankine River, Northern Territory 1921 age 26.
Ernst Gotthild JANETSZKI -born Germany, married Anna Susanna FIETZ 1880
Heinrich JANET/JANETSKY? -born Germany, married Lena PATTERSON 1897
Johann August JANETSKI - from Prüßen (Prussia) -maried Susanna Debora MACKENZIE 1877
Johann Auguste JANETZKI - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Caroline Wilhelmine JANETZKI 1908
Leo Herbert Lothar JANICKE Civil Engineer - born 4th February 1883 at Magdeburg, Sachsen, De Germany, Arr. 29th March 1909. per N.D.L Steamship ZIETEN at Fremantle WA Married Ernestine BUNSEN 1909 in Victoria. Res. Perth 2 weeks > Melbourne, VIC. Married. son. ny 1914 Nat. 18th Feb 1914 @ 499-501 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Albert Wilhelm Gustav JAENICKE
Albert Wilhelm Gustav JAENICKE arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia from Hamburgh on the ship "ERLINGEN" arriving in May 1887. He was born on the 13th August 1870 in Hamburgh. After living a short time in South Australia, he immigrated to Victoria were he was for five years and then to Barraba, New south Wales, where married and lived with his family , working as a merchant draper. It was in Barraba that he Swore his Oath in the Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the First of March 1904.
Adolph JANITZRY -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 23
Eduard JANITZRY -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 25
Andreas JANS -born Germany, married Eleanor Theresa HANSEN 1882
Johannes JANS -born Germany, married Luise Marie HANSEN 1882
Wilhelm William JANSEN -born Germany, married Jane BALDWIN 1880
Johann JANSSEN Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 28
Heinrich JARICK -born Germany, married Emma Elisabeth HABY 1895
Frau JARSENS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 26
Robert JASCHINSKI - Naturalised 1931
Bernhard JASPER born Prussia, married 1882 Emily FORD
Herr JATOWASCHK -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 35
Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph JEFSEN -born Hamburgh, married Emmalea ANDERSON 1908
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm JEGGEL - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Marie Barabara ARNOLD 1902
Carl Ernst JENDE - born Germany, married Martha Dorothea Charlotte HAMPE 1902
Carl Reinhold I G JENDE -born Germany, married Emma Luise POHOLKE 1897
Johann carl Ferdinand JENDE -born Germany, married Johanne Mathilde WORTH 1883
Melchior Arthur JENNI / JENNY b. Austria nr Switz border Registered Enemy Alien 1915 Naturalised 1893 > New Zealand 1890 > 1913 Hobart, Tasmania
Joachim Ernst JENS born Germany, married Clara Johanne PANNIFEX 1887
Adolph Theodor JENSEN born Germany, married Emily PHILLIPS 1887
Christoph JENSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 44; with Frau & Kinder
Engelke JENSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 17
L JENSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 12
T JENSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 16
Friedrich JENSEN -born Germany, married Margaret MUNGOVAN 1900
Jens P JENSEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 19
Peter Harry Heinrich JENSEN - born Germany, married Edith Speller BARNES 1903
Friedrich August JENTZSCH War Precautions Regulation 49DC 1916 Tasmania
Theodor Ferdinand Jacob JEPEN -born Germany, married Anna BRIETZMANN 1898
Eduard JESCHKE -
Eduard JESCHKE was born on the 9th May 1875 at Gilwe, near Elblag, in the Mariewerder County of West Prussia, Deustchland. Gilwe is now in Poland. Jeschke emigrated from Deustchland by way of the interim hub of refuge in England to embark on thevessel "S.S.BEDFORDSHIRE" arriving at the Port of Brisbane, Queensland in 1896. After disembarking Jeschke lived at Toowomba, Queensland for four years, and then immigrated by way of Melbourne, to Tasmania, where he settled at Mangalore, Tasmania, as an Orchardist. He had been in Mangalore 13 years by 1913. After 17 years in Australia, at age 38 years, Eduard Jescke, unmarried Orchardist, Swore the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 24 August 1913 before Mr. Thomas Whitesides, Justice of the Peace of Tasmania at Bagdad, in a petition attested to by Trooper George Hildyard, at Hobart, Tasmania. Eduard JESCHKE was married to Beatrice ROSE, and had children in Tasmania: David Eduard Jeschke born, 10 October 1916 at the Alexandra Hospital, Hobart, and Doris Jean Jeschke born 10 May 1919 at Nareen, Gretna, Tasmania.
Hermann JESKE -from Germany, married Annie HOWARD 1888
Peter August JESSEN -born Germany, married Frances Adelaide Sheppard DYMOND 1889
Johann Jakob JESTRIMSKI . JESTRIMSKEI & Amelia Rosalie KLOCK She was born $th September 1844 at Schöeneck, Prussia Nat, Age 62,. 20 yrs in Australia - St Helens, Tasmania.
Alfred Hermann JESTRIMSKI
Alfred Hermann JESTRIMSKI was born on the 2nd March 1880 at Kiel, Holstein, Deutschland. He emigrated out of Deutschland with his family on the steamship "S.S. PROCIDA to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th September 1885. On disembarking Jestrimski resided in Melbourne before takingthe New Zealand schooner to Tasmania, where he was at Campania for 13 months, on Maria Island, and Pyengana for 18 years by 1906 Jestrimski was married to Janet BEECHEY on the 11th September 1907 at St Michaels Church, Pyengana, Tasmania. Their son Ronald Wilfred Jestrimski was born on the 25th September 1908 at St Helens, Tasmania. At age 26 after 20 years in Australia working as a farm labourer in Pyengana, Jestrimski took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on 4th September 1906 at St Helens, Tasmania.Hugo JESTRIMSKI
Hugo JESTRIMSKI was born on the 30th May 1878 at Kiel, Holstein, Deutschland. was married to Saisy Eliza TERRY on the 29th April 1908 in Pyengana, Portland, Tasmania
'Ralph' Rudolph Emil JESTRIMSKI Danzig to Tasmania
'Ralph' Rudolph Emil JESTRIMSKI was born on the 17th April 1870 at Danzig, West Prüßen, Prüßen, Deutschland, less than a year before the Unification of Prüßen into the Deutsch Reich. He was married on the 24 February 1897 to Mathilde Amanda NICHLASON in Portland, Tasmania. By 1916 he was married with three Australian sons and three Australian daughters. After 20 years in Australia at the age of 36 years, Jestrimski ws a farmer at Pyengana, Tasmania when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at St Helens aon the 4th September 1906.
Georg JESTY / JESTE- died 1900 Melbourne age 77
Gottlieb JINGER/JINGKER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Josephine BURRUS 1891 Vic.
Carl JOB -born Germany, m.1886 Dorothea Ernstine Wilhelmine GRADERT
Augustus Johann JOCKEL - died 1923 Dandenong age 68,
Heinrich JOCKEL b. Deustchland married in London, his wife Emma Louise Friedericke CASTORF, b. 17 January 1863 Deutschland - Register Enemy Alien 1916 Footscay West. Naturalised in 1935, died Burwood 1939 Aged 76 - son ?
Hans Johannes Friedrich August JOCHIMSEN - born Schleswig, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Edna Evelyn HALL 1894 Vic.
Detlef Johannes JOCHIMSEN -from Germany, married Ada Ellen FAGIN 1888
Jakob Heinrich 'James' JOCHIMSEN -born Germany, married Anna ZIMMERMAN 1889
Johannes Peter 'Hans' JOCHIMSEN
Johannes Peter 'Hans' JOCHIMSEN Arrived in Port Melbourne on the 4th September 1884 on the ship 'LIGURIA.' He was a musician by profession, aged 44 and Single, living at 86 Richardson Street, Albert Park in Melbourne when he applied by way of an Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation as a 'British' Citizen, running just ahead of Enmity and War, on the 14th July 1914. He had then been in Australian for 29 years. Jochimsen was born on the cusp of the Unification of Germany, for he was born on the 4th February 1870 in Gross Quern, Schleswig Holstein. On the 13th July 1909 his widowed mother, Christiane Magdalene Jochimsen, was living at number 19 Richardson Street, Albert Park. Hans was one of the three of her four sons in Australia, the other was in America, according to the declaration on the Alien Memorial she made at age 72 for Naturalisation. His mother seems to have emigrated a month later than Hans for she arrived on the ship 'S.S.GARRONE,' arriving 29th October 1884.JOENGEBLOED - See JONGEBLOED
Christian JOHANNES / JOHANNIS -born Germany, married Esther DAWSON 1873
Carl Albert Franzis JOHANNES -born Germany, married Maggie Isabelle GAUNT 1896
Wilhelm JOHANNING b.1856 Stettin, Pommern, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ ag 23 Kaufmann/ merchant
August JOHNSON / JOHANNSEN -born Germany, married Mary O'DEAN 1891
Gerhardt Andreas JOHANNSEN from Schleswig to Alice Springs
Gerhardt Andreas JOHANNSEN was born on the 14th November 1876 at Husum, (North Frisian: Hüsem), known as "the grey town by the sea" in Nordfriesland, Schleswig, in the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Though born in Schleswig after it was annexed from Denmark in the Prusso-Danish wars (1848-1864) and so, incorporated in the Deutsch Reich, he recorded his father, Matthias Johannsen's nationality as Danish. Johannsen emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "ANGBUNG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 1st September 1900. Upon disembarking Johannsen went up to the Barossa valley, residing at Stockwell for eight years, and then taking the Oodnadatta Track into Central Australia.
Carl Victor JOHNSON / JOHANNSON -born Germany, married Louise Jeanne ROYER 1893
Carl Charles JOHANSSEN Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 37 - with Frau Johannssen age 32
Ernst Gustaf Friedrich 'Fritz' JOHANSSON
Ernst Gustaf Friedrich 'Fritz' JOHANSSON was born at Guttenberg, Sweden, onthe 24th June 1880. He emigrated to Australia from his interim time of sojourn in Amerika, embarking on the vessel 'GREAT ADMIRAL" to arrive on the 10th April 1901 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. He was a master mariner by profession and soon took up the important positiion of being a Port Phillip bay pilot with Pilot steamers Victoria. After disembarking Johannsson went to reside in South Melbourne where he had been five years by 1901. After five years in Australia, stille a single man at the age of 25, Pilot Johannsson swore his Oath in the Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 10th November 1905 at South Melbourne.
Gerhardt JOHANSEN - German Enemy Alien- Registered at Alice Springs NT 1922
Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Carl Maximilian JOHFF - from Berlin. Married Margaret Helen CUFFE 1900 Vic.
Johannes JOHNSON / JOHANNSON -born Germany, married maria HOGAN 1890
Hans Johanes Peter JOHNSEN / JOHANNSEN -born Germany, married Mary WHITESIDE 1890
Julius Ernst JOHNSON / JOHANNSON - born Germany, married Clara Letitia AH CHOW 1909
Herr JOMALDIN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 19
Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm JONAS -born Germany, married Emma PRICE 1895
Gottfried Christian JONAS -born Germany, married Mary GAYLARD 1890
Heinrich Johann Ludwig JONES / JONAS -born Germany, married Emily Agnes Seyman HANCOCK 1891
Gottfried JONGEBLOED / JUNGEBLOED -born Germany, married Marie Anoinette SHEBLER 1889
Nikolaus Nicholas JONGEBLOED - Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ October 1908 age 36 - witf son Jacques JONGEBLOWED age 6. Naturalised 1917/1918
Ivan JORDAN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 18
Jakob James JORGENSEN -born Germany, married Marie JENSEN 1879
Johannes John Hansen JORGENSEN -born Germany, married Hannah ELizabeth SWEETLOVE 1973
Karsten JORGENSON -from Germany, married Frace Jane ROSE 1888
Hans Christian Johannes JORGENSON -from Germany, married Kathleen Hannah ROSE 1888
Karl Johannes Otto JOOSTEN - born Germany, -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23 - married Margarette Valeska gerte VEINEM 1907
Johann Wilhelm JØRGEN JANS
Hans Christain JORGENSEN
Larenze Laues JORGENSEN -born Germany, married Anna Maria SCHLEDT 1878
Ornern JORNSSAN -born Germany, married Ellen HUTCHINS 1874
Johann Heinrich JÖRS/ JOERS
Christian JOSCH, b.1878 Westerwald > Carways, Mildura, Vic.
Christian JOSCH, son of Johann Adam Josch, was born on the 19th July 1896 at Darmbach, in the Westerwald, on the right bank of the River Rhine, in Provinz Weisbaden, Rhineland, Germany. Josch emigrated via the interim hub of refuge in England where he had gone in about 1900. Christian Josch was married in England to London-born Gertude SNELL and their eldest, Gertrude Doris Josch was born in England in about 1901. The Josch family embarked from London on the Nord-Deutscher-Lloyd vessel "ZIETEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th April 1909. After disembarking Josch resided at Altona Bay, near Melbourne, for three years, then in the Upper Yarra Valley at Launching Place for a year, before taking up a Block in the Mallee Irrigation District at Carwarp, near Mildura. He was then a Farmer. Their Australian-born children were Christian John Josch, born 1915 Mildura, and Erwin Josch born 1918 Mildura. Josch made his first petition to be Naturalisd after the outbreak of war, in Mildura, on the 1st December 1914, but they petition was disallowed because of his enemy status. When he made a further petition to be Naturalised after the war the Police report stated: ' Conduct good, He resided in Carwarp during period of war and reported regularly. This man is regarded as a good citizen by all who know him."Josch was Registered as an Enemy Alien in Mildura He was finally able to take the Oath in the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at melbourne on the 11th April 1921. Gertude Josch died in Melbourne in 1956 at 75, and her husband Christian Josch died four years later in 1969 at age 82, in Melbourne.
Jacob JOSEPH -born Germany, married Rosetta Elisabeth ALEXANDER 1889
Oscar JOSEPH - born Germany, married Florence Victoria BUTTERS 1904
Walter JOSEPH - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 45; with wife age 38: Kind:- Ernst JOSEPH age 10; Minnie JOSEPH age 3
Ernst 'Ernest' JOSKE - born Berlin, Prüßen (Prussia) m.1886 Evelyn RICHARDS
Ernst JOSKE - from Berlin. Married Meta Campbell Thresher 1898 Vic.
Carl Charles JOST
Herbert Vogelstrom JOURMEAUX - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Ethel Evelyn COE 1912
Carl JUCKERT born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Johanne NISSEN
T H JUCKES -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 23
F. JUMPERTZ - Naturalised 1929
Arnold Heinrich 'Henry' JUNCK - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Mary ANGLIN
Otto August JUNCK -born Germany, married Selina Mary FORRESTER 1895
Friedrich JUNG -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 36
Adolph Bernhardt JUNG
Adolph Bernhardt JUNG b. 2nd Dec 1876, Wiesferden, Nassau, Deustchland Arr, Oct 1882 at the Port of Melbourne per 'Shipp Winifred' Melbourne > Sydney > Summerhill NSW, Cook
Ewald JUNG - born 22 March 1859 Halver, Altona, Deutshcland Arrived 1887 at Port Melbourne, > Collingwood > St Kilda > No.147 New street, Brighton, Victoria - Laundryman
Friedrich August JUNG -born Bavaria, Germany, m.1886 Frieda Charlotte Dorothea HARDENACH
Friedrich JUNGBLUT
Friedrich 'Fritz' JUNGBLUT, who arrived in the Port of Melbourne on 21st August 1911 on the ship "SEYDLITZ" from Deutschland with his family, had emigrated under contract to an Australia Glass Manufacturer. He was the son of Heinrich JUNGBLUT of Wittenburg, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg. Fritz was born in Wittenburg, in the Ludwigslust District of Mecklenburg, on 20th November 1868. This is not the more famous large town of Wittenberg of Luther's story. In terms of occupation Jungblut was an artisan, though he calls himself a labourer on his memorial, it is shown that others considered him to be a highly-sought-after and professional Glass-Blower. On the 26th May 1924 when he completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation as a British subject in Australia he was aged 55 years, was 5 foot 6 inches in height, with grey eyes, grey hair, and living at No. 8 Globe Street, Yarraville, from where he was working as a Labourer at the Australian Glass Manufacturing Company, in Spotswood. He was then living with his wife, Louise Auguste Jungblut, aged 50, who was born at Brunshausem bei Stade, Deutschland,and they intended to settle permanently in Australia. One of his testimonials was given by the Melbourne-born Henry Schober, Hotelkeeper of Yarraville. During the period of the 'not so' Great War, Fritz Jungblut was Registered as an Alien at Yarraville, where he had to make an Alien's report every week at the local Police station. The Jungbluts then had two daughters, Mrs Rosa Macregor of 45 Francis St, Yarraville, and Elli Elisabeth Emilie Jungblut, who lived at the Globe Street address. He had lived in Yarraville for 13 years with the family since they emigrated in 1911. He was investigated throughly during the war, and was found to be able to read and write in English He provided the investigators with complete referees and registration cards. It was concluded that the Jungbluts were quiet hardworking people, who though they had no property (luckily for them or it would likely have been confiscated during the war), but hoped to be able to buy their own home once they were naturalised. His daughter Elli, born on 17th November 1899 at Wirges, Westerwald, Germany, and who was then working for the Australian Jewel Case Company, in Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne was naturalised in 1924 at the same time.
Herr JUNGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 42
Maximilian JUNGHANNS born Hamburgh, married Madeliene RAWSON 1887
Wilhelm Huber JUNKER -born Germany, married Emily Eliza JACK 1893
Johannes Wilhelm 'Hans' JURGENS -born Germany, married Mary Jane WERRY 1890
Carl Charles Albert JURGENSEN -born Germany, married Sarah COMMOFORD 1872
Simon Peter JURGENSEN -born Germany, married Ann SANDERSON 1901
Johann JUSCHKAT or JURSCHAT- Naturalised 1904 - wife Wilhelmine died @ 60 Fitzroy 1934
Theodor Maximilian Johann Friedrich Emil Ernst JURSS -born Germany, married Theresa Emily LEEK 1901, Victoria [ or JURISS?]
Gustav A JUSTER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 23
Klaus Heinrich JUTEMAN
Franz Francis KAADIN / KAADEN born Austria, married Lina RETTIG 1883
Ernst KAATZ born Germany, married Sarah NICHOLSON 1887
Johann Karl Friedrich KAATZ - Naturalised 1887
Bernhard Albert KABISCH - Naturalised 1901
Johann Maximilian KABUTZ,
Johann Maximilian KABUTZ b. 24th Juni 1880 Havel, Brandenburg, Deutsch Reich. Arrived 10th June 1909 via Genoa, Itatlien. at the Port of Melbourne, per 'S.S.'BREMEN' > Sydney, Merchant, NSW
Gustav Adolph KACK - naturalised 1927
Georg KACKEL - Naturalised 1901
Oskar Wilhelm KACKLER - Arr. 23 Feb 1912 per ' S.S. GEELONG' from London to Port Adelaide, South Australia
Georg Eric KACKSTEIN -
Georg Eric KACKSTEIN b. 25 feb 1893 Leipzig, Saxony Arr.10 April 1911 'STRONSA' Sydney NSW > Capertee NSW
Franz KADEN - Naturalised 1897
Alois KADOUREK - born 24 Juni 1888 Holice, Pardubice Region, Moravia, Österreich (Austria-Hungarian Empire) > England > Australia
Carl Wilhelm Gottlieb KAEMPFF - Naturalised 1904
Hugo PFER De KAEMPFER (alias Luis TELLING) born 19th august 1853 at Schwerter, Westphalen, Deutsschland - Arr. September 1874 ANTIOPE _ Sandridge Port Melbourne, Australia - Naturalised 1907 - 1909
Gustav Adolph KAESTNER - Arr, 9th November 1878 'NORTHUMBELAND at Port Melbourne . Nat. Orange NSW
Renato KAFKA
Renato KAFKA< born 6th January 1892 Fiume, Österreich, Austria- Hungary Empire. Arr. 12 July 1912 ' ATTILIA at Port Melbourne - Naturalised 1914 Williamstown Road, Yarraville
Abraham KAGANSKY - Russian Poland, Melbourne
Hans Konrad KAGI - Nat.1902.
Ernst Heinrich 'Harry KAHL -born Germany, married Catherine Eleanor RYAN 1900
Hans Johannes Magnus KAHL -born Germany, married Ruby Myrtle WARD 1912
Matthias KAHL
Matthias KAHL b. 29 April 1854 Burg, Island of Fehmarn, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland Arr. 18 Sept 1878 EMMA Pt Adelaide > Melb 5 yrs 26 yrs Sth AUst. MArried , Alberton 1 daughter, Port Pirie, Nat. age 55 / 39 yrs oz 23 Sept 1909 Alberton, Storeman
Heinrich Francis August KAHLER -born Germany, married Alice Louise TUCKER 1894
Johann Martin Gottfried KAHLER
Carl Charles KAISER -from Saxony, m.1885 Emma GODDARD
Johann Ernst Otto KALESKE -born Germany, married Anna Christiane RIEDEL 1908
Isaac KALISKI -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 29
Louis KALMAN - from Hamburg, married Marion Adelaide Gertrude McLEAN 1894 Vic.
Robert Peter Franzis Oscar KALT-REULEAUX born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Anne THWAITES
Adolph Johann Carl 'John Charles' KAMM born Germany, married 1883 Sarah Jennie WILSON
Johannes KAMM
Alwyn Alwin KAMPFHENKEL born Germany, married 1883 Margaret REILLY
Julius Gustav Albert Hugo KAMP - Nat. 1930 - No Alien Registration
Georg Albert KAMPH
Rudolph KAMPHAUSEN -born Germany, married Annie QUINN 1893
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm KAMPMANN born Germany, married Marie Auguste MILLICH 1887
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm KAMPMANN -born Detmold, Germany, married Anna Dorothea ROHR 1891
Karl Ernst KANDLER - b Dresden, Saxony > Wandai, QLD
Jaan 'Johannes or John' KANNULUIK
In Melbourne on 17th November 1918, the External Affairs Department of the Federal Govertment of Australia received a response to a suspected Alien investigation sent to the State Government of Victoria, saying that John Kannuluik, a cabinet Maker, of Hawthorn, Victoria, was Naturalised by the Victorian Government on 25th October 1902. That Alien's Memorial stated that Kannuliuk was born in Werro, Russia. On 14th November 1916 The Imperial Russian Consul General wrote to the Secretary of Australian External Affairs, asking if, in respect to a recent newspaper article about 'the Russian' Mr Kannuliuk's artisan furniture being made to a commission from Australia House in London. The article was headlined 'Australian Furniture for Australia House - An artistic Achievement, and went on to describe, that a contract 'was awàrded to Mr J. Kannuluik, a Russian manufacturer of art furniture, of Burwood Road, Hawthorn, at a price of £2,700.' The commission works for Australia House were 129 separate pieces comprising: 7 bookcases, one extension table, 11 armchairs, 54 heavy chairs, 2o Chippendale chairs, 4 large settees, 3 capstan tables, 20 tables, 3 cabinets, one plan press, 2 revolving bookcases, and 3 screens. Timber to be used was variously Australian: Queensland maple, blackwood, King Billy pine. The Russian Consul asked: 'if any evidence of Mr Kannuluik being a Russian Subject was in his possession, asking that if there was such it be submitted to him for verification as there was a strong rumour current to the effect that Mr Kannuluik was 'not Russian at all, but an out and out German.' I believe Jaan Kannuluik was actually born in Werro, near Ruga, Estonia - then under the domination of the Russian Empire. He married Melbourne-born Caroline ELisabeth Fankhauser in 1891, and they had four Australian children: John Alexander Emil 1893, who did not survive infancy, Walter George 1895, Leonard Oscar 1899, and Doris Nell Kannuluik, 1901.Abraham Bernhard KAPKE - von Poland
A. Carl Eduard KAPP -born Germany, married Maru Mary TOYNBEE 1897
Carl Julius Theodor KAPP -born Germany, married Rita Jane Charlotte COULTER 1905
Carl 'Charles' KARL -born Germany, married Karoline UMGEKTER 1893
Franzis Xavier KARL -born Germany, married Louis Ann DAVIS 1889
Friedrich KARLSON / CARLSEN -born Germany, married EmilY WOODALL 1909
Fraulien KARSTENSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23
M Heinrich Eduard Gustav KARNABE/ KARNABY -born Germany, m.1909 Jessie May DELYOPPO
Ernst Adolph KARTHAUS -born Germany, married Mary Georgina STODDART 1892
Paul KASCH -born Rostock. Mecklenburg, Germany, married Mary GUINNES / GUINESS 1898
Gustav KASSENE -born Germany, married Hilda GRAMBAU 1897 /Gustave KASSENE -born Germany, married luise Maria KURTZE 1901
Eric Otto KASTNER, b. Leipzig, Sachsen. Swan Hill
Theodor Wilhelm KATTERSFELDT
Wilhelm KATUNOSKY -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Artur Felix KATZ - born Konigsberg -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 26 - m. 1886 Phoebe DAVIS
Georg Heinrich KAUFMANN born Germany, married 1883 Louise Martha FOOT
Hermann Otto KAUFMANN b. Sachsen Arr. 'KIRKHAM' 19 Nov 1871 Williamstown, Victoria > NSW > QLD > Dunwich Asylum
Louis Ludwig KAUFMANN -born Germany, married Alice Mary HUGHES 1911
Samuel KAUFMANN -born Germany, married Mary Amelie MACKIESON 1910
carl Heinrich KAUFNER -born Germany, married Annie KEMP 1898
Hermann Heinrich Johann KAUME/KAUNE -born Germany, married Jane EDWARDS 1902
Carl Heinrich KAUPER
Carl Joseph David KOWELMACHER / KAUELMACHER -born Germany, married Penelope MORLEY 1889
Heinrich Johann KOWOHL / KAUOHL -born Germany, married Caroline FURNELL 1890
Heinrich Wilhelm Ferdinand KAYSER
Georg Heinrich KEIDEL -born Germany, married Matilda JOHNSON 1895
Gustave KEIL
Julius Emil KEIL -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Caroline LEUNIG
Anton KEILER -born Germany, married Harriet BAMBURY 1912
A J KEILLER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Johannes John KELLER -born Germany, married Annie WILLIAMS 1893
Carl Wilhelm KELM -born Germany, married Auguste Wilhelmine LIERSCH 1890
Gustav Eduard KELM born Germany, married 1883 Pauline Ernstne HEINZE
Johannes Richard Maximilian KELM -born Germany, married Alwine Emma KNONAGEL 1906
Pastor Friedrich Adolph Hermann KEMPE – Lutheran Missionary & Pastor -Dalhousie Springs, Hermannsburg & Grovedale, Vic.
Pastor Friedrich Adolph Hermann KEMPE born 26 Marz 1844 at Deuben, Saxony, Deutschland . Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1875. Missionary at Hermannsburg, Central Australia 1887-1892. For 30 years itinerant preacher in South Australia and Pastor of Balaklava parish. Selected site of the Koonibba Mission, Eyre Peninsula, SA. Friedrich Adolph Hermann KEMPE was married at age 34 to Dorothee Henriette QUICKENSTEDT, daughter of Johann Quickenstedt, on the 1st March 1878 at the remote outpost of Dalhousie Springs, in the Simpson Desert of South Australia. Children: 1. Johannes Friedrich Georg Kempe –born 28 January 1881 McDonnell Ranges, NT; 2. Heinrich Ludwig Paul Kempe 30th June 1883 Hermannsburg Mission Station [died 22 December 1889 Hermannsburg @ 6]; 3. Johanne Doratheee Wilhelmine Kempe 14 March 1885 Hermannsburg; 4. Anna Charlotte Kempe 10 April 1887 Hermannsburg; 5. Karl Wilhelm Kempe – 24 August 1888 Hermannsburg Mission Station; 6. Hermann Paul Kempe - 28 April 1890 Hermannsburg ; 7. Marie Magdalene Kempe – 23 October 1891 Hermannsburg. His wife Dorathee Kempe died @ 39 years at Hermannsburg, on the 13 November 1901. At age 48 Pastor Friedrich Adolph Hermann Kempe remarried on the 3 June 1892 to 42-year-old Sophia Dorothea ‘KUNZE’ at Evangelical Lutheran Church of St Martins, Rosenthal, South Ausstralia. Sophia Kempe died 30 April 1913 at Balaklava SA-/ Pastor Hermann Kempe married a third time at age 70 to 47-year-old Mrs Magdalene Bertha Elisabeth HANSEN at the Parsonage at Carlsruhe, near Waterloo, South Australia on the 16th February 1915. M. B. Elisabeth Kempe died at age 58 years on the 8th August 1926 at Balklava, South Australia. Friedrich Adolph Hermann Kempe died at age 83 years on the 8 March 1928 at Balaklava, SA
Carl Georg Heinrich KEMPF - from Hannover, married Elizabeth Allen COE 1891 Vic.
Gustav Georg KEMTER / KEMPTER - born Saxony, m.1886 Clara CORBETT
Franz KENDERMANN born Germany, married Jessie DOBSON 1887
Conrad Friedrich KENG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Clara Elizabeth MURPHY 1898 Vic.
Martin Jacob KENNATH -born Germany, married Sarah Elizabeth COOKE 1897
Luis Ludwig Gustav KEPERT - Naturalised 1876
Andreas KEPLER - Queensland
Friedrich Franz KEPPLER - Born 15th August 1853 in Königreich Württemberg. Baker. arr. 15th May 1910 Sydney per MUNGRANEN from New Zealadn > Melbourne
Gustav Ernst KEPPLER
P R KEPPLER - Naturalised 1934
Carl Charles KERKOW - born Vienna, Austria. Arr. Adelaide 1891 . Decorator
Ernst Franz KERL -
Ernst Franz KERL b. 31 Aug 1879 Altona, Prüßen Prussia. Arr. "S.S.ROON' from Hamburg at Pt Melb. 12 June 1911. > Melbourne marri 2 sons, 1 daughter nat. 17 July 1914 Bricklayer Rs. No. 104 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne
Julius Paul KERNBAUM - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Therese WEBER 1890 Vic.
Wilhelm KERNSE - b. 15th July 1861 Flensburg, Deutschland. Plasterer, Arr. from NZ - 2oth Seote 1882 - LOCHART- Res. No 239 Clarke Street, Northcote, VIC
Georg KESLING -born Germany, married Mary MITCHELL 1907 [KESTING?]
Karl Gustav KESPER -born Germany, married Eliza FORD 1904
Albert KESSLER -born Germany, married Margarette Anna Helen WILHELME 1905
Peter KESTIN -born Germany, married Emma KELLY 1902
Georg KESTING -born Germany, married Mary MITCHELL [KESLING?]
Peter KESTING -born Germany, married Emma GRAY 1904
Gregor KETTERER -born Baden, m.1886 Anna Victoria SCHUMANN
Solomon KEYVER -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 36
Victor KHUEN - born Pomerania, married Anna Marie BUCK 1894 Vic.
Joachim Karl Friedrich KIEL
Alfred Theodor Karl KIENZLE -
Alfred KIENZLE [[1904 - Papua and New Guinea] Rubber production, Papua - Native tapper on Koitaki plantation, near Port Moresby, wearing the Librican flower in his hair - Tappers with pails of latex on the way to the factory - Native trainees at Sogeri agricultural station, being shown how to t...-graft young rubber trees - Prior 1951 - Papua ] Rubber Planter in Deutsch Neu Guinea/ Papua - Australia Prisoner of War 1917 Interneedin NSW 1919 - from FIJI Naturalisation in Australia 1925/1926 [Court Case- BURKARD and Company Limited versus WAHLEN Rudolph; KIENZLE Alfred 1928]
Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst KIESEWATTER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Esther CLAYDON 1890
Johannes KILDAHL
Eduard KILIAN - from Bavaria, married Matilda Ages Mumford 1889 Vic.
Johann KILLAT b.1849 Tucheim, Sachsen, Deutschland - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 30 Landmann/ Farmer
Erick Hermann Conrad Heinrich KILLISCH VON HORN
August Martin KILP -born Germany, married Elsa BENJAMIN 1903
Herr KINDERLING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 36
Franz Joachim Alexander KINDERMANN
O KINDERMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 29
Bernhardt Daniel KING / KONIG - born Bremen m.1909 Ina KING
Charlie KING / Carl KOENIG born Austria, married Margaret INGLIS 1879
Friedirich Howard KIONEMANN
Traugott Hermann KIRCHHUEBEL / KURCHHUBEL -from Saxony, m.1883 Matilda GREENAWAY
Wilhelm KIRCHHOFF -born Germany, married Florence MAggie Josephine LENEY 1890
Gustav adolph KIRCHNER -born Germany, married Henritta F.REID 1894
Karl Eduard KIRMSSE -from Saxony, m.1884 Rose Annie HONOUR
Simon KIRSCH -born Germany, married Julia BOUCER 1889
Georg Oswald Julius KIRST - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Ida REIMANN 1902
Willy Wilhelm Eduard KITHER- Irregular Naturali - 1920 ( Willy W KEITER)
Friedrich Wilhelm Reinhold KLAMBT born Modelsdorf, Sclesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia) m.1876 Auguste KAUL
Wilhelm KLAS (VILHELM) or Klaus? WILHELM - Naturalised 1929
A J KLASEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 36
Friedrich Von KLAUSCH,
Carl Ludwig KLEEBERG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna Margaretha RIEDL 1900 Vic.
Andreas KLEESH - from Hamburg, married Beatrice HOLT 1895 Vic.
Gottlob Otto KLEIN - born Königreich Württemberg, married Mary STUDY 1877
Heinrich Henry KLEIN born Germany, married 1883 Margaret MURPHY
Johann Friedrich KLEIN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Elizabeth SORG
Peter KLEIN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 34, with Ann 19
Ferdinand August KLEINE -born Germany, married Theresa Evelyn ESMONDE 1900
Julius KLEINER -born Germany, married Lena O'BRIEN 1902
Paul Reinhold Hermann KLEINER , Glassblower
Joseph KLEMM -von Berlin - born Berlin, married Alma Bertha RATTAIEF/ RATTACY 1907
Adam KLEMM -born Germany, married Florence Agnes RADFORD 1904
Carl Heinrich KLEMM -born Germany, married Ada Elizabeth COWLING 1892
Vincent KLEMENT - Enemy Alien. Internee - Released in Victoria 4 Nov 1915
Augustus KLEMMER -from Saxony, m. Anne Dorothea SCHRODER
Ernst Walter KLEYE -born Germany, married Marie Willian KRULL 1908
Georg KLIEN -born Germany, married Catherine HUGHES 1900
Johann KLING
Peter KLINGER -from Germany, married Margaret MARQUIS 1888
Heinrich KLIPPEL
Franz Francis KLINE / KLEIN -born Germany, married Louisa SMITH 1892
Friedrich KLINGENBERG -born Germany, married Eleanor FOSTER 1891
Herr KLINGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 38
Ferdinand KLIX born Berlin > Footscray
Ferdinand KLIX was an Engine Driver born in Belin, Brandenburg in about 1861. H e emigrated from the Port of Hamburgh on the vessel "SAROMINA" arring abot the 20th June 1885 in Melbourne. At age 36, after twelve years in Australia he took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when living at Elphinstone Street, Footscray, on the 25th August 1897.
Otto Emil Richard KLIX - Sunshine Harvestor Co. Naturalised 1894 [Military Intelligence File MP16/1 - 1915/3/1451]
Pastor Otto Paul KLÖDEN (KLOEDEN – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Otto Paul KLÖDEN (KLOEDEN), son of Friedrich Hermann Kloeden, was born on the 11th September 1880 at Meissen, Saxony. Kloeden arrived Australia with his family as a child in 1884. He went aborad to study at the Concordia Seminary, in Springfield, USA from 1906-1910. He was Ordained on 4 December 1910. Otto Paul KLOEDEN was married at age 30 to 22-year-old Beate Emma PAECH, daughter of Carl Adolph Paech, at the Evangelische Lutheran zum Weinberge Christi Church, at Lobethal, South Australia on the 20th October 1910. Pastor Kloeden served in South Australia at Pinnaroo 1910-1914; at ‘New Residence’ a district on an anabranch of Murray River, west of Loxton from 1914-1943; and he relieved at various places for an interim, Then the Kloedens’ went to Port Pirie from 1948-1952, after which he served as Chaplain at the Old Folks Home, in Fullarton, Adelaide SA. 1954-? The KLOEDEN children were : Erna Concordia Klöden, 1911 Pinnaroo; Stella Beate Klöden, 1913 Pinnaroo; Mona Renate Klöden, 1914 New Residence; Nita Emma Klöden, 1916 New Residence; Oscar Walter Klöden, 1917 New Residence; Luis Adolph Klöden,1922 New Residence; Martin Hermann Klöden, 1926 New residence and Kevin Edwin Klöden, 1927 Loxton, South Australia. Pastor Klöden was predeceased by his wife Beate Emma Klöden, who became ill died at age 54 having sought treatment at Hawthorn, Adelaide, when the Klödens were still living at New Residence, on the 13th October 1842. Pastor Otto Paul KLÖDEN died at age 76 years at Colonel Light Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia on the 12th March 1960.
Carl Albert KLOSE -born Germany, married Antonie GLUTH 1889
L KLOTH -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 49
Karl Emil KLOTZ -born Germany, married Katherina HOLLAND 1896
Heinrich KLOTZBACH -born Germany, married Maria PHIPPS 1892
Conrad Friedrich KLUG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Clara Elizabeth MURPHY 1898 Vic.
Paul Bernhard KLUTZ -born Germany, married Delia Rhoda MARTIN 1910
Hans Johannes Friedrich Wilhelm KNAACK
Hans Johannes Friedrich Wilhelm KNAACK [Enemy Alien File MP16/1 1915/3/693]
[1928 Application for Australian Letters Patent for an invention by Hans Frederick William Knaack titled, Improvements in reciprocating type water lift pumps]
Victor KNAACK [Enemy Alien File MP16/1 1914/2/248]
Carl Heinrich KNABE 1914
Christian Gottlieb Carl Ludwig KNABE -b. Weimar Arr, 1883 Nat. 1883 Adelaide
Gustav Adolph KNABE 1916 Nat. 1927
Adolf Michael KNABLE, Swiss,
Eisbin Reinholdt KNAK - Kirschke DE- Ipswich, Queensland
Carl Julius Theodor KNAPP - married Rita Jane Charlotte COULTER 1905
Ernst Heinrich KNAPP Nat. 1916
Joseph KNAPP -born Germany, married EmilY Mary McRAE 1903
Georg Wilhelm KNAUB Nat. 1910
Friedrich Wilhelm KNAUER b. 31st Oktober 1874
Königreich Württemberg> Western Australia
Hermann Karl Robert KNAUF - 1915, Sydney [Series number ST1233/1]
Jakob KNAUS, St Gallus, Switzerland > Adelaide, Florist
Adolph KNECHT Born Stuttgart, Kr. Neckar, Königreich Württemberg > Geelong
Emil KNEISEL -born Germany, married Marie PFEIFFER 1892 Emigrated out of Hamburg on the ship 'ZERAUDS' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 14th March 1884. Engineer at No. 7 Tyson Street, Richmond, Victoria.
Peter KNEISEL -born Germany, married Amelia RUDDLER 1890
Georg KNEIBUSCH -born Germany, married Stasia HOURIGAN 1891
Franz KNEPPE - De-naturalised 1919
Alphonse KNEPPERT - Naturlaised 1901
Franz KNERSCH born Prussia, married 1884 Mary Ann JOHNSON
Friedrich Gustav Robert KNERSCH born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Mary HARPER
Johannes 'John' KNEZOVICH
Johannes 'John' KNEZOVICH was born on the 22nd June 1893 at Imotsko, in Dalmatian Austria. Dalmatia was then part of the Österreich (the Austro-Hungarian Empire). Imotsko is now within the nation of Croatia. Knezovich emigrated out of the Austrian Reiche and made his way of the interim refuge hub of France, and there embarked from the Mediterranean Port of Marseilles, France, on the ship "S.S.NERA' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia on the 13th January 1912. After disembarkation Knezovich went out to the desert goldfields of Western Australia, where by the time of the Outbreak of the Great Enmity in war, had he spent 2 years at Gwalia, 6 months at Laverton, and the balance, back near the coast at Manjimup, where he worked as a Sleeper Cutter. It was was a single man when he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 15th December 1914 at No. 31 Lake Street, Perth before Mr Thomas Frederick Davies, Police Magistrate for the State of Western Australia.
Hugo Maximilian KNIE - born 27th June 1875 at Hertzberg, Saxony - Jeweller, Arr, 28 Sept 1907 per SCHARNHORST at Melbourne > Macquarie Street, Queenbeyan, NSW
Christoph KNOBLOCH - Naturalised 1905
Carl Hermann KNOBLOCH born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Elizabeth Margaret HUTCHINSON
Luis Adolf Eduard Albert KNOBLAUCH - b. Sechausen Prussia Grocer, Exetor, Semaphore SA
Paul Andreas Emil Robert KNOBLAUCH - Naturalised 1913 Adelaide
Oscar Hugo KNOCH Arr. age 20
Oscar Hugo KNOCH Arr, 1906 Sydney > Naturalised 1912
Karl Eduard KNOCHENHAUER born Germany, married Emilie KRAEFFT 1887
Cyrille KNOCKAERT - born 20th Nov 1893 Nieuport, West Flanders, Belgium, Arr 1911 Pt Pirie, SA
Peter Machiel KNOL b. Holland > Gippsland
Heinrich Emil Otto KNOLL
Heinrich Emil Otto KNOLL emigrated from Germany to Australia on the Nord-Deutshcher-Lloyd vessel "S.S.NECKAR" arriving at the Port of Sydney, N.S.W. on the 30th September 1891. Otto Knoll was born on the 20th Juli 1866 at Stötteritz, in Leipzig, Sachsen (Saxony) Deutschland. He was an Accountant by profession, and resided from the first in Mosman, NSW. He was married to Elise Berth PFAFFLIN in Sydney in 1894. He took the oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 27th May 1909 at 'Lahr', Raglan Street, Mosman, New South Wales.
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm KNOLL (1880-1967) butcher, born Brüssow, Uckermark, Brandeburg, Prüßen (Prussia) Deutschland
Karl Wilhelm KNOLL Markgröningen, Kr. Neckar, Königreich Württemberg -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 30... - see INTRODUCTION
Carl KNÖNAGEL / KNOENAGEL b. 1849 Tuchheim, Sachsen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 29 Landmann/ Farmer - with Wife Louise age 20
David KNOOLES -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 24
Ludwig KNÖRINGINER Arr.1910 at age 27 Engineer and Draftsman. - born 13th June 1863 at Tübingen, Königreich Württemberg naturalised 11914 Denaturalised 1919
Thomas Friedrich KNORPP born Germany, married 1883 Ellen HOWER
Friederich KNORR - naturalised 1901
Georg Friedrich Franz KNORR
Georg Friedrich Franz KNORR was born on 26th April 1888 at Brandenburg, Provinz Brandenburg, Deutschland. Knorr emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from the Port of Bremen on the steamship "SCHARNHORST" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney NSW on the 25th September 1912. On disembark he waited just two days in Sydney before immigrating north to Queensland, where went to Mackay and stayed four years. Knorr then went outback to Cloncurry for six months, then down to brisbane for four months before returning to Mackay. He was stayed in Mackay for six months and then went outback again, this time in the Gulf Country at Hughendon for six months before returning to Mackay, QLD. The Police Report on him says in respect to a form query on bad conduct? "No. He was looked upon with a good deal of suspicion during the war, but nothing was proved against him... I have known the application for about two years. I have found him to be a sober hard working man and as far as I could see to be of good character." At the age of 33 Georg Friedrich Franz KNORR was was working as a Labourer for Mr. August Rick at Finch Hatton, in the Pioneer Valley, 80 km west of Mackay, when he finally took the Oath of Naturalisation in his Aliens Petition of 23 October 1920.
Hans Johannes KNORR - Naturalised 1932
Erdmann Otto KNORRE - Queensland - naturalised 1914-1921
F KNUDSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 32
Hans Johannes KNUDSEN
Paul Karl Hugo Franz KOBLITZ from Wolmsdorf, Silesia to Western Australia
Paul Karl Hugo Franz KOBLITZ, son of Hermann KOBLITZ, was born at Wolmsdorf, Kreis Jauer, Schlesien, Preussen (Selisia, Prussia), on the 9th Marz 1868. Wolmsdorf is now called Wolbromek in the Gmina Bolków, within Jawor County, of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, in Western Poland. Koblitz emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "GERA" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 20th August 1897. Upon disembarking Koblitz resided in Sydney for just five months and then immigrated to Western Australia. From Fremantle he went up the Swan river to Jandakot for 3 years, and so to Kelmscott for 3 years, out the Kalgoorlie track towards Merredin, at Kellerberrin for two years, before settling back near Perth at Welshpool. After 17 years in Australia, at the age of 46, he was a Poultry Farmer at Welshpool, Western Australia when he Swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his 'Aliens Memorial' of 13th August 1914 at Victoria Park, WA. Paul KOBLITZ died at age 96 in Perth WA in 1963.
Adolph Martin Gustav KOBIOLKE Timber Scientist
Franz Heinrich KOBIOLKE
Friedrich Ernst KOBIOLKE
Alfred KOCH
Alfred KOCH was born on the 15th August 1883 at Sakskøbing, on the 'flat as a pancake' Isle of Lolland, in Guldborgsund municipality, Region Sjælland (Zealand) in Denmark, not so far above the Mecklenburg and Pomeranian coasts of Deutschland. Alfred KOCH emigrated out of the Old Zealand in Europe and found his way to New Zealand of the Antipodes from which place he embarked to arrive in Australia on the barque "EOS" at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 10th of January 1913. On disembarking he resided in Melbourne for five months and then immigrated up the continet to North Queensland, settling at Bundaberg. He was an unmarried Mechanic residing c/- G.P.O Bundaberg, Queensland, on when he took the Oath for Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of the 29th March 1915. After he was naturalised Koch managed to enlist in the Australain Infantry Force. and after the war he was a beneficiary in receiving Soldiers Settlement Block 301, at Tolga, on the Atherton Tablelands, near Cairns, Queensland.
Anton KOCH - Arrived 1913 Brisbane - Naturalisedn 1916 Gympie, QLD
Franz Luis Ludwig KOCH / COOK born Hamburgh, married Mary McDONALD 1888
Pastor Georg Carl KOCH – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Georg Carl KOCH born 30 Dezember 1874 Schoenberg, Deutschland. To USA. Studied Concordia College, Fort Wayne, USA. Graduated Concordia Seminary, St Louis USA 1899. To South Australia. Adelaide 1899-1906. Concordia College: 1907-1929. Author of ‘Law and the Gospel.’ At age 28 Georg Carl KOCH was married to 23-year-old Antonia Anna Sophia Von WIADROWSKI, daughter of Anton Von Wiadrowski, at the Lutheran Church, Adelaide on the 21st October 1903. Children: Waldemar Theodore Koch – born 18th June 1905 East Adelaide; Louise Antonie Koch – born 4th October 1906, St Peters, Adelaide; Elfrieda Gertrude Koch –born 25 October 1907 at Fullarton; Irma Agnes Koch –born 4th September 1910 at Fullarton; Agnes Margaret Koch – born 12 December 1913 at Fullarton; Edwin Georg Koch – born 18th January 1918 Rosefield, SA; Walter Erich Koch – born 4 october 1919 at Rosefield; and Erica Eliza Koch – born 5th January 1924 at Rosefield, South Australia. Pastor Georg Carl KOCH died at age 54 years on the 15th October 1929 at Rosefield (Rosenfeld) South Australia. His wife Antonie Sophia Anna KOCH survived him to died at age 88 years on 29th January 1969 at Fullarton, Adelaide, SA.
Julius Stephens KOCH -born Germany, married Kate Agnes FLANAGAN 1893
Wilhelm KOCH - from Hannover, Prüßen (Prussia), married Mary Westbrook 1891 Vic.
Emil August KOCHNER
Emil August KOCHNER was born on the 30th November 1874 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburg, albiet,by then a former Free City, already shackled to the then 3-year-old unified Deutsch Reich. Emil Kochner arrived in Australia at Port Adelaide on teh ship "ERLANGEN" two days before Christmas 1894. On disembarking he staye din south Australia for 8 years and then immigrated to the West, settling as a Farmer at Minnivale, via Dowerin, Western Australia, where he took the Oath of Naturalised in his Aliens Petition of the 1st June 1912. He was then married, but as yet without children. Emil August KOCHNER died in Fremantle, WA in 1942.
Heinrich Karl Ludwig KOCHNER -
Heinrich Karl Ludwig KOCHNER was born on the 30th April 1872 at Hamburg still imagined to be a Hanseatic Free State in a Deutschland already unified under the Great Reich in up the Elbe. Heinrich Kochner emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on theh steamship "ZEITHEN" and arrived at the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia on the 6th December 1910. Upon disembarking, he joined his younger brother at Dowerin for 15 months before settling as a Farmer at Donnelly River, near Manjemup. After two and a half years in Australia he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 18th April 1913 at Warwickhill, Manjemup, Western Australia. He appears to have emigrated with his wife and one daughter, leaving another daughter behind in Hamburg.
Gustav KOCHENDORFFER - Naturalised 1898
Carl August Martin KOCHLER -born Germany, married Maria Albertine KREPEL 1901
J KOCHOWSKI - Naturalised 1924
A KODAK - Naturalised 1931-1943
Albert Heinrich KÖDING
Albert Heinrich KÖDING was born about 1852 at Breslau, Schlesien, Preussen - Stonemason, Arrived in Port Adelaide on 1 January 1884 per "S.S. PROCIDA" To 194 Flinders Street, Adelaide after two days in Australia at age 32 he too the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 2 January 1884 at Adelaide SA.
Maximilian Hugo Gustav KOEBCKE /KÖBCKE
Otto Eduard Hermann KOELLER / KÖLLER
Theodor KOELSKEN /KÖLSKEN -born Germany, married EmilY KELSON 1905
Adam KÖTZ / KOETZ - from Denzen, Franconia to Orana, Australia
Adam KÖTZ / KOETZ - b. 28 April 1858 at Denzen, Kirchberg (Hunsrück), Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate), Deutschland. Adam KÖTZ emigrated on the 'S.S. NORTHUMBERLAND" to arrive in Australia at Sandridge, the Port of Melbourne, Victoria, on 22 November 1876. two years at Ballarat, five years at Wodonga-Albury NSW, twenty three years on the Clarence River, NSW. at Orana, South Grafton, NSW. Married. Eight children, among whom are: Heinrich B Koetz b.1883 Albury; Friedrich Wilhelm Koetz b.1890 Grafton; Christian Samuel Koetz 1893 Grafton; Peter J Koetz b. 1897 Grafton; and twins Anna E. & Charles J. Koetz b. 1901 Grafton, New South Wales. After 30 years in Australia at the age of 48 Adam KÖTZ wasa Farmer at Orana, South of Grafton when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 10th December 1906 at Grafton, NSW.
August Wilhelm Johann KOHLBERGER - von Rugenwald, Pommern, Prüßen (Prussia), married Florence Jane SANDERS 1887
Auguust Wilhelm KOHLBERGER - von Prüßen (Prussia) , married Emma May ABBOTT 1912
Carl Georg KOHLHEIM - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Helen Henderson 1891 Vic.
Carl August Martin KOEHLER -born Germany, married Maria Albertine KREPER 1901
Francis Andreas KOEHLER /KÖHLER
Otto Eduard Hermann KÖHLER / KOEHLER -born Germany, married Elizabeth MALCOLM 1890
Carl Georg KOHLHIEM -born Germany, married Lucie Adalahart MAHOOD 1903
August Carl KOHLMEYER born Germany, married 1883 Luise Marie KELLER
Eduard Lemard Leonard KOHLS - born Belgium, married MHANDFORTH 1894
Otto KÖHNA / KOEHNA was born about 1849 at Magdeburg on the Elbe in Bundesland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Prussia. Koehna arrived in Australia at Port Adelaide about the end of November 1873. After seven weeks in Australia at the age of 25 he was working as a Tanner's Assistant at Hindmarsh when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 21st January 1874 at Adelaide, South Australia.
Siegfried KOHN -from Germany, married Adlaide Sarah JACOBS 1888
Victor KOHN -born Meve, Germany, married Delphine NISSEN 1889
Franz Reinhold Hermann KOITSTEN - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Gladys Courtney HUGHES 1910
Heinrich henry KOIER -from Germany, married Luise ZIFAURM 1888
Robert Hermann KOKOR / KOKER -born Germany, married Ada FLETCHER 1903
Waldemar Eduard KOLBE b. 9 Feb 1876 Thorn, Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania, Prussia) Arr. Easter 1908 on N.G.L SS.WILLEBAD from German New Guinea Nat. 1911 @ Sydney NSW > Young, NSW > Victoria Nat. 4 Jan 1911 Sydney
Ernst Friedrich KOLLN - from Hamburg, married Charlotte Jane HAMMOND 1892 Vic.
Friedrich Paul KOLLOSCHE -born Germany, married Elinor McGUINESS 1901
Carl Wilhelm Heinrich KONEMANN b. 26th July 1875 Neukirchen, Pommern, Prussia. Blacksmith, Arr.1889 Sydney
Leo Baron Von KÖNERITZ
Leo Baron Von KÖNERITZ was born on the 2nd Juli 1820 in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland. He trained as a Journalist by profession. Baron Von KÖNERITZ emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim freedom in Belgium and there embarked on the vessel "JOHN ELDER" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in March 1882. Upon disembarking he soon immigrated to Sydney, NSW. After 32 years in Australia, at the age of 54 years, Baron Von KÖNERITZ was living at 'St Cloud' in Riley Street, Kogarah, Sydney, NSW and was married with one son and one daughter when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Petition of 12th August 1914.
Ernst KÖNIG Nat. 1900
Ernst Friedrich KÖNIG - from Hannover, married Anna Minna Schultz 1891 Vic.
Johann Hermann KÖNIG - from Hannover, married Johanne Luise Schultz 1894 Vic.
Gottfried KÖNIG born Prüßen (Prussia), married Agnes WILSON 1887
Heinrich Friedrich Vincent KÖNIG -born Germany, married Ethel Victoria GREEN 1906
Maximilian KÖNIG - -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 31 - Nat. 1886
Woulff KÖNIGSBERG - b. Warsaw Arr. Fremantle Naturalised 1926 Perth
Benno HEIMANN Von KÖNIGSWERDER Medical specialist.
Benno HEIMANN Von KÖNIGSWERDER - born 2nd Februar 1873 Brandenburg A/H, Brandenburg, in the Deutsche Reich. Arr. Feb 1895 from Liverpool, England to Newcastle, NSW > Sydney 3 yrs > Melbourne 3 Yrs > Brisbane 6 yrs > England > Adelaide Nat. 2nd Dec 1909 No.116 Wakefield Street, Adelaide Medical specialist.
Franz 'Frank' KÖNITZ
Franz 'Frank' KONITZ b. 6th October 1856 at Rugenwalde, Provinz Pommern (Pomerania) Prussia Arr. 10 Aug 1883 per 'MOSCOW' at Port of Melbourne, > South Melbourne > No 371 City Road, South Melbourne, Victoria. Labourer Naturalised 7th May 1913.
Wilhelm Johann KONOW / KONAU -born Germany, married Margaret CLOW 1901
Arnold Theodor KOPFF b. Cuxhaven, Hamburg Pianoforte Maker,
Arnold Theodor KOPFF was born 14th July 1845 at Cuxhaven, in the Elbe estuary reaches of the Port of Hamburgh. He arrived from London in the Port of Melbourne on the ship LINCONSHIRE on the 10th November 1974, He lived in Melbourne for 3 years and then went up to Bendigo, and then to Sydney, New South Wales. h he was a manufacturer of Pianos. He took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when living at No. 101 Reservoir street, Sydney, after 40 years in Australia and the 12th August 1914.
Carl Georg KOPMANN -born Germany, married Anna Helene MULFINGER 1898
Julius Carl Heinrich KOPMANN -born Germany, married Ella MarioN SPRY 1901
August Karl Eduard KOPP -born Germany, married Mary mary JOYNBER 1897
Emil Karl KOPP
Emil Karl KOPP was married to the Melbourne-born Ida Bertha ZUMPE in Victoria in 1917.
Herr VON KOPPELOW -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 32
Herr KOERBER /KÖRBER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 32
Christoph August Peter KOOP Dimboola
Christoph August Peter KOOP was born about 1840 in the Grand duchy of Mecklenburg, Deutschland. He arrived overland from South Australia in Victoria on the 6th April 1874 and settled at Dimboola. Naturalised 18th January 1892 at Dimboola.
Richard Albert KORBOWSKY
Anton KORDA De-naturalised 1919
Jess Dedricksen KOREN b. Nordland, Norway Arr.1884 Pt Jackson Sydney > Mildura > Mooroopna > Korumburra> Forbes NSW > Bundaberg QLD Nat. 1916 Strezlecki, Gippsland
Alfred KORNBLUM -from Germany, married Rosette LEVINSON 1888
Ernst KORNBLUM Silesia to Victoria
Ernst KORNBLUM -born Tost, or Toszek, a town in Silesia, P Germany, Poland Arr. 21 Sept 1912 per COLOPAVI from London, England at married Fannie LEVINSON 1899 - Nat. in Melbourne 15th Oct 1890.
Friedrich Fritz KORNEMANN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1883 Eliza AITCHISON
Behrend KÖRNER b. Wedel, Holstein, to Lancefield, Victoria
Carl Franz KÖRNER [aka Charles Frank KORNER]
Carl Franz KÖRNER [aka Charles Frank KORNER] was born at Altona, on the ship-busy estuary of the Elbe below the Port City of Hamburg on the 18th January 1892. KÖRNER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from the Port of Hamburgh on the ship "FALLS OF GARRY" to arrive in Australia at Port Pirie, South Australia on the 10th April 1911. On disemabrking he remained for ten months in Port Pirie and then immigrated to Portland (either of Portland, Victoria or NSW?) for fifteen months and then to Sydney, New South Wales. After nearly three years in Australia he was single at age 22, working as a Cook, residing at 22 Burton Street< Sydney when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 16 March 1914.
Herr KÖRNER / KOERNER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Carl Friedrich KÖRNER
Friedrich KÖRNER was born in teh Hanseatic Free City of Hamburgh. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive 22 Nov 1854 at Port Melborune. Miner. Naturalised 20th January 1891 at No.27 Raleigh Street, Windsor, Prahran district, Melbourne.
Friedrich Wilhelm KÖRNER, b. 7 Juli 1885 Laasen, Gera, Thuringen. Arr. 1909, Houghton Sth Aust. Labourer. Nat. 17 Aug 1914
Heinrich KÖRNER -
Heinrich KÖRNER was born 21st November 1879 at Ütersen, Ahrenlohe, near Pinneberg, Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein. A Farmer of Tantanoola SA when Naturalised 1879 at Mount Gambier, SA.
Hermann Hugo KÖRNER
Hermann Hugo KÖRNER was born on the 14th Frabruary 1875 in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia, by then a relatively new Kapital in a unified Deutschland. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the hub of refuge and freedom in Great Britain and embarked at the Port of London on the vessel "S.S.UMRAH" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 20th March 1899. After 13 years in Australia, unmarried at the age of 37 1/2, Hermann Hugo KÖRNER was working as a Watchmaker, residing at 'Ophir' Addison Road, Petersham, Sydney, NSW when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 12th November 1912.
Georg KORTEKAAS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 18
Paul KOSCHEL -born Germany, married Leonie Louise Freances Gobbe SEDLEY 1908
Reinhold KOSCHEL -born Germany, married Elizabeth RAPLEY / RAPER 1897
Wilhelm Martin KOSKA -born Germany, married Lilly Maud LEVER 1908
Johannes John KOSS -born Germany, married Emily RUSSELL 1891
Carl KOSTER -born Germany, married Mary Anne WHEELER 1893
Abraham KOZMINSKY born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Esther GOLDBERG
Louis Leopoldt Carl KRACHMER born Berlin, Prussia, married Rose CARR 1887
August Friedrich Wilhelm KRAEMER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Agnes Maxwell DOUGLAS
Hans Johannes KRAEMER - from Bavaria, married Gerte WHITING 1893 Vic.
Christoph KRAEFT / KRAFFT -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Elizabeth HARVEY
Wilhelm Georg KRAFT / KRAFFT -born Germany, married Sarah Alice FINCH 1898
Wilhelm KRAFFT -born Germany, married Mary jane ANDERSON 1897
Heinrich KRAKOWSKY - von Poland
Solly KRAKOWSKY - von Poland
Doctor KRAMER - -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 31
Eduard Carl Charlie KRAMER -born Germany, married mary ELizabeth DOYLE 1910
Erich Werner KRAMER Klein Wangleben to Woorah West
Erich Werner KRAMER, son of Christian Hermann Kramer and Bertha Pinkinella, was born on the 26th August 1886 at Klein Wangleben, Sachsen (Saxony) Deutschland. Kramer emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the Atlantic crossing to Amerika and eventually embarked there at a port in Chile, South America on the ship "LORD SHAFTERSBURY" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Newcastle, New South Wales on the 21st September 1907. Upon disembarking Kramer lived at Top Creek until 27th September 1908; and then at Crystal Brook, South Australia; at Netherby, South Australia, Lorguon, SA, and again in Netherby, before moving to the Wimmera of Victoria. After four years in Australia, at age 25 and a half he was unmarried, working as a Farm Labourer c/- E. F. Schultz, at Woorah West, via Nhill, Victoria, when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 20th February 1912. Erch Werner Kramer was married to Hilda Minna Emilie Domaschenz in Victoria in 1935. Erich Werner Kramer died at age 86 in 1963 at Natimuk, Victoria.Ernest Eugene KRAMER Missionary to the Aborigines
Brother Ernest Eugene KRAMER [Ernst Eugen KRAMER] son of Carl Friedrich KRAMER, was born on the 10th May 1889 at Basle, Canton Basel Stadt, Switzerland. Responding to a felt call to be a missionary in Australia Kramer emigrated out of Switzerland via Bristol, England, where he spent five weeks, and then embarked at the Port of Liverpool on the steamship 'S.S.SUEVIC' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 9th September 1909. Upon disembarking Kramer lived in Adelaide and then in Melbourne for eighteen months.
Ernst Eugen KRAMER was married to Euphemia BUCHANAN in 1912 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Euphemia BUCHANAN was born in 1897 in Clunes, near Creswick, the daughter of Ballarat-born Colin Campbell Buchanan and his wife, Geelong-born, Catherine McLeod Murchison. The Kramer Children: 1. Colin Eugene b.28th January 1913 Hotham East, North Melbourne, Victoria
2, Mary Catherine b. 9th January 1918, Farina, North Flinders Ranges, S Aust.
3. Euphemia Faith b. 12th June 1923 Davenport, South Australia
4. Grace Murchison b. 28th August 1926
After they were maried the Kramers went to Central Australia as missionaries with the Aborigines. In about 1915-1918 Kramer was Registered as an Enemy Alien both in North Melbourne, Victoria, and at Port Pirie, South Australia. In 1923 the Kramers were living at Tranmere, SOuth Australia, and working as missionaries for no organisation. It was then that he took the ooath of his aliens memorial and was nattralised on the 28th February 1923 at Adelaide.
Ernst Eugen KRAMER died at age 68 years on the 16th February 1958 at Torrens Park, Adelaide, South Australia. His wife Euphemia survived him to died at age 84 at Mitcham, Adelaide, South Australia.
Reinhold KRAMM -from Germany, married Emilie NOSKE 1888
Heinrich Wilhelm KRAMP -
Heinrich Wilhelm KRAMP was born aboutt 1858 at Rothenbeck, Holstein, Deutschland. Kramp Emigrated about June 1882 arrived Adelaide, South Australia. At the age of 24, Kramp swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for naturalisation three months late on the 21st September 1882 in Adelaide, where he was working as a Clerk.Hermann KRAMP =
Hermann KRAMP born Hamburgh - married 1873 Rebekah JENKINS (b.Cornwall-1879 Vic) Hermann Kramp died in 1902 at age 83, at the Hospital in Creswick, Victoria.
Richard KRAMP -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 31
Andreas KRAPP - married Emmie WINTON 1915. Terang, Victoria: Children: Jean KREPP 1916 Terang; Charles Edward KREPP 1917 Terang; Gordon Andress KREEP 1919 Terang.
Albert Heinrich Otto KRAPP
Albert Heinrich Otto KRAPP was born at Gottingen, Hannover, on the 5th March 1870, or, just two months after the Unification of the Kingdom of Hannover into a Prussian United Germany. At about the age when he was due to do his compulsory military service Krapp emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of freedom in England and there embarked on the ship 'S.S.NAIRNSHIRE@ to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney, New South Wales on the 1st April 1895. On disembarking Krapp went to Yarras, on the Upper Hastings River, inland from Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Krapp was a Tischler / Joiner by trade, working as a Miner at Yarras, near Ellenborough. Albert Heinrich Otto KRAPP died at Newtown, Sydney in 1956.
Adolph KRAUSE -born Germany, married Catherine FELS 1894
Johann Wilhelm John KRAUSE -born Germany, married Christina LAWSON 1910
Georg Martin August KRAUSE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Ellen EVANS 1891 Vic
Hermann Walter Karl KRAUSE
Hermann Walter Karl KRAUSE was married to the Boroondara-born Anna Agnes ZUMPE in 1916.
Martin KRAUSE - born Prussia, m.1886 Amalie Friedericke SEMLER
Walter Herbert Gustav KRAUSE b. 11 Nov 1893 Zueelichau, Neumark, Ost brandenburg - arr. 27 oct 1910 PLAUEN at Pt Adelaide SA, Gardener
Jakob Jacob KRAUSGILL -born Germany, m.1886 Priscilla HAWKINS
Ewald KRECZY or KREZCY - alias- Francis SCHMETTAUX
Ewald KRECZY - alias- Francis SCHMETTAU - born 13th April 1877 in Aachen (also known as Aix-la-Chapele. North Rhineland, Westphalia, Deutschland. Kreczy emigrated from the Port of Antwerp, in Belgium, on the "S.S> OLDENBRUG" a ship of the Nord Deutscher Line, arriving in the Port of Sydney, N.S.W. in June 1905. After his arrival in Australia he had lived for six months in Melbourne, Victoria, and then returned to New south Wales, where he lived in Sydney for 5 years, Singleton for a year and a half, Gravesend for a year, then in the Maitland district for over a year. Kreczy was a clerk by occupation, living at Raworth, Morpeth, New South Wales.
Albert KRELL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 43; with Louise Krell 28.
Hermann Johann KRENSIEN / KRENSIER -born Germany, married Agnes Emmaline GARDINER 1896
Wilhelm KRESSEN born Germany, married 1883 Agnes Richmond ROBERTSON
Wilhelm KRESSEN -born Germany, married Bridget BEUDSCHNEIDER 1902
Hermann KRIEG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 26
Johann 'John' KRIEG
Johann 'John' KRIEG, miner, died at age 50 on the 30th November 1906 at Arltunga, Northern Territory
Georgas Adolphus KRIEGER -born Germany, married Eliza WRIGHT 1897
Gustav Emil KREIGER -born Germany, m.1886 Ethel May WHEELER
Carl Justus Gabriel KRICHAUFF - born Altona, prussia - Arr. 1876 Nat. 1876 Tanunda, Sth Australia
Hugo Anton KRISCHE born Germany, married Maria Katherine SCHOPPE 18887
Hugo Anton KRISCHKE -born Germany, married Lizzie HALL 1896
Bruno Ferdinand KRITZ - from Lansigh, Saxony, married Anna Dorothea BREMEN 1891, Vic.
Alfred KROFFT-arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 29
Johann Gottlieb KROSCHEL / KOSCHEL -born Germany, m.1886 Jane Catherine PASCOE
Andreas Friedrich KROHN -born Germany, married Ellen Frances SMYTHE 1905
Daniel Wilhelm KROJANKER - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Annie Grace JONES
Traugott KROKER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Henriette HARTWICH
Johann Ludwig Laurenz KROKSTEDT
Karl Wilhelm KROLL -
Karl Wilhelm KROLL b. 27 September 1889 - Enemy Alien 1916 Registered at Korumburra, Sth Gippsland - and wife & Lily BAMBERLE) KROLL born 12 November 1896 also Registered at Korumburra 1916Herbert Wilhelm August KROLL -Ipswich, Queensland
Martin Georg KROLL
Otto George Hermann Diederich KROME - from Hannover, married Eleanor Mary Vahland 1894 Vic.
Johannes KROPP & wife, Martha Henriette KROPP< Sydney, Liverpool, Campbelltown NSW
Otto KROPP - died age 15, Aboard the ship 'TERPSICHORE' at Port Adelaide, South Ausralia, on the 29th August 1911.
Wilhelm Otto KROPP
Wilhelm Otto KROPP was born 26th April 1844 at Duisberg, Rheinland, Prussia. Kropp emigrated out of Deutschland by way of Holland, and arrived in Melbourne, Australia. On disembarking he took up Gold prospecting and resided at Bendigo, at Wedderburn, and in the Yarra valley of Victoria at Hoddles Creek, and at Tullarook, in Melbourne, in Tasmania, in Sydney, New South Wales. After forty years and six months in Australia, working as a Gold Miner at age 65, Kropp swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 20th July 1909 at Bunendong, New South Wales. Wilhelm Otto Kropp died in 1912 at age 68 at Wellington, New South Wales.
Theodor Wilhelm KROSS born Germany, married CaroL Turner MINTY 1887
Johann John KRUEGER -born Germany, married Lavinia Catherine BISHA 1904
Otto KRUEGER -born Germany, married Agnes FLYNN 1904
Emil Carl Ludwig KRUG -born Germany, married Alice May ANTONIO 1899
August KRUGER from Magdeburg, Germany, married Auguste Olga NUSKE 1894
Johann Cal Paul KRUG - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Emma Walsh 1892 Vic.
David Martin Bernhardt KRUGER b. Wollin, Provinz Pommern, Prüßen Prussia, now Gmina Wòlin, Poland. - Arr. November 1875 per 'YORKSHIRE' from Liverpool, England to Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Occ: Railway Guard, Res: No. 14 Ormond Street, Kensington
Carl Augustus KRUGER - born Berlin, Prüßen m.1886 Mary Helen WILKINSON
Carl KRUEGER b.1853 Deutsch Crone, West Prussia - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 25 Landmann/Farmer
Carl KRUGER -born Germany, married Hermine KURTZE 1895
Gustav Emil August KRUGER born Prüßen (Prussia), married Pauline Theodora HILLER
Hans Johannes Friedrich Wilhelm KRUGER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Lavinia FORD
Wilhelm KRUGER -born Germany, married Caroline MANNLEIN 1907
David Samuel KRULL born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Emile Magdalene Franzesca VORWERG
Alfred KRUPP
Alfred KRUPP, the son of Thomas and Emilie Krupp, was a Jeweller-Watchmaker, born on the 17th April 1853 in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia . Krupp emigrated by way of the British South Asian Colonies and there embarked at the Port of Calcutta on the P & O ship S.S. OSSANA' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Williamstown, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, on the 29th January 1880. On embarkation Krupp moved around the Antipodes, residing in New South Wales for 8 years, New Zealand for a year, Western Australia for 4 years and the balance of the years in Victoria. After 34 years in Australia, Krupp was unmarried at age 61, residing in Bunyip, West Gippsland, Victoria when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 11th August 1914. Alfred KRUPP died in 1929 at Murrumburrah, New South Wales.Wilhelm KRUPP
Wilhelm KRUPP born 1850, died 1910 at age 60, Singleton, Hunter Valley, New South Wales.
CarL Charles KRUSHKA -born Germany, married Emma Katherine GILL 1904
Johannes 'John' KRUSCHWITZ - from Hamburg, married Mary HOOPER 1900 Vic
Ernst Friedrich KRUSE
Heinrich Henry KRUSE -born Germany, m.1886 Emily PERRY
Heinrich Martin Ludwig KRUSE -born Germany, m.1886 Charlotte Henriette KNOOP
Wilhelm KRUSE -born Germany, married Mary CURRY 1893
Wilhelm Jensen Matthias KRUSE -born Germany, married Mary Ann McDONALD 1890
Georg Ernst KÜCH
Albert KUCHLER -born Germany, m.1886 Susan MUIR
Melchoir KUCZ - or KUEZ, b. 31 December 1859 Posen, Prussia > - Arrived Septe 1883 per SS SALIER at Pt Melbourne > Melbourne > QLD > Melbourne > Hotelkeeper - Devon & Cornwall Hotel, Publican, Little Latrobe Street, Melbourne NAT. 30th Nov 1904
Gottlieb Eduard KUEHN born Germany, married Hannah Charlotte LAMB 1887
Melchior KUEZ -born Germany, married Gertude Gerte WYLD 1905
Lorenz Laurence KUGIRILK born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Harriet REYNOLDS
Carsten Karstin KUHL born Germany, married 1883 Mary NALLY 1883
Johannes Julius Adolph KUHLE -born Han'r, Germany, married Elizabeth JARICK 1906
Ludwig Karl KUHLE
Georg Ludwig Heinrich KUHLMANN -born Germany, married Mary Wood ROBERTSON 1898
Albert Carl Martin KUHN -born Germany, married Nellie RYAN 1899
Georg August KUHN -from Germany, married Caroline Catherine MOLLER 1888
Carl Louis KUHNE - von Berlin - born Berlin, Prüßen married Annie MAIDEN 1903
Friedrich Wilhelm KUHNE from Germany, married Edith Carol WALTER 1899
Theodor KOHNE born Hamburgh, married Mary Jane MULDER 1888
Theodor Franzis KUHNELL
Gottlieb Herman Christian KUHPAL -born Germany, married Jeanie Sarah MOORHEAD 1895
Walter Karl KULISCH -born Germany, married Anna Thersa SCHMIDT 1894
Jakob Andreas 'James Andrew' KULME born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Emily MENZEL
August Julius Ferdinand Wilhelm KULPA von Prüßen
Hermann Karl Wilhelm KUMM -born Hanover, Germany, married Frances Gerte CATO 1912
Johnanes KUMMROW -born Germany, married Bridget Delia FLANAGAN 1898
Friedrich Richard Albert KUNO -born Germany, married Florrie Grace CHRISTENSEN 1910
Johannes Furchtegott KUNSTMANN -born Germany, married Maria Sophia Elisabeth MARTIN 1894
Gustav KUNZ -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 31
Wilhelm KUPETZ -born Germany, married Elizabeth Ann WHELAN 1909
Christoph Eduard Edio KUPKE -born Germany, married Mary Ann STAFFORD 1900
Otto KURGER -born Germany, married Agnes FLYNN 1904
Richard Gotthilf KURRLE - born Rottenburg, Königreich Württemberg, Arr. 1882 m.1886 Mina SPANNRUFT
Robert Friedrich KURRLE - born Königreich Württemberg, married Catherie Lupton NICHOLS 1871
Myer KURTZ, b. 5th Sept 1882 Berlin, Prüßen (Prussia), Tailor, Arr 13 Sept 1907 ORCTABA @ Largs bay, SA > Glenelg, 18 Mnth, Melbourne 4 years Unley, SA
Heinrich 'henry' KURTZMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Catherine HOSKIN 1893 Vic.
Fritz Friedrich KURZHALS b.1851 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, age 28 Kaufmann/merchant
Johann Joachim KUSE -born Germany, married Grace JOHNSTON 1910
Conrad KUSER
Christian KUSSMAUL -from Germany, married Dorothea SANDER 1888
August Heinrich Ernst KÜSTER
August Heinrich Ernst KÜSTER and his wife Anna Josephine Friedericke Henriette WOLFF > Hawthorn, Nunawading, Lilydale
Georg Heinrich Friedrich KUSTER -born Germany, married Dorothea martha Elisabeth Marie WUNNEKE 1893
Hermann KYRITZ born Leipzig, Germany, married Kate JONEs 1887
Friedrich LAASS - born Germany, married Annie SHANAHAN 1894
Herr DE LABOBLE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 30; with wife age 30 and child age 7
Carl Adolph Wilhelm LA FLEUR - born Germany, married Henriette Bertha Valeska GUTLING/ GUTTING 1901
Ferdinand Wilhelm LA FLEUR -born Germany. Naturalised 1897
Carl Lafleur was born in Hamburgh, Deutshcland in about 1866. He emigrated to Australia from the Port of Hamburgh on the vessell 'S.S.CATANIA" arriving in Melbourne on the 14th November 1885, He swore the oath for an Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at age 21 about two years later on the 2nd of May 1887 declaring his profession as an optician, living at Dwight Street, Collingwood.
Heinrich Henry Christian LAFRENZ born Germany, married 1883 Louise Henriette BOOLEY
Joachim Heinrich LA FRENZ
Heinrich Theodor LACHMUND - von Hannover, Germany, married Bridget MARTIN 1904
Friedrich Ernst LADEGAST - Organ Builder Born 13 June 1853 Mersenrug, Sachsen (Saxony) - Arr. May 1883 at Pt Sydney NSW > Res. Kempsey NSW, Macleay River 5 yrs, Pambula 1.5 yrs, Melbourne, months, Hobart mnths > Sydney NSW Res. No 124 Hargraeve SPaddington Nat. 9 Nov 1907
Carl Friedrich Theodor LADWIG - born Germany, m.1901 Elisabeth Catherine SPRING
Carl Friedrich Theodor LADWIG was born in Barth, Pommern (Pomerania), Prüßen, (Prussia), Deutschland (now in the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) in about 1860. He arrived in Adelaide, South Australia in 1884 and straightaway, as if from some urgency, completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, just two days later, on the 29th November 1884, in Adelaide, South Australia, through the agency of then well-known Mr P. F. Basedow, Justice of the Peace. He was then aged 24 years. He gave his occupation as an Ironmonger and Clerk. He immigrated afterwards to Victoria, where he married Elisabeth Catherine SPRING in 1901.Franz LAGE - von Breslau, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia)
Heinrich Henry LAGE
Henry Lage was born on the 14th July 1841 at Gluckstadt, Holstein. In Australia he lived at Melbourne, Werribee, a nd Trentham, Victoria. We worked as a labourer and remained unmarried. He had arrived in the Colony in 1861 on the ship 'Dorothea at Port Melbourne. His Alien Memorial for Naturalisation was completed on 4th December 1909 at Trentham, Victoria, where the attesting officer was 'Henry William' Kröger, Officer of Police, an Official of the State of Victoria in 1909 who spelt his German surname complete with the proper Germanic umlaut.
Franzis Frank LAGE
Frank LAGE was born 25 April 1849 at Plesse, Department of Hesse, Prüßen (Prussia). a , Painter or Clay Painter by profession. On 11 January 1906 when Residing at Lindsay Street, Coolgardie, Western Australia he complete his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation. He had by then been 24 year in Australian having arrived at the Port Melbournem on the sailing ship 'STARTON ORDELY' from Mauritius on the 20th December 1882. By 1906 he had resided in Australia at South Melbourne, Cobram, Axedale and Dandenong in Victoria, and at Perth and Coolgardie, Western Australia, and was married with three children, 1 male, 2 female. on the 13th December 1915 he received an official " Pass To Travel By Sea Within The Commonwealth" which reads: ' FRANK LAGE, of New England, Queensland, a naturalised British subject, has permission to travel in the vesssel 'CANBERRA,' from Brisbane to Melbourne to report himself to the Military Authorities, Victoria, Barracks, Melbourne. Description of the above-named person: Age: 65 years, Height: 5' 4", Hair: dark, slightly grey, Eyes: light brown, Build: medium,Complexion: tanned.' In short, he looked like an Australian.
Wilhelm Robert LAGING -from Frankfort-am-Main, married Frances Madeliene Schneider 1899 Vic.
Albert LAMERHIRT -born Germany, m.1886 Harriet Frances POWELL
Heinrich Henry LAMMERS -born Germany, married 1907 Eliza LAMBERT
Heinrich Henry LAMMERS was born on the 23rd June 1866 at Neisadt (Neustadt?) in Provinz Holstein, Deutschland. He arrived in Port Melbourne in the Colony of Victoria on the 5th February 1890 on the ship "MERIDIAN.' Lammers submitted his alien Memorial for Naturalisation from 2nd March 1910 while residing with his wife, Eliza Lambert, at No. 40 Resamond Street, Balaclava, St Kilda, from where he worked as a Labourer. Like many emigre German_Australians applying for naturalisation at in that year, he was keenly studying world events and likely anticipating a sense of the trouble to come, and taking care to try and not be caught in the british-Australian net of enmity against Germans, for by then he had been in Australia for 21 years.
Armond Carl Peter Dominicus LAMONT - born Belgium, married Margaret Josephine BOWDEN 1912
Philipp Adolf Hermann LAMPE born Prussia, married 1881 Susetta FARCKENS
Philipp Adolph Hermann LAMPE - von Dantzig, Ost Prüßen (West Prussia), Married Alice Sophia BONHAM 1893 Vic.
Rudolph LAMPE - from Dantzig, Ost Prüßen (West Prussia)
Luis Jacob 'James' LAMPERT - from Hamburg, married Flora Adolphine PETERSEN 1893 Vic.
Paul LANDINGER - von Bavaria, married Edith Elisabeth SCHLEMME 1903
Gustav Hermann LANDMANN
Sidney Johann LANDESHUT
Phillipp LANDVOGT - born Germany, married Deborah FOX / FUCHS 1899
Carl August LANDWEHR - born Germany, married Emma Mathilde HAUSLER 1903
Friedrich Wilhelm LANDWEHR - born Germany, married Anna Helene HAUSLER 1907
Friedrich Andreas LANG
Friedrich LANGE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 caroline Mathilde Emma HOFF
Fritz LANGE, born Magdeburg - Midland Junction, Perth
'Fritz' Friedrich Christoph LANGE was born at Magdeburg, Prüßen (Prussia). He arrived in Australian at the Port of Melbourne on the ship "R.M.S. ORFUR" on the 2nd November 1894. He lived for nearly two years in Melbourne, and then headed west to the Desert Goldfields along with the youth of Australia, landing in Western Australia in June 1896. He lived for over six years in Coolgardie, then moved to Newcastle Road, Midland Junction, near Perth where he worked as Town Butcher and District Stockdealer. He was married to Clara MEEREIS and the Langes had two Australian sons, Fritz Friedrich Carl Lange born 1899 Coolgardie, and Hermann August Lange born 1905 Midland Junction, Western Australia.
Fritz Wilhelm Georg LANGE-
Fritz Wilhelm Georg LANGE - born 5th Oktober 1886 at Lehe, Kingdom of Hannover, (now Nieder Sachsen Stadt)Deutschland. He emigrated from arriving on the ship "S.S.BURGOMEISTER HARTMANN" one the 14th August 1909 in the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Afterwards he resided for some time in Melbourne, and in Sydney before returning to work as a butcher & c/- L. Conrad, in Adelaide, South Australia. His interstate movements were of interest to Mr Attlee Hunt, of External Affairs Department in Melbourne, who wanted more knowledge of the details. At age 25, and single, after two years in Australia he submitted his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on 26th September 1911 in Adelaide. This was done through the agency and auspices of Georg Dankel, Justice of the Peace in Kensington, S.A., with an oath sworn before His Grace the Honorable Robert Homburg, Judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia, men whose German surnames show somewhat of the cosmopolitan adaptation and integration as examples of the high-citizenship, the service and public integrity of German-Australians.
Benhardt Gerhard LANGE - born Germany, married Wilhelmine Emma ELisabeth MEIER 1891
Friedrich Louis Christian LANGE born Germany, married Annie RICHARDSON 1888
Friedrich Walter LANGE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Mary Jane SPENCER
Heinrich Ludwig LANGE - born Germany, married Emma TURGENS 1891
Johann Carl Wilhelm LANGE - born Germany, married Antonia LUY /LOY 1891
Wilhelm Heinrich Henry LANGE - born Germany, married Amelia Jane SCENEY 1905
Wilhelm Martin LANGE - stockman
Wilhelm Martin LANGE, stockman, died at age 45 at Goyder Creek, Crown Point Station, Northern Territory
Clementz LANGEN
Wilhelm LANGEN - born Germany, married Adela Lillian DUNLOP 1898
Nicolaus Herbert LANGENBERG - born Germany, married Caroline Maria GOLDMAN 1901
Carl LANGENSCHILD - b. Germany 26 year old Steward, Darwin 1881
H. LANGENSIEPEN -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 18
Franz Frank LANGHOLZ born Germany, married Jane CAIRNS 1888
Benno Gustav H Ferdinand SLUYTERMAN von LANGERWEYDE
Benno Gustav H Ferdinand SLYTERMAN von LANGEWEYDE
Friedrich Wilhelm LANZENDORF born Saxony - Tailor, Carlton
Karl Wilhelm M Scato LANTZIUS-BENINGA - Lilydale, Vic.
Karl Wilhelm M Scato LANTZIUS-BENINGA, was married to Jennie BARTLETT (or Bartleet). Their children: Elisabeth Dorothea Lantzius-Beninga was born in Brunswick, Victoria in 1891; Scato Boyung Otto Etzart Lantzius-Beninga, born 1893 Brunswick, Victoria. He was Naturalised in 1901 in Melbourne. In a 1915 Karl Lantzius-Beningo resided in Lilydale, Victoria where he was working as an Accountant. Jennie Lantzius-Beninga died at age 51 at North Fitzroy, Victoria in 1914. Their son Scato Boyung Otto Etzar Lantzius-Beninga was married to Ivy Amelia Betteridge in 1917 and they produced a daughter, Amelia Doreen Agnes Lantzius-Beninga who was born in 1917 in Windsor, Prahran, who later enlisted during the second world war (1939-1948 Service No. NF461573). The Lantzius-Beninga's daughter, Elizabeth Dorothea, was married to Louis Roseman in Victoria in 1919. Lantzius-Beninga also worked as a creative writer. On the 27th October 1922 Karl Lantzius-Beninga applied to take out Australian Copyright as the dramaturge for the play he had written, entitled "The Death Of Adam" and the Copywright was Registerd on 13th November 1922.
Ferdinand Paul Walter Johann LARISSEN / LARSSON born Germany, married Margaret Milne PAGE 1907
Wilhelm J LARSEN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 26
Heinrich Carl LATMANN
Ambrose Maria LAMONDE - born France m.1902 Eugenie Camilla DANNAY
Heinrich Henry Levy LATONE born Germany, married Katherine Rose REILLY 1888
Richard Franzis LAUBE born Austria, married Julia McAULIFFE 1882
A D LAUDENBERGER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 30
Mathe LAUDENBERGER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 25; with Carole Laudenberger 19.
Gottfried Heinrich LAUER - von Ulm, Königreich Württemberg married Friedericke KOCH 1884
Johann Friedrich LAUER - born Germany, married Ellen agatha LENNETT 1890
Emil LAURENCE / LAURENZ - born Germany, married Susannah DE ROUS 1909
Ernst Edwin LAURITZ
Friedrich Johann LAURITZ
Carl LAUTENBERG / LUTENBERG - from Hamburg, married Ellen BUTLER 1890 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm LAUZENDORF - von Leipzig
Johann 'John' LAWRENSKY - born Berlin, m.1886 Sarah Jane WAIN
Louis Ludwig LAZARUS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 25
Eduard LEBISH -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 23, with wife Elisabeth 37
Solomon LEBRANSKY - von Poland
Joseph LECHTENSTEIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 14
Carl Waldemar Albert LEDER - born 24 January 1874 Berlin, Germany, Piano Maker Arr. 1909 ROON' from Bremerhaven, married Lucy Bertha Ottilie RICHTER 1910 Nat, 447 Swan Street, Richmond,
Arthur LEDGARD -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 32
J A N SCHAGEN VAN LEEUWIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 30
Isaac Wilhelm LEFEVER
Stephan LEFFLER - born Germany, married Selina HOSKING 1910
Adolphus LEHMANN - born Berlin, m.1886 Margaret CLARKE
Friedrich Wilhelm Christian LEHMANN - born Germany, married frances BELL 1911
Johann Christian LEHMANN - born Germany, married Bessie Wallace ALFORD 1909
Oscar Arthur LEHMANN / LEHMAN - Bayswater, Victoria.
Oscar Lehman was the boy who ran away to sea. Before he arrived in Port Pirie, South Australia on the ship 'MANNHEIM' in 16th August 1912, he had been 'At Sea' for two and half years. So, since he was about fifteen. Oscar was born on the 24th May 1892 at Preistewitz, Kreis Grossenhain, Saxony, quite far from the sea in the Deutsche Reich. After 'jumping ship, if it was that, he spent two years at Port Pirie, and then Oscar came through to Victoria, with a year spent near Nhill, and so to an orchard at Bayswater, east of Melbourne, where he eventually became a well known and respected identity. This did not stop him being Interned as a prisoner of war for 10 months during the 1914-1919 period, when he was Registered as an Alien at Ferntree Gully. Oscar was finally Naturalised at Bayswater on the 8th December 1921 by which time he had already spent nine years in his adopted country. His Oath was under the stringent Post-WAr, and then new, Nationality Act of 1920 in which he had to have his Alien assets checked by the Public Trustees, and Security clearance in relation to 'the Treaty of Peace Regulations relative to property rights and interests owned by him in the Commonwealth,' and, he was cleared, but whether he had his orchard property confiscated during the war like some, I have not been able to ascertain. He and his wife Ida raised about six children on the orchard in Bayswater.
Albert LEHNERT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 24
Albert Heinrich Carl Hugo LEHMERT - born Germany, married Nelly Helen CADUSCH 1903
Heinrich Henry LEHRKE born Hannover > Sydney > Northcote Victoria.
Heinrich Henry LEHRKE was born in about 1851 at Sulzgitter, in the Königreich Hannover, Deutschland. Sulzgitter is now writ as Salzgitter, in Stadt Nieder Sachsen (Lower Saxony), Deutschland. Lehrke emigrated out of Germany to arrive in Australia, probably at first in New South Wales, for he made his way overland from Sydney to reach Victoria in March 1887. He came to Melbourne and went into business as a Dairyman in the then rural suburb of Northcote, on the pastures of the Merri creek. After fifteen years in Victoria, at age 57, Henry Lehrke swore Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 4th February 1898 when residing at No.359 High Street, Northcote, Victoria before Mr E. Baitings, Justice of the Peace of Victoria.Luis Ludwig LEHRKE - born Germany, married Emily Jane SASSE 1901
Wilhelm Otto LEHRKE
Wilhelm Otto LEHRKE - born ? Deutschland. Arr, Australia? Registered as an Enemy Alien, 1914, Interned 1915 Perth, Western Australia > Melbourne 1917? - Married elsewhere ? to Edith May Lehrke. Their children were 'Kate' Katherine M E Lehre; Kittey A R Lehrke, and Enid Violet A M Lehrke, born 1916 in the East Coolgardie district. Wilhelm Otto Lehrke died at age 79 in Perth, Western Australia om 1957. His wife Edith May Lehrke survived him to die at age 85 in Perth in 1964.
Adolph LEIBNER born Germany, married Anne ELizabeth HOGAN 1888
Adolph LEIBUS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 41
Hugo LEIBUS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 11
Carl Bernardt Ludwig LEIMICH - born Germany, married Christiane ROEDER 1890
Johann heinrich August LEISTE - born Germany, married Anna Elisabeth TODE 1893
Anton LENNE - born Germany, married Bertha SMITH 1898
Carl Joseph LENNE - born Germany, married Hanah Maria SPEIRS 1889
Johann Konrad 'John' LEOPOLD Arr.13 Dec 1877 Port of Sydney per KELVATCIA - Nat. West Maitland NSW 1907 Gardener
Johann Wilhelm Max LEPPIN born Germany, married Sophia Lucia FEIGE 1887
Carl Charles LERME - born Germany, married Catherine Lucy BERNARD 1893
Henri LE ROI - born France m. 1912 Ellen Eva RYAN
Ernst Emil Friedrich LESSING born Germany, married Esther Jane WEIR 1888
Herr LESSING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 50
Carl August Hermann LEUNIG -Bendigo, Vic.
Adolphus Moritz 'Morris' LEUSCHNER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Isabella SCHOMAN
Alexander LEVEN - born Germany, married Matilda YOUNG / JUNG 1902
B. A. LEVINSON - Nat.? 1915/1920
Isaac LEVENSON - born Germany, married Mary Jane SCHLEMM 1895
Ernst Ernie LEVERENZ - born Germany, married Susannah DE ROOUS 1909
Alexander LEVIN - born Germany, married Rowena SHIPWAY 1898
Bernhardt LEVY born Prussia, married 1885 Blanche GROSS
Heinrich Henry LEWIS /LOUIS / LUIS -born Germany, married 1882 Anna COHEN
Wilhelm LUIS / LEWIS - von Hamburg
Georg LUIS/LEWIS - von Prüßen Poland
Theodor Phillipp LHARDY - born Germany, married Angelo GENONI 1901
Ernst Heinrich LIEBENHENSCHEL born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Auguste KUHL
Heinrich LIEBERT
Ernst Gustav Otto LIEBENOW was born on the 24th September 1889 in the City of Berlin, Brandenburg in the Deutsch Reich. He emigrated out of Deutschland on the steamship "KAISER WILHELM II No.1" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in 1890. After disembarking Liebenow lived for ten years in Melbourne, and also for ten years in Belfast (Port Fairy), I am not sure in which order. Liebenow was aged 22, and residing at No.454 Harris street, Ultimo, New South Wales, and working as a Salesman and Printer, still unmarried on the 7th December 1911, when he went before MR. William Edward Brown, Justice of the Peace of New South Wales, and swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation. In response to the spirit of enmity and persecution in Australia LEIBENOW changed his name by Deed Poll on the 4TH July 1921 to ERNEST LEWIS, through the agency of Solictors Dalrymple and Blain, 22-39 Hunter Street, Sydney.
Hans Johannes Ernst Adolph LIEBENOW
Hans Johannes Ernst Adolph LIEBENOW -born Germany, m.1886 Julia HICKSH - Naturalised 1897 Enemy Alien / War Record File 1911-1927. Hans Johannes Ernst Adolph LIEBENOW died in 1927 at Kattaning, Western Australia.
Hans Johannes Ernst Adolph LIEBENOW - Prisoner of war at Liverpool Internment Camp, b
Otto Wilhelm LIEBENOW - was a deserter from the ship "S.S.CRICCIETH CASTLE' in the Port of Brisbane in 1903 He was born 11th July 1875 Steglitz, Deutschland. Arr. 1902 in australia. Naturalisation Certificate No.4952 at Ipswich, Queensland.
Robert Adolph Hans Johannes LIEBENOW
Robert Adolph Hans Johannes LIEBENOW was married in Victorian in 1913 to Mabel Louise JOHNSTONE. Their daughter John Axford Vinita Liebenow was born at Seymour in 1917. Enemy Alien / War Record File 1915-1920. Property at Belmont, Western Australia. Robert Adolph Hans Johannes LIEBENOW died at age 72 years in 1959 in Perth, Western Australia.
Georg LIEDLE b. Buda - near Pescht, Ungern, Österreich, [Austro-Hungarian Empire].
Georg LIEDLE was born on the 10th August 1856 in Austro-Hungarian Reiche at Buda, near Pescht, Ungern,Österreich, - now Budapest, Hungary. Liedle emigrated via the interim hub of refuge in England, and embarked from the Port of London on the vessel "CITY OF NANKIN" to arrive in Australia on the 22nd March 1876 at the Port of Adelaide. On Disembarking Liedle went up to the then mainly Germanic Catholic settlement at Seven Hills in the Clare Valley, where he stayed for sixteen years. At age 28, Georg Liedle was married on the 22 April 1885 to 20-year old Mary Anna BAUM at St Aloysius Church, Sevenhill, South Australia. Mary Ann Baum was born in Clare, South Australia, in 1865 to a German-born father, Fritz Friedrich Baum, and Irish-born mother, Mary Riley. Their children were: Georg Friedrich Leo Liedle b. 1886 Clare; Vincent Jubilee Liedle 1887, Clare; Bertram Aloysius Liedle 1889, Clare; Doris Katherine Liedle born 1893 in Clare. In about 1892 the Leidles went with the flow of adventurers to the Goldfields of Western Australia. At age 49, after 26 years in Australia, working as a Plumber,residing at No.193 Clancy street, Boulder City, Western Austalia, Liedle swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 26th August 1905 before Mr Harrie Saxon Lee, Justice of the Peace of Western Australia at Boulder City. Liedle was then married with three children, two sons and a daughter. George Liedle died in 1936 in Perth. His wife Mary Ann survived him to die in 1949 in Perth.
Karl Wilhelm LIERSE - von Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia), married Luise Marie STANSH / STANSCH 1895
Hermann LIETZOW / LIETZAU - born Germany, married Louise SCHROEDER 1889
Benjamin Ludwig LIHOWE /LIHAU - born Germany, married Hulda ZERNST 1901
Gunnar LILJA / LILYA -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881
Carl 'Charles' LINCKE - from Hamburg, married Ellen CAVELL 1890 Vic.
Ralph Wilhelm Norman LIND - Naturalised 1888
Carl Oscar Matthaeus LINDEMANN born Prüßen (Prussia_, married 1883 Eliza Jane WILSON
Heinrich Ferdinand LINDEMANN born Germany, married Maria KOPMANN 1887
Clarenz LINDEN
Otto LINDEN - born Germany, married 1881 Clara JOSKE
Carl Johann LINDEN - von Sweden
Carl Ulrich LINDENBLETH, born Memel, Ost Prüßen (East Prussia)
Carl Ulrich LINDENBLETH was born on the 9th September 1839 at Memel, near Koenigsburg, Ost Prüßen (East Prussia). (now near Kalingrad, Russia, really Lithuania). Lindenbleth emigrated out of Deutschland via the interim sanctuary of England from whence he embarked on the ship "LIGURIA" arriving in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on 16th April 1884. Lindenbleth married in Victoria and produced three Australian daughters and one son. Four years after Australia's Federation he had resided for 18 months in Melbourne, Seven years in Geelong, 18 months in Colac, and another 5 years in Melbourne, before moving to Brighton where he had then been for five and a half years. After 20 years in Australia, at the age of 65, a Grocer in Bay street, Brighton he took Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 30th Ausust 1904.Johann Hjalmar Berg VON LINDHE
Johann Hjalmar Berg VON LINDHE was a Farmer and Farm Machinery Expert who worked for H.V. McKAY's Sunshine Harvestor Company at Sunshine, northwest of Melbourne, Victoria. His was one of the bright young minds that helped to see Australia leading the world in Agricultural inventiveness. Lindhe was born on the 15th March 1863 at Helsingborg, Sweden. He embarked from the Port of Gottenborg, Sweden on the ship "ANDRILA" arriving in Australia at the Port of Geelong, Victoria on the 28th February 1887. He had lived for 14 years in the vicinity of H.V. McKAY's family seat at Drummartin, (northeast of Bendigo), at Katandra, in the Goulburn Valley of Victoria, and then for 4 years at the 'Illillawa Station, on the black soil plains near Hay, New South Wales. He was married and by 1911 had five Australian children. He completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Sunshine, Victoria on the 29th May 1911.
Ernst Wilhelm Johann LINDHOLM, Thoona, Victoria, Butter Factory Propietor Arr. from Cape Town, Sth Africa. 28 march 19067 'SUVIC' at Pt Melbourne, Victoria. - Nat. 20 Oct 1915 Thoona, nr Wangaratta, Vic
Johann Wilhelm LINDT - born Germany, married Catherine Elizabeth COUSENS 1889
Heinrich LINDUPP
Paul LINGAUSCH from Strasburg, Germany, married Bertha SCHIEDEL 1899
Johann LINHOS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 26 - with wife Johanne 23
David LINKS LINKZ -born Poland, m.1886 Sarah LINDOP
Isadore LIPMAN, LIPMANN - born Germany, married Clara Jane MAYNARD 1894
Otto carol Adolph LIPPOLD - born Germany, married Emma caroline BOESENBERG 1890
Conrad Heinrich LISCHELD - born Germany, married Mary Ann BENNETT 1899
Gottlieb LIST - from Neumark, Prüßen (Prussia)
Paul LIST - von Neumark, Prüßen (Prussia)
Herr S LITTAUER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 25
Heinrich LOCHT
Augustine LODEWYCKZ Professor from Belguim
Augustine LODEWYCKZ b. 8 December 1876, Boischott, Antwerp, Belguim Arrived from South Aufrica 20 July 1914 @ S.S. RUNIC' at Port Melborune. (University Professor - Uni of Melbourne,0 - Res. SoutH Yarra, Nat. Beatty St, Mont Albert, VIC 24 MAr 1924. Formerly 3yrs Holland 5 yrs South Africa, 5 yrs Belguin Congo, Wife, Anna Sophia Lodewycka born Fish River , SoutH Africa. Children; Karel Axel age 13, Hilma Dymphna age 7
Wilhelm LOEHNER - born Germany, married Emma Charlotte HASLER 1899
Paul LOHN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 18
Heinrich LOHMANN -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Alice ALLDERSEA
Heinrich Auguste Carl Hermann LOHN - born Germany, married Edith ElisabetH GUTTKE / GUTIKE 1897
Johann Joseph LOHMER
Julius LOHMEYER b.1849 Minden, Westphalen, Rheinland - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 30 Techniker /Mechanic
Adolph LOHMEYER b. 1853 Minden, Westphalen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 26 Techniker
Wilhelm Johann Martin LOHSE -born Germany, married 1882 Pietertje QUAK
Christian Carl LONGART / LONGHART - born Germany, married Hermine BUSCH 1891
Nicolaus Hunert LONGEABERG / LONGENBERG - born Germany, married Caroline Maria GOLDMAN 1901
Wilhelm 'William' LONGSTAFF - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Auguste Wilhelmine ALBERT
Johannes Anton LOOS & Johanne Maria M BENTFELD - Arr. 1904
Albert Carl LOOSER - born Silesia, Prüßen ( Prussia), Arr.1893 Sydney > Midland Junction, WA
Walter Behrend LORCK - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Winfred Hart Woollaxhall 1889 Vic.
Ladislaus LORENZ - born Germany, married 1881 Catherine MILLER / MULLER
Thomas Carl 'Charles' LORENS / LORENZ - born Germany, married Eliz MAGEE/ MAGREE 1889
Friedrich Wilhelm LORENZ - born Germany, married Elizabeth Rachel CLARK 1890
Heinrich Henry LORENZ - born Germany, married Elizabeth Ann HICKS 1908
Theodor LORENZ - born Germany, married Mary Ann O'BRIEN 1891
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm LOSEWITZ - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Betty Dorothea maria Wohlgehagne 1889 Vic.
Johann Joseph Franz LOSKILL born Germany, married Mary Ann BOYAN 1887
Solly Hyman LOW - von Romania
Heinrich 'Harry' LOWE -born Germany married Vic. 1901 Christina Younger Macphengan MALCOLM
Isaac LOWENSTEIN - born Germany, married Emily HOLGATE 1896
Johann Joachim Heinrich LUBCKE - von Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania, Prussia)
Gustavus Wasa LUBISCH born Prussia, married 1880 Ruth HOWARD
Johann Carl Heinrich LÜBKE/LUCKY - von Stettin, Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania, Prussia)
Heinrich Henry LUBKE - born Germany, married Annie BELL 1906
Heinrich Siegmund LÜBKE - von Stettin, Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania Prussia)
Joseph LUCHICH born Austria, married Flora DERWIN 1878
August Jules LUCK from Alsace, married Emma BEES 1894
Paul LÜCK - b. 1848 Berlin - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW Age 31 Kaufmann/merchant
Theodor Bernhard Wilhelm LUCKOW born Germany, married Elizabeth Emily JONES 1888
'Erdmann' Edmund Walter LUCKWALD -born Germany, married 1882 Theresa Charlotte KIRBY
Balthasar Christoph Bornemann LUDBYE, German Finn - Naturalised 1919/1920
Doctor Carl LUDECKE, Scientist / Patent for textile cleaners
Friedrich LUDECKE - Queensland
Adolph Carl Hermann LUDERS - from Schleswig/Danmark
Johann Petter LUDERS - born Germany, married Alice Eleanor THOMAS 1896
Ernst Heinrich Ludwig LUDEKE / LUEEKE - born Germany, married Wilhelmine GRIMM 1898
Alfred LUDLUM/ LUDLAM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 55
Jean Maximilian LUDOLPH - born Germany, married Martha LEAHY 1905
Heinrich Robert LUDWICK
Carl LUDWIG -von Schleswig/Danmark
Fritz Friedrich LUDWIG born Germany, married Margaret MEANY 1887
Friedrich Elliott Von FRANKENBERG UND LUDWIGSDORF - naturalised 1932
Johann Georg LUEHMANN / LUHMANN - born Germany, married Maude Isoline Isobel MERCHANT 1891
Gustav LUFFSMANN - von Strasbourg m.1909 Catherine HYNES
Herr B LUHDE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 28
Luis Hansen LUND - born Germany, married 1881 Henerique Marie BOADE
Christian Johannes LUTJOHANN born Germany, married Kate BEAUCHAMP 1888
Wilhelm Heinrich LUTTICH - born Germany, married Julia O'SHEA 1892
Erwin Julius Eduard LUTZ - Arr. 1909 Port august Railway Worker
Carl Ludwig LUZ/ LUTZ - born Königreich Württemberg married Mathilde Victoria Elisabeth BEHRMANN 1879
Gustav LUTZ
Gustav LUTZ - born 26th October 1883 at Sindringen, near Forchtenberg, Königreich Württemberg. At about 16 years of age Gustav Lutz emigrated out of Deutschland to the freedom of England where he lived in London from about 1897. He embarked from the Port of London on the steship "GNEISAU" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 26th May 1913. Lutz was Naturalised here on 6th March 1922 at No.246 High Street, Northcote. Smallgoodsman & manufacturer. Part-Owner of the 'Ham and Beef shop.'
Christian Friedrich Julius LUTZE - Naturalised 1905
Julius LUZ born 6th November 1881 Freibach, Königreich Württemberg
Phillipp Heinrich LUZ - born Königreich Württemberg, married Maria Anna KLEIN 1891 - Naturalised 1893
Paul Emil LUZ Königreich Württemberg,
2. Paul Emil LUZ was born pn the 29th November 1884 at Rothenberg, Kreis Connstadt, Königreich Württemberg. LUZ left Deutschland by the relatively unimagined route of entering France and then transversing the Alpine passes into Italy. He emigrated in the ship 'RHEIN' out of the Port of Genoa, to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 21st November 1901. Paul Emil Luz took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Echuca on the 4th of December 1905 while residing at Wyuna, Victoria, where he was a self-employed vigneron and farmer. His age was the 21, and he had been four years in Australia.
3. Phillip Heinrich LUZ b. Königreich Württemberg
4. Julius LUZ was born 6th November 1880 at Rothenberg, Königreich Württemberg. Luz emigrated with his brother Paul Emil on the ship 'RHEIN' out of the Port of Genoa, to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 21st November 1901. He spent the next six years at different place sin Victoria, then went outback, first into Queensland for two years, then Western Australia for two years, and so to the Northern Territory. In 1918 Julius LUZ was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Boroloola, Northern Terrotory. He was working as a Drover, in Port Darwin, of the Northern Territory, and Aged 29 when he swore the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, on the 20th April 1911 before the Justices of the Peace for the Northern Territory, Messrs Alexander McFeat & Walter Charles Paxton Bell.
G F MAACK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 23
Heinrich MAAS born Germany, married Katherina Anna Margarthe SCHMIDT 1887
Carl Charles Caspar MACHAREY born Germany, married 1883 Christina Nixon REDSHAW
Emil Heinrich Karl MACK De-naturalised 1919
Johann Friedrich Carl MADERS - born Germany, married Carol MURPHY 1889
Johann Baptiste Peter MAES - von Belgium
Carl August MAGDALINSKI & Rosalie GURSKI - born Prussia ? in Queensland by 1877. Children in Queensland: Hermann Gowntlet MAGDALINSKI, - born 1875 Queensland, Ida Magdalinski (1877-1879); Anna Mathilde Magdalinski b.1879; Teresa Wilhelmine Magdalinski (1883-1884); Heinrich Albert Magdalinski b.1885; Friedrich Rudolph Magdalinski b.1886; Georg Ernst Magdalinski b.1888; Amelie Clara Magdalinski (1889-1889; August Magdalinski (1890-1890) QLD. Carl August Magdalinski died at age 70 in Scoresby North (later Bayswater), Victoria in 1909. Rosalie Gurski Magdalinski died at age 85 in Bayswater, Victoria. Her son Friedrich Rudolph Magdalinski died in 1935 at age 46 in East Melbourne. Second son Hermann Gauntlett MAGDALINSKI was married in Victoria in 1912 to Eliza SEMMENS. His daughter Vera Edith Magdalinski was born in Brunswick, Victoria in 1913. Hermann Magdalinski died in Fitzroy, Victoria in 1973 at age 97. Hermann's wife Eliza predeceased him, dying at age 68 in Thornbury, Victoria in 1939.Karl August MAGDALINSKI - von Prüßen (Prussia)
Karl August MAGDALINSKI, eldest son of Carl August and Rosalie Gurski Magdalinski, born Prussia was married to Anna Friedricke BEUTEL in Queensland on the 22nd June 1899. Children: Elsa Marie Magdalinski 1900 QLD; Walter Hermann Magdalinski 1901 QLD; Alma Emma Magdalinski 1904 QLD; Vera Helene Magdalinski 1906 QLD; Hazeltaine Annie Magdalinski 1909 QLD. Karl August Magdalinski died in Queensland in 1937. His wife, Anna Friedericke Magdalinski, died in Queensland, Australia in 1962.
R MAGERS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Eduard Edward MAGNUS, born Germany, married Catherine WALTERS 1887
Arvid MAGNUSSON -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 40
Reinhold MAGNUSSON Yothenburg, Sweden > Gembrook
Reinhold MAGNUSSEN was born on the 6th April 1871 at Gothenburg, Sweden. Magnusson emigrated to Australia from the Interim refuge hub of London on the ship "ARMADALE" arriving in Port Melbourne in 1894. After embarkation Magnusson lived in Gembrook, Victoria for seven years, before immigrating to Adelaide South Australia for two years and then returned to live in Melbourne. While working as a Labourer, married and 40 years of age after 16 years in Australia, living at 294 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne Magnussen swore the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 14th June 1911. He was then married but had no children.
Gustav Johann MAHNKE born Germany, married Dorothea Margarette GROTH 1888
Maximilian Leo MAIN - born Germany, married Elizabeth O'SULLIVAN 1912
Carl Anselm MAINKE - born Germany, married 1881 Emma FEDDEN
Carl Levin Charles Lewen MAJOR / MAYER - born Germany, m. 1912 Edith Marth LYNAS / LINUS
Johann Jacob MALSY / MALSKY - born Germany, married bridget CRANNY 1897
Peter Heinrich MAN - Naturalised 1899
Reverend Zalel MANDELBAUM Born: 6th February 1865 Turov, State of Minsk, Russia Occ. Minister of the Gospel. Arrived from Egypt on the ship STUTTGART on the 24th August 1904 at Fremantle, Western Australia. Residences: Perth – 9 mnths
Broken Hill, 6 years & 9 mnths. Married to Frieda. 3 daughters – two in Broken Hill one in Palestine. Naturalised; 17th January 1912 at Age 47 -after Seven & a half years in Australia . Residence Wolfram Street, Broken Hill, NSW. Rev Zalel Mandembaums' daughter Rose Mandelbaum died in Woolahra in 1943. His wife Freda Smerl Mandelbaum died in 1953 in Sydney NSW. Zabel Mandelbaum died in Ballarat Victoria at age 76 in 1941.
Herr MANDERS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 34 with frau 27
Doctor Carl August Hermann LE MANG
Doctor Carl August Hermann LE MANG (aka LEHMANN) Sao Paulo, Brazil
Herr M MANGATRAM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 31
August Friedrich MANGELSDORF - Naturalised 1901 SA
Carl Martin MANGOLD - born Germany, married Susan Selina FURMSTON 1892
Carl Martin MANGOLD emigrated out of Germany via the Belgian port of Antwerp on the steamship 'TIGERMINA' arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th February 1886. Mangold was born on the 12th March 1858 at Eschwege, in Provinz Hesse-Cassel, Deutschland. After embarkation he lived at Healesville, in the Yarra Valley of Victoria, for eleven years. He married Dandenong-born Susan Selina FURMSTON in 1892 in Victoria, and their son Mervin Leonard Mangold was born in Healesville in 1893 The Mangolds then moved to the West Coast of Tasmania, where Carl worked in the Roseberry - Zeehan district for 15 years. After 26 years in Australia, and at the age of 54, Carl Mangold took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Zeehan, Tasmania, where he was the Overseer of the Zeehan Municipal Council, on the 27th March 1912. When the war began Carl was living with his wife and son in Zeehan, Tasmania. During the early days of the war Mangold was still Overseer of Roads in Zeehan, he was then reported, accused of showing 'sympathy with the Germans' and, even though Naturalised, recorded in Tasmania as an Enemy Alien - Number. WS/29/251. On the 5th August 1915 Mangold was brought before the Warden of Zeehan, and, on scant evidence, but it seems, with severe enmity and prejudice, discharged from his position. What became of the Mangold family in those late war years is uncertain, but Carl Mangold died in Zeehan on the 21st April 1921. His wife survived him, to die in Zeehan Hospital on the 25th August 1930.Wilhelm Felix MANN - Alien Register 1928
Marcus MANNHEIM, born Samoegyn, ( Samotschin) Prüßen (Prussia) [Szamocin, Samoczyn, Kreis Kolmar (Chodziez), Provinz Posen (Poznan), Polen (Poland)] Arrived 1870. Naturalised at Moonta, South Australia, Jeweller 12th May 1873 after 3 & a half years in S.A.
Albert Wilhelm MANTHEY - b, Marianwerder Prussia
Anton MANZ b. Wittenburg, De. Arr. 1887 HOHENSTAUFEN Pt Adelaide > Wirrabarra SA., Blocker settler
Ernst Eduard MANS / MANZ - born Germany, married Emma Beulah BARTLETT 1897
Richard Wilhelm MANZELMANN Arr, from Hamburg Nov 1907 'KAEITZ' to Port Melbourne, Victoria. > Melb > Sydney > Brisbane > Mackay QLD Labourer
Carl MANTEL born Germany, married Alice PEACHMAN 1888
Kale Emil August MARBURG - born Germany, married Elizabeth BAILEY 1905
Julius MARCUS / MARKUS -born Strasbourg, m. 1912 Riby Myrtle ONIANS / ONIONS
August Gotthilf MACROSTENBECK - from Saxony, married Sarah Catherine McMASTER 1904
Reverend F. MARIANENS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 25
Johannes MAROTTE born Austria, married Louisa GRIEGG 1888
Heinrich MARGULES - von Poland or Prüßen
Aaron MARKS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 37
Franzis Frank Otto Wilhelm MARKS / MARX born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Jane Prior CROSS
Moritz MARKS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 35
Tomas Otto MARKS / MARX - born Germany, married Emily PRINCE 1897
'Harry' Heinrich MARKUS - born Germany, married Martha Ann JAMES 1889
Heinrich Hermann Henry MARKWALD born Berlin, Prüßen married Marion SMITH 1888
Johann Carl MARSHALL /MARSCHALL - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Amelie Amy BEADLE 1905
Wilhelm MARSHALL/MARSCHALL - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Mary Ella O'MARA 1905
Friedrich Wilhelm MARX born Germany, married 1880 Hannah GILLOW
Moses MARX / Morse MARKS - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Sarah MARKS
Norman MARKS / MARX - born Belgium, married Rebecca KENNEDY 1908
Oscar August MARX - born Germany, married Sara Elizabeth ORAM 1910
Samuel MARX/MARKS - von Poland
Solomon MARZ/MARKS - von Poland
Peter Heinrich MARXSEN born Germany, married 1880 Mary Elisabeth TONNER
Ernst Heinrich MARSCHNER -from Saxony, m.Anna O'CONLAN
Stephen MARCHNER - from Bohemia, Österriech. Age 39 1891. Missionary Priest, Daly River, NT
Jacobus Simon Gerlach MASCH - Amsterdam> Adelaide > Monbulk Vic.
Martin MARTAUS born Germany, married Florence SIMMONDS 1887
Domanick MARTHEST born Austria, married Caroline MARMO 1887
Heinrich Henry MARTEN / MARTIN -born Hannover, m.1886 Annie WALSH
'John Henry' Johannes Heinrich MARTENS
'John Henry' Johannes Heinrich MARTENS emigrated out of Hamburgh on the vessel SOMERSETSHIRE to arrive din the Port of Melbourne on the 2nd August 1878. He was born on the 2nd august 1855 at Marne, Hamburgh Stadt. After embarkation be lived for seven years in Melbourne, but went to Sydney where he lived for three years at No. 6 Marshall Street, Surry Hills by 1909. He was then married with one daughter, and working as an Estate Agent from No. 77 Fitzroy Street, Moore Park, Sydney, New South Wales. At age 54 he took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before his Honour Robert Dartner Pring, Judge of the Supreme Court of N.S.W. on the 2nd April 1909 having by then been resident in Australia for 30 years.
Paul MARTENS - born Germany, married Jane CAMPBELL 1905
Wilhelm Alfred MARTENS - Arr Melbourne 9th Nov 1880 > Shepparton> Narrabri NSW -Nat. 1904 Greta
Dibrch Dietrich MARTIN -born Germany, married 1882 Anna Charlotte COCKBILL
Alfred MARTINS was born in Prüßen (Prussia) Arr, Melbourne 1868 > Bendigo > PerthWilhelm MARTINS
Wilhelm MARTINS, born Berlin, Prüßen. Arr, S.S.SALIER 6th August 1888 . 5 yrs Melbourne > Sydney 18yrs > Brisbane 3 yrs Nat. 13 August 1914 Brisbane
Heinrich Henri MARTON -born Germany, married 1882 Christina AUSTEN
Wilhelm Eduard Ludwig Luis MARTIENSEN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Maria Elisabeth HAMMAN 1892 Vic.
Carl Hermann MATHERICH - von Prussia, married Margarette Caroline Julie GUSCHEN 1909
Gustav MATTEI Arrived from Bordeaux,France, 28 Feb 1881 'CITY OF MELBOURNE' at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW. > Melbourne 16 mnths > Adelaide 6 mnths, Bulli, NSE 3 yr 6 mnths, Vegetable Creek NSW 4 & half years Unmarried, Occ: Shoeblack. Nat. 24 March 1909
Heinrich Anton MATTFELD of Adelaide, husbandman. born Mulsum near Hannover age 41 farmer Three weeks in SA nat 28 Feb 1876 Adelaide Per KRICKHAUFF
Hugo Heinrich Eduard Ludwig Dietrich MATTFELD -b.1865 Lindenhof, Ost Prüßen (East Prussia) Arr.1876 Pt Adelaide, Labourer> Grunthal SA
Friedrich Fritz MATTHE 1915 Internee, Registered Enemy Alien, Mitcham Adelaide,SA
Wilhelm MATTHEAS / William MATTHEWS born Germany, married Mary Elizabeth COBAIN 1888
Johann Gottlob MATTHIES born Germany, married Mary Ann FIDGE 1887
Carl Ferdinand MATTHIES born Germany, married 1880 Maria Elisabeth Paulne BLOBEL
Joseph MATHEWS / MATHIES - born Posen, Prüßen m.1884 Bolena ABRAHMAS
Carl Wilhelm Heinrich MATTHIES
Hyman MATTHIES / MATTHEWS -born Germany, married 1882 Isabella DAVIS
Johann Gottlob MATTHIES
Wilhelm Louis MATTHIESON - born Germany, married Emma BAULCH 1893
Franzis Peter MATTERN - born Germany, married Esther Ada SCOTT 1891
Jakob James MATULICH born Austria, married Helena DOWLING 1886
Stanislaus MATYS b. 1847 Klien Posemukel, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 32 Arbeiter/Worler
Thomas MATYS son of Stanislaus - b. 1873 Klien Posemukel, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 6
Adalbert MATYS son of Stanislaus - b. 1875 Klien Posemukel, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 4
Franz MATYS son of Stanislaus - b. 1878 Klien Posemukel, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 6 mnths
Heinrich Walter Georg MATZ - from Berlin. Married Jemima Martha Stiven 1890 Vic.
Peter Heinrich MAU - born Schleswig m.1908 Mary Weickhardt DUNN
Carl Friedrich MAURITZ / Charles Frederick MAURICE - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Madeline Mary Ann BURKE
Carl Anselm MAURKA
Hermann MAURER - born Germany, married Julie DE BRANCAS 1893
Johann August Robert MAURER born Prüßen (Prussia), married Ottlie Bertha Amalie BRIESE 1887
Anton Alfred MAURER - born Germany, married EmilY ROBINSON 1912
Eduard MAURITZ / Edward MAURICE - born Germany, married Alexandrina Dalglish BALFOUR 1910
Ernst Eduard MAUS - born Germany, married Emma Beulah BARTLETT 1897
Heinrich Henry MAYER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Mary Charlotte HACKWELL 1874
Karl Heinrich MAYER born Germany, married 1883 Auguste Henriette HOFMAYER
Kaspar MAYER -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Ann McGANN
Morris Moritz MAYER - born Germany, married Sarah KELLY 1893
Philipp Johann MAYER born Königreich Württemberg, married Anna Johanne SCHULZ 1888
Albert Wilhelm Heinrich MAYN / MATOR - born Germany, married Annie Georgina MOORE 1899
Alfred Valentine MAZENGARB
Johannes John McKINSTRY born Germany, married 1883 Annie GORDON
Daniel McMANUS - born Germany, married Ellen Sarah Luise BARGMANN 1910
Ernst August MECKENSTOCK - born Germany, married Wilhelmine Anna HEMPEL 1890
Johann Carl MECKENSTOCK -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Ann KEEN
Carl Gotthilf /Gotthelp MECRSTENBECK, born Saxony, married Sarah Catherine McMASTER 1904
Rudolph MEEDE - from Hamburg, married Hetta WILLIAMS 1891 Vic.
Phillipp MEEKING - born Germany, married Ellen RIPPIN 1900
William MEGOW /Wilhelm MEGAU born Germany, married Mary Elizabeth LEWIS 1888
Paul Bruno MEHNER - from Saxony, married Annie Elizabeth EARNSHAW 1903
Friedrich MEHRENS
Frank Franz MEIER born Germany, married 1883 Sarah Ann JACKSON
Friedrich MEIR / MEIER - born Germany, married Janet Elizabeth Ann LINDSAY 1905
Georg Heinrich MEIER - born Germany, married 1881 Rebecca BROOK
Heinrich MEIR / Harry MEIER -born Germany, m.1886 Maggie HANRAHAN
Johannes John MEIER - born 5th April 1858, Arrived in Australia 1st January 1874. Registered as an Enemy Alien at Darwin NT 1916
Carl Diedrich Wilhelm MEINCKE - from Hamburg, married Augsute Wilhelmine Adelheide POHLNER 1890 Vic.
Hermann August MEINGARDT - from Saxony, married Eleanor Frances ROLFE 1893 Vic.
Wilhelm Julius MEINHARDT - from Saxony, married Mathilde Hermine MEYER 1894 Vic.
G H MEISSNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 55
Heinrich MEISSNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 11
Friedrich Hermann MEISSNER - born Germany, married Clara Pauline BECKMANN 1907
Melchior MEISSNER - Naturalised 1914 / 1939
Emil Carl MELCHART, b. 1 Nov 1884 Danzig, West Prussia - Boatman Arr.12 Dec 1906 'MARIPOSA' Pt Sydney > Seaman , Goode Island Pilot station, QLD
Ernst Karl Robert MELCHERT b, 6th June 1890 Rummelsburg, Pommerania, Deutsch Reich. Arr. 10 March 1909 ' SS APOLDA Pt Brisbane> Contractor, South Brisbane Moggil QLD
Alfred MELCHIOR - Inventor, Patents of Sheep Shearing Machines, Corn Husking machines
Hjamar Rothmann MELCHIOR b. 1o July 1894. Enemy Alien Register Bourke St, Melbourne
Hermann MELKE - born Germany, married Emilei Emma POHLNER 1897
Heinrich August MELLAHN - from Straslund
August MELLIN born Germany, married Emma CHRISTY / CHRISTIE 1887
Augustin MELZER - Born abt 1864 Bohemia, Österreich. Lay Brother & Carpenter at theRoman Catholic Mission, Daly River Northern Territory 1891, age 27; and 1901 age 37
Johannes MENCKE
A. MENDELSOHN -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 23
Emanuel MENDELSSOHN - born Posen, Prüßen m.1874 Carrie EMMANUEL
Sali MENDELSOHM /MENDELSOHN born Prüßen (Prussia), married Abigail ROSENWEIG 1887
Herr MENDERHAUSEN Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 48
Alexander MENESDORFER -born Austria, m.1887 Esther Jane FARMER
August MENGEL was born on the 16th April 1896. Mengel arrived in Australia on the 'CLEVEDON'. Mengel was registered as an Enemy Alien at Williamstown, Victoria, and Interrned.
Reverend Pastor Heinrich Dietrich MENSING,
Lutheran Pastor
Pastor Heinrich Dietrich MENSING b. 1 April 1880 Landesbergen, Hannover, Deutschland – Graduated Concordia Seminary St Louis USA 1903. He married, presumably in the USA to Ann Auguste Catherine Cornelia WILLNER. The Mensings emigrated to Australia Arr.1903 from USA @ Sydney, to Lutherans service at Murtoa. Pastor Mensing was a Home Missionary on Western Australian Goldfields based at Kalgoorlie. The Mensing then immigrated to Victoria where he served as pastor at Murtoa, in the Wimmera of Victoria from 1905-1911.
Children born in Victoria were: Monika Magdalene Mensing 1905 at Murtoa, in the Wimmera, Victoria;
Morella Barbara Mensing, 1906 at Murtoa, Wimmera, Victoria; and
Hermann Willner Mensing 1908 at Murtoa, Wimmera, Victoria.
Pastor Mensing then served at Brisbane Queensland from 1911-1914. His son Heinrich David Willner Mensing- was born on the 5th February 1914, in Queensland, Australia. After the so-called ‘Great War’, the Mensing’s returned to serve in Missouri and Arkansas in the USA. Mensing became a Professor at Concordia College, Fort Wayne in 1915 . Later he was the Lutheran Missioner in Baltimore USA. Pastor Mensing died in the USA.
Abel MENZ - born Albrechts-bei-Suhle, Prüssia, married Amalie FRANKENSTEIN 1896 Vic.
Friedrich MENZ - born Germany, married Martha SCHULZ 1895
Georg Adam MENZ- n. Mannheim, Baden Baden, Deutschland- Sth Australia
Carl August MENZEL - born Germany, married Maria Auguste PETSCHEL 1905 - Wicker-worker - Arr. 7 Jul 1890 HOHENSTAUFEN Sydney, NSW/ Nat Adelaide SA 1914
Gustav Robert Reinhold MENZEL - born Germany, married Elizabeth Marth KELLY 1904
Johann Wilhelm Hermann MERFERS / MERFERZ - born Germany, married Annie Fran HARTY 1907
Louis Ludwig Theodor MERKEL born Germany, married 1883 Emily Ann PATON
Heinrich MERLE - from Bavaria, married Maria Luise Auguste SCHARFF 1894 Vic.
Georg MERSUGTIA born Austria, married Christina Margaret STANIFORTH 1888
August Emil MERTELMEYER - born Germany, married Mary Ellen KENNY 1898
Gottlieb MERZ - born Germany, married Christiane Wilhelmine PETERSEN 1901
Luigi DE MERZTHAL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 38
Heinrich MESS born Germany, married 1880 Elsie Marie CLAUSEN
Gustavus Adolph Heinrich MESSNER, -from the City of Stuttgart, Württemberg, to the Islands of Bass Strait, Tasmania.
Gustavus Adolph Heinrich MESSNER was born on the 4th May 1859 in the City of Stuttgart, in the Neckar Kreis, of the Königreich Württemberg eleven years before its Unification into a Prussianised Deutsch Reich. At about the age of 23 Messner emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked on the ship 'S.S.GARONNE' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 1st February 1884. Upon disembarking Messner went across Bass's Strait to Tasmania, and lived at Waratah,in the northwest, and then came back to Victoria for 2 years. Gustav Messner was married in 1895 to Florence Maud May VIRIEUX in Victoria. The Messners returned to Tasmania, first at the Mersey Valley town of Railton, and then to the Bass Strait's Flinders Island, where he became a Grazier based at Whitemark. By 1906 the Messners had three Australia sons and two Australia daughters. The children were: Otto Carl Messner b. 1896 George Town, Tas; Max Gustav Messner born 1897 Ringarooma, Tas; Hilde Florence Messner, born 1900 Chappell Island, Bass Strait; Carl Heinrich Messner, bormn 1901 Chappell Island, Bass Strait; Helene Albertina Marian Messner, born 1903 Flinders Island, Bass Strait; and Gustavus Friedrich Paul Messner, born 1909 Flinders Island. After 22 years in Australia, Messner took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 26th February 1906 at Whitemark, Flinders Island, in the State of Tasmania. Gustavus Adolph MESSNER died on the 24th February 1921 at Whitemark, Flinders Island. His wife, Florence Maud May Messner predeceased him, dying on the 13th April 1913 on Chappell Island, Bass Strait.
Hermann Franzis 'Frank' MESSERSCHMIDT - Naturalised 1904
Johann 'John SMIDT' MESSERSCHMIDT - 1926-1931
Johann METTERS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 24
Heinrich 'Harry' METZ or MITZ Port Melbourne
Heinrich Friedrich METZ - born Germany, married Emilie Laurella RICHARDSON 1892
Friedrich METZNER,b. Hamburg 1893 Arr. 22 Dec 1911 'LENI; at Wallaroo, SA > Brinkworth > Nhill, Vic.
Anton MEURER - born Germany, married 1881 Marie Johanne DENKER
Hugo Georg Friedrich MEYENN -born Germany, married 1882 Florence Kate MIDDLETON
Anton MEYER - born Germany, married Eleanor HARVET 1896
August MEYER - born Germany, married 1881 Wilhelmine Dorothea HOLBING
Carl 'Charles' MEYER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Maria Gabriel MILLS 1892/1894 vIC.
Friedrich Peter MEYER von Hannover
Carl Heinrich MEYER - von Hannover
Alfred MEYER - von Strasbourg
Maxwell Caesar Leopold MEYER
Georg MEYER - born Germany, married Kate FOX / FUCHS 1895
Georg Godeke MEYER
Godeke Jorgen MEYER born Germany, married 1880 Emma ASLETT
Gustav Adolph Otto MEYER
'Harry Frank' Heinrich Franzis MEYER - born Germany, married Emily Florence HORNEE 1891
Heinrich Henry MEYER born Germany, married 1883 Lucy GRAINGER
Heinrich MEYER - born Germany, married Charlotte DAVIS 1897
Heinrich Henry MEYER born Hannover, married Jane Sarah GIBSON 1910
Johann Heinrich Luis MEYER
Pastor Johann Heinrich MEYER - Lutheran Clergyman, Blyth, SA
Pastor Johann Heinrich MEYER born 1840 Behringen, Hannover, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1877. Served in SA at Dalkey, Hummocks, Hoyleton, Angel Vale, Blyth SA. Pastor Johann Heinrich MEYER was married at age 39 years to 27-year-old Maria Wilhelmine Karoline or ‘Caroline’ LOPAU, daughter of Johann Lopau, on the 9th October 1879 at the Evangelische Lutheran Church, Bethanien (Bethany), in the Barossa valley of South Australia. Children: Anna Elisabeth Bertha Meyer – born 23 September 1880 Blyth, SA; Anna Ernstine Marthe Meyer – born 5 May 1882 at Blyth SA; Johanne Anna Ernstine Emilie Meyer – born 15 July 1884 Blyth, SA; Bertha Lydia Meta Meyer- born 23 February 1886 Blyth, SA; Dorothea Luise Meyer – born 30 Juni 1887 Blyth, SA; and Georg Ernst Meyer – born 29 Juli 1888 Blyth, Clare Valley, South Australia. Johann Heinrich MEYER died at age 49 years 29 January 1889 while serving as pastor at Blyth, South Australia
Karl August Hermann MEYER - born Germany, married Elizabeth Barbara Ellen TAYLOR 1896
Paul MEYER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 23
Paul Robert MEYER - born Germany, married Mary ECKERT 1895
Theodor MEYER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 18
Theodor Adolphus MEYER - from Hannover, married Emily Jane HILL 1892 Vic.
Wilhelm MEYER - born Germany, married Annie TAPPE 1891
Johann Wilhelm Hermann MEYER - born Germany, married Annie Frances HARTY 1907
W MEYER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 33
Henrique MEYROSE / MELROSE - born Germany, married Jane GRASYFORT 1903
Friedrich MIATKE - von Kolkwitz, De. m.1886 Christiane Lluise RENKEN
Wilhelm William MICHILLS born Germany, married 1883 Hanna DEHENY
Carl Charles MICHAELIS -born Hannover, m.1886 Sarah BIRTLES
August Gustav MICHAELSKY / MICHALOWSKI -born Germany, married Hannah Ann SIMPSON 1895
Heinrich Harry MICAH born Holstein, married Carol KING 1888
Friedrich MICHOLS/ NICHOLS von Prüßen (Prussia), married Florence STEWART 1912
Johann MITTELMASS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 29
Carl Gustav MIETHKE
Karl Arthur MIETZCKE
Kurt Hermann MIESINGER - von Berlin, Prüßen married Charotte Campbell POWELL 1906
Neils MICKELSEN - von Schweden
Theodor Georg MIGEOD - born Konigsberg Ost Prüßen (East Prussia) d. 1872 Victoria
Friedrich August MIHAN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1883 Johanne Caroline MENZEL
Nils MIKKELSEN - von Danmark
Franzis Johannes MILBRATH -from Frankfort-am-Main, married Louis FLINN 1892 Vic.
Artur Willgelm MÜLLER [or Arthur Wilhelm MILLER]
Artur Willgelm MÜLLER [or Arthur Wilgelm MILLER, the son of Gustav MÜLLER, was born on the 15th June 1887 in Petrikau, Ober Schlesien, in Russian Poland (now Piotrków, Trybunalski, in Poland). He emigrated to Australia after a period firstly, of three months in Switzerland, and then about five years spent in England. He took ship from the Port of London on the vessel "PORT MACQUARIE" to arrive at Hobsons Bay, Port of Melbourne, on the 28 October 1913. After embarkation he lived for three months at Diggers Rest, on the Bendigo Road, and then for another three months at Lindhurst, beyond Dandenong, before heading for the Murray River country, first at Koondrook where he lived for seven months, and then at Cohuna At the age of 35, after working as a Labourer on the channels for the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission for three years at Cohuna, his took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 14th February 1922.Charles MILLER / Carl MÜLLER -born Germany, married 1882 Franconia Rosa GUTMANN
Christian MILLER / MÜLLER - born Germany, married Christina YOUNG / Christiane JUNG 1893
Ernst MILLER / MÜLLER - born Germany, married Emma GILL 1889
Frederick William MILLER/ Friedrich Wilhelm MÜLLER born Germany, married Mary RICHARDSON 1888
Friedrich MILLER / MÜLLER - born Germany, married Gerte JACKSON 1901
Frank Joseph MILLER / Franz Josef MÜLLER
Frank Joseph MILLER / Franz Josef MÜLLER was born in about 1839 at Sebenico in the Austrian Reich - the Austro-Hungarian Empire - (the town is now Šibenik, Croatia). He emigrated by way of Van Deimens Land, arriving in Hobart Town in about 1874 (or 1864?). He soon found his way to Victoria, and took up an orchard farm at Ringwood, East of Melbourne. Franz Josef MÜLLER was married in 1890 to Ellen Mary DYNES in Victoria, although by then he had Anglicised his name to Frank Joseph Miller. Their Australian children were : James Joseph Miller (1892-1892) Ringwood; Anastasia Cecilie Miller, 1893 Ringwood; Sarah Ellen Miller 1895 Ringwood; Francis Joseph Miller 1897 Ringwood; and, Wilhelm Miller 1899 Scoresby North, Victoria. After 30 years in Victoria, the fruitgrower, 'Frank Joseph Miller took the oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 12th January 1894 at Ringwood, Victoria.Hermann MILLER / MÜLLER - born Germany, married Blanche HALL 1903
Hans Christian MILLER /Johannes MÜLLER -born Germany, married 1882 Elizabeth Ann LAITY
John MILLER / Johann MÜLLER, Seaman
Johannes Heinrich MUELLER 'John Henry MILLER' born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1881 Annie MARTIN
'John MILLER' Johannes MÜLLER plumber - born Germany, married Louisa WHITE 1890
'John MILLER' Johannes MÜLLER emigrated to Australia after his Interim peregrinations in South Africa, arriving in the Port of Hobart, Tasmania in January 1888. Johannes MÜLLER was born on the 25th July 1854 at Memel, near Konigsburg, Ost Prüßen (East Prussia). (Now in Lithuania). He resided in Hobart for fifteen months before going across Bass's Strait to Melbourne where he married Louisa WHITE in 1890, and remained for a period of about three years. In about 1893 the MÜLLER's went east to West Gippsland, residing for ten years in the Drouin district. Presumably, it was his calling as a Plumber which took him then to Adelaide, South Australia for eight months, and then to Davenport, Tasmania for five years. It seems his wife died at that time. Afterwards, he arrived back in Victoria to work in Toora, South Gippsland for four months, Camperdown, in the western district for ten months and then at Ballan, halfway off Melbourne up the Ballarat highway, where he had been for five months when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 29 September 1909. He then described himself as a widower. 'John MILLER' was then aged 55 and had been in Australia for 21 years. His four Australian daughters then lived with him in Ballan.Joseph MILLER / MÜLLER - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Catherine PEACHEY
Joseph MILLER / Josef MÜLLER was born in about 1844 on Diestelow, in the Circle of Parchim (Kreis Parchim), in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (now the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Deutschland. He emigrated out of the Port of Hamburgh on the ship "ALAMENA" arriving in the Port of Melbourne on the 5th April 1881. Josef MÜLLER was married to Catherine PEACHEY in Victoria in 1886 using the name Joseph Miller. After fifteen and a half years in Australia, at the age of 53, working as a Boundary Rider in the West of Melbourne district of Tarneit he submitted his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Tarneit on the 18th January 1897 before Justice of the Peace, S.P. Staughton, of Eynesbury, Tarneit, Victoria, but by the time he could take the oath for the validation he was a Boundary Rider, not at Tarneit, but at Mt Cotterell, out of nearby Werribee.
Richard MILLER / MÜLLER born Hamburgh, married Sarah Ellen ANGAS 1887
Richard Walter Miller MÜLLER - born 26 Sept 1887 Breslau, Silesia > Bathurst, NSW
Wilhelm Carl Heinrich MILLER / MÜLLER - born Brunsweig, Germany, married Margaret Roy VEITCH 1890 [ Jessie Ellen VEITCH 1894
William MILLER / Wilhelm MÜLLER
Wilhelm MÜLLER was born on the 28th January 1868 at Linden, in the Rhineland Palatinate then annexed to the Koenigreich Bayern (the Kingdom of Bavaria), (now the State of Rheinland-Pfalz) in the Prüßen Rheinland (Prussian Rhineland), near to the French border. Wilhelm MÜLLER emigrated to Australia from Deutschland on the ship "HOHENSTAUFEN" arriving in the Port of Adelaide on about 1st August 1889. MÜLLER then resided in South Australia for four years, before going up to Broken Hill, N.S.W. for a year from where he fell into Victoria for a further five years. From Melbourne he went to Westen Australia in early 1897 - for he says that by 1904 he had been there for seven years and five months. Wilhelm MÜLLER was married to Minnie TRESSIDER in the Coolgardie District of Western Australia in 1900. Their daughter Frances Ivy Catherine Miller was born at Southern Cross, Western Australia in 1901, and their son William Thomas Miller was born in 1903 in Binduli, though sadly he died the same year. After fifteen years in Australia, Wilhelm MÜLLER, aged 36, with his married wife and daughter residing with him in Binduli, at the Bunduli Railway Junction yards near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, where he then worked as a Government Railway Ganger known as William MILLER, took the Oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 18th June 1904. Their second son Francis Wilhelm Miller was born in Binduli later that same year.Alfred Julius MILSSON / NILSSON - born Germany, married Louisa ANDERSON 1902
Heinrich 'Harry' MINDNER born Prüßen (Prussia) > Brunswick, Victoria, d.1904 Kalgoorlie, WA

Heinrich Gustav ‘Harry’ MINDNER, the son of Gustavus Mindner, a shoemaker, and his wife Mathilde Kalicky, was born about 1865, at Fraustadt, Schlesian, Prüßen, (Silesia, Prussia) Deutschland. Fraustadt was on the northeastern side of the Oder River district of Nieder Silesia, Prussia, and it is now called Wschowa, in the Lubuskie of western Poland. Mindner arrived in Australia by means unknown, but probably during the eighteen eighties. At age 24 years, ‘Harry’ Mindner was married to the 21 year old Aberdeen, Scots-born Margaret Brown Harvey Anderson at the Presbyterian Church, in Lygon Street, Brunswick, Victoria on the 24th of April 1889. Mindner was then working as a Hairdresser, living in Lygon Street, Brunswick.
The Mindners produced three children: Lily Barbara Mindner 12th April 1890; Carl Heinrich ‘Charles Henry’ Mindner 10th August1891; and, Elsie Anna Mindner 1893, all born in East Brunswick, Victoria. In about 1895 or 1896 Heinrich Mindner went across to the Desert Goldfields of Western Australia. It appears his wife followed him in 1897 with the children. Minder is recorded on the Australian Electoral Roll of 1903 as a Miner at Cue’s Patch, near Lawlors, north of Kalgoorlie. Conditions of the Goldfields before available piped water were primitive and Heinrich Mindner seems to have been a victim, for he died at age 39 in 1904 in Kalgoorlie. His Scots-wife seems to have preferred Germanic men, for she remarried to the East-of-Melbourne-born, Carl ‘Charles’ Augustus Paech (aka Peck) later in 1904 at Worooonga, Western Australia.
Without the European knowledge of his German-born father when there came the news of the distant war, Mindner’s Scots-German-Australian son, Charles Henry Mindner (1891-1916) enlisted on the 1st September 1915 at Blackboy Hill (Kalgoorlie) Western Australia into ‘C Company’ of the 28th Battalion, in the Australian Infantry Force [A.I.F, Service No. 3195] and after training was mobilized for Europe and went in action on the Front in France. He was reported missing on the 2nd August 1916. Sadly, Charles Henry Mindner was afterwards found to have died in the torrid maelstrom of action against the Germans on 29th July 1916. This double death was hard news for the Peck-Mindner family to receive under the distant and far horizons of Ora Banda, Western Australia.

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm MINKE - born Germany, married 1881 Elizabeth Jane GILES
Johann Gottlieb carl MINKE - born Germany, married Emma Auguste ZERBSt 1891
Carl Julius MIRISCH -from Saxony, m.1874 Isabella SCRIMGEOUR
Emil Friedrich MISCHKE
Albert August Wilhelm MISPEL - von Rathenau, Prüßen (Prussia), married Auguste Marie Therese DRAEGER 1892
Albert August Wilhelm MISPEL was a Tischlermeister (Master Joiner-Cabinetmaker) born about 1863 at Rathenow, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). He arrived in Australia on the 31 October 1886 on the ship "HOHENSTAUFFEN" at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. He married Auguste Marie Therese DRAEGER in Victoria in 1892.He was Naturalised on 131 Barkly street, East Brunswick on the 28th February 1907. He had then been in Australia for seventeen years.
Christian MISSFELDT born Germany, married 1883 Jane Josephine FENDEL
Johannes Oswald MITLAN - from Bavaria, married Christiane Elisabeth RAPP 1896 Vic.
Karl Wilhelm MITSCHKE - born Germany, married Rachel FELD / FIELD 1909
Edwin Friedrich Hermann Carl von Crome MITTENDORFF - born Germany, m.1896 Agnes Mary Ann JONES
Edwin Friedrich Hermann Carl von Crome MITTENDORFF emigrated from Deutschland on the steamship "HOHENZOLLERN" arriving in Sydney, New South Wales in January 1892. Edwin Mittendorf was born on the 2nd January 1870 in Barneberg, Kreis Börde, Burg Hötensleben, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland, in regions to the west of Magdeburg. After embarking in Sydney, Von Crome Mittendorf went south to Melbourne, Victoria where he spent the next four years. He found his into the then frontier-farming country at Outtrim, towards the pole from Korumburra in South Gippsland, where he conducted some documentary formalities after which he believed he was Naturalised. Mittendorf was married in Victoria to Mount Gambier-born, Agnes Mary Ann JONES, in 1896. Their son Edwin Mittendorf was born in Brighton, Melbourne, Victoria on the 13th April 1897. He seems to have returned to New South Wales in about 1899. Their daughter Grace Victoria Mittendorf was born at Redhead, in Newcastle, New South Wales on 18th June 1902. Surprisingly, in 1917 Mittendorf enlisted as a Fisherman from Warners Bay, Lake Macquarie, near Newcastle, NSW, into the A.I.F. (Australian Infantry Force), giving his 'Place of Birth' as Baltimore, United States Of America, his status as Naturalised, his 'Next of Kin' (Wife)as MITTENDORF Mary Ann; and so was draughted and given 'Service Number 3796.' He served from the 10th of September till he was retired as unfit on the 4th March 1919, in part in the Camel Corps. The Military were very happy with his loyal service. On the eve of World War Two in 1939, Mittendorf applied for the Australian Old age pension, and was refused when they found no documents to show that he had ever been Naturalised. He lobbied members of Federal Parliament and rather late in Australian life, was eventually able to take the oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 15th April 1939. So he had served in the Australia Army even though if his German birth were known he would have been a declared Enemy Alien.
Friedrich Heinrich MITZ
Heinrich 'Harry' MITZ or METZ Port Melbourne 1931 National Archives V/8543
Heinrich Friedrich MITZ - born Germany, married Emilie Laurella RICHARDSON 1892
Dr Eugen Abraham MITZENMACHER (MATISON b, Odessa, (Son of Solomon Mitzenmacher) > USA for 8 yrs. Arrived 19th Septemebr 1913 from the USA in the Port of Melborune. > White Cliffs, NSW, > Cleve, SA, Eudunda, SA, > Adelaide SACarl Gotthelf MITZSCHERKLICH - from Saxony, married Betty Louisa Selina FREHSE 1902 - Naturalised 1897
Louis Ludwig Heinrich MITZSHKE Naturalised 1904
Johann Carl Gustav MOEBUS -born Prüßen, Germany, m.1886 Jane DAVIS
Wilhelm Johann Carl MOEBUS -born Prüßen, Germany, m.1886 Hannah LEWIS / LOUIS
Ferdinand August MOEBUS b.1847 Schweibus, Prüßen (Prussia) d. 1912 Lal Lal, Victoria
Friedrich Richard MOEBUS b.1873 Berlin, Prüßen (Prussia) d. 1956 Mildura, Victoria
The MOEBUS FAMILY arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the ship 'ESTHER' disembarking on the 20th October 1876 after a voyage from Prüßen, Deutschland. Ferdinand August MOEBUS married his wife, Wilhelmine Albertine KNUTH, in 1872, in Berlin, Deutschland. While his wife was born in 1846 in the village of Rheda Naustadt, in West Prussia, Moebus himself came from closer by, some eighty miles east of Berlin,a t the village of Schweibus, in Kreis Zuellichau, in the Neumark of Brandenburg, (East Brandenburg), Prussia. Schweibus is now Świebodzin in Western Poland. Moebus was a Bricklayer by trade in Deutschland and also continued in his trade immediatly after their arrival in Adelaide and district. The Moebus family emigrated with their eldest Friedrich Richard Moebus, born 1873 Berlin, Prüßen, as a babe in arms, and after disembarking produced several Australian-born children: Margarette Friedericke Moebus 1877 Adelaide, Ernst Felix Moebus 1879 Adelaide, Alfred Max Moebus 1881 Adelaide, Bernhardt Theodor Moebus 1884 Norwood, SA, Ferdinand August Moebus 1887 Forest Range, SA, and Herman Paul Moebus born on 19th January 1892 in Mildura, Victoria. The Moebus family arrived in Mildura, Victoria in 1888 to take up an Irrigation Block at Lot 12 in subsection 13, of Section F, Mildura. They ran their block as one of Mildura's main Dairy Farms. The family were Lutheran on arrival in Australia but later took up with the more populous Methodist congregation. Ferdinand August Moebus died on the 15th November 1912 at Lal Lal, south of Ballarat, Victoria, and was buried in the nearby Clarendon Cemetery.
His son Friedrich Richard MOEBUS was married to Mary Ann WRIGHT in 1897, in the suburb of Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, to which place he had immigrated with the rush of young people taking up the opportunities of the Western Australian Goldfields. He worked as Builder's labourer in Perth. The Moebus family remained in Claremont, WA until about 1910, during which time their first six children were born. His wife had emigrated to Fremantle, Western Australia, with her family directly from England. After 1910 the Friedrich Richard Moenus family returned to Mildura and their last children: Cecil Claude Moebus 1911, and Charles Leon Moebus, 1912, were born in Mildura, Victoria. Friedrich Richard Moebus died in 1956 in Mildura. His wife had predeceased him by about three years, dying on the 11 April 1953 in Mildura. They are both buried in Mildura Cemetery.
Carl Eduard MOESENER -born Germany, married 1882 Emily Henley HAMBLET
Wilhelm MOHLGENHAGEN - born Germany, married Beatrice Myrtle Williams CADDY 1901
Alfred Samuel MOHR - Born 1862 Germany. Arrived Australia 1894. Registered as an Enemy Alien at Boroloola, Northern territory 1917
Herr MOHRMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Carl Otto MOLL - born Posen, m.1884 Friedericke Bertha PAESCHKE
Christian Wilhelm Heinrich MOLLER - born Germany, married Sarah Jane ROOKE 1897
Heinrich MOLLS - born Germany, married Julian BREAR 1889
Jakob Jacob MOMMSEN born Germany, married Harried CRAWFORD 1888
Wolfgang MOMMSEN
Carl Hermann Charles MONIEN born Prüßen (Prussia), married Mary CHERRY 1887
Pastor Rudolph MONZ - b.Kreugnach, Prüßen (Prussia) Lutheran reverend
Rudolph MONZ Lutheran Minister, born 1879 Kreugnach, Prüßen (Prussia), Germany, Arrived 16th January 1905 on the ship BREMEN; in Port Melborune. Monz married Elisabeth Frieda ENSINGER 1906 Naturilsies Milbrulong, QLD
Wilhelm MOOG - Naturalised 1893
Albertus MOOK - Broken Hill
August Friedrich MOOSBRUGGER - from Bavaria, married kate KLINGEL 1895 Vic.
Franz Oscar Arnold MOOSER
Franz Oscar Arnold MOOSER -b. 9 Dezember 1877 Ruda (Neu Roda?) Silesia, Prussia Arr. August 1903 Melbourne > Ardlethan, Riverina, NSW
Ernst MOOSMANN - Swiss. Ballarat
Ernst MOOSMANN was born on the 3td August 1882 at Golaten, in the district of Lampen, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Moosmann emigrated out of Switzerland via the interm refuge of England, where he married Winifred Rose ? Moosmann, born Dulwich, England, at Woking, and spent enough time for there for the first two children to be England-born. The Moosmanns embarked on the vessel 'S.S. GOTHIC ' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th September 1912. Moosemann was a Horticulturalist and on disembarking he went up to Mildura where he worked for the Chaffey Brothers in Pioneering Horticultural Irrigation Schemes for seven years. In April 1918 then came down to Ballarat where he worked as a Horticulturalist in his own employ. Moosman was residing at Albert Street, Sebastopol, and the Mount Clear when he completed his Oath of the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on 19th December 1919. Moosman then had five children, the latter three born in Mildura, Victoria.Hermann MOOSMUELLER -
Friedrich Wilhelm MOOTSCH b. Hamburg Arr, Melbourne > Ararat > Wahgunyah > - to Merino, Victoria
Albert Gabriel MOREL Viticulturalist & Labourer
Albert Gabriel MOREL was a Swiss, born on the 12th June 1864 at Besançon, in the Department du Boubs, Neuchatel, France. Besançon was a significant city during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Morel emigrated with his family out of Neuchatel on the French steamer "YARRA" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 8th November 1889. Upon disembarking Morel resided for four years in Melbourne, where he plied his skills in viticulture in the Boroondara-Nunawading and Yarra Valley vineyard districts. Morel immigrated north to Queensland for a year, and then returned to Victoria, firstly to the vineyards at Geelong for two years and then the vineyards at Great Western, near Stawell for seven years. From Great Western Morel went to Springhurst for 12 year and then to Corowa, on the Murray River, New South Wales, where he worked at the Lindemann Brothers vineyards at Hopefield. He had been in Corowa five years, living at the Riverina Hotel when he took the oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th July 1922. Morel was married and his wife Julie, born at Peseux, Neuchatel, Switzerland, and children Henri Morel, 34, born Neuchatel; Remi Julie Morel, 29, born Leeton: and Nathalie Juliette Morel, born Geelong, all then living in Leeton, New South Wales.
Heinrich Henry MORAS / MORATH - born Germany, married Eliza Caroline EAGLES 1891
Joseph MORATH - Naturalised 1901
Rupert MORATH - born Germany, married Ada HUNT 1894
Rupert MORATH was born on the 24th September 1855 at Wehlingen, in the Duchy of Baden, Deutschland. Arrived on the ship HERO in Sydney NSW in May 1878. Immigrated to Melbourne, Victoria and married Ada HUNT 1894 in Victoria - two Australian children. Resided in Victoria: at Warrandyte 8 years, Tunstall / Nunawading 2 yrs, Richmond 6 yrs. Resident in Australia for 32 years, age 55 @ 493 Bridge street, Richmond 20th February 1911. Son: Aloys Rupert Morath, born 1896 Andersons Creek, Warrandyte, Vic. Daughter: Eloise Rose Morath, born 1910 Richmond.
Leonardt MORRELL - born Germany, married Mary Florence ARMITAGE 1911
Theodor MORTISEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 29
Abrahim MOSSIER Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 40
Hermann Ludwig August MOST - born Germany, married Amia Teresa HOOPER 1912
Friedrich Adolph MOTTSCHELL
Pius Joseph MOTZEL - Arr Port MeLBORUNE from ELisabeth, New Jersey, USA > East Brighton Vict. 20 years, > western Australia
Waldemar MOU -b. 19 October 1887 Kiel, Schleswig Holstein, Arr. from Bremen 15 SEpt 1909 SS SCHARNHORST @ Melbourne (ShiP Steward)> Loch, Gippsland > Coastal Boats > Sydney Nat. Surrey Hills NSW 1914
Matthes MUDRA -born Germany, m.1886 Nellie JOHNSON
Paul MUDRACH / MUDRACK - born Germany, married Natalie Ernstine OSMILTIUS 1897
Wilhelm MUES - from Hannover, married Frances Coupar 1898 Vic.
Xavier MUHLEBACH - von Switzerland
Johann Matthias F MÜHL/MUEHL
Herr MUHL -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 26
Herr MUHLENBEIN Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 45, with Frau 38
Albert MUHLENBECK died at age 35 on the 12th August 1893 at the Harts Range, Northern Territory.
Carl MUHLENBRUCH -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 25
Herbert MUHLING Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 23
Ernst MULL / Ernest MUELL - born Germany, married Elizabeth BANKS 1911
Heinrich Wilhelm MULL -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 23
Albert Edwin MUELLER / MILLER born Hannover, married Martha Amelia CANTWELL 1888
Albert Diedrich Kopp MULLER - born Germany, married Elisabeth SCHONERT 1900
Doctor MÜLLER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 30
Carl Clement MUELLER born Germany, married 1883 Jane Ann KERRIGAN
Carl Rudolph MÜLLER
Carlo MÜLLER - born Austria, married Mary Joseph O'BRIEN 1877
Emil MULLER - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Mary Jane McKAY
Ernst MULLER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 22
Ernst MUELLER - born Germany, married Anna Maria HABERNICHT 1904
Ernst MUELLER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Agnes NICHOLSON
Frank Franzis MÜLLER. born 1871 Germany. Railway ganger at No 1.Depot, Northen Territory 1891 age 20.
Franzis Eduard MULLER - born Germany, married Marie Elisabeth RIEGELHURTH 1902
Friedrich MUELLER born Germany, married 1883 Johann Auguste STURTZ
Friedrich MULLER - born Germany, married Jane RANKINE 1897
Friedrich August Rudolph MULLER - born Germany, married Susanna Maria GRAY 1894
Friedrich August MULLER - born Germany, married Johanne Christiane ZANDER 1889
Friedrich MULLER - born Germany, married Maggie RANKINE 1907
Friedrich Gottfried Fred MULLER born Hamburgh, married Mary PARSONS 1888
Gottlieb MÜLLER born Germany, married Maria PROSS 1888
Gustav MÜLLER - von Bavaria
Heinrich 'Henry MÜLLER - born 1864 Germay. Railway Ganger at 46 Mile, Northen Territory 1891 age 27.
Heinrich Henry MÜLLER -born Germany, married 1882 Emilie BEER
Herbert Friedrich MÜLLER - von Hamburg, m. 1908 Sarah Ann KERR
Hermann MULLER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 28
Johann MUELLER - from Hannover, married Mary Ann EVANS 1893 Vic.
Johann August MÜLLER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Sophia ZANDER 1890 Vic.
Johann Peter MULLER -born Baden, m.1886 Margaret Anne JOHNSON
Johannes John MULLER - born Germany, married Pauline Henriette Ernstine VALENTINE 1897
Julius Ferdinand MULLER - born Germany, married Anna Christiane ALBERT 1899
Karl Ferdinand MULLER - born Germany, married May Victoria KING 1892
Luis Ludwig MULLER - born Germany, married Charlotte Hannah FERGUSON 1894
Otto Julius MÜLLER - von Krotoschin, Posen
Paul Theobald E, MÜLLER born Germany, married 1880 Sarah Alice GRIMSTER
Simon Heinrich Andreas MÜLLER - born Germany, married 1881 Emma Christiane RAUBER
Wilhelm MUELLER / Wm MÜLLER born Hannover, married Mary Anne McCORMICK 1888
Johannes Emil MUMME - born Germany, married Violet KING 1898
Reginald Arthur Featherstone MUMME - born Germany, married Ethel ROSS 1907
Robert MUENCH - born Germany, married Luise Augusta Walton SPURWAY 1891
Joseph MÜNCH / Josef MUENCH
Josef MÜNCH / Joseph MUENCH was born in the earlier and later disputed territory of Alsace, in the village of Holkirch (now Illkirch-Graffenstaden in the Bas-Rhin) on the 8th February 1847, so when the Franken-Prüßen War (Franco-Prussian War) culminated in the declaration of the Deutsche Reiche in Paris, his birthplace was no longer part of France, but in the Provinz of Alsace in Deutschland.Friedrich Julius Bruno MUNCKE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Emile Caroline Wilhelmine SCHIER 1892 Vic.
At age 25, little more than a year after, Joseph MÜNCH emigrated out of Continental Europe to England where he embarked on the ship "S.S. SOMERSETSHIRE" and arrived on the 24th September 1873 in Melbourne, Australia. After Disembarkation he went up to the Pleasant Creek Goldfields (Stawell) and afterward many years there came down to Melborune where he resided in St Kilda. In 1920 he was working in his tenth year as as Gardener for Dr McAdam and living at 55 Inkerman Street, St Kilda, when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in which in renounced his old allegiance not to the German Empire, but to the Republic of France, and wherein he insisted that he was born in France, so his nationality was French, and that French was the Nationality of his father, and that French was the Nationality of his mother. Joseph MÜNCH was by then long married to Elizabeth, his Springmount, Creswick, Victorian-born wife, and had four grown offspring, two sons and two daughters, all born in Stawell, Victoria.
T. MUNKASTER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 32
Wilhelm MUNTMAN / MUNTMANN - born Germany, married Margaret MARTIN 1893
Bernhardt Franz Otto MUNZER (MUENZER)Carpenter b. 1893 Delmenhorst, Oldenburg
Bernhardt Franz Otto MUNZER Carpenter b. 1893 Delmenhorst, Oldenburg. MUNZER's most unlikely emigration brought him on a voyage from Cardiff, Wales on the ship 'CARL RUTGERT VINNER' to arrival on the 27th Nov 1912 at Port Victoria, Spencer Gulf, on the west of Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. After Embarkation Munzer went up to Iron Knob, & Jacka,
Georg Kurt MÜNZER (MUENZER) Architect, b.Alsace-Lorraine
Georg Kurt MÜNZER (MUENZER), Architect of Melbourne, was born on the 10th April 1886 in the town of Mühlhauseu, in the Deutsch Reich Rhineland Provinz of Alsace-Lorraine, which had been annexed from France after 1870. MÜNZER was and Architekt by profession and he Emigrated out of Bremerhaven, Bremen to arrived on the 5th June 1911 on then 'S.S. ROON' in the Port of Sydney, New South Wales. After 3 years in Australia, on the cusp of the full enmity falling from the shadow of the declaration of war MÜNZER took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, out of his address at the Corner of Lonsdale & Exhibition Streets, Melbourne, Victoria on the 17th August 1914.Ernst & Karen Marie Ja MUSTER- He died Footscray 1952 @ Age 65 / she died 1956 Footscray a2 age 72
Nils Olsson MUTH
Nils Olsson MUTH was born at Ahus, Skane County, Sweden two days before Christmas in 1878. In 1913, on the eve of war in Europe, he arrived in Melbourne, Victoria on the ship "HELLENIE" with his wife Hulda Maria, and first daughter, Elsa, born in 1909 in Gorslof, Sweden. They lived at first in Melbourne, where their daughter Naomi Helen was born in 1915 in the snarl of war hysteria. Like many emigres from the Continent experiencing persecution as 'Enemy Aliens' in the city, they soon escaped to the safety of hills, where he worked as a carpenter at Emerald, later developing the property "Tivolii" at Clematis, then known as Paradise. After a period spent in the employ of W. Treganowan, Nils worked for many as a jobbing carpenter in Emerald. His wife Hulda died in 1968 at South Melbourne, and Nils a few years later in 1971 at Footscray.
Carl Hermann MUTHREICH von Prüßen (Prussia), married Margarette Caroline Julie GIESCHEN 1909
Friedrich MUTTER b.Königreich Württemberg> NSW, VIC , TAS,
Friedrich MUTTER was born on the 25th May 1876 in the Königreich Württemberg, Deutschland. He emigrated from South Africa per the TUEHRINGEN' to arrived on the 24th May 1906 at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW. After disembarking MUTTER lived in Sydney for 9 months before going up the coast working for the North Coast Line for 4 months, then he went to Mussellbrook in the Hunter Valley for 6 months, to Blauford for 12 months, and then down to Tasmania for 4 months, and across to Melbourne for 12 months, from wehre he worked his way upcountry inland. He was in Kilmore, Victoria for 8 months, and then in other places in Victoria and New South Wales. After six years in Australian when Mutter was unmarried, aged 36, he took Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when working as a Labourer c/- Mrs F. Schirmer, Wagga Road, Lockhart, New south Wales. Friedrich O. MUTTER died at Northam, Western Australia in 1930.
Georg Robert MUTTERER- died 1946 Fitzroy @ 72 yrs
Arthur MUTZ Upholsterer Arr. 15 Feb 1890 on ship 'CHEMNITZ' from Antwerp, Belgium, to arrived Melbourne on 15th Feb 1890. Resided at 145 Napier street, South MElborune Nat. 26 July 1898
Elcon Baevski MYER - Draper, Bendigo, Victoria nat, 1900
Simcha Baevski MYER - Draper, Bendigo, Victoria, Nat.1902
Carl Charles MYERS Nat. 1908
Daniel MYERS - b. Denmark > b. 21 Feb 1856 Klettau, Island Arr. May 1883 'GLASGOW' @ Melbourne > Kensington, Vic.
Friedrich MYER b. 1888 Munich, Bavaria, Germany Arr. 18 Jan 1909 from USA per KALOALA at Sydney. > Melbourne, Various NSW, SA, Qld Nat. 1911 Thurragie, QLD
Isadore MEYERS Nat. 1890
James MYERS / Jakob MYER -born Holland, m.1886 Eliza Ellen PEARSE
Louis Felix NAGAN - born France, m. 1907 Mary Ellen MORAN - Nat. 1937
Johann Carl Friedrich Theodor NAGEL, b. hamburg Arr. 1882 AUSTRAL - Melborune > House Steward @ Warrnambool, NAT.1897
Friedrich NAGEL - Nat. 1902
Johann Wilhelm NAGEL - born Bremen, Germany,
married Anna NAGEL 1906 NAT.1901 Little Bourke St, Melbourne, Miner
Robert NAGEL - Nat. 1897
Wilhelm Carl Friedrich NAGEL born Germany, married Isabella NILSON 1887
Wilhelm Charles Frederick NAGEL - born Germany, married Hetta BISHOP 1904
Heinrich Henry NAGELSMOLLER - Hamburg > Melbourne 1893 bootmaker
Richard NAGLE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 20
Heinrich Henry NALDT born Hamburgh, married Margaret COOPER 1887
Herr NANQUETTE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 30
Julius Ferdinand NASEBANDT - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Janet Agnes McKAY 1900 Vic. Naturalised: 1890
Carl NATZKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 22
Rudolph NATZKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 25
Pierre NAUDY b.27 Dec 1867 Orgeix, Ariege, France Arr. 3 Jun 1893 Melbourne > NSW
Gustav NAUMANN = Nat. 1904
Heinrich Henry' NAUMANN - Born Hamburg, Bairnsdale Vic Nat. 1902
Jacob NAUMANN b.18 Nov 1881 Hessen, Hessen-Darmstadt Arr 17 Jan 1887 Brisbane QLD > Myrtletown, Brisbane QLD
Johannes Carl NAUMANN - b. Frankenberg, Hessen-DArmstadt No. 350 Bridge Road,
Richmond, Vic Tailor Arr. 22 Sept 1860 from Hamburh SOPHIA
Oscar NAUMANN b. 4 May 1873 Tresten, Saxony Arr.1911 Pt Adelaide > Miner, NSW
Oswald NAUMANN b. 4 MAy 1872 Dresden Saxony Miner Richmond Main Collery, NSW
Heinrich Henry NAVELL
Heinrich Henry NAVELL was born in the city of Hannover, in the Königreich Hannoveron the 23rd September 1855. Navell followed the cll of the sea, and emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of seaports of refuge in England, from where he shipped his way to Wales. After times at sea, he embarked for the Port of Crdiff, Wales on the British Steamship "DULICH' and arrived at the Port of Williamstown, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria in February 1900. He was unmarried, working as a Labourer and Seaman, and residing at No.2 Morris Street, Williamstown, Victoria when he took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Justice Read Murphy, Police Magistrate for the State of Victoria, on the 4th June 1914. 'Harry Navell died at age 68 in Williamstown in 1923.
Josef NEBEHAY - B. 23 Feb 1860 Tzezeden , Gramma Komella, Hungary, Österreich - Austro-Hungarian Reich Arr 1892 from ort Louis, Mauritius, in Sydney NSW - 2 mmnths Sydney, 3 mnths Melbourne > Western Australia
Johann Georg Friedrich Peter NEBEL b. Magdeburg Nat. No. 13 McKay St, Richmond Vic Arr
Eduard NEBENDAHL -from Hamburg, m.1894 Bridget Elizabeth MACKEY Nat.1900 Daylesford, Vic.
Gustav Heinrich NEBENDAHL
Gustav Heinrich NEBENDAHL - born 7th August 1889 Krokau, Kreis Plön, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Arr. FREMANTLE' in 11 Aug 1911 fremantle RES, WA Freo, VIC Melbourne, NSW Sydney, SA Adelaide, Koolunga, Hahndorf. Nat. 16th October 1913 Hahndorf, SA
Julius NECKER von Königreich Württemberg, m.1886 Anna ZANDER
Julius NECKER arrived 1st Decemebr 1881 on the ship BARCELONA from Hamburg . Baker bytrade. > Footscray, Vic
Franzis NECLEK born Austria, married Sarah RYAN 1873
Carl Wilhelm NEHER -von Bettenfeld, Germany, m,1893 Rachel Eliza SCHRAMM Nat: 1894
Oscar NEILSEN, seaman, died at age 40 on the 24th September 1908 at Rum Jungle, Northern Territory
Jens NEILSON - born Germany, married Jessie STEWART 1898
Thomas Peter Ludwig NEILSEN -born Germany, m.1886 Caroline TAYLOR
Oswald NEITZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 25
Alfred Georg NELDER
Friedrich Augustus NELL - von Bavaria
'Jack' Johannes NELL
Jack Johannes NELL - from GeestMunde, Hannover Reich Born 25th april 1872. Arrived 17th March 1899 per the sailing ship 'McCALLUM MOORE' to Melbourne. Labourer, Unmarried. Lived: Brunswick 1 year, Bourke Street 8 yrs and 6 years at 43 Droops Street, Footscray. Aliens Memorial on 11 August 1914. Fifteen years in Australia
Alphred NERHOEGH -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 30
Johann NESLINGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 33
Lorenz Laurell NESSY NESSE HESSE - born Germany, married Thrya ARTHUR 1911
Friedrich Wilhelm NENKE
Otto NESTLER - born Germany, married Maria CLARK 1892
Heinrich Wilhelm NETTE - from Hannover, married Cristiane BOLLE 1894 Vic.
Daniel NEU - born Kusel, Germany, married Margaret WILLIAMS 1892
Johann Georg NEUBECKER born Germany, married Catharine Elisabeth MARX 1888
Otto Albert Hermann NEUENDORF -born Germany, m.1886 Alberta Emilie MATTINGLY
Heinrich Tobias NEUHAUS - born Germany, married Rebecca Anna TAYLOR 1892
Otto NEUHAUS/ NEWHAUS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 30
Saloman NEWHEIM / Solomon NEUHEIM - born Germany, married Adelaide Constance JACOBY 1898
Carl Charles NEUMANN born Germany, married Elizabeth NEILSEN 1888
Carl Wilhelm Hermann NEUMANN
Herr NEWMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 35
August NEWMANN/NEUMANN - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Louise Paulien NEWMANN 1898 Vic.
Felix NEUMANN born Germany, married Marion GOUDIE 1887
George NEWMAN / Georg NEUMANN - born Germany, married Annie ADAIR 1895
Henry NEWMAN / Heinrich NEUMANN - born Germany, married May JONES 1912
Wilhelm NEUMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 29
Fritz Friedrich NEUSTETAL / NEUSTEADTAL born Germany, married Kate MARTIN 1887
Raymond Arnold Raoul Henri Marie NEUTS - aka RAOUL b. Belguim
Raymond Arnold NEUTS - aka RAND born 13th September 1890 Antwerp, Belguim. A lucky and a clever man to get out of Belguuin, NEUTS arrived from London on the ship 'S.S' BELTANA' on the 10th April 1915, disembarking at the Port of Melbourne. His occupation was that of Motor Mechanic working at Scheps Bros. Motor Engineers, ats St Kilda Junction. He resided at No. 142 High Street, St Kilda, Victoria when he was Naturalised on the 20th January 1918.
Ludwig Carl Wilhelm NICHOFF
Friedrich Gustav NICKEL - to Melbourne, Miner, Perth WA
Friedrich Wilhelm NICKEL, son of Friedrich Wilhelm Nickel was born on the 15th March 1869 at Jodlauken, Insterburg, East Prussia. Nickel Emigrated out of Deutschland and embarked at the Port of Bremerhaven on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd Steamshop 'S.S.HABSBURG' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in early November 1886. On disembarking Nickel remained in Victoria for about ten years. Friedrich Gustav NICKEL was married to Bendigo-born Emily PRIOR in 1896 and went to Walhalla in the Gippsland Goldfields of Victoria. Th efirst two of their four Children were : Doris Nickel born 1896 at Walhalla (later Mrs BYRNE); Evelyn Nickel born 1898 Walhalla, (later Mrs MOORE). The Nickels then headed up the line through New south Wales for two years and then to Queensland for two years before transhipping to Western Australia for the duration. Their children born in WA were Friedrich Wilhelm Nickel, born 1903 Perth, WA; Emilie Nickel, born 1908 Greenbushes, Western Australia. Nickel went out to Mount Morgan for five years, back in Perth for a year, then three years at Greenbushes, a year in Meekatharra and then at Cue for a part of another year, the at Ravensthorpe, at Midland junction for five years, and to Kalgoorlie for three years, and then to Perth again, a total of 23 years in Western Australia. Age 55 a Miner, at No.54 Lake Street, Perth, Western australia
Pastor Theodor August Friedrich Wilhelm NICKEL
Pastor Theodor August Friedrich Wilhelm NICKEL was born on the 21st July 1865 at Güstrow, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland – Nickel was the son of Dr Thedoore & Mathilde NICKEL. He received his education at Güstrow High School. And then, travlleing to the USA, graduated from Concordia Seminary, in St Louis in 1888. He became the Lutheran Pastor at Shawano, Wisconson, USA; Stockbridge India Reserve 1898-1901. Nichel married in the USA to The Nickels travelled back to Mecklenburg for a short sojourn and their eldest a son was born while their. Two daughter were born in the USA. The NickELs Emigrated from the USA on the vessel “RHEIN” to arrived on the 13th October 1901 at Largs Bay, Adelaide, South Australia. Nickel became the Lutheran Pastor at Eudunda SA from 1901-1917; and then at Hochkirch (now Tarrington), near Hamilton Victoria from 1917-1923; Later, he was Called back to Deutschland, where he became Pastor at Wittingen and Hamburg. President of South Australian District 1902-1913; President of E.L.C.A 1903-1922; President of Free Church of Saxony 1924-1930. Editor of Kirchenbote and the Australian
Lydia Maria Rosina NICKEL – born 13th July 1873 Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA naturalised at Eudunda {on behalf of my wife who left for ameica a fortnigt ago a beg to acknowledge receipt of Certificate of Naturalised No 13458. Th. Nickel] – born United States of America. . Emigrated from the USA on the vessel “RHEIN” to arrived on the 13th October 1901 at Largs Bay, Adelaide, South Australia. Residing at Eudunda. Married Three children: two femaless one male, Son attending College at Adelaide. Naturalised a 18th March 1912 Adelaide, South Australia Resident Clergyman at Tarrington., near Hamilton Victoria 1919 also Lydia Maria Rosine NICKEL Tarrington., near Hamilton, Victoria 1919. Their daughter Margartte Clara Meta Luise Nickel was married in 1917 in Victoria to Philipp Friedrich Rudolph (died 1952 Manly NSW). Sackville, near Albury NSW 1936 1937 – 1943 1949- retired. Lutheran. Pastor Theodor August Friedrich Wilhelm NICKEL died at Albury NSW in 1953. His wife Lydia Maria Rosina Nickel survived him to die in the same place in 1957.
Theodor Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav NICKEL-HOELTY – Lutheran Pastor, Hamilton Vic & USA
Pastor Theodor Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav NICKEL-HOELTY born 31 August 1894 Güstrow, Mecklenburg, Deutschland. Son of Dr T. A. F. W. NICKEL of Albury, Australia. Concordia College 1908-1915. Ordained 12 March 1916. Assistant at West Coast, Eudunda, Trungley Hall, New Zealand; Ülzen, Hannover; 1912-1925; Studied at Liepzig Conservatorium. Professor of Church Music, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, USA; Concordia Seminary, St Louis, Mo., USA; Valparaiso University, Ind. Resident Clergyman at Tarrington., near Hamilton Victoria in 1919 –TAF Resident
August NICKELS - born Holstein, Germany, married Elise DRUCKRE 1893
Wilhelm William NICOL born Germany, married Emma MIHAM 1887
Johann John NICOLAI - born Germany, married August HILLE 1893
Renzo NICOLAI Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 22
Friedrich NICHOLS - from Prüßen (Prussia), married Florence STEWART 1912
Andreas 'Andrew' NIELSEN - born Schleswig-Holstein, married Alice TAYLOR 1890 Vic.
Hans Johannes Friedrich NIELSEN - born Germany, married Louisa FLETCHER 1894
Ignatz NIELSEN - born Germany, married Jessie STEWART 1898
Johann Jacob NIELSON - born Germany, married Mary Jane ARNOLD 1889
Carl August Emil NIEMBERG - born Germany, married Alice Margaret SCHONELL 1896
Neils Ipsen NIELSEN -born Germany, married 1882 Mari Victoria Ischofen NEYER
Franz Stein NIEMANN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Mary Charlotte MAYER
Theodor Reinhold NIER from Wittgensdorf, Chemnitz, Saxony

Theodor Reinhold NIER, son of Oswald Theodor NIER, was born on the 9th June 1894 at Wittgensdorf, Chemnitz, Saxony. Neir emigrated to Australia on the steamship 'S.S.ROON' arriving at Port Melbourne on the 12th November 1913. Nier was caught out by the enmity in the Declaration of the War. He was Registered as an Enemy Alien during the War at Russell Street Police station, Melbourne. He lived for seven year sin the city of Melbourne from where he could make his weekly report to Police for the duration of the war, before moving out to Thornbury. When he applied to be Naturalised the report on him by Inspector Rowland S. Browne, said he was a person of good report, had a fiance in Germany, and states that "Nier visited Germany in 1921 on a Permit from the Home and Territories Department, in company with his present employer, for the purpose of examining and purchasing special machinery. He states he may return there for a similar purpose in a year or so from date. He is a successful and progresive young man of sound education." Brown concluded: 'No objection.' Nier finally submitted his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Age 28 years, when working as a Mechanic and residing at 21 Flinders Street, Thornbury, on the 4th December 1922.
Gustav Wilhelm NILLSON - born Germany, married Marie Therese HACKE 1903
Alfred Julius NILSON - born Germany, married Louisa ANDERSON 1902
Carl NILSEN / Charles NILSON born Germany, married Catherine KENELY 1888
Carl Axel Charles NILSSON - born Germany, married Eliza Agnes WESTAWAY 1906
Georg Friedrich NILSSON - born Germany, married Marie Theresa HACKE 1903
Joseph NIMBS - born Germany, married 1881 Helen SOUTHON
Heinrich Henry NINK - born Germany, married Alice Maude BANKS 1912
Carl Peter NISSEN - von Ottensen, Germany, married Wilhelmine WEISSER 1895
Carston Peter NISSEN - born 28 August 1868 Norborg, North Schleswig, Germany, Arr.10 July 1893 "STRATFORD' at Melbourne > Locksley 8 yrs Wahring, Victoria married Eliza Jane McCARRON 1905 13 year Grazie
Friedrich Andreas NISSEN - von Ottensen, Germany, married Florence MURPHY 1900
Ingvert Hansen NISSEN - born Schleswig, Prüssia, married Mary Dinah FEARON 1893 Vic.
Johannes 'John' NISSEN - von Ottensen, Germany, married Louisa Alice PEACHEY 1895
Johann Jorgen NISSEN - - born Germany, married Minnie wilhelmine SEIFFERT 1891
Rasmus Christian NISSEN - born Germany, married Mary COWARD 1892
Luis Ludwig NITCHIE/NITSCHKE - von Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen
Johannes NITZ
Carl Axel NOBELIUS - von Finland > Emerald, Gembrook Nurseries
Christian Davidson NOBEL, Naturalised 1895
Alexander NOBEL / NOBEL - Naturalised 1895
Heinrich NOESKE - b. 1837 Schoda, Posen -Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 42 Kutscher - with wife and 3 Kind
Heinrich NOESKE son of abover b. 1878 Schroda, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 age 1 yr
Albert Carl Theodor NOFFKE born Germany, married Mary Ann HOWELL 1888
Albert Carl Theodor NOHLKE / NOLFKE - born Germany, married Mary Ann PRICE 1896
Otto Ferdinand NOFFKE - Naturalised 1906
Heinrich NOLDT
Ernst Hermann Eduard NOLTE - FreelinG SA Nat 1918-1920
Heinrich NOLTE - born Germany, married Mary NOLTE 1891
Nicolaus Robert VON NOLTING
Nicolaus Robert VON NOLTING cam of a noble family of Hannover. He was born on the 6th December 1890 at Verden in Hannover, Koenigreich Hannover. He arrived in Australia at the Port of Geelong, in the Corio Arm of Port Phillip Bay, on the ship 'MERIE-MACKFIELD" on 25th March 1908. When he submitted his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the brink of War, it was already the 10th August 1914, he had been in Australia for six years, and he was then unmarried, working as a Mechanic, and living at 47 Autumn Street, Geelong, Victoria.Joseph NOLTON / NOLTING -born Germany, married 1882 Susan DOHERTY
Nommen Friedrich NOMMENSEN - born Germany, married Elizabeth WALDEN 1890 [Alien Registered 9 October 1916 Certificate No, 26]
Henrik Anton NORDSTROM
Carl Charles Otto NORLING - Naturalised 1905
Andrew NORMAN / Andreas NAUMAN - Naturalised 1883
Alfred NORMAN / NAUMANN - Nat. 1914
Charles NORMAN / Carl NAUMANN Finland Arr, 1889 Melbourne > Claremont, WA
Charlie NORMAN / Carl NAUMANN Nat 1915
Johann Victor NORMAN / NAUMANN Nat.1 916
Joseph Elias NORMAN / NAUMANN - Sweden - NAt. 10-6
Robert NORMAN / NAUMANN - Arr. 1911 Freemantle , WA. Pierbuilder. Hawksburn, Melbourne
Leon NOWACKI born Posen, Prüßen, (Prussia) m.1883 Isabella GRINHAM
Friedrich NOWLAND - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Mary Jane LARDLOW 1911
J L NUISTERN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 29
Gustav Carl NUNGESSER born Germany, married 1883 Agnes KIDSTON
Albert Julius NUSKE - born Germany, married Clara Christiane ZSCHECK 1911
Carl Julius NUSKE -born Germany, m.1886 Dorothea Ernstine NUSKE
Georg Friedrich NUSKE - born Germany, married Adelheide Dorothea RUDOLPH 1909
Alfred NYBERG born Prussia, married 1880 Alice CRAWCOUR
Isaac Alfred NYBERG - von Prüßen (Prussia_, Married Alice CRAWCOUR 1880
Lein Louis OBANSKI
Lein Louis OBANSKI was born oon the 28th February 1866 in the village of Calmich in Provinz Posen, Prussia. Obanski emigrated by way of the interim hub of refuge in Great Britain from where he embarked from the Port of London on the ship SOBRAONN and arrive din Australian at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria two days before Christmas in 1884. After disembarking Obanski resided for two year sin Melbourne before immigrating to Sydney where he stayed 13 years, then went to Brisbane QLD where he stayed five years before heading west to Perth at about the end of 1903. Obanski was married, and living with his wife, where he was in business as a Seondhand Dealer, when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation from a residence at No.22 Murray Street, Perth, on the 17th May 1908. Their son who was born about 1895 living with them in Perth in 1908, another son son Cecil B Obanski died in Marrickville, NSW in 1897. Lein Obanski died in 1938 in Sydney NSW at age 74 yearsOBERDORF, Henriette -from Silesia, m.1877 Theodor HAFERKORN
August OBERSCHELP, Engineer-
August OBERSCHELP wa sborn on the 31st March 1884 at Schildeche, Westphalen, Deutschland. Arr, from Hamburg October 1911 SS NEW MUENSTER at Melbourne, > No.14 Tarrengower street, Yarraville VIC. Nat. 14th August 1914Oskar OBETH b. Austria Stone Mason,
Oskar OBETH was born on the 24th April 1887 at Theresienfeld, Schlesien, (Austrian Silesia) Österreich, Austria. Theresienfeld is now Terezín, Czech Republic. Oskar Obert emigrated out of the Austrian Reich by way of South Africa, and he embarked form that place on the ship 'OHRINGEN" to arrive in Australian at the Port of Melbourne in March 1912. Obeth was a Stone Mason by profession, and after disembarking he resided at Notting Hill above the Dandenong Creek at Mulgrave for six months, then in Prahran for thirteen months before settling in St Kilda. He was residing at No. 27 Koleridge (Coleridge) Street, St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, after two years and four montsh in Australia, at age 24, and married, working as a stone mason at St Kilda, when Obeth swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 8th August 1914.Ernst Alexander Werner OCKI - born Germany, married Alma Annie MORE 1892
Werner OCKI Naturalised 1899
Wilhelm Friedrich Christian ODE
Wilhelm Friedrich Christian ODE was born on the 6th October 1853 at Nortorf, Holstein, Danmark / which soon became a province of Deutschland. - ODE emigrated out of Deutschland by way of Great Britain from where he embarked on the ship "KNIGHT COMMANDER" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Williamstown, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria on the 2nd February 1873. On disembarking Ode went up the line, crossing the Murray into New South Wales, where he resided at Gulgong for thirteen years, before settling in Sydney, where he had been residing for eighteen years by the time he became Naturalised. Ode married in Gulgong to Annie Margaret TRUBUTE in 1883. The Ode children were: Anna Auguste ODE born 1886 Gulgong; Dorathea L. ODE born 1888 Sydney; Christian H. ODE born 1889 Sydney; Ernst Lorentzen ODE born 1891 Sydney; Leslie Arthur ODE born 1895 Sydney, and Herbert Cecil ODE born 1898 Sydney, New south Wales. In Sydney ODE was working as a Collector aged 51, after 31 years in Australia when he sowre the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 16th January 1905. Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Ode died in 1906 at age 72 in the Rookwood Asylum, Granville, NSW. His wife survived him and died in 1918 in Manly at age 71 years.Solomon David ODERBERG - Russia Pole / Prussia
Solomon David ODERBERG was born on the 22nd August 1886 at Gnewasof (or Gneivasof), in then Russian Poland. Oderberg emigrated out of Eastern Europe by way of the interim refuge and peace in Great Britain from where he embarked at the Port of London on the Steamship BALLARAT' and arrived with his wife and child in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 19th October 1912. On disembarkation the Oderbergs resided at No 70 Drummond Street, Carlton, and the at No. 75 Richardson Street, Albert Park, in Melbourne. After two years in Australia, as a Tailor of the age of 28 years, Oderberg swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in the 20th July 1915 at albert Park, Victoria. His wife was Jane Goldberg, and their Australian -born children were Harry 'Heinrich' Oderberg 1016 Albert park, Albert Oderberg 1917 and Betty Olderberg b. 1920 South Melbourne. Solomon David Oderberg died on Melbourne in 1961 at age 75. His wife Janie Oderberg predeceased him dying in 1960 in Richmond at age 67.Hermann Karl ODERMATT & Katherina ODERMATT
Hermann Karl ODERMATT son of Antoin Odermatt and Rosina Mischler was born in Kupperhammer, Luzern, Switzerland in about 1891. In Melbourne Hermann ODERMATT enlisted in the [A.I.F.] Australian Imperial Force on the 4th March 1915 as a Naturalised British Subject, and afterwards went into Active service in Gallipoli, where he was wounded, and in Egypt. His kinsmann Katherina ODERMATT, daughter of Joseph ODERMATT was born at 19th June 1874 at Luzern, Canton Luzern, Switzerland. Katherina ODERMATT emigrated from Central Europe to England before the war, and had been living in the interim refuge of England for six years during the maetstrom of the War. She was Registers as an Alien at Dover, England. From there they embarked from the Port of London in the ship "S.S.OATERSLEY" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 16th September 1916. Frankston 6 yrs . Surrey Hills 8 yrs - 10th may 1930 - c/- Mrs M Parer, 297 Mont albert Road, Surrey Hills, Vic. Hermann ODERMATT was married in 1916 in Victoria to Olive Myrtle SCANLON (1891-1965) and they had at least three sons: Herman Patrick Odermatt, born Collingwood(1918-1946); Francis Joseph Odermatt, born Fitzroy North, (1919-1969), and Terence Constantine Odermatt, born 1920 Northcote, Victoria. Hermann Karl ODERMATT died at age 78 in 1969 at Kingsbury, Reservoir, Victoria. His wife predeceased him by about four years.Otto ÖMISCH / Otto OEMISCH - naturalised 1904
Adolph OFFENSEN - born Germany, married Alice Wilhelmine AHRENDTS 1900
Mettin OFFENSTEIN born Germany, married 1880 Margaret SMITH
Carl Theodor OFFSZANKA - born Bielefeld, Westphalen, Prüßen (Wesphalia, Prussia)

Carl Theodor OFFSZANKA was born on the 2nd December 1874 at Bielefeld, in Eastern Westphalia, in the Prüßen Rheinland (Prussian Rhineland) quarter of the then 3 year old Deutsch Reich. He was a Furrier by trade. He emigrated in Australia having departed Deutschland for England, from the Interim Port of London on the the ship "S.S.ORONTES" arriving on Melbourne on the 26th February 1904. He was married in Victoria to Ida SCHADE in Melbourne in 1908. When he made the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation he had been over ten years in Australia and was living at his residence known as "Westphalia" in Guildford Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria, over the eve if not the eye of the war, on the 6th August 1914.Paul OHLOFF - from Berlin. Married Editha Wissing 1898 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm OEHR, from Bremen, married Anne Mary Lawrence McGREGOR 1873 Nat.1891
Wilhelm OEKLER from Hannover,married MJane HARTNELL 1868
Louis Herbert OELMANN married Mary STANLEY m.1909
Friedrich OELSNIK b, Brandenburg Arr. 1882 Melborune > Rainbow Nat, 1906
Philippp Aussenh OFER born Germany, married Anna MUELLER 1887
Carl Joseph OHLER born Austria, married Alice Maude PAISLEY 1882 - Nat.1890
Johann Heinrich OHMEN born Germany, married Elise Charlotte Friedericke HOLBING 1887
Erwin OHMAYER, b. 28 aug 1888 Isny, Königreich Württemberg. Ar, 1912 Adelaide > Draper, Tanunda, SA
Peter Anton OHMANN from ? married Sarah Jane TAYLOR m.1886
Johann Heinrich OHMANN from Germany -m.Elise Charlotte Friedericke HOLBING m.1887
Hans Johannes OLL-REINSON,b. Reval, Russia > arr. Melb 1912 > Derrimut Vic Compositor Nat. Hochkirch (Tarrington) Vic.
Niels Peter OLSEN born Schleswig m.Marie LORENZ
W A OLSON -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 29
Julius Richard OPELT / OPELTZ - born Leipzig, m.1886 Rosa DREWS
Carl Gustav OPITZ Arr. 1907 Adelaide, Bicylce Enigineer
Emanuel Hugo Karl OPITZ Schlesien, Prüßen
Emmanuel Hugo Karl OPITZ emigrated out of Deutschland on the ship "HOHENSTAUFEN" arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 30th October 1886. Opitz was born on 27th December 1864 at Liebenthal, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). He was a Furrier by profession and he crossed Bass Strait to Tasmania to ply the business for six months, before returning to Melbourne. At age 47, and after 24 and a half years in Australia he Swore the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, still a Furrier and still a bachelor, while living at 128 Brunswick street, Fitzroy on the 2nd November 1911.Frank Franz OPITZ ( aka Louis ZINGEN) MP16/ 1 - 1914-1917
Julius OPIT - born Germany, Watchmaker /Jeweller Arr. 1887 Melb Married Sarah RAPKEN 1895
Louis Israelowitz OPITZ from Poland -Prüßen - m. Rebecca LYONS nee BARNETT m. 1893
Marcus Maroun OPITZ
Marcus Maroun OPITZ was born on the 10th March 1848 at Petrokov, Prussia (or Russian Poland). Opitz emigrated by way of and interim residence in West Prüßen and embarked from Deutschland in the ship "NURNBERG' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 2nd September 1887 with his wife Pearsha Opitz, and their children: Isodor OPITZ born in Freistadt, West Prüßen; and Edie LAZAROFF born at Petrokov, Poland. On disembarking Markus Opitz resided in Melbourne for nine years and then immigrated to Sydney, New South Wales in about 1896. Markus OPITZ was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Darlinhurst during the war (cert No. 1293). Opitz was residing at No.49 Dowling Street, Paddington, Sydney, when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Newtown on the 25th June 1921. His son Isidor OPITZ was then age 47, and working as a Hotelkeeper in King street, Newton, Sydney, NSW. Isidor and Ada Opitz son, Favio P Opitz was born in Sydney NSW in 1910.
Nathan Israel OPITZ m. Esther JACOBS
Paul Robert Eduard OPITZ - born Liegnitz, Silesia
Paul Robert Eduard OPITZ born Liegnitz, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prüssia), Carpenter Arr. 1879 Paul R E Opitz was married Martha to Emilie Caroline HULSENBECK in 1891 in Victoria and their daughter Olga Alma Martha Opitz was born at Brighton, Victoria in 1892. - Nat 1888
Johannes Heinrich OPPEL born Germany, married 1880 Maria Catherine Wilhelmine BOTH -
Phillipp OPPER - -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 52 - born Germany, married Wilhelmine CHURCHMAN 1900 Nat.1903
Friedrich OPPENLAENDER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 32
Friedrich OPPERLANDER - born Germany, married Mary Lousia BRASSER 1890
Carl OPPENLANDER b.1851 Lowenstein, Königreich Württemberg > Arr 1878 Melbourne NORTHUMBERLAND > Swan Hill, Farmer
Ludwig OPPENLANDER, Arr,1 may 1884 Adelaide MARSALLA > Narraderra >Seymour> Elmore > Coachbuilder, Swan Hill
Hugo Anton Alfred ORTH - born Germany, married Sarah Anna Sophia STEPHENS 1908 Nat.1911
Wilhelm Ludwig ORTH b. Neuenburg, Baden Arr 1889 Sydney - Nat. 1915
Francis frank ORTHNER Nat 1908
Gustav Hugo Edmond ORTLEPP -born Germany, married 1882 marie Eliza ALDENHOVEN
Sygmund Rudolph ORYNSKI - - born Posen, Prüßen m.1884 Mary CONROY
Paul ORTLANDS - born Berlin, m.1886 Jessie Louis JENN
Peter Jacob OSMUSSEN - born Germany, married Gertrude EditH Minnie SCHOOF 1912
Hubert Theodor OSTENDORF - born Prüßen (Prüssia_, married Alicia Mark HOPKINS 1897
Vic. Nat. 1903
Hubert Theodor OSTENDORF - born Germany, married Minnie ELizabetH WESTWOOD 1909
G OSTERMEYER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 45
Maximilian Max OTT b. 1868 Munich Bavaria- Arr. S.S.SUSSEX May 1905 Sydney from NZ > Cairns, QLD
Mihkel OTTENSON - Naturalised 1904
Georg Albert OTTER - born Germany, married Amelia BECKETT 1905
Georg Friedrich OTTERBACH - born Germany, married Emma SCOTT 1911
Johannes Hans OTTESEN - born Germany, married Violet DE VERE 1889
Jakob Ignatz 'John' OTTNAD born Dahn, Palatinate. Arrived Age 25.
Jakob Ignatz 'John' OTTNAD, the son of Georg Michael Ottnad and Theresia Meier, was born on the 7th November 1854 in Dahn, in the Palatinate, then the Rhineland territory of the Königreich Bayern (Kingdom of Bavaria)- now in the Südwestpfalz area of the Rheinland Pfalz. Ottnad emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the Baltic and northernnost German Port of Kiel, on the ship "MÖVE" or MOEVE" arriving in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in March 1880. Family research has brought contact with an Ottnad cousin from Germany 'who was surprised that an Ottnad went to Australia, for, as he said, most went to America. He found Jakob's name on a (German) register of "wanted persons". Apparently, he left Germany without permission?" And so by Ottnad's covert departure out of Kiel we find a suggestion of another successful escape route, and seemingly, one taken in active avoidance of the Deutsch Reich Authority's militaristic universal Conscription. After disembarkation Ottnad wandered unsettled through the State of Victoria for several years, gravitating inland towards the River Murray, and settling for time at Swan Hill, on the borders of Victoria. Ottnad was married at Swan Hill on the 20th September 1884 to Anne HAUGHNEY who had been born in Coon, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Their daughter Marie Theresa Ottnad was born on the 18th October 1884 in Swan Hill, though registered in Melbourne. The Ottnads then crossed into the Riverina, and went up to the Yalgogrin, Wyalong and the Hillston districts of riverine New South Wales, where they lived for the next 25 years. Sadly, his wife Annie died in Hillston, NSW in 1919. After which he went to the Lower Murrumbidgee town of Balranald for five years. With his unusual and unpredictably-origined name, Ottnad seems to have escaped notice as an Enemy Alien during the 'not-so Great War.' By the time he took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the first of April 1930 he had been 50 years in Australia, and he was retired, and living at No 8., Fifth Avenue, Lidcombe, Sydney, New South Wales. His daughter Marie Theresa was then living with him in Lidcombe. John Ottnad died soon after in Sydney on 1930. - [Acknowledgment and thanks to Bev Brokenshire for family details.]Christian Friedrich Wilhelm OTTO - naturalised 1904
Hermann OTTO - Engine Driver
Hermann OTTO was born on the 11th May 1844 in Magdeburg, Sachsen, Prussia. Otto emigrated out of Deustchland by way of the interim hub of peace and refuge in England and there embarked from the Port of London on the vessel "DAYLIGHT" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia on the 16th August 1877. On embarkation OTTO resided for 4 Jaers /years in Perth before immigrating east to South Australia where he stayed 6 Jaers/years before immigrating east again to Victoria, where he had remained for 15 Jaers/years by 1904. after 25 years in Australia , at age 59, Hermann OTTO was working as an Engine Driver and Fireman, residing at No.15 Cromwell street, Collingwood, Victoria, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 29th January 1904. Otto was then married with three Australian children, two sons and a daughter.Carl Charles Hjalmar OTTOSEN -Naturalised 1904
Georg OTTO -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 40
Hermann OTTOW - born Germany, married Isabella Matilda TER HOFSTEEDE 1890. Naturalised in 1924/ 1932.
Matthias Christoph Lothian PAALZOW - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married helen Emilie Luise Baumann 1896 vic
Johann 'John' PAARMANN - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Margaret NOBLE
Joseph PAETZOLD - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Kate MOLLOY
August PAGE - born Germany, married Emily TAMPE 1890
Herr W. PAGE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" April 1893 age 28
Albert CArl PAGELS - born Germany, married Gertud Elsie JACOBS 1890
Wilhelm PAGELS - born Germany, married Eliza JONES 1899
Emil Wilhelm PAHL - born Germany, married Rox Jane MOLYNEUX 1899
Fritz Friedrich Johann Martin PALOW / PATOW - born Germany, married Emma Selina PARKER 1901
Johann John PANNOWITZ born Germany, married Catherine Mary O'LEARY 1887
Albert Richard PANTEL - born Germany, married Lillian Gerte PALSER 1901
Gregor PAOLETICH -born Austria, m.1886 Ellen McMAHON
Ferdinand Carl Johann PAPE - from Hannover, married Elizabeth Phillis Carter 1891 Vic.
Maximilian Christoph Jacob PAPE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Margaret Josephine CROSS 1893 Vic.
Albert Wilhelm PAPENFUHS
Friedrich PAPENFUHS - born Germany, married Emily BOLTON 1894
Albert Wilhelm PAPENFUHS arrived at age 22 from the interim Port of London, England, on the ship "AVENGER" in the Port of Melbourne, Australia in about June 1885. He was born on the 3rd January 1863 at Steinnitz, Pomerania Prussia. In Australia he resided along the Murray River valley, first at Echuca, then Albury, Wagga Wagga and then Mildura. He was working as a labourer in Mildura, Victoria, when he Swore the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in 9th April 1908.
Hermann Robert PAPST - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Mary Margt JEFFREY 1901 Vic.
Eduard Johann Hartwig PAROW born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Frances Susannah CUGLEY
Johann Ludwig Christoph PAROW - born Prüßen Germany, married Edith MAbel BEDFORD 1890
Johann Ludwig Christoph PAROW - born Germany, married Elizabeth DALEY 1895
H PASQUIER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Friedrich PASSING - born Germany, married Margaret AYLMER 1891
Rudolph PATCH / PATSZCH born Austria, married Lillian DOHERTY 1887
Wilhelm Torval PATTERSON -born Schleswig-Holstein, m.1886 Eliza Fry JONES
Friedrich PASSING - born Germany, married Margaret AYLMER 1904
Theodor Bernhardt PAUELS -born Germany, m.1886 Anna Petrea Nicoline RASMUSSEN
Georg PAUL - Enemy Alien. Internee - Released in Victoria 4 October 1915
Johann PAULKE - born Germany, married Anna Rosina FOLLETT 1902
Johann Wilhelm PAULKE -born Germany, m.1886 Johanne Auguste PETZKE
Harry PAULS / Heinrich PAULZ - born Germany, married Ellen FULHAM 1904
Heinrich PAULSMEIER - born Germany, married Henrietta Levy ALLEN 1911
Oscar PAULSON - Nat. ? 1921
Wilhelm PEARCE / PEARZ - from Berlin. Married Agnes Mary Critchley 1900 Vic.
Otto PEARRFE - born Germany, married Elisabeth Martha Anna GABSCH 1912
Raimond Leopold PECHOTSCH
Rupertus Joseph PECHOTSCH b.1863 Vienna,
Austria Musician. arr. January 1889 ACONCAGUA from London to Melbourne Nat. 5th January 1901 Stawell, VIC
Solomon PECHTER born Austria, married Rachel DAVIS 1885
Hyman PECK / PAECH -born Poland, m.1886 Eva Isabella GOLDSTEIN
Joseph Walter PECK / PAECH - born Germany, married Julia BALCHIN 1910
Johann Christian PEDERSEN - born Germany, married Mary Ellen HUMPHRIES 1908
Carl Johann PEETZ - born Germany, married Anna Maria ZAUN 1894
Carl Wilhelm Andreas PEILER - born Germany, married Etta KERSTING 1910
Bernhard PEIPER b. 35 Oct 1885 Bremen, Arr. 4 Feb 1911 FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE Pt Sydney, > Melbourne > Adelaide > Western Australia. Sleeper Cutter. Nat. 14 aug 1914 Collie, WA
Alexander Emil PEIPERS
Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich PEIPERS
Wilhelm Friedrich PEIPERS - born Germany, married Amelia Edith LAWRENCE 1905
Friedrich Heinrich Adolph PEIPERS Medical Doctor, Physician b. Solingen /Mettmann, Westphalen,
Friedrich Heinrich Adolph PEIPERScame to Melbourne because it was already home to his German-Swiss born wife Sabine MEYER-BRAHE, in fact, Hawthorn, Melbourne, was really the only home she had known in early life. Sabina Meyer arrived in Melbourne with her family
Jakob Jacob PELZER - born Germany, married Elisabeth KIRCHHOFF 1903
Friedrich Wilhelm PENCKER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Emilie Friedericke Auguste SEMMLER
Caspar Heinrich PEPERKORN - b. Beilefeld, Westphalen, Nat. 1911-1916 Renmark SA
Isaac PERLMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 40 ; with wife Rose Perlmann 30 and Hannah Perlmann 18;
Herbert Hermann PESTACHOWSKI born on the 14th march 1886 at Stettin, Pommern, Prussia, Deutsch Reich/ Arr. 2nd March 1912 per 'GROPER KURFUERST, at Outer Harbour, Adelaide, Sth Australia > Adealide > Penong > Charra > Denial Bar > Broken Hill - Res. Sulphide street, Broken Hill noAt 5th August 1914
Friedrich Wilhelm PESTELL -born Germany,
Frnaz Hermann PETERING born Hannover, married Maria ZSCHECH 1887
Franzis Hermann Heinrich PETERING - born Germany, married Luise Johanne SCHAECHE 1901
Heinrich Friedrich PETERING - from Hannover, married Bertha HILLER 1892 Vic
Heinrich Fritz August PETERING - from Hannover, married Marie Catherine RUWE 1893
Johann Heinrich PETERING - born Germany, married Bertha ZSCHECH 1897
Adolph Johannes PETERS - born Germany, married 1881 Louisa GIBSON
Carl Erich Theodor Otto PETERS - born Germany, married Harriet Cordelia BOND 1900
Carl Heinrich Johannes PETERS - born Germany, married Laura Marion NEWMAN 1900
Eduard Edward PETERS - born Germany, married Julia Maria GILL 1890
Ferdinand Johann Wilhelm PETERS - born Germany, married Jessie Clyde THOMPSON 1909
Francis PETERS - born Belgium, married Mary Ann WARD 1903
Heinrich Werner Christian PETERS born Germany, married Emma BARNES 1888
Pastor Johann August Friedrich Wilhelm PETERS - Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor Johann August Friedrich Wilhelm PETERS – born 1 January 1850 Nemitz, Pommern, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1877. Served in Melbourne. Murtoa 1878-1904. Burrumbuttock 1904-919. Presidnt of Victoria and NSW Districts. Editor of Kirchenbote. Principal of Concordia College, Murtoa. On the 14th May 1880 Johann August Friedrich Wilhelm PETERS as married at age 30 to 22-year-old Emilie Albertine SUDHOLZ, daughter of Johnn Wilhelm Albrecht Sudholz, at the Lutheran Church, Adelaide, South Australia.
Children: 1. Albrecht Ludwig Peters born 1881 Murtoa, Victoria; 2. Rudolph Carl Ernst Peters born 1883 Murtoa, Victoria; 3. Theodor Johannes Peters – born 1886 Murtoa, Victoria- died 1910 Camberwell at age 24; 4. Alma Bertha Cecaelie PETERS – born 1890 Murtoa, Victoria; 5. Walter Herbert Wilhelm PETERS – born 1902 Murtoa, Victoria; and 6. Gertrude Margaret Catherina Wilhelmine PETERS – born 1897 Murtoa, Victoria.
Johann Wilhelm Peters Died 18 August 1925 in Camberwell, Boroondara, Melbourne, Victoria. His wife Albertine Emilie Peters survived him to die at age 73 in 1931 in Camberwell, Boroondara, Melbourne, Victoria.
Hermann Wilhelm Marcus PETERS - born Germany, married Selina Margaret CARR 1909
Johannes 'John' PETERS Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 27
Johann Gottfried PETERS - born Germany, married Julia Henriette PULS 1895
Wilhelm Conrad PETERS - from Bavaria, married Annie Elizabeth STEVENSON 1889 Vic.
Wilhelm PETERS born Germany, married 1883 Ada Elizabeth DELBRIDGE
August PETERSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 35
Carl Charles Fiver Christian PETERSEN born Germany, married 1883 Elizabeth LEWIS
Christian Olaf PETESEN -born Germany, m.1886 Elisabeth Pauline KRAMM
Emil PETERSEN/ PETERSON - born Germany, married Agnes MARKS/ MARX 1905
Friedrich Wilhelm Herman Carl PETERSEN - born Germany, married Mary Amelia CRANE 1893
Georg Johann PETERSEN - born Germany, married Matilda FULLER 1900
Georg PETYERSEN - born Germany, married 1881 Martha MACUGH / McHUGH
Hermann PETERSEN - born Germany, married Jeannie Florence CLARE 1894
J PETERSEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 23
Julius PETERSEN -born Germany, m.1886 Susan SCHOBERG
Karl PETERSEN - born Germany, married Elizabeth ISON 1906
L H PETERSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 39
Peter PETERSON born Austria, married Martha SMITH / SCHMIDT 1888
Peter PETERSEN - von Poland
Peter PETERSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 25
Peter Cornelius PETERSEN - born Schleswig-Holstein, married Ethel Maud CHAMPION 1899 Vic
Aure PETERSON born Germany, married Kath BERTRAM 1888
Theodor Johannes Jens PETERSON - born Germany, married Marie Louise HANG 1893
Wilhelm William PETERSEN born Germany, married Susan Lilian McGEORGE 1887
Karl August PETRASS - born Germany, married Maria PIETSCH 1899 / Carl August PETRASS - born Germany, married Martha Jane GIBSON 1909
Carl Christian PETSCHEL -from Saxony, m.1880 Pauline BUROW
Gustav Adolph PEUCKER born Germany, married Christiane GROSSER 1888
Alfred Christian Ernst PFAFF -born Germany, m.1886 Antonie Josephine WIEDERMANN
Otto August PFAFFLIN
Otto August PFAFFLIN -son of August Otto & Lizette Pfafflin, was born on the 2nd April 1872 in the Baden Schwarzwald town of Lahr, in former Grand Duchy of Baden, now the State of Baden-Württemberg in Deutschland. Pfafflin emigrated out of Deutschland on the steamship "S.S.BELGIC" to arrive in Australia on the 2nd September 1885 at Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales. His parents were likely emigrated with him. His father died in Mosman in 1910 and his mother in St Leonards, NSW in 1920. Young Otto August Pfafflin was Married in 1902 to Dorothy CAMROUX in Mosman, NSW and by 1914 they had three sons, the fist two of whom were: August Carl Pfafflin b. 1903, and Philipp K Pfafflin b.1905, and one daughter, Dorothea H E Pfafflin b. 1909 in Mosman, NSW. Pfafflin was a Master Pastry Cook, living at No.68 Belmont Road, Mosman, NSW when he sore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 5th August 1914. August Otto Pfafflin's wife Dorothey die in Manly in 1940, and Pfafflin survived her to die in Manly in 1942.
Louis Ludwig PFALZER
-Louis Ludwig PFALZER was born in about 1849 at Layn, österreich [now Lány, Kladno okres, Central Bohemian region, Czech Republic] Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia
Aloysius PFALZER - born abt 1849 Tyrol, österreich. Farmer, Daly River, Northern Territory.
Johannes John PFAU -
Johannes John PFAU was born on the 11th January 1859 in the Königreich Württemberg. When he was about twenty Pfau emigrated out of Deutschland to the United States of Amerika - and from that interim refuge he embarked on a ship to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in 1881. On disembarking Johann Pfau resided in Melbourne for eleven years. In 1890 'John' Pfau was married in Melbourne to Christiane MATTHEWS who was born in Scottsdale, Van Diemens Land. After marrying the Pfaus immigrated south to Tasmania. They were in the Wild West coast mining town of Strahan for eight years, after which they went on to a farm at Sheffield, Tasmania. the Pfau's Australian children were: Annie Dawson Pfau, b.Victoria; Michael Pfau b. Tasmania, and Wilhelm John Pfau b. Tasmania. John PFAU was a Dairy Farmer at Sheffield, Tasmania, Age 62
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm PFAUTSCHE Naturalised 1913
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm PFAUTSCHE was born 7th August 1871 at Kuckenburg, Sachsen just after Saxony was incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. Residence: Marburg, Queensland, Australia.
August PFEFFEN - born Germany, married Mary Ann SMITH 1899
Carl Otto Ulrich Wilhelm PFEIFFER - born Germany, married Lucy Olive BAILEY 1904
Conrad PFEIFFER - naturalised 1900
Friedrich Balthaser PFEIFFER / PFIEFER - born Germany, married Mary Elizabeth MUIR 1903 - Naturalised 1876
Georg PFEIFFER< b. 30th Marz 1888 at Breslau, Silesia - Engineer- Arrived 1911 Sydney
Gottfried PFEIFFER - born Schmardt, Kreuzburg, Schlesien, Germany . Adelaide Sa > Westgate, south of Charleville, Queensland
Oscar PFEIFFER - -
Oscar PFEIFFER was born on the 18th August 1892 at Schwäbisch Gmünd, in a Königreich Württemberg already incorporated as a Stadt in the the Deutsch Reich. Pfeiffer arrived in Australia at Port Adelaide on the 1st November 1910. On Disembarking went up to Balaklava, South Australian and then immigrated to Melbourne, Victoria. Labourer, Station Street, Camberwell, Melbourne. At the age of 21, after two and half year sin Australia Pfeiffer was naturalised 8th August 1914. Melbourne.
Otto Carl Ulrich Wilhelm PFEIFFER
Otto Carl Ulrich Wilhelm PFEIFFER was born on the 10th January 1874 at Ulm, in the old Königreich Württemberg by then recently incorporated as a Stadt in the Deutsch Reiche. He emigrated out of Deutschland on the steamship ' SALOMO ; to arrive in Austyralia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th January 1898. On disembarkation Pfieffer went out to Korumburra in south Gippsland, and then up the King River Valley to Whitfield, before settling in in the Gippsland gateway town of Dandenong, where he set up us a town Butcher. Otto Pfeiffer was married to Lucy Olive BAILEY in 1902 in Victoria. There children were : Heinrich Wilhelm Pfeiffer b.1905 Korumburra; Franz Georg Pfeiffer b.1907 Footscray; Friedrich Edmond Pfeiffer b.1908 Yea; Carl Gotthilf Pfeiffer b.1909 Wangaratta; Bertha Ray Olive Pfeiffer b.1910 Dandenong; Bertha Ray Olive Pfeiffer b.1912 Korumburra. He was a butcher residing at Pickett street, Dandenong, Victoria, with his wife and five Australian children when he took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial for Naturalisation ahead of the coming declaration of War on the 17th March 1914. Two more children born after his Naturalisation were Edith Maria Pfeiffer b. 1914 Dandenong; and Rita Grace Pfeiffer, born 1917, Oakleigh, Victoria.
Carl Johann Otto PFEILER
arl Johann Otto PFEILER born Dusseldorf, Germany, married Bridget PFEILER 1893 - North Fitzroy, Cordial Manufacturer
Edmund PFEILER born Germany, married 1883 Bridget BOHAN
Gustav Friedrich Adolph PFENNIGWERTH,
Gustav Friedrich Adolph PFENNIGWERTH was born on the 1st February 1855 at Danzig, West Prüßen, Prüßen. He Emigrated by way of the interim refuge of England and there embarked on the ship 'NORTHUMBERLAND' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 2nd December 1877. Upon disembarking Pfennigwerth immigrated immediatley on the coaster 'S.S. ALDINGA' to Adelaide, South Australia. He took up work as a Commercial Travellor. After 8 years in South Australia he went to Tasmania for 3 years and then crossed Bass Strait to Victoria again where he remained for 6 years. Pfennigwerth was married to Clara Anna SUMMERS in Australia. Their daughter Katherina Margarethe Pfennigwerth was born in South Melbourne in 1891. From Melbourne the Pfennigworths immigrated north to New South Wales. Pfennigwerth was living at No. 28 Dowling Street, Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, married with a wife and three Australian sons when he took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th January 1904. Gustav A. F. Pfennigwerth, son of Eduard & Emilie Amelia Pfennigwerth, died in Paddington, Sydney in 1918.
Carl Frederick PFLAUMAN - Naturalised 1907
Wilhelm Adolph PFLEIDERER - Naturalised 1907
Johann Nikolaus Hans PFLUGER Naturalised 1911-1913
Johann Nikolaus Hans PFLUGER was born at on
THE PFRUNDER BROTHERS were Moravians from the town of Königsfeld im Schwarzwald is a town in the district of Schwarzwald-Baar in Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It is the northern most town of the district Schwarzwald Baar. Königsfeld has six boroughs (Königsfeld, Neuhausen, Erdmannsweiler, Buchenberg, Burgberg and Weiler). Founded in 1807, it is a centre of the Moravian Church. Until after the Second World War, most of the town's inhabitants continued to be Moravians and the Vorsteher (congregational business manager) of the Congregation also served as de facto Mayor of the town. After the war, great numbers of refugees from former eastern provinces of Germany settled in the town. Königsfeld is on several major bus lines, the next train stations are in St. Georgen and Villingen-Schwenningen. Regional bus lines connect Königsfeld to these towns. Until 1981 it was served by the train station Peterzell-Königsfeld, 5 km outside of Königsfeld. Königsfeld is the seat of several boarding schools and a classical Gymnasium/High School/Public School and a School for Home Economics, all operated by the Moravian Church. Humanitarian Albert Schweizer maintained a home in Königsfeld because his wife could not live in Lambaréné due to her health. His home in Königsfeld is now a museum. There is also a small museum dealing with the history of the town. from WikipediaEmil PFRUNDER -
Emil PFRUNDER born Königsfeld, Kreis Schwarzwald-Baar, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany. Founded in 1807, Königsfeld is a centre of the Moravian Church. Until after the Second World War, most of the town's inhabitants continued to be Moravians and the Vorsteher (Congregational business manager) of the Congregation also served as de facto Mayor of the town. Pfrunder was married to Alwina Adeline Karoline Wilhelmine KOEHLER in 1895 in Victoria. - Naturalised 1896. Children : Ellen Marie Pfrunder (1896-1896) Collingwood ; and Alma Henriette Pfrunder b.1897 Collingwood. Adeline Wilhelmine Karoline Koehler Pfrunder died at at age 25 in Collingwood in 1897. Emil Pfrunder remarried in Victoria in 1905 to Nunawading-born Emilie Theresia Kleinert. Emil Pfrunder died in 1932 in Hamilton, Newcastle, New South Wales. His second wife survived him to die din 1959 in Newcastle, NSW.Johannes Adolph PFRUNDER -
Johannes Adolph PFRUNDER was born on the 27th September 1859 in Königsfeld, Grand Duchy of Baden, Deutschland. Pfrunder emigrated out of Deutschland at the Port of Hamburg on the ship 'LA ROCHELLE' and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th January 1880. Upon disembarking Pfrunder went up to Nhill, in the Wimmera of Victoria for fifteen years. He was married to Laurentina Auguste Friedericke Bertha KOEHLER in 1885 in Victoria. Their children born in Victoria were: Rudolph Hermann Pfrunder 1886 Nhill; Adolph Edwin Pfrunder 1888 Nhill; Sylvia Olga Selma Pfrunder b.190o Nhill; and Valeria Hilda Pfrunder b.1902 Netherby, Victoria. From the Wimmera Pfrunder immigrated to Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, and there was there five years before shifting out to Grong Grong. Johannes Adolph Pfrunder had been five years a farmer at 'Baden' Grong Grong, New South Wales, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised at Narrandera on the the 3rd of July 1905. He was then married with two sons and five Australian daughters, the last being Clara Friedericke Pfrunder b.1900 at Wagga Wagga. A daughter born after that date was Vera Olive Pfrunder b.1906 Narrandera, NSW. Johannes Adolph Pfrunder died in Ardlethan, in the Riverina of New south Wales in 1947. His wife had died in nearby Coolamon, the previous year.
Andreas PFORTNER - born Germany, married Kate catherina VENNER 1895
Emil PFUNDER - born Germany, married Emily Theresa KLEINERT /KLEINFURT / KLEINHERT 1905
Carl Adolph PFUNDT born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1883 Maggie RILEY
Carl August PFUNDT - born Germany, married Adelina DUNNE 1896
Jakob Jacob PHIl / PHL - born Germany, married Margaret Jane WATSON 1908
Friedrich PHILLIPI born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Margaret DAVIS
Hermann Rudolph PHILLIPI born Germany, married Kath WOODS 1888
Phillip PHILIPPSTEIN - from Hannover, married Miriam DAVIS 1892 Vic.
Albert Heinrich Wilhelm PIECK
Albert Heinrich Wilhelm PIECK Swore the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Australia on 14th December 1909 in Martin Street, Sydney, NSW. He was a merchant nu occupation, and he arrived in Australia on the 12th January 1892 on the steam ship 'BARMEN" at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia from his native Hamburg where he was born on 26 Oktober 1868.
Hermann PIEPER / PEIPER - born Germany, married Minna Amelia MULLER 1905 Naturalised 1912 / 1940
Stanley Otto Carl PIEPER
Walter PIEPER - INternee Enemy Alien Nat? Died 1921
Charles Honori Arthur PIERLOT from Rheims, France, married Ellen Katherine SALINGER 1895
Friedrich PIES - from Prüßen (Prussia), married Alice TRATER 1903
Johann PIETSCH -from Saxony, m. 1872 Ottilie Pauline KIRCHNER
Carl Wilhelm PIETSCHMANN - born Germany, married Mignonette HYLAND 1903
Richard A. PILCHOWSKI - born 1869 Germany, - Drover at Boroloola, Northern Territory 1901 age 32.
Carl Ernst PINKAN -born Germany, m.1886 Amelia Christiane Elisabeth PETERSON
Siegfried PINCUS / PINKUS - born Germany, married Eva BLASHKI 1889
August Albert PIKROT - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Louise SCHAFER 1889 Vic.
Johann Hermann PINSCH/PINCH - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Annie BURRETT 1891 Vic.
J PINCHBECK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 25
Emil PITSCHEL - born Germany, married Luise HENCKEL 1895
Carl Friedrich PITSCHNER - from Hannover, married Alice BOGG 1894 Vic.
Abraham PIZER - von Poland
Solomon PIZER - born Germany, married Frances Fanny DAVIS 1893
Otto PLÄRRE - Backer/Baker from Hohenölsen, near Weida, Thuringen
Otto PLÄRRE was a master pastrycook, born on the 16th November 1882 at Hohenölsen, near Weida, on the Reuss-Line in Thuringia, to the south of Leipzig in Deutschland. He spent his two first year in Australia in Carlton. He declared his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation from 26A Puckle street, Moonie Ponds on the 10th April 1913 after four years in the State of Victoria, having arrived in the Port of Melbourne on the 20th May 1909 on the ship "S.S.NARRUNG' from England. He pioneered a fine Continental bakery in Moonee Ponds, which later opened branches in various suburbs of Melbourne. Ferguson-Plarre Bakery shops were still in existence in Coburg and Moonie Ponds in the 21st Century.![]()
PLÄRRE married Elisabeth Martha Anna GABSCH in 1912 and their children were born at Moonee Ponds through the wartime: Frieda Else 1913, Raymond Otto 1915, and Valda Ida PLÄRRE, 1920. Later, in about 1939, his son Raymond Otto Plarre did enlist at Moonee Ponds to serve in the Australian Armed forces during World War Two.Weida, Thuringia
Hermann Heinrich PLATE - born Germany, married Ellen Maria FINDLAY 1891
Ferdinand PLIER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Tomblin FOSTER
Julius PLITSCH - born Germany, married Frances Geraldine FITZGERALD 1896
Friedrich Otto PLOTZ - von Berlin, Prüßen. married Vera Lilliam Margaret McCLELLAND 1908
Johann August PLUMEIER - from Hannover, married Theresa Catherine O'KEEFE 1895 Vic.
Friedrich PLUSS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 26
Franzis Heinrich POHL Silesia
Franz Heinrich POHL was born 25th September in 1838 in the village of Templefeld, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). He emigrated from Deutschland on the ship "S.S.CATANIA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 26th January 1882. He then spent three years in Melbourne, then wandered through various places in New South Wales for eighteen years, various places in South Australia for nine months, then for three years in various places in Queensland till 1907. You might guess that he remained unmarried. After 24 & 3/4 years in Australia, the age of 48 years, while working as a miner, at the town of Chillagoe, on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland on 13th October 1907 he made the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation.Jakob Jacob POHL - born Germany, married Caroline HODGSON 1895
Jacob POHL - born Germany, married Margaret Jane WATSON 1908
Johann Hermann Joseph POHL born Germany, married Johanne Ernstine PIETSCH 1887
Johann Gustav Adolph POHL - born Germany, married Emilie Emma GROSSMANN 1891
Oscar Reinhold Leopoldt POHL born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1887 Emma Berth Hermine HEYBER
Oscar Reinhold Leopoldt POHL married twice in Victoria, Australia, First in 1887 to Emma Berth Clara Hermine HEYBER and again after he was widowed, in 1909 to Helene Pauline Bertha WEGENER. - He took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Victoria in 1894.
Ludwig Luis POLITZER - von Bavaria, married Katie MOODY 1912
Julius Georg POPPE born Germany, married 1883 Elizabeth CRAWFORD
Friedrich Gottlieb Wilhelm POPPEUS / POPPENS - born Germany, married Mary Adelaide BRENNAN 1908
Konrad PORINTZ - naturalised 1895
Joseph PORGES - born Germany, married Jessie KENNEDY 1900
heirnich Nicolaus Fritz POTENT -born Germany, married 1882 Ellen Luise LEHDICKER
Dietmar Diederich PAUEL POWELL - born 1856 Wesel, Rheinland, Germany, Arr. 1885 Pt Melbourne married Diana MACKMURDO 1891 > Marine Fireman Nat. 1914 Newcastle, NSW
Hans Johannes Georg PRACTIOUS - born Germany, married Prudence Elizabeth BRADY 1905
Johann Heinrich PRAETZ born Germany, married Christiane ZSCHECH / LSCHECH 1888
Otto PREITZ -from Saxony, m. 1884 Anna FRANZ
Julius PRENZEL - born Germany, married Magdalene TIMM 1890
Robert Wilhelm PRENZEL (1866 - 1941)- born Kittlitztreben, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia), Deutschland -(now Trzebień, near Jelenia Gora in Southwestern Poland), married Min Wilhelmine SCHELLING 1890
Bernhardt PREISKE,b. 1871 Ost Rhauderfehn, Koenig'
Heinrich Henry PREISSER - born Germany, married 1881 Elizabeth CASSELL
Friedrich Carl V. PRESSENTIN - born Germany, married Jenny HOLMES 1890
Carl Heinrich PREUSS -
Carl Heinrich PREUSS Naturalised 1895 South Australia. He died 1927 at age 80 years, in Horsham, Victoria, Australia. Carl Heinrich PREUSS was Married to Elise HARNATH. Children: Heinrich Alfred Preuss died @ 68 in 1855 Wimmera; Therese Philippine Belleville died @ 35 in 1839 Flemington, Vic; Ida Hilda Zachau , died @ 42 in 1942 Horsham; Philipp Reinhold Preuss d. @ 77 in 1961 Horsham; Emma Augusta Wagner died @ 49 in 1926 Horsham; Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Preuss died @ 63 in 1942 Horsham.
Ernst Otto PREUSS, son of Julius PREUSS & Helene WEBBE, died 1937 North Melbourne, Victoria, at age 55.
Maximilian Adolph Eduard Richard PREUSS - b. Neutsadt, Eberswalde - Licensed Victualler, Adelaide SA- Arrived Australia in 1878. naturalised 9th March 1899 in Adelaide SA after 21 years in Australia. Aged 42.
Johann Paul Traugott PREUSS - b. 1852 Bomst, Posen, Prussia - Arr. Adelaide 1884 Naturalised 8th July 1886. Tanunda, SA Farmer
Eugen PREUSS - Naturalies 1913 Ipswich, QLD
Otto Heinrich Julius PREUSS - Hawthorn
Otto Heinrich Julius PREUSS, son of Karl PREUSS & Dorothea WIRTH, was born in about 1845 at Neusalz, on the Oder River, in Schlesien, (Silesia) Prussia. Neusalz is now called Nowa Sól, Lubusz Voivodeship, western Poland. Otto Preuss was a Tischler (Cabinetmaker-Joiner) and like many a Prussian in that trade, turned his hand to coffins and so to being an Undertaker. Preuss emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the Atlantic crossing to America and ended his sojourn there in California. He was married to Mathilde GOEDEKE,(1858-1920) daughter of Heinrich Godeke & Conradian Crome and their eldest children were likely born in the US of America. The Preuss family emigrated from the Port of San Francisco, California on the vessel "AUSTRALASIA" and Arrivied in Australia at the Port of Sydney, NSW, on the 29th April 1877. Otto PREUSS had a well known Undertakers Parlour in Burwood ROad, Hawthorn.
Children: 1. Eduard Otto PREUSS 1882- Hawthorn – 1950 Glenferrie [m. 1907 Clara May McGEE d. 1949 Hawthorn]; 2. Robert Wilhelm PREUSS b.1884 – Hawthorn; 3. Maria Ada/Ida May PREUSS b.1885 - Hawthorn [MrsFURSTE}– 1973 Frankston; 4. Heinrich Carl PREUSS b.1887 Hawthorn [Jessie Hannah Grace PENDLEBURY m. 1908]; 5. Emilie Hilde PREUSS 1890 Hawthorn -1969 Croydon [Charles Coris ARMSTRONG m. 1907- later Mrs SCOTT]; 6. Edwin Oscar PREUSS, b. 1893 Hawthorn – 1947 Sth Melbourne. At the age of 47, after 17 years in Australia Otto Preuss took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, when employed in business as an Undertaker at Burwood Road, Hawthorn, in Boroondara, Melbourne, Victoria on the 16th July 1894.
Mathilde PREUSS died at age 62 in 1920 in Hawthorn, Victoria. Otto PREUSS survived her to die at age 76 in 1923 in the same place.
Paul Karl Richard PREUSS son of Carl PREUSS & Maria VON LADATHAL 1866-1949 Died Balwyn 1949 at age 83. [m. 1890 Anna Bertha FRICKE or FRISKE d. 1955 Balwyn ] GERMANY; - Naturalised 1900
Ludwig Waldemar Wilhelm PREUSS b. Kopenhagn Arr.1877 von Cohenhagen @ MAryborough QLD > Victoria > NSW > WA> Naturalised. 1912 Glebe, Sydney NSW
Rudolph Albert PREUSS - born 23 Apri 1869 Deutschland - File 1910-/1916 plus
Rudolf Albert PREUSS - born 14 December 1895 Deutschland - File 1921/1947
Curt PREUSSER b.1857 Zeitz, Sachsen, Deutschland - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 22 Kaufmann/Merchant
Heinrich PREISS / Henry PRICE - born Germany, married Martha Elizabeth RISELEY 1892
Vivian Franklyn Lyon ROse PRICE / PREISS - born France m. 1912 jean Purves MILLS
Adolph PRIEN - born Germany, Registered as Enemy Alien at Anthony's Lagoon, Northern Territory
Otto Ferdinand Wilhelm PRIETZ -b. 26 Sept 1864 Woerlitz, Hannover DE Arr CATANIA January 1883 Pt Melbourne > Cue, WA miner
Hermann PRINGLE - born Germany, married Elsie May CRAWFORD 1910
Hermann PRINGLE : - The Village of Stäbelow, souwest of Rostock, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was birthplace to Hermann Pringle on the 19th day of September 1869, hardly a year before the declaration which swept old Mecklenburg in the Unification and the rule of the Deutsche Reich. He was a hairdresser by profession and emigrated with his skills on the ship 'SOLINGEN" disembarked at Port Melbourne on the 17th April 1890 after a voyage from Hamburgh. After arriving in Australia he lived for four years in Melbourne, then at Solgeu? for 4 years, Mansfield 2 years, Bairnsdale one year, Albury for 3 years, and he been in Bruthen for five years. At age 40, after 20 years in Australia, he swore his oath for the Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when livingng his own Barber's Saloon and Fancy Goods shop in Bruthen, East Gippsland, Victoria, on the 20th October 1909. He married the following year to Elsie Mary Crawford. Subsequently he lost his memorial certificate in a fire which burnt down his shop and saloon in Bruthen on the 5th August 1914, and he made a Statutary Declaration to obtain a copy of the lost original before a Justice of the Peace in Bruthen whose name is Crawford, the same as that of his wife.
Wilhelm Karl PROEBST - from Bavaria, married Elise Alma Martha FRITSCHE 1912
Christoph PRODOEHL b.1851 Deutsch Krone/Crone, West Prussia - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 27 Maurer/Builder
Wilhelm Maddison PROSSOR - von Hamburg m.1909 Agnes Mabel LYNE
Eduard Maximilian Ulrich PROTZ - born Germany, married Mary NIELSON 1892
Gustav PUBANC - Warsaw to Walla Walla
Gustav PUBANC was born 15th November 1893 at Warsaw, under Russian Poland. Purbanc emigrated out of Europe on the German steamship "ROSTOCK" to arrive in Australia on the 17th November 1913 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Upon disembarking he went east of Melbourne and lived and worked on farms at Bayswater (Scoresby North)for 21 months, and was then at Ferntree Gully for three months Pubanc was registered as an Alien at Ferntree Gully, Victoria on the 26th October 1916. (FTG Certificate 5). He then went up the line to the Upper Murray Riverina district, near Albury, at Walla Walla, New South Wales. He finally managed to take the Oath and become Naturalised in his Aliens Petition of 9th February 1923 at Walla Walla NSW, where he worked for Mr H G Wenke.
Carl Charles PUCK - born Germany, married Mary Ann LEE 1897
Peter PUCK - from Gluxburg to the Lucky Country
Peter PUCK born Gluxburg, Holstein, Schleswih-Holstein, Deutschland. Arr. Aug 1902 at Newcastle NSW per S.S. DURSBURG > Residnet Labourer at Cannington, Newcastle, NSW. Married with a son and daughter. Nat. 14th Septmebr 1905 Newcastle NSW
Robert Ernst H PUCK - died 1971 St Leonards NSW
Beerund Diederich PUCKHABER
Beerend Diederich PUCKHABER was born at Hannover, the Konigreich of Hannover on 24th June 1844. Puckhaber emigrated out of Deutschalnd on the ship WANDRAHM arrived in Australia at Port Adelaide on teh 1st April 1867. Upon disemabarking he crossed the Murray Bridge to Gillies Plains, out of Tailem Bend where he was for 10 year. He then immigrated to New South Wales, hwere he stayed 14 years before heading to Queensland where he stayed for 12 months. He was not done with moving for he then immigrated back south and settled in Victoria for seven years, before transhipping to the other end of the continent in Western Australia where he stayed 10 years. He was a Dryblower by occupation, aged 65, living at Hawks Nest, near Morgans, western Australian when he took th Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Petition of 15 September 1909. By then he had been in Australia for 42 years
Berend Diederich PUCKHABER died in Perth< western Australia in 1923 (as Beerund D Puckhober).
Herbert PUCKHABER - died 1919 Perth, Western Australia
Albert Franzis PUDIG
Albert Franzis PUDIG was born at Neuenberg, kreis Greisson, Schetz, Deutschland on the 31st Marz 1882. Albert Franzis PUDIG emigrated out of teh Deutsch Reich by way of teh interim hub of refuge and freedom in Great Britain and embarked at the Por tof London on the Orient Liner "OSTERLEY" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 2nd of January 1911. Upon disembarking Pudig went up to Clifton Hill on top of Collingwood for nine months and afterwards immigrated to Sydney, NSW where he lived at crown street, working as a Hair Specialist as distinct from a barber. He too the Oath of his Aliens Memorial as a married man and was naturalied on the 17th august 1914. He was then living at No.17 Hunter street, Sydney NSW.
Hermann PUKALLUS - b.12 Marz 1874 Gross Muensterberg, East Prussia Arr, 1898 Brisbane QLD > Bundaberg QLD
C R PULPE - Naturalised 1911-1939
Robert Ernst Julius PULZ - born Germany, married Florence Elizabeth CAREY 1903 - Naturalised 1904 / 1931
Claus PUMP - born Germany - m.1880 Carol DANIELSEN
Hermann Friedrich PUMP - born Hosltein, Germany, married Luise Charlotte ZERBE 1899
Hermann Friedrich PUMP was born abt 1875 at Ütersen, Ahrenlohe, near Pinneberg, Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein. Hermann Pump emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship "HABSBURG" arrived in Melbourne in October 1890. He was married to Luise Charlotte ZERBE in 1899 in Doncaster Victoria. Their children were: - 1. Alma Luise PUMP b. 1901 Ringwood [Mrs Herbert Samuel BEAVIS m.1925]: 2. Dorothea Doris PUMP, 1902 Doncaster [Mrs Waldron Trevenen JOHNSTON m.1925]; 3. Eleonore Maria PUMP b.1903 Ringwood [Mrs Joshua Thomas CROFT m. 1927]; 4. Ida Margareta PUMP b.1905 Ringwood; 5. Wilfred Hermann PUMP b.1907 Ringwood [m.1934 Lilliam Elsie CACHETT]; 6. Linda Emma PUMP b.1909 Doncaster; 7. Bertha PUMP b.1912 Doncaster.
Louise Charlotte Zerbe PUMP died at age 63 in 1937 in Ringwood. Hermann Friedrich PUMP died at age 79 in 1954 at Heathmont, nr Ringwood, Victoria.
Johann PUMP -
Johann PUMP was born on the 17th August 1867 at Ütersen, near Pinneberg, Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Pump emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich, on the steamship "KAISER WILHELM" arriving in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th November 1889. Johann PUMP was married to Doncaster-born Caroline Johanne AUMANN in 1900in Victoria. After 23 years in Australia, at the age of 45 he was working as a self-employed Oarhardist at Canterbury Road, South Ringwood, Victoria, when he Swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 8th May 1913 at Ringwood.
H H H PUMPE - Naturalised 1912-1939
Johann Martin Dietrich PUND, Nat.27 Sept 1873 Beechworth, Victoria
Hermann Heinrich PUNKE, Baker, b.1876 Bremen Arr. 1892 Pt Adelaide SA - Nat.1899 at Parkside & Stepney Adelaide SA
Johannes 'John' PUNTER b.1873 Gransendorf, Austria Arr. 1973 Pt Bidwell, Maryborough, QLD [Probably GUNTER]
Ernst PUPPEL - died 1897 Sydney NSW
Paul Friedrich J PUPPEL
Paul Friedrich J. PUPPEL was born 1884 at Swinemünde, Pommern (Pomerania), Prussia by the part of the greater Deutsch Reich. Swinemünde is since 1945 Świnoujście, on the Baltic Coast at the very western borders of Poland. - Her Arribed in Australia in 1904 at Newcastle, NSW, Nat.1908 Newcastle, as a seaman, Paul Friedrich PUPPEL was married to Pauline C JUNGHERR (YUNGHERR) at Kurri Kurri NSW in 1910. He died at Hamilton, New South Wales in 1967.
Anton PUPETER was born on the 4th April 1888 at Wagscheid, Passau district, Bayern (right near the Austrian borders of Bavaria) in the Deutsch Reich. He Emigrated to Arrive in Australia per the steamship "S.S.SORG" on the 30th June 1910 at Port Adelaide SA. Res: Sth Aust 14 months then >to Victoria for 7 months, and then > Broken Hill, NSW 15 months by 1913. After 3 yrs in Australia at the age of25 years he was Naturalised @ Broken Hill on the 23 Sept 1913 Single, Miner, living at Beryl Street, off Oxide Street, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Anton PUPETER died at age 80 on the 16th February 1957 in Adelaide, SA.
Karl 'Charles' PURNER
Karl Charles PURNER was born on Christmas Day 1867 at Oberndorf, Salzburg, in Provinz Salzburg, Österreich (Habsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire). Purner emigrated by way of Vienna and Deutschland where he embarked on the steamship "S.S.OLDENBURG" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 20th August 1894. After 11 years in Australia, at the age of 38 and single, Purner was working as a Labourer at Terrible valley, Kentucky, in New England, New South Wales when he swore the Oath and was naturalised in his aliens memoral of 11th December 19o5 before Mr F H Woods, Justice of the Peace of Uralla, NSW.
Pierre Francois DE PURY
Pierre Francois DE PURY b. 1858 Neuchatel, Switzerland, Arrived about New Year 1886. naturalised at age 28, afte r9 months in Australia at Adelaide, South Australia on the 29th September 1886. Gentleman.
Simon PURTZ - born Germany, married Amy Mary GILL 1899
Rudolf Adolph PUSCHEL b. 1894 Waldenberg DE Arr.1911 Sydney - Ipswich QLD
J. PUSCHLAR - Naturalised 1928
Carl Eduard PUSCHNER b. 1849 Dresden, Schsen Arr.1876 via Scotland -Pt Adelaide > Prospect, SA
Carl Friedrich H. PUTTLITZ -born Germany, m.1886 Wilhelmine Anna C. BURMEISTER
Albert QUALISCHEFSKI & Margaritha ULRICH d. QLD / married Anna KREBS in Queensland- 5th June 1907 Children: Philipp Bernard Qualifschefski b. 1897 QLD m.18 Nov 1902 Queensland to Agnes Elisabeth SCHMIDT; Albert 1881' Alphons 1884 QLD.
Andreas Heinrich QUALISCHEFSKI & Henriette WELKE: children: Hermann Rudolph Qualifschefski b.1881 QLD married 8 Aug 1901 Queensland to Elisabeth Wilhelmine SOLOMON; Franz Gustav Qualifschefski b. 1886 QLD married Martha Elisabeth ROSE Queensland 13 January 1907;
Joseph QUALISCHEFSKI m. 21 April 1904 QLD to Emma Anna KLATT
Wilhelm Friedrich QUALISCHEFSKI m.24 May 1894 QLD to Louise FROSCHLE
Philipp Hermann QUAST - & Christiane Sophie HELLMUTH - Queensland
Friedrich Wilhelm QUELHORST
Friedrich Wilhelm QUELHORST - wife Pauline Agnes KUNZE, Queensland - Australian-born children August Wilhelm Quelhorst (1885-1885) QLD; Friedrich Carl Quelhorst b. 1887 QLD; Marie Quelhorst (1890-1892); Carl Heinrich Quelhorst (1892-1892); Sophia Katherin Quelhorst d. 1898 QLD. Pauline Agnes Kunze Quelhorst dir in Queensland on the 8th June 1911.
Georg Paul QUELHORST - born Germany, married Franziska Martha MEHLHOSE onthe 22 March 1913 Queensland
Friedrich Ferdinand QUICK - wife Friederike GRIESBACH -QLD
Karl Heinrich QUICKENSTEDT - Hawthorn, Murrumbeena
K. H. 'Charles Henry' QUICKENSTEDT was born in about 1859 in the Nieder Rheinish village of Wathlingen, Kreis Celle, Westphalia, (now in the German State of Lower Saxony). He emigrated to Australia from the Interim refuge and Port of London on the ship "LIGURIA" to arrive at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th June 1880. He was married to Mary Jane GARDNER in 1886 in Melbourne. Karl and Mary had six children born in Melbourne between 1887 and 1898, the later five in Hawthorn. At age 41, after spending twenty years and a few days in Australia, he complete an Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation from his family address at No 2 Edward Street, Hawthorn, Victoria on the 7th June 1900. He then declared his occupation to that of Miner, so he presumably spent his working life away from home. Quickenstedt's eldest son, Victor Charles, born in 1887 in South Melbourne, enlisted in the Forces in 1914 giving his ocupation as carpenter, and his address as Neerim Road, Murrumbeena.
Wilhelm QUIETSCH was married to Kathe HAUN in Queensland on the 4th September 1911.
Jens Petersen QUORP - born Germany, married Auguste KITWAKD 1897
Barend Abraham RAAP - Naturalsied 1886
M. RAASCH - Naturalised 1938
Robert RAASCH - b.1888 Gross Kollen, East Prussia BAKER, Arr, Sydney
Friedrich RAATZ - born Prussia,-arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 27 m.1886 Louise BOCKELMANN
Johann Friederich Carl RAATZ - Richmond, Vic.
Friederich Wilhelm RABACH
Friedrich Wilhem RABACH was born about 1846 at Wittenberg, the town Luther made famous, in the Bundesland Saxony-Anhalt, on the river Elbe, Prussia, Deutschland. Rabach emigrated out of Deutschland on the Steamship 'PROCIDA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th September 1885. He went to the Warrnambool district of Victoria and was in 1888 there married to Emma Auguste Friedericke ZIEGLER, daughter of August Zeigler & his wife Louise Richmann of Allansford, Victoria. Their children were : Clara Johanne Rabach 1889 Nirranda; Margaratte Marie Rabach 1891 Allansford; and Carl Wilhelm Rabach born 1892 Allansford. Sadly, Emma Ziegler Rabach died at age 27 in 1896 at Warrnambool's lower Hopkins River-crossing town of Allansford, Victoria. After 10 years in Australia at age 40 years, Rabach was working in Allansford Victoria, as a Factory Manager, working at mechanical production with the inventor ZIEGLER, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, at Allansford on the 4th February 1896. Friedrich Wilhelm RABACH was remarried in 1898 toMargaretha Bertha Wilhelmine BLOHM. She was born on the 20th September 1871 at Itenhoe, Holstein, Deutschland and was Naturalised at age 41 after 29 yrs in Australia on the 15th March 1913 at Allansford, nr Warrnambool, Victoria. Wilhelm Percy Rabach was born to them in Allansford in 1899; and Evelyn May Rabach in 1903 at Condah, Victoria. Friedrich Wilhelm Rabach, son of Gottfried Friedrich Rabach and Janna Wasserleben, died at age 75 in 1913 at Allansford, Victoria.
Carl Hermann August RABE - b. 17th Aug 1892 Hamburg, Arr.1912 Sydney NSW > Portland NSW, Parkes, Condobilin, Bogan Gate, Bush Worker, Grudgery, Forbes BSW
Dr. Heinrich RABL - Doctor of Medicine, Physician.
Doctor Heinrich RABL was born in about 1857 at Münchshöfen, in the Königreich Bayern (Bavaria). Rabl trained in Deutschland as a Physician. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the British Asian Colonies, and embarked from the Port of Singapore on the ship "TIMOR" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd June 1884. After three months in Victoria, Doctor Rabl took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Age 27 in Melbourne on the 8th September 1884. Doctor RABL was married in 1885 in Victoria to Helene DEGENHARDT,who was born at Tarpeena, north of Mount Gambier, South Australia on the 2 January 1864, the daughter of the early South Australians, Johann Friedrich Heinrich Degenhardt and his wife Auguste Henriette Phillipina Schwanecke. The Rabl's had gonet up to the Wimmera town of Murtoa where their children were born: Maria Auguste Rabl 1886-1886; Hermann Joseph Friedrich Rabl 1888; Elisabeth Helene Rabl 1890-1890; Sophia Emilie Rabl 1891; Siegmund Heinrich Rabl 1892; Viktor Rabl 1894; and Friedrich Oscar Rabl 1895 at Murtoa, Victoria. Doctor Heinrich RABL died in the influenza epidemic of 1919 - on the 18th May 1919 - and was buried at Murtoa, Victoria. His wife predeceased him by just three days, also taken by the same epidemic. Their son Seigmund RABL became a Doctor and took over the practice at Murtoa, and then town now takes pride in the Memorial Clock and plaque in memory of Dr. Siegmund Rabl who followed his father, Dr Heinrich Rabl as Murtoa physician. After his father`s death in the influenza epidemic of 1919 Doctor Siegmund Rabl served the district for 49 years until his own death in a road accident in 1968.
Alexander Wilhelm RABY, Arr.1888 Sydney > Townsville QLD, Soap Boiler
Jules Claude RABY - born Germany, married Margaret SMITH 1899
Joseph RACCA - born France m. 1902 Agnes THORNE
Waldemar Norman Albert RACHELL - born Germany, married Ethel May BOYD 1912
Wilhelm RACHOR- born Germany, married Dina MEYER 1902
Wilhelm RACHOR was born at Mainz, Hessen-Darmstadt, central Germany on 1st Dezember 1874. His father, Jakob Rachor, was a leading merchant of that city. On the 14th February 1900 Rachor arrived in Melbourne, Australia on the Clyde steamer 'NEEDLES' from the United States of an 'Amerika' to which he had already immigrated, found wanting, and so, departed. He was married to the Gembrook-born Swiss-German Australian girl, Dina Sophie MEYER in 1903 in as part of the German-Australian religious refugee community at Harkaway, in Berwick, Victoria. The Rachors lived at Bayswater in the Dandenong Creek area of Victoria for about five years. In 1914 when Wilhelm Rachor was naturalished in South Yarra, just after the outbreak of the 'Great' World War, he was working there in the humble role of laundryman. Wilhelm and Dina afterwards had 3 sons and 3 daughters, later settling at Healesville on the Yarra Valley, east of Melbourne, where 'Bill' ran a butcher's shop while Dina conduct a commercial laundry. Wilhelm Rachor died in his beloved Healesville home in 1944, during the tragic grief of World War Two.
Leonhard RACHOR > Sydney, NSW
Leonhardt Carl RACHOR arrived entirely separately to his kinsman Wilhelm, above. He was born 19 November 1874 in Mainz, so exactly the same age as the above. It seems likely that Wilhelm wrote from east of Melbourne to his kinsman in Mainz, and Leonhardt arrived to join him in Melbourne on the 'S.S. Medic' from Liverpool, England on 24th March 1907. He seems to have lived with his kinsman's family in Bayswater, Victoria, for about 12 months. When he was naturalised on 5 March 1910 as a British, for there was not such thing as an Australian, citizen, he was employed in the meat trade as a 'Smallgoodsman' in Arthur Street, North Sydney, NSW. He appears to have died at age 48 as 'Charles' Rachor in 1923, Sydney.
Houban RACHHOFF, b. Bulgaria Austro-Hungarian Empire. Arr, 1913 Melbourne. Nat. Mannum SA Pompoota, SA
Paul Alexander RACHOW -b.1866 Berlin, Prussia. Arr.1911 Sydney NSW
Hyman RACHTMANN - Dealer, b. Russian Poland Bridge Road, Richmond,
Albert RADDATZ b. 1851 Pelznich or Pelzmoh, West Prussia - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 21 Dienstmagd
Christian Albert RADEMACHER - born Germany, married Anora MUDFORD 1891
Robert Albert Adolf RADEISEN -born Germany, m.1886 Harriet TYLER
Ludwig Luis RADINGER born Austria, married Arabella FEELY 1881
Hugo RADISCHATT -West Prussia
Hugo RADISCHATT b. 7th Sept 1877 Langfuhr, West Prussia, -> German mother, Russian-German Father, Johann Radischatt, Went to England for 4 years - > Arr. 17th September 1812 from London per 'SCHAMHORST' at Melbourne - Baker, Res 13 Walker street, Northcote
Robert RADKA / RADKE - born Germany, married Rose GARDNER 1893
Ernst Emil RADKE - from Berlin. Married Elizabeth Jane Cochrane 1896 Vic.
Louis Gustav Albert RADICHEI - born Germany, married Alice Maud LEARY 1896
Johann John RADST born Austria, married ELiza DUFFY 1888
Luis Gustave RADÜCHEL - Narre Warren, Victoria
Heinrich Louis RAECKE - Prahran
Friedrich RAECK - born Germany, married Marie KIEFEL 1892
Martin Franz Johann RAHn born Germany, married carol SELLE 1888
Karl Heinrich RAITT - Caulfield
Friedrich Julius Theodor RAKOW - born Balzen, Prüssia, married Flora Susan SIMMONS 1889 Vic
Christian RALEE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 21
Ernst Heinrich Johann RANDOW - born Germany, married Frances Mary RITCHIE 1903
Heinrich Harry RANDOW - born Germany, married Maggie McLEAN 1906
Peter RANSON born Austria, married Emma BISHOP 1874
Abraham Bernhard RAPKE - von Poland
Georg Bernhardt RAPS - born Germany, married Sarah Brierly FLETCHER 1901
Bertel RASMUSSEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 29
Hans Johannes RASMÜSSEN b.1849 Aegerso, Danem, Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 30
Christian RASMUSSEN - born Germany, married Rosetta QUINN 1909
Martin RATY / RATE -born Austria, m.1886 Eleanor Nichols TWEEDIE
Johannes John RATHJEN - born Germany, married Amy May Marie WHITE 1898
Friedrich RATZ - born Germany, married Anna Marie HEBER 1901
Martin RATE RATY born Austria, married Eleanor Nicola TWEEDIE 1886
Johann Gotthilf Ernst RAU -born Germany, m.1886 Minnie BAENSCH
Carl Alexander RAUBER - born Prüssia, married Anna Clara KELESKE 1889 Vic.
Herr RAUSCHENPLAT -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 34
Gottfried RAWILLER /RAUILLER from Berne, Switz, married Elizabeth Grace STEPHENS 1892
Carl Friedrich RAWOLLE - born Germany, married Emith Firth SMITH 1890
Heinrich Ernst Conrad REAPER - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth Jane KITCHENER 1891 Vic.
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm RECHENBERG
Johannes RECHTER - Sunbury
Daniel REDENBACH - born Bavaria , m. 1879 Mary Elizabeth BOYD
Jakob REDENBACH - born Bavaria , m.1878 Alexina BOYD
Bernhard Gustav REETZ - born Germany, married Auguste Doris LUNGWITZ 1907
Johann Friedrich REFARDT, from Hannover > Walhalla, Gippsland
Friedrich Wilhelm Valentine REGNIER - from Saxony, married Annie Louisa FISHER 1893 Vic.
Friedrich REICH -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 23
Martin Emil August REICH - born Germany, married Constance Elisabeth ROse OHLSON 1911
Robert REICH - born Germany, married Marie Emilie REINMANN 1902
Georg Bruno Carl REICHE - born Germany, married Marie FEIGE 1891
Friedrich Wilhelm REICHELT, - Gembrook & Lilydale, Vic.
Waldemar Hermann Albert REICHELT - Carlton - born Germany, married Ethel may BOYD 1912
Herr S. REICHENBACH -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 27
Julius REICHERT - Naturalised 1919-1929
Leo REICHERT - from Austro-Hungary > Footscray - Naturalised 1893
Friedrich Wilhelm REIHER - born Germany, married Rosetta Estelle MAY 1889
Karl August REIMANN - born Germany, married Elizabeth Lucy PALMER 1900
Wilhelm REIMANN - born Germany, married Maria Elisabeth ZERBST 1912
Heinrich Christian 'Henry' REIMER born Hamburgh, married Dagma Juliana Christiane BAADE 1888
August REIMERS -born Germany, m.1886 Anna DOMASCHENZ
Julius REIMERS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 23
Ernst Johann REIN - born Germany, married Mary GLEESON 1895
Ernst REINECKE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 23
Franz Oswald REINELT - from Saxony, married Minnie Sybil KERR 1909
Georg REINHARDT - born Germany, married Charlotte WACKER 1890
Remigius REINHART - born Germany, married Marie BRISTEL 1892
Marton REINHEIMER - born Germany, married Pauline TESSIER 1910
Bernhardt Melchior REINKE - died 1918 Richmond Vic. @ 61 yrs
Johann John REINKOWSKY - born Danzig, m.1875 Sarah CRACK
Georg Jurgen REISLER - born Holstein, married Mary DOOLEY 1890 Vic.
Friedrich REISS - von Prussia, married Alice TRATER 1903
Ludwig REISS -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 37
Anton Friedrich REITER -
Anton Friedrich REITER was born 14 August 1861 Böhmenkirch, Geislingen, Kreis Göppingen, Königreich Württemberg. Anton REITER marriedEmigrated August 1867 to - North America [Württemberg Exit Permit Number: 572046] married 1889 Victoria, Australia, to Clara Henrietta Wilhelmine STENDER (1867-1909). Anton REITER - born Germany, married 1911 to Mary ELizabeth MATTHEWS nee MARSHALL (1867-1911) & married 1912 Harriet BAMBURY, nee SIMMONS (1867-1936).
Carl Charles Vincent RIETSCHEL - born Prussia, m.1886 Elizabeth Ann BONE
G REITZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 33
Luis Ludwig REITZENBERGER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 26
Hermann REMMERS - born Germany, married Rosine JENKE / BOLSCH 1891
Martin Paul Gerhard RENNER - born Germany, married Alice Eva ASHTON 1905
Carl CHarles RENTE - born Germany, married Caroline MILNE 1899
David RETTICH - born Württemberg, married Emma Lenkersdorff FINGER 1884
Carl RHEINHEIMER born Jellinbach, Bavaria - Brewers Employee. Arr. by Rail from Adelaide south Australia 2 Jan 1891 Nat. Montague Street, Collingwood, 8th/ 10th Oct 1900
Arthur RHODES - born Germany, married Amelia Frances DOWIE 1906
Karl Charles RHODES - born Prussia, m.1886 Julia KELLY
Reni Ernst RICHARD - born France m.1911 Mary BRENNAN
Johannes John RICKHARDT/ RICHARDS - born Germany, married Annie REYNOLDS 1889
Carl Auguste Adolph RICHEN - born Germany, married Mary Ann COWLING 1897
Kurt RICHERT - born Germany, married Martha GRIESLER -1911
Carl Georg RICHTER born Germany, married Emily MURPHY 1887
Carl Rudolph RICHTER - born Germany, married Gerte Maud BUNBURY 1908
Emil Maximilian RICHTER - born Germany, married Emma Anna SCHUTT 1895
Friedrich Carl RICHTER - born Germany, married Anna Martha WEBSE 1905
Gustave RICHTER - from Hamburg, married Margaret GRAY 1895 Vic.
Kuns RICKERS - born Germany, married Martha GEISELER 1911
Linus Hermann RICHTER - born Germany, married Elizabeth PRITCHARD 1894
Max RICHTER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 19
Paul Theodor Carl RICHTER - born Germany, married Theresa Jane LEE 1890/ 1894
Carl Wilhelm RIDER
Friedirch Theodor Julius RIEBELING born Germany, married Ernestine SCHMUTSCH 1888
Heinrich RIEDL - born Germany, married Blanche HILDEBRAND 1900
Johannes RIEDEL/RIEDL - born Prüssia, married Hedwig Agnes Charlotte Henriette BURCKNER 1889 Vic.
David REIGER - born Germany, married Ruby May LEE 1909
Franzis Frank RIEGER - born Germany, married MAthilde JAENCSH 1894
Georg Philipp REINDEL -born Germany, m.1886 Johanne Pauline SCHULTZ
Hyman REYNOLDS - von Poland
Carl Gustavus RIECK - from Hamburg, married Mary Elizabeth BARBOR 1894 Vic.
Ferdinand RIEHE /RILBER - born Germany, married Rebecca BLUMENSTEIN 1898
Heinrich Friedrich RIEPER - born Germany, married Mathilde Auguste THOMPSON 1894
Joseph RIEPON - born Hamburg
Hermann Heinrich RIMMEL - born Prüssia, married Mary Jane ANSON 1892 Vic.
Heinrich RINDSKOPF -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 19
Heinrich August RINNE - born Bremen m.1907 Bertha Auguste Sophie HEINZ
Carl August RISSINICH - born 1st September 1860 Germany, Arrived in Australia August 1890 - married 1893 Margaret Ann Teresa CONNOLLY born 9th December 1863 Geraldton, Western Australia. > Residence; Warburton, Yarra Junction, Launching Place, Upper Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia. Declared Enemy Alien 1915, 1916-1921 Naturalised 1936.- five files Melbourne.
Albert RISSMANN - born Germany, married Caroline Dorothea BURGER 1897
Frierich Adolf Reinhold RISSMANN born Germany, married Anna Maria SPLENTS 1888
Friedrich Adolph Reinhold RISSMANN - born Germany, married Ernstine Wilhelmine VOLLPRECHT 1892
Carl Tudor Gustav RISSMANN - born Germany, married Amelia ELLIOTT 1909
Johannes 'Hans' RITTBERGER b.1842 Lorch, Königreich Württemberg - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 34 Landmann/Farmer
Reinhold RITTER born Germany, married Margarethe FEGEBANK 1888
Wilhelm Robert August RITTER born Germany, married Ada Jane BEHRMANN 1888
Magus Carl 'Gagus Charles' RITTMANN born Germany, married Louisa YATES 1887
Franzis Eduard 'Frank' ROATCH / ROACH - born Germany, married Hannah Esma SYMMONS 1893
Dirk ROB - from Hannover, married Ann WHITE 1889 Vic.
Dirk ROB - born Germany, married Ann WHITE 1905
Carl Friedrich ROBERT - born Germany, married Jessie Dudley JOHNSON 1894
Harold Johann ROBERTSON -von Prussia, married Mabel Florence READ 1912
Mark ROCKSTEIN -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 32, with Sarah age 9.
Heinrich RODENOWSKI / RODENOVSKY - aka Harry RODEN, 1914, born 20 Jan 1889 /
Louis Ludwig RODER - born Germany, married Elizabeth RUMPF 1891
Jacques Ludwig Harmsen RODDICK - born Germany, married Alice LAWLESS 1908
Johann Albert ROE - voN Berlin, married Emma EDWARDS 1908
Gustav ROEVENSTRUCK -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah Jane CARMODY
Wilhelm RÖGER / ROEGER b. 1922 Berlin - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 57 Tischler/ Cabinetmaker
Nathan ROGALASKY - von Poland
Joseph ROGERS - from Hannover, married Johanne Pauline DOHNT 1898
Carl Johann ROHDE Internee/ Prisoner of War, queensland
Ernst Ernest ROHL born Germany, married Margaret REID 1888
Edwin ROHT -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 45, with Frau 36
Heinrich Henry ROLFS born Germany, married Maria RAWSON 1888
Georg ROLLAND -born Germany, m.1886 Helena Alice BRADY
Moritz ROOSE b.1855 Rostock, Mechlenburg, Deutschland - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 24 Küfer/Cooper
Friedrich Wilhelm ROPEKE / ROPKE - born Germany, married Anna Margarette SEVERS 1891
Morritz Aaron ROSATHY /ROSALKY - von Poland
Carl Friedrich ROSE - from Hannover, married Sylvia CLARK 1889 Vic.
Johann 'John' ROSEL - from Saxony, married Anne WILLIS 1889 Vic.
Alban Joseph ROSENBAUM - born Germany, married Lilian frances MATTHEWS 1907
Friedrich Feodor ROSENBAUM born Hannover, married Annie SALOMON 1888
Bernhardt Bernard ROSENBERG -born Poland, m.1886 Olive Amelia Margaret BROOKS
Adolph ROSENFELD - born Prüssia, married Mary Henderson WILSON 1900 Vic.
Gustav Adolph ROSENOW - from Berlin. Married Catherine Elizabeth Nichols 1895 Vic.
Eugen ROSENTHAL b. 1852 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, @ age 27 Landmann / Farmer
Ernst Wilhelm ROSENTHAL, from Berlin, married Anna RUDNITZKI 1905
Samuel ROSENTHAL born Germany, married Annie Amelia DODSWORTH 1888
Sigmund ROSENTHAL born Austria, married Cornelia DINELLI 1877
Simon ROSENTHAL - born Germany, married Sylvia CLARK 1889
Alwin Albert Otto ROSER b. 15th Feb 1874 Herbskeben, Duchy of Sax-Coburg-Gotha arr> 'DARMSTADT' 30 May 1895 Pt Adelaide > Blomberg , Labourer . Spalding? Burra> Mount Bryan SA
Herr A ROSHOF -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 28
Carl Charles ROSS - born Germany, married Ada Mildred PIKE 1898
Heinrich Harry ROSS born Austria, married Maria MORRISEY 1885
Johann John ROSS born Germany, married Margarethe SCHUBACH / SCHULBACk 1888
Joseph ROSS born Prussia, married Emily Jane BEER 1888
Friedrich Wilhelm ROSSAU - born Germany, married Hannah Amelia SMITH 1905
Frau ROSSBACH -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 51- with Frauline Rossbach 11, and sohn A Rossbach 4
Wilhelm Carl Louis ROSSEL - born Germany, married Florence Anna ELizabeth LAPTHORNE 1900
Hugo RÖSSLER- born. 24th December 1887 Hennersdorf-am-Gablonz,, BÖHMEN, (Bohemia) Österreich - AUSTRIA Painter/ >Arr. 7th Auguys 1889 per Steamship 'SALIER' at Port Adelaide Eudunda SA - Nat. Unmarried 20 Nov 1908 befre Justive Robert Homberh, Judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia
Louis Ludwig ROTH - born Germany, married Marguerite Elisabeth BISSON 1890
Thorkild ROTHER - born Germany, married Mary HILL 1900
Johannes ROUGAL - born France m.1903 Myra Hyde ARCHDEACON
R ROULTEG -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 22
Hermann Heinrich ROWE / ROE - born Germany, married Ida Pauline FRANKE 1898
B. RUBENSTEIN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 40 with Masters Robenstein, age 12, and age 9
Elias RUBENSTEIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1879 age 17
Eli RUBENSTEIN -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 32
Herr RUBINSTEIN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 44 with Frau 36
Joseph RUCHES/ Joseph RUCKES - von Prussia, married Evan Frances URBAN 1911
Carl Wilhelm RUCHLAND - from Berlin. Married Margaret Cameron 1889 Vic.
Melchior RUCY - born Germany, married Gerte WYLD 1905
Herr J RUDNITZKI Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1897 age 35- with Frau Rudnitzki 32, and daughter Anna Rudnitzki 8
Carl Valentin RUDOLPH - born Germany, married Theresa AULD 1894
Christoph RUDOLPH - born Germany, married Margaret LEWER 1896
Franz Heinrich RUDOLPH - born Berlin, married Drusilla JEANES 1900
Franz Heinrich RUDOLPH was born on the 16th October 1877 in the City of Berlin, Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, in what used to be Prussia, by then the Deutsch Reich. Franz Rudolph emigrated as a young child with his family out of Deutschland to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in 1882. After disembarkation he spent four years in South Australia and them immigrated east to Victoria in about 1886. Rudolph became an Engineer by profession and he had followed that calling about the State of Victoria for 27 years by 1914. He was married to Drusilla JEANES in Melbourne in 1900. By 1914 they had two sons. The eldest, Heinrich Franz Julius Rudolph, was born in the 'Portland Ward' Adelaide, South Australia on the 27th September 1900. His brother, Albert 'Jack' Johannes Rudolph was born in 1902 in Fitzroy North, Victoria. At age 36, when residing at No.7 Brooks Crescent, Fitzroy North, Melbourne, -Victoria, the Engineer, Frank Henry Rudolph, swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 14th August 1914 in Fitzroy, before Mr William Collings, Justice of the Peace of Victoria. Franz Heinrich Rudolph died at age 74 in Regent, Reservoir, Victoria in 1952. His wife Drussila survived him to die in 1966 at age 85 in Preston, Victoria.
Luis Ludwig RUDY - born Baden, married Wilhelmien HINZ 1892 Vic.
Carl August Adolph RUHEN - born Germany, married Mary Ann COWLING 1897
Carl Wilhelm RULER - born Germany, married Marion jane FREW 1908
Charles William RULER - born Germany, married Jane O'CONNOR 1910
Heinrich Adolphus RUMLER - von Prussia, married Mary Ann CADDY 1905
Karl Eduard RUMMER - born Germany, married Lydia AYLWIN 1911
Heinrich Adolph RUMP - born Germany, married Marie Adrienne CALAINE 1900
Johann Georg RUMPF - born Bavaria, Germany, m.1886 Alice WINTER
Johannes 'John' RUMPF -from Frankfort-am-Main, married Florence PRICE 1892 Vic.
Louis Ludwig RUMPF - born Germany, married Frances Fanny WORTHY 1901
Carl RUMROESE - born Germany, married Elizabeth HOSKING 1905
Albert RUNGE b.1851 Nakel /Nackel, West Prussia - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 27 Schaefer/Shepherd
H S RUNHARDT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Franz Xavier RUPP - Alien Registered. Naturalised 10 August 1934
Conrad RUPPEL / RUPPELL - born Germany, married Ada MArtha STRACHAN 1889 - Nat. 1895
Carl Albert RUPPERSBERG , Cabinetmaker, born 23rd april 1882 Frankfort-am-Main, Prussia Arr. from Bremen per 'SS SCHARNHORST' 10th Oct 1908 at Pt Sydney, NSW single Nat. at 61 Pitt Sr, Redfern, NSW 28 June 1912
Heinrich Henry RUPPERT b. 3rd Oktober 1850 - Spiers, Deutschland - arr. from New York USA per 'E.O.CLARK' 1886 to the Port of Melbourne, Australia. 12 yrs Melbourne > Fremantle WA 16 yrs by 1914. Nat. Marmion street, East Fremantle WA Single 20 October 1914 Lumper
Carl Charles RUPPRECHT born Austria, married Bridget Mary MURPHY 1874
Carl Taden Gustav RUSSMANN - born Germany, married Amelia ELLIOTT 1909
Wilhelm RUTHSATZ - born Prüssia, married Emily Jane HART 1893 Vic.
Hermann Heinrich RUWE - born Germany, married Ida Pauline FRANKE 1898
Ernst RUWOLDT Arrived in Australia on the ship "BREMEN" on 26th November 1908 at the Port of Melbourne. After landing he lived for six weeks in Melbourne, and then he overlanded northwards into the Australian interior, first to the Moree District of New South Wales for eighteen months, after which he went over the State border bridge to Cunnamulla, Queensland, for a year, and on through the Darling Downs of Queensland to St George. When he made his Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Brisbane, Queensland, on the 2nd October 1911, his attestation was made in Toowoomba, but he was then living at Narangba, on the North Coast Line, and he had been three years in Australia, was unmarried, and a farmer. Ruwoldt wa sthen 30 years old, haveing been born on the 6th July 1881 near the German Baltic Coast, at Schwaan, in the Circle of (Kreis) Bad Doberan, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, of the Deutsch Reich (now the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).
Hermann RUWOLDT - born Germany, married Margaret LYNCH 1890
The RUWOLDT name seems to originate on the Baltic Coasts of Germany. Even the variant name RIEWOLDT, well-known in Australia for a champion Australian Rules footballer or two, originates on the Baltic Coast. For a player like Nick RIEWOLDT is a descendant of Freidrich Albert Hermann RIEWOLDT, who was born in 1898 further east of Mecklenburg, in the Baltic Coastal village of Schulzenhagen, Pomerania, (now Śmiechów, near Koszalin, Poland) but he did not arrive in Australia till after the Second World War, on a refugee-emigrant flight into Melbourne in 1964. By contrast, Hermann RUWOLDT came from a tad further west, born just four years before the Franco-Prussian War that brought his native Realm of Mecklenburg into the general Unification of Germany. He was was born on the 16th July 1867, in the Baltic German Port and City of Rostock, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, then a player in the Nord-Deutscher Bund, which morph in the Deutsch Reich. Rostock is now the largest city in the German State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Hermann Ruwoldt was a watchmaker by trade, who emigrated ahead of his coming maturity, just before he turned 21 years of age, out of this sometimes celebrated Unified German Empire, departing on a ship of the Nord-Deutscher Line, the "HOHENZOLLERN," to disembark at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 26th of September 1886. Ruwoldt soon made his way overland to Victoria, via Mount Gambier where he spent six months, after which he was at Horsham for two years, in Melbourne for eighteen months, and then he settled in Bendigo for the next twenty years. Hermann Ruwoldt married Margaret LYNCH in 1890 in Victoria and by 1911 they had four Australian-born Ruwoldt children, two boys and two girls. In Bendigo, on the 24th April 1911, as if catching a puff of the wind of the war and the enmity towards Germans that was to come, Ruwoldt completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation. He was then aged 43 years, of which the majority had been lived in Australia, for by then he had been in Australia for 24 years.
Johann Ernst Christian RUWOLDT
Johann Ernst Christian RUWOLDT arrived in Adelaide, South Australia in about 1878. He was born in about 1843 in the Baltic Coast village of Satow, in the Circle of (Kreis) Bad Doberan, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, of the Deutsch Reich (now the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). This is very near to Schwaan, the birthplace of Ernst Ruwoldt (above), but I am unsure of any relationship. J.E.C. Ruwoldt was aged 49 years, employed as a labourer, and living at Mount Gambier, South Australia, when he made an Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 16th June 1892. He arrived with his family, his wife was Maria Christiane Anna ENGEL. He and his wife had thee Australian-born daughters, born either in Mount Gambier, or nearby at Arno Farm.
John RYAN / Johannes REYIN - born Hamburg, married Sarah Ann McCONVILLE 1891 Vic.
Hugo RYAN -see Hugo Seraphim DEHRENDORF born Bonn, Deutschland.
Herr J SAABS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 33
Herr SABERSKI -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 40
A A SACH -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 26 with wife
Julius SACHS -born Germany, m.1886 Annie Louisa GOOD
Martin SACHS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 25
Rupert SACK - Naturalised 1933
Luis Emil SADEWASSER - from Hamburg, married Beatrice Lily hetta Siendeburg 1892 Vic.
Heinrich August SAGEBIEL - born abt 1851 Germany. Miner in Northern territory 1881 age 30, at Pine Creek NT 1891 age 40, at Driffield NT 1901 age
Wilhelm SAGER - born Germany, married Alice Ann EVANS 1889
Carl Gustav SAGASSER - born Prüssia, married Mary COOK/KOCH 1889 Vic.
Mattheas Karlsten SAHLSTEN - from Finland
Carl Erdmann SALAN born Prussia, married Caroline Pauline PEUKER 1888
Christoph Carl 'Charles' SALDER - born Bavaria m. 1875 ELizabeth Ann MURRAY
Salomon SALINGER -born Germany, m.1886 Sidonie HEYMEMANN
Heinrich August Hugo SALOMO
Heinrich August Hugo SALOMO was born on the 22 June 1851 at Steinau-am-Oder, Kreis Steinau, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, Prussia. Steinau is now Ścinawa, Poland. Heinrich trained to be a Mechanical Engineer. Salomo emigrated by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in England and embarked at the Port of London on the ship 'CUSCO' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 19th April 1880. After disembarking Salomo lived at No.280 Bourke Street, Melbourne for 7 years, at Moonee Pomds for 7 years, at Lobb St, Brusnwick for 7 years, and then atm Edward street Brunswick. Henry August Hugo SALOMO was Natrualised on when residing at No.55 Edward Street, Brunswick.
Georg SAMBRALO born Austria, married Mary BARROn 1875
Baron Bernhardt Traugott Leberecht VON SANDEN
Baron Bernhardt Traugott Leberecht VON SANDEN was born on the 11th November 1850 at Tussainen (Lithuanian: Tusainiai/ Russian: Čiapajevo) East Prussia. Von Sanden emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "LAOY PAIRNS" to arrive in Australian ate the Port of Melbourne on the 4th April 1874. On disembarking in Melbourne Von Sanden went up to the Riverina district
Adolph SANDER - from Hamburg, married Agnes Kate EDWARDS 1893 Vic.
Ernst friedrich heinrich SANDER - born Germany, married Elisabeth Ann JENSEN 1894
Emil Christian Clarenz SANDER
Johann Michael Richard SANDNER - from Bavaria, married Emile Maria BEYER 1891 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm SANDMANN - born Germany, married Alice Maude STANLEY 1892
Cardel Heinrich Eduard SANDNER - born Germany, married Ellen CUNNINGHAM 1890
Johann Michael Richard SANDNER - born Germany, married Emilie Maria BEYER 1889
Paul SANDOFER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 25
Victor SANDOZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 20
Herr W SANDSTEIN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 29
Eduard SANGAL, Dandenong
Friedrich Emil SAPEL - born Germany, married Rose SHORE 1897
Gideon Jan DU MARCHIE SARVAAS - born Germany, married Florence Eliza SADLER 1910
Hermann SASS - born Germany, married Fannu O"BRIEN 1890
Johannes Hans SASS.
Johannes Hans SASS, son of Ferdinand Sass, was born on the 8th May 1877 in the Deutsche Reich Capital, Berlin.. Electrical Engineer, Sass emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge in Great Britain and embarked with his wife and family from a Port in South Wales, on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd steamship vessel 'GNEISENAU" arriving in Australia at the Port of Fremantle, Western Australia on the 25th March 1912. Sass had formerly lived for nine months in London, for 30 months in Cardiff, and for 15 months in Tonmawr, in Neath District, near Cardiff, South Wales. After disembarking in Fremantle, the Sass family lived at Maylands, Pertg for nine months, then ad Serpentine for 16 months at Addington for three and a half years, and then on central Perth.Sass was Registered as an Enemy Alien in Kelmscott, Wastern Australia - (Certifacte No 03105) in about 1916. He wife Lina Margaretha Sass, born in Berlin lived with him and their three children in at Bennett Street, Perth. The children were Karoline Margareth Sass, born on 19th January 1906 in Berlin; Robert Ferdinand Sass born 20th December 1910 at Tonmawr, Neath district, South Wales, and Hermann Friedrich Sass, born 7th Secember 1916 in Perth, Western Australia. In Perth Sass was employed as and Electrical Engineer by the Australia Electrical Company Ltd of No. 130 Bennett Street, Perth. WA. Finally, after years of Alien status under reporting conditions, Sass was living at his workplace when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Perth on the 23rd February 1921. After being Naturalised Sass was expected to take over the management of the Australian Electrical Company in Perth, where in 1921 he was attested to be amost desirabel citizen, doing good working as the Electrical expert teaching returned soldiers the electrical business. It must have been a culturally interesting situation for both sides, as Sass explained his own status to the veterans was they came back to Australia to find themselves under the tutelage of German national who was retraining them for their Austalian life.
Gerhard SASSE - born Germany, married ELiza LEWIEN 1890
Friedrich SASSING - born Germany, married Margaret AYLMER 1891
Paul SAUL -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Ann MOORE
Meyer SAUNDERS -born Poland, m.1886 Mary Anna MYER
Wilhelm SAVADE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 50
Luis Claude SAVILLE - born France m.1906 Christina McCUSKER
Christian SCEGER: - born Königreich Württemberg, married Ellen SPOONER 1891 Vic.
Ludwig Arthur SCHAAD, Melbourne
Joseph SCHABERT - born Germany, married Sadie BLOOM 1909
Wilhelm Eduard SCHABINGER
Johann Nicolaus SCHACK / SCHACH - born Germany, married Mary Hannah WORRALL 1910
Carl Friederich August SCHACHTSCHABEL, from Schleswig
F SCHADHORST -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 43
Frau SCHAEF -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 38, with fraulien Schaef 24
Carl August Manilius SCHÄFER
carl Bruno Ernst SCHAEFER - born Germany, married Ada Mary GLEESON 1912
Franz SCHAEFER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 31
Hermann Carl Wilhelm SCHÄFER
Johann John SCHAEFER - born Germany, married Alice Maude Mary HUNT 1893
Paul Ernst SCHAEFER - born Germany, married Maggie THOMSON 1895
Reinhold Felix SCHAEFER - born Germany, married Alberta Hannah Victoria JENKINS 1910
Wilhelm Felix SCHÄFER
Johannes SCHÄFER
Reinhold Felix SCHAEFER - from Dresden, Saxony, married Florence Kate Alexandra BILTON 1894 Vic.
Carl Friedrich Paul SCHAEFER - born Germany, married Frances Sarah LYSTER 1898
Friederich SCHAFFERT - born Germany, married Jane YOUENS 1898
Gottlieb SCHAFTER, Doncaster - born Germany, married Lilian Gerte LAPHAM 1892
Eugen SCHALLERT - born Germany, married Eliza KORNEMANN 1890
Zacharias SCHANZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 27
Karl Theodor Eduard SCHARF - born Germany, married Olive alce May DE HUGARD 1898
Franz Otto SCHARFENORT - Arr. S.S.HOHENZOLLERN at Pt Melbourne 8th June 1889 ? Wooloomooloo, Hairdresser
August Wilhelm SCHARLEMANN - born Germany, married Margaret Agnes GRAY 1909
Vincent SCHARMER Born 1860 Tyrol, Österreich. Carpenter, Daly River NT 1891. age 31
Walter SCHARNHORST/ SHARNHORST born Germany, married Margaret O'CONNOR 1888
Johann Israel SCHARRER, from Austria
Emil Ferdinand SCHATZ
L. SCHATZ -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 15
Johannes SCHAUM
H SCHAUMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 38 , with Frau 29, Fraulien 9, Sohn 2
Jacob Karl Valentine SCHAUPP Enemy Alien File [district register W95/2/33) 1914-1918
Johannes SCHECKER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 28
Georg Friedrich Wilhelm SCHEELE born Germany, married Louise ILSEMANN 1888
Joseph Wilibror Martial SCHEER - born Germany, married Agnes WILSON 1908
Friedrich Christoph SCHEFFER - born Prüssia, married Ann PITCHER 1894 Vic.
Friedrich Wilhelm Julius Oscar SCHEIBEL born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane ANDERSON 1887
Emil SCHELBLE / SCHEIBEL, - born Baden, married Ellen BRITT 1899 Vic.
Joseph SCHELLENBERG - born Germany, married Annie MORGAN 1900
Christian SCHELLER married? Mary O’SULLIVAN - daughter Josine 1884-1891 died Prahran
Johannes 'John' SCHELLER, born, Interlaken, Switzerland
Isaac SCHELLER / SHELLER Nat. 1903
Mendel SCHELLER / SHELLER born Wilmer, Russia. Jewish Bootmaker @ Carlton
August Wilhelm SCHENGE -from Germany, married Henrietta Campbell LLEWELLYN 1901
Moritz SCHENZENGER - born Germany, married Susan Cecilie FRASEWR 1907
Friedrich SCHEPKE / SCHAEPKE - von Prussia, married Sophie RASMUSSEN 1907
Heinrich Bernhardt SCHEPS / SCHEPZ - born Germany, married Alice May LANGDON 1912
Christian SCHERFLER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 37
Carl Louis Ludwig SCHERWITZ - born Germany, married Luise Auguste BRANDSTADTER 1899
Hermann Ludwig - von Prussia, married Matilda Elizabeth LEESON 1907
Matthias SCHEURER, Riddells Creek
Hermann Ludwig SCHERWITZ - von Prussia, married Dorothea GRANDENT 1898 Vic.
Georg SCHICKERT - from Bavaria, married Carol BRYANT 1894 Vic.
Maxwell SCHICKERT / SCHICKERL - born Germany, married Bertha Grace FORREST 1909
Hermann SCHICKIDANZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 41
Johann Georg SCHIEDER, from Prussia
Franz Ottomor SCHIEBLICH - born Germany, married Adelaide Irene WINDSOR 1899
Eduard SCHIELBLICK - from Dresden, Saxony, married Mabel HARDING 1889 Vic.
Otto franzis SCHIEBLICH - born Germany, married Ottilie Sophia FECHNER 1909
C G SCHIER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 38
Albert SCHIERBAUM - born Germany, married Mary Louisa CRITTENDON 1892
August SCHIESLING - born Germany, married Emma Wilhelmine HUSPETH 1900
Adolpf SCHIFFMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 43
Ernst SCHILD -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 22
F SCHILLER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 26
Joseph SCHILLER - born 1 Januar 1866 Freystadt, Silesia, Prussia > Geelong Vic.- Foster, Gippsland - Narrabri, NSW
Wilhelm Carl SCHILLER
Friedrich SCHILLING -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 23
Friedrich Albert SCHILLING - born Germany, married Eunice Eva May COUTLAS 1903
Paul Adolph SCHILLING - from Berlin. Married Bertha Caroline Frost 1901 Vic.
Robert Adolf SCHILLING - born Germany, married Louise Maria HARDERS 1909
Carl Alexander SCHIMMELBUSCH born Germany, married Mary Ann Teresa BERNASOCHI 1887
Gustav SCHINCK - from Cologne
Richard SCHINGER -from Germany, married Rosena Franzesca KLUNDER 1896
Georg Eduard SCHINTLER, Footscray > Adelong, NSW
Moritz SCHINZINGEN - born Germany, married Susan Cicely FRASER 1907
Benedict SCHIOK -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 26
Michael SCHIOK -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 29
Heinrich Henry SCHIRING born Germany, married Emma ALTMANN 1888
Alfred Franz Francis SCHLAGER
Heinrich SCHLAKER / Harry SCHLAIKIER born Schleswig Holstein, married Lucy Mary O'CONNOR 1888
Christian Martin Leopold SCHLAGER - born Germany, married Margaret LANHAM 1900
Friedrich SCHLAICH - born Germany, married Agnes COLEMAN 1899
Hermann Heinrich SCHLAPP
Wilhelm Friedrich SCHAUFFELE -born Königreich Württemberg, married Anna Magdalene SCHUMACHER 1882
Carl Gottlieb SCHLEICHER - born Germany, married Louisa MADDERN 1912
Josef SCHLEISSINGER - von Bavaria, married Helen Marie Martha STRAUCH 1905
Gustav SCHLENSTER born Germany, married Florence COLLINS 1888
Heinrich Arthur SCHLICHTING - born Germany, married Sarah MATHEIU 1896
Johann Augustus SCHLICHTWEG, from Sax-Coburg-Gotha
Carl/Charles Melville SCHLIEDELL,
August SCHLIESING, South Yarra- born Germany, married Emma Wilhelmina HUDSPETH 1900
Doctor R SCHLINK -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 31
Clemens SCHLINK -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 22
Clemenz SCHLINK -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 20; with Frau F Schlink 52 and Fraulien T Schlink 20
Johann Heinrich Gustave SCHLIPPE born Hamburgh, married Mary Anne HUNT 1888
Ernst Johann Hugh SCHLITZ, STeeles Creek, Yarra Glen
Heinrich Henry SCHLOGELL - born Germany, married Charlote Ann MATTHEWS 1911
Georg Friedrich SCHLOO, Hawthorn
Ferdinand SCHLOTTERLEIN, Port Melbourne
Heinrich SCHLUTER - born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane GILLIGAN 1898
Franz SCHONFELD/SCHONFEILD - from Berlin. Married Annie Jones 1896 Vic.
Ernst Rollos SCHLYDER, Collingwood
SCHMADDEBECK, from Mecklenburg-Schwerin
franz Friedrich Wilhelm SCHMAELING - born Germany, married Mary Ann GARNER 1891
Adolphus SCHMAHL born Germany, married Helena WAGNER 1887
Adolphus Friedrich Anton SCHMAHL - from Hamburg, married Mary Ada DEBT 1893
Friedrich SCHMELZLE - born Germany, married Maria MARGENREUTER 1891
Emil SCHMERBERG - born Germany, married Henriette SCHOOF 1912
Friedrich Leonhardt SCHMEYR - from Bavaria, married Thereza Elizabeth CRANE 1892 Vic.
Melchior SCHMID -
Melchior SCHMID b. 15th November 1884 at Hünenberg, Canton Kug, Switzerland Arr. ship 'SS GNEISENAU' 10 Jan 1911 at Pt Melbourne > On disembarkation he went to Warrnambool and resided at Dennington for the next five years and eight months. He was married in 1920 to Ann JONES in Victora. Naturalised 24 August 1916 Warrnambool. Melchoir Schmid died in 1972 at Warragul, West Gippsland @ 87 years.
Adolphus Friedrich SCHMIDT
Albert SCHMIDT born Prussia, married Nellie McKENZIE 1888
Albert Otto SCHMIDT - von Hamburg m.1904 Eva Janet FOGARTY 1904
Carl Charles SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Ellen GOLDSWORTHY 1905
Carl Adam Eduard SCHMIDT, Hawthorn > Schnapper Point
Carl Charles SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Amelia Allen FEUTRILL / FENTOULL 1911
Carl Christian SCHMIDT - Woods Point
Carl Ernst Wilhelm SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Agnes Margaret JARROLD 1905
'Charles Harry' Karl Hermann Heinrich SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Caroline
Wilhelmine JANICK 1889
Conrad SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Frances Letitia BROPHY 1902
Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich SCHMIDT born Germany, married Emma Sophie Friedericke LANGHOFF 1888
Carl Richard SCHMIDT - von Berlin, married Edith Mabel WALLACE 1910
Christian Karl SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Charlotte Ann GARLICK 1899
Claus Johannes Joseph SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Elisabeth SEEGER 1893
Conrad SCHMIDT -born Germany, m.1886 Mary ROBBIE
Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich SCHMIDT, Malvern
Ernst SCHMIDT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 24
Ernst Ernest SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Margaret Emma HUNT 1912
Ernst Emil SCHMIDT -born Germany, m.1886 Catherine Rose GODENZI
Frank Franzis SCHMIDT. Born Germany- Registered Enemy Alien at Pine Creek, NT 1919
Franzis Heinrich SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Elizabeth BUTLIN 1892
Franz SCMMIDT - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 40
Friedrich Georg SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Hanorah Kennedy 1894
Friedrich Wilhelm SCHMIDT born Germany, married Johanne Emilie TEPPER 1887
Gustav August Wilhelm Martin SCHMIDT - von Prussia, married Gretchen Laura Sophia KOEVE / KEEVE 1907
Johannes SCHMIDT
Johann Carl/Charles SCHMIDT - from Prussia
Johann Friedrich Christian SCHMIDT - born Germany, married Elizabeth Anne WIGNEY 1890
Karl Johann SCHMIDT - born Baden, married Alice JOHNSON 1896 Vic.
Peter SCHMIDT - born 1852 Germany. Corella Downs, Northern Terriory 1891 labourer Age 39
Richard August Carl Ludwig SCHMIDT - born Prüssia, married Clara LUNGEWITZ 189o Vic.
Robert Julius Carl SCHMIDT - from Hamburg,
Robert SCHMIDT- from Hamburg, married Magdalene WORMER 1898 Vic.
Rudolph Otto Christian SCHMIDT - born Prüssia, married Augsute Charlotte Henriette JACOBSEN 1890 Vic
Theodor Gotthelf Hugo Paul SCHMIDT - von Germany m. 1914 Emma JOHANNES
Walter Hugo SCHMIDT
Walter Hugo SCHMIDT was born 8th Dec 1862 Leipzig, Sachsen. Arr. from Frankfurt-am-Main, 30th March 1896 per steamship BAYERN - > Melbourne Traveller in Australia Res. Nat. 11 August 1914 No. 43 mercer Rd, malverm Investor. Manager of the Australian Metal Co. Ltd
Wilhelm SCHMIDT/Wiljeam SMITH - from Hannover, married Marie Ellen McCLURE 1890 Vic.
Walter SCHMIDT Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 22
Carl Adam Eduard SCHMIDTH - from Denmark
Ferdinand Johann Christian SCHMITT, Kew, Hawthorn
Georg Sebastian SCHMITT, alias Paul George CLAUDE, alias Emil LOREMOE, Internee, Prisoner of War, appilcation to drive a motor car 1917 Spalding, South Australia Naturalised 1924
Johann Gottlieb SCHMITT / SMITH - from Prussia
JOhann SCHMITZ - from Hannover, married Mary McGovern 1896 Vic.
Wilhelm SCHMITZ - born Prüssia, married Horah GALVIN 1892 Vic.
Gustav Adolph Heinrich SCHMODE born Germany, married Maggie Weddell Turnbull WHITE 1887
Maximilian SHOH born Germany, married Elizabeth Sarah HARRISON 1887
Carl Heinrich Julius SCHMOJE - from Hamburg, married Kate Annie ROBERTSON 1896 Vic.
Carl Johann Friedrich SCHMOLLING
Carl Johann Friedrich SCHMOLLING - son of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Schmolling and Johanne Luise Zimmermann was born in 1871 at Dobersaul, Kreis Krossen, Neumark, Ost Brandenburg, Prussia (now Dobrosułów, north of Krosno, Western Poland). Carl Schmolling emigrated out of Deustchland from the Port of Bremen on the ship "HOHENSTAUFEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 6th August 1887. He emigrated along with his widowed mother Johanne Luise Schmolling and his sister Johanné Augusté Pauliné Bertha Schmolling, who were coming out to be with kinfolk, the Klienert, Paech, Schulz, and Tillach families of Scoresby North, who originated in Dobersaul, in Kries Krossen, or nearby villages such as Beutnitz. Carl Schmolling was married to Queensland-born, Mathilde Pauline MAGDALINSKI, daughter of Carl August Magdalinski and Rosalie Garski, in 1903 in Victoria. The Schmollings worked an orchard and farm in Scoresby North, now Bayswater, east of Melbourne. Their children were: - Hermann Friedrich Schmolling b. 1908 Scoresby North, 2. Eda Rose Schmolling b. 1905 Scoresby North; 3. Albert Carl Schmolling b. 1907 Scoresby North; and, 4. Anna Dorothea Schmolling b. 1912 Scoresby North, Victoria. His sister, Johanné Augusté Pauliné Bertha Schmolling was married to Scoresby-North-born Wilhelm Jakob Paech in Bayswater, Victoria in 1902. Carl Johann Friedrich SCHMOLLING died in 1852 at Ringwood, East of Melbourne, Victoria. His wife survived him to die at Bayswater, Victoria in 1973.Alphons Rudolph Hugo SCHMUDE -born Germany, m.1886 Alfrieda Charlotte PETERSON/ PEHERSAN
Leberecht Ferdinand SCHNABEL born Germany, married Evelyn Julia CHADWICK 1888
Albert Ernst Christian 'SNOWFOOT' SCHNEFUHS - born Schwerin, Mecklenburg
Ernst August 'SNOWFOOT' SCHNEFUHS - born Schwerin, Mecklenburg
Karl Wilhelm SCHNEFUHS - born Schwerin, Mecklenburg (Dentist, York, WA)
Jacobus Friedrich SCHNEIDER born Germany, married Hannah GRIFFITHS 1888
Johann Wilhelm 'John William' SCHNEIDER born Germany, married Caroline Sophie MACARDY 1888
Joseph SCHNEIDER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 21
Raymond Oscar SCHNEIDER / TAYLOR - born Berlin, married Martha Emma WEGENER 1912
Wilhelm SCHNEIDER, Prahran
Georg SCHNEIDER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 26
Georg Luis SCHNEIDER, Fitzroy
Louis Wilhelm SCHNEIDER, Narre Warren
Heinrich Otto SCHNEIDER - born Germany, married Agnes MORRISSEY 1897
Julius SCHNEIDER - born Hettein, Germany, married Honorah ENGLISH 1891
Louis Georg SCHNEIDER - born Germany, married Ellen Frances CORRIGAN 1900
Vincent SCHNEIDER - born Germany, married Minnie O'CALLAGHAN 1903
Otto Friedrich Wilhelm SCHNUR - b. 23rd January 1859 Rugen, Pommern, Prussia - Napperby South Australia, Arr. 20 October 1889 VENDURE, via Cardiff, at Port Pirie, STh Aust
Albert SCHOBEL - born Germany, married Eileen BOYCE 1912
Otto SCHOBER - born Germany, married Minnie WALSH 1903
Hans SCHOEN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 29; with wife 22
Georg SCHOER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 28
David SCHOFELD - born 1840 Germany. Methodist Missionary, Palmerston, NT 1901 - with Mary SCHOFELD
Gustav Maximilian SCHOH -
Gustav Maximilian SCHOH married to Geelong-born Elisabeth Sarah HARRISON in 1887 in Warragul, Victoria. He died at age 27 at Warragul, West Gippsland in 1888. His widow, Elizabeth Sarah Schoh remarried to William George POPE in 1890 in Victoria.
Pastor Carl Heinrich M. SCHOKNECHT - Lutheran Clergyman, Natimuk, Vic.
Pastor Carl Heinrich M. SCHOKNECHT, son of Johann Peter Schoknecht & Marie sophie Tempelin, was born 15 Februar 1841 Dargun, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1870. Became an instructor at Hermannsburg. Served tow years as Missionary in Central Australia. First resident Lutheran Pastor in the Wimmera, Victoria. Served various congregations there 1874-1904. Carl Schoknecht was married at age 32 to 21-year-old Marie Louise Auguste EHLERS, daughter of Georg Heinrich Diedrich Ehlers on the 28th January 1874 at the Lutheran Church (Evangelische), Bethanien (Bethnay) in the Barossa valley of South Australia.
Their children were: 1. Marie Louise Auguste Schoknecht 1875 Horsham – 1875 Natimuk, Victoria). 2. Marie Louise Auguste Schoknecht died at age 22 in the Wimmera of Victoria in 1875.
At age 38 Carl Schoknecht remarried on the 12th October 1880 to Bertha Luise Ottilie NICHTERLEIN, at her father Ludwig Nichterlein’s residence in Mount Gambier, South Australia. Their children were : - 3. Helene Bertha Alma Schoknecht, born 1883 Natimuk, Victoria; 4. Johannes Carl Edmund Schoknecht, born 1884 Natimuk, Victoria; 5. Paul Gerhardt Schoknecht, born 1886 Natimuk, Victoria. 6. Minna Wilhelmine Gertrude Schoknecht- born 1889 Natimuk, Victoria. Pastor Carl Heinrich M. SCHOKNECHT died at age 63 at Natimuk, Victoria, on the 27th November 1904. His second wife Ottilie Bertha Luise Schoknecht survived him to died at age 97 years in Armadale, in the Prahran district of Melbourne, Victoria.
Gottfied SCHOLTZ,
Richard SCHOLZ - born Germany, married Emma Mathilde MOSIG 1894
Robert Gustav SCHOLTZ,
Wilhelm heinrich Richard SCHOLZ - born Germany, married Auguste Berthe FIETZ 1893
Carl Adolph Charles SCHOLZKE - born Germany, married Antonie MULLER 1906
Martin SCHON - born Germany, married Lillian Louise LOWE 1909
Herr E SCHONBOLD -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 37
Franz SCHONFELD born Berlin, Prussia, married Annie HICKEY 1887
Ludwig SCHONHEIMER - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 24
Bernhardt SCHONSKE - born Germany, married Margaret Hannah LAWSON 1910
Wilhelm SCHOOF, Sth Melbourne
Wilhelm SCHOOF
Friedrich Wilhelm SCHOOF
Thomas Eduard VON SCHOPPE
Thomas Eduard VON SCHOPPE was born in Boston, U.S.A. but was careful to be Naturalised so as not to be declared an Enemy Alien or taken for a native German. was maried to Annie HOUSE in Victoria. Their Australia born son Stephen Wilhelm Von Schoppe was born in 1895 in Malmsbury, Victoria.
Friedrich SCHORATH - born Prüssia, married Christiane KULPER 1889 vic.
Herr SCHOESSLER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 32
Nathan SCHOTT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 27
Ferdinand SCHOTTERLEIN/ Schlotterlein -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Ann HYNES
Knut SCHOU - b. Schleswig-Holstein
Knut SCHOU - Robert Wuchatsch writes: "A more unfortunate case was that of Michael Zimmer's former Danish employee. Knut Schou who had been employed by the Preston Shire Council (Victoria) prior to his discharge in March 1916 for being a 'German.' All subsequent motion urging his reinstatement was defeated, only the mover, Councillor Allchin and seconder Councillor Warr, voting in its favour. In defence of the Council's action Councillor Braithwaite stated 'Australia was honey-combed with spies, and it is the duty of public bodies to abstain from employing men who have come from enemy countries. Mr Schou was legally a German.' - However the matter did not rest thre, A solicitor's letter to the Council clearly set out the facts. 'Mr Schou was not legally a German. He was a British subject by virtue of his naturalisation on the 5th day of February 1900. His natural origin was that of a Dane.' The letter went on to explain that Schou had been forced to swear allegiance to the German Emperor after Schleswig-Holstein had been annexed by Prussia but that he had been in Australia for over thirty-three years and had been a ratepater of Preston for twenty-eight years. He had brought up a large family in the district, all well respected, and had one son, Elias, who had offered his services to his country and they had been accepted. - The letter was received but no action was taken, Councillor Braithwaite sarcastically commented that at least it was to Mr Schou's credit that he did not want to be thought of as a German, but that he had no doubt that he was.' Source: pp.94 'Westgarthtown- The German Settlement at Thomastown, by Robert Wuchatsch, Melbourne 1985. [Notes on the Perpetrators : 1. Braithwaite Street, Reservoir - Previous name McDonald St. Changed by Council. 2. Allchin Street - Reservoir. Previous name Harmer St. Changed by Council. 3. Charles H. Warr (1862 – 1939) was born in Preston, his father running a store from the corner of High Street and Warr Avenue, Preston. Warr was one of the original pupils at the South Preston State School in 1866. In 1904 Warr was elected to the Preston Council and continued to serve as Councillor for the next twenty one years. He was Shire President in 1906-7 and again in 1916-17. A staunch Rechabite, Warr was a member of the Preston Rechabite Lodge from 1881 to 1935, serving for many years as the Lodge Secretary. Data from: Preston Historical Society. Brief biographies of prominent Preston People. Preston(Vic.):Preston Historical.]
Johann SCHOUROCK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 42
Hermann SCHRÄDER / SCHRAEDER b.abt 1863 Hamburg - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879,@ age 16 Lehrer/Teacher
Maurice Eduard SCHRÄDER, Prahran. ran
Ernst SCHADTER/ SHRATER born Germany, married Kate HURLEY 1888
August von SCHRAMM
Emil SCHRAMM - born Germany, married Martha DUNKER 1901
Wilhelm SCHRAMM - von Hamburg m.1902 Ellen WHITE
Heinrich Wilhelm SCHRECK, West Melbourne
Julius Carl Alexander SCHREIBER,
Carl Mauritz SCHREIBER,
Friedrich SCHREMPP - born Germany, married Charlotte VON DER ELTZ 1905
Bernhardt SCHRÖDER / SCHROEDER - born Germany, married Catherine Ann BARTON 1892
Carl Georg Theodor SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER, South Melbourne - born Germany, married Johanne Mathilde REICHMAN 1900
Eduard Franzis SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER - from Berlin. Married Eliza FOSTER 1892 Vic.
Eugen SCHRÖDER - Business Manager, Sydney NSW & Adelaide SA
August Wilhelm SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER, Upper Beaconsfield
August SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER - born Germany, married Mary Jane HALL 1894
Bernhard SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER, Footscray
Christian Friedrich SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Ann Jane KIDD 1876
Frank John SCHROEDER / Franz Johann SCHRÖDER - born Germany, married marie Hermiene ELisabeth ACHILES 1896
Friedrich Wilhelm SCHRÖDER, Seville, Wandin Yallock
Wilhelm Friedrich SCHRÖDER was born in about 1842 at Hannover, Stadt Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland. Wilhelm Friedrich SCHRÖDER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steapship "S.S. POTOSI" to arrive at the Port of Melbourne, Australia on the 16th August 1880 with his wife Caroline Christiane Conradine nee ROHRS and their children: 1. Emma Amelie Wilhelmina SCHRÖDER born 1873 Hannover (later Mrs LANNING of Wandin) died 1957 Geelong, Victoria; 2. Gustav Georg Carl SCHRÖDER, born 1879 Hannover, died 1906 in Wandin Yallock. Their 2nd daughter Bertha Martha Beatrice SCHRÖDER was born on 14 April 1881 in Fitzroy, Melbourne - later to become Mrs Edward William JOHNSON of Wandin. (She died at Wandin Yallock in 1852). At age 61, after 23 years in Australia, Wilhelm F. SCHROEDER on the 20th March 1903 at Seville, Wandin Yallock, in the Upper Yarra valley of Victoria. Wilhelm F Schroeder died at age 81 on the 7 February 1923 in Wandin Yallock, nr Lilydale, Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia. His wife predeceased him dying in 1916 in the same place.
Their son Gustav Georg Carl SCHRÖDER was Naturalised at the same time in 1903 only to die three years later.
Heinrich Ernst Gustav SCHRÖDER
Heinrich Ernst Gustav SCHRÖDER was born prior to German Unification, at Gronau, Lauenberg, Deutschland on the 10th September 1860. Heinrich Ernst Gustav SCHRÖDER emigrated out of Deutschland on the steamship "S.S.CATANIA" to arrive in Australia on the 5th June 1881 at the Port of Melbourne. Upon disembarking Schroeder resided in in Melbourne for some years, before immigrating to Sydney, NSW and from there to the outback mining town of Broken Hill, and from thence in about 1905 to White Cliffs NSW. At the age of 50, after 30 years in Australia, H.E.G.SCHROEDER was unmarried working as Miner, at White Cliffs, NSW when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 8th July 1911.
Heinrich Friedrich Conrad SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER
Heinrich Friedrich Conrad SCHRÖDER / SCHROEDER, son of Johann Wilhelm SCHRÖDER, was born on the 4th April 1888 at Bruchhausen, Hannover, Deutschland. Heinrich Friedrich Conrad SCHRÖDER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "KARLSRUHE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th May 1903. Upon disembarking SCHRÖDER went up to Glenlee, near Lorquon, west of Jeparit, Victoria where he worked in farming. He was Registered as an Enemy Alien (Certificate 20) as a Farmer at Murrayville, in The Mallee, Victoria in about 1915 and Interned for a short period. SCHRÖDER held papers of Denaturalisation from Deutschland and he wrote: " I have been denaturalised in Germany since I was 19 yeasr old. My parents applied for denaturalisation for me. This was granted." Heinrich SCHRÖDER was finally Naturalised when he took the oath of his Aliens Memorial on the 19th July 1921 at Murrayville.
Heinrich Bernard Wilhelm SCHRÖDER / SCHROEDER - White Cliffs, NSW
Heinrich Bernard Wilhelm SCHRÖDER was born at Bremen
Hermann SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER - born Germany, married Carolina MEYER 1902
Hermann SCHRÖDER was born at Bremen, in the Hanseatic Free City, Bremenstadt, Deutschland. Hermann SCHRÖDER emigrated out of Bremerhafen Deutschland on the ship 'HABSBURG" to arrive on Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the26th October 1890. He was married to Carolina MEYER in 1902. At age 20 after five years and two months in Australian, Hermann Schroeder was working as a Quartz Crusher in the Gold Mine at Wattle Gully, Chewton, near Castlemaine, Victoria, when he took to Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 23rd January 1896.
Johann Franz Otto SCHRÖDER/ SCHROEDER, Collingwood
Wilhelm SCHRÖDER was born on the 14th December 1880 at Bremen, in Bremenstadt, Westphalen, Deutschland. Wilhelm SCHRÖDER emigrated out of Deutschland at age 18 from the Port of Bremen on the vessel "WEIMAR" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 1st June 1898. Upon disepbarking he went up to Chewton, in Central Victoria, and then to the nearby Green Valley, between Muckleford and Newstead. At age 30, and unmarried after 12 years in Australia, Wilhelm SCHROEDER was working as a steam Engine Driver when he took the oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Green Gully (Green Valley), in the Loddon Valley of Victoria.
Hermann SCHRUHM, Bendigo, Footscray
Johann Ludwig SCHUBACH, Mordiallock - born Germany, married Marion RATCLIFFE 1898
Nicolaus Nicholas SCHUBACH - born Germany, married Ethel Emily Frances SMITH 1908
Joseph SCHUBERT - born Germany, married Sadie BLOOM 1909
August SCHUCH / SCHUCK / SCHACHE/ - born Germany, married Helene Louisa Mary Lucy DUKE 1896
Maxwell SCHUCKERT - born Germany, married Bertha Grace FORREST 1909
Johannes Jacob SCHUH -born Holland, m.1886 Mary Garrick PHILLIPS
Maximilain SCHUDER - born Germany, married Maud ROONEY 1909
August SCHUELE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 21
Heinrich SCHULDT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 23
Jakob 'James' SCHULER - born Germany, married Ethel YEOMAN 1898
Gottlieb Friedrich Heinrich SCHULER born Germany, married Sarah Deborah STRAHAN 1888
Philipp SCHULER - born Bavaria, Germany, m.1886 Mary DOYLE
J SCHULSTADT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 30
Carl SCHULTE - born Germany, married Ada Isabel JACKSON 1901
Charles SCHULTE - born Germany, married Freida Martha NEEDHAM 1907
Albert SCHULTZ / SCHULZ - born Germany, married Mary Elizabeth GOOLD 1896
Carl Ludwig C. SCHULT
August SCHULTZ / SCHULZ - born Germany, married Elizabeth BELL 1896
Carl 'Charles' SCHULTZ - from Hamburg, married Anna Veronica Schutz 1900 Vic.
Carl Luis August SCHULTZ - born Germany, married Isabella Drever McKENZIE 1905
Pastor E SCHULZ – Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor E SCHULZ - graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland – arrived Adelaide 7th May 1906. Ordained: 13 May 1906. Apilla- Booleroo Centre 1905-1910. Lobethal 1910-1928. North Queensland 1929 -?
Friedrich August SCHULTZ - from Bremen > Dandenong Crk
Friedrich SCHULZ -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 33
Friedrich Auguste SCHULTZ -born Germany, m.1886 Matilda Katherine TRIVETT
Frederich SCHULTZ / Friedrich SCHULZ - born Germany, married Emily NELSON 1901
Gottlieb Friedirch Heinrich SCHULZ born Germany, married Therese Josephine GUST 1888
Gustave Robert SCHULTZ - born Germany, married Bertha Ann RISSMANN 1910
Heinrich 'Henry' SCHULTZ - from Munich, Bavaria, married Louise Wilhelmin HAIG 1891 Vic.
Hermann Johann August SCHULTZ, Richmond, Vic. - born Prussia, m.1886 Ellen SIMPSON
Hugo SCHULZ -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 34
Jacob SCHULTZ - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth Emma BRYAN 1894 Vic.
Johann Wilhelm Gotthilf SCHULZ -born Germany, m.1886 Anna KHUNE
Waldemar Wilhelm SCHULTZ - from Riga, Prussia
Albert Julius Carl SCHULZ -born Germany, m.1886 Marion WOLSTENHOLME
Auguste Ernst SCHULZE - born Prüssia, married Anna ELisabeth ZOLELR 1894 Vic.
Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm SCHULTZE - born Germany, married Caroline Ann Milner BIGNELL 1905
Ernst SCHULZ Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 24
Leopold Otto SCHULTZE - born Germany, married Amelia Louisa WISE 1892
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm SCHULZ - born Germany, married Emma Ottilie GUST 1890
Carl Wilhelm Bernhardt SCHULZ - born Germany, married Theresa Margaret HAYDEN 1908
Friedrich Wilhelm SCHULZ - born Germany, married Johanne Lousie KELIM 1893
Friedrich William SCHULZ - born Germany, married Christiane Elisabeth DOMASCHENZ 1910
Christian Ferdinand SCHULZE - born Germany, married Elizabeth Ann BILLINGHAM 1897
Albert Friedrich SCHULZE - born Germany, married Eleanor Marwood MAXWELL 1911
Carl Albert SCHULZE - born Germany, married Bertha Johanne Martha STASINOWSKY 1907
Heinrich Robert SCHULZE - born Germany, married Kathleen Elizabeth REYNOLDS 1895
Pastor Louis Gustav SCHULZE,– Lutheran Missionary & Clergyman
Pastor Louis Gustav SCHULZE, son of Gustav Adolph SCHULZE born 1st Marz 1851 Kleinvoigtsberg, Sachsen, Deutschland. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, 1877/ To Australia – Finke River Mission 1878-1891. To Victoria: Germantown (grovedale) 1893-1912. At the age of 29 Luis Ludwig Gustav Schulze was married to 25-year-old Charlotte Elisabeth Henriette Margarette GUTMANN, daughter of Wilhelm Gutmann, at the Lutheran (Evangelische ) Kirch at Bethanien (Bethany), in the Barossa Valley, South Australia. Children were: 1. Maria Charlotte Dorothea Schulze – born 25 Feb 1882 in the MacDonnell Ranges, Central Australia. 2. Gustav Wilhelm Johannes Schulz – born 18 Aug 1884 at the Hermannsburg Mission Station, Central Australia; 3. Heinrich Friedrich Christian Schulze – born 28 April 1887 Hermannsburg (NT); 4. Anna Maria Schulze – born 21 July 1889 at Hermannsburg Mission Station (NT); 5. Christiane Marie Louise Schulze – born 26 March 1891 at Hermannsburg, NT; 6 . Hermann Luis Wilhelm SCHULZE – born 1893 Geelong, Victoria; and 7. Dorothea Henriette Louise Schulze – born 1897 Geelong, Vic. Pastor Luis Gustav SCHULZE died in 7 November 1924.
Herbert SCHUM -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 19
Gerhardt SCHUMACHER - Enemy Alien. Internee - Died 5th August 1916
Heinrich Adolph Wilhelm [Harry] SCHUMACHER - from Hamburgh
Karl Heinrich SCHUMACHER, Richmond, Vic. born Germany, married Margarethe Christiane MEYER 1887
Herr SCHUMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 28
Paul Hermann SCHUMANN
Wilhelm SCHUMANN - born Germany, married Sarah WILSON 1904
'Harry' Heinrich SCHUPPAN / SHUPPAN -from Germany, married Rosanna ANDERSON 1894
Carl Charles Nathan SCHURECK - born Prussia, m.1886 Fanny LEVI
Matthias SCHÜRER, Sunbury, Vic.
Gotthardt SCHURMANN, Longwarry
Ernst Heinrich SCHURR or SCHÜRR
Ernst Heinrich SCHURR or SCHÜRR was born at Knittlingen, Kreis Enz, near Maulbronn, Königreich Württemberg on the 14th May 1889. Schurr emigrated out of Württemberg and the Deutsche Reich on the steamship "ZIETEN" and arrived at the Port of Melbourne four days before Christmas in 1912. After disembarking Schurr went up the the Wimmera, where he was two years at Winiam, and then for one year at Alectown,in New South Wales, before returning to the Wimmera where he was one year at Nhill, one year at Pimpinio, three years at Dimboola, and one year at Wail by 1922. Schurr was first Registered, and then Interned for a short period as an Enemy Alien during 1916, at Langwarrin Prisoner of War Camp, as it is recorded "owing to his conduct' but afterwards released on bond. The report on him records that his conduct afterwards was satisfactory, and that by 1922 Schurr could read and write in English, and could speak it well. His character was given good report even though he had ar one stage broken his parole. No objection was raised to his final petition for Naturalisation. Ernst H. Schurr was married in 1917 in Victoria to Id Marie MELKE, who was born at Nilma East, near Warragul, West Gippsland, Victoria. The Schurrs had three children by 1922: Karl Heinrich schurr, born 1918 Dimboola; Rosa Anna Schurr, born 1919 Dimboola, and Ernst Georg Schurr, born 1920 Dimboola.
At age 33, after ten years in Australia, while working as a Farm Labourer for Mr. C. B. Petschel at Wail, The Wimmera, Victoria, Ernst Heinrich Schurr finally swore the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 30th August 1922. Ernst Heinrich SCHURR, son of Georg Schurr and Rosa Bils, died in Mildura, Victoria, in 1948 at age 58. His wife survived him to die at age 68 in Mildura in 1966.
Wilhelm SCHUSTER -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 32; with wife Antoinette 32 and kind: Wilhelm Schuster 2; & Eleonore Schuster 1.
Carl SCHUTH -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 18
Johann Ludwig SCHUTTACH - born Germany, married Marion RATCLIFFE 1898
Louis Johann Dely SCHUTT, Gembrook
Heinrich Ludwig SCHUTZ, Melbourne
Georg Heinrich August Carl SCHUTZE, Ballarat, Prahran
Georg SCHUTZE - born Germany, married Ellen MAry McDEASE 1897
Albert Robert Thomas SCHWAB - from Switzerland
Karl Jakob SCHWAB - - born Germany, married Catherina REITZ 1891
Ludwig SCHWAB Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 33
Samuel Eduard SCHWAB - from Switzerland
Johann Heinrich Christian SCHWARK, Lilydale, Vic.
Friedirch Gustav Wilhelm SCHWARTZ - born Germany, married Charlotte Sabitha ROGERS 1906
Gustav August SCHWARTZ, Melbourne - born Germany, married mary Jane Beatrice SMALLWOOD 1890
Carl Julius Georg 'Charles' SCHWARZ
Carl Julius Georg 'Charles' SCHWARZ died at age 52, at Scott Creek, off Waterloo Road, Umbrawarra, Northern Territory on the 6th October 1910.
Emil SCHWARZ - born Germany, married Catarina Elisabeth RODER 1889
Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich SCHWARZ,- Lutheran Missionary & Clergyman
Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich SCHWARZ, son of Johann Friedrich SCHWARZ, was born 20 March 1842 Duermenz, Königreich Würrtemberg. Graduated Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland. To Australia. Schwartz was a Missionary at Finke River Mission 1870 - 1889. On the 31st May 1878 at age 36, Pastor Schwarz was married to Miss Anna Wilhelmine Charlotte Dorothea SCHULZ, daughter of Heinrich SCHULZ at the Hermansburg Mission Station in the MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. Their children were: 1. Karoline Rosine Dorothea SCHWARZ born 19 March 1970 at the Hermannsburg Mission station in the MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. 2. Hermann Wilhelm Friedrich SCHWARZ born on the 11th July 1882 Hermannsburg Mission station in the MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. 3. Christian Heinrich Johannes SCHWARZ – born 22 Febriary 1886 at Hermannsburg NT; and 4. Paul Heinrich Ernst SCHWARZ – born 27th November 1887 at Hermannsburg Mission Station.
Schwarz was sent to the Upper Moutere, New Zealamd 1891-1901. He was then the Travelling Missionary in South Australia 1905-1915. Pastor Wilhelm Friedrich Schwarz Died 20 March 1920 at Eudunda, South Australia, age 78. His wife Wilhelmine Dorothea Schwarz survived him to die at age 83 at Eudunda on the 16th November 1934.
Samuel SCHWARZBERG, Carlton
Franz Joseph SCHWARZMAN, Collingwood
David Friedrich SCHWEINLE -born Germany, m.1886 Bridget Alicia FEGAN
Heinrich Christian SCHWELTZE - born Germany, married Elizabeth Ellen O'LEARY 1908
Hermann SCHWERWETZ - born Prüssia, married Dorothea GRADERT 1898 Vic.
Carl Louis Ludwig SCHWEWITZ - born Germany, married Louise August BRANDSTADTER 1899
Carl Charles SCHWERDFEGER -born Hannover, m.1886 Margaret DENNISON
Lucas Luke SCOGLIAR -born Spallatts, Austria, m.1888 Jane TYRELL
Walter SECHUSEN / SEEHUSEN - born Germany, married Lucy WALKER 1899
Augustus SEGAR - born Germany, married Eva NEWTON 1904
Christian SEEBER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Marie Louise HALLMANN 1876
Christian SEEGER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Ellen SPOONER 1891 Vic.
Charles SEEHUSEN - born Germany, married Marie Elisabeth MEYER-BORNHOFF 1893
Hermann Wilhelm SEEHUSEN - born Germany, married Hilka Kanszen SEEHUSEN 1889
Georg SEELIGER - born Germany, married Marie Hedwig GUTTLER 1893
Otto SEESIMIEHL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 27
Friedirch Jacob SEHMEL - born Germany, married Minna Wilhelmien Luise KUNKEL 1890
August Eduard SEIDEL -
August Eduard SEIDEL was born abt 1869 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Seidel emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from the Port of Hamburgh to England and there embarked on the vessel "SOMERSETSHIRE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th January 1875. at the age of 32 after 26 years in Australia he was a labourer living at Tungamah, Murray Valley, Victoria on the 3rd of May 1901
Carl Alfred SEIDEL - born Germany, married Susan Ann MILLER 1892
Clemens Matthias SEIDEL
Clemens Matthias SEIDEL - born 23rd May 1892 at Chemnitz, Sachsen (Saxony) in the Deutsch Reich. Arr. 15th Oktober 1910 steamaship BROSBANE at Port adelaide, SA > Resided at Kangaroo Flat. Port Pirie, SA. Unmarried, working as a Refiner Labourer at Port Pirie, SA at age 21, Nat 2nd October 1913.
Josef SEIDEL Vienna Backer (baker)
Josef SEIDEL was born on the 28th July 1881 at Frauwaldau, Schlesien (Austrian Silesia), in the Österreich (Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Empire). Seidel emigrated out of the Österreich by way of England and there embarked on the ship "YORK" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th August 1907. ON disembarking Seidel went to reside at No. 11 Porter Street, Prahran. Yosep SEIDEL was married to Mary MacKINNON in Prahran in 1913. They then went nearby, also in the Prahran district, where by 1914 he was living with his wife at No. 23 Elizabeth Street, South Yarra, from where he worked as a Vienna Baker. After 7 years in Australia at the age of 33 he was Naturalised at Prahran on the 4th August 1914.
Karl Vincent SEIDEL
Karl Vincent SEIDEL was born on the 22nd October 1877 at Turnau, in Bohemia (Czech) in the Österreich (Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Empire). Karl Vincent SEIDEL emigrated out of the Österreich by way of the European Ports and embarked on the steamship "S.S.SALAMIS" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 20th December 1904. Upon disembarking Seidel resided in Melbourne for three and a half years, moving to Sydney NSW in about 1907, and then to Brisbane, QLD in about 1909. Seidel was married in Queensland and his son Roy Vincent Seidel was born 2nd December 1911 in Brisbane, QLD. He was a Jeweller by profession and made his home at Merivale Street south Brisbane, Queensland. At age 34, after seven and a half years in Australia Seidel took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 29th June 1912 in Brisbane, QLD.
Oscar SEIDEL - born Germany, married Mary Ann DAWS 1900
Carl Simon SEIDENSTICKER - wife Marie Hanne EDDOWE - daughter Isabella Adelheide Seidensticker born 1908 Coburg, Victoria
Carl Hermann SEIDEWITZ - from Saxony, married Martha Lungewitz 1890 Vic.
Carl Charles Gottfried SEIDLER - born Germany, married Ellen BYRNE 1904
Erick Alfred SEIFERT
Erick Alfred SEIFERT - born Sachsen (Saxony) . Seifert emigrated out of the Deutsch reich from the Port of Bremen on the Nord-Deustcher-Lloyd steamship "HABSBURG' and arrive din Australia at the Port of Sydney NSW on the 4th April 1892. upon disemabrking he lived for 9 years in Sydney and suburbs, then at Mordeval Seifert was Naturalised at age 43 in Melbourne on the 24th August 1914
Oskar August SEIKEL
Oscar August SEIKEL, son of Lorenz Seikel, was born on the 16th April 1894 at Hanau, Hessen-Nassau, Deutschland. Seikel emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim refuge and freedom of England, where he remained for four years:In a letter from Footscray, Melbournem of 8 November 1920 He writes: "In the year 1909 my parents decided to emmigrate to England, being dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs in Germany. They decided to live under the British flag and to evade the militarism in Germany. I was then a boy of twelve years of age. I went to Australia House on the Strand and secured my passage to Australia under the British Lads Emmigration Scheme. I was the sixteen years of age and left my home, parents, and everything in order to live in Australia."Seikel then embarked on the 15th august 1913 at Tilbury Docks in the Port of London on the ship "S.S.GEELONG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th October 1913. Upon disembarking Seikel went out to South Gippsland at Jumbunna for a year, and then close in at Dandenong for two and half years. and then up to the Wimmera settlement of Sheep Hills for three years. His post-emigration movement shows a deracine restlessness in whirlwind casual place shifts for he was then back in Melbourne for another year before returning to the Sheep Hills and Warracknabeal districts. Seikel tried numerous times to be Naturalised but was refused, being under the age. Seikel was registered as an Alien during the not so Great War in about 1815 in Dandenong (Certificate 2).Oscar August Seikel's letter goes on in clear educated English: " I tried to get naturalised then (on arriving) but failed being under the age. When war broke out I gave my parole and conducted myself in a proper manner right through. I am expressly stating here that I am not a bolshevik or extremist of any kind, my desire is to become a citizen and live an honets and quiet life in conformity with the laws of the country." This application was refused.Finally, at the age of 24, Seikel was workings as a Farm labourer in the Sheep Hills, near Warracknabeal, in the Wimmera of Victoria when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 10th September 1921. But his Australian life was then cut short. Oscar August Seikel died at Age 31 at the Warracknabeal Hospital in 1929.
Edgar SEILER Diploma Engineer
Edgar SEILER, son of Arnold Seiler, was born in Liestal, Canton Bale/ Campagne, Switzerland on the 8th June 1898. - He was a Shift Engineer, working at the Latrobe Valley Coalmines and living at No.19 South Way, Yallourn
Gottfried Johann SEILER
Gottfried Johann SEILER born Schaffhausen, Switzerland . Seiler emigrated oout of Switzerlan dby way of Italy and embarked at the Port of Genoa on the ship "HABSBURG to arrive in Australai at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th January 1892. Seiler was a Hairdresser by profession and upon disembarking he went out to live at Malvern, in the out Prahran district. At the age of 34, after six years in Australia he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 15th November 1898 at Malvern, Victoria.
Friedrich Wilhelm Carl SEINEMEIER
Friedrich Wilhelm Carl SEINEMEIER b. 1853 Hildesheim, Deutschland. Arrived June 1883 Port Adelaide, South Australia. Naturalised as a Joiner, age 28, of Adelaide, SA after one week in Australia, on the 18th June 1883.
August Theodor SEIPOLT -
August Theodor SEIPOLT was born 31st August 1841 at Nattschatz, near Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. He arrived in Autsralia on the 11th January 1866 on the ship "REIHERSTUCK" to Port Adelaide. Residences: - South Australia: Bugle Ranges 15 yrs, Cooks Plains, near Tailem bend 5 yrs. Victoria: Rosebery 20 years; and Kaniva - over 5 yrs by 1913.
Dr F W SEITH - Doctor F W SEITH Naturalised 1925-1931
Eduard SEITZ, Box Hill - Naturalised 1897
Eduard SEITZ was born in Switzerland. Seitz was married in Melbourne in 1881 to Marie Sophia Elise SEYFARTH, daughter of Heinrich Seyfarth & Marie Villmar, and they settled first in the inner Melbourne suburbs and afterwards in the Nunawading district at Box Hill. Their children were: - 1. Dorothea Dora SEITZ, born 1882- Hotham /North Melbourne (later Mrs Stanley Belton; 2. Johann Arnold SEITZ born 1883 Hotham, North Melbourne. He married Eleanor Ida Agnes Dunn 1913. He died 1963 Melbourne); 3. Eduard Heinrich SEITZ born 1886 St Kilda ; 4. Rita Marie SEITZ born 1891 Box Hill (later Mrs George garden Colville). He was Naturalised in 1897. Sophia Marie Elise Seyfarth Seitz died at age 87 in East Camberwell, Boroondara in 1850.
Georg SEITZ was born on the 9th September 1862 at Rüilingen, near Würzburg, Königreich Bayern, (Bavaria), Deutschland. Coming into his Maturity after the German Unification Seitz emigrated out of Deutschland via the Mediteranean land of Egypt and there embarked on the German Mail Steamer "S.S.NECKAR" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melborune on the 1st May 1887. Upon disembarking Seitz resided in melboruen for the first six years after which he went across the Bass Starit to Hobart, Tasmani afor six years, and from there went to Sydney, NSW in about 1907. Georg Seitz was married in Hobart Town to Tasmanian born and by 1914 they had two Australian sons. On the 6th August 1914 Seitz was working as a House Steward at the Australian Golf Club, Kensington, Sydney, New South Wales, when he swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial and was Naturalsied.
Johann Joachim SEITZ - Naturalised 1904
Wilhelm St Paul SEITZ -
Wilhelm St Paul SEITZ was born in about 1851 in the Hanseatic Free City of Hamburg, Deutschland, which was incorporated into the Deutsch Reich in 1870-71. Coming into his Maturity over the cusp and after the German Unification Seitz emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in about April 1881. After just four months in Adelaide, South Australia and Working as a Mounted Constable of the Police at the age of 30 years, Seitz took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 11th August 1881 in Adelaide, South Australia.
Wilhelm SEIVERS - born Germany, married Margaret Jane MARKHAM 1892
Alexander Gustav SEIZ, son of Gustav Seiz and Marie Below, died at age 66 in Geelong, Victoria in 1951.
Carl SELIGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 37
Detlef Friedrich Heinrich SELIGMANN - born Germany, married Helmi REIMERS 1892
Dietlev Friedrich SELIGMANN, Collingwood
Oscar Heinrich SELIGSEN - born Prüssia, married Florence Ranson St Kilda BURNISTON 1890 Vic.
Heinrich Henry SELKE -born Hannover, m.1886 Julia STONE
Heinrich 'Harry' SELL
Heinrich 'Harry' SELL was born on the 6th Oktober 1864 at Mildorf, Schleswig-Hostein, Danmark (annexed by Prussia in the year if his birth 1864). So Sell came to Maturity after the Unification and Annexation of his birthplace under the Deutsch Reich. Heinrich SELL emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "JAVA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney on the 20th January 1877. Upon disembarking Sell lived on the Tweed River in Northen NSW for 16 years, and then immigrated to the Eastern goldfields of Western Australian. Harry Sell lived at Coolgardie for 18 monthsma nd the to Yarloop and Mornington, WA for two years after whcih he went to the remote dester goldfields of the Pilbara where he had been for 14 yesars by 1912. Sell was single, and working as a Miner at Cooglegong, Pilbara, Western Australia at age 58, after 35 years in Australia, when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisestion at Marble Bar on the 14th October 1912.
Friedrich Gustav Peter SELLMAN - from Berlin. Married Sarah Goold 1889 Vic
Ernst SELTONG was born on the 17th Marz 183o at Regr, Leifland, then called Russian Poland, when Poland under the thumb of the Czarish Realm. Selton emigrated out of Europe by way of England and made his way to New Zealand from which place he embarked on the ship "VIRAPPA" to arrive in Australia at Hobson's Bay, Port Phillip, Melbourne, Victoria in 1873. Upon disemabarking Seltong took work as an Agricultural Labourer and resided at Werribee for 8 years, then went to Colac in the western lakes district for 10 years. In about 1891 he came back to the Iramoo Plains area at Little River where he remained for ten years before moving up to the Great Dividing Range tableland at Smeaton in about 1903. On the 14th October 1912 he was still a Single man at age 73, after 39 years in Australia, and working as Labourer at Smeaton, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised.
Julius Ferdinand SELTZ - born Germany, married Eva Mary BRADFORD
Ernst Otto SEMMLER - born Germany, married Johanne Augsute Berta BRAUER 1896
Paul Friedrich Wilhelm SEMMLER
Paul Friedrich Wilhelm SEMMLER - was born at Nekla-Hauland, Posen, Prussia on te 18th Augsut 1863. Semmler emigrated out of Deutschland via the ship "KATANIA' to arrive in Australia at Port Adelaide on the 9th July 1883. Upon disembarking he spent one year in Adelaide then immigrated to Victoria where he worked in Farming. He was in the Horsham district of the Wimmera for 18 years. He was married in 1889 in Horsham Victoria to Pauline Wilhelmine HAHN. Then, in about 1902 the Semmlers immigrated to the Upper Murray Riverland of New south Wales and settled at Henty. By 1910 they had 13 children, and were establised on a farm at Henty. It was there at age 47, after 27 years in Australia, that Semmler took the Oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 22nd October 1910 before Mr 'Charles Frederick' Haberecht, Justice of the Peace of New South Wales at Henty.Rudolph Richard SEMMLER
Rudolph Richard SEMMLER - born 17 April 1874 at Nekla-Hauland, Duchy and Provinz of Posen, Prussia. Semmler emigrated out of Deutschland by way of Hamburg on the vessel "SALIER' to arrive in Australia at Port Melbourne on the 29th July 1892. He went up to the Wimmera as a farmer at Jung Jung North for four years, and then at Jung Jung. He was married to Wilhelmina Bertha KOSCHITZKI on 30 Mar 1898. His wife died 28 Jan 1899, bur. Murtoa. Semmler re- married Johanne Pauline UEBERGANG in 1900. It was as a widower, age 30, with three children that Rudolf Semmler swore the oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in the 9th September 1907 at Jung Jung. he had then been in Australia for 12 years.
Friedrich SEMPF - born Germany, married Louise RIEDEL 1980
Gustav Elof SERDERLAN b. Sweden married Louisa EATON 1901. Trentham. Children: 1. Bertha Elsiabeth SEDERLAN born 1901 Blue Mount, Vic.; 2. Ellen Amanda Amelia Sederlan b.1906 Blue Mount; 3. Harold Gustav Theodore Sederlan b. 1909 Blue Mountain, Victoria.
Jakob Jacob SENFT born Austria, married Leah CROWNSON 1885
Maximilian Luis Rudolph SENFTELEBEN - born Prüssia, married Maria Luise Emilie
GERICKE 1894 Vic.
Max SENFTEEBIN - born Germany, married Ernstine LEHMANN 1900
Otto SENGSTOCK, Thomastown, Vic.
Wilhelm SERLINGER - born Germany, married Rebecca FLETCHER 1911
Franz Joseph SEUFERT - from Bavaria, married Anna Deivel 1891 Vic.
Friedrich Christian SEYER - born Germany, married Frances Margaret GIBB 1912
Gustave Ernst Robert SEYTER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 26
Heinrich SEYTER
Arthur Matteas SFORCINA,
Johann Heinrich SHALLBERG, from Schleswig
Theodor SHARP/SCHARP - von Polandheodor SHARP/SCHARP - von Poland
Carl Ludwig SHARP SCHARP -from Germany, married Sarah LATHAM 1894 / mary BRACE 1893
Joseph Jakob James SHIPSIDES / SCHIPSEITZ - born Germany, married Eva Adlelaide GOODING 1908
Maximilian Friedrich Julius SIBER - from Berlin. Married Alwine Pauline Venator 1890 Vic.
Robert SIBT / SEIBT - born Germany, married Mary Ann WILSON 1905
Otto Carl SICKERT - born Germany, married Clarice Muriel BLANCHARD 1909
Elie Louis SIEBER,
Carl Christian Otto SIEBERT -from Germany, married Carl Luise Selma Ann BOESENBERG 1892
Wilhelm SIEBERT -from Germany, married Carolien alice CAMBRIDGE 1889
Maximilian Wilhelm SIEBLER,
Johann Friederich SEISMANN, St Kilda
August SIEDEL - born Germany, married Elizabeth DRISCOLL 1904
Otto Ferdinand SIEDEL
Carl Hermann SIEDEL
Carl Alfred SIEDEL
Carl SIEFKEN -from Germany, married Caroline REDENBACH 1890
ADOLPH OTTO SIEPER -from Germany, married Ida Anna DINGER 1898
Karl SILBERSCHMIDT born Germany, married Charlotte DELVE 1887
Karl SILBERSCHMIDT / SILVERSMITH -from Germany, married Elizabeth Martha FROST 1899
Friedrich SIMMONS
Friedrich SIMMONS was born at Stettin, Pommern, (Pomerania) Prussia on the 25th March 1857. Friedrich Simmons emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the interim refuge and ffreedom of England and embarked at the Port of London on the vessel "S.S.OBERON" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Brisbane on about the 29th March 1883. Upon disembarking Simmons resided iN brsbane for seven years, and then immigrated to Victoria where he resided at Pakenham, West Gippsland. At age 57, after 31 years in Australia Fred Simmons was working as a Labourer and Miner out of Pakenham when he took the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 25th November 1914.
Johann Rudolph SIMMONS Arr from California 1853
Adolph SIMON - born Germany, married Julia MOSS 1910
Marx/Marks SIMON
Morris Nathan SIMON
Paul Gerard Hubert SIMONS - Manager - b.1866 Beesel, Luenburg, Holland. Arr. from Antwerp 20th March 1890 Sydney > Melbourne > South Melboyrne
Hermann Martin SIMONSEN - from Hamburg, married Lilian Beatrice WEBB 1900 Vic.
Ernst Hermann SIMPFENDOERFER (Labourer) was born on the 7th April 1908 at Brettach, Neckarkreis, Württemberg
Karl Gottlob SIMPFENDORFER - (Lutheran Pastor) von Brettach, Neckarkreis, Württemberg, m.1886 Christiane Mathilde MAKLE
Paul August SIMPFENDORFER born 27th January 1877 Brettach, Neckarkreis, Württemberg. arrived 24th June 1892 at Port Melbourne per the ship HOHENSTAUFEN. Farmer at Yackandandah, Victoria,
Marie SINDEROWSKY -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 30; with Child Martin SINDEROWSKY age 1.
Anton SINZ / SEINZ -from Germany, married Mary Ann ROBINSON 1892
John SKELLY / Johannes SKELLE - born Worthum, Germany, married Margaret Bell MACKIE 1906
Oscar Eduard heinrich SKUILE / SCHUILE - born Germany, married Winifred MOORE 1905
Emil Luis Georg SMIDT
Emil Luis Georg SMIDT was born on the day after Christmas in 1881 at Bremen, Bremenstadt, Deutschland. (He gives it as the Republic of Bremen). Smidt emigrated out of Deutschland from Bremerhafen on the vessel GROSS KURFUERST' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 21st Janaury 1902. Upon disembark Schmidt too residence in Melbourne for the next ten years and then immigrated to Sydney in about 1912. He was aged 32, after 12 and a half years in Australia, then residing at 'Dunolly,' Musgraves Street, Mosman, New south Wales, working as a warehouseman, when he swore the oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 13th August 1914.
Thomas SMIDT / Tomas SCHMIDT -from Germany, married Rosina JAMPEN 1894
William SMIDT / Wilhelm SMIDT Stettin, Pomerania to Melbourne to QLD, NSW
William SMIDT / Wilhelm SMIDT - born 2nd June 1841 at Stettin, Pommern, Prussia - arrived from Deutschland per the sip MILWALL in August 187o at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. resided at Brisbane QLD; Ballina, NSW, Grafton, NSW. Unmarried Labourer. Naturalised at Grafton NSW on September 1910.
Friedrich SMIDTH - born Germany, married Catherine McKAY 1908
Albert SMITH / Albert SCHMIDT -
Albert SMITH / Albert SCHMIDT was born on the 15t March 1854 at Riga, (Estonia) Russia. Bootmaker. arrived from Deutsschland per the ship "AUSTRAL" in June 1882 at the Port of Adelaide, Australia. Upon disemarking he resied in Adelaide for 18 years and then immigrated to Melbourne. Residence in Melbourne at No.212 Queensberry Street, Carlton. After 31 years in Australia, at age 59, Albert Smith was a widower, with two grown daughters resding in Perth, Werstern Australia, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisatiin in Carlton, Victoria on the 19th February 1913.Anton SMITH / SCHMIDT -born Germany, m.1886 Emily TERRENS
Charles SMITH / Carl SCHMIDT -from Germany, married Mary Agnes BOWLES 1898
'Frank' Franz Francis William SCHMIDTH Stralsund, Pomerania to travelling Australia.
'Frank' Franz Francis William SCHMIDTH born 24th august 1848 at Stralsund, Pommern, Prussia. He arrived in Australia on the 24th July 1874 per ship GRATTON to ? Queensland. Resided Queensland for 10 years, Sydney 12 years; Melbourne 17 years. Residence in Melbourne at No.90 McConnell Street, Kensington, Victoria. He was a Travellor by occupation, a married man with one son and one daughter when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised @ age 65, after 40 years in Australia on the 10th August 1914 at Melbourne..
Frank SMITH / Franz SCHMITT - born Germany, married Maggie May JUTSON 1904
Friedrich SMITH / SCHMIDT born Germany, married Susan GROVER 1887
Henry SMITH / Heinrich SCHMIDT - Mecklenburg to Mirboo North
Henry SMITH / Heinrich SCHMIDT was born on the 5th November 1844 in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Schmidt emigrated out of Deutschland via the Atlantic crosssing to America and there embarked on the ship "LAEDING WIND" to arrive in Australia in about 1881 at the Port of Melbourne. On disembarking 'Harry or Henry SMITH' went east from Melbourne into West Gippsland, residing at Warragul for the first year, and then venturing into the forests of the Strezlecki Ranges at Poowong for two years. He then went back to the more settled district of Pakenham for three years before striking out on his own among the shadowlands of Mirboo where he had been for 24 years by 1923. After 32 years in Australia, still single at the age 68, he swore the Oath in his Aliens Memorial and was naturalised on the 2rd May 1913 at Mirboo, North, Gippsland, Victoria.
Heinrich Henry SMITH / SCHMIDT born Pomerania - m1885 Christina CAMERON
Jacob SMITH / Jakob SCHMIDT -from Germany, married Annie ELizabeth Laura WILSON 1894
Johann Carl Christian Erick SMITH / SCHMIDT -from Germany, married Lina Marie AMUNDSOn 1889
John Frederick SMITH / Johann Friedrich SCHMIDT -from Germany, married Mary Ann GARDNER 1896
Johann Gottlieb SMITH / SCHMIDT - von Prussia, married Lydia Ann ARCHBOLD 1906
Paul SMITH /August Paul SCHMIDT J.P., Penong, S.A.
Paul SMITH /August Paul SCHMIDT, son of 'Frederick August Smith,' was born on the 13th August 1864 in the Hanseatic Free City of Lubeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Deustchland, then amid the lands that were under the Realm of Denmark till about the year of his birth. Lubeck came into the Deutsch Reich in January 1871. Paul 'Smith' emigrated out of Schleswig-Holstein in 1879 to England and sailed on English ships for four years. Eventually, he there embarked on the ship "LEONEME" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Wallaroo, South Australia on the 20th March 1883. On disembarking he lived at Wallaroo and Port Broughton before heading towards the limits of settlement and the Nullarbour on western coasts of South Australia at Penong. At age 33 'August Paul SMITH' was married on the 11 August 1897 at St Johns Church, Salisbury, South Australia, to 28-year-old 'Winifred Martha PATERNOSTER /SMITH' and said daughter of 'Charles SMITH.' Their children were : -1. Winifred Gladys smith b. 6 June 1899 Streaky Bay; 2. Marjory Eileen Smith b. 7 May 1900 Penong; 3. Fredrick Karl Smith b. 24 February 1902 Penong; and 4. Mavis May Smith b. 1 November 1904 Penong, South Australia. After 24 years in Australia, at the age of 43, he was a married Farmer at Penong with four Australian children when he took the oath was was Naturalised at Fowlers Bay, South Australia on the 23rd March 1907. In 1908 Paul Smith was appointed as a Justice of the Peace of South Australia. This position seems to have been revoked after the outbreak of war, maybe because of Smiths 'enemy alien birth, so, on the 26th August 1916 Paul Smith wrote a Letter from Penong to the Attorney-General, outlining his concerns, and declaring his loyalty.Robert SMITH / Robert SCHMIDT
Robert SMITH / Robert SCHMIDT, son of Friedrich SCHMIDT was born on the 12th April 1854 at Stralsund, in Hinter Pommern, Prussia, on the Baltic coasts of Deutschland. Schmidt emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the Atlantic Crossing to the USA, and after a peri0d of six years living in the United states of America, he embarked at the Port of Boston on the ship "ALBERT RUSSELL' (of Boston) and arrived in Australia at Sandridge, Port Melbourne, in 1877. On disembarking he lived in North Melbourne for 30 years, then in Carlton for 3 years before moving to to the coasts of Port Bhillip Bay at Brighton in about 1901. 'Smith' was a Schlachter / butcher by trade in Melbourne. He was married in Victoria in 1880 to Melbourne-born Mary Ann CAMERON. Their children were: - 1. Frederick Henry Smith b. 1881 Hotham, West Melbourne; 2. Angus Robert Smith b. 1882 Hotham, West Melbourne; 3. Charles Hector Smith (1886-1887) Hotham West; 4. William Alexander Smith b.1886 Hotham, Melbourne; 5. Elsie Marie Smith [later Mrs HEWITT] b. 1888 Hotham West; and Robert Eric Smith, born 1895 at Hotham West, Nth Melbourne. As 'Robert Smith' he joined the 5th Australian Infantry regiment in about 1885 in which time he had twice taken an oath of allegiance and served with the citizen reserve forces for 22 years, being 'granted a good discharge' on his retirement on the 15th March 1907. The Smith family had gone quite incognito in respect to their German origins to such an extent that Robert Smith was missed completely as being a person of Enemy Alien birth and so escaped notice by the normal officious busybody meddlesomeness of the self-important Authorities and so was neither Naturalised nor Registered as an Enemy Alien during the entire period engaged with the obsession and enmity of the not-so Great War. Smith was still married to Mary Ann Smith, and had three sons and a daughter well into middle age when he finally came out of his incognito and took the oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised from where he had Retired at No.9 Milroy Street, Brighton, Victoria on the 3rd March 1924. When asked was he registered as an enemy alien the document reads: 'No. Does not know why." One of Smith son served with the A.I.F. Maybe 'Mr. Smith' had been an enemy and a spy for all of that time, and had spent the war passing national secrets from a dinghy moored off Middle Brighton Jetty from the daily leisure of the fishingboat bobbing swells to all the German submarines lurking under the surface of Port Phillip Bay.William SMITH / Wilhelm SCHMIDT
William SMITH / Wilhelm SCHMIDT was born on the 26th February 1849 in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Not yet 'Bill Smith' but wanting change, Wilhelm Schmidt emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the United States of Amerika, and after a period there embarked from New York, New York on the American barque "H.L.BROOKLMAN" to arrive in far-flung Australia on the 25th January 1877 at the Port of Melbourne. Upon disembarking Mr. Bill Smith resided for 16 years in the Melbourne suburb of Prahran. He was married and by had matching sets of three Australia sons and three Australian daughters. In about 1893 the 'Smiths moved to Garfield (or Sarsfield?) in Gippsland, Victoria where they stay 12 years. Their next move was to Mt Macedon range hinterland at Pyalong were they were for just 14 months before settling at Springfield, in the Upper Maribyrnong Valley. German 'Bill SMITH' was a 57 year-old Farmer at Springfield, after nearly 30 years in Australia, when he took the oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 21st November 1906 at Romsey, Victoria.
William Henry SMITH / Wilhelm Heinrich SCHMIDT born Hamburgh, married Julia Mary JOHNSON 1887
Hermann SOBERSKY -from Germany, married Theresa KAUFMANN 1891
Karl SODEMANN -from Germany, married Violet Esther WOOD 1899
Franz Wilhelm SODING born Germany, married Henriette Julia FREHSE 1887
August SOMMER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 27
Carl SOMMER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 31
H E SOMMERS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 26
Georg Heinrich Paul SONDERHOF -from Germany, married Harriet Annie EDHOUSE 1898
Christian J SONN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 27
Eduard Wilhelm Robert SONNIGES -from Germany, married Helene WORMEER 1898
Carl SONTAG to North Melbourne
Carl SONTAG was born on the 22nd October 1856 in the university town of Jena, Sachsen-Weimar, Deutschland. Sontag emigrated by way of England and embarked there on the ship "ANTARES" to arrive in Auckland, New Zealand on the 11th November 1883. Upon disembarking he made his way to Sydney where he resided for six years before immigrating to Melborune in about 1900. after 22 years in Australasia, Sontag was an unmarried Tailor, living at No.42 Capel street, North Melbourne, when he took the Oath of his aliens memorial for Naturalisation on the 7th November 1906. Carl SONTAG died at age 68 in East Melbourne in 1928.
Valentin SONNTAG - from Bavaria, married Jean Gertrude BROWN 1892 Vic.
Heinrich Henry SORGER - born Germany, married Katie HINES 1902
Abraham Joseph SOROKOWITCH - born Prüssia, married Louise WHITING 1893 Vic.
Otto Robert Karl Hermann SPECK -from Germany, married Anne SMITH 1896 - naturalised 1899
Paul Julius Albert SPEER
Paul Julius Albert SPEER was born in the Grand Duchy of Posen, Posen Provinz, Prussia, on the 5th September 1848. He emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the freedom of Engkland and there embarked on the ship "SOMERSETSHIRE" to arrive in Australia at the Port Phillip Bay harbour at Williamstown, Victoria in October 1879. He spent one month in Melbourne and then headed west to the Wimmera River at Dimboola. Paul Julius Albert SPEER was married to Mary Augusta DYMKE in 1888 in Victoria. After 29 years in Australia, at age 59, Speer was working as a self-employed Farmer at Dimboola, in the Wimmera, had a family of four sons and a daughter when he took the oath of his Aliens Menorial for naturalisation on the 20th June 1908 at Dimboola.Gabriel SPEICH - Swiss, > NZ > NSW
Johannes & Dorah SPEIRAN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 22 & 18
Friedrich Wilhelm Albert SPRENGEL - Lutheran Pastor, born Hannover, emigrated 1913 Sydney NSW
Eduard Ferdinand Theodor SPERBER Wisman to Barossa
Eduard Ferdinand Theodor SPERBER - Storekeeper. born abt 1850 Wismar,Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia Arrived Australia at Adelaide, SA abt 1879 Naturalised as a storekeeper at Tanunda, Barossa Valley SA at age 24, after five years in Australia on the 7th Aprl 1884.Ernst SPERBER Wismar to Syndey
Ernst SPERBER b.1849 Wismar, Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, @age 30 Kaufmann/ merchantJ. SPERBER
Franz Frank SPERDOI born Austria, married ELizabeth CRITCHFIELD 1887
Wilhelm SPETTEL - Goldminer
Wilhelm SPETTEL was born on the 22nd August 1876 at Heidelberg, in the Königreich Württemberg, by then a part of the Deutsch Reich. Spettel emigrated from Germany on the ship 'ESCAPE' (or ESCRAFT) arriving in Australia on the 14th June 1889 at Port Pirie, South Australia. Upon disembarking he went to Adelaide, S.A. and then to the West. after nine years on Australia, still single at the the age of 32 Spettel was naturalised at Norseman, Western Australia on 1st the August 1908. Wilhelm SPETTEL was married to Alice L. CABLE in the Plantagenet district of Western Australia in 1913. Spettel died in the same district in 1943. His wife Alice predeceased him, dying in the same place in 1938.Otto Kurt SPURLING - b. 1897 Liepzig, Arr. 7th March 1914 "S.S>KIEL' to Brisbane, QLD
Chaim Israel SPIEGEL b. Konin, >Arr 8th Octiber 1901 per KARLSRUHE at Fremnatle, WA. Murray St Perth WA - Tailor
Louis Carl SPILCKR - from Hamburg, married Albina Ellen O'NEALE 1901 Vic.
W J SPILLER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 25
Joseph SPILLMAN, b, 10 Feb 1874 Warsaw, Russian Poland. Sydney NSW - Tailor, Arr. 11th Sept 1910 Sydney
Wilhelm SPINALD - b. Riga, Estonia (Russia) . Fitter Fremantlee WA
Wilhelm Albert Alexander SPINDLER
Wilhelm Albert Alexander SPINDLER born 5th December 1881 at Capenick / Caprenich, Prussia. Emigrated. per FREIDRICH DER GROSSE to Fremantle WA arriving 6tH Dec 1909. Resided: Perth 6 mnth; Collie 1 yr; Newcastle NSW 13 mnths Queensland. Resided at Albion, QLD. Farmer. married with 4 children by 1921.
Hermann Karl Maximilian SPITTKA, Mine Owner .
Hermann Karl Maximilian SPITTKA was born at Heilsberg, East Prussia, Deutschland on the 6th October 1856. He emigrated by way of the Port of Hamburg on the sailing ship "CEDRIC THE SAXON" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 25th February 1883. Upon disembarking in Sydney, Spittka made the South seas his own and lived variously at Fiji for five years, in New zealand for five years, pm Thursday Island, Queensland for two and a half years, in Sydney NSW again for one year, and then he immigrated onto the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. After near on 20 years in Australasia, Hermann K. M. Spittka was married with a daughter, both residing with him at Edjudina, Western Australia, and aged 55 years when he swore the oath of his aliens memorial for naturalisation on the 31st October 1911 at the remote settlement of Menzies, Western Australia. On the 20th October 1921 Spittka wrote to the Minister in Melbourne from Linden, via Murrin Murrin, in the Mount Margaret district of W.A., asking for a copy of his naturalisation papers which had been lost.Leonhardt SPITZ- b. Swiss. Fettler, Nannup WA
Friedrich SPITZFADEN - Naturalised 1900
Paul Otto SPOHR - son of Adam Heinrich Spohr, born 11th Nove 1888 Ludenschied, Westphalen, Rhienland, Deustch Reich. Arrived 1st march 1912 per GROSSE KURFUST at Adelaide. . Res, Srpinton, SA 2 yrs, Barellan, NSW 7 yrs. Share farmer.
Johann Georg SPONAGEL b, Westhofen, Hessen Darmstadt, Deutschland, Arr, South Australia abt 1891. Barman, Adelaide. S.A. Nat . 31 Janaury 1898
Carl Waldemar SPONNECK. born 18th October 1870 Kopenhagenm denmark. Arrived 31st July 1911 per Orient Liner OMRA at Port Melbourne. Hotelkeeper, Queenscliff, Victoria
Conrad STAACK - born Germany, married Eliza NEAL 1905
Albert August STABEN -from Germany, married Eugenis BRANCAS 1892
Friedrich STACHE - b.1854 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 25 Arbeiter/Worker- with wife Emilie 18 & son Martin - 6 mnths
Martin STACHE - b. 1878 Berlin Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879
Martin STACK -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 21
August STADSELL - from Hamburg, married Bertha DAW 1893 Vic.
Eduard Nicolaus STAFF, Queenstown/St Andrews
Jakob Jacob STAHL born Germany, married Christiane EBERT 1887
Johann Heinrich STAHLE - born Königreich Württemberg, married Mary Ann McLEAN 1874
Leonhard STAEHLE born Germany, married Julia O'KEEFE 1887
Leonhardt STAEHLE / STAHLE -from Germany, married Annie Alexandra ROSSITER 1892
Wilhelm STAHLE - from Prussia, married Ethel May LEECH 1911
Johannes Matthias Heinrich STAHMER -from Germany, married Clara WATSON 1889
Wilhelm STAMM -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 27
Christian STAMMERS - - born Königreich Württemberg >Traralgon - married isabella PORTER 1875
Heinrich Wilhelm 'Hy Wm' STAMMLER born Germany, married Dinah Sophie CURTIS 1888
Johannes STANGE, Footscray
Hermann Julius Robert STANTZ born Germany, married Emma Mathilde WESTE 1888
Alfred VAN STAPPEN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 26
Franz/Francis Rudolph STARGARDT- from Warsaw
'Fritz' Johann Friedrich Max STARICK - born Berlin, Germany, Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 11 Kind/child.married Clara Amalia PETSCHEL 1906
Martin STARICH / STARICK born Berlin Prussia, Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, with wife and family @ age 36 Landmann/Farmer - Remarried Maria Christiane SCHNEIDER 1888
Matthies STARICH /STARICK - born Prüssia, married Johanne auguste DUSCHKE 1890 Vic.
Johann Friedrich Maximilian STARICH /STARICK - from Berlin. -Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 13 Kind/child. Married Maria Ernstine PIPKORN 1895 Vic.
Karl Georg Friedrich 'Fritz' STARICH /
Karl Georg Friedrich 'Fritz' STARICH STARICK - from Berlin. Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, age age 9 Kind/child. Married Emma Carolien LANGE 1893 Vic.
Carl Johann STARK, Fossicker, Moonmera, QLD
Carl Johann STARK, son of Carl Johann STARK - born 20th Februar 1946 Cramstay, (maybe he means Crumstadt?, Hessen ) Deutschland. Carl STARK emigrated out of Deutschald on the ship "HERSHEL to arrive din Australia at the Port of Maryborough< Queensland on the 9th March 1972. Upon disembarking STARK resided at Maryborough, then at Kilkvem, at Mount Perry and then went to Moonmera, Queensland. - Naturalised 1923
Paul STARK was born on the 12th Juli 1887 at Markuenkirchen, Sachsen, by then incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. STARK emigrated out of Saxony by way of Bremen Deutshcland on the ship "SCHARNHORST" and arrived at Fremantle, Western Australia, on the 19th December 11912. after two years and three months working as a Labourer at Collie, Western Australia, Paul Stark swore the Oath and was Naturalised in the Aliens Memorial of 10th April 1915
Peter STARK - Naturalised 1910
R B STARK - Naturalised 1928/1929
Rudolph STARK
Rudolph STARK was born on the 18th June 1876 at Schonau, Schlesien (Austrian Silesia) Moravia, in the Czech provinz of the Österreich. Rudolph STARK emigrated out of the Österreich (Hambsburg Austro Hungarian Reich) by way of Deutschland and there embarked on the steamship "S.S.BERLIN" to arrive in Australia on the 16th May 1905 at Sydney, New South Wales. On diseaabrking Stark went north up the Pacific coust to Pimpama island for 5 yrs and then to Bisbane for five years after which he settled at Biggenden< Queensland. After six and a haf years in Ausralia at teh age of 35, Stark was unmarried and working as an Engine Driver when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalsied on the 20th January 1912 at Biggenden.
MEŶER Meӱer Thüringen
Georg Johann Arthur STARVING - born Germany, married Beatrice Emily BLUNDELL 1904
Joseph STAYT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 24
Bernhold Emil Rudolf STEFFENS - born Germany, married Jane JOHNSTONE 1910
Johannes John STEFFENS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 54
Wilhelm STEAVENS / STEPHINS -from Germany, married Martha LILLIS 1897
Heinrich August Friederich Ferdinand STEGMANN
Johann Casper STEGMEYER -from Germany, married Marie Anna NAGLE 1896
Philipp STEHMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 28
Heinrich Alexander STEIGRAD
Heinrich Alexander STEIGRAD was born at Tarnopole in The Ober Schlesian (Upper Silesian) region of Austria, (now Tarnopolska, Zabrze, near Katowice, Poland). Steigrad emigrated by way of Deutschland and embarked on the Nord-Deustcher-Lloyd vessel "S.S. BREMEN " and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 22nd February 1905. Upon disembarking Steigrad lived as businessman in Melbourne, Victoria for five years whereupon he immigrated to Sydney NSW where he set up as a Clothing Manufacturer, at No. 352 Kent street, Sydney, NSW. Henry Alexander Steigrad was still a single man at age 26, residing at No.46 Morris Street, Hunters Hill, NSW, after nine years in Australia when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his aliens memorial of 16th February 1914 at Sydney.
Paul Ludwig STEIN
Paul Ludwig STEIN was born at Hagem Westphalen, in teh Rheinland of Prussia, hard on the infant existence of the Unifified Deutsch Reich , on the 23rd Oktober 1871. Paul Ludwig Stein emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the refuge and freedom of Belguim and there embarked on the vessel 'BACKHURST' (or OACKHURST ?) to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales in about March 1892. Upon disembarking Stein resided in the Sydney district and then at Murengo and at Mittagong, NSW after which he went down the Murray valley to Mildura, Victoria wher he spent a year. From Mildura Stein immigrated across the border into South Australia and went to Adelaide in about 1903. At the age of 36,after 16 years in Australia, Paul Stein was married without children and working as a Motor Driver in adelaide when he took the Oath for Naturalisation in his aliens Memorial of 7th April 1908 living at No.11 Wright Street, Adelaide, SA.
Wilhelm Ferdinand Anton Paul Clemens VON STEIN
Wilhelm Ferdinand Anton Paul Clemens VON STEIN was born in about 1863 at Meiningen, Sachsen, in the old Deutschland before Saxony was 'Unitised' into the Deutsch Reich in 1871. Von Stein emigrated close to year of his maturity to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in about November 1883. After three days in Australia he record hsi intention to set up as a Merchant and swore the Oath for Naturalisation in his aliens Memorial dated the 13th November 1883 through the forthright initiating agency of Friedrich Eduard Heinrich Wulf Krichauff, in Adelaide.
Joseph Wilhelm STEINHAUSER
Louis Ludwig STEINICHE / STEINWCHE - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 30
Friedrich Wilhelm STEINICKE -from Germany, married Amelie Hannah DIBBLE 1897
Albert Georg Johann Werner STEINIGER - Enemy Alien. Internee - Repatriated to Germany per transport EUREKA 29 May 1919
Albert Georg Johann Werner STEINIGER was born on the 5th August 1889 at Metz, Province Lottingen, Alsace Lorraine, Deutschland. Steiniger emigrated out of Deutschland via England and arrived in Australia on the ship MEDIC on the 3rd November 1911 at Albany, Western Australia. Upon disemabrking he lived variously at Moora, Kalgoorlie, Wongan Hills, and in Perth, WA before immigraating east to Sydney, NSW and then Melbourne, Victoria. Werner Steiniger was so determined to avoid the coming European war that he was twice Naturalised in Australia. This meant he was able to avoid the war, but, sadly, not as a free citizen of Australia. He first took the oath of his Aliens Memorial at No. 69 Union street, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW, on the 13th May 1913. He had then been recently working as a Farmer. Then, after two years in Australia, at age 23, Steiniger was working as a Tutor residing at No. 100 Chapel Street, Balaclava, Melbourne when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th November 1913. Later, even though he was likely a refuge of the annexed former-French territory of Alsace-then Lorraine, Steiniger was arrested as an Enemy Alien because he had formerly been an Army Officer in the Reich and so became Prisoner of War and an Internee. - After the war Albert Georg Johann Werner Steiniger was Repatriated to Germany per the transport EUREKA on the 29 May 1919.
Carl Hermann STEINMANN, Queenstown/St Andrews
Carl 'Charles' STEINMAN / STEINMANN -from Germany, married Adelaide Mallard BOND 1893
Heinrich 'Henry' STEINMANN - born Prüssia, married Anna Rosalie DEHNIKE 1891 Vic.
Wilhelm STEINMANN- born Germany- Registered Enemy Alien at Darwin, NT 1919
Felix Victor STEINMETZ, Prahran
Carl STEINMEYER - born Germany, married Alice WEAVER 1906
Wilhelm Carl STEINMEYER -from Germany, married Charlotte Bridget BROOKS 1900
Johannes STEIS / STIES -from Germany, married Mary KENNELL 1894
Wilhelm STELLNER - born Germany, married Sarah Maria CHURCHYARD 1902
Carl Christian STEMP, Footscray > Cockatoo
Gustav Martin STEMPEL - born Prüssia, married Marie UBERGANG 1892 Vic.
Gottlieb Martin STENDER -from Germany, married Elizabeth Alexandrina RHODES 1889
Joachim Carl Adolph STENDER - born Germany, married Annie Lorraine MORRIS 1905
Peter Heinrich Elias STENDER -from Germany, married Cecilia Amanda MILLAR 1895
Diedrich STENDT - born Germany, married Johanne DAVISON 1909
Carl Charles Hermann STENMANN
Clemens / Clemenz STEPHAN -from Germany, married Ellen BRIDE 1894
Friedrich STEPHAN -from Germany, married Auguste SICHTING 1892
Johannes Heinrich Ernst STEPHAN born Germany, married Marie Elizabeth NENER 1888
Wilhelm 'Willy' STEPHAN - from Hamburg, married Fanny Elizabeth BARBER 1891 Vic.
George STEPHAN / STEPHENS born Austria, married Mary BURT 1880
H STERKENS -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 38
Aaron STERN, Ballarat
Christian Friedrich Wilhelm STERN born Germany, married Jane TATE 1887
Herr W STRAEDE -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 63 with Frau A Straede 18
Arthur STRAUSS born Austria, married Harriet WHITE / WEISS 1888
Heinrich STEUVE / STREUVE -from Germany, married Louisa COLLEY 1893
Carl Charles Hermann STIEBRITZ, Prahran
Doctor Albert Von STIEGLITZ & Mary Crosbie Cresswell Von Stieglitz
Doctor Albert Von STIEGLITZ was born in about 1854 in Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland. Von Stieglitz emigrate dout of the Deutsch Reich to the interim humb of refuge in ENgland. Von Stieglitz married in about 1888 in England to Mary Crosbie Cresswell REYNOLDS, who was born at Taradale, Victoria on the 10th July 1865. IN about 1896 Albert and Mary von Stieglitz emigrated to Auustralia. Their daughter Stella Von Stieglitz was born in 1902 in Castlemaine, Victoria. Albert Von STIEGLITZ, son of Otto Von Stieglitz and Mathilde Murichausen, died at age 59 at Surrey Hills, east of Melbourne, Victoria in 1913. His wife, though English-born, as a widow if an unnaturalised German, then had the legal problem of having taken her husband's nationality. She took the Oath to be re-admitted to British nationality and was Naturalised in her Aliens Memorial of 28th December 1916 at Castlemaine, before Mr Harry Sutherland Wightman Lawson, and Justice of the Peace, indeed, the Attorney-General (later Premier) of Victoria.
Heinrich STIELOW, Gembrook
Otto Karl Christian STIG , Arr. from New York, USA - 'GREAT ADMIRAL' at the Porto f Newcastle NSW in 1888 Sailor/Seaman. Woolhara, Sydney - Nat. 3rd Nov 1904
Johannes STILLER
Otto STILLER was born on the 9th February 1879 at Hertwigswaldau, Provinz Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia. Hertwigswaldau is now called Snowidza, in Western Poland. Stiller emigrated out of Deutschland to arrived in Australia in October 1911 per the "S.S. WISMAR' at the Port of Melbourne. On disembarking he became a Timber Worker, at Yarra Junction. One the brink of the decalration of War Stiller was residing c/- No. 319 Swanston Street, Melbourne, and he then completed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, taking his Oath on the 2nd July 1914. He was then aged 35, unmarried, and had been in Australia for a little over two years.
Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph STOBANS / STOBAUS
Ralph STOBANS / STOBAUS born Prussia, married Margaret PRENDEGAST 1887
Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph STOCKMANN, - from Hamburg, married Amelia SHEPHERD 1898 Vic > Footscray
Carl Charles STOLL born Germany, married Elizabeth Fanny WARNER 1887
Emil Jacob STOLL -from Germany, married Amelia NETTLETON 1892
Friedrich Carl Moritz STOLL, Buln Buln, Drouin
Gottlieb STOLZ born Germany, married Sophie RAFf 1887
Carl STOPP -from Hannover
Heinrich STORM, born Germany, married Catherine Jane CATHCART 1888
Franz STORMER, Warburton, Vic.
Georg Johannes Kurt STOVING - born Germany, married Beatrice Emily BLUNDELL 1904
Johann Heinrich STRACK -from Germany, married Julia BECKHAUSEN 1893
Rudolph STRASSBURG -from Germany, married Christiane ORDNER 1889
Carl STRATMAN /STRATTMANN -from Germany, married Ellen Mary BATES
Carl 'Charles' STRAUB -from Germany, married Lottie BRYANT 1890
Walter Franzis Gottfried STRAUCH - born Germany, married Anna Catherine Christian FREHSE 1907
Johann Georg Friedrich STRECKER/ STRECHER -from Germany, married Frances Annie CURTIS 1895
Heinrich Moritz STRECKFUSS born Germany, married Lina LOHSE 1887
Peter F STREGER - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 26
Wilhelm Theodor STREHLAU - Eudunda, SA m.Marie Katherine Philippine Margarete SCHMIDT. - Daughter Magdalene Ruth Strehlau- born 6th February 1914 near Eudunda
Reverend Pastor Carl Friedrich Theodor STREHLOW, Lutheran Missionary, Hermannsburg Mission, Central Australia
Reverend Pastor Carl Friedrich Theodor STREHLOW was by rumour accused of 'lecturing and expounding to the Aborigines of the Hermannsburg Mission that the Germans were their true brothers. But this rumour was found to originate, not from Aboriginal witnesses, but from Europeans in Alice Springs. Carl Friedrich Theodor STREHLOW was born on the 23 December 1871 in Fredersdorf, Märkisch-Oderland, Brandenburg, Prussia. Young Pastor Strehlow emigrated out of Deutschland to arrived in South Australian in month of May 1892. On the 25th September 1895 Carl Strehlow was married at age 24 to 20-year old 'Frieda' Friedericke Johanne Henriette KEYSSER (born 13 August 1875) daughter of Carl KEYSSER, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church at Point Pass, South Australia. Frieda Keysser had arrived in Australia only ten days previous on the 15th September 1895. Strehlow immediately went up with his wife via the Oodnadatta Track to Hermannsburg Mission Station in the remote West MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. The Strehlow's family were all Australian-born. The children: 1. Friedrich Johannes Alfred Strehlow - born 24 March 1897 Hermannsburg; 2. Rudolph Carl Theodor Strehlow - born 12 October 1900 at Hermmansburg; 3. Carl Paul Hermann Strehlow -born 15th June 1902 at Hermannsburg; Hermann Ernst Wilhelm Strehlow - born 15 May 1905 at Hermannsburg; and Theodor Georg Heinrich 'Ted' Strehlow - born 6th June 1908 at Hermannsburg, Central Australia. After nine years in Australia, a Missionary of ages of 29, he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 19th August 1901 before Mr Alexander McFeat, Justice of The Peace in Alice Springs, Central Australia. Pastor Strehlow - even though Naturalies, for some reason was registered as an Enemy Alien at Alice Springs in 1916. Pastor Carl Friedrich Theodor STREHLOW died on the Finke River at Horseshoe Bend, now in the Northern Territory, Australia.
Friedrich STREICH b.1856 Clausdorf, West Prussia - - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" in To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 22 Arbeiter/ Worker
Father Anton 'Anthony' STRELE - born Austria. Rector, Missionary, Roman Catholic Priest.
Father Anton 'Anthony' STRELE was born in about 1845 at Nassereit, in the Tyrol District of the Österreiche, (Austrian Empire). At age 57 after 15 years in Australia, Father Strele swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when he was Rector at St Aloysius College, Seven Hill, Clare, South Australia on the 28th April 1882. Later he was the Jesuit Roman Catholic Missionary and Priest, at Rapid Creek, Northern Territory.
August Wilhelm STRENGE -from Germany, married Hetta campbell LLEWELYN 1901
Herr E STOCKHEIM - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 30
Leonardt Ver. STROETES - born Belgium, married Edith Emma Holmes HUDSON 1902
Emerich STROHMAYER - St Kilda
Eduard STROSCHIEN, Box Hill
Friedrich Julius Ludwig STROWN STRAUN -from Danzig, Germany, married Kathleen Annisitia SULLIVAN 1893
Robert STRUHS born Germany, married Kate Gertrude TAYLOR 1888
Rudolph Georg STRUCK -from Germany, married Emma SENGELMANN 1900
Gustav STRUCKMEYER b. 1861 Hamburg - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, @ age 17 Kaufmann / merchant
Johannes Eduard STUBBE - from Hamburg, married Elizabeth NICHOLAS 1894 Vic.
Albert Benjamin STUBER, Melbourne
Johann John STUCKFUSS / STRECKFUSS - born Germany, married Agnes Teresa CHEEVERS 1904
Emil Heinrich STUDEMANN, Prahran
M F STUECKGOLD Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 23
Thomas Caspar STUHR, Trentham
Albert Ihde STULPNAGEL - naturalised 1890
August STURKEN - -from Germany, married Pauline DUBBERKER 1894 > Berwick, Vic.
Johann Ferdinand STURKEN
Otto Emil Alexander STURMHOEBEL, Geelong - born Germany, married Selina Ellen Jane Mathilde DEAN 1906
Otto Emil Alex STURMHOBEL - born Germany, married Elizabeth Anne CLARKE 1910
Johann Franz Friedrich STUVEN / STUWEN -from Germany, married Helen Clara YEHN/JEHN 1892
Johann Heinrich STYRING -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 26
Christian SUDEKUM - from Hannover, married Catherine Louisa Sangester 1889 Vic.
Heinrich SUDHOLZ -from Germany, married Anna Sophie MILLER/ MULLER 1892
Herbert SUFFERN - Sea Captian
Franz Francis SULBERG - born Germany, married Patience REILLY 1911
Johann Heinrich SUNDERMANN - born Germany, married Jean SANDELLS 1903
Joseph SUSS -born Baden, m.1886 Mary FLYNN
Joseph SUSS -from Germany, married Mary Hamilton 1897
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm SUSSBIER
Heinrich SUSSMAN - von Poland
Johannes SVENSSON -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 18
Ernst Heinrich Ludwig SWIEKE -from Germany, married Wilhemine GRIMM 1898
Louis Ludwig SYMON -born Germany, m.1886 Martha Ann HUTTON
'Harry' Heinrich Detlef Christian SYNNBERG -born Germany, married Ann Catherine WINDLEY 1887
Jakob Theodor Johann 'James John' SZALALNAY born Austria, married Alice Mary JOHNSON 1884
Stepan TALIJANISIC -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 34
Heinrich TALLEM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 24 & Mathilde TALLEM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" October 1878 age 25
Paul Eugen TALLAY - born France, m.1906 Mary Eliza YULLER
Hans Johannes TANDBERG
Hans Johannes TANDBERG > Labertouche, Longwarry, West
Fritz Friedrich Bruno Emil TANGER - Naturalised 1915
Carl Eduard TANNENBERG - born Bremen, married Nina GARNETT 1899 Vic.
Johann Lorenz Maximilian TANNENBERG - born Bavaria m.1878 ELizabeth HOWARD
Oscar Emil TANNERT born 1850 Schandau, Saxony Arrived 1875 - Naturalised 1895 Adelaide
Herr A TANSIG -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 37
Matthias TANZER-
Matthias TANZER born about 1855 Hasbag, Österreich - Austro-Hungarian Reich. Arr. abt 8th June 1884 Adelaide Profession Miller. Naturalised 10th June 1884 age 29 - after one day in Australia before Mr Theodor Scherk, Justice of the Peace of South Australia, per Mr L, Röder, Rundle Street, Adelaide, SA.
Otto TAPPE born Germany, married Adela Mabel SCAIFE 1895
Heinrich Luis TAUBERT - born Germany, married Margretha MANDERS 1893
Heinrich TAUSSER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Raymond Oscar TAYLOR /SCHNIEDER -von Berlin, married Martha Emma WEGENER 1912
Tobias Johann TEBBENS - born Germany, married Christina TURNBULL 1907
Tobias Johann TEBBENS was born on the 29th Dezember 1878 at Ostrhauderfehn, Königreich Hannover, by the incorporated in the Deutsch Reich. Tebbens emigrated out of Deutschland on the Steam Ship 'WILLIBAD’ To arrive in Australian on the 21st September 1900 at the Port of Melbourne. On disembarking Tebbens lived at Port Melbourne for 2 yrs and then up the road to South Melbourne. He was married to the widow, Christina TURNBULL in Melbourne in 1907. Tebbens took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation when residing at No.54 Tope St, South Melbourne . He was then married, living with his wife and a son & step daughter.Friedrich Asmus Wilhelm TEEGE - b. 3th August 1857 at Strenglin, Kreis Segeberg, Holstein, Deutschland. Arr: September 1882 per ship 'FRANK WILSON at Port Jackson, Sydney NSW. Ochardist, Pictomn, NSW
Heinrich TEEGE b. abt 1852 Strenglin, Kreis Segeberg, Holstein, Deutschland. Departed Hamburg per SOPHIE 11 May 1879. Arrived per ship 'SOPHIE' Sth Aust 22 August 1879 and to Sydney NSW arriving 20 September 1879. Gaertner age 27.
Samuel TENSER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 27 with wife Sarah TENSER age 25, children Moritz TENSER 6; Solomon TENSER 5; Kitty TENSEr 1
Paul TEPPER - born Posen, m.1877 Christiane TOWK
Johannes TERDICH / John TERDICK born Austria, married Charlotte PASCO 1878
Martin Jacob Kenneth TESMAR - von Prussia, married Ellen ROBSON 1907
Christoph TESTER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 33
Johann Christian TETSCH - born Germany, married Elsa Marie WEINBERG 1911
August Wilhelm THIEL - born Netherlands? Orchard Worker
August Wilhelm THIEL was born at Amsterdam, Netherlands on the 6th Janaury 1885. - Thiel emigrated from Holland on the ship THEMISTOCLES" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th March 1913.
After disembarking Thiel resdied at Flinders Island in Bass Strait frpm april 1913 till June 1914, and then came to Somerville on the Mornington Peninsula of Victoria where worked on orchards. He was unmarried when he took the Oatgh of his Aliens Memorial on the 8th April 1915 at Frankston and was Naturalised.
Johannes Carl Georg THIEL
Johannes Carl Georg THIEL – born 1859, Schwerin, Mecklenburg Deustchland. He studied theology at the Univeristy of Rostock. Liepzig, Erlangen. Teacher at the Theological Seminary at Breklum. In 1866 entered service at Berlin City Mission. Went to NZ and ministered at Upper Moutere (Nelson), NZ. Joined ELCA in 1902/ Left NZ in 1908. to South Australia. Supply work in SA . Pastor at Morgan, Waikerie and neighbouring congregations. Married to Martha Emma Sophia Elisabeth HEINE. Pastor Johannes Carl Georg THIEL died at age 67 on the 5th February 1926 at Morgan, South Australia. His wife Martha Emma Sophia Elisabeth Heine THIEL predeceased him by two years, dying at age 60 on the 11 November 1924 at Morgan, SA.
Karl Jakob THIEL
Friedrich Wilhelm THIEL
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm THIEL - Enemy Alien. Internee
Richard THIEL Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 34
Wilhelm THIELE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 36 with wife Johanne 36
Horst Heinrich 'Harry' THIERFELDER, Stattion hand, Moulamein, NSW
Horst Heinrich 'Harry' THIERFELDER wa sborn on the 21st August 1894 at Oberswurchnotz, Chemnitz, Sachsen (Saxony). - emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from the Port of Bremen on the ship "FRIEDRICH DE GROSSE" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 5th February 1912. Upon disembarking he was for six months employed in his profession as a Brewer at the Victoria Brewery iN East Melbourne. He then went out to Mitcham in thr Nunawading district for six months after whiech he took an upcountry opportunity and went to Moulamein, NSW where he worked as a Station Hand. He was though, still single at age 20, and a Brewer, residing c/- G. G. Carr Esquire, at Mooloomoon Station, Moulamein, NSW when he took the Oath of his aliens memorial and was Naturalised on the 23rd September 1914.
Wilhelm Johann THIERMANN - died at aged 72 at Belgrave, Victoria in 1979
Emil THEISINGER - born Germany, married Marie WILLIAMS 1903
Emil THEISINGER - born Germany, married kathleen HUNT 1910
Philipp THEISINGER - born Germany, married Ellen GAISFORD 1893
Carl Emil THIES - from Hamburg, married Frances Eliza MUSGROVE 1893/1901 Vic.
Emil THIES was born on the 16th September 1869 at Kisdorf, Schleswig-Holstein which was ovewhelmed and conformed into the militaristic Deutsch Reich within two years of his birth. Thies emigrated out of Deutschland to the Afrikan Kolonies and from South Africa embarked on the ship "KAROOLA" to arrive in Australia on the 10th Septmebr 1909 at Melbourne, Victoria. At age 42, after two years in Australia, Thies was working as a Cutter and living with his wife at No.37 Howitt Street Hawksburn, in the Prahran district of Melbourne when he took the Oath for his Naturalisation with his aliens memorial of 13th September 1911 in Melbourne.
Johannes THOMAS
Carl Heinrich THOMAS - born Germany, married Kathleen Ivy WATERS 1903
Karl Robert 'Charles' THOMAS - born Germany, married Mary Ann NEWMAN 1896
Martin Wilhelm THOMSON -von Hamburg
Adolph Heinrich Ferdinand THOMSON - von Hamburg m.1907 Clara Elisabeth ZIEGLER
Christian THOMSEN born Germany, married Elizabeth Ann SHANNON 1887
Martin Wihelm THOMSON -born Hamburgh, married Mary Ann PATTON 1911
Wilhelm William Albert THOMSEN - born Skive, Denmark, Cabinetmaker, Arrived 9th
October 1888 on the ship "QUETTA" from Blackpool, England. Res. 120 Arden Street, North Melbourne
Nicolaus Herbert Juliens Leverie THOMSEN - born Germany, married Emily Jane DURRANT 1899
Georg Bernhard THORN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Wilhelm Jabez THORNE - born France m. 1912 Lily Ann ORR
Friedrich Wilhelm THORNTON - born Germany, married Annie ELLIS 1901
Johann Thomas THORNTON - born Germany, married Rosanna Elizabeth TROTTER 1896
Markus / Marx THORNTON - born Germany, married Elizabeth SCHICKERLING 1890
Ludwig THRINGER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Alfred L THRUPP -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 21
Martin THUMANN - born Holstein, married Ida ALBERS 1890 Vic.
Carl Charles TIADEN born Germany, married Louisa GRUNDY 1888
Georg TICK - born Germany, married Janet TILLOTSEN / TILLOTSEN 1911
Otto Carl TICKERT - born Germany, married Clarice Muriel BLANCHARD 1909
Christoph TILL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 35
Wilhelm TILLACK - born Prussia, m.1886 Maried SCHULZ / SCHULTZ
Friedrich Wilhelm TILLIG born Germany, married Sarah KING 1887
Johannes TILLING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 64
Carl Gustav TILLMAN
Heinrich 'Henry' TIMM - born Germany, married Joanna Elizabeth MURPHY 1891
Franz TIMM / Frank TIMMS - born Germany, married Sarah LATHEY 1894
Heinrich 'Henry' TIMMERMANN - from Hamburg, married Dorothea SCHNABEL 1889 Vic.
Franz Eduard TIMMS - von Prussia, married Ada Grubb CONACHER 1912
Johannes John TINTON born Austria, married Emma Jane WILLIAMS 1887
Carl Leberecht Otto 'Charles' TISCHLER Hotel Manager. -born Germany, m. Victoria 1886 Margaret Alice HIGHAM
Carl Leberecht Otto 'Charles' TISCHLER was born in 1858 at Treplow, A/S Tollense, Provinz Pommern, Prussia. Tischler emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the Port of Hamburg embarking on the ship ESTHER' to arrive in Australia at the Port Adelaide, on the 16th October 1876, and afterwards came by steamer to Melbourne arriving in July 1879. He was working as a Hotel manager, where he was then living, at Ausleyend House at Degraves Street, Parkville, Victoria, at the age of 30 year when he took the oath of his aliens memorial for naturalisation on the 8th March 1888
Klav TISCHLER - Naturalised 1904
Otto Friedrich Alexander TODT / TOEDT / TONAS - born Germany, married Augusta GAYLARD 1889
Johann TOEBELMANN born Germany, married Amelia KING 1887
Herr F H TOMALIN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 26
Heinrich TOMMISEN born Germany, married Anna SALZKE 1887
Eduard Wilhelm Robert TONNIGES - born Germany, married Helena WORMER 1898
Nicolaus Nicholas TORCHEY born Austria, married Winifred GUBBINS 1876
Richard TORPE/ THORPE - born Germany, married Anna STUMPFEGGER 1889
Wilhelm TOUN / TOWN - born Germany, married Agnes NELSON 1912
Louis N TOUZEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 18
Adolph Peter Richard TRANTMANN - born Germany, married Grace Jane TIMMS 1895
Emilie TRANTWEITER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 22
Gustav Adolph TRAUBERT - born Germany, married Marie Anna Elisabeth Auguste BEYER 1890
Johann Christian TREEDE - born Germany, married Lucy ELizabeth RIGG 1893
Johannes Hans TRELLER
Heinrich TRELLER
Captain Carl 'Charles' E LE P TRENCH - Master of the ship "CHIMBORAZO" 1877-
Jacob TRENDENTHAL - born Germany, married Sarah SMITH / SCHMIDT 1903
Hermann TRETTER - b.1851 Hamburg - Emigrated departing Hamburg 25 Feb 1878 per "EDUARD" To arrived Adelaide SA 18 June 1878 @ age 27 Tapezier
Friedrich Theodor TRINKAUS - born Germany, married Mary Louisa Maude BENTLEY 1898
Hermann TRINNE - born Germany, married mary Ann DAWSON 1902
Leonhardt TROESCHIES - born Germany, married Mary Ann BAKER 1897
Valerius TRON - born Germany, married Henriette Caroline Anna LUBKE 1891
Jean Heinrich TRONE - born Germany, married Alice Maud Mary LAYH 1903
Franz Francis TROCHLEPSKY was born about 1848 at Bomst, Posen, Prussia. Bomst is now Babimost, in western Poland. Trochlepski emigrated out of Deutschladn to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in about 1874. After disembarking he remained in south Australia where he followed his profession as a Tailor. He moved from Adelaide up to the Clare Valley to live at the Germanic Catholic community at Sevenhills, where he was no doubt the community tailor. It was as Sevenhills, after 21 years in Australia, at Tailor, aged 47, that Trochlepsky swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on 23 September 1895 at Clare, before Mr Magnus Badger, Justice of the Peace of South Australia.Wilhelm TROSSER
Wilhelm TROSSER- born about 1850 in the city of Düsseldorf, Prussian Rheinland, Deutschland. Trosser arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide in about 1874. He was working as a labourer in Adelaide when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th February 1886 at Mulgundawa, South Australia.Christian Friedrich TROST
Christian Friedrich TROST - was born in Hamburgh, Germany in about 1843. On the 25th July 1883 C. F. Trost made his petition to be Naturalised two months after arriving at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Trost was then working as an Uphosterer, in Adelaide. The application languished until he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Hackney, South Australia on the 12th November 1884. After an interim period in Adelaide Trost immigrated to Victoria where he was married to Martha Ann HUTTON in 1891.Franz TROST
Franz TROST was born on the 15th JUly 1858 in Dresden, Saxony. Trost eEmigrated out of Deutschland on the ship 'GARONNE ' to arrive at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 14th December 1878. On disembarking Trost lived for juts a year in Adelaide before immigrating to Victoria where he spent a short time in Melbourne and then was for two years at Sale in central Gippsland before returning to live in Melbourne. Trost was aged 52 married and had eight Australia children by 1911. Trost was following his profession as a Chemist, living at 'Dresden' Alexander Road, East St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on 22nd February 1911. By then he had been in Australia for 32 years.. Hermann Theodor Heinrich TROST
Hermann Theodor Heinrich TROST - was born on the 18th September 1872 at Hagen, Westphalen, in the Rheinland of the Deutsch Reich. Trost emigrated out of Deutschland on the vessel 'HAWKSBAY' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria, on the 8th May 1900. After disembarkation in Melbourne Trost immigrated to Western Australia where he resided in Subiaco, and then in Maylands, suburbs of Perth. He was aged 36, was married with three daughters, living at Peninsula Road, Maylands, and working as a Labourer when he swore the the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Maylands on the 1st October 1908.
Dr David TRUMPY, Switzerland > Warragul
Thomas TRUSS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 52
Ernst TRUSS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 13
Daniel Adolphe TSCHAMPION
Joseph TSCHECKLER / TSCHEIDLER - born France, m.191- Selina HOLLAND
Albert TUBERT - born Riga, Estonia Russia / Prussia
Otto Heinrich TUCK Dhunn, or Dhurn, Rheinland
Otto Heinrich TUCK< born Dhunn, Rheinland, Prussia. Carpenter Arrived abt 1892 Adelaide, South Australia - born Germany, married Johanne GARFS 1907 in Victoria
Carl Heinrich TUENDEMANN, arr, Adelaide > Victoria, > NSW > Tasmania > SoutH Australia > Lobethal SA Tailor
Karl Charles TUESKI - Naturalised 1889
Johann Robert TUFFS - born Germany, married Jessie Ramsay NAPLES 1897
David Monasche TUGENDREJCH - Nat 1926 /1927 /1832 /1937
Johann Christian TULKA - Naturalised 1903
Johann Hermann TULLER - Arr. 1891 Sydney NSW > Clyde > Dubbo > Gubar, Wilcannia . Broken Hill > Adelaide SA Miner
Michael TURBAN -b. Bavaria Baker, Darlinghurst
Otto Heinrich TURCK born Germany, married Mary Eleanor TAYLOR 1888
Henriette TURNER b. Hamburgh
Jakob TURNER - born Switz
Otto Emil Alexander TURNHUEBEL / TURNHOBEL - born Germany, married Selina Ellen jane Matilda DEAN 1906
August Martin Julius TUXEN - naturalised 1874
Ludwig Christian TUXEN - Naturalised 1891- Surveyor- Greenbushes WA 1901
Peter Wilhelm TUXEN - naturalised 1894 [Vilhelm]
Wilhelm TWARTZ
Jens Peterson TWORP - born Germany, married Auguste KIRWALD 1897
Hermann Harm UDEN -born Hannover, m.1886 Rachel PEMBERTON
Carl 'Charles UEBERGANG from Germany, married Maria ALBERT 1897
Diedrich UECKERMANN born Germany, married Matilda SMITH 1887
Georg Herbert UECKERMANN
Hans Heinrich UHLENBERG
Johann ULBRICK born Germany, married Clara FREYSTAG 1887
Franz ULBRICK Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 59
Georg Heinrich Friedrich ULRICH
Wilhelm Jurgen Austin UMBEHAUEN
Wilhelm Jurgen Austin UMBEHAUEN /UNBERHAUEN [Naturalisation 1897 - 1897/F10105 Victoria ; Enemy alien? MP16/1 Bayswater 1915/3/640]- born Germany, married Lizzie Hetta BOCK 1905
Hugo UMLAUFT Baker, Epping, Victoria
Herr A UNGERER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 34
Otto Christian Jacob UNGERER - 1927
Hugo UMLAUFT born 21 april 1878 Meipsen, Saxony . - Emigrated von Deutschland per steamship ZIETEN arrived 5th July 1908 at Port Sydney NSW > Melbourne 4 yrs > Epping 2 yrs by 1914. Married 2 kind. Nat. 17th Auguts 1914 Epping BakerAlfred Wilhelm Hermann UNGER - Glass cutter SA
Albert Ferdinand Wilhelm UNGER b. Eisleben Sachsen >Kalgoorlie WA
Christian UNGER born Germany, married Nellie MURPHY 1888
Christoph UNGER - Nat. 1907
Gottfried Heinrich August UNGER - b. 1872 Hasselfelde, Braunschweig Arr 1903 Sydney Butcher.
Richard Heinrich Rudolph UNGER - von Hamburg m.1903 Anna KLEIN - Nat. 1910
Carl Anton Wilhelm UNGERER - 1913
O C J UNGERER - 1927- 1928
Hermann UNKENSTEIN from Germany, married Louisa DEANS 1901 - Naturalised 1914
Oskar Hugo UNKENSTEIN - born Germany, married Martha Luise Johanne WITTIG 1909 - naturalised 1915
Eduard Emil UNKENSTEIN Naturalised 1884
Henrik David Waldemar Stanislaus UNMACK - Sydney Masseur.
Heinrich Christoffer Friedrich UNRAU - Naturalised 1897
Andreas Peter UNSGAARD - nat. 1927
Alfred UNSEN -
Alfred UNSEN b. 11th august 1883 Calmus, Provinz Redange, Luxemburg, Arr."COMMONWEALTH' 4th Feb 1909 Sydney NSW > Brisban QLD > SA Furniture Manufacturer. Adelaide nat. 7 May 1914 Adelaide SA
Heinrich Henry UNTERBERG -
Heinrich Henry UNTERBERG b. 6th September 1852 Wachenhausen Hannover Arr, S.S. HOHENZOLLERN 17 April 188 Sydney > Woodstock NSW Gardener, Nat. 12 Macrch 1907
Hugo UNVERDORBEN born 4 Nov 1868 at Alt Seidenberg, Silesia, Prussia - Backer/ baker Arr. 22 May 1902 NDL S. OLDENBURG at Fremantle WA - Subiaco, WA - Nat. 10 aug 1914 - Age 45 - 12 yrs in AustraliaRichard UNVERFEHRT -
Richard UNVERFEHRT was born on the 14th December 1886 at Berlin. Provinz Brandenburg, in the Deutsch reich. Arr. May 1909 " S.S. HELIGOLAND at Brisbane QLD > Butcher/ Naturalised 3 August 1914 No.35 Roy Street, South Melborune Age 27 - Five Years in Australia
August Ludwig Diedrich Theodor UNVERZAGT -
August Ludwig Diedrich Theodor UNVERZAGT Born Bremen Arr. 1880 SA Greengrocer Eudunda SA Nat. 1 Oct 1895 Age 32, 15 yr in AUstralia
Joseph UNZEITIG - Naturalised 1901
Theodor Johann UPHOFF
Curt Kurt URBAN from Germany, married Evan VEITCH 1890
Hans Johannes URBAN born Germany, married Sarah Ann JARVIS 1888
Wilhelm URBAN from Germany, married Jane YOUNG 1891
Johann Karsten UTHENWOLDT - born Germany, married Ellen May TELFER 1912
Ernst VAGEL - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 33
Heinrich VALTINK - b. 1853 Neustadt, Mecklenburg - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 26 Mueller/ Miller
Benoit VAN HOUTTE - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 39
Bene or Rene Alexandre Marie VAN DER KEBEN / KELEN - born Belgium, married Bessie Eleanor BARBER 1910
Benno Sluyterman VAN LANGENEYDE from Germany, married Ludawinka Antonia STIER 1895
Franzis VEASNAFSKA - born Prüssia, married Elizabeth McDERMOTT 1892 Vic,
Johann Heinrich VEEN - from Hannover, married Helena Friedericke Sophia Beckmann 1890 Vic.
Valentin VEIT - Naturalised 1904 / 1905
Wilhelm VEITH b. Rohrbach, Heidelberg
Wilhelm VEITH – born abt 1856 Rohrbach, an urban district of the City of Heidelber-am-Neckar, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Deutschland- now the state of Baden-Wurttemberg – Saddler – Arrived att Port of Adelaide – SA in about 1877 – Naturalsed 28th September 1895 South Australia “ age 44 – 18 years in SA
Karl Jakob VEITH
Karl Jakob VEITH - born 27th October 1863 at Meinz [Mainz], Hessia, Hessen-Darmstadt, in central Deutschland. Mainz was once the Roman City of " Mogontiacum.
Howard, QLD Bricklayer / Emigrated ‘S.S.ORONTES’ Arrived 11th February 1908 Port of Brisbane > Baffle Creek 2 yrs > Howard QLD 18 mnths Naturalised 11th September 1911 - before Mr Matthias Kalmund, Justice of the Peace of Queensland.
Ernst Emil Schulze VELLINGHAUSEN- from Germany, married Alice MURPHY 1891 - Naturalised 1894
Carl 'Charles' VENT - from Hannover, married Candid CLARK 1890 Vic.
A. G. VENZ - -File 1904-1916
Carl August 'Charles' VENZ
Carl August 'Charles' VENZ & wife, Bertha Mathilde POLITZ - and their soldier rebel sons: Wilhelm Friedrich Charles VENZ - born 5th June 1889 at Ipswich Queensland - enlisted 1914 AIF Rockhampton QLD & Heinrich 'Harold' Albert VENZ - [File - 1914-1923 ? ] born 14th August 1894 at Boonah, Queensland? - enlisted in the AIF at Adelaide, South Australia 1914.
Hermann Julius VENZ
Hermann Julius VENZ was born on the 11th July 1898 at Zechin, (Kreis Debier?) Neumark, Brandenburg, Deutschland and married in Germany. - To avoid the Military authorties Venz left his wife behind and emigrated out of Deutschland via the Port of Hamburgh on the vessel "RENDSBURG" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 9th July 1911. On disembarking Venz resdided in Adelaide, for four months and then at Calotte 3 mnths , at Bowhill 12 months, and Port Augusta for a month, and at Port Pirie for 6 months, and then to the Murraylands, at Mannum for 4 mnths, and then he went up to Loxton where he took work as a Labourer on a road-grubbing contract. After 3 years in Australia Venz took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 22 September 1914 at Loxton, SA. On the 21st October 1914 a Police Report tells of him leaving Loxton on the 13th October 1914 with 7 other German Reservists, bound for Queensland. This report by Mounted Constable R. A. Lenthall, of Loxton, S.A., states : "Venz refused to give any information about himself and stated that when the war is ended he will leave Australia and go back to Germany. In my opinion, Venz desired to become naturalized so as when he returned to Germany he would be exempt from Military Training as he deserted from Germany when he was ordered by the Military Authorities into Barracks. Venz is a laborer and apart from his earnings has no other means of support." Nothing further of Venz's story has as yet been found.
Heinrich VERNAHOLZ - from Hannover, married Isabella WADE 1892 Vic.
Isaac David VERNER /WERNER from Germany, married Ewieka Isabel SICREE 1897
Friedrich Heinrich Hermann VESTRIS from Germany, married Caroline Margaretha Johanne VORRATH 1890
Julius VETTER -
Julius VETTER - was born on the 12th day of April 1886 at Golßen (Golssen), near Luckau, Kreis Dahme, in the Spreewald district of the Neumark of Brandenburg, in the Deutsch Reich of former Prußia. Vetter emigrated out of Deutschland and arrived in Australia on the ship "PORT CURTIS" on the 12th September 1911 at the Port of Adelaide. On disembarking Vetter went up to Tanunda for a year and then immigrated to Sydney, New South Wales for six months, but then returned to South Australia, working at the Smelter Town of Port Pirie. After two years in Australia, Julius Vetter was unmarried , then working as a Fitter at age 28, residing at Solomontown, near Port Pirie, when he took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial to be Naturalised before Mr Simon McBeath, Justice of the Peace of south Australia, on the 15th September 1913.. Theodor Wilhelm VETTER - born Deutschland was married at age 49 to the 33 year-old Mary May BRICE at the Registry Office Adelaide, SA on the 17th June 1920.
Kurt Oswald VETTERLEIN Saxony> Queensland -
Kurt Oswald VETTERLEIN b. 7th Feb 1894 Lauenheain, Sachsen, _ arrived p[er "SYDNEY at Pot Brisbane 29th October 1911 Gin Gin< QLDOtto Ferdinand VETTERLUND Arr per ORUBA- Fremantle WA > Boulder WA. Nat. 1912
Heuptmann Johann VETTLER Naturalised 1874
Karl Carl VICK - born Stalsund, Pommern (Pomerania), Prussia Stevdores Labourer resding at No.9 Thomson Street, Footscrsay, VIC. Arr. 15tH August 1892 INDIA at Port Adelaide, SA Married- 4 daughters 2 sons Johann Karl Heinrich VICK from Germany, married Martha MOORE 1897
Johann VICK - Naturalised 1897
Wilhelm Theodor VIC - Naturalised 1900
Carl Hermann VICKERS born Hannover, married Isabella TAYLOR 1912 - Caterer . restaurant manager, Parkville, Victoria
Otto VIEBAHN / VICBAHN from Germany, married Ada TURPENNY 1901
Ernst Julius VIESER
Ernst Julius VIESER, son of Theodor VIESER born 4th January 1890 Lürich, Canton Lürich, Switz. Emirgated out of Deutsch or Switz_Deutsch territories in about 1911 Resided in France for one year, England for two years & USA for two years Pastry Cook - Usher's Hotel, Castlereugh St, Sydney, Arr.per 'COPENHAGEN - Glen Line at the Port of Sydney on the 28th December 1916 from New York - b, Switzerland. A916 Perth - Naturalised at No.92 Doncaster Avenue, Kensington, Sydney, NSWHeinrich VEITH / Harry VIET -born Germany, m.1886 Alice LOWDAY / LOVEDAY
Carl Hermann VIETZ - born Germany, Züllichau, Kreis Züllichau. Neumark (Ost Brandenburg) Prussia married Clara Mabel MOORE 1903 Inverloch, Baker
Christian VIETZ - b. Züllichau, Kreis Züllichau. Neumark (Ost Brandenburg) Prussia > Port of Melbourne, Australia > Inverloch, South Gippsland
Heinrich Henry VEITHEER - b. Altona,
Heinrich Henry VEITHEER born Altona on the estuary of the Elbe, below the Port of Hamburg, Deutschland. Seaman, Melbourne
August Bernhardt VIETMEYER - Silversmith, born Hannover,
August Bernhardt VIETMEYER - Silversmith, born Hannover, arr. 1878 Port Adelaide, South Australia Naturalised Adelaide 15th September 1885
Leopold VILLAIN - Naturalised 1894
Carl 'Charles' VILLARD from Germany, married Johanne Bertha DANECKE 1901 - Naturalised 1898
Siegmund Israel VILLIERS - born Germany, married Elsie Alice ARNOLD 1911
Wilhelm VILLINGER from Germany, married Mary Ann GAMBLE 1892
Adrien VILLOT - born France - m. 1903 Franzesca Elisabeth Emilie KRAUSS
Ludwig August Ferdinand VITZDAMM
Joseph VIZE -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 31
Christian Friedrich Georg VOCKENSOHN - born Königreich Württemberg, married Ernestine Caroline SIEBEL 1874
Christian VOGES born Hannover, married Mary Ann LINEHAM 1888
Adolph VOGT - born Germany, married Alice Mary Lindsay OSBORN 1908
Adolph Carl Sophus VOGT
Peter Paul VOGT
Georg Leonhardt VOGT
Karl Adolph VOGT
Friedrich Wilhelm VOGT
Joseph VOIGNEAU - born France - m. 1905 Margaret HAWORTH
Adolf Carl SOPHUS VOIGHT - born Germany, married Jessie COOK/ KOCH 1902
Adolph Conrad Christian VOIGT
Friedrich Wilhelm MARTIN VOIGHT from Germany, married Margaret O'BRIEN 1890
Matthies VOIGT - born Germany, married Louise Wilhelmine GRETZ 1910
Otto Friedrich VOIGT - born Germany, married Elsie Gerte SCOTT 1906
Richard VON BECKERATH from Germany, married Millicent Rachel CROSSE 1890
Richard VON BECKERATH as born on the third of July 1851 At Krefeld, Rhineland, Prussia, Deutschland. He arrived from Germany on the ship "CITY OF BERLIN" (BERLINSTADT) in April 1875 at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. He resided at the northern Barossa miningtown of Kapunda for a yeara, and then one year in Adelaide and the 37 years in various parts of Victoria. He married Millicent Rachel CROSSE in Victoria in 1890. Their children were: - 1. Otto Von Beckerath b.1901 Bright, Vic; 2. Richard Fabian Von Beckerath (1893-1894) Bright; 3. Lorna Von Beckerath b.1895 Bright, Victoria. After 39 years in Australia, when working as a clerk and living at No. 113 Queen street, Melbourne, Victoria, he took the Oath in his Aliens memorial for Naturalisation, tempting the brink of war's fate, as late as the 3rd of August 1914.
Johann Heinrich Auguste VON BERGIN -born Germany, m.1886 Edith BRETTELL
Wilhelm Georg Conrad Von BRUSSLER - born Germany, married Ann Hannah CLANCY 1906 see BRUSSLER
Ernst Johann Nepomuck Joseph VON BULLER - from Bavaria, married Marthe Wilhelmine Dorothea BORRMANN 1888
Ernst Johann Victor Nepomuck Joseph VON BULLER - von Bavaria, married Mathilde Auguste REIPER 1907
Otto Johannes Hans Joseph VON DEM BUSCH from Germany, married Catherine Isabella McDONALD 1891
Silvester Wilhelm Gotthard VON DER ROPP - born Saxony, married Ruth FISHER / FISCHER 1910
Wilhelm Carl Von DOHREN
Peter Jakob Von DOHREN
Hermann VON DOHRING Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 30
Heinrich Johann Vincent VON DURKAP from Germany, married Mary Letitia PHILLIPS 1897
Carl Charles VON DER ELTZ
Georg Oswald Von HALLITCHACK - born Germany, married Rachel BROOKES 1912
Georg Oswald Von HALLITCHACK was born on the 25th Ppril 1866 at Dresden, Königreich Sachsen, Deutschland, about five years before Saxony was integrated into the militerised Deutsch Reich. His agent wrote the place name on his papers as 'Draston'. Von Hallichack emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship "AMERICA" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney on the 14th December 1890, seeming determined to fossick for gold. Upon disembarking Von Hallitchack residied for two years in New South Wales at the Lucknow goldfield near Orange, and then immigated to the goldfields of Western Australia where he remained for eight years. He then returned east, taking up in Queensland for one year before settling in Bendigo, Victoria, and afterwards northeast of Melbourne at Eltham. After 23 years in Australia, at the age of 48 Von Hallitchack took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 31 August 1914 at No.244 Mcintyre street, Bendigo. His wife Rachel was naturalised at 'Glen Park' Eltham, Victoria in 1921.
Rudolph Louis Von HANSTEIN - born Germany, married Mare Elizabeth HONNER 1908
Friedrich Alexander Von HOLSTEIN - born Germany, married Mary Dorothea GREGAN 1909
Hermann Conrad Erick KILLISCH VON HORN - from Berlin. Married Maria IRWIN 1895 Victoria.
Georg Oswald Von HULLICHESK - born Germany, married Rachel BROOKES 1912
Viktor Johannes Von LARWICK
Hugo VON MUELLER - from Hamburg, married Anna Margaret SCHNEIDER 1889 Vic.
Nicolaus Robert VON NOLTING - see NOLTING
Friedrich CarlVON PRESSENTIN from Germany, married Jenny HOLMES 1890
Friedrich VON REDLICH from Germany, married Elizabeth BELL 1901
Silvester Wilhelm Gotthardt VON DER ROPP - from Saxony
Thomas Eduard VON SCHOPPE - see SCHOPPE
Luis Alexander Ludwig Von SCHULZ
Carl Johann Ehregott 'Charles' VON STANKE from Germany, married Elizabeth GOLLEY 1889
Carl Johann Ehregott 'Charles' VON STANKE arrived from Cape Town, South Africa in Australian at the Port of Semaphore, Adelaide, South Australia on the 18th February 1881 on the ship "S.S. CAROLA.' He was born on the 26th August 1861 at Köslin, Pommern (Pomerania), Prussia. He worked as a Bacon Curer, and seems to have moved around Southern Australian in that employ, for he married Elizabeth GOLLEY in 1889 in Victoria. The Von STANKEs had two children born in Ballarat in the next years: Aurelia Agnes Ariadne Von Stanke in 1890, and Carl Hercules Wilhelm Von Stanke in 1892. But he gives his usual place of residence was Adelaide before he moved with his family to Mount Gambier. At the age of 42 after being in Ausralia for 21 years, he submitted his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised at Mount Gambier on 22nd February 1904.
Joachim Carl Friedrich Von STREIGER
Alfred VON STUBENAUCH was an American by birth, but had taken Deutsch Nationality and become a German Subject through his Naval Service, so he would have had a double dose of bitterness if he had been declared as an enemy alien. Stubenach was born on the 18th August 1867 in New York City, New Yourk state, USA. He arrived in Australia from England on the merchant ship 'S.S.CONQUEROR" in 1890 and disembarked at Port Pirie, South Australia. Afterwars he resided in South Australia for three years, then Western Australia for two years, Tasmania for seven years, then in Victoria. He was aged 46 years, and was a married man with four sons who had been in Australia for 22 years on the 4th March 1904 when he fulfilled his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, he was working as a gardener, residing at the town of Cunninghame, near Lakes Entrance, Gippsland, Victoria.
Jakob VONOW 7 Emilie HELMANN
Heinrich Hippolyte VOUMARD from Berne, Switz, married Catherin Winifred BYRNE 1896
Walter Victor Carl 'Charles' VON WANGENHEIM
was married to Harkaway-Berwick-born Clara Anna Agnes EDEBOHLS in 1889
Wilhelm VORHAUER from Germany, married Minna Wilhelmine WOLFF 1891
Johannes VOS born Holland, married Emily Annie Derippe SHEPHERD 1888
Carl Martin Christian VOSS born Germany, married Sarah Jane FOLLET 1901
Friedrich Karl Eduard VOSS - from Hamburg, married Diesel LENTELL 1896 Vic.
Heinrich Martin VOSS born Germany, married Marion McDONALD 1901
Johannes Peter VOSS born Germany, married Annie MONTGOMERY 1901
Andri VIKOSIH / VUKAASIH - born 1865 Nergorach, Dalmatia, Austria - Arr. 1902 Sydney NSW
Jure VUINA -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 26
Bene VULIN - born Tribunj, Dalmatia, Austria 18 March 1893- Arr. Fremantle WA 21 May 1912 by German Steamer - market Gardener
Johann John VULITA - born 27 Dec 1885 Vlaka, Dalmatia, Austria - Arr 22 April 1910 Perth WA Miner, > Kalgoorlie/ Boulder, Hill End
Heinrich Christian WACHTER
Johann August WACKER
Alfred Waldemar WACKWITZ - from Saxony, married Annie ANDERSON 1892 Vic.
Carl Gotthilf WAGENER / WAGNER -von Esslingen, Königreich Württemberg, married Sophia Amanda INGWERSEN 1911
Carl Gotthelf WAGNER
Carl Gotthelf WAGNER - born 5th February 1876 at Esslingen, Königreich Württemberg, Nat 8th January 1906 while residing at No. 72 Wilson Street, Hawthorn, Victoria. Age 30, Occ: Metal Worker. 12 year sin australia. Arr, June 1894 on the ship "HAPSBURG" at the port of Sydney, NSW . Res, Sydney, Toowoomba, QLD, brisbane, Sydney , Melbourne
Carl Friedrich WAGNER - born Germany, married Augsute Emma KLINGE 1908
Conrad WAGNER - born Germany, married Lena BOURDETT 1889
Franz Ottoman WAGNER - from Saxony, married Mathilde Dorothea Attilia UHE 1893 Vic.
Heinrich Wilhelm Jakob 'Hy Wm James' WAGNER born Germany, married Hannah MUSSCHIALLI 1888
Otto WAGNER - born Germany, married Flora Maud WEDGWOOD 1911
Otto WAGNER - born Germany, married Elisabeth GRAFNER 1912
Wilhelm WAGNER - born Germany, married Emma NEIL 1907
Friedrich WAINHOLD - from Hannover, married Catherine Edwards 1892 Vic.
Hugo Emil WAHNER born Germany, married Mary Ann Margaret ANDERSON 1888
Hermann Heinrich WALKENHORST - born Germany, married Minna Agnes ZSCHECH 1902
Wilhelm Georg WALKER - born Germany, married Amy Gerte STORER 1908
Adolf Bernhardt WALKEMEYER
Adolph Bernhardt WALKEMEYER was born on the 8th September 1869 in the Hanseatic Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Brunswick), Deutschland. He was a Master baker and Pastrycook by profession. Walkemeyer arrived in Australia on the 13th January 1893 on the ship "S.S.BARMEN" at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. In the intervening period Walkemeyer had lived after four weeks in Adelaide, for two years in Melbourne, and then ten years in Perth, and then a year and half in Fremantle. At age 39, after thirteen and a half years in Australia, Walkemeyer submitted an Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation from No. 50 Mandurah Road, Fremantle, Western Australia on the 8th August 1906, attested to by George Saurmann, Justice of the Peace in Fremantle. Walkemeyer was married in 1898 in Perth, Western Australia, and by 1906 they had three children. His wife was Therese Magdalene SCHNEFUHS (or Snowfoot) and she was also Naturalised with him in 1906 in Fremantle. She had arrived in Australia with her whole family on 20th February 1883 on the ship "S.S.PROCIDA" at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria and had lived the next 12 years in Melbourne before moving to Western Australia. She was born in Schwerin, in the Duchy or Dukedom of Mecklenburg-Schwerin on the 19th April 1874, and emigrated afterwards as a child with her family.
Eduard Carl Nicolaus WALKERSDORFF - born Germany, married Margaret Ann DICKSON 1903
Franz Francis WALLACH - born Germany, married Mary Lilian WILSON 1903
Adam Franz WALLROFF - b. 12th Juli 1889 Stoppenburg, Essen, Deutschland - Arr. 13th august 1912 from hamburg per sailing ship 'LUCY FERMIAN ?' Residence: Dungog NSW Cornella Creek, nr Colbinabbin, Victora Nat. 8th September 1914/1922 Cornella Creek, nr Colbinabbin, Victoria. Farm Labourer
Herbert Johann Peter WALMAN - naturlaised 1934
Friedrich WÄLSCH b.1831 Magdeburgfurth, Sachsen - Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 47 Arbeiter/Labourer
Friedrich WÄLSCH b. 1863 Magdeburgfurth, Sachsen - son of above. Departed Hamburg om 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879,@ age 16 Kind.
Johann WALTER / John WALDER - born Germany, married Rebecca Jemima Anna FLEMMING 1907
Emil Rudolph WALTER - von Prussia, married Nora Alice MANN 1912
Heinrich 'Henry' WALTER/WALTERS - born Stettin, Prüssia, married Susan BATH 1889 Vic.
Eduard Carl Nicolaus WALTERSDORF - born Germany, married Margaret Ann DICKSON 1903
Adolph Johannes Martin WALTERSDORF born Germany, married Annie FERGUSON 1888
Adolf Johann MartiN WALTERSDORF - born Germany, married Bertha Cecilia DONALD 1903
Carl Charles WALTHER born Holland, married Bertha Annie CRONIN 1888
Weigard WAMBACH -born Germany, m.1886 Bertha VORVERG
Walter Victor Von WANGENHEIM
Hermann WARNEKE - born Germany, married Bertha ROSS 1894
Hermann WARNEKE - born Germany, married Emily Lucy COOPER 1912
Heinrich WARNER
Heinrich Christian WARWAY -born Hannover, married Mary Ann COTTRILL 1905
Otto Anton WASCHATZ Dresden, Sachsen, Sculptural Artisan
Otto Anton Waschatz was a artisan and inventive woodcarver from Dresden, Saxony. He first arrived in Australia via the Port of Adelaide in January 1877, and subsequently first made an 'Aliens Memorial' for Naturalisation as a British citizen there through the agency of the then well-known German-Australian leader Mr P. F. Basedahl, on 21st April 1882. Waschatz was then a carver, aged 27 and had been in South Australia for five years. He married Ruth Effie Romforth during the 1880s and they produced four Australian daughters, each named with hybrid inspiration: Ophelia Esalda 1889, Eona Sadie 1892, Lalia 1897, and Melvard Flora 1899 born in Richmond, Victoria. From about then we find Waschatz's second Alien's memorial, dated 1896, but in the State of Victoria. Neither Naturalisation, it seems could be produced by him when the Alien Act came into force in 1914, by which time he was living and working in Richmond, Victoria. By then Waschatz had long been in business making original carved plaster building mouldings at Lottoid Proprietory Limited - Fibrous Plaster and Lottoid Works at 119 - 123 Hoddle Street, Richmond, so Waschatz's is the artist and craftsman with a Dresden formation in a good part responsible for the many creative plaster ceilings of the Edwardian houses of Melbourne. In 1899-1900 he took out Australian patents on one of his carving creations for 'Improvements in coffins or receptacles for the dead.' He was commissioned by the City of Bendigo to do the fancy plasterwork on the Bendigo Town Hall, originally designed by the German-Australian architect, Wilhelm Vahland, when it was remodelled between 1878 and 1886. In 1915 Waschatz was suspected of being an Enemy Alien and a Spy, accused by members of the Australian public of signalling to german Submarines lurking in the Western Port or Port Phillip Bays from his establishment, or at least the one to which he and friends sought refuge from the city, and called the 'German Club,' up on the hill above Belgrave, in the Dandenong Ranges. If you look closely at the stark unsympathetic mug-shot of him above you will see the pin slot and two holes in the top left hand background where it was needled onto the papers in O. A. Waschatz's official Enemy Alien and Suspect MP16 file.
Waschatz, was, of course, investigated, but found to be in no way implicated or guilty in transactions with, and neither lights of mirrors were found capable of signals to the distant, yet maybe lurking, hidden 'German Enemy.' This did not stop local vigilantes and hoods from terrorising, stone-throwing, smashing, and finally, burning down the Waschatz's and friends 'club' premises by the Sherbrooke Forest, in Terry's Avenue, Belgrave. In Richmond, after the war, Waschatz took out patents for some of his originals, such as an 'Improved method of and apparatus for manufacturing plaster building sheets (1927). On of his legacies is in the value placed on many heritage houses featuring plaster mouldings in Melbourne, though I have never seen any such in Belgrave. - Otto Anton Waschatz died at age 80 in Richmond, Melbourne in 1935.
Daniel Wilhelm WASHHUSEN
Angelus WASSERMANN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 23
Edgar WATKINSON - from Hamburg m.1906 Eva CROSSE
Percival WATKINSON born Germany, married Marta Louise Johanne LOHN 1887
Friedrich WATTE / WATTY - born Germany, married Fanny Susannah CLOW 1890
Richard August WEBB - from Hamburg, married Eliza Amelia GRACE 1892 Vic.
Herr WEBER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 35, with Frau 29 and kind 6, plus servant 20
Johann Heinrich WEBER / John Henry WEBBER -born Germany, m.1886 Jane DAVIS
Ludwig WEBER - von Prussia, married Elsa Fanny PUTTMANN 1910
Wilhelm WEBER / William WEAVER born Prussia, married Grace FAULL 1888
'James' Jakob WEDELES - from Hamburg, married Jeane Emma DARLING 1890 Vic.
Carl WilhelM Philipp WEEDMANN - born Germany, married Johanna RObertson BRUCE 1904
Carl Charles WEEGE born Germany, married Eva COOK 1887
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Julius WEGENER
Julius Bernhardt Reinhold WEGENER
Maximilian Julius Rudolph WEGENER - von Prussia, married Alma Emilie Dorothea ZUMPE 1911
1. Julius Bernhardt Reinhold WEGENER was born in the the heart of the Deutsch Reich, in its Kapital, Berlin on the 27th February 1879, in an Empire not yet nine years old. At about age nine he emigrated with his family from Berlin out of Hamburgh on the ship - Seemily named for a Austrian-Prussian reconciliation - the "S.S.HAPSBURG" arriving in the Port of Melbourne, Victoria in November 1888. As a young man he left Melbourne for work in South Africa where he was married at Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa to Sophia Johanne Dorothea UPPINK on the 4th July 1903. The Bernhardt WEGENER family, with his wife Sophia and their South-African born first child Leslie Eric Wegener (1905) came back to Melbourne on the ship "FORTUNATUS" in May 1906.
In his subsequent Naturalisation Document, Bernhardt Wegener includes the following MEMO, which sheds light both on his activities in South Africa, and it also displays something of his Mentality in respect to his pro-British stance.TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : - I went over to Africa before the Boer War and was employed as shunter on the Natal Government Railways in Ladysmith. I went through the siege, and was attached to General George White's staff as despatch rider, for which I hold Queen Victoria's War Medal. - B. Wegener, 11 Kelso street, Richmond.
The Bernhard Wegener family subsequently produced four more Australian-born children in Melbourne.
After 29 years out of Deutschland, in Australia and South Africa, at age 35, Wegener took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation while living at 11 Kelso Street, Richmond, Victoria, from where he worked as a Brass-founder or Brass-finisher, on the brink of war on the 6th August 1914.
2. Maximilian Julius Rudolph WEGENER was born on the 16th August 1885 in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen, the son of Julius Bernhardt Heinrich August WEGENER (1846-1909) & Emma Bertha Cordelia HOHENSEE (1848-1920). Wegener emigrated He was married to the Richmond, Melbourne-born Alma Emilie Dorothea ZUMPE in Victroia in 1911. He took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation while
August WEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 19
Heinrich Siebelt Marius WEHLAN - born Germany, married Catherine WEBSTER 1892
Dierich WEHLOND - from Hannover, married Bertha TAPPE 1894 Vic.
Carl Hermann Julius WEHNER - born Germany, married Agnes SCOULLER 1894
Ferdinand WEHRSTEDT - born Germany, married Anna Maria NITSCKE 1892
Victor WEICHMANN - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 20
Heinrich Henry WEIDELING born Germany, married Mary WATSON 1888
Paul Eduard WEIDLICK - born Germany, married Annie Catherine ROFFEY 1900
Ernst Hermann WEIGEL - born Germany, married Frances CLARK 1908
Anton Hugo WEIL - Naturalised 1921
Robert Paul WEILER - born Cologne, Germany, married Emma Louise FISCHER 1890
Lorenz WEIMANN - b. 1834 Bomst, Posen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 45 Schaefer/Shepherd
Carl Charles WEIMER -born Germany, m.1886 Alice HOYTE
Solomon WEINHEIM / WEINEHIM - born Germany, married Adelaide Constance JACOBY 1898
Oswald WEINHOLD - born Karpersdorf, Prüssia, married Ida PLEWA 1889 Vic.
Carl Charles Phillip WEINZIERL -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah Henrietta BELLEW
Friedrich WEIR - born Germany, married Janet Elizabeth Ann LINDSAY 1905
Karl WEIS - born Germany, married Ellen Margaret O'SHEA 1896
Johann JohN WEISE - born Germany, married Florence SWEENEY 1903
Carl Eugen Edmund WEISS - born Germany, married Catherine Elisabeth SCHWENKER 1894
Bruno WEISS - from Silesia, Prussia. Married Margaret GUINAN 1895 Victoria.
Luis Ludwig WEISS / Louis WHITE - born Danzig, m.1868 Jane BUCHANAN
Christian WEISSER
Solomon WIESSER - born Germany, married Lizzie Elizabeth EAMES 1891
Joseph Hermann WEITER - 1917/ 1918
Albert Josef WEITLISBACH, son of Heinrich Weitlisbach b. Argovie, Switzerland
Emanuel WEITNAUER – born Basel - nat. 1906
Ernst WEITNAUER - born Basel Nat 1905
Ernst WEITNAUER b. 14th October 1887 Bâle , Basel, Switzerlan > Orchardist, Batesford, Geelong Naturalisation at Batesford 17th July 1906 Age 29 – 23 yrs in Victoria
R. H. WEITH - 1915 19203
Gustav Adolph WEITZ – Eisenach, Saxe-Weimar
Gustav Adolph WEITZ was born on the 27th February 1863 at Eisenach, in the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Deutschland. Eisenach is now with the Thuringen State in Eastern Germany. Gustav Adolph WEITZ emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge in Amerika and there embarked from the Port of New York, New York on the Glasgow ship 'DUMPHREESHIRE' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 29th Dezember 1899. On disembarking Weitz resided for two years in Victoria, then he immigrated north to New south wales for five years. In about 1906 he went from NSW to Queensland for a year and then turned back south and went to South Australia. After eleven and a half years in Australia at age of 48 Weitz was still an unmarried man, and then living at the Salvation Army Home, in Whitemore Square, Broton, Adelaide, South Australia, when he took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial for Naturalisation on the 7th August 1911. Weitz was a boot and shoemaker by profession. After the 'Not So' Great War, Weitz aksed to be de-Naturalised and his Oath was revoked on the 17th September 1919, and for some reason was deported, yet when he returned to his native Weimar around the times of the Weimar Republic he found himself there treated as an foreign and enemy alien in his place of birth, and was described as 'an unfortunate individual' who was 'unable to regain his citizenship rights in his native land.' Weitz wrote from No 39 Amalion Strasse, Weimar to the Australia High Commission in London seeking to regularize his German Nationality and received an answer of 26th July 1926 saying that he was no linger a British Citizen, but if he thought his native land was going to transform itself out of the torrent of martial purpose which it had nurture he obviously had more of the romance of ideology than any real perception of the coming reality to his political outlook. I am not yet sure what became of Herr Weitz.Carl WEITZERMAN - 1919
Heinrich 'Harry' WELING - [File 1916-1928] Naturalised 1927
Eugen Philipp Johann WELLER- from Stuttgart, W, married Agnes Landy 1898 Vic.
Alexander Carl WELLMANN - born Germany, married Anna Louisa HEINER 1899
Johann Friedrich WELSCH - born Germany, married Friedericke SIEMERING 1890
Ernst Otto WEHNDAHL - born Germany, married Bertha Alice SHERRIFF 1906
Heinrich 'Henry' WENDELL - from Hamburg, married Ann MORRISON 1890 Vic.
Carl Adolph WENDT - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Sarah EVANS
Carl Adolph WENDT - born Holstein, married Elisabeth Faurgeirve MEIN 1900 Vic.
Ernst WENDT - born Germany, married Jane RUMBOLD 1889
Heinrich WENDT - born Germany, married Emily TUNKS 1895
August Heinrich WENDTLAND
Anton Johannes Mathiers WENIGER - born Germany, married Isabel ALDRETCH 1900
Friedrich Fritz WENKER
Heinrich Paul WENKER
Albert WENNING - born Germany, married Christiane TWOK 1907
Pastor Maximilian Leopold WENTZEL - Lutheran Clergyman, Dimboola, Victoria
Pastor Maximilian Leopold WENTZEL, son of Georg Richard Wentzel – born 21 Dezember 1883, Liebenwerda, Sachsen (Saxony). To Australia. Teacher at Emu Downs, South Australia. The first Graduate of the Murtoa Seminary 1894. Served Dimboola 1894-1921. Then went to Brazil where he served till his death on the 30 March 1940. At age 21, Leopold Wenzel was married on the14 January 1892 at the Langmeil Lutheran Church, Tanunda SA to the 23-year-old Elise Wilhelmine Dorothea ‘Elsie’ GEYER, daughter of August Christian Friedrich Geyer & Elise Charlotte Wilhelmine nee MILDE GEYER. Their children: twins 1. Charlotte Frieda Wentzel & 2. Dorothea Elise Wentzel born 18th November 1892 at Emu Downs, South Australia; 3. Hildegaard WENTZEL born 1897 Dimboola, Vic.; 4. Irmgaard WENTZEL born 1903 Dimboola Vic., and 5. Hiltrude WENTZEL, born 1905 Dimboola, Victoria.
Elise Wilhelmine Dorothea WENTZEL died at age 50 in 1919 at Dimboola, Victoria.
Pastor Max Leopold Wentzel was remarried in 1920 in the Wimmera of Victoria to Hedwig Ernstine Elisabeth LEHMANN.
Johannes WEPPNER -born Hannover, m.1886 Christiane BERTAM
Paul WERBER - born Germany, married mary Jane FEAR 1909
Friedrich Wilhelm WERCHOW - born Prüssia, married Mildred HEATH 1896 Vic.
Carl Heinrich Ferdinand WERNER born Germany, married Margaret LONIE 1888
Georg Ferdinand WERNER
Heinrich Henry WERNER born Germany, married Eliza HARTUNG 1887
Rudolph WERNER - born Germany, married Maria Magdalene HATTERSCHEID 1895
Carl WERNTHAL Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 32, with Fran WERNTHAL 28
Herr H WERNTHAL Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 36
Herr WERTHEIM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 45, with Frau WERTHEIM 45, Children: 15, 14, 9, 8, Wertheims
Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Johann WESELMANN born Germany, married Sarah Ann TEALE 1887
Friedrich Albrecht WESSEL -born Germany, m.1886 Emilie Anna Cecilia ALTMANN
Friedrich Heinrich Carl WESSEL - born Germany, married Helen INGRAY 1896
Pastor Hermann Wilhelm WESTERMANN Lutheran Clergyman, Sth Aust & Victoria.
Pastor Hermann Wilhelm WESTERMANN Born 30 October 1883 Bispingen, Hannover. Graduated Woehling’s Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1908. To South Australia. Assisted at Eudunda, SA and at Hochkirch, VIC. 1908-1910. Black Hill 1910-1922. Married Mathilde Magdalene SCHROEDER. Their children were: Friedrich Wilhelm Westermann – born 1909 Hamilton, Vic; Helene Westermann & Johannes Westermann – born 1910 Hamilton, Victoria.
Hermann Wilhelm WESTERMANN died on 10 November 1935 at Seacliff, Adelaide SA. His wife Matilda Magdalene Westermann survived him to die on the 19th October 1947 aat age 69 at Myrtle Bank, North Unley, Adelaide, SA.
W WESTHOVEN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ 27 June 1908 age 21
Walter WESTWOOD / WESTWALD - born Germany, married Emma McCAIN 1906
Johann Emil WETLERBERG - naturalised 1904
Arthur Wilhelm Friedrich WETTENGEL -Arthur
Wilhelm Friedrich WETTENGEL born 5tH May 1898 Berlin Arr. from Gelsenkrichen, Westphalen, per 'CASSELL' on 17th May 1913 at Port Brisbane QLD Naturalised 1914-1964 + File 1934/1945.
Axel Friedric WETTERLING b. Sweden Arr, 16th Feb 1909 HAVILAH at Geelong VIC > Decorator - Empire Hotel, Latrobe street, Melbourne
Georg Otto Friedrich WETTERS - married at Geraldton WA 1897 to Annie PARKINSON, > Perth, Mingenew, Guidlford, Geraldton, Yalgoo, Western Australia
Gustav Ernst WETTIG -
Gustav Ernst WETTIG was born on the 12th May 1864 at Meuselwitz, Sachsen (Saxony) Prospector and Miner , Perth, WA - arrived in the Antipodes from Hamburgh per Sailing ship SAMARA at Dunedin, New Zealand. > 3 years in NZ > Fiji, 3 yrs > Western Australia 17 years - Nat. 11 Mar 1912. - A 'Carl' or Charles WETTIG died in the East Coolgardie district in 1945.
Hermann WETTIG
Hermann WETTIG - born Schwarza, Schwarza-am-Saale, Kreis Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Thuringen, Prussia / Agricultural Labourer, Arrived in Australia at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia in early October 1884.
Georg WETZEL born Germany, married Sophia KENDALL 1888 - Naturalised 1899
Oskar Oscar WETZEL - Naturalised 1888
Paul Richard Ernst WETZEL - born Germany, married Sarah MORPHETT 1897 - Naturalsied 1912-1919
Hans Johannes Robert Clemenz WETZIG from Breslau to Kunjin, WA -
Hans Johannes Robert Clemenz WETZIG, son of Celems WETZIG of Sachsen, was born on the 5th July 1880 at Breslau, Silesia in Deutsch Reich. Wetzig emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the Port of Bremen on the ship 'GROSSER KERFUERST' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Fremantle on the 1st February 1908. On disembarking Wetzig went out to Country Peak, and then to Kunjin, Western Australia, where he became a Farmer. Hans Robert Clemens Wetzig died in Perth, Western Australia in 1930.
Albert WETZLAR married Annie HANNAN 1901 Coolgardie WA
Johann A WETZLAR - married Elsie M ARCHER 1919 Perth WA
Abraham WEISS / WHITE - von Poland
Louis WHITE / Luis WEISS- born Danzig m. 1868 Jane BUCHANAN
Robert WEISSER / WHITER born Cologne, Germany, married Martha Jane GAULT 1887
Robert Anthony WHITE / R Anton WEISS -born Germany, married Lily Livingston PAGE 1893
Johannes John WHITMAN / WEISSMANN - born Germany, married Elizabeth BLACK 1890
Christian WEISSER - born Baden, married Mathilde ZERBE 1889 Vic.
August Friedrich WEISSGERBER born Prussia, married Laua Kristine JANNIKSEN 1887
Hermann WICHMANN - born Germany, married Intina Martha POLK 1896
Johann Peter Friedrich WICHMANN - born Germany, married Frances Ellen CARBERY 1891
Alfred Johannes WICKE - born Germany, married Alice Terry DAVIS 1908
Friedrich Heinrich WICKE
-Friedrich Heinrich WICKE born Waldeck, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Hessen-Kassel, Germany, . Arr. on the Steamship 'ARON CASLE' on 10th April 1876 at Port Adelaide, South Australia. After disembarke Wick reside in Adelaide for ten years, before moving to the Upper Murray River town of Albury, New South Wales for two years. Wicke was married to Charlotte MOSELEY in Victora in 1899, - By then he had moved to the east of Melbourne foothills, to set up as an orchardist in the settlement of Hustbridge where he had been for 33 years by 1922. Orchardist, Hursts-Bridge, Victoria.
Friedrich Henry WICKE - born Germany, married EizabetH GREY 1908
J WICKMANN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 35
Theodor Sebastian WIDNER -
Theodor Sebastian WIDNER b. Swiss . Arr, 3 March 1899 POLYNESIAN @ Sydney > Bundaberg > Toowwomba QLD, Music Teacher
Julius WIDGOWSKI -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 25
Pastor Claudius Andreas WIEBUSCH Lutheran Clergyman, Missionary, South Australia
Pastor Claudius Andreas WIEBUSCH – born 14 Juli 1874 Hannover, DE. To USA. Graduated Concordia Semianry, St Louis, USA 1901. to South Australia. Koonibba Mission, Eyre Penisula 1901-1906. Gawler 1916-1933. A Son: Waldemar Claudius WIEBUSCH died 27 Feb 1916 Denial Bay @ 1yr 11 mnths. Dau. Bertha Clara Louise WIEBUSCH died 15 May 1936 Brighton Adelaide. SA @ 18 yr. Wiebusch was president of the SA district 1923-1933. Chairman of College Board. Married Louise STREICH. Claude Andreas WIEBUSCH Died on the 11th January 1933 at Port Noarlunga, SA, by accidental drowning.
Rudolph WIECKE - born Germany, married Lisbeth McWATTIE 1892
Johann Friedrich WIECKMANN - from Berlin, married Gerte Dagmar Barnard 1896 Vic.
Friedrich Carl WIECKMANN / Frederick WICKMAN born Hamburgh, married Jane Maria BELL 1888
Alfred Johann WIEDEMANN - born Germany, married Florence Lydia CALLICK 1901
Gustav Franz WIEDERMANN - born Germany, married Isabella GILLIES 1891
Gustav Franz WIEDERMANN was born Zobten, Kries Schwiednitz, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, (Silesia, Prussia). years in Australia
Joseph Franz WIEDERMANN - born Germany, married Helene LANGE 1891
Joseph Franz WIEDERMANN was born on the 12th December 1861 at Zobten, Kries Schwiednitz, Provinz Breslau, Schlesien, (Silesia, Prussia). Wiedermann Emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich with his family on the vessel 'TREVYLIAN' arrriving at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia on the 13th October 1875. On disembarking Wiedereman stayed near Adelaide for about two years and then removed with his family to farms in the Wimmera of Victoria. Took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 21st March 1914 Age 52 farmer, Jeparit, Vic 29 years in Australia.
Hermann WIEGAND - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 8, with mutter Frau A WIEGAND age 40
Helmuth Christian Wilhelm Bernhardt WIEGERT , Neukalen, Meck.> Bylands, near Kilmore, Victoria
Helmuth Christian Wilhelm Bernhardt WIEGERT, son of Georg Wiegert, was born on the 29th Febraur 1880 at Neukalen, near Malchin, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland. He arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 23rd January 1913 having emigrated from Deutschland on the steamship "ROSTOCK.' On embarkation Weigert went out east of Melbourne to the Croydon Bayswater district for six months, and then in Nunawading-Box Hill area for six years. He was Registered as an Alien at Box Hill. No.5/16. Wiegert was working as a Labourer for Mr. Adolphe Meier of Bylands, nr Kilmore, Victoria, when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 12th October 1925.Max Maximilian WIEHERT, Kolberg, Prussia, to Korumburra, Gippsland.
Max Maximilian WIEHERT, was born on the 31st December 1874 at Kolberg,(Colberg)in Pommern Provinz (Kashubian Pomerania), Prussia
Wolf WIESBADEN born Germany, married Alice MAGGS 1887
Georg Hermann August WIESE - born Germany, married Annabella CAMPBELL 1909
Gustav WIESE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 22
Pastor H. WIESE Lutheran Clergyman
Pastor H. WIESE – born 16 May 1842 at Nehrum, Hannover DE. Trained at Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Ülzen, Deutschland 1868-1875. to Australia. Assistant at Blumberg SA 1875-1876; Gerogery 1876-1900. Ni-Ni Well, Victoria, 1900-1912. Winiam & Kiata QLD 1912-1918. Married Catherine RIPPE.
Died. 17th January 1929 Queensland.
Ludwig Luis WIESE - born Germany, married Maria Theresa SCHULTZ 1894
Alexander Ernst WIESETHAL - from Berlin, married Helene Margarette Eugel 1889 Vic.
Adolph Carl Sophus WIGHT / WEIDT - born Germany, married Jessie COOK / KUCH 1902
Johann Peter WIJSOCKI / WIESOCKI - born Germany, married Frances Bertha MELLER 1901
Johann Guido WILDNABER born Austria, married Pauline SCHOGREN 1888
Friedrich Wilhelm WILDENBURG
Theodor Ernst August WILFF - born Germany, married Mary Isobella MOORHEAD 1896
Wilhelm August WILM
ilhelm August WILM was born 7th May 1872 at Kolberg, Pommern (Pomerania), Prussia, Deutschland (now Kołobrzeg, North-western Poland). He emigrated out of Deutschland to the United States of Amerika, but left there via New York on the ship "ENSINADA" arriving at the Port of Melbourne in the month of May 1889. He was Naturalised out from his Alien status after 16 years in Australia on the 1st November 1905 when living at 3 Church Street, Sandridge, Port Melbourne, where he was working as a Labouring Stevedore. His Official Oath was attested to by the very eminent Mayor of Port Melbourne, William Howe, Justice of the Peace. Wilm was then married, but had no children.
Albert Heinrich WILMS
August WILMS
August WILMS was a Tischlermeister, a Master Cabinet-Maker. He was born in the Grand Duchy Of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland in about 1854. He emigrated to Australia on the "ACONCAGUA" a ship of the Orient Line out of London, England, arriving in Melbourne on the 13th December 1878. In the interim period he had made a visit to South Africa. On the 4th May 1899 when he Swore the Oath for his Aliens memorial for Naturalisation he was aged 45 years, said to be 'a carpenter,' and living c/- an address at the Corner of Cook & Nelson Streets, Abbotsford, Melbourne.
Hermann WILHELM born Germany, married Frances HALE 1888
Hermann WILHELM born Hannover, married Louise KOPMANN 1888
Luis Ludwig Louis WILHELM -born Poland, m.1886 Carletta GRAY
Peter WILHELM born Germany, married Alma GUTLING 1888
Friedrich Carl WILHELMINE
Ernst Carl Charles WILLIAMSON /WILHELMSEN - born Germany, married Florence AUGER 1912
Friedrich Wilhelm WILKE /WILKIE - born Germany, married Lilly AXTON 1896
Claus Heinrich WILKEN
Johann Friedrich Georg Wilhelm WILKEN - born Germany, married Elizabeth Alice TAMO 1892
Heinrich WILKEN / Henry WILKINS - born Germany, married Hilda Ann FERGUSON 1897
Johann Friedrich Carl WILKEN /John Fred Charle WILKINS - born Germany, married Rebecca STEPHENS 1896
Robert WILKE -b.1841 Raednitz, Kreis Krossen, neumark, Brandenburg -Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 38 Landmann/Farmer - with wife Caroline 32 and daughter Marie 9
Wilhelm WILLHARDT /WILLARD - born Germany, married Sarah DUNKLEY 1899
Wilhelm Emil Peter WILLECKE
Johann Friedrich WILLHOFFT - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Mary Harriet HYDE
Johann Friedrich WILLHOFFT -born Germany, m.1886 Amelia CARBERRY
Carl WILLIWEISS / Charles WILLOWHITE - born Germany, married Mary Maris BISH 1898
Wilhelm August Hermann WILM - born Germany, married Florence Jessie HENRY 1904
August Joachim Heinrich Matthias WILMS - born Germany, married Veronika GORSCHLUTER 1911
Herr WILSCHER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 40 with Frau Wilscher 39
Charles WILSON / Carl WILSEN born Austria, married Elizabeth JONES 1878
Carl Gustav Emil WINBERG
Georg Emil Eugen WINCKELMANN - from Berlin, married Hermine Johanne Rebecca Schneider 1898 Vic.
Ernst Otto WINDAHL - born Germany, married Bertha Letice SHERIFF 1906
Wilhelm William WINGARTZ born Germany, married Annie GREIVESON 1887
Max Otto Robert WINKEL - born Germany, married Paul Alma Helene ECKHARDT 1904
FranZis Albin WINKLER - born Germany, married Alice Maud Mary Lauren BOWERING 1906
carl Friedrich Adolph WINTER - born Germany, married Ethel May HARDY 1907
Conrad WINTER - born Germany, married Elisabeth Anna CARTASSO 1891
Carl Charles WINTERHALTER - born Germany, married Eliza Ann McPHERSON 1895
Carl Philipp WINZIERL
Johann Heinrich Joseph WIRGES - born Germany, married Sarah Margaret ROBERTS 1893
Christian WIRTH - Born 21 september 1857 Germany. Arrived Australia October 1888. Registered as German Enemy Alien at Pine Creek, Northern Territory 1917
Ehrich Georg Gustav WIRTH - Von Berlin, married Ada Clara MILLER / MULLER 1904
Eduard Edward WIRTH - born Germany, married ElizabetH HIGHES 1912
Wilhelm WIRTH - born Germany, married Mary McCARTHY 1889
James WISE / Jakob WEISS - born Germany, married Ellen TINSLEY 1902
Friedrich WISSING - born Germany, married Maria WAKEHAM 1889
Friedrich WISSING - born Germany, married Elizabeth POLGLASE 1897
Herr WISTULA -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 24
Friedrich Wilhelm WITSCHKE
Paul Carl Johann WITT - born Germany, married Jane RENNIE 1890
Peter Diederich WITT
Peter Heinrich WITT -born Hannover, m.1886 Christiane Luise KUHNER
Herbert Horatio WITT
Robert WITT - born Germany, married Elizabeth Henrietta JORDAN 1892
Adolph Friedrich WITTHOLZ
Adolphus Friedrich Christoph Heinrich Leberecht WITTHOLZ was born on 24 November 1848 in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. His father Ferdinand David Julius Wittholz was an Erbyächter, which, though unsure, I suspect is a Small-Boatman. Ferdinand was born at Peckatel, Mecklenburg, but Adolph F.C.H.L. was born in his mother Adolphine Stegmann's home town of Torwitz, Mecklenburg, on the Ziercker See, one of many lakes of that district, to the north of Berlin. When he was a young man, and the eldest of eight children, there came German Unification and with it, Mandatory Military Conscription, but soon, Adolph Friedrich emigrated to Australia, via England, arriving in the Port of Melbourne in July 1874 on the ship "GREAT BRITIAN" at age 25. He settled in south-Eastern Victoria, and worked on the late frontier of Gippsland, in farm labour and frontier Timber getting. Inside two years he was married to Martha Johanna Koenig, at Berwick, West Gippsland in 1876. Martha was an Australian born girl of Prussian-religious refugee parentage, both her mother and father had came with their families from Silesia in 1849. The Wittholz's settled in the Latrobe valley of Gippsland, living first towards the Australian Alps at Upper Maffra, and then in the fertile valley at Driffield, and Hazelwood. They had three Australian sons and two daughters, the youngest born in 1887 never knew her father for he died on 28 May 1887 at Morwell and is buried in Hazelwood Cemetery. His widow, Marthe, married a year later, to Welsh-born settler Jenkin Hopkins, who brought up the Wittholz children as his own along with the two Hopkins girls who were born to the Wittholz-Hopkins family.
Herr C WITTIG -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 39
Heinrich Friedrich WOHLEGEHAGEN - born Germany, married Ethel May EDWARDS 1905
Wilhelm WOHLEGEHAGEN - born Germany, married Beatrice Myrtle Williams CADDY 1901
Friedrich WOHLERS born Prussia, married Anna WEIDELLHOFFER 1888
Friedrich WOHLERS - born Prüssia, married Janet McGregor SCOTT 1889 Vic.
Carl Friedrich WOHLFARD-EGGERS - from Saxony, married Miriam Richard JAMES 1891 Vic.
Carl Friedrich WOLF - born Germany, married Lena BRYON 1892
Carl Charles WOLF - born Hamburgh, m.1886 Mary CURRAN
Gustav Carl CHarles WOLF - born Germany, married Ellen Mary WILSON 1903
Maximilian Arthur WOLF - from Saxony, married Marie FITTIPALDI 1904
Rudolph WOLF born Germany, married Wilhelmine HEINZLE 1887
Hermann Joseph WOLFF - born Germany, married Elizabeth BRADY 1891
Hermann WOLFF - born Germany, married Ellen CARR 1904
Julius WOLFF - born Germany, married Matilda MORGANTI 1894
Maximilian Ferdinand Alvin Ritter VON WOLFF
Maximilian Ferdinand Alvin Ritter VON WOLFF, labourer, died at age 36 on the 13th February 1909 at his residence at Daly River, Northern Territory.
Theodor Ernst August WOLFF - born Germany, married Mary Isabella MOORHEAD 1896
Franz Heinrich louis WOLLMER - from Hamburg, married Rosina Maude KNEEBONE 1898 Vic.
Franzick WOITYPPEK born Austria, married Michelle BENIES 1881
Ernst WOLFF - von Hamburg m.1904 Dorothea franzesca MICHOLS / NICHOLS
Herr WOLSCHKE -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 33
H C WOLTE -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 40
Georg WOOLDBRIDGE / WOULDBRUCK - born Germany, married Maude Winifred MILLER 1900
Bruno Erich Franzis WOOLERMANN - born Germany, married Christiane Pauline VOIGT 1900
Johannes 'Jack' WOOLFE - von Poland
Johannes Carl Konrad WORCH
Johannes Carl Konrad WORCH came to submit his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Broken Hill, New South Wales, where he was working as a Club Steward, on the 28th March 1911. He was then aged 52, unmarried, and had been resident in Australia for 32 years. Worch was born 22 February 1859 at Kassell, in the Stadt Hessen, Deutschland from where he emigrated on the steamship "HANKOW' arriving at Port Adelaide, South Australia on the 2nd November 1878. In the interim period he was resident at Adelaide 2 years, Balaklava 3 years, Whitwarta 4 years, and he had been at Broken Hill for 23 years.
Maximilian Theodor WORCH - born Germany, married Maud ELizabeth KEENAN 1891
Herr WORHOUSEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30, with Frau Worhausen 29
Heinrich WORMANN
Heinrich Henry WORMANN - born Germany, married Catherine MEAGHER 1892
Johann Ferdinand WÖRMER
Diedrich WREIDT
Hermann Christian WREIDT
Nicholas WRIGHT / WREIDT - born Rotterdam, Holland, m.1886 Nancy McCORMICK
Adolph Augustus WURF
Rudolph WURTS
Christian Gottlob WUST - born Germany, married Elisabeth BLUESCHEN 1895
Franzis Jacob WYMAN - born Germany, married Emily Louisa MADDEN 1898
Wilhelm WYMEUTAL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 17
Johann Peter WYSOCKI - born Germany, married France Bertha MELLER 1901
X - Y
Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph YEFSEN / JEFSEN - von Hamburg- m.1908 Emma Lea ANDERSON
Eduard Ferdinand YENCKEN
Johann 'John' YETLER / JETLER - born Prussia, m.1886 Mary HURLEY
Wilhelm JOB / YOB - born Germany, married Margaret CROSS 1894
Wilhelm Jacob JOB / YOB - born Germany, married Cecelia May ANDERSEN 1901
Walter YOUENS / JOUENS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 30
Jacob S YORATH -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 21
Johannes Baptise DE YOUNG - born Rotterdam, Holland, m.1886 Alice IRLAM
Johann JUNG / YOUNG - born Germany, married Johanne Sophia Friedericke ELSNER 1890
Kunibert ZABEL -born Germany, m.1886 Francesca Friedericke SEEBECK
Abraham ZANDER - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 18
Andreas ZANDER from Germany, married Anna Wilhelmine HAYES 1896
Andreas ZANDER from Germany, married Emma KAY 1899
Hugo August Ernst Karl ZANDER - born Germany, married jane Letitia JUKES 1902
Isaac ZANDER - arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 16
Julius ZANDER b. 1863 Genthin, Sachsen - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 16 Arbeiter/ worker
Wilhelm ZANDER born Prussia, married Amy Florence LEVINSON 1888
Gustav ZANKER from Germany, married Johanne Pauline BURGER 1897
Karl Otto ZANKER - born Germany, married Anna BURGER 1903
Gustav August Friedrich ZARTH born Prussia, married Louisa Matilda CUMMINGS
August ZASTROW - b. 1852 Pagenkopf. Pommern - Arr per SOPHIE 20 Sept 1879 Sydney NSW, age 27 Landmann/farmer
Paul Carl Oscar ZAWADZKY - born Prüssia, married Florence Ada Maude AUSCOMBE 1895 Vic.
Georg Heinrich Maximilian ZEITINGER - from Hamburg, married Minna DOBERT 1889 Vic.
Carl ZELOW - born Germany, married Bessie BURNS 1907
Franzis ZENKER
August Wilhelm ZENNER
Friedrich August ZENTZSCH from Germany, married Catherine SUTTON 1889
Karl Friedrich ZERBST , born Posen m. 1875 Johanne Christian HUNDRACK
Leo Carlos Friedrich ZEVICKER from Germany, married Frances HOARE 1896
Theodor ZICKER
August ZIEGLER- born. Magdeburg, Deutschland - Storekeeper at Allansford, Warrnambool, Vic. - arrived PROCIDA 16th Sept 1885
Cezar ZIEGLER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Gottlob Friedrich ZIEGLER - born Germany, married Nellie Helen CAHILL 1905 - Naturalised 1889
Johann Georg ZIEGLER
Johannes Carl ZIEGLER
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ZIEGLER
Franzis Gustav Bogilsav ZIELKE - born Prüssia, married Frances Maude CARPENETR 1893 Vic.
Albert Heinrich ZIELSKE - - Farmer, Mundunna, Tasmania
Albert Heinrich ZIELSKE was born on the 11th March 1884 at Sagerke, Posen, Prussia. He emigrated out of Deutschland via the German Colonies on the the African continent, and embarked there in German South-West Africa on the vessel ANGORIRA to arrive in Australia at Hobart, Tasmania on the 25th April 1910. On disembarking Zielske went to Mundunna and took up as a farmer. After four years in Australia, at the ag eof 30 years he was Naturalised on the 12th August 1914 at Hobart, Tasmania. afterwards Zielske moved to Dunalley, Tas
Albert ZIEMANN - born Prussia, m.1886 Sarah GRIFFIN - Nat. 1905
Karl Heinrich Joseph ZIESING
Maximilian Bertholdt ZIETZOLDT
Maximilian Bertholdt ZIETZOLDT was born on the 25th July 1861 at Wronke, Posen, Prussia. ZIETZOLDT emigrated out of Deustchland by way of the interim freed of Great Britain and there embarked at the Port of cardiff on the vessel SERIOL WYNN and arrived in Australia at the Port of Newcastle, NSW on the 21st March 1886
Johann Heinrich Leberecht ZILLMANN
Richard ZILLMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Kate Agnes LYTTLETON
Conrad ZIMMER from Germany, married Elizabeth BOOTH 1890
Hermann ZIMMER - born abt 1852 Peterswaldau, Kries Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia. Tischler by profession/ Cabinetmaker. Arrived south Australia per ' SOPHIE' September 1879 age 27 . Wife Pauline Emma ZIMMER - died @ age 70 yrs 10 August 1924 at Adelaide, South Australia.
Johannes Heinrich ZIMMER born Germany, married Henriette Anna BECKMANN 1887
Carl ZIMMERMANN - born Germany, married Annie BRYAN / BRYANT 1902
Oscar Augsut Waldemar ZIMMERMANN from Germany, married Mary Ann GRIBBLE 1889
Paul Theodor ZIMMERMANN born Germany, married Mathilde ALPERS / ALBERS 1887
Franz Georg ZIMMERMANN from Germany, married Daisy Wilhelmine CURNOW 1889
Carl Julius ZINNER - from Saxony, married Sarah Jane MAPLESON 1890 Vic.
Ferdinand Robert ZITTINGER -from Frankfort-am-Main, married Maggie BRYAN 1889 Vic.
Heinrich ZOBEL
Robert ZOLL -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 26
Friedrich ZOLLER from Germany, married Mary GILLIGAN 1893
Edmund Erdmann ZOLLNER - from Berlin, married Annie MADER 1894 Vic.
Friedrich Bruno ZUMPE b. Dresden. m.1886 Anna Martha Louise ANDERSON
Otto Ernst ZUMPE - from Saxony, married Emilie Johanne PAECH 1891 Victoria
Richard Hermann ZUMPE b. Dresden. m.1903 Leisel Elise Erna Caroline SCHNEFUHS
The ZUMPE BROTHERS originated in the Dresden Sachsen village of Mobschatz (Saxony, Germany), where one of their relatives famously invented the Upright Piano and manufactured the well-known Zumpe Piano. Their father though, anwered to the profession of Schuhmacher (Shoemaker), though two of his sons became well-known builders. He was Friedrich August ZUMPE (1821-1889) born Dresden, died in Richmond, Victoria, and their mother Emilie FLEMMING (1825-1895) born Dresden, who died in Hawthorn, Victoria. The family did not emigrate as a collective, but arrived in Australia in fits and starts in a piecemeal fashion, as they followed their militarily eligible young men far away from the incubating militarism that was infecting Europe.
The first to arrive was Friedrich Bruno ZUMPE, born 14 Februar 1858 at Mobschatz, Dresden, who emigrated at age 24 from Hamburg on the ship "CATANIA" arriving at the Port of Melbourne in January 1883. He travelled on that ship's voyage with his brother-in-law, Friedrich Hermann GABSCH, who married his elder sister, Bertha Emilie Stella Zumpe, who emigrated at a later date. F. B. Zumpe was married to Anna 'Marthe' Luise Johanne ANDERSON in 1886 at the German Lutheran Church, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, and they subsequently produced three Australian-born daughters and one son, the first one born in Richmond and the last in Hawthorn in 1901. F. B. Zumpe died on the 11th September 1907 in Fitzroy, Melbourne.
The second comer was Otto Ernst ZUMPE, born on the 9th September 1861 at Mobschatz, Dresden. He emigrated on the ship "S.S.PROCIDA to arrive in the Port of Melbourne on the 12th July 1884. He was a tischler (joiner /cabinet-maker, or carpenter by occupation. He married the Nunawading-born Emilie Johanne PAECH in 1891 at the Trinity German Lutheran Church, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, Victoria. The O. E. Zumpe family raised seven Australia-born children in Kew, Boroondara. After 20 year in Australia, at age 43, he swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation, while residing at No. 18 Scott Street, Kew, on 24th September 1904. Otto Zumpe died 9th May 1930 at Kew and is buried in the Boroondara Cemetery.
The third Zumpe emigration involved Richard Hermann ZUMPE and his mother Emilie Zumpe, who arrived together in the Port of Melbourne on the ship "S.S.HOHENSTAUFEN" in August 1887. He was born on the 31st July 1867 in Mobschatz, Dresden. Richard Zumpe was also Tischler (cabinet maker) by trade. The Zumpe's lived at first in Burnley area of Richmond, and then in Glenferrie and afterwards in the Kew area of Boroondara. He was married to fellow German emigre Australian, Leisel Elise Erna Caroline SCHNEFUHS, in Perth, Western Australia in 1903. They then returned from there to live in Kew, Victoria, where their native Australian son Friedrich Bruno Zumpe was born in 1904. Richard Zumpe took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation while living at 24 Ruffs Avenue, Kew, on the very eve of the maelstrom of the war, on the fifth August 1914. He died in 1937 in Kew, Boroondara, Victoria.
Hermann Von ZUMSTEIN
Ernst Georg August ZURMUHLEN - from Hannover, married Louisa May Ward 1892 Vic.
Leo Carlos Friedrich ZURIEKER from Germany, married Frances HOARE 1896
Heinrich ZWICK
Theodor ZWICKER born Germany, married Emma ARONSEN 1888
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