Friday, September 9, 2011

X - Y Surnames: émigrés 1870-1920

Open my first post "INTRODUCING THE ALIENS" -
for an Introduction and explanation of the purpose behind these Index lists.

Contact me if you can tell me more about your ancestor, your historic neighbour - or relative.

Wayne D Knoll - email: [AMPERSAND replace with @]

In Alphabetical, not historical order - (a work in progress)

NOTE: Marriages are in Victoria unless otherwise stated


Eric XAVER -
Eric XAVER was born on the last day of the year in 1889 at Stettin, Pommern, (Pomerania) already part of the unified Deutsch Reich. Zaver emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich from Bremerhaven per "S.S.ROON to arrive in Australia at Sydney NSW on the 13th November 1912. He soon moved up into Queensland.


Wishnizky YAAKOV - Naturalised 1932 - see Yaacov WISCHNIZKY - aka Jokel WICKS

P YAAGER - Naturalised 1943 [ JAAGER]

Haim Isaac YABLETCHNIK - aka Henry APPLE - Naturalised 1928 [JABELETSCHNIK]

Luka YABUKA - b. Dalmatia, Austria [Österreich] - Naturalised 1919 Osborne Park, WA

Otto YACKEL - Naturalised 1914 - see Otto JÄCKEL


Alexander YADAL - b. Finnland - Naturalised 1916

Abraham YADINIZIR Naturalised 1933 or YADINZER - aka Abraham Jadenizer JORDAN

Philip YAEGER -[YÄGER] Nat. 1899 - [JAEGER / JÄGER ]
Philipp YAEGER was born in about 1844 at Frankfort-am-Main, Deutschland. As a young man coming into his maturity not long before, he waited till after the Unification and then YÄGER emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich via the interim refuge of England and at the Port of Plymouth embarked on the vessel "ROBERT LEE" to arrive in Australia at the Port of Melbourne on Christmas Day 1878. On disembarking YÄGER took up residence in Collingwood where he went into business as a butcher residing at No.2. Blanche Street, Collingwood, Victoria. After 20 years in Australia, at teh age of 55, YÄGER took the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens Memorial of 3rd May 1899 at Footscray, Victoria.

Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph YEFSEN / JEFSEN - von Hamburg- m.1908 Emma Lea ANDERSON

Eduard Ferdinand YENCKEN

Quido YENIK - born, Luitmischl, Bohemia, Austria
Quido YENIK was born on the 16th September 1872 at Leitomischl, Bohemia in the Österreich (Austro-Hungarian empire). Leitomischl is now Litomyšl in the Czech Republic. Yenik emigrated out of the Österreich, embarking on the vessel "OLDENBURG" to arrive in Australia at teh Port of Melbourne on the 20th October 1896. On disembarking he lived c/- the Vienna Cafe in Collins Street for two years and then moved to Port Melbourne. After seven years in Australia at the age of 31 Yenik was married with three Australian sons, and working as a Confectioner and Foreman at Swallow and Ariall biscuit manufacturers, and residing at No.60 Evan Street, Port Melbourne when he swore the Oath to be Naturalised in his Aliens memorial of the 5th February 1904

Johann 'John' YETLER / JETLER - born Prussia, m.1886 Mary HURLEY

Wilhelm JOB / YOB - born Germany, married Margaret CROSS 1894

Wilhelm Jacob JOB / YOB - born Germany,
Wilhelm Jacob JOB / YOB married Cecelia May ANDERSEN 1901 - Naturalised as William James YOB 1903

Charles YOEGER / Carl JÖGER -

Ernest YOENKI b. 13th April 1846 Grand Duchy of Posen, König Königreich Prüßen to Gravesend, NSW

Charles YOERGER /Carl YÖRGER / Carl JÖRGER - b. Zurich - Music Teacher

Walter YOUENS / JOUENS -arrived Port Melbourne per "CHIMBORAZO" March 1882 age 30

Jacob S YORATH -arrived Port Melbourne per the "CHIMBORAZO" June 1881 age 21

Johannes Baptise DE YOUNG - born Rotterdam, Holland, m.1886 Alice IRLAM

Conrad YUNG
Conrad YUNG – aka Konrad JUNG – Konrad Jung was born on the 2nd November 1868 at Kolzheim, in the Provinz of Darmstadt. Jung emigrated out of the Deutsch Reich per the sailing ship “HUTTON HALL” arriving in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on the 28th June 1908. On disembarking Yung seemed to have his mind set on the Outback life, for he immediately made his way up the continent into New South Wales, finding his feet for an Australian working life in the bush living at Lake Cowl Station, near Marston, NSW for three years. From there he went to Whitwurnra Station, near Nyngyn, New South Wales. Eight months late he moved north to Buckingurry Station, then three months later he was went to Brewin Station. From there he crossed the border into Queensland to the Tinneburra Station, near Cunnamulla, where he had been for two years by 1911. He was then working as a Building or Fencing Contractor. He had been seven years in Ausrtralia by the time he came to swear the oath for his Aliens Memorial at Cunnamulla on the 3rd January 1911. It would seem that Konrad JUNG, became Conrad YOUNG, and he died in 1836 at Broken Hill, New South Wales.

Johann JUNG / YOUNG - born Germany, married Johanne Sophia Friedericke ELSNER 1890


Working Tool & Symbols:

Émigre, émigré Prüßen Heßen Naßau König Königreich Württemberg

MEŶER Meӱer Thüringen Österreich née Lübeck Düsseldorf

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