Open my first post
for an Introduction and explanation of the purpose behind these Index lists.
Contact me if you can tell me more about your ancestor, your historic neighbour - or relative.
Wayne D Knoll - email: waygoerAMPERSANDgmail.com [AMPERSAND replace with @]
In Alphabetical, not historical order - (a work in progress)
NOTE: Marriages are in Victoria unless otherwise stated

Friedrich Oskar BEHR or BEER, likely unhinged by the enforced division of loyalties
BWilhelm BAADE -
Wilhelm BAADE was born in about 1892 in Deutschland. Baade emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the Interim refuge of Belgium and embarked on the ship ERELINGAN to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 25th May 1912. Upon disembarking Baade reside for eighteen months in Richmond, Victoria, then went up to River Murray districts to Tocumwal, NSW. Baade was working as a Groom in the Murray-border town of Tocumwal, New South wales when he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 14th August 1914 in Melbourne, Victoria.
Heinrich Engelhardt BAALMANN -born Germany, married Ethel May ALEXANDER 1902
By the time he came to be Naturalised in Dandenong on the 13th April 1913 War was already looming on the world horizon like a thunderstorm, but Heinrich Engelhardt BAALMAN had already been an Australia for twenty three years. Heinrich had arrived in the Port of Melbourne in September 1884, and, after spending 13 years in Footscray, had already moved east, and had lived at Harkaway for one year, Dandenong for 2 years, and, for two years where he was then living and working as dealer-merchant, at Lyndhurst, near Cranbourne, Victoria. In April 1913 he was 45 years of age, having been born in Embden in the Kingdom of Hannover on 4th March 1868, and been married to his Victorian-born wife, Ethel May née ALEXANDER, since 1902, and by they then had three Australian sons, aged 10, 8 and 4 years.
Herr G. BAASS -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 20
Gustav Gerhrad Heinrich BAASS - born 1871 Hamburg, Deutschland. Arrived Australia about 1892-1893. Coachbuilder, Sth Aust.
Julius Eduard BAARTZ - Naturalised 1906-1929
Georg BACH - Cigar Maker - b. 2 Sept 1856 Baden, Deutschland. Married. Res. No.39 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne. Joined Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1889. Wife till 1895
Johannes Jensen BACH - Naturalised 1916
Fr. Joseph BACH Thursday Island, Torres Strait, QLD

Bishop Dr Joseph M Bach - Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 15 April 1931
Joseph BACH was born on the 1st September 1872 at Urmatt, in the Bas-Rhin, west of Strassburg, Alsace - about 18 months after that Provinz had been annexed off France and incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. Bach trained for the Catholic Priesthood in Europe with the divine Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (M.S.C), and then heard call to the needs on the Antipodean Missionfields. Reverend Father Joseph BACH emigrated out of Deutschland by way of France and there embarked on the ship 'ARMAND BEHIC' to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on the 13th November 1899. On disembarking Father Bach resided in Sydney for two years before taking a post as Missionary Priest in British New Guinea during 1902-1904. After that service he then went across the Torres Strait to Thursday Island as Missionary Priest on the Catholic Sacred Heart Mission there. After 5 years in Australia, at the age of 34, Father Joseph Bach took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 23rd April 1907. Later Joseph Bach, M.S.C. was the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tarawa and Nauru for his Order from 1927–1933. Reverend Doctor and Bishop Joseph Michael BACH died at age 70 years at Petersham, Sydney, New South Wales in 1943.
Josef BACH from Austro-Hungaria to Fitzroy, Victoria.
Josef BACH, son of Andreas BACH, was born 2nd Oktober 1882 at Zsombolya, in the Torontál Megye provinz, Ungern, Österreich (then under the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg Empire). Bach emigrated out of his native Hungary into Austria, where he spent 3 years, and then left the Österreich by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in Switzerland, where he spent three years, and taking to the west out of Switzerland, into France, and after three months in France, made his pilgrim way to England where he lived for five years before he embarked on the antipodes-bound ship 'S.S.SCHARNHORST" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 16th September 1912. On disembarking Josef Bach remained in Melbourne and suburbs where he plied his profession as a Hairdresser. Bach was Registered as an Enemy Alien, in Certificate No.196 at Fizroy. At the age of 41, after over 10 years in Australia Bach took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial on the 14th June 1923 at Fitzroy. He was married and living with his German-born wife Anna Bach at no.113 George Street, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Martin August Edmund Heinrich BACH Martin August Edmund Heinrich BACH was born on the 11th May 1893 at the former Hanseatic Free City of Lübeck by then swallowed into the state of Schleswig-Holstein in the Unified Deutsch Reich. At age 18 Bach emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked on the ship 'S.S. HERBERT' to arrive in Australia on the 6th June 1911 at the Port of Newcastle, New South Wales. Upon disembarking Bach resided at 'Euranbeen' Widermere, near Parramatta, NSW where he worked as a Labourer. At the age of 21, after three years in Australia Bach swore the oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 1st August 1914 at Smithfield, NSW.
Wilhelm Augustus Rudolph BACH - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna Margaretha Catherine Wohlgehagen 1893 Vic. Naturalised 1910
Benjamin BACHARACH - Naturalised 1901
Adolphus BACHLI (Clerk) [Brockenhurst, Healesville 1925]
Franzis 'Frank' BACHLI - Naturalised 1894
Friedrich Wilhelm BACHLI -born Baden, m.1886 Agnes BUTLER Child: Alfred Wilhelm BACHLI born 1888 East Melbourne. Wilhelm BACHLI - Naturalised 1902
August BACHMANN -Engineer
August BACHMANN - was born 27th July 1886 at Freiburg, in the old Grand Duchy of Baden Baden, by then a mere province in the fifteen years establish Deutsch Reich. Bachmann emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim refuge and peace of England and embarked at the Port of Liverpool on the steamship 'KENT' to arrive at Port Adelaide south Australia on the 8th June 1908. Upon disembarking Bachmann lived at Port Adelaide, SA for four years, and then went up to Moorook, on the River Murray, and then to Inglewood, South Australia. After over six years in Australia August Bachmann swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 12th September 1914 at Millbrook, South Australia. He was then unmarried, and working at wood-cutting, although qualified as an Engineer.
Ernst Eduard BACHMANN Mittlau, Silesia
Ernst Eduard BACHMANN was born about 1855 at Mittlau, near Bunzlau, Kreis Bunzlau, Provinz Liegnitz, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia). Bunzlau is now Boleslawiec, in western Poland. Ernst Bach emigrated to arrived in Port Adelaide, Australia in 1881. After 14 years in South Australia at the age 40 he was working as a Carpenter when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 13th May 1895 at Greenock, in the Barossa Valley of South Auustralia.
Fritz Friedrich BACHMANN - Saxony
Fritz Friedrich BACHMANN was born abt 1864 at Sonderhausen, Sachsen, Deutschland. Bachmann emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the Port of Bremen and embarked on the steamship 'S.S.HOHENSTAUFEN' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 28th July 1894 After six years in Australia at the age of 36 Fritz Bachmann was the Hotelkeeper, and applicant for a Victualler's Licence, at Taradale, Victoria, when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 3rd November 1900 at Maldon, Victoria.
Gottlieb BACHMANN - Schaffhausen to Sth Australia
Gottlieb BACHMANN was born about 1855 on the Deutsch borders at Schaffhausen, Canton Schaffhausen, in 'The Knee' of German-Switzerland. Bachmann arrived in Port Adelaide, South Australia in about 1881. After years in Australia at the age 40 Gottlieb Bachmann was working as an Electrician when he swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 14th September 1895 at Adelaide.
Gustav BACHMANN -born Germany, married Alice HARCOMBE 1894
Hermann Friedrich Adolph Hugo BACHMANN -born Germany, married Helen Good CONNELL 1901
Willy Auréle BACHMANN Willi Auréle BACHMANN was born on the 13th Oktober 1887 at Tramelan, Jura Bernese, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Bachmann emigrated out of Europe by way of the Atlantic Crossing to Süd Amerika, and there at the Port of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, embarked on the ship 'HÖVDING' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria on the 15th July 1914, close to the brink of war being declared. After eight months in Melbourne, Bachmann crossed Bass's Strait to Tasmania for four months, and was then at Holdsworthy Prison Interment Camp, out of Sydney NSW where he worked as an Interpretor and was one of the Censor Staff, after which he settled in Sydney. Bachmann was was a Hotel Employee at The Tavern, 25A Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW when he took the Oath for Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of the 7th August 1920 at Sydney. He was then unmarried , living at No. 40 Margaret Street, Petersham, Sydney.
Hanno Hannibal Adalberth BÄCK (BAECK) - Law Clerk, b. 29 Sept 1869 at Einsbüttel, Hamburg, Deutschland. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1889 ate 19 at Brunswick St, Brunswick.
Joseph BÄCK (BAECK)- b. 8 Jan 1848 Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland Married. Railway Official. Res. Coppin St, Richmond. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1888-1899
Gotthilf Paul BACKEN -from Saxony, Lutheran Pastor.
Pastor Gotthilf Paul BACKEN, son of Ferdinand and Chotilda Backen, was born on the 10 August 1857 at Königstein, a town at the junction of the River Elbe with the River Biela, in the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, Sachsen (Saxony), near the Czech (then Austrian) borders of Deutschland. Backen's native kingdom of Saxony was diminished by being incorporated into a rationalised Deutsch Reich in January 1871. He then felt a leading to train in Divinity for a life of Christian service in other parts of the world. Backen graduated from Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, Uelzen, Hannover, Deutschland in 1887. He made his way immediately to South Australia. Backen was Ordained at Rosenthal S.A. in 1888. He immigrated to Victoria and served at Ni-Ni Well in the Wimmera. Pastor Paul Gotthilf Backen was married there in Victoria to Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine ANTEBOTH in 1888. He served at Ni-Ni Well Parish from 1888 until 1898. The Backens then went up to serve at Highfields QLD from 1898-1900. After wards he was Pastor at Jindera,in the Riverina of New South Wales from 1900-1906, and then Pastor at Trungley Hall 1906-1919. Their son Oscar Wilhelm Backen was born at Albury NSW in 1902. He took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in 1904 at Jindera, New South Wales. Gotthilf Paul Backen died on the 15 September 1919 at Temora, New South Wales. Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Backen survived him to die in 1939 at age 80 in Temora, NSW. Their son Johann Gotthilf Backen died in 1960 at Orange, NSW.
Arthur Friedrich BACKER/ BAKER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary Anne FAULKNER
H. Andreas BALER / BACKER b. Celle Prussia. Res. Railway Place, Sandridge. - Joined at age 51 the Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1872-1885
Friedrich BACKER / BACKARFridrich BACKER / BACKAR, tin miner, died at age 60 on the 17th July 1910 at Pine Creek, Umbrawarra Tin Field, Northern Territory.
Friedrich BACKER - from Hannover, married Hannah Mathilde NYBERG 1889 Vic.
Hermann Eduard BACKER -from Germany, married Anna Caroline BEYER 1888
Laurenz BACKER
Johann Friedrich BACKER / BAKER -Johann Friedrich BACKER /or BAKER was born 25th August 1855 Düsseldorf, Rheinland, Prussia, Germany. Arrived in Australia per the ship 'FREDERICK' at the Port of Melbourne in November 1877. Backer was married to Anna FEHRING 1902 Naturalised McMahons Creek, Warburton, Yarra Valley, Victoria. Naturalisation papers destroyed by a fire on 'The Yarra Track' when his residence burnt down in 1920.
Gustav Heinrich Karl BACKHAUS -
Gustav Heinrich Karl BACKHAUS ws born New Years Day 1887 at hildesheim, Hannover, Deutschland. Backhaus emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by the Port of Bremen and embarked on the ship "S.S.SEYDLITZ' to arrived in Australia 21st August 19111 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria . Backhaus was working as a Painter from Bacon street, Hindmarsh, South Australia when he took the Oath for his Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of 8th September 1913.
C. BADEN Naturalised 1911 / 1939
Johann Heinrich Christian BADENJohann Heinrich Christian BADEN Shoemaker, B. Schuelern, Hannover Arr, September 1882 Port Adelaide. Nat. 20 Septemebr 1882 Adelaide after one day
Joseph BAECK
Friedrich BAENSCH -born Germany, married 1880 Marie agnes LEIBHARDT
Luis Joseph Konstantin Van BAER
Wilhelm Friedrich BAERSCHNEIDER -from Germany, married Sarah Lavinia UHLHORN 1888
Bruno Friedrich Gustav BAHLINGERBruno Friedrich Gustav BAHLINGER was married in Victoria in 1884 to the County Armagh, Ireland-born Mary Ann THOMPSON. Their daughter Martha Bahlinger was born in 1887 in Prahran. BAHLINGER was himself born in Danzig, Prüßen (Prussia) (now Gdansk, Poland). He arrived at the Port of Melbourne in July 1879 on the ship "MARY ANN ANNINSON." Afterwards he lived in Melbourne area for sixteen years before immigrated to Katanning, Western Australia, where he became an orchardist. He was naturalised in Kattaning, W.A. on 17th May 1910.
Carl Charles BAHR -born Germany, married 1880 Auguste SICKER
Carl Heinrich BAHR - from Hannover, married Mary HYNES 1895 Vic.
Gustave Maximilian BAIER - von Saxony, married Frances Charlotte MINOCK 1911
Franz Oscar BAIRER -born Germany, married Margaretha BIESTERFELDT 1904
Gottlieb BALDINGER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 19
Heinrich Andreas 'Hy Andrw' BALL born Hamburgh, married Eleanor Theresa FRISBY 1888
M. BALLING -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 30
Wilhelm Friedrich BALZER -born Germany, married Rose Ella BROOME
Georg BANDEL -born Germany, m.1886 Johanne Maria Ernstine ELTZE
Johann BANDEL -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 38
Christoph BANDIAS Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 28
Otto BANDIAS - Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 4
Johannes BANER - born Königreich Württemberg, married Dorothea STIER 1877
Hermann Otto BANFELDT -born Germany, married Esther Ann BENTLEY 1894
Phillip BANSMANN -born Germany, married Emma Amelai Luise KINZEL 1896
Carl Friedrich BANGE -born Germany, married Honoria QUICK 1905
Christian BANGERT - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1861-1876
Marcus BARAK - born Austria, married Jeanie ALLEN 1887
Rudolph BARENDS -born Germany, married Harriet Anna HANSTEIN 1891
Theodor Heinrich Hy BARENSCHER born Germany, married Eliza Jane WILLIAMS 1887
Johannes 'John' BARGE -from Hamburg, married Charlotte BOUCHIER 1889 Vic.
Ernst BARK - born Germany, married 1881 Martha LAVENDER
Johann Gottfried BARKMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Elizabeth SNEDDON
BARLING, Mr - arrived at Port Melbourne in November 1901 per the ship NECKAR
Paul BARNAU - from Berlin b. 16 Oct 1857. Traveller. Res: Hampton. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1892-1893 Married Matilda FROMMAN 1899 Victoria. [BARNAN?]
David Isaac BARNER -born Germany, married Esther JOSEPH 1909
Gabriel BARNDT -born Danzig Prüßen (Prussia), Germany, married Anna Stacia PHELAN 1893
Johann Gottfried BARKMANN
Matthias Joseph BARLOW, B.28th March 1862 Zeverlezzo, Ticino, Switz Arr, 6 Nov 1898 Pt Melbourne, from ITALY, per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' > Irriwillipe, Colac, Nat. 6th Jan 1911 Colac Labouer Married One son, age 48 . 12 yrs oz
Frau BARTELS - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1886, 1903
Carl Wilhelm Gustav BARTH - born Westphalia, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Maria Margaretha MEYER 1893 Vic.
Fritz Friedrich BARTH - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Anna MEYER 1896 Vic.
Heinrich Georg August BARTH -born Germany, married Marguerite Ada OHLSON 1908
Heinrich Gustav Carl Wilhelm BARTLING -born Germany, married Maria Anna SERPERT 1902
Herr G BARTMANN - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 24
Paul BARTOLDT - born Schonberg, Germany, married Jane Rebecca BRIGGS 1892 Vic.
Hermann BARTSCH, Engineer - b. 21 Mai 1873 Königsberg, Östprüßen Deutschland. - Arrived Sept 1907 SCHARNHORST. Died. 8 Octo 1937. Wife: Maria VAN DEN BERG (22 April 1879 - 23 Sept 1975 Deepdene) . Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1908 - 1937
Adolf BARTZ b.1852 Crossen, Kreis Krossen, Neumark, Öst Brandenburg, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 27 Fleischer/ Butcher
C. G. BARUCH - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1889, 1891
Jacob BARZEN -born Germany, married Johanne BERRES 1908
Carl Charles BASCHER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 25
Friedrich Walter BÄSINGJoseph BASINSKI from Posen, Prüßen (Prussia)
Joseph BASINSKI arrived in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia from New Zealand. He was born on the 21st December 1877 at Sworzyce, in Provinz Posen,Prüßen (Prussia), Deutschland. On the 10th of August 1914 when he submitted his Alien Memorial for Naturalisation, he was aged 36, an asphalter by occupation, living at 36 Stawell Street, Richmond, Victoria. He married in 1910 in Melbourne to the Richmond, Australian-born, Anna Bertha Elsa Gabsch, daughter of F. H. Gabsch listed in this account. The Basinskis then had two Australian-born sons. Basinski first arrived in Australia on 5th March 1903 on the ship "BARBAROSSA" at the Port of Adelaide, South Australia. In the intervening period he had resided in South Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand and Victoria. Joined Teutonia Lodge, then Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1923-1931 [or BOSANSKI ]
Ernst Friedrich Carl Wilhelm VON BASTIAN
Schloss Güstrow (the Castle of Güstrow)
Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Von Bastian was born in about 1846 in Güstrow, Stadt Güstrow, in the centre of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschland. He was the son of Friedrich Georg Von Bastian & Mathilde Geberne Von Levekow. Von Bastian's father 'Fritz' was an Advokat, a duly Authorised Lawyer of the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Ernst Von Bastian arrived in the Colony of Victoria some time before 1880 when he married Emilie Auguste Henriette Schleicher in Melbourne. Emilie was already an old hand in the Colony, for though born in Schreibersdorf, in Kreis Lauban, Silesia in 1855, she had arrived in Port Adelaide on the ship 'HELENE' as a babe in arms, and had so been raised as an Australian. Emilie's family included her remarkable uncle, her father's younger brother Johann Theophilus Schleicher, born 1816 in the same village in Lutheran Silesia, who had gone out as missionary to India, and who was ordained in 1843 into Holy Orders by the Anglican Bishop of Calcutta. Rev. Theophilus Schleicher later came to Australia and by 1857 he was the Ordained Clergyman of the Church of England at Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, and later made many voyages between Australia, the Far East, Germany and England. Then, from January 1877 to December 1885 the Rev.'John' Theophilus Schleicher was Rector at Castle Hill, Sydney, N.S.W.
Meanwhile, the Von Bastian family of Melbourne had three children, Mathilde born 1881, though where has proved difficult to know, but she died aged 62 in Campbellfield: Ernst Emil Von Bastian, born 1883 in Carlton: & Emilie Agnes Von Bastian, 1885 in Carlton, who, in 1918, married 'where-else-but-Richmond-born' Richmond Francis Sylvester Payne. She died in Essendon in 1957.

Count Ernst Von Bastian died at age 58, where they were then living, at 113 Keele Street Collingwood, and was buried on Saturday the 5th March 1904 in the nearby Melbourne General Cemetery. His widow, Emilie Henriette Auguste Von Bastian, was another nearly caught in the hateful grinding mills of war by the Official Australian Enmity, for she applied in her 'Aliens' Memorial' for Naturalisation, on the brink of the times, on the 12th of August 1914 living at 533 Station street, North Carlton. If she had been declared an Enemy Alien it would have been for her three months of life in Deutschland, for by then she had been an Australian for just shy of 60 years.
Ernst Von Bastian junior was an administrative employee of the Victorian Railways who married and lived with his family in a house that is recorded on the Australian Electoral Roll, umlaut and all, as being called 'Güstrow’ in Moama Road, East Malvern. He died at Güstrow, East Malvern in 1936.
Wilhelm BAUCH
Christian BAUER -from Germany, married Rebecca FALLS 1888
Ferdinand BAUER born Austria, married Emma McGLADERY 1883
Friedrich BAUER -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 26
Franz Oscar BAUER -born Germany, married Margaretha BIESTERFELD 1904
Julius BAUER -born Germany, married Jane GERSCHELL 1889
J BAUER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 29
Richard Peter Paul BAUERS -from Hamburg, married Alice Maud Cornelia CROFT 1893 Vic.
Johann C. A. BAUM - b. 1846 Deutschland Res. East Collingwood. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1872-1879
Johann BAUM -- born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Mary HARNAM / HAMAN 1904
Philipp BAUMANN - b.1858 Deutschland - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1923 @ 65 yrs
Paul BAUMOST - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1903 assist
Sarah BAUMBERG & children -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 26
Heinrich BAUMING / Harry BOWMING/ BEEMING/ harry BRAUMING . born 1863 Germany - Stockman at Timber Creek, Northern Territory in 1901. age 38
Emil BÄUZIGER - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein refused 1876
Albert Ernst BAYLISS - born Bremen, De., married Florence EVERITT 1893 Vic.
Carl Charles BEAUFORT - born Bremen m.1909 Maud Catherine NAUN
Christian Friedrich BECHTOLD / BECHCOLD -born Germany, married Rose Clara ARCHER 1910
Carl Charles BECK -born Germany, married Sarah Kate WALSH 1902
'Hans' Johannes Christian BECK -from Hamburg, married Minnie Marguerite STREET 1895 Vic.
Fritz Friedrich BECK - from Hannover, married Luise Baumgarten 1892 Vic.
Robert Heinrich BECK - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Evan Lavina BENNETTS 1910
Alexander BECKER -born Germany, married Hannah Ellen CHANCE 1902
August Friedrich BECKER / BEKER -from Germany, married Lilian Elizabeth WITHERS 1888
Ernst Hugo BECKER - born. 6th May 1879 at Idar-am-Vabe, Fuerstenturm Birkenfeld, Oldenburg. Arr,22 Mar 1902 KONIGEN LOUISE at Adelaide > White Cliffs & Lightnig Ridge NSW > Sapphiretown, QLD > Sydney NSW - Wholesale Gem Merchant Nat. Unmarried 30th July 1914 Res. No.28 Manning St, Potts point, Sydney
Phillip BECKER from Germany, married Anne Louise BARKER 1890
Richard BECKER from Germany, married Mabel MUMMERY 1895
Rudolph BECKER from Germany, married Annie BURGDORF 1894
R BECKER -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 37
Ferdinand August BECKER - from Hannover, married Grace Blower Hoare Bowden 1898 Vic.
Ferdinand Franz Ludwig BECKER
Johann Albrecht Bruno BECKER - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Teresa Genevieve MULLINAN 1900 Vic.
Friedrich August BECKER / BECKERS born Hamburgh, married Harriet SANGUINETTI 1888
Heinrich BECKERFELD Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1863
Johann Heinrich BECKMANN
Joseph Arthur Beaumont BECKWITH -von Prüßen (Prussia), married Elise Beatrice ELLIS 1908
Hans Hannibal Adelbert BEECK -from Hamburg, married Rhumahah Kate JACOB 1900 Vic.
Herr T W BEEMANN -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" August 1893 age 23
Christian Wilhelm Gustav BEER -from Hamburg, married Mary Elizabeth Kroschel 1895 Vic.
Friedrich Oskar BEER / BEHR - died 1914 @ 35 yrs Melbourne - see above
Paul Eugen BEER / BEAHR or BEHR - died 1920 Delegate River, Vic @ 60 yrs
P L BEERNAERT -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "KARLSRUHE" Nov.1892 age 30
Friedrich DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 33
Madame DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 28
Paul DE LA BEGUILIN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 28
Martin BEHA from Germany, married Kathleen O'BRIEN 1889
August BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 11
Franz BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 17
Michael BEHL -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 22
Paul Gerhard BEHN born Hamburgh, married Margaret ADAMS 1888
Friedrich Richard BEHNE -from Saxony, m.1883 Annie Jane MAXWELL
Johannes John BEHNE -born germany married 1883 Bridgit RIGBY
Johann 'John' BEHNE 6 Oktober 1835 Bonn, Germany, married Emma Amelia EVANS 1896 Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein
Wilhelm BEHRENS -born Germany, married 1880 Alice Martha POWRIE
Albert BEHREND - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Minnie BLASHKI / BLASCHKI
Peter BEHRENS -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 38 with wife
Heinrich BEHRMANN - b. 1854 Hanseatic Free City of Hamburg, Tobacconist. Res. C/- Heinecke & Fox, 109 Collins St West, melborune . Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1876 1877
Matthias Heinrich BEHRMANN , labourer, Adelaide SA, Born Hamelwoerden, Hannover age 34 , I yr 9 mnths in S.A. Nat, per KICKHAUFF 23 Sept 1884
August BEIL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 25
Wilhelm BEISCHER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Henrietta FRISWELL
Konrad Wilhelm Maximilian BEISEL, Schoolmaster
Konrad Wilhelm Maximilian BEISEL Born 11th January 1893 Berlin, Deutsche Reich. - Arr. 1st January 1910 from Antwerp, Belgium. Public Schoolmaster Barossa valley.
Bernhardt Ludwig BEILKER -born Germany, m.1886 Anne FORTUNE
Carl Charles BEISE born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Isabella McCARTEN
Franz Johann BEISSEL -born Germany, married Grave Marion GRUNBERG 1905
A. F. BEKER - b. Danzig, Prussia - Wine Merchant - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1887
Herr BELABAUME -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 30
Carl Charles BELGER -born Germany, married Isabella ADAMS 1903
Carl Wilhelm BELICKE -b.Franzthal, Pommern, Prussia
Carl Wilhelm BELICKE
-b.Franzthal, Pommern, Prussia (a Mennonite community in Pomerania) - arrived in Geelong /Melb. (m.1884 Vic.
EMMA Amelia Ellen RAU) -Children: 1.Emma Emilie Belicke 1884 Prahran; 2.Alvena Agnes Belicke 1886 Prahran; 3.Alvena Agnes Belicke 1888 Prahran; 4. Alvena Agnes Belicke -b.1889 Brighton East; 5. Alvena Agnes Belicke 1891 Cheltenham; 6. Alicia Ada Belicke 1892 Oakleigh; 7. Sophia Belicke 1893 Oakleigh; -[- Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1893 Assistance.] - 8.Sophia Belicke, 1895 Oakleigh; 9.Oscar Stanley Willam Belicke, 1897 Perth, WA; 10.Fredericke Veronica Belicke, 1900 Perth, WA; 11. Eva Louisa Belicke, 1903 Perth, WA; 12. Amilda Ludowika Belicke 1905 Perth, WA/ - later on Rottnest Island, Fremantle, WA.
C. M. BELLER Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1893 Assist
Maximilian BELLER - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1891-1893 assist
Johann Gottfried BELSCHNER from Germany, married Mathilde LAMPE 1894
Franz BELTER -born Germany, married Annie McLEOD 1904
Ernst BENDELLE -born Germany, married 1882 Margaret Hannah GILCHRIST
Nicolaus Friedrich Peter Paul BENDIERCKS from Germany, married Catherine ELWIN 1900
Carl 'Charles' BENDIX from Germany, married Emily BARTLETT 1892
BENEDICT - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1876 assist
Paul Nicolaus Friedrich BENEDIERCKS from Germany, married Sarah Jane SEGAR 1895
Ernst BENFELDT / Ernest BENFIELD -born Germany, m.1886 Sarah Ann FORD
Knud BENGTSON -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 27
C. L. BENINGER - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein refused 1897
Ludwig Luis BENNING from Germany, married Charlotte STEVENS 1889
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm BENSCH -born Germany, married 1880 Johe Henriette WINKLER
Nikolaus Heinrich BENTE - born Bremen, married Sarah Jane MORRISON 1899 Vic.
John BENTLEY / Johann BENTELE -from Germany, married Sarah ADAMS 1888
Hermann Otto Gustav BENTLIN Hermann Otto Gustav BENTLIN was born on the 14th August 1861 at Elbing, Ost Prüßen, Prüßen (East Prussia, Prussia) - now Elbląg, Elbląg County in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship of northern Poland. Bentlin emigrated out of Deutschland to the United States of Amerika and afterwards, re-embarked for the Port of New York, New York, on the ship "HILARIA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in June 1895. After disemabarking in Melbourne, Bentlin immigrated to South Australia where we worked in Gawler Town for three years, before taking up the road through inland wastes to Broken Hill, New South Wales for two years and then to the State Capital, Sydney and its suburbs for ten years. Bentlin was married and by 1910 had six Australian children, 3 sons and 3 daughters. He was working as a Carpenter, residing at Factory Street, Clyde, New South Wales when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Granville, N.S.W. on the 10th November 1910.
Lorenz BENZLorenz BENZ, the son of Joseph BENZ, was born about 1864 at Ohlsbach in the Grand Duchy of Baden Baden, Deutschland. He was a soap-boiler by occupation on arrival in Australia. He emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich to arrive in Australia at Port Adelaide in early June 1883. After just three days in Australian, at the age of 19, Benz took to Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 23rd June 1883 at Adelaide. At age 31, Lorenz BENZ was married to 17-year-old Dorothea Sophia MEYER, daughter of Julius MEJER, in Adelaide, South Australia on the 2nd October 1894 and afterwards, the Benz family immigrated up the line to Broken Hill, NSW. Their children were : - 1. Dorothea M T Benz b. 1895 Broken Hill NSW; 2. Franziska E Benz b. 1897 Broken Hill, NSW; 3. Lorenz G BENZ b. 1899 Broken Hill, NSW; and 4. Karl A BENZ born 1901 Broken Hill, NSW; Ernst Theodor BENZ, born 29 July 1903 Southwark, Adelaide, SA & Otto Emil BENZ, born 17 October 1905 at West Thebarton, Adelaide; Albert BENZ, born 23 March 1908 Henley Park, Adelaide; Heinrich Rudolph BENZ , born 13 Januar 1910 Henley Park, Adelaide; and Wilhelm Anton BENZ, (4 July 1913-20-11-1915 Thebarton, South Australia. Lorenz benz died at age 82 on the 22 June 1946 at Thebarton, Adelaide, SA. His wife survived him to die in teh same place at 75 years on the 5 March 1950.
Wilhelm BENZ - Arr. 1882

- Wilhelm Benz, (1857-1948)
Wilhelm BENZ was born on the 10th August 1857 at Arheilgen, in the Arheilgen Stadtteil, (im Norden der Großstadt), Hessen-Darmstadt, Deutschland. Benz emigrated out of the Deutch Reich by way of England and embarked in London to arrive at Port Melbourne per the vessel "CHIMBORAZO" in March 1882 age 25. This ship seems to have afterwards taken him on to NSW. Upon arrival in Sydney, Benz lived for three years in Redfern, then resided in New Town, before moving to Marrickville. By 1904 Benz was married with two Australian sons and two Australian daughters.
Wilhelm Benz was married to Caroline M HEATON in Redfern NSW in 1885. Their children were: - 1. William Rudolph BENZ b.16 April 1886 NSW - who left Sydney in 1905 to study medicine in the USA, then married and settled there; 2. Ferdinand Victor BENZ b.1889 Redfern; 3. Ruby BENZ b.1891 New Town, Sydney who married Ernest A Agassiz in 1914 in Marickville; and 4. Gladys Dulcie Carrie. BENZ b.1903 Marrickville, NSW - who became a medical practitioner and was by 1930 working at the St George District Hospital. She was married to Percie L Charlton in Sydney in 1932. - In 1904 Wilhelm Benz was working as a Commercial Travellor, and living at No.47 Garner's Avenue, Marrickville, nr Sydney, New South Wales, when, after 22 years in Australia and at the age of 46, he swore the Oath for his Naturalisation in his Aliens Memorial of 7th January 1904. Caroline M Benz died in 1929. Wilhelm Benz was living with his daughter Gladys in Elizabeth Bay Road in 1930. He died in 1948 in Marrickville, NSW. Family data and photograph courtesy of Karen Benz Scarvie of Washington, USA.
Reinhold BERADE from Germany, married Mary CROSS 1901
Gershon BERAKA - -married 1912 Sarah MEYER b.Russia
Johann Marius 'John' BERBHARDT, born 'Denmark' 25 Aug 1894- [aka Frank John STEVENS, aka Albert CARLSEN]
Emil August Ferdinand BERBLING
David Isaac BERNDT
Wilhelm Christian BERNDT born Königreich Württemberg, m.1873 Mathilde Marie
Christiane MUSER
BERNDT, Wilhelm - Arrived Port Melbourne at age 32 in September 1891 per the ship NECKAR
Heinrich BERNER from Germany, married Florence Phoebe RUDDLE 1892
David Isaac BERNER -born Germany, married Esther JOSEPH 1909
Isaac David BERNER from Germany, married Eureka Isabel SIEREE 1897
Louis BERNER von Poland
Paul Heinrich BERNER from Germany, married Wilhelmine Rosine KLEIN 1893
Franzis Joseph BERNET born Königreich Württemberg, married
Wilhelm Christian BERNET
Ernst VON BERG, b. 1890 Zurich, Switz To Beunes Aires, Argentine to Sydney to QLD
Carl August BERG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Marie Christiane Charlotte SUHLE 1894 Vic.
Joseph BERG -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 36. with wife Marie 28; kind: Joseph 5; Josef 1.
Louis Ludwig BERGER -born Germany, married Annie Elisabeth SONGER 1902
Emil Louis BERGEMANN - Cabinet Maker -
Emil Louis BERGEMANN born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Jane KELLETT 189 Vic. -Teutonia Lodge & Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1923-1926
August BERGMANN -born Germany, m.1886 Alice BREEN
Heinrich Deidrich BERGMANN b. 1869 Lehe, Hannover Arr.1911 > Mundaburra QLD
Dietrich BERGMANN b.1890 Aitge, Zerden - arr.1909 Sydney, NSW, Nat.1913 Portland
Friedrich Wilhelm BERGMANN from Germany, married Harriet REDDIE 1900
Friedrich Wilhelm BERGMANN -born Germany, married Margaret RICHARDS 1904
BERGNER, Abraham - Arrived Port Melbourne at age 31 in September 1891 per the ship NECKAR
Bernhardt Heinrich BERMOSA/BERMOSER from Germany, married Mary Ann SCOTT 1899
Benjamin BERNARD -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Parker ANDREWS
Eduard Edward BERNHARD born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1884 Jessie TULLOCK
Heinrich Johannes Christian BERNHARD from Germany, married Laura RUDD 1900
Carl Ernst BERNHARDT from Germany, married Hermine Emma TEPPER 1901
Traugott Leberecht BERNHARDT born Züllichau, Posen, Prüßen (Prussia)
Traugott Leberecht BERNHARDT was born in 1848 in Züllichau, Posen, Prüßen (Prussia), Germany (now Sulechow, Poland).
Traugott served for The Royal Prussian Army (The Imperial German Army) n the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/1871 in which he was awarded a bronze cross.
Traugott married Ernestine Emilie (Annatina Schultz) Schulz on the 3rd October 1872 at Kuhn's House, Züllichau, Posen, Germany or Karge, Bomst, Posen, Germany. Ernestine Emilie (Annatina Schultz) Schulz was born 16th June 1846 in Neuoberau, Posen, Germany. They had a son, Carl Ernst Bernhardt born 2nd November 1872 in Zullichau, Posen, Germany. (He died 22nd April 1930 in Footscray, Victoria, Australia.)
Traugott, Ernestine and baby Carl left Germany at Hamburg by passenger ship 'Fritz Reuter' on the 25th November 1874 arriving in Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand on 18th March 1875. They then left Wellington, New Zealand and arrived in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia via passenger ship 'Alhambra' or 'Lombard' on 3rd July 1875. Traugott was naturalised as an Australian Citizen on the 3rd February 1885.
Traugott Bernhardt died on the 24th March 1896 in Rosebery, in the Mallee of Victoria, Australia. when a horse kicked him and he is buried at the Rosebery cemetery along with Ernestine Bernhardt who died 29th March 1914 in Rosebery, Victoria, Australia.
Information courtesy of his descendant, John Bernhardt
Joseph BERNHARDT from Germany, married Sophia RUBENAKE 1890
Peter Hans Johannes Christian BERNHARDT, b. 2nd Juli 1887 Riba, Jutland, Danmark > Arr. from Italy, per the 'S.S.NATAL from Italy, to the Port of Sydney, NSW > No. 35 market Street, South Melbourne > No.5 Vickery street, Malvern east, Victoria, / Coastal Steamer Labourer/ Coal steamer
Emil Michael BERNOTH -born Germany, married Lily May ARGALL 1911
Eduard BERRIOR -born France, married Florence COURIER 1907
Heinrich Carl Hermann BERTRAM born Germany, married Johanne Friedricke TAMM 1887
Heinrich Luis BERTRAM - from Hannover, married Ada Frances Mary CLARKE 1890 Vic.
Gustav Adolph BERTHOLD -from Dresden, m.1977 Mary Ann HARKINS
Eugen BERTRAM -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 25
Hermann BERTRAM - b. 2 Dezember 1852 Hamel, Hannover . Wool Scourer. Res. Melbourne. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1882-1886
Heinrich Hugo OScar BERTUCH -from Saxony, m.1871 Annie HUTCHINSON
Reinholdt BERUDE from Germany, married Mary CROSS 1901 [1918 - 1919 Reinholdt Berude (German) Lilydale see also Janiche 14/3/180'
Alexander BESCH -born Germany, married Amy REID 1902
Johann Luis Ludwig Eduard Kerhom/Kuhhorn BERWECK/BERUECK - born Bremerhave, married Adrin BARRETT 1899 Vic.
Augusta BEST -b. 13th Feb 1883 Altendiez, Hessen-Nassau, Deutschland - Arrived 3rd Sept 1884 per the S.S. CATANIA at Port Melbourne - NATURALIZed. 18th Dec 1911 Hamuilton, Vic. Unmarried.
Heinrich BEST Heinrich BEST b.29 Oktober 1863 Deutschland - - son of Philipp BEST & Alicia LANDZETTEL - Wife Mathilde. Marie Mathilde FEIGE - Born Maryborough, Vic. - NATURALIZED 1890 - married 1892 - Children : Heinrich Franz Philipp BEST b.1893 St Kilda; & Gretchen Francesca BEST -b.1898 St Kilda - = member of the Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 182301927 - Heinrich 'Henri' BEST died in Melbourne in 1962 age 98 yrs.
Johann Emil BESTJohann Emil BEST -b. 30th Januar 1892 Rostock, Mecklenburg, Deutschland - EMIGRATED to Australia from Brazil per the ship 'LISBETH' arriving at Geelong on the 4th December 1913 - - on which ship he worked as a Crewsman and then absconded - Three (3) years in South America after leaving Germany - ALIEN REGISTRATION AT Minyip No. 77 - NATURALIZED 12th April 1921 Gheringap, Geelong, Vic. - Occupation: STOKER - Married 1917 Vic. to Ellen Margaret O'SHEA (WEIS) born Collingwood, by then the widow WEIS.
Paul BETHGE b;1877 Magdeburg -Tailor- Arr, Adelaide 1907
August Friedrich Wilhelm BETHKE b.1876 Parsteck, Brandenburg Arr.1913 Melbourne
Reinhold Gottfried BETHKE b.1875 Posen, Prüßen (Prussia), Farmer at Rainbow, Vic.
Reinhold Gottfried BETHKE born 3rd January 1875 at Klieschibbe, Posen, Prüßen (Prussia). Bethke emigrated to Australia by way of Bremen, and embarked from Bremerhaven on the German steamship 'KARLSRUHE' arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd November 1891. He was married to Australian-born Alma Pauline NUSKE in Victoria in 1899.
Friedrich Wilhelm Robert BETHMANN - Prisoner of War Internee SA/ NSW
Gustav Adolf Heinrich 'Harry' BETHMANN -born Germany, married Julia Emily NEIL 1912
Gustav Adolf Heinrich 'Harry' BETHMANN lived and worked the three States of Australia, for two years in Adelaide, South Australia, then Melbourne, Victoria for over 21 years, in Hobart Tasmania for a year, and then again in Melbourne for the latter end of his days. He had first arrived in Australia on the Nordeutscher Lloyd steamer "KAISER WILHELM" in Adelaide on the 2nd of April in 1890, but was in Melbourne by 1893. He was naturalized after being in Australia, as he declared it with Germanic precision, for 24 years and 4 months, in the Victorian Capital, but imprecisely, or at least I should say, untimely, for it was then quite late in the day of war, on 12th of August 1914. He was then a married man, but with no children, working as a cook, and living at 345 William Street, West Melbourne. He was born 3 years before the Deutsche Reich came into existence, on 28 October 1868 at Westerhausen, in the Harz Mountains of the then Kingdom of Hannover. His status even after his Naturalisation was still probelematic, for he had to wrestle with red tape when he applied for the Old Age Pension in Melbourne in 1929.
Hermann BETTE b. 21 September 1863 Res albert St, Caulfield - Married. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1892
Friedrich BETTS from Germany, married Julia Vines FLOOD 1891
Carl Richard BEUHNER from Germany, married Marie Theresa Josephine BORRMANN 1896
Arthur BEYER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 23
Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus BEYER born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Grace GARRETT
BEYER, Hans Johannes -Arrived at age 29 at Port Melbourne on September 1891 per the ship NECKAR
Johann Claus heinrich BEYER -from Hamburg, married Julian Margareth BEYER 1889 Vic.
Carl Friedrich BEYERS
Peter Adolph BEYER -born Germany, married Blanche Elizabeth CRABB 1909
Hugh BHERENDT - Arr. Pt Melb. per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Januar 1897 age 30
Christoph BIBO -
Christoph BIBO born 1870. Bibo arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" in Januar 1881 at age 11 - with his Mutter Susanna BIBO - who also arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" in Januar 1881 at age 44. Christopher BIBO was married to Annie GAIN in 1897 at the Upper Murray Victorian-border town of Albury, New South Wales. Their children: Gertrude A BIBO b.1898 Canterbury, NSW; Marie F E BIBO b.1900 Paramatta NSW; Margreta BOBO b. 1903 Parramatta, NSW; and Grace J BIBO b.1910 Riverstone, NSW. Christopher BOBO was Naturalised in 1910.
Franz 'Frank' BIBO -
ranz 'Frank' BIBO arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 24. 'Frank BIBO married Elizabeth KANNANE ay Sydney NSW on 1889.
Wilhelm F J BIBO -
Wilhelm F J BIBO arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Januar 1881 age 15.
Wilhelm F J BIBO married Amy A E PARKES at Canterbury, NSW in 1891.
Charles Benedict Von BIBRA / De BIBRAPaul BIBRON -born France, married Kate CHARLWOOD 1907
Adolph Luis Ludwig BICKART - born Baden, married Adelaide BOXHORN 1892 Vic.
Balthaser BIEHL from Germany, married Jane CRAWFORD 1889
August BIERSDORF -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Sept 1879 age 37
Luis Ulrich Heinrich Freidrich Gertrudis Rudolph 'Ralph' BIERWIRTH -
Luis Ulrich Heinrich Freidrich Gertrudis Rudolph 'Ralph' BIERWIRTH b. Germany > Tumoby Bay, SA - Nat. 1920 - Naturalised 1897
Franz Frank BIESENTHAL born Germany, married Catherine POWER 1887
Paul Adolph BIESKE from Germany, married Sophia Louise LEMKE 1899
Heinrich BIESTERFELDT -born Germany, married EditH NITZ 1905
Wilhelm BIESTERFELDT, from Germany, married Sarah Jane RETALLACK 1895 -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1896 from Ballaret Verien. - 1906
Willy Karl BIGALKE b. 25 Juni 1884 Berlin, Brandenburg. Barman. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1913 - 1919
Bernhard BILL Arr.1889 'STAR OF BRUNSWICK' to Sandridge, Port Melb. Cabinetmaker/ Tischler
Conrad BILL - Naturalised 1879
Eduard BILL > b.18 Dec 188 Eliesenau, West Prüßen (Prussia) Arr. 1911 >Beech Forest >Melbourne / Occ: Backer / baker
Wilhelm BILL from Germany, married Alice REEVE 1892
Friedrich Heinrich Otto BINDEMAN
Heinrich BINDER -arrived Port Melb. Vic. per "CHIMBORAZO" August 1882 age 29; with wife Catherine 31; Kind: Katherina 3; Friedrich Binder 1.
Hans Johannes Jurgen BINZ -born Germany, married Mary Jane BETZ 1906
Johann Samuel BIRK born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Marie LEHMANN
Otto Gottfried Rasmus BIRK - b. Schleswig Holstein, Denmark/ Prussia Arr. 21 July 1898 S.S.ORIENT to Pt Melbourne
Anna BIRNSTIHE Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 24 with Friedrich age 3.
Alexander Bernhardt Elart BISCAMP from Germany, married Ulla Therese HALLEUR 1899
Herr H BISCHOFF Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 48, with Frau 40
Karl Theodor Albert BISCHOFF from Germany, married Christina WOODMAN 1890
Hermann BISKE from Germany, married Adel Eugenie MARENDAZ 1898
Ernst BITTER - Naturalisation 1914 / 1930
Heinrich Karl 'Henry Charles' BITTNER b.10 June 1856 Vienna, Austria. Gold Worker. Res. No.51 Gore St, Fitzroy/ Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1899-1914
Hermann Paul BITTNER from Germany, married Phillis Emma ARCHER 1901
Herr E BIVEN -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 15, with sister E BIVEN 14
Fredrick Karl BJORKSTEN
William BLACK / Wilhelm SCHWARZ -born Danzig, m. 1871 Jane SANDILANDS
Hans Johannes Carl August BLADEL -born Germany, married Margaret Mary CONNORS 1911
Diedrich Albert Heinrich BLANK Cellarman,
Diedrich Albert Heinrich BLANK was born 3 Juli 1861 at Burladingen, Zollernalbkreis district, Württemberg. He arrived in Australian per the HOHENSTAUFEN in 1887. He married Sibilla BRODESSER nee SPELTER in 1900/ Res. No. 62 Wellington St, Collingwood, Vic. Cellarman. His wife was born 19 Sept 1851. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1901-1906
Joseph Eduard BLASCHECK
Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS – Lutheran Pastor
Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS (BLAESS) was born on the 24th November 1864 at Wernigerode, on the River Holtemme, near Halberstadt, in the Harz mountains in the Provinz of Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland. Wernigerode is famous for its Fachwerchhausen, the German half-timbered houses. But Blaess's native Harz in Sachsen-Anhalt was engulfed within a rationalised Deutsch Reich after January 1871. BLÄSS thereafter felt a call to serve in Christian ministry in more distant parts of the world. He then attended the Mission Schools at Berlin and went into training at the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary at Ülzen, Hannover. In 1884 BLÄSS left the rationalized and Right-Royally Prussian-meddled univeral State Church for reasons of principle and conscience. He emigrated to the USA for the sole purpose to studying for the Ministry at the Seminary in Springfield, Illinois, USA. He was then 'Called' by the worldwide Hermannburg Free Church as an itinerant missionary to the Maoris, and went to New Zealand. He first served at Taranaki, New Zealand from 1893 until 1906 and famously, there baptized Hamuera Te Punga, who later became a Maori Lutheran Minister in Australia and New Zealand. BLÄSS ministered to several congregations in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand. BLÄSS then emigrated from New Zealand to arrive at the Port of Sydney, Australia on the ship 'S.S. WIMMERA' on the 14th July 1906. He went from Sydney to Lobethal, South Australia where he served as Pastor from 13th July to the 2nd October 1896. He arrived in Jindera, in the Riverina of New South Wales on the 4th October 1906 and served there as the clergyman Pastor till 1916. Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation in Jindera on the 20th August 1909. He had formerly already been Naturalised as a British subject of New Zealand. From 1916 the BLÄSSes went back to South Australia He became the Assistant missionary to the Aborigines at Koonibba, on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, from 1916 till 1918, after which he became the Lutheran City missionary to Adelaide until his death in that city on the 20th May 1921. Friedrich Karl Gottlieb BLÄSS was married in the antipodes to Dorette BENSEMANN and the BLÄSS's had ten children, three sons and seven daughters born in the Antipodes. Those born in Jindera or at Albury, New South Wales (where they were registered) were: Mathilde M. A. BLÄSS 1907; Max F. A. BLÄSS 1909; Luise M. E. BLÄSS 1909; and the youngest, Helene Ida BLÄSS, born Jindera 25 April 1910, who served with Australian Forces after 1939 in World War Two.
Solomon BLATT -born Krakow, Austria, m.1887 Rebecca Davis VERSHOUFSKI
Johann Wilhelm BLECKMANN from Germany, married Johanne Auguste Sophia ZIEBEL 1892
Johann Wilhelm BLECKMANN from Germany, married Helene GADCKE 1900
Felix Albert Ferdinand BLEESER - from Berlin. Married Auguste Carol Bock 1892 Victoria.
Adolf BLEIBAUN -born Germany, married Mary Elen HEALEY 1910
Adolph BLEIBAUM -born Germany, married Mary Ann PLANT 1912
H E BLENKISOP -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Dec.1899 age 23
Wilhelm Albert Alexander BLESSING,
Wilhelm Albert Alexander BLESSING was born on the 14th Jnauary 1868 at Stralsung, or Stralsund, then a port in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). Stralsund is in the Bay of Strelasund, and the landside of the bridge to the German Baltic coast Island of Rugen, now in the German state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, and the town of Stralsund is now hailed as the hometown of the current Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. In 1912 he was resident at Strahan, Tasmania, working as a Wharf Labourer. Blessing arrived in Australia at Hobart Town , Tasmanian in November 1883 on the vessel 'RIVER INDUS' from the north-western English Port of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, Lancashire, England. After disembarking at the Port in the Derwent, Blessing spent six years in Hobart Town, after which he crossed Bass Strait to Melbourne, Victoria, for seven years. Later he returned to Tasmania to work on the West Coast when the mines were opened in more prosperous times and paid work was available. He had been in Strahan for fifteen years, and in Australia for 29 years, when he took the Oath in his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Arthur George Prater, Justice of the Peace of Tasmania on the 20th January 1912. He was then age 54 years and unmarried. Wilhelm Albert Alexander Blessing died on the 4th of November 1928 in Strahan, Tasmania.
Albert BLISS, Albert BLISS, was born 23 January 1838 Garzigar, Caslin, Pommern, Deutschland. Garzigar is now Garczegorze (Lębork), Gdańsk, Poland. Alber Bliss arrived in Australia 19th June 1878 on the ship 'ELIZABETH' at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Naturalised 21 April 1910 Victor Harbour, South Australia
Carl Heinrich BLISS Carl Heinrich BLISS / Henry Charles BLISS, the son of Alfred BLISS was born about 1872 at Kreutz Lauenburg, Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg, Elbe Estaury, Deutschland. - Bliss was a Painter by profession. He was married to Caroline Ada WINTON on the 19th December 1909 at The Lutheran Parsonage, Stepney, Adelaide, South Australia. Children: Edwin Carl Alfred BLISS norn 6th Jan 1900 West Mictham, Adelaide SA; Henry Anthony BLISS- born 21 July 1901 West Mitcham, Adelaide, South Australia. After 16 years in Australia, Bliss swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 28th September 1895 in Adelaide.
Leon Joseph Jakob BLITZ
Carl Louis Leopold Alexander BLOCK from Germany, married Eliza HAMPTON 1889
Hans Johannes Wilhelm BLOCK from Germany, married Margaret MONEY 1899
Heinrich Boy Michael BLOEDORN -from Hamburg, married Mary DANE 1901 Vic.
Abraham BLOOM
Franz Hermann BLOSSFELDT/BLOSSFIELD from Germany, married Margaret Helen HOKIN 1889
Maximilian BLOUSTIEN - von Poland
Johann Friedrich Hermann BLUCHER
Hermann Friedrich Christian BLUCHER -born Germany, married Margaret Than MORAN 1906
Johann Heinrich Friedrich BLUCHER -born Germany, married Minnie Nathalia WANKE 1912
Wilhelm BLUCHER from Germany, married Jane HALL 1900
Bernhard Heinrich BLUHMBernhard Heinrich BLUHM was born about 1850 in the Königreich Hannover, in Deutschland so he was about twenty years of age at the time of the Unification of Hannover into much trumpeted 'Greater Germany'. Bernhard Heinrich BLUHM emigrated out of Hannover and Deutschland by way of the British empire's Asian colonies, for he embarked from the port of Rangoon, Burma on the ship "LADY OF THE LAKE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 25th September 1872. On disembarking Bluhm went out to the Market Gardening districts east of Brighton in the sand belt above the shore of Port Phillip Bay. After eight years in Australia, while he was a labourer living and working at Chesterville Road, Moorrabin, Victoria, he swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalized on the 8th September 1880. He was then age 30 and the soon married in Victoria in 1881 to Harriet Elizabeth MOORE. She was born in Melbourne sand-belt at Brighton in 1854- daughter of William MOORE and Guernsey-born Betsey LE PAGE who had married in Melbourne in 1853. The BLUHM children were: 1. Bernhardt Wlm BLUHM 1882-1882 Cheltenham; 2. Harriet Elisabeth BLUHM 1883-1883 Cheltenham; 3. Olive May BLUHM b.1884 Cheltenham (m.Vic.1910 Thomas Henry BRUTON; 4. Edith Elisabeth BLUHM 1886 Cheltenham; 4. Anna Amelia -b.1888 Cheltenham; 5. Wilhelm Henry BLUHM 1890 Cheltenham; 6.Lydia Mathilde BLUHM 1891-1892 Cheltenham; 7. Minnie Victoria BLUHM 1894 Cheltenham; and, 8. Myrtle Isabella BLUHM 1895-1896 Cheltenham. Bernhardt Heinrich BLUHM dmet his end during middle of times when his birthplace in Europe was lost in Hostilities, dying in 1916 at the age of 65 years. His wife survived him, dying at 70 years of age in 1925 in South Taradale, Malmsbury, Victoria, on the farm where her daughter's Olive may BRUTON family had taken over the market gardens held previously by the orchardist and bee-farming JAECKEL family.
Franzis J BLUHM -
Francis J BLUHM was born on the 14th July 1861 at Bautzen, in the Wendish or Sorbian Slavic district of Lusatia (Lausitz), in Saxony, not then incorporated into the Deutsch Reich. That incorpation came when he was ten years old. - Franzis BLUHM first emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the liberality and freedom of England. He likely married while he was in England. From there embarked on the ship named something like "WEST OF YORK?" arriving in Australia at the Port of Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia on the 15th August 1886. - On disembarking Franz BLUHM & his wife remained in Fremantle, deverting from that hub only to go to North Fremantle. After twenty years in Australia BLUHM was working as a Labourer, residing at Barker Street, North Fremantle, Western Australia with his wife, one of his sons and a daughter as his other son was then living in England, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 30th Day of October 1906. His wife was formerly Ellen HUGHES and their children: Ellen Anna Dorothea 1897-1897 Fremantle, WA; Marie Josephine BLUHM 1898-1899 Fremantle, WA; and Franz Julius BLUHM -b.1900 Fremantle, Western Australia. Frank BLUHM died in Fremantle in 1936.
Friedrich Martin BLUHM born Memel, East Prussia, Germany, married Elizabeth SHEEN 1887
Martin BLUHM -born Germany, married 1883 Emily WEST
Adolph BLUMBERG - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Fannie BOOK 1890 Vic.
Carl August BLUME born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Elizabeth McNAUGHTON
Dorothea Dora BLUME - Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 12
Heinrich Gustavus BOBARDT -from Saxony, m.1873 Ages BOBARDT
Johannes BOBARDT, b. 1856. Res, No.111 Little Bourke st, Melborune - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1870 1871
BOBECK, Wenzel - Arrived at age 29 at Port Melbourne on September 1891 per the ship NECKAR
Franz Friedrich BOBSIEN
F. BOCHTOLD - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1874
Carl Friedrich BOCK born Germany, married Mary Ann Eliza HARGREAVES 1887
Conrad BODE - Naturalised 1901
Friedrich BODE naturalised 1914 / 1939 Enemy Alien. Internee Released 18th Sept 1815
Hans Johannes BODE from Germany, married Jessie Edith RENNINGTON 1894 Natrualsied 1914 / 1942
Heinrich Henry BODE - Naturalised 1898
Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE, Lutheran Pastor
Pastor Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE, son of Joachim Ernst Bode, was born 1 January 1842 at Wesendorf, near Gifhorn, in the Königreich Hannover. In January 1871 Bode's native kingdom of Hannover was engulfed in the universal conscripted Deutsch Reich; and Wesendorf became part of the Deutsch Provinz of Nieder Sachsen. Thereabouts, Bode felt the call to Christian ministry in distant places and went into Divinity training from which he Graduated in 1875 at the Hermmansburg Free Church Seminary, at Ülzen, Hannover. BODE arrived in Australia later that same year. He was Ordained as a Lutheran Minister, at Bethanien, (Bethany) South Australia and first served the church there. He immigrated to Victoria, and was pastor in the Wimmera at Murtoa in 1876. At 35 years of age Joachim Jurgen Ernst Georg BODE was married to 19-year-old Emilie Johanne Elisabeth APPELT, daughter of Ernst David Appelt, at the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dutton, South Australia on the 15th May 1878. At age 41, giving his occupation as that of 'Student' Pastor Bode took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Adelaide on the 13th February 1884. Pastor Joachim BODE then went to serve the Lutheran Church at Germantown, Geelong (called Grovedale since the Anti-German Hysteria in the Australian Legistatures of 1916) and was there from 1877-1884. He went back to South Australia. Children : Esther Emile Catherine Bode (1881 Germantown, Geelong, Victoria -died 12 February 1882 Dutton, S.A); Johannes Emilie Meta Bode 7 May 1883 Dutton SA; Ernst David Bode 26 April 1885-27th January 1886) Dutton, SA; Heinrich Friedrich Armin Bode 9 August 1886 Dutton, SA; Carl Emil Alexander Bode 26 March 1889 Dutton; and Dorothea Maria Dagmar Bode b.20 July 1892 Dutton SA. BODE served as Lutheran Pastor at Dutton from 1884 until 1893. Jürgen Joachim Ernst Georg BODE died at age 65 on the 3rd January 1907 at Dutton, South Australia. His wife Emilie Johanne Elisabeth Bode died at age 95 at Dutton on the 3 September 1954.
Johann Franzis BODEKER Naturalised 1904
Georg Emil BODEN - arr. Sydney NSW > Adelaide
Hermann Martin BODEN - b. 1881 Wilhemshaven, Oldenbourg, Arr, from USA 1909 Pt Adelaide - Seaman/ Labourer
Hermann BODENHEIMER from Germany, married Catherine Beverdige DRYSDALE 1893
Karl BODENSTEIN, Naturalised 1909 / 1941
'Edmund' Erdmann BOEDTLER -born Germany, married Anna GRUTZNER 1903
Carl Hugo Ernst BÖSE / BOESE Carl Hugo Ernst BÖSE / BOESE b.1962 at Hagen, Westphalen, Prussian Rheinland, Deutschland. Woolbroker Arr. 1884 per ORMUTH at Albany, W.A. > Melbourne, Victoria Arr 20 July 1888 . Nat. 14th March 1894 at Richmond Vic. age 32 married feb 1893 to Fraulien HERLITZ
Georg BOESE - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1872 assist
Adolph BÖSENEBERG / BOESENBERG b.18 Februar 1838 Hannover. Arr. per OVERMANN" 12 June 1864 Res. Alfred St, Flemington. Gardener. Joined 1869 Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein. Wife Luise KRUSE (14 Mar 1836-21Jun 1914)
Conrad BOHM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 30
Emil BOHM -Arr.Pt Melb.per'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Feb. 1901 age 27
Hermann BÖHM / BOEHM b.1853 Crossen, Kreis Krossen, Newmark, Prussia - Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879, @ age 25, Tischler/ cabinetmaker
Paul Reinhold Carl BÖHM /BOEHM -born Germany, married 1883 Elisabeth Ellen PYNSENT
Paul Reinhold Carl BÖHM married in Victoria in 1883 to Elisabeth Ellen PYNSENT, daughtes of Thomas Pynsent. Boehm was Naturalised in 1893. Their son Wilhelm Alfred BÖHM was born in 1884 on Williamstown. He married in 1913 to Ethel Maud BAMFIELD (daughter of Harry Norman Bamfield and Lily Elizabeth JACKS of Wandin South. He died in 1960 in Parkville, Melbourne. Carl Paul Reinhold BOEHM died in 1915 at Kew at age 60 yrs. Elisabeth Ellen Boehm died in 1941 in East Malvern at 79 yrs.
Carl Friedrich BOEHME - from Dresden, Saxony, married Emma RUGLEN 1892 Vic.
Carl Friedrich BÖHMER
Carl Hugo Ernst BOEHSE from Germany, married Henriette Elise HERLITZ 1893
Ludwig Wilhelm Albert BOETTCHER from Germany, married Elizabeth Jane HOCKING 1891
Frau BOHN - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1884
Wilhelm BOHN - from Hannover, married Mary Ann Schwerdtfeger 1893 Vic.
Erich BOHNHOLTZER from Germany, married Isabella Mary LEITCH 1893
Benjamin Bernhardt BOISSEREE from Germany, married Ethel CARPENTER 1898
Wilhelm Joseph BOITT
Johann Albert BOLDEMANN
Johann Adolph Daniel BOLDT born Hamburgh
Johann Adolph Daniel BOLDT took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 11th July 1883, in Adelaide, South Australia, just 'A Few Days' after arriving in the Port of that city, as his first landfall in Australia. He was born in the Hanseatic League, Port and City-State of Hamburgh in about 1861. He was then aged 22, and a Tischler (joiner / cabinet maker) by profession if not yet by occupation.
Richard Heinrich Carl BOLDTRichard Heinrich Carl BOLDT was first Registered as an Alien under the Australian War Precautions Act of 1916, at South Wandin (Silvan) near Lilydale in the Yarra Valley of Victoria, Australia on the 13th October 1916. He arrived in the Commonwealth of Australia at the Port of Melbourne, on the 17th September 1911 on the ship "MAGDEBURG' from Germany. The documentation registers him as being born on the 19th December 1889 in Neu Buckow, Pommern (Pomerania) Deutschland (now Bukówko, in north-western Poland). In 1916, the Alien Register lists Boldt as being occupied as a farmer at 'Bona Vista' Silvan, 5 feat 8 inches in height, with blue eyes, fair hair, and the notable mark of a scar on his right arm.
Peter August BOLL - born Germany, married Mary Agnes DONOVAN 1907
Peter August BOLL was born on the 15th Janaury 1875 at Krefeld, Rheinland in Germany. Boll emigrated by way of ther interim refuge of Belgium and embarked from Bruxelles on the Ship 'S.S.GROSSER KURFUERST' to arrived in Australia at the Port of South Melbourne on the 5th November 1904. On disembarking Boll went up to Bendigo for a year, then returned to Melborune for two and a half years, before immigrating to the Riverina of New South walesin about 1907 . - Proprietor of 'Riverina Motor and Engineering Works (Peter August Boll, Engineer) End Street, Deniliquin, NSW. He was Naturalisation on the 23 March 1912 at Deniliquin.
Wilhelm Herbert Paul BOLL Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
Wilhelm Herbert Paul BOLL was born on the 5th November 1875 Krefeld, Rheinland, (Crefeld) Arr. Melbourne per BARBAROSSA 6th March 1902 from Bruxelles, Belgium. > Melbourne > Bendigo > Kerang Paul BOLL -born Germany, married Elizabeth Lizzie TREVEAN 1906
Heinrich BOLS from Germany, married Alice Isabel MOZELLE 1892
Julius BOLTZ -from Germany, married Dorothea EGGERS 1888
Carl Heinrich BOORMANN
Hermann Robert Theodor BOORTZ
Ernst Theodorus BORCHERS -born Germany, married 1883 Christiane DRENEN
Carl BORCHERT -from Germany, married Bridget SHEILDS 1888
Carl Andreas BORG - Arr. Sydney > Boulder City, WA
Carl Charles BORG - Naturalised 1910
Peter BORGA - Austria - Naturalised 1904 Queensland -
Alfred Maximilian BORGEEST -born Germany, married Margaret BREEN 1909
Wilhelm Johannes BORGEEST -
Wilhelm Johannes Borgeest was born on the 16th October 1863 in the Hanseatoce Free City of Hamburg, Deutschland, which swamped in to th Deutsch Reich by 1871. Borgeest emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship HOHENSTAUFEN and arrived in Australia at Port Melbourne 10th June 1885. On disembarking Borgeest spent five years in Melbourne Morgans, Western Australia, Storekeeper. Naturalised 19 June 1936
Johannes BORGEN
Friedrich Carl Georg BORGES Engineer
Friedrich Carl Georg BORGES 19th March 1887 in the Free city of Hamburgh, by then well and truly incorporated under the extended thumbs of the Deutsch Reich. BORGES Arr. 3rd Jan 193 per FREMANTLE at Sydney NSW. Engineer. >
Johannes John BORGLAND - Naturalised 1904
Heinrich 'Harry' BORGMANN - arr. 1909 Pt Adelaide, Mechanical Engineer,
Carl Heinrich Christian BORGMEYER, Farmer, South Australia Frau- Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1893 Assist [BORGMEIER]
Karl Charles BORGSON - Naturalised 1905
Johann Carl Ehrenreich BORGWARD from Germany, married Albertine Charlotte Auguste HEAFT 1897 - Naturalised 1898
August BORM - Naturalised 1935
Gottfried BORMANN
Heinrich henry BORMANN -born Germany, married 1883 Emma Auguste MILLER
BORNEMANN - or HORNEMANN - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1886 assist
Helmet BORNER -Naturalised 1914 - 1964
Paul BORNER - Naturalised 1893
Ernst Alexander BORNEFELD - Naturalised 1881
Johannes Julius BORNEFELD -born Germany, married 1882 Mary Helene WALKE -Naturalised 1896
BORNHOLDT, Heinrich 'Henry' - Arrived at age 23 at Port Melbourne on November 1901 per the ship NECKAR
Franzis Robert Carl BORO - Stettin, Pommern to Queensland
Frank Robert Charles BORO was born at Stettin, Pomerania.
Anton BOROWSKI born Prüßen /
Anton 'Anthony' BOROWSKI was born on the 5th May 1879 at Haly, Prussia or Russian Poland. He was trained as a Tischler (Cabinetmaker-Joiner). Borowski emigrated out of Deutschland by way of the interim hub of the British Colony of South Africa, and eventually arrived in Australia at the Port of Williamston, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria on the 6th November 1900. On disembarking in Melbourne Borowski immigrated to South Australia, living for three years in Edwardstown, Adelaide for ten years, and then in Glenelg. Borowski too the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 1st April 1915 when residing c/- Mrs. Padman at No.7 Milton Street, Glenelg, South Australia.
Rudolph Heinrich BOROWSKI born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1885 Mary Matilda JOHNSON - Naturalised 1900
Karl Wilhelm BORRACK
Walter BORRIES - Y.M.C.A. Melbourne
Walter BORRIES was born on the 18th November 1882 at Celle, Hannover, then incorporated into the Reich of Deutschland. Borries emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich in about 1906 by way of the interim hub of refuge in England, where he spent the next seven years, and from there embarked on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd steamship "FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE" and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 3rd March 1913. On disembarking he resided in Victoria c/- Y.M.C.A. No.130 Flinders street, Melbourne. On the 10th November that same year, unmarried at age 30 Borries submitted his Aliens Memorial attested by Mr. R.O, CLACK, General Secretary of the Young Mens Christian Association (Y.M.C.A) of No.77 Weinberg Road, Glenferrie, Boroondara, Melbourne, and then swore the Oath to be Naturalised. Borries was then working as a a Gardener and Florist.
Luis Delius BORSDORFF - Born New York, USA
Luis Delius BORSDORFF was born in New York, New York State, U.S.A. but had returned to his Ancestral home in Deutschland. He emigrated out of Europe by way of the Italian Port of Genoa on the ship "KAISER WILHELM II' and arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 15th December 1891. Borsdorff became a Warehouseman and Importer. After five years in Australia he was residing at- No.24 Murphy Street, South Yarra when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 3rd March 1897.
Hermann BORSHERT -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 22
Benjamin Bernhardy BORSEREE from Germany, married Ethel CARPENTER 1898
Georg Anton BORSTGeorg Anton BORST was born on the 13th June 1872 at Kreuzberg, Kreis Rhön, Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken, Bavaria, which is nearby the snowfields of the Cross Mountain (Kreuzberg) that rises in the High Rhön. Borst emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich into the refuge of the wide world and found his way to Sud Amerika, and from there he embarked in The Argentine on a Glasgow-Registered boat to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in November 1900. Borst was a Stone Mason by profession and upon disembarking he plied that skill in Melbourne for six months, and then went over the Strait to Hobart for two years, after which time he settled to work in Sydney. George Anthony BORST was married to Auguste SCHOENLE in Sydney in 1906. Their children were: Georg Friedrich Borst 1907 Sydney; Wilhelm Borst (1909-1909) St Leonards 1909, and a daughter who was born by 1914. At age 42, after 13 years in Australia, residing at Battle Boulevard, Sea Forth, Manly, New South Wales, Borst took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 15th August 1914 at Mosman, New South Wales. George Borst died in North Sydney in 1932. His wife Auguste Schoenle Borst survived him to die in Sydney in 1962.
Friedrich Wilhelm Von BORSTELFriedrich Wilhelm Von BORSTEL, the son of Claus Von Borstel, was born on the 28th April 1884 at Dörnbach, Kreis Kehdingen, in the Stade District, Nieder Sachsen, Prussia. Von Borstel emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich at the Port of hamburgh on the ship 'KOLMER to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 22 October 1912. Upon disembarking Von Borstel went up to Murtoa, in Wimmera of Victoria for one year before immigrating to Queensland, where he was 4 months at Pleystowe, then settling at Koumala, where he took up as a farmer. Von Borstel was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Sarina, Queensland on the 15th November 1916. Von Borstel took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at Koumala on the 4th March 1922.
Johann Adam BOSCH from Germany, married Henriette DUCK 1890
Johann Heinrich BOSCHEN from Germany, married Henrietta Caroline SIMS 1890
Johann Heinrich BOSCHEN from Germany, married mary Isabella WINTER 1899
Amand BOSE - Naturalised 1900
Albert BOSENHERT - Surgical Instrument Maker, Married b.Tübingen, Württemberg. RES. No.102 Lttl Collins Street, Melbourne. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1891 1892 - born Germany, married Anna Jessie Rebecca ROBINSON 1912 - Nat.1890 [ also BOSENHART]
J. BOSERUP - Naturalised 1931
Rosa BOSKER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" Oktober 1881 age 21
Hermann BOSS -born Germany, married 1883 Catherine ROBERTS - Naturalised 1897
Christoph BOSSE -born Germany, married 1880 Catherine McGRATH - Naturalised 1917
Heinrich Diedrich BOSSELMANN - born
Germany, married 1881 Amalie Henriette LANGE > Nat. 1893 Harcourt, VIC
Heinrich Christian Henry BOSSELMANN born Hamburgh, married Rose FROST 1887 Nat. 1872
Joseph BOSSEN -born Germany, married 1880 Lavinia KOSKIN
Maximilian Max BOSSIANMaximilian Max BOSSIAN was born on the 7th April 1856 at Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia. Bossian emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the Port of Bremen on the vessel 'S.S.HEURENBERG" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 7th November 1884. On disembarking Bossian stayed in Victoria for about a year and then strayed north through New South Wales for 15 years and then through Queensland for 7 years. From Australia Bossian returned twice to visit Deutschland in 1889 and again ten years later in 1899, but found it was no longer home to him. Max Bossian was an unmarried Boardinghouse Keeper at Bourbon Street, Bundaberg, Queensland, on the 4th June 1909.
Fritz Karl Wilhelm BOSSOW - Naturalised 1914 / 1934
Johann John Richard BOSTLEMANN -born Hannover, m.1886 Ann PEACHLEY
Wilhelm Joseph BOTT -born Germany, married Minnie May BOUCHER 1903
H BOTTCHER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 31
Eugene BOUCHARD -born France, married Isabella BUNTING 1902
Carl Richard BOUHME from Germany, married Maria Theresa Josepha BORRMANN 1896
Jacob BOWER/BAUER from Germany, married Emma WALLDEN 1895
Joseph BOXHORN / BOKSHORN - born Austria, married Mary WALSH 1876
Friedrich Christian BOYSEN from Germany, married Clara Jemima WILLIAMS 1890
Jes Jens BOYSON - born Nord Schleswig, married Sarah REECE 1889 Victoria
Peter Christian BOYSEN from Germany, married Mary Edith WILLS 1890
Carl Waldemar BRACHMANN, b. 10 Mai 1891 Halle, Westphalen - Arr, 25 Sept 1911 S.S>ANTWERP Nat. 1914 Tailor, 225 Spring St, Melbourne
Johann Fritz Emil BRACHVOGEL from Germany, married Charlotte Letitia HORNIDGE 1893
Friedrich Eduard BRACK Friedrich Eduard BRACK was born on the 22nd August 1856 at Friedberg, Franfurt-am-Main, Hessen. Brack emigrated out of Frankfort-am-Main in the Deutsch Reich on the vessel "S.S.CARPAXIA" to arrive in Australia on the 9th July 1881 at the Port of Melbourne, Victoria. Brack stayed in Melbourne from 1881 to 1898 after which time he immigrated to Rockhampton, Queensland till the year 1900, when he came south again to Sydney, NSW. After 23 yeasr in Australia, at the age of 47, Brack was married with seven children, working as an Upholsterer, and living at No.41 Murray street, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalsied on the 11th July 1904 at Pyrmont, NSW.
Auguste Heinrich Johann BRACKBUSCH from Germany, married Edith Mary BURGESS 1890
Gustav VAN BRAKKEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 30
Wilhelm Hermann BRADHOFF / BRANDTOFF -born Germany, married Elizabeth KEAST 1902
Eduard BRAEMER from Germany, married Henriette PRATT 1900
Carl Wilhelm BRAMSTEDT
M. BRAND - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1906 assist
Ludwig BRANGER - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1910 assist
Henri Louis BRANLY -born France, married Agnes Rae WOOD 1903
Carl 'Charles' BRANDT - Market Gardener
Carl 'Charles' BRANDT was born on the 2nd June 1869 at Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia, just 18 months before the German Unification. Carl Brandt emigrated out of Deutschland via Asia, and then embarked from the British Asian Colony of Hong Kong on the Nord Deutscher Lloyd vessel to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in October 1887. Upon disembarking Brandt resided for five years at Driffeld, in the Latrobe Valley of Central Gippsland, after which time he immigrated to New South Wales , and then Queensland, first at Mackay and then at Hosselbrook. Charles Brandt was married to Maud Mary DONLEN on the 11th April 1907 in Queensland. Daughter Maudie Clara Jane Brandt b, 27 Dec 1911 QLD. Married with two daughters by 1914, working as a Market Gardener at Hosselbrook. Naturalised 3rd July 1914 at Chillagoe, Queensland.
Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT -born Germany,
Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT was married to Isabella Mary NIXON of Monbulk Creek in 1902 in Melbourne. Brandt was Naturalised in 1898. The Nixons senior, Robert NIXON and his wife, Margaret nee CAHILL, and then the Brandt's lived on the Tirhatuan Run, on the Monbulk Creek in the Scoresby- Rowville district. Their children were: Otto Brandt b. 1902 carlton; 2. Julius Carlsen Brandt b. 1904 Armadale (Prahran); 3. Robert Wilhelm Brandt (1908-1908) Dandenong; 4. William James Brandt b. 1910 Dandenong. His wife Isabella Mary Brandt died at age 87 at Lysterfield in 1958. Alfred Gustav Adolph BRANDT died at age 93 at Mont Albert in 1968.
Gustav Julius BRANDT Wodonga, Victoria
Gustav Julius BRANDT was born on the 5th April 1877 at Hersel, in the Rheinland, Germany. [Hersel is a district of Bornheim in the Rhine-Sieg-Kreis in North Rhine-Westphalia]. Hersel between Bonn and Cologne, directly at the Rhine Brandt emigrated out of Deutschland on the vessel "BAYERN" to arrive in Australian at the Port of Sydney on the 18th December 1895. Upon disembarking Brandt went down the line to the Upper Murray Riverina district of Henry for five years before cross the river into Victoria in about 1900 where he settled at Wodonga and worked as a Soapmaker. At age 27 after nine years in Australia, Brandt was married to Lucy Rebecca RUMBLE at Murrumburrah NSW in 1903 and by 1904 they had a daughter, Annie Lucy Brandt , born 1904 Albury, NSW. On the 20 October 1904 Brandt took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised at Wodonga, Victoria. Their son Johann Gustav Julius Brandt was born in 1905 in Wodonga.
Heinrich 'Henry' BRANDT Heinrich 'Henry' BRANDT - born about 1844 at Stettin, Pommern, Prussia. Heinrich Brandt emigrated by way of the interim hub of freedom in England and there embarked at the Port of London on the ship "RENOWN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne in October 1877. After 14 year sin Australia Henry Brandt swore the Oath of his aliens Memorial for Naturalisation at South Melbourne on the 15th June 1897. He was then ages 53, working as a Labourer, and residing at No.140 Thistlewaite Street, South Melbourne.
Julian BRANDT - born France- marred 1900 Adelaide CRESSWELL
Lothar BRANDT, b. 1892 Daaden, Rhumrov Arr.1911 Fremantle WA Nat.1913 Korrelocking WA
Otto August Robert BRANDTOtto August Robert BRANDT,was born on the 10th December 1884 at ? Ballenchen, German? He emigrated from Deutsch Reich on the vessel " MERKERA' to arrive on Christmas Day 1885 at the Port of Brisbane, QLD. Farmer, Pimpania Island, QLD when Naturalised 9th April 1906.
Teodor BRANDT- Port Melbourne.
Teodor BRANDT- Port Melbourne. Teodor Brandt ded at age 70 in 1935 at Warragul, West Gippsland.
Wilhelm Hermann BRANDTOFF
Wilhelm August BRANNE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Catherine KANE 1891 Vic.
W H S BRASIER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 20
Georg BRAULIK born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1886 Mary Gilbert SKEATE
Ernst Albert August BRAUN - b. Berlin, Prüßen.
Ernst Albert August BRAUN was born on the 11th Oktober 1851 in Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen. As a young grocer Braun emigrated out of Prüßia by way of the interim refuge in England and from there then, to the United Sates of Amerika. From west coast of the USA he finally embarked on the vessel "ORMUZ" to arrive in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW in 1890. On disembarking Braun stayed in Sydney for just two years befor emigrating to settle in Melbourne, Victoria. He was married to Catherine JONES in 1893 in Victoria, and they had one son. At the age of 57 after 17 years in Australia Ernst Albert August Braun was working as Grocer and residing at No.161 Cruikshank Street, Port Melbourne when he took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 22nd February 1909.
Joseph BRAUN from Germany, married Ada Maria CLAUSEN 1889
Johann BRAUN / John BROWN born Germany, married Anne RYAN 1887
Tobias BRAUN -born Germany, married 1882 Johanne HYMANN
W. BRAUN - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein Join 1898 from Ballarat turn Verein
Friedrich Carl BRAUNE from Magdeburg, Germany, married Auguste STARICK 1894
Carl BRAUNHOLZ - from Hannover, married Sarah Ann GORE 1894 Vic.
Heinrich Friedrich Fritz BRAUNS
Johann Carl Heinrich BRAUER -born Germany, married Ida Agnes NUSKE 1907
Matthes BRAUER -born Germany, m.1886 Louise Christiane BEHLA
Georg BRAULIK - born Prüßen (Prussia), m.1886 Mary Gilbert SKEATE
Hermann Friedrich BRAUSE West Melbourne
Hermann BRAUSE was born on the 19th August 1884 at Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Brause emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the sailing ship "NANARCHOS" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Newcastle, NSW in the middle of May 1906. Upon disembarking he resdied at Newcastle, Sydney for 30 months, Brisbane for 18 months, Cooktown, QLD, Adelaide< SA, and Melbourne, Victoria. At age 28, after 7 years in Australian he was unmarried, working as a Tailor/ Labourer residing at No.65 Stanley Street, West Melbourne, Victoria on the 25th June 1913. He was married to Myrtle Gladys THOMAS, (daughter of Theophilius Thomas & Sarah Sherlock) in Victoria in 1914. Their daughter Flora Brause was born in Calrton in 1919. Hermann's wife Myrtle Gladys predeceased him, dying at age 56 in 1946 in Coburg, Victoria. Hermann Friedrich BRAUSE died at age 84 in 1969 in Kew, Boroondara, Victoria.
Ferdinand BRAUTIGAM - Born Rothau, Bohemia - Arr. 1884 - or BRANTIGAM
M BRECKLER Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 22
Carl Luder BREDE Carl Luder BREDE was born on the 13th August 1863 at Bremen in the Bremen Stadt Porvinz of Deutschland. Breder emigrated out of Deutschland on the sailing ship JOHANNA' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Sydney on about the 10th May 1885. On disembarking Brede resided at Miller's Point, Sydney and then at Canterbury where he went into trade as a Greengrocer. After 22 year sin Australia , at age 43 Brede took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 22nd May 1907 at Newtown, New South Wales. Brede was then married with five Australian children in Canterbury Road, Canterbury, NSW.
Heinrich BREDEHOFT -born Germany, m.1886 Margaret PRINCE
Peter Hermann BREDT
Hermann Carl BREDT
John BRENER /Johannes BREUER -born Germany, married Mercy Laura CASSIDY 1903
Ernst Christian BRENNECKE, Cabinet Maker b. 12 Janua 1845 othfesen, Res. No.32 La Trobe street west, Melborne - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein joined 1869 -1912 Wife Ellen Josephine DOYLE
Johann Ludwig Eduard BRENNOCKE b. 1869 Bremen Bremen Stadt Arr. 1897 GERA Pt Melb. Musicus, Northcote Vic
Christ. BRENSELL - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein
Hermann BREUER/ BRENER from Germany, married Jessie Ferguson HAMILTON 1892
Adolf BREUER -born Germany, married Elizabeth Jane ELLIS 1907
Harold Wilhelm BREIDAHL
F. BRETTSCHNEIDER - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1873
Walter BRETTSCHNEIDER b. 3 Mar 1961 Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1923 from Teutonia Lodge
Carl Theodor Friedrich BRESSLER from Rummelsburg, Prüßen (Prussia)
Carl Theodor Friedrich BRESSLER was born about 1864 at Rummelsburg, Pommern, Prüßen (Prussia) (now Miastko, Poland). Bressler was married in Adelaide to Mina Wilhelmine Alma FISCHER and they produced eight Australian chidren: Carl August Hugo Bressler 1898 Adelaide; Amanda Bressler 1900; Victoria Alma Bressler 1901; Leopold Max Bressler 1903; Olga Bressler 1905; Anita Emmie Pearl Bressler 1908; Hugo Ednum Bressler 1909; and Caroline Frieda Bressler 1912, all born in Adelaide, South Australia. Bressler was a Painter by profession, when he took the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Henry Adams, Justice of the Peace, in Parl Street, Bowden, Adelaide, South Australia
Joseph BRESSLER, b.1854 Warsaw, Poland Schneidermeister, Master Tailor,
Joseph BRESSLER was born in March 1854 at Warsaw, Capital of Poland, then under the unwanted and fateful control of the Empire of Russia. Bressler emigrated from already journeyed destination in the interim hub of refuge and peace in England, and embarked from the Port of London on the vessel 'S.S.GARONNE" to arrived in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 24th June 1882. He lived in Melbourne thereafter for fourteen years, after which he immigrated with his family to Western Australia. Bressler was married to Sarah Cohen LEVY. They had Australian-born children: Cecil Bressler 1895, Harriet 1892; Maurice 1889-1891 all in Carlton, Victoria. At the age of 50 years Bressler swore the Oath for his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation before Mr Justice Stephen Henry Parker, Judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, when listing his offical business address at No. 147 Barrack Street, Perth, Western Australia on the 5th March 1904 after 22 years in Australia. The Bressler family then lived at No. 28 Padbury street, Perth, including his wife and five Australian daughters, and twon of his three Australian sons. The other son was then in Sydney, New south Wales.
Johann Cal Wilhelm BRETAG from Germany, married Johanna WICKBOLD 1892
Friedrich Frederick BRETTSCHNEIDER from Pomerania, Prüßen m.1879 Jane RICHARDSON
Walter Hugo Guido BRETTSCHNEIDER -from Germany, married Julia Jessie BEETON 1888
Stephan BREY, Stephan BREY, son of Korbidian Brey, was born on Christmas Eve 1888 at Schoffan, in Munchen, Bayern (Munich, Bavaria). Young BREY emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the ship "ZIETHEN to arrived in Australia at Port Jackson. SydneyM NSW in the year of war, on the 20th June 1914. Upon disembarking Brey found his way to to the Germanic communities of the Upper Riverina, where he worked as an Agricultural albourer, first at Jindera for a year, then at Walbundries for 4 years and afterwards for Mr S. P. VOSS at Walla Walla after 1918. Brey was registered as an Enemy Alien at Walbundreie on the 10th October 1916 (Cert.1. He was finally Naturalised when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial at Walla Walla on the 17th April 1922.
Albert Gustav BRIESE from Germany, b. 19 Dezember 1860 Appelwerder, Deutschland married Auguste Henriette WEINBERG 1892 - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1923 from Teutonia Lodge -1925
Carl Friedrich Gotthardt BRIESE - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Johanne Helene JAGER 1890 Vic.
Hermann Paul BRIESE -from Germany, married Annie Maria POOLE 1888
Richard Carl Johann BRIGL - from Berlin, Prüßen. Married Adelaide Winter 1893 Victoria.
F H BRINKMANN Arr. Port Melbourne per SEYDLITZ June 1908 age 21
Heinrich Wilhelm BRINKMANN from Germany, married Emma Marie BUNGE 1893
Louis / Lewis BRINKMANN from Germany, married Margaret JONES 1898
Bernhard Anton BRINKOTTER from Germany, married Anna Marie Theresa SOMMER 1896
Herr BRINNER Arr.Pt Melb.per 'FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' Nov 1898 age 48; with Frau Brinner 42 , Kind Frauliens, 16, 12, 9, Sohn Brinner age 4
Wilhelm BRITZ / BRITS -born Germany, married 1882 Sophia WHITE / WEISS
Augustus BROCKHOFF -born Germany, married 1880 Edith BALLARD
Karl Heinrich BROCKMANN- Naturalised 1921, New Glenelg, SA
Wilhelm Adolph Andreas BROCKMAN
Heinrich Josef Jakob BRODEL - born Germany, married Edith May HARKENSEE 1911
Heinrich Josef Jakob BRODEL, Cook, was born 4th Dezember 1883 at Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland. Joined Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1907-1908
Although Heinrich Josef Jakob BRODEL had the perspicacity and foresight to get himself Naturalised where he was living in 1912 at 64 Highbury Grove, Kew, Victoria, before the Great War, but, when it came, a series of mortifying years suffering rejection and persecution as an 'Enemy Alien' meant that he could not stay in work, times that saw his family falling in such abject poverty that he appealed to the authorities to be Interned. From his home in 5 Derby Place, Kew, he was surrendered as destitute, and Interned at the Prisoner-of War camp at Langwarrin on the 28th March 1917. If his trade was that of cook as stated on his Nauralisation he was probably put to regular employment in Internment. Brodel had arrived in the Port of Melbourne on the ship "GERA' on 22 October 1906, orginally departing from his native Dresden, Saxony. He was married to Melbourne-born Edith May Harkansee in 1911 and by the time War was under weigh they had three young Australian children. Now, in 1917 with her husband interned, Edith Brodel, could not provide for the family, so she also appealed to the authorities for her and the children to be Interned with her husband. The social and business climate then was antagonistic to any people of Germanic appearance of name, and no explanation, no exception was to be heard. Whether they had sympathy with the Militarist or not was of no account when nobody would listen. Only the desperate welfare of the Internment camp saved the Brodel family through the war.
Carl Clemens BRÖDNER - Engineer, born 4th March 1863 Marienburg, Germany, married Elsie Gertrude WILSON (b.10Jan 1881 m. 1906. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1903-1917. Child: Irelne Laue b. 16 Jun 1900
Frank Franzis BRODTMANN - from Hannover, married Sarah Anne BALL 1895 Vic.
Mauritz BRODZKI / Maurice BRODZKY -born Germany, married 1882 Florence LEON
John BROER / Johannes BROR -from Germany, married Isabella GIBB 1888b.
Gilbert BROMEYER, Cabinet Maker, b. 1 Januar 1951 Amsterdam, Holland. Res. Gordon St, Coburg. Arrived Nover 1886 per ACNONQUENA. Wife: Anna Marie Elizabet RIKKERT (b.1 Feb 1859); Children: 1. Yelles August Bromeyer b.22 July 1887 (Glass Embosser); 2, Marie ELisabeth Bromeyer b.28 July 189. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1887-1915
Johann Wilhelm Peter BROSE from Germany, married Margaret WILSON 1896
BROSTROM Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1922
Charles BROWN / Carl BRAUN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1880 Elizabeth JOHNSON
Edward BROWN / Eduard BRAUN - born 1834 Germany. Miner in Northern Territory 1881 age 47
Heinrich Caspar BROWN /BRAUN - born Germany, married Amelia MEYER 1910
Henry BROWN / Heinrich BRAUN -born Germany, m.1886 Mary MAFFAZONI
John BROWN / Johann BRAUN born Germany, married Anne RYAN 1887
Philipp Wilhelm BROWN /BRAUN - born Germany, married Nellie Maud CHUCHYARD 1907
Thomas BROWN / BRAUN born Prüßen (Prussia), married 1882 Elizabeth Binnie REID
Jean BROUSSARD -born France, married Jemima Annie BURRIDGE 1905
Israel BRUCHA-ZONENBERG died at age 85 East Brunswick in 1949
Friedrich BRÜCHERFriedrich BRÜCHER was born on the 16th November 1852 at Gross Zimmern in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Deutschland, which was incorparated into the Deutsch Reich abut the time Friedrich came into his maturity. Friedrich BRÜCHER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steamship "AMALFO (AMALFI) to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 26th January 1886. Upon Disembarking Friedrich BRÜCHER in South Australia at Murray Bridge from 1886 to 1888, when he immigrated over the border to the Wimmera of Victoria, residing at different parts. He returned to South Australia for the period 1900 to 1905 after which time he came back Victoria, this time to the Loddon Valley, at Derby near Bridgewater-on Loddon from 1906 to 1910, and afterwards at Barraport. At the age of 59 he was unmarried, after nearly 26 years in Australia, and then working as a Farmer Labourer at Barraport, near Boort in the Wimmera of Victoria when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of the 4th September 1911 at Boort. Friedrich BRÜCHER died at age 78 at Ingelwood, Victoria in 1930.
Albert Julius BRUCHERT - Naturalised 1904
S. BRÜCHL - 1914-1919
Fritz Friedrich Arthur Karl BRÜCHNER or Friedrich Artur Karl BRÜCKNER Fritz Friedrich Arthur Karl BRÜCHNER or Friedrich Artur Karl BRÜCKNER was born on the 14th December 1884 at Langenbielau, Kries Riechenbach, in the Eulengeberge of the Provinz of Breslau, Silesia in the Deutsch Reich. Fritz BRÜCKNER emigrated out of Deutschland on the Nord-Deutscher-Lloyd Mail Steamer "S.S.SEYDLITZ" to arrived in Australia at Port Jackson, Sydney on the 29th October 1908. Upon disembarking BRÜCKNER was seven months at Roseville, North Sydney, and then immigrated up the continent to Bundaberg, Queensland where he stayed six months before going Outback down the Darling basin to Combie Station at Hillston, NSW, for two years, then at Mount Alfred Station for a year, and afterwards, at Wyandra, below Charleville, Queensland. After years nearly five in Australa he was still unmarred at age 28 and working as a Gardener for Mr H Heyer, when he swore the Oath and was Naturalised in his aliens Memorial of 19th May 1913 at Wyandra, Queensland.
Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANNJohann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN, son of Claus Heinrich BRÜCHMANN and Alvine BAUMBERG, was born in about 1842 at Busern? or Bursum? or Buxiene? Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge and freedom in Great Britain, and there embarked at the Port of London on the ship "SOMERSETSHIRE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 17th October 1873. Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN was married to Emma Flinn GEORG in Victoria in 1875. After 26 years in Australia at the age of 55 Johann Heinrich BRÜCHMANN was working as a Contractor in Footscray, west of Melbourne, Victoria when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalised on the 4th May 1896. He died at age 75 in Footscray in 1916.
Georg BRUCHSTEINER died 1942 at South Yarra at age 77
August BRÜCKER -born 1892 in Schiltigheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, Deutsch Reich, Germany (formerly, and now again, France) - died 1965 Melbourne, Vic.
Philipp BRÜCKER -born 11 November 1894 in Schiltigheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine, Deutsch Reich, Germany (formerly, and now again, France) - died 1974 in Croydon, Vic.
Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER, son of Karl Ernst & Emilie BRÜCKNER, was born on the 28th March 1888 at Seitendorf, Sachsen Deutschland. Alwin Maximilian BRÜCKNER emigrated out of Saxony and the Deutsch Reich by way of the German Pacific Kolonies and there embarked from Rabaul, in German New Guinea on the R.S.D. ship "COBLENZ" to arrive in Sydney, Australia on Christmas Day in 1911. Unmarried after two years in Australia at the age of 25 living at No 20 Riley street, Sydney, and working as a Butcher, he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 6th January 1914. Alwin Max BRÜCKNER died at Kogarah, Sydney in 1965
Otto BRUDER / Otto BRUDEN - born Germany, married Catherine CARROLL 1905
P. BRÜGMANN Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1880 assist
Siegwart BRUEHL from Germany, married Minna VIESEl / Wilhelmine WIESEL 1890
F H BRUGES -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" March 1878 age 26
Adolph BRUHN - WOOD tURNER b. 18 Januar 1855 Bentschne, Posen, Prussia. Res. HeAD sT, pORT MELBORUNE, Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein . Wife. Frieda. Children: Elsa 1890; Frieda 1893; Adolf 1893. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1885 -1919
Peter Wilhelm BRUHN
Peter BRUHN from Germany, married Mary Haines THWAITES 1889
Rudolph BRUHN - born Germany, married hilda Maud PREECE 1910
Theodore August BRUHN / BRUNN from Germany, married Mary Ann RUAN 1891
Gustav Christian BRUMSTEIN born Germany, married Lillie Jane FORBES 1887
H. BRUN - Rutherglen, Vic. - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1903
Heinrich Luis BRUN. b.2 Oktober 1874 Neuchatel< Switzerland. Res. 100 Market St, Sth Melborune. Cellarman. married. Wife Isabelle McKANE> Child> James usgust Brun 1899; Louis Brun 1901; Harry Brun 1902' Adele Brun 1905; Alice Brun 1908/ Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1899-1923/ Died 13 July 925 austin Hospt.
Joachim V DE BRUN -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" August 1880 age 22
Georg BRUNEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 29
Eric BRUNEL -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" April 1880 age 5
Gerhard BRÜNJES - Cellarman - b. 6 Oktober 1889 at Eckwarden, Oldenburg, Deutschland. Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1909 1910
Anton BRUNO - Boardinghouse keeper, b. 12 Juli 1851 Kiel, Holstein, Res. Graham St, Abbotsford - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1879=1881
Friedrich Christian H BRUNSTEIN born Germany, married Jane STEVENS 1887
Friedrich Heinrich BRUNNIER /BRUNNER - born Germany, married Florence Sarah Kate FRENCH 1904
Johann Friedrich BRUNING
Friedrich BRUSCH from Germany, married Harriet GRIDWOOD 1891
Heinz Hinz BRÜSCHLE, Shopkeeper, b.30 Sept 1864, Rastatt, Baden, Deutschland. - - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1908-1911
Wilhelm Georg Conrad VON BRÙSSLER Prüßen
Wilhelm Georg Conrad VON BRÛSSLER arrived at the Port of Melbourne, Australia on the vessel "IDELWORK" on the 10th September 1900. VON BRÙSSLER was born on the 30th July 1877 at Haumer, or Hammer, (or Polnisch Hammer, Posen), Prüßen (Prussia). Now in Poznań, Poland. He married Ann Hannah CLANCY in Victoria in 1906. The VON BRÙSSLERS resided at first in South Gippsland, at Lock, for 5 years and at Korumburra, Victoria, for 3 years, before moving onto 'Nuntherungee,' an Outback Station at White Cliffs, New South Wales, where he was working as a Groom, and where, by 1910 they had an Australian daughter. VON BRÙSSLER swore the Oath of Naturalisation' in his Aliens Memorial before Mr John Samuel Jackson, Justice of the Peace of Morden, New South Wales. It was dated the 1st July 1910 at Nuntherungee Station C/- Mr. C.J. Clark of Morden Station, White Cliffs, nr Wonnaminta station, New South Wales. In 1917 'Brother VON BRÙSSLER' was appointed as delegate for the Loyal Plummer Lodge of the Indepenent Order of Oddfellows in South Broken Hill, New South Wales. Later in 1917 he made reports about the Order's charitable support of a dispensary at South Broken Hill. Wilhelm Georg Conrad BRUSSLER died at age 74 in Mildura, Victoria, in 1949. His wife Amy Hannah Brussler survived him, dying in Mildura in 1958 at age 75.
Leopold BRY - b. Berlin, merchant - - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1894-1900
Carl Robert BUBECK from Germany, married Annie Mary McCORMICK 1900
Christian Joshua BUBECK from Germany, married Amelia LYNCH 1896
Felix Friedrich BUBECK - born Germany, married 1881 Mary Ellen SENLING
'Hans' Johannes BUCH - b. 18 Apri; 1884 Kopnhagn, Danmark, Arr. 3rd March 1887 Rockhampton QLD Brisbane< QLD Painter
Albert BUCHER -born Germany, m.1886 Mary HART - Naturalised 1895
Karl Emil BUCHER, Swiss Engineer, from San Francisko, USA to Maryborough, QLD
Johann Bernhardt BUCHOLT - born Konigsberg, Prüßen m,.1871 Margaret WILLIAMS
Friedrich Ludwig BUCHHOLDT from Germany, married Ruth Anna GRONN 1892
Heinrich Peter BUCHHOLDTHeinrich Peter BUCHHOLDT was born on the 8th June 1864 at Raunsbjerg, Schleswig-Holstein, then maybe part of Denmark,but by 1865 incorporated into Deutschland. Buckholdt emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich on the steamship "HOHENSTAUFEN" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 24th October 1886. On disembarking Buchholdt went up to the GOulburn Valley district of Congupna, near Shepparton for five years, and then, after being back in Melbourne for 2 years, went to the mountains of the Upper Yarra valley at Warburton for 3 years. In about 1897 Buchholdt immigrated to Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia and settled in Coolgardie. At the age of 49 after 27 years in Australia Henry Peter BUCHHOLDT was working as a Miner in Coolgardie, married, but with no children, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial and was Naturalsid on the25th May 1913 at Coolgardie.
Julius Johann Heinrich BUCHHOLDTJulius Johann Heinrich BUCHHOLDT was born about 1866 at Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussia. Buchholdt emigrated out of the Deusch Reich at the age of 11 on by way of Great Britain and embarked at the Port of London on the ship "STADT AMESTERDAM" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne. He was working as a Gem-make at Bendigo, Sandhurst at the age of 46, after 11 years in Australia, when he took the Oath and was Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 23rd November 1888 before Mr Karl Von Damme, Justice of the Peace at Sandhurst, Bendigo, Victoria
Ernst Hermann BUCHHOLTZ - Naturalised 1890
Gottlieb BUCHHOLTZ - - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1888 asylum
Paul BUCHHOTZ - Naturalised 1893
H. J. B. BUCHNER - Naturalised 1925-1935
Hans Johannes Martin BUCHTERHans Johannes Martin BUCHTER, born 1835 Theizingen, Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland. After 26 years in Australia at the age of 48, working as a Vinegrower, on the Barwon or Moorabool at Batesford, Geelong, Victoria Buchter took the Oath and was naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 7th April 1883.
BUCHTLER - - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1883
Carl Holland BUCKNELL - von Prüßen (Prussia), married Alice Quliiliam 1904
Joseph August Thomas BRUCHNER -from Germany, married Lanse WINPETT 1888
Ernst Christian BUGGE / BEUGGE
Paul Emil Emmanuel BUCKHHOLZ - born Prüßen (Prüssia), married Louise ROATZ/RATZ 1890 Vic.
Johann BUDA b.1823 Bomst, Posen Departed Hamburg on 11 May 1879 per "SOPHIE" Arrived Adelaide 22 August 1879 @ age 56 Arbeiter/Worker
Ernst Otto BÜHLE . b. 1874 Bernau, Berlin, Brandenburg arr. 4th aug 1878 Brisbane QLD Farmer, Boonah, QLD
Bernard Dunkels BÜHLER - born Bavaria m. 1875 Bella WATSON
BUHLER, Eugen - - Arrived at age 31 at Port Melbourne on November 1901 per the ship NECKAR
Johann BULK -Schmalfeld, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland Declared Enemy Alien - Kalgoorlie, WA
Wilhelm BULK - b. Schmalfeld, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland - brother of the above- Naturalised 1913 - Declared Enemy Alien - Kalgoorlie, WA
Karl BULKA - Naturalised Queensland 1911
Carl Henrich BÜLL - Blacksmith - Schmied - Adelaide, South Australia
Carl Heinrich BÜLL was born about 1856 at Hasseldiercksdamm, nr Kiel, Holstein, Deutschland, a birthplace long under the Kingdom of Denmark, lost in the second Prusso_Danish war in about 1864. Carl Heinrich BÜLL Emigrated of the the Deutsch Reich which had swamped his homeland, arriving in South Australia in January 1882. After just seven days in Australia, BÜLL took the Oath of his Aliens memorial and was Naturalised on the 30th January 1882 before Mr Friedrich Eduard Heinrich Wulf KRICKAUFF, well-known Justice of the peace of Adelaide, South Australia.
Henrick Johann BULL -
Ernst von BÜLLER -
Ernst Johann Nepomuk Josef Von BÜLLER - b. 9 April 1863 at Ingolstadt, Deustchalnd. Wife: Mathilde ROEHLK. Stepsons: Erch b, 17 July 1895; Claude b. 4 Aug 1898. elbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1907-1917
Nikolaus BULLMAYER -
Nikolaus BULLMAYER was born on the 30th November 1886 at Hegelhofen, Bayern (Bavaria), Deutschland - son of Karl BULLMAYER. - The younger BULLMAYER departed the Deutsch Reich as a member of the ships crew on the Steamship "GOSLAR" arriving well away from the looming European disaster on the far side of world in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 12th of December 1912 at which opportune port and climactic moment he got right up and deserted. Upon his clandestine disembarkation BULLMAYER went and went, well out of any hunter's sights, in fact right out of harm's way and, in fact, effectively out of sight, by going right up the line to North Queensland, where he settled in the frontier obscurity and acceptance of the working mills and camps of the timber industry on the Darling Downs at Tara for the next seven years. Some years after the Outbreak and Declaration of War, and then years of War. In fact well after the war had ended, he was at long last found by the ever-efficient Australian Authorities and finally Registered in 1920 as a dangerous Enemy Alien, at Tara, Queensland. The Government then investigated him, and asked about after his reputation on the Darling Downs, but nothing disloyal or dangerous could be found to be said against him. He was then recruited for his profession as well as his Mastery in his Occupation as a Woodworker and so removed to Melbourne, and was employed in making pianofortes and piano cases for Hugo Wertheim in his piano factory in East Richmond. - After eight years in Melbourne and fifteen years in Australia Nikolaus BULLMAYER was living at No.90 Delaware street, Reservoir, in northern Melbourne, when he took the Oath of his Aliens Memorial to be Naturalised on the 16th day of May 1927. He was then married, having wed in 1924 in Victoria to Burnley, Richmond-born Myrtle Belinda Bullmayer - and they had two children: Frances Grace Bullmayer b.1925 Reservoir; and Rupert Karl Bullmayer -b.1927 Reservoir, Victoria, then just three weeks old.
Albert BULOWAlbert BULOW inscribed his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 2nd September 1903 while living at No. 12 Nelson Road, Emerald Hill, South Melbourne. He had by then been in Australia for seventeen years, and was working as Stevedore's Labourer on the docks. He was born in the Baltic coastal, or more exactly, the estuarine town of Ribnitz then within the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, across the water from Damgarten, then Pomerania, Deutschland. Bulow emigrated from the Port of Bremen on the vessel "LEOPOLD VON VANGEROW" arriving in Melbourne in March 1886
Heinrich Henry BULLTNER - born Germany, married Florence BARRETT 1911
Albert Carl Martin BULOW /Von BULOW from Germany, married Friedericke SABRANSKY 1900
BULS, Heinrich - Arrived Port Melbourne at age 28 in MAY 1887 per the ship NECKAR
August BULTE - Naturalised 1896
Joseph BUMBAK - Naturalised 1929-1965
Peter Simon BUMBAK - Naturalised 1911-1940
Harry BUMCHEN / Heinrich BUNCHEN from Germany, married Edith May FRASER 1895 /
Carl Georg BUNCKECarl Georg BUNCKE was born in about 1851 in the town of Meyenburg, in the district of (Kreis) Prignitz, Brandenburg, Prussia, Deutschland. Meyenburg is situated 23 km northwest of Wittstock, and 18 km northeast of Pritzwalk. At the age of 26 Buncke emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich by way of the interim hub of refuge in England and there embarked from the Port of London on the ship "THYRATIRA" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on the 16th November 1877. On disembarking Buncke went to live in Williamstown. Carl Georg BUNCKE was married in Victoria in 1886 to Sarah Jane WINDER. After 13 yreas in Australian, at the age of 39, residing at No.73 Bay View street, North Williamstown, Victoria where he worked as a Harbour Trust Employee, Buncke swore the Oath of his Aliens Memorial for Naturalisation on the 28th October 1890.
Johannes John BUNDARA born Austria, married Louisa STONE 1874
Albert BUNDE - born Germany, married Minnie PLANT 1910
Adolph Ulrich BUNDGAARD Naturalised 1904
Heinrich Georg Friedrich BUNGE -born Germany, married 1880 Maria Martha ANDRESSEN
Heinrich BUNNEMANN from Germany, married Mary O'NEIL 1894
Johannes Hans Jurgen BUNZ - born Germany, married Marie Jane BETZ 1906
Ivan BURAZIN, b. 15 Sept 1865 Cisto, Imosaka, Austria. Arr. 1890 Nat. Miner, Kamballic Lease, Boulder, Western australia 3 July 1913
Arthur BURCHARDT - Internee
Theodor Herbert BURCKHARDT -
Theodor Herbert BURCKHARDT b. 18th Feb 1891 Leipzig, Sachsen, DE - Electrician, Norwood, Adelaide SA - arr. 9 Nov 1910 KONINGEN LUISE at Fremantle WA
Wilhelm BURCKHARDT - b.1879 Frankfurt-am-Main, Diemaker
Wilhelm BURCKHARDT born 3rd May 1879 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, Arr. Adelaide SA res. 20 yrs Adelaide 15 yrs Melbourne. Diemaker > 11 Hood street, Collingwood. he married in 1911 to Mary Isbael TIPPINS.
Udo BURGDORF Masseur, b.Pferdingsleben, Saxony. Masseur,
Udo BURGDORF was born on 21 Dezember 1879 at Pferdingsleben, Sachsen (Saxony)- A Masseur by profession. He arrived in Australia on the 18th July 1910 on the ship 'PRINZ REGENT LEOPOLD' at Port Melbourne res. Mlebourne 3 year 6 months, Perth Wa 6 months Unmarried Nat. 6th Augst 1914 @ 23 Barrack Street, Perth WA - Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1911-1914
Rudolph August Bernhardt BURGHARD -from Hamburg, Germany, married Adelaide BURGDORF 1888
Maximilian BURGHARDT Maximilian BURGHARDT was born 20th Juni 1862 at Glatz, Schlesien, Prüßen (Silesia, Prussia) now Klodzko, Poland- Watchmaker, Nat. 555 Rathdown St, North carlton & 24 Russell Street, Melbourne . Arr from Colombo, Ceylon, abt April 1904 'ORMOO' to Port Melbourne
Peter 'BURGESS' BURGER Peter 'BURGESS' BURGER b, Switz. arr. 'COSCO' from London 26th June 1879 at Portland, VIC > Queensland ? NSW ? Western australia > Victoria. Nat. 1911 Brunswick Vic.
Wilfred BURGERMEISTER b. 1st May 1881 Engisand, Kanton Thurgau, Switzerland Arr. 15th Sept 1913 'S.S. SEYDLITZ' at Port Melbourne > Boisdale, Gippsland Farmer
Frau BURGMEYER -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1889 assist
Heinrich Henry BURHOP Heinrich Henry BURHOP b. Hannover DE Carpenter, Arr. 18 Dec 1888 'BIRKSGATE at Brisbane QLD Went south to Victoria. nat. 1901 at Koo-Wee-Rup, via Prahran, Vic.
Conrad Heinrich BURKHARDT -
Conrad Heinrich BURKHARDT b. 13 Aug 1878 Arr. Port Melbourne 1884 > Sydney, > Brisbane > Perth > Adelaide
Rudolph BURKHARDT Rudolph BURKHARDT< b. Christmas day 1874 Ehningen, Wuerttember, DE Arr. 27 Jan 1901 KONINGEN LUISE at Pt Melb > Melb > Brisbane > Sydney Occ. Butcher
Theodor Herbert BURKHARDT Electrician.
Theodor Herbert BURKHARDT Electrician - Arr. 9 Nov 1910 Fremantle WA KONINGEN LUISE > Norwood SA Nat 7 Aug 1914
Karl BÜRKLE (BUERKLE) Karl BÜRKLE (BUERKLE) of Melbourne, Arr. from Hamburg to 1910 Pt Melb. per S.S. BEILEFELD > Malvern, Glenferrie, Townsville QLD , Perth
Gustav Friedrich 'Fritz' BURKOWSKY -
Gustav Friedrich 'Fritz' BURKOWSKY born 20 Sept 1891 Berlin, Brandenburg, Prüßen (Prussia). arr. from Argentina, Sth America 28 June 1914 'S.S. ZISTIN' at tge Port of Melborune res. 27 Drummond street, Carlton, Victoria, Occ. Tischler / cabinentmaker
Heinrich Alexander BURMEISTER -from Ahrensburg,
Heinrich Alexander BURMEISTER was born at Ahrensburg, Hamburg, Arr. 15 Marh 1868 Adelaide per SUSANNE he married Sarah Amelia BLACK 1890 Vic. Fire Brigade Officer, Melbourne
Louis BURLOT, b.1975 Binic, Cotisdee, Nord, France > Arr. Fremantle WA > Sleeper Cutter, Donnybrook, W.A.
G. BURMEISSEN --Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1887 blind
Herr BURMEISTER - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1889 assist
Paul BURMEISTER - born Germany, married Louise Amelia HAMMANN / HAMBERT 1911
R BURMESTER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 30
Steave BURNEMBY Stephan BURNEMBE from Germany, married Delia McINTYRE 1889
Hermann BUROW from Germany,
Hermann BUROW was born on the 23rd August 1855 Rugenwald, Pommern, Prüßen (Pomerania, Prussia) Arrived 1888 ' NOAK THE 3RD' at Port Melbornem Resided berwick 5 years, Narrewarren 2 yres , Cranbourne 7 years, Koo Wee Rup, Melbourn ne 2 yrs, Nat. Dandenong, Vic.
Hermann BUROW Married Mary Josephine MOORE 1892
Georg BURRUS - born Alsace.
Georg BURRUS was born on the 11th February 1833 in the Commune of Eichhoffen, in the Bas-Rhin district of Alsace, France, which was annexed by Germany after France declared war on Prussia in 1870. Georg Burrus was a professional Backer or Baker. Burrus emigrated out of his native Alsace in the midst of that maelstrom in his homeland that became known as the Franco-Prussian War. Burrus arrived in Australia at the Port of Sydney, on the ship 'LUSITANIA' on the 10th January 1870 or just eight days before the completion of the annexation of Alsace amidst the Unification of Deutschland which was declared on the 18 January 1871 at Versailles. On disembarking Burrus made his way to the Wimmera of Victoria where he reside at Dimboola for the next six years, after whcih he was in the Sheep Hils for six years and in Murtoa for eighteen years before going down to Melbourne to settle in Kew. Married with three Australian Daughters. Burrus was Naturalised 7th July 1909 @ No.75 Cobden street, Kew, Melbourne.
Albert August BURST - Naturalised 1904 - 1930
F. BURSTOCK - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1886 - one hand, wife & 3 childs
Heinrich Friedrich Otto BURTH b. 27th April 1877 Schwerin, Mecklenburg, Fisherman. Arr. from London 'S.S.FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE' in February 1913 at Pt Melbourne. > Nyah > Pyab > Torrens Island Internee, > Morgan SA, Blanchetown SA
Joseph BURTLE - b. 13 Feb 1877 Offenburg, grand Duchy of Baden, DE Occ: Cooper. Arr, from USA per MEDVERA Dec 1904 Sydney NSW > Albury > Melbourne > Sydney > Newcastle. Nat, 14 May 1912 Newcastle NSW
Albert BURY b. Strassburg, Alsace
Albert BURY b. 7th December 1850 Strasburg, Alsace-Lorrain, Germany Arr. froM London per JORDLAND HIILL arriving Melbourne 4th April 1901. Res. Melborune 7 years > Sydney 2 yrs 0 Widower, Occ; Cook Nat. Pyrmont NSW 12 June 1911
Eiler Marinus Aleksander Antonius BUSCH b.22 July 1896 Odder, Jutland Danmark > Arr. 29 Dec 1913 at Melbourne on the ship 'S.S.OWIETO' > Res. Maffra, South Gippsland, Hillside, farmer at Hillside, nr Bairnsdale, Gippsland, Victoria.
Eduard Georg Johann BUSCH b. 14th July 1888 Hamburg, DE Arr. 20 Oct 1877 N.D.L ship at Sydney Nat. 41 Collins Place, Melbourne Occ. Waiter, HOSIES Hotel, Melbournme - Formerly at the GROSVENOR HOTEL, Sydney , Unmarried.
Friedrich Wilhelm BUSCH -born Germany, married 1883 catherine SCHMIDT
Friedrich BUSCH -Wool Sorter - born 2 Oktober 1846, Doberau, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. Arr. 1864 per KATHERINE Res. Tyne Cottage, Clifton Hill. married 1883 Lydia HENRY. -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1883-1903.
F, BUSCH - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1919
Georg BUSCH - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1879 1880 assist
Hermann Otto BUSCH -Painter, b. 24 Juli 1880. Joined -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 5 June 1924 @ age 43 - 1828? 2nd Wife. Dora busch b.29 August 1889.
Hermann Otto Friedrich BUSCH,
Hermann Otto Friedrich BUSCH< b. 15 Dec 1880 Hamburg, Deutschland, son of Philipp Heinrich Peter Busch. Busch emigrated to Australia on the ship 'WISEMAN' arriving at the Port of Melbourne on the 10th October 1912. He was Registered as an Enemy Alien at Glenferrie, Melbourne, No 3. in 1915. Busch was Interned at the Langwarrin prisoner of Camp for 6 months in 1915. His internment was at his own request on the grounds of destitution - not being able to obtain employment because of his Nationality. Busch resided at various places in the Yarra valley; at Doncaster, Healesville, Box Hill, Kew, Hawthorn, eventually settling on the Upper Dandenong Creek at Bayswater. He was married to Richmond-born Dorothea Emilie HENNIG in Fitzroy, Victoria on the 30th June 1917'Waldheim Guest House' Bayswater, Scoresby North. Occupation; Artist. Address when declared a prisoner of War: C/- Mr Otto Preuss & sons, Undertakers, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Johann Heinrich Luis BUSCH - Born Hamburg. Soap maker, Arr. 1855 Nat. 9 Feb 1884 Melbourne @ age 39.
Ludwig BUSCH born 5 Feb 1867 Mering, nr Augsburg, Bayern, Germany. Arr. 46 years before 1914 in Melbourne. he married Alice KNIGHTON 1889 res. 260 Swan St, Richmond, carrier Nat. 1st Aug 1914
Walter BUSCH from Germany, married Elizabeth WATSON 1901
W. BUSCH - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1875 assist
Alfred August Eduard Friedrich BUSCHE-BRONNER - born Scwelm, Prüßen (Prüssia), married Laura Maude DAVIDSON 1899 Victoria.
Wilhelm BÜSCHER (William BUSCHER) b. 1st Dec 1862 Koln (Cologne) Rheinland Deutschland - Arr. Nov 1896 'BAYERN' Port Sydney NSW > Riverina > Melbourne. Nat'sd. 6 Graham St, Fitzroy, Vic. stallkeeper / storekeeper
Oscar de BUSCHLER - born 9th Oct 1870 Wedoloo, West Flanders, Belgium Arr, 1912 from New York USA in Port Melbourne Nat, 1913 Jeparit, Vic.
Carl Ludwig Louis H. BUSCHMANN - b, 20 Feb 1838 bremen. Wine Retailer. Res. 173 Bourke St, East, Melborune - -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1869-1883. Wife. b. 19 Jan 1880 age 32.
Carl Christian Conrad Friedrich Wilhelm BÜSING from Germany,
Carl Christian Conrad Friedrich Wilhelm BÜSING born 1st Oct 1868 Rostock Mecklenburg Tinsmith, Arr. 12 Aug 1871 Brisbane. Res. Ararat, Victoria 5 years, married Mima KNIGHT 1892 Victoria. Res, Nurnbow QLD, Brisbane Qld Nat.1920 Bulimba, QLD -
Alfred Louis Ludwig BUSSE from Germany, married Fanny Lucinda Alice BARTLEY 1898
Heinrich Henry BUSSE arr 1888 Sydney
Wilhelm Ferdinand BUSMMAN Nat. 1904
Carl BUTCHER -from Tylset, Germany, married Elizabeth LUCAS 1888
Ralph BUTCHER -b. Koenigsberg
Ralph BUTCHER was born 9th Februar 1874 in Königsberg, Östprüßen - in former East Prussian lands, by then recently incorporated into the united Greater Deutsch Reich. This place is now, variously, Lithuania or Kalingrad, Russia. Ralph BUTCHER departed the greater Deutsch Reich and removed himself all the way around the planet to the furtherest Antipodes, arriving in New Zealand in the late years of the nineteenth Century. From New Zealand he took ship on the "MOKIA" arriving in Sydney, New South Wales on the 1st of December 1900. On disembarkation Ralph BUTCHER spent one year in Sydney and then Immigrated all the way across the Australian continent to Fremantle, Western Australia where he took work as a Labourer. After nearly six years in Australia, and at the age of 39 years, Ralph BUTCHER went from his residence at No.11 Nair Street, Fremantle and took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial to be Naturalized on the 3rd September 1906 before Mr William Francis Hopkins, Superintendant of Water Police at Fremantle, Western Australia.
Wilhelm Georg BUTCHER - Seaman b. germany Arr. from Dunkirk,(Dunquerque) France on barque 'ANNA' 18th May 1908 at Newcastle, NSW > Sydney NSW
N. BUTENOP -Melbourne Deutscher Krankenverein 1887 Assist [
Adolph Friedrich Wilhelm BÜTTNER - Charters Towers, QLD
Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph BÜTTNER was born in about 1855 in Messingwerk, Brandenburg, Deutschland. -Robert T writes: ' "Messingwerk" is German for "brass factory", and that's exactly what was there and it included housing for the workers and their families. Messingwerk became part of the city of Finow. Finow in turn became part of the city of Eberswalde in 1970. So today, Finow with Messingwerk is a section of Eberswalde. Eberswalde is located about 30 miles northeast of Berlin. The administrative district (in German: Kreis) in which Eberswalde is located is today called simply Barnim.' Adolph BÜTTNER first took the Oath of his Alien's Memorial to be Naturalized when in business as a Storekeeper, at the age of 26, in Townsville, Queensland on the 27th April 1882. By then Adolph BÜTTNER was married, having wed Elise Sophie Friedericke Auguste LISTER in Queensland in 1879. Their Queensland-born children were: Elisabetha and Helene Emma Berta 'Lina' 1879-1880; Adolph Rudolph Wilhelm 1882-1961; - Adolph 1884-1884; James Friedrich Paul 1885; Christian Alexander Adolph 1886- 1964; and Friedrich Herbert Alexander BÜTTNER 1889. Come the war, though he had been resident for over forty years and Naturalised for over 35 years BÜTTNER was accused of being an enemy agent and put under scrutiny by the official investigation Branch of the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department during a zeitgeist of active and persecutive enmity against German-Australians around the time of the maelstrom of the 'not-so Great War'. Again, on April 28th 1922, the report came down to Brisbane and beyond, from a Constable No.822, J. W. Partridge, of Charters Towers, who reported that he "made careful and discreet inquiries into the character of the above-named person, who has resided at Charters Towers for many years.' 'Applicant is of good character and has never been guilty of disloyalty or of making disloyal utterances. Senior Sargeant S. O'Brien confirms this statement." BÜTTNER was then working as a Miner, living at Lister Street, Charters Towers, named for his wife's family in acknowledgement of their pioneering enterprise. Adolph BÜTTNER was re-Naturalised at that time at the age of 66 years. Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph BÜTTNER died during the Second world War in Dee Why, Manly, Sydney, New South Wales in 1941 aged 85 years. His wife predeceased him, dying in Manly, NSW in 1936.
Albert BÜTTNERJohann Albert BÜTTNER - born 10th Oktober 1880 at Tirschtiegel, Posen, in what had been Prussian territories before the Unification of Deutschland and now a part of western Poland) later residing in the Finsterwalde, in Brandenburg, Germany. Johann Albert BÜTTNER emigrated out of the Deutsch reich per the steamship "S.S.VARTZIN" arriving at the Port of Brisbane, Queensland in June 1906. On disembarking he went to Gramzow ROad, near Beenleigh, Queensland for three years, and then up the coast beyond Bundeburg to Baffle Creek, were he had opportunities to ply his occupation as an Engine Driver for the Baffle Creek Sugar Mills. After just six years in Australia, and precipitously close to brink of open war, as if well and truly aware of that his status in an Australia caught in the world situation was going to be a bomb, he went from his sugar-refining residence in Baffle Creek, north of Bundaberg, Queensland and swore the Oath of his Aliens memorial to be Naturalised on the 11th March 1913 in the town of Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia. Though obviously an competent and valuable trained worker and an able breadwinner, he was then unmarried. And, maybe his life and status remained lonely and single, as it did for many German-Australian men, especially those arriving late into the gathering enmity towards the war, because of the current of hostility and prejudice that saw an enemy rather than the man. Johann Albert BÜTTNER died in 1963 in Queensland, Australia, aged 82 years.
Alexander BÜTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 38
Heinrich BÜTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 21
Hermann BÜTTNER -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" September 1877 age 40
Joachim Heinrich BÜTTNER - born 1858 Holstein Germany, Arr. 18th Aug 1883 'AMALFIA' at Port Melbourne. Married Florence BARRETT 1911 Res. Collingwood, West Australia. Back to Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria. Occupation: Labourer
Paul Emil BÜTTNERPaul Emil BÜTTNER was born on the 1st June 1872 at Zauckerode, a mining pit town near Dresden, Sachsen (Saxony), Deutschland, just one year or so after his homeland in Saxony was bereft of its independent status in the great German Unification. BÜTTNER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich per the ship 'R.M.S.OPHIR' arriving at Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on the 23rd July 1896. On disembarkation Paul Emil BÜTTNER soon went to Western Australia, working as a butcher and residing in Perth for ten years, at Northam for two years, then settling at Bunbury WA, when he had been working as a Butcher for twelve years by the 25th May 1920. His full report give his description as being blue eyed, fair haired, five feet four and a half inches in height and then aged 49 years. he was then still single. He lived through the hostility of two world wars where his people and his homeland were very often viewed with enmity and persecution. Paul Emil BÜTTNER died in Bunbury in the Wellington district of Western Australia in 1957 at the age of 85 years.
Maximilian Alexander BUTZ b. 18 Marz 1895 Munich, Bavaria Arr. per GALLINA 7th Feb 1910 Decres bay, SA > Murat Bay > Denial Bay, Adelaide SA. Nat.5 Feb 1914 occ. Farmer, Goodwood, SA
Working Tool & Symbols:
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MEŶER Meӱer Thüringen Österreich née Lübeck Düsseldorf Königsberg, Östprüßen
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